
Why He Left Christianity: The 3 Bible Issues He Couldn't Ignore 

MythVision Podcast
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28 сен 2024




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@DeepDrinks Год назад
🎉🎉🎉 Thanks for having me on Derek. If you’re reading this as a Christian content creator and disagree with me, have me on, I’m up for a friendly discussion.
@sparkuri Год назад
Excellent invitation. I'll subscribe for that. There shouldn't be 2000 years of non-harmony & endless denominations among the same religion.
@DeepDrinks Год назад
@@sparkuri Thanks for the sub, I will remember you if I see you in the live stream chats :)
@pragmaticcrystal Год назад
@@sparkuri 🫶
@markjessop8094 Год назад
..... . . . .
@kariannecrysler640 Год назад
I enjoyed seeing you as the interviewed for once lol✌️💗
@ViolAM3 Год назад
My mother TORMENTED and abused me with end times theology my entire life (until I went no contact after age 34, and her telling me I shouldn't have had children because "woe to those who are pregnant and nursing in the end times"). This is both SO validating and INFURIATING.
@kiko8u Год назад
@DeepDrinks Год назад
I AM SO SORRY you had to go through that.
@Peekaboo-Kitty Год назад
I can totally relate to that. My mother called me "Lucifer" and said I was going to HELL all the time, even though I sacrificed everything to take care of her in her old age. She hated me and blamed me for her miserable life which she had chosen for herself. Some people need to denigrate others in order to make them feel better about themselves.
@rurururu3744 Год назад
Ur mom miss read the bible..
@markuse3472 Год назад
You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose).
@shriggs55 Год назад
The fundamentalists will tell you that when Jesus said,"This generation," he meant the generation that sees all the signs spoken of in that same chapter, i.e, the generation we live in now.They have ready made answers to every contradiction, no matter how stupid it is.But they are obviously good enough "answers" for the choir they preach to-who see what they want to see and disregard the rest.
@ancientflames Год назад
Exactly. No amount of truth will convince any of them. It’s a personal truth journey.
@erikhaynes5506 Год назад
I've heard that one too but then the text should read "that generation" not "this generation".
@dereknoto6555 Год назад
@@peterjack2323 Take your antipsychotics
@reinercelsus8299 Год назад
@@peterjack2323 Oh, man. A Generation is 7000 years? A generation of what? Humans? No. Gods? No. How was a "generation" ever related to a "cycle of mankind"? That's just made-up and unsubstantiated fiction nonsense of unknown origin, you know. A generation has never meant 7000 years anywhere. So who would even claim that? A comedian?
@holy-nonsence7007 Год назад
@matthewsneed5752 Год назад
The nail in the coffin for me was when I realized that the very foundation of the prophetic idea of a messiah figure coming to restore the Davidic throne, and the belief Jesus had in his own apocalyptic role in that, was based on Daniel, which is a forgery. It became clear to me that even Jesus expected that the judgement, end of the age, new kingdom, restored throne of David, was all going to happen imminently. In Matthew 19 he says his 12 disciples will be made governors over the 12 tribes. That’s hugely problematic considering one of them was Judas Iscariot. It lets us know even Jesus expected a different outcome. And the church later ret-conned the entire idea to be spiritual, and pushed the big physical fulfillments out to some indeterminate point in the distant future. Bottom line, my inevitable conclusion was this: If I went back in a Time Machine, I probably wouldn’t see a supernatural rabbi healing lepers and walking on water. And if I brought the guy the Jesus character was based on back to the 20th century, I think he’d look at all our churches, seminaries, songs, mountains of theology and practical Christian living books, and our culture wars, and he’d say “holy sht! You people have made a huge mistake. I did not intend for any of this to happen.”
@tibitzu365 Год назад
In the gospel of Judas, Jesus laughs at the disciples and says to them that none of them will see that messianic age, they got quite upset about it and "turned their heart against him", apparently it didn't fit their world view. I'm more inclined to believe the Islamic account which says that Judas went to the cross but i don't trust their reasoning as to why.
@jacobprasch8236 4 месяца назад
Wrong, Judas was replaced by Matthias just as the tribe of Daniel was replaced by splitting the Tribe of Joseph into two.
@joandark2 3 месяца назад
Jesus said Daniel was a prophet from the day that Daniel says he was from. The claim that it from the second century is a forgery! 9Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another, 11and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. 12Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. The Abomination of Desolation (Mark 13:14-23; Luke 21:20-24) 15 So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’a described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand), The Gospel of Matthew chapter 24.
@crazyprayingmantis5596 Месяц назад
The inevitable conclusion is that a talking snake seduced a naked rib woman to eat magical fruit from a cursed tree which resulted in arbitrarily defined "sin" being magically passed down through generations, in which our only hope for salvation is through the brutal ritualistic blood sacrifice of an immortal zombie carpenter.
@joandark2 Месяц назад
@@crazyprayingmantis5596 Believe and be saved or disbelieve and be condemned. "Brothers, consider the time of your calling: Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were powerful; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put to shame them that are wise; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are. So that no one may boast in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
@Kronos2361 9 месяцев назад
My name is Bob, I am 79 years old and been a deacon for over 35 years. I can only say WOW! This is tremendous. I surmise we are both from a Pentecostal back ground and I also studied Preterism. Currently I am studing all of the old origins ... Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Sumerian and everything else I can feed on. You two are so right in your conclusions. I was kicked out of the church I was part of ... not going there. So I find myself treasure hunting. Lost my wife 4 years ago and she was seeing this but could not leave her belief in Jesus. Not saying I don't believe in The man Christ Jesus yet I do not believe the Bible is infalable. Said all that to say this. You are doing a tremendous service for people like myself and bringing many answers that people refuse to talk about. Thank you, Thank you.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents, unbelief etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@Fastbenefits-y4p 5 месяцев назад
If you're proved wrong in the end (sure it will happen) and you realize the truth and you don't get a chance to be saved then.... . There is no savior in hell. It's your eternity and don't let your emotions and thinking of your limited mind make you foolish decision.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 5 месяцев назад
@@Fastbenefits-y4p I have had both Heaven and Hell experiences I can go on for a long time so here is the short form. Hell: I was taken there and saw one skeleton in the left and many skeletons on the right facing this one skeleton, they were there for idolatry and fornication, and the background can only be described aa destruction. 2ndly I saw a girl on earth on the same bed as a guy and she kissed him on the cheek (implying a unlawful sexual relationship), the girl died and went to hell and fire consumed her entire bod but there was some skin left over , I remember thinking “at least she has some skin drooping from her face” and then more fire came and consumed her skin Heaven: I was taken on an helicopter ride and I was observing building and I was saying wow, wow on repeat. Another time I was near a big building and there was a radio singing worship songs to Jesus (it sounded so good). Once the Holy Spirit told me “do you want me to take you to Heaven” I answered “No” then He said “Just know we are preparing a banquet” Jesus is awesome, do not miss out om being with Him forever.
@crazyprayingmantis5596 Месяц назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 The inevitable conclusion is that a talking snake seduced a naked rib woman to eat magical fruit from a cursed tree which resulted in arbitrarily defined "sin" being magically passed down through generations, in which our only hope for salvation is through the brutal ritualistic blood sacrifice of an immortal zombie carpenter.
@BadgerWolf-19 Месяц назад
so what was your conclusion reading ancient texts?
@edmacon3264 Год назад
I left xtianity because I got tired of worrying about hell, the tribulation and not being holy enough. None of it has any bearing on every day life.
@madeirafonseca6383 Год назад
Christianity, live the lie.
@freespirit-111 Год назад
Yeah, never being good enough, always being the problem, not hearing and seeking God enough… it’s to much.
@aprilmeowmeow Год назад
​@@freespirit-111I hope you're free from religion, and have learned to love yourself. You are good enough. We were lied to.
@freespirit-111 Год назад
@@aprilmeowmeow I’m in a much better place. Thank you for your kind words.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@NikolasAyala-c3j 12 дней назад
I also de-converted from a Oneness Pentecostal church in Mexico; a very conservative church. I was very active and held the Bible also as the literal "word of god". I struggled with my sexual orientation and being Christian at the same time. But I wanted to defend my faith so fiercely against other denominations and religions that when I stumbled upon the atheist rationale I couldn't defend my faith for it made so much sense what I heard and read. My major scientist/militant atheist that helped me de-convert was Richard Dawkins. I owe so much to him and listening to you guys brings me inspiration specially living here in Arizona where it's very frowned upon being an atheist. God bless 😂❤
@LisaSchulanerFineArt 9 месяцев назад
I also deconstructed my faith a few years ago after 35 years of being a very serious Christian. I can relate to everything in this video. Thank you.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 9 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@marcomoreno6748 8 месяцев назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 All claim. Zero evidence. "Trust me, bro."
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 7 месяцев назад
@@marcomoreno6748 Demons come out in the name of Jesus therefore Jesus is God WHO GETS ALL THE ATTENTION? Evil is against good, which religion or God is attacked the most? Whose Name gets taken in Vain? Rev 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
@Val.Kyrie. 7 месяцев назад
I’m going through this myself.
@larrybikedummy 7 месяцев назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363, what god is good? The one who allows a child to starve to death every minute worldwide or die slowly and painfully from cancer? What for? To control population growth? Hm, does he love everyone? Did he love that child to the extent that let them die painfully from hunger or disease? Wouldn't there be more love and mercy in an instant death from a hurricane or car crash or heart attack or any other sudden cause? But no, the "loving father" opts to let the child die slowly and in pain... Bullshit. There is either no god or he cares about us just about as much as we care about the bugs and antes crawling under our feet...🤬
@Kimberly-ul5ky 9 месяцев назад
I left Christianity for several reasons, but reading that God created evil helped me make the decision. The Bible says that God is Love. Well it makes zero sense to me that Love could possibly create the opposite of itself.
@Faustus_de_Reiz Месяц назад
Ya, no where does it say God created evil.
@myfriendisaac Год назад
6:53 “I was too Heavenly minded to be any Earthly-good.” -That was a mic drop 🤯💯👏🏾
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@scardini67611 Год назад
I was a devout Christian for most of my life. I cannot express the freedom of leaving that theology behind. Jesus was not the problem, and helped me to transition.
@Nocturnalux Год назад
I was raised Catholic and always hated Jesus. In fact, Christianity always felt completely hostile to by my very being and so I never had any of the feeling of loss so many do when losing their faith.
@justalaborer713 Год назад
I think it's true that Jesus wouldn't recognize modern Christianity at all. Some modern dogma is very anti-Jesus.
@scardini67611 Год назад
@@Nocturnalux I agree about Christianity, and I've learned more about it since leaving the faith. I always felt that the theology and dogma attributed things to Jesus that suited their theologians. I don't worship Jesus or think he's God in the religious sense, but I never hated him. I think of him as Yeshua or Christ and find his teachings helpful. Apocryphal and gnostic sources provide more info than the canons allow.
@Nocturnalux Год назад
@@scardini67611 The apocryphal sources often have an even worse Jesus, dude straight up murders a kid when he was one as well! Jesus likes to be cryptic. People ask him questions and he plays dumb, then goes all pissy when they don’t understand him, how are they expected to? Then he goes on about how people must love him above everyone else, yeah, NO. Hard no, pass. I find much more useful teachings in the Greeks- limited as many of their views are- than anything Jesus ever said. And I’m going by the character in the texts, no point considering any historical person as we have no access to them.
@miamiman196 Год назад
What freedom did you gain from leaving Christianity?
@leneeslash3989 Год назад
The BIGGEST issues for me were the fact that Jesus fulfilled no prophecies, Christians mistranslated many OT verses to make up prophecies that weren't intended by the authors, and ascribe verses that have nothing to do with prophecy as being somehow tied to Jesus life.
@soniq351 Год назад
What prophecies are you talking about?
@ericgumafelix612 Год назад
​@@soniq351 I was thinking the same thing
@leneeslash3989 Год назад
@@soniq351 Just search Rabbi Tovia Singer and he does a great job explaining the prophecies (or lack there of) concerning this "jesus" Isaiah 9 is a popular one for example
@soniq351 Год назад
@@ericgumafelix612 Many Jews in Israel who also speak Hebrew are turning to Jesus and one of the reasons are the prophecies in the Tanahk/OT.
@manuelshaul9244 Год назад
When JESUS play the cross. He already fulfilled prophecies. The problem is not JESUS it's humans and all they seven deadly sins they practice and the ten commandments they don't follow. Look at the world full of problem cause of people sins. Humans don't want to take responsibility for they actions that's all it ever been. You get it. The bible is talking about us. So of course people trying to curse GOD because y'all want to think it's JESUS that's wrong. Except the fact that humans are not following the law of GOD and Satan is devouring them. And change them to someone else.
@rsnsol2490 Год назад
awesome, thanks for sharing. these were the exact things I kept tying to reconcile as a christian and never could. its good to hear others talk about these issues.
All sin must be punished that’s how judgement works, a Judge judges you on the bad you do and since everyone has sinned (lied, stolen, sexual immorality, dishonoured parents, had hatred towards other people etc). All humans need to repent and believe in Jesus (God) to go to Heaven or spend eternity paying for your sins in hell.
@MeganVictoriaKearns 11 месяцев назад
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад
@@MeganVictoriaKearns Look ill share something personal. I’ve personally seen Jesus (Not worthy), Heaven and Hell. Hell is worse than what you think (I was shaking after that experience), and Heaven is better than what you think. I have also received a personal healing miracle, I can go into details if you want. This is how God works. If you give Him the benefit of the doubt, He gives you more and more. Would I spend even 2 minutes preaching if I had an ounce of doubt? (I’ve experienced way too much)
@njhoepner Год назад
The standard excuse I remember for Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21 is that "All these things" didn't mean everything in that sermon, but just some things. There is no way to make that make sense, but it was the standard answer I always got.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@alamoguy3421 Год назад
Wait... "not one stone left upon another" but, believers travel to Israel to pray at a wall allegedly a wall of the ancient temple? 😮 as Homer Simpson would say... DOH!
@DeepDrinks Год назад
@frankieoja8205 3 месяца назад
The video was sincerely delivered and I appreciate it. Derek did I ever tell you how smart you are! No kidding, I think you are absolutely fantastic and I appreciate all that you bring to mythvision. You can carry on any conversation with scholars intelligently. I just still feel bad about you and robert price but still think your wonderful. I also love Neil!
@jasonpartridge510 8 месяцев назад
Given Jesus sees himself as the fulfilment of the Old Testament (OT) prophetic tradition, why would we expect him not to use the same tools of delivery that the OT prophets used, like the prophetic tense? OT prophecy consistently has an immediate fulfilment, followed by an expectation of a fuller and more effective future fulfilment. Jesus is prophecing the same way OT prophets did, see 'The New International Greek Testament Commentary NIGTC on Matthew by John Nolland for an depth exploration of Jesus prophecies in Matthew.
@JenniferJohnson-fh8fx 10 месяцев назад
Professing Christian here 🙋🏾‍♀️. I’m glad this came thru my suggestions because oddly enough I hardly ever see these on my feed. In my personal opinion these arguments as reasons to deconstruct are not strong. But they are very good questions to ask. In all my years of being a serious Christian I have learned that every question I’ve ever heard has an answer. Regarding the first topic of “generations” I just googled that and found an answer. I didn’t even bother with the others because again, I’ve heard so many good questions with even better answers that I usually don’t bother to look them up anymore as things that I’ve had serious questions about have answers. Just as the two gentleman feel Christians have to do mental gymnastics to answer questions, I felt like they had to do the same - while being insulting and condescending. But that’s ok - I get it. Understanding Christianity is like math. There are some really simple concepts that everyone can understand like 2+2 = 4, yet you have some people arguing, no it really doesn’t equal 2. And then you have deep concepts like Trigonometry which you really have to dig into and seek answers and understanding. Plenty of people would say Trig doesn’t make sense to them. But just because they don’t understand it doesn’t make it untrue. By the way - these gentlemen should have just started with the resurrection. That’s impossible for most people to understand and just ends the argument. But if we as humans can understand everything God says and does, is he really God?? Appreciate the video gentleman.
@exjwukmusicalescape9241 10 месяцев назад
I agree with your comment it's a weak argument about 'this generation' and requires an arbitrary atheistic interpretation that ignores the rest of the Bible. You only have to read a few old commentaries on these verses in Matt 24:34 and Matt 16:28 to realise that one explains the other, it's modernist society and weak biblical knowledge that is the problem not the scriptures themselves. They also rely on atheistic principles for the textual and higher criticism that they insist upon that's the real one two knockout punch. Accept their atheistic principles then let them lead you to their logical conclusion even though in an atheistic worldview they have no way to account for logic or math that's why define themselves by what they don't believe.
@JenniferJohnson-fh8fx 10 месяцев назад
@@exjwukmusicalescape9241 100% agree with you. It’s really unfortunate that his pastors did not have better answers but this interview was really more of a conclusion on just how terrible Bible knowledge is amongst Christians (and I’m not great myself) vs a statement about Christianity itself.
@Shane-ju7op 10 месяцев назад
@@exjwukmusicalescape9241 Yes, Its a very weak argument
@sunelmusic3343 9 месяцев назад
I appreciate this comment. As a Christian myself, I do a lot of research and watch a ton of videos like the one above, especially videos regarding the battle between islam and Christianity. I have been asking God to guide me in the right direction, yet, no matter what, even though some of these videos make sense, there's always a voice inside of me telling me not to doubt for a second that my faith is on the right path. God created everything, the whole universe, NOTHING is impossible for Him. How arrogant of us as humans to think we can understand Him, understand how He works and thinks and creates. Time for us is not the same time for Him. We as Christians will have many backlashes coming our way, deception is everywhere and I do believe videos like this are some form of deception, with all due respect. We walk by faith, not by sight. "This generation" in my opinion, I do believe its more of a metaphor for what is to come. Speaking in the future tense. I don't believe it was meant for that generation more than years ago. The Bible isn't meant to be understood on a literal basis. I'd rather believe and be wrong than reject Christ and be wrong. I have nothing to lose when I believe and accept Him as the truth and my savior.
@knowledgeseeker-yy1ix 8 месяцев назад
@@sunelmusic3343 you have nothing to lose...except of course if an entirely different god turns out to be the real one...and by following the Bible and the characters thereof you rejected the real true god...oops...
@cxa011500 Год назад
Powerful talk. I wish we could accept that all religions are mythology and fable used by ancient people to pass on moral laws at the time and extract what value we can from them and be able to discard the rest.
@DeepDrinks Год назад
@aprilmeowmeow Год назад
unfortunately, we have LAWS based on them for some reason, lol. I can't think about it too much because it pisses me off 😅
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
except one of them is true.... Jesus is God
@Mabeylater293 10 месяцев назад
This video was far more powerful than I ever expected it to be. Thank you.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@vladtheemailer3223 10 месяцев назад
​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 I'm having waffles for breakfast.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад
@@vladtheemailer3223 This is serious stuff In one of my visitations to hell, Jesus showed me a person who was a Christian (Jesus said “he was a Christian like you”). But the guy unfortunately started sleeping around (1 cor 6:9). He died middle aged and went to hell forever it was dark but Jesus lit up the area, he asked Jesus for another chance but unfortunately it was too late for him, Pretty sad, Repent and ask Jesus to help you with your struggles (James 4:7)
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 10 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
Great video as usual bro and I had an issue with the verse saying none of you will taste death until these things come to past… I don’t think none of those people are alive today
@philtate1029 11 месяцев назад
On this one it's pretty obvious that Jesus is talking about the Generation that witness all of the signs He is describing (of the end of the age before the coming of the Kingdom of God) that's how to interpret the saying in its context
@THEBESTINTEREST-ne1hp 11 месяцев назад
Jesus is talking about the future believers who will see His return on the Spot...
@ghostreyn 5 месяцев назад
One of the reasons which encoraged me to really understand the faith i held was one of my best friends had come out as a lesbian. I was a hard fast christian and the whole idea of her being sent to hell, which is what we were taught, i could not justify that. She was the sweetest and kindess person i knew and i could not justify that. I had some people saying i should find an lgbt friendly chruch while others telling me i was evil for accepting her. As someone who was not out as a trans person to anyone, having them tell me that catapulted me take an honest look at the bible and christian doctrin with why i believed this and how christian beliefs could be so different depending on the chruch. This was one of many reasons.
@toddfrench8533 Год назад
Gentlemen, I appreciate the honesty and your searching, and it is so very similar to the journey that I have been on for the past 50 years since I was nine years old. It was very hard to break away from the extreme fundamentalism with which I was raised every single example that you cited that’s problematic in the so-called word of God were reasons that I had to turn away from organized religion. Again, thank you for the honesty, and for the courage to speak up and take a public stand.
@markuse3472 Год назад
You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose). "The Great Tribulation" is without fail coming, just around. Gods word is almost fully fulfilled, few prophesies remain. Your choice. But God has a name and he requires his people to know it and to make it known, just as Jesus did, and in unity, per Gods word The Bible, not through some RU-vid channel.
@ulysses7653 11 месяцев назад
@@markuse3472 How has the creation been proven scientifically? And which version of the creation: The creation as described in chapter 1 or chapter 2 of Genesis? There is no linguistic evidence of the events in the Tower of Babel myths, so there goes that linguistic accuracy. Proverbs 6,6-8 gets ant behavior wrong, so there goes that biological accuracy. 1 Kings 7,23-26 makes gives dimensions of a circle that make pi equal to 3 and then the volume isn't even agreed on, so there goes that math for literalist Christians. There is no solid firmament over the earth as mentioned in Genesis, nor was the Earth before the Sun, so there goes that astronomical accuracy.
@MeganVictoriaKearns 8 месяцев назад
​@@ulysses7653that guy will never respond. He can't. You just proved what he said is total bullshit. Cowards don't reply. But I appreciated your argument and agree with you totally 👍
@DallyQuinYahu Год назад
This is what happens when u don’t read the Bible in context
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@LeoVital 7 месяцев назад
Ah, "context". The true God of Christians who realize that their Bible has contradictions, lol
@TheLIVEKIWI 6 месяцев назад
haha, it makes even less sense when you do
@jackthe_tripper2544 3 месяца назад
​@@LeoVitalNo real Christian believes it's translated correctly yet. No book has ever been made correct in every language to this day
@marktristanviguri7308 Месяц назад
Here's my favorite - The Sun was created on the 4th day starting the 24 hr daily cycle therefore NO ONE KNOWS HOW LONG THE FIRST 3 DAYS WERE (13.8 billion years).
@peterpulpitpounder 3 месяца назад
The doctrine of imminency is like moving parallel (not towards) a stage, and that at any moment the curtain could be drawn and the main attraction revealed.
@darlenevandyk7390 Год назад
Love this video!! Thank you for this work Mythvision!!
@markuse3472 Год назад
You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose). "The Great Tribulation" is without fail coming, just around. Gods word is almost fully fulfilled, few prophesies remain. Your choice. But God has a name and he requires his people to know it and to make it known, just as Jesus did, and in unity, per Gods word The Bible, not through some RU-vid channel.
@tlbirdsong1 11 месяцев назад
It's talking about the brand new generation of Christians that was formed by the death of Jesus because we would not have a new testament without the resurrection of course it's been 2,000 years to us but to Jesus it's only been 2 + 1/4 days
@ajay007au 10 месяцев назад
If one could read it and understand it completely, they would walk away from it. It has led to destroying so many lives and civilizations.
@tamarasanders5264 Год назад
Yeah I am not alone. I read so much hypocrisy. I can't talk to anyone about this. Thanks for your voice. I have subscribed
@aprilmeowmeow Год назад
You're definitely not alone. I understand what it's like to have those solitary internal battles. The more I learned, the more disturbed I was. You don't have to look very hard to find heinous things in the bible. Its roots are in hatefulness and control via fear.
@hamobu Год назад
Jesus flew into the clouds two thousand years ago, and he's still traveling through space. A few decades ago, Jesus passed the orbit of Jupiter.
@DeepDrinks Год назад
He hasn't returned because he hasn't reached heaven yet... haha
@wooddoc5956 Год назад
@hamobu Год назад
@@DeepDrinks Jesus thought he would return within a single generation because he seriously underestimated the size of the universe.
@karenpbigtx2464 Год назад
@sparrowthesissy2186 Год назад
Video is full of great examples. A funny one which has become my favorite to ask fundamentalists about: Matthew 27:50-53 "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people." Why is there no other record of a mass resurrection and zombie outbreak in Roman-occupied Israel? No other historian thought this was worth noting? Nobody interviewed any of these raised dead and asked them about the afterlife? If the book is literally, perfectly true, what is going on here and why did NOBODY else record it? Has there been a vast zombie apocalypse cover-up conspiracy by the Roman empire? Or was the human author of Matthew just wrong?
@adampugsley7035 Год назад
I'm sure I've heard Christopher Hitchens say something similar, if not verbatim.
@ShesDeafSir 11 месяцев назад
I keep asking where is the manuscript that the highly educated and esoteric rabbi/ savior Jesus from God's own loins wrote? He never wrote a single word and all we have are manuscripts of followers generations later who never heard Jesus speak first hand? We argue and are confused over what was written and revised much later and all of the original writings are long gone. I question most things. I guess non religious scholars around the year 30AD didn't notice Jesus and his miracles or his apocalyptic departure. Very sus.
@mikrandr 11 месяцев назад
Why zombie? They would be normal people recognized only by family and friends. Why would anybody care about some stranger to write about it.
@sparrowthesissy2186 11 месяцев назад
@@mikrandr Your hypothesis is that many people saw these zombies, but because they didn't recognize them as friends or loved ones, they didn't think these zombies were worth writing about?
@mikrandr 11 месяцев назад
​@@sparrowthesissy2186not zombies, people. Why it is difficult for you to understand that resurrected people are people not zombies.
@lovelyandsmartcommentator5130 7 месяцев назад
As a little girl , I thought God the father only wanted to punish me. I didn't understood sacrificing animals and I didn't think Cain's offer was inferior...I liked my grandparents' corn.. The most troubling was that wasn't created on.her own and there were no mothers excrpt Elizabeth and the VIRGIN MARY only because the had important sons. Eve and harlets were reserved for the fall. Most of all that girls and women were not important.
@lovelyandsmartcommentator5130 7 месяцев назад
that Eve wasn't created on her own.
@lovelyandsmartcommentator5130 7 месяцев назад
That Eve and harlots were responsible for the fall and my body was vulgar.
@AndyAyala- 6 месяцев назад
Wrong Gospel. God doesn’t just wanna punish you. He desires we turn from evil and to him.
@MoiraBennett-dp7kf Год назад
I saw all three of these things and actually brought up the third point with a pastor of the third church I attended and pretty much was ridiculed. I found every time I did my own bible study and cross referenced to old testament I saw how it was taken out of context. I had read OT and actually got to a point where a female was cut up and vowed never to believe again. I also questioned 3 pastors about why in Jeremiah 33 it says as long as there is day and night there would always be Levite priests offering sacrifices and then in Ezekkial in the temple of the future they were offering sacrifices as a sin offering. So Jesus sacrifice wouldn't make sense. Paul also reversed the gifts being received by God to being gifts being given by God of the Holy Spirit. I had read where he took that quote from and knew the context. So the apologetic gymnastics began again to try to reason for that. It is wrong. I agree with you about all of what you have shared. Well done for bringing the real truth to light to help open others eyes.
@markuse3472 Год назад
You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose).
@mauricedavis1740 Год назад
@@markuse3472 copy and paste doesn’t make it true, there’s no evidence for anything you said, the Bible has been debunked by science..
@jawnatutorow 6 месяцев назад
I'm not trying to argue, just offering another view point about the sin sacrifices continuing.... During the millennial reign there will still be sinners on earth and that is why the sacrifices will continue until after the reign. Jesus is the high priest and mediator between us and God, he will be ministering at the temple during that time.
@cecileroy557 10 месяцев назад
I don't believe in organized religion - but I am very spiritual. God is within us... within every single one of us. We don't need MANMADE rules or beliefs. Present yourself to world as a person full of love and kindness. Jesus would want that. No Jesus? God, the unknown, unseen power, loves us however/whoever we are! ❣️
@shriggs55 Год назад
"If the ox gores a male or female slave he must give 30 shekels of silver to the slaves master, and the ox must be stoned."(Exod.21:32)
@matthewtenney2898 Год назад
I've heard a number of these deconversion stories and they all leave out something I think to be important. What drove them to Christ to begin with. What were they looking for? What was the great need they had that they thought being Christian would fulfill? And the second part is now that they've deconverted, what has happened to that need?
@alwilliams5177 Год назад
The deconstructive always proceeds the constructive unfortunately but I feel great about all these young folks calling bs on the literalist.
@wooddoc5956 Год назад
Almost no one "drives" toward Jesus. They are driven there by parents mostly when they could hardly tell Jesus from Santa Claus. All it took was the Jonah and the whale story to convince me it was all a house of cards.
@matthewtenney2898 Год назад
@@wooddoc5956 I also think that most people are Christian by social pressure.
@emilywyatt9340 Год назад
@@wooddoc5956 or they've been terrorised by the threat of hell if they don't accept Jesus. That's how it gets converts and keeps them in line. You're evil worthless blah blah . Your 0nly worth is Jesus I died for you so feel guilty and worthless. You'll never do anything right and your only aim is to please me. If you put a toe out of line I WILL LEAVE YOU AND PUNISH YOU. This is exactly what an abusive spouse does. They don't even realise they are in an abusive relationship till they leave. Oh its my fault. I should have tried better . I did t love him enough. Its not you it's him
@alwilliams5177 Год назад
@@wooddoc5956 creating billions of people who were too stupid to believe like a good Southern Baptist who require eternal torment was my clue at the age of 12 I was being fed a bullshit concept of God. I later discovered the much more sophisticated Christianity of the Episcopal church, more the Anglo -catholic variety. Now I'm exploring possible ways to conceive a theology that understands its God as emergent within human consciousness as evidenced by the mystics. When I answered the alter call at 11 (the year before my atheism) to accept Christ as my personal savior, it had none of the impowering effects I expected but completely anhilated my ability to fear damnation. I now think of Christ as my personal daemon in a positive postapocolyptisist way.
@kolozsirobert7198 Год назад
Great interview! Thanks for sharing. One of my major theological problem was the presence of evil in the perfect new world and garden of Eden, the whole story of fall of Adam and Eve, dialogs, irrational events, judgements, punshments and reasons, the whole setup in general.
@Petticca Год назад
The idea that an almighty creator of all things, with foreknowledge of all things, _isn't_ the cause of "sin", suffering and every other shitty thing that existence may bring, is, of course, absurd and impossible.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@PandaMuse95 3 месяца назад
Wow!! Incredible incredible video! Thank you so much!! This was gold! 🫰🏻
@Carl_Frank Год назад
The "this generation" and "some here will not..." issue was the black hole at the center of the galaxy of problems that eventually destroyed my belief in Christianity's claims, back in the early 90s. Apologists were/are always saying, "you have to read it in context" when any issue is brought up, but the MORE I read the context and the parallel passages that cover that particular story, the worse it got! It just got more and more clear that, yeah, the idea was that he was to return in a few decades at most. I even heard some people saying that it was somehow fulfilled by the so-called "transfiguration". I went over and over that (and other "explanations") in my head, trying to see how it could seem like that is what was being referenced, but it was like a puzzle piece that just did not fit. Now, I see that (very fanciful-sounding) story and wonder if it was added specifically as another weak attempt (among many) to give him an "out" on that clearly incorrect prophecy. I no longer think we even have any reason to be confident that all these words were spoken by the man (assuming there was a man, which honestly does seem likely enough, to me). And if we can't be sure that wasn't put in his mouth by later writers, how would we know which ones weren't added later?
@MsWobbly1 Год назад
Religion is baloney. You have to have faith which means forget the evidence your 5 senses tell you. Why? There is not a scintilla of evidence of a single old white guy who created an governs every event is the cosmos. Moses didn’t part the waters. There’s an earthen raised bridge across M’s waters which had to exist before the Flood. The Great Flood occurred when a large meteor hit northeast Greenland circa 1200 BCE that melted the arctic flooding the oceans creating the continental shelf of today. The civilization that created the Pyramids and all the ancient objects scattered around the planet. Now think of the implication of that event. Google meteor impact crater in NE Greenland. The scientists believe that the crater, big as DC or Paris, is evidence of a young event that explains the Younger Dryas Ice Age. Research continues.
@markuse3472 Год назад
You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose). "The Great Tribulation" is without fail coming, just around. Gods word is almost fully fulfilled, few prophesies remain. Your choice. But God has a name and he requires his people to know it and to make it known, just as Jesus did, and in unity, per Gods word The Bible, not through some RU-vid channel.
@Peace-zt6re 11 месяцев назад
@@markuse3472 Have you ever wondered why there is not a single original document of the "New Testament" in time when things happened? The earliest COMPLETE "copies" of the four canonical gospels are no earlier than the 4th century (400 year or more after Jesus) , specifically in the large "Codex Sinaiticus" and the somewhat smaller (physically) Codex Vaticanus, also 4th century. then 200 years after similar story, the Quran was written not by Mohamed buy by Khadija and the cooperation of cousin who was a Christian with catholic rep.
@markuse3472 11 месяцев назад
@@Peace-zt6re There is no need to wonder when there is too much evidence for The Bible complete being accurate and true. The Christian Greek Scriptures have been validated as reasonably and logically accurate by historians and archaeologists. There is too much, too much historical and geographical and cultural accuracy to and for it. Jesus is proven as fact by historians. Jesus and his apostles quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, linking the entire Bible together as one. God himself had it written in his time, that means only honest, genuine people would grasp its true value, its true meaning, that your "when things happened" is void of logic. Jesus' enemies even into the sixth century AD were writing about and against his practices and what he did. The Bible is too complete in history (this includes prophesy) and geography, and culture, and of course in the theme that Gods kingdom being the only true path for salvation, that there would be a man born who would become king in heaven over Gods people (this began to be fulfilled at Revelation 12:7-12 and in 1914). For honest people, The Bible is so amazingly accurate and true, they are "set...free" from the bonds of this world. "The Great Tribulation" will soon come, and those who chose to appose "the good news of Gods kingdom" will have chosen their own demise. But the door is still open, even though "the time is short."
@bobbyjames8323 10 месяцев назад
The Bible said that women should cover their head IF it causes you to sin because you’ve decided that that is what is good and necessary for your community. There’s no biblical establishment of that rule
@ubuntuposix 11 месяцев назад
You inspired me to do my own podcast: MeatFishAndPodcast.
@slamee100 10 месяцев назад
Being a youth pastor does not make you a Christian. If David ever was a true Christian, then at the moment that he honestly accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, then God would have sent His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of him and start remaking him into the image of God that God created him in before sin, he would have been a born again Christian, he would have literally had spiritual rebirth. If this had ever happened to David, then he would never of his own free will have turned his back on his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or on God and the Holy Bible. So since he does not know what it is to be a born again Christian, then sadly, like most people who claim to be Christian in the world today, he was a nominal Christian in name alone, never having had a personal loving relationship with Jesus Christ and never truly having accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. You cannot turn Christianity on and off again as you please, you either know and Love your Savior Jesus Christ, the Head of "CHRIST"ianity or you do not. You must have a personal one-on-one relationship with Jesus, just you, Jesus, and reading the Bible for yourself, and praying to God for yourself and confessing your sins directly to God for yourself, with no manmade religions and playing church in the way.in the way. But thankfully our God is merciful and forgiving, and He offers all of us the same gift of forgiveness and salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we all have the same choice to accept that gift or to reject it. Read the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. THE GOSPEL (THE GOOD NEWS) OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR - Jesus Christ came down here from heaven, God on earth, to be born one of us His own creation and He dwelt among us for over three decades and He taught us about God and His eternal heavenly kingdom and how to live righteously and He lived a perfect sinless life. Then He gave His sinless life to all people from all nations to pay for our sins for us, by dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead three days later, to take the punishment for our sins for us, to defeat eternal death for us to reconcile us sinners with God to give us eternal life reconciled with Him, and after He resurrected from the dead to defeat death for us, He lived on earth for forty more days, speaking to many people, then He ascended back up into heaven and He is coming back again at the end of this world to set up His eternal heavenly kingdom for all people who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by believing that He died to pay for their sins and resurrected to defeat death for them, to live in for the rest of eternity, forgiven of their sins and reconciled with God.
@DeepDrinks 9 месяцев назад
@Enedina-u4p 3 месяца назад
Please tell me. How do you feel after stop believing in the Bible. How is your life like now?
@TruthFirst005 2 месяца назад
I've had people who are gay say they refuse to join the LBGQ because it is crooked and he said once he got more into it they do have an agenda. I know several gay people who are open but they don't participate in Pride month or LGBQ. I also have a friend who's a lesbian and I've talked to her about her struggle with being a Christian because she said she's felt like this since she was little. But my question is, they've don't studies and males who are molested by other males have a HIGH turn out of being gay, what's your thoughts on this?
@sergedragutin1157 11 месяцев назад
Reading the Bible and seeing the errors, contradictions ,moral turpitude ,egregious stories and the lack of integrity among the Pastors who insist on saying that the Bible is the word of God caused me to leave the Faith and believe me I was Faithful. The Truth will set you FREE.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell.
@المسيح-ل1ض 2 месяца назад
I’ve got a question: Is it better for humanity for someone to leave Christianity and follow Islam instead?
@David-j8v5p 3 месяца назад
The writer of the book of Acts also mentions it later on in the book of Acts at the very end of the book of Acts in chapter 25 or 24
@Jtrueful 8 месяцев назад
You guys definitely have skills converting people to your new religion. You obviously learned that from when you were a Christians I say to both sides, my advice is "Stop living your life trying to convert people". Live your life. Spend all the time you spend with us on your family instead. This is what I'm trying to play to my own life.
@drewbarrette8416 9 месяцев назад
If you are seeking the Truth, the mind is cunning, baffling, and powerful. Everything is exactly as it should be, yet the issue is what you give your perception too without knowing...the key is to unlearn everything..The Truth is simple, we arrrrr complicated
@jimmie8928 4 месяца назад
I believe it's lack of understanding, cherry picking, or bias or a combination of any of those things or all. I feel your hearts are in the right place. I continue to read the bible cover to cover and still am able to learn new things, understand things more clearly completely. There are some dated and modern concepts and punishments but it's also partially due to old vs new covenant as well as what people like Paul relate to the churches.
@GaryFredette 8 месяцев назад
I was convinced to join a Baptist church in 1988.i was 21 years old I had no idea that it was such a homophobic book. I was born gay and knew it and accepted it a few years before puberty. When I found out what the church thought about the subject I informed the assistant pastor I had to leave and why. He tried his best to convert me straight to no avail. Since then I have been in and out of different churches prayer groups etc. I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
@AndyAyala- 6 месяцев назад
Even straight people have sexual attractions/desires that God says they must deny. For a man to deny his biggest desire for multiple women and choose faithfulness to his wife, is a huge act of love. Love must be sacrificial or it’s only loving someone for what you get out of them. We all give things up that don’t support the loving relationship we want to hold on to.
@stephendavies2925 6 месяцев назад
It is amazing the ignorance and blindness of sinners, but we have all been there! Sin is absolutely the problem! Jesus spoke directly to the Pharisees, they saw his miracles, they had the scripture's but they could not understand! And Jesus told his disciples why? That seeing they may see and not perceive and hearing they might hear and not understand.... Why? Because they refused to repent at the preaching of John the baptist! Sadly, these men are in that condition!
@theinvestingpalace4710 6 месяцев назад
Sad how everyone is ignorant to the one true god, Zeus. Repent now, or you’ll be sent to Hades!
@AndyAyala- 6 месяцев назад
Amen! Sin is the common enemy, but they love sin too much to come to the light.
@theinvestingpalace4710 6 месяцев назад
@@AndyAyala-not true. We just see the bullshit Christianity spews and how it isn’t true (no evidence)
@derekgomez1205 3 месяца назад
Question for all the Protestants, is this guy still saved after walking away from Christianity?
@garyabbott3861 10 месяцев назад
I have read the whole Bible and in college I took a Bible as Literature course (I aced it!). Frankly, after that experience I'm amazed I still believe. The Bible would wreck Mother Theresa's faith! I am thankful it has nothing to do with God's reality.
@TruthTalkDave 4 месяца назад
Adding to what I said previously about setting the Bible aside, there are answers to the questions you have. The answers you received from your particular religious sect were wrong, but that should not shatter your faith in Christ. It is important to God that your faith is in Christ, not the Bible, not in your religion, and not in the teachers and apologists of your religion.
@PeterGregoryKelly 11 месяцев назад
At 31 minutes in. Technically the gospels did not predict the destruction of the temple as happened in 70 CE because none of the gospels were written before 70 CE. It had already happened.
@donaldlawson1334 5 месяцев назад
I deconstructed a couple years back and some of the points you two brought up were complete news to me. The example of the seal in Daniel and lack of one in revelation is so problematic.
@florinlaiu 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, guys, for being honest on your problems with the Bible. Do you allow me some additional words? I was raised as a Christian in a Communist country, and I always believed in the Second Advent of Jesus. AND I STILL BELIEVE. Thirty five years ago, I met the same problem with the scriptures in Matthew 16:27-28; 24:34 etc. I reject preterist explanations, I agree with you that the Greek ”geneá” in Mt 24:34 means (contextually) ”generation”, despite its other dictionary denotations (race, kind, clan, etc.). Fortunately, or providentially, I should say, when I found this truth, I was already vaccinated through a serious knowledge of two Biblical studies: 1. The Biblical apocalyptic prophecies (Daniel and Revelation); 2. The Biblical classical (non-apocalyptic) prophecies. The main difference between the two kinds is that the apocalyptic prophecies were given in an obscure, coded language, to hide for the time being some future realities (e. g. the approximate time lapse, the political actors), while the non-apocalyptic prophecies were given in a plain language, or sometimes poetical, but easy to understand. The reason of this plain language is that God wanted that prophecy to be understood, because it challenged the faith and action of the believers. Such kind of prophecies are CONDITIONAL, namely they are not simple predictions of the future, but inspired scenarios of God’s best plan for some point in time. For example, most prophecies Prophecies were not given to satisfy one’s curiosity, but to have the best orientation in history and lifetime, to foster hope and faith. We would not be blessed to know our own future exactly as it will be, like a transcendent reading of the future, beyond the time, or as a predestination. If it were finally bright, we would be satisfied with such a knowledge and will become lazy and indulging in sin. Or, if it were a disastrous final, we would not be encouraged at all to know it beforehand. You see, this problem of revealing the future was made in such a way, to satisfy various spiritual needs, and finally help us cope with the unexpected and the doubt. I was prepared to face this challenge by reading an excellent Bible study on the prophecies about Israel in OT in 1980+. It was a magnific demonstration, based on the CONDITIONAL prophetic principle of Jeremiah (18): _______ 1 The LORD said to Jeremiah: 2 "Go down at once to the potter's house. I will speak to you further there." 3 So I went down to the potter's house and found him working at his wheel. 4 Now and then6 there would be something wrong with the pot he was molding from the clay8 with his hands. So HE WOULD REWORK THE CLAY into another kind of pot as he saw fit. 5 Then the LORD said to me, 6 "I, the LORD, say: 'O nation of Israel, can I not deal with you as this potter deals with the clay? In my hands, you, O nation of Israel, are just like the clay in this potter's hand.' 7 There are times, Jeremiah, when I threaten to uproot, tear down, and destroy a nation or kingdom. 8 BUT IF THAT NATION I threatened STOPS SOING WRONG, I will CANCEL the destruction I intended to do to it. 9 And there are times when I promise to build up and establish a nation or kingdom. 10 BUT IF THAT NATION DOES WHAT DISPLEASE ME AND DOES NOT OBEY ME, then I will CANCEL the good I promised to do to it. 11 So now, tell the people of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem this: The LORD says, 'I am preparing to bring disaster on you! I am making plans to punish you. So, every one of you, STOP THE EVIL THINGS you have been doing. Correct the way you have been living and do what is right.'_______ We know that some pessimistic prophecies, like that of Jonah failed (fortunately), and many optimistic prophecies failed, like those of Isaiah (19:20-25; 65), Jeremiah (31:38-40), Ezekiel (37:16-28), Zechariah (8:20-23; 14:16:21), and they are wrongly and vainly applied to the millennial kingdom of Revelation (20), since contextually they are about the ancient Israel and God’s plans for the repatriated Jews after the Babylonian exile. Every promise of God, and every threatening is CONDITIONAL. Jeremiah (28:8-10) said: 8. From earliest times, the prophets who preceded you and me invariably prophesied war, disaster, and plagues against many countries and great kingdoms. 9 So if a prophet prophesied peace and prosperity, it was only known that the LORD truly sent him when what he prophesied came true." This scriptures show us that, of the conditional prophecies, the pessimistic ones would often come true, because of the usual unbelief and disobedience of the human part. We can rightly believe Jesus’s conditional promises. His prophetic gift was rigorously proved, by His death and resurrection, which He prophesied more than 3 years before the event; and by the fall of Jerusalem, which He prophesied nearly 40 years before it happen. These prophecies in Mark 13, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 cannot have been written after the event (70 AD), since everyone in the world knew the tragedy of Jerusalem. You cannot fool people with such fabrications, in roughly the same generation. Christ’s Second Advent is as certain as His sacrificial death and resurrection. Jesus’ promise was His serious intention. But He knew that the time factor was conditional, because He said (Matt 24:14): ”And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, AND THEN THE END WILL COME.” This was the task of the Church, not to know the time (Acts 1:6-11). Also, after delivering His famous Olivet Prophecy (Matthew 24 etc), Jesus told some parables regarding the time of His second coming. Please read them again, and note the emphasis on NOT KNOWING THE TIME worldly living, bad surprise regarding time, as in the generation of Noah and the generation of Lot (verse 36-44), engagement in the good work of the Kingdom and the element of DELAY (Matt 24:45 -- 25:46). Then we have the wise revelation of Peter (2 Peter 3), where he was shown what would happen with the second Christian generation, after 70 AD, when gradually the faith and hope of many Christians vanished, after the first generation died (”since the fathers fell asleep” 2Pe 3:4). Peter says that the delay of Christ’s coming is not about a tarrying / lingering God, but about a merciful God. Then he adds that Christians should HASTEN HIS COMING, by properly preparing for it, as the Lord taught them. Now the Christian era is indeed too aged, but no Christian waited for the end more than one generation, until he/she died. (I don’t want to say that this is the proper interpretation of Matt 24:34, nevertheless is a practical comfort, if you are a believer!). When Christ will come and the dead will be resurrected, it will seem to them that their time of waiting the Lord’s coming in life was short, and that the death sleep (of the soul-body - see Ps 115:17-18) lasted a moment. Until that moment, I encourage you to turn again your eyes upon Jesus and study His Word, and you will receive new wisdom and new energies, not only to survive as a Christian, but also to help others in the same condition. Maybe God allowed you this ”scandalous” experience, just for this reason. God is paradoxical, and so is His Word, but He is always true, righteous and merciful. Do not despair in searching and living His truth. God bless you!
@joecoolioness6399 10 месяцев назад
Nobody I have ever known has told me they knew nothing of religion, then picked up a bible or other holy book, read it cover to cover, and came away a believer. Not one. They all have been told what the religion is all about, then they pick up the holy book that goes with the belief they already hold. And then they do gymnastics with words to explain why certain things in that book have to make sense despite clearly being nonsensical to anyone who doesn't already believe it.
@rogeriopenna9014 11 месяцев назад
The main reason i left Christianity is because i saw birds flying and the auspices told me Jupiter Optimus Maximus is the true main god.
@timjohnson6809 6 месяцев назад
My biggest problem that raised a red flag was that god had moses and them in the desert for 40yrs. He created the world but couldn't make the desert a lush paradise for them. After that i was like yeah this don't make any sense.
@David-j8v5p 3 месяца назад
In the book of Acts only is the Psalm mentioned but not in the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John
@prodprod 6 месяцев назад
The legend of the "Wandering Jew" comes out of this. Obviously non-Biblical, but you can see how it weirdly solves this problem. That is, one of the Jews that's tormenting Jesus on the way to Cross. Jesus turns to him and says, in essence, "Hey, stick around until I come back." And he finds that he's been cursed with eternal life -- thus, one of that generation literally cannot die, but must wander the Earth until the second Coming -- which completely solves the problem. So now, somewhere, getting drunk in the corner of a bar somewhere, is this guy, who's been around for two thousand years.
@max-nm6qx 2 месяца назад
@rickybrown7687 4 месяца назад
If you guys are having trouble understanding the Bible and its text try this, stick to the RED LETTERS OF THE BIBLE and you can’t go wrong!
@jacquesduranceau8762 10 месяцев назад
I left Catholicism because priests weren't special and became an atheist as I learned about myth and history on one hand and science and its history on another.
@targetedindividualjros1745 6 месяцев назад
‭Matthew 24:3 NASB1995‬ [3] As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” Don't let it pass your analysis that Matthew goes into a little more detail about their exchange with Jesus here. His disciples came to Him privately and asked three things: 1) when will [the stones be thrown down]? 2) and what will be the sign of Your coming? 3) and of the end of the age? We can tit-for-tat about the placement of "this generation..." but we could do that too about Jesus' indignation in the Temple: Did the event happen once or twice? Did it happen early in His ministry or toward the end? It distracts from the core message and moral of the actual event.
@Tops470 4 месяца назад
Christian becomes a Non-Christian when he's lethargic to understand it in context.
@kuunda8363 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, I know a Pastor who used the gay manifesto too. - I wonder if it's 100% satirical. But at the same time. Doubt in it being authentic should be enough for a pastor to be honest that the doubt in it's authenticity exists.
@woelag027 10 месяцев назад
I was also very serious when it dawned on me that the taking or giving a life can't forgive sins
@sensatezdemente4982 11 месяцев назад
My favorite part is that Jesus is like: "Some of you will be killed but don't worry you won't be killed. But hoooo boy, pregnant women will have a shitty day".
@valleyscharping 11 месяцев назад
Christian Presuppositionalism answers all of this quite nicely.
@scottk950 5 месяцев назад
Lucky for me I was mad about being lied to about Santee Claus when I was 4 and I was being taught this Bible nonsense at the same time and knew it was the same thing at 4,but we still have adults who fall for that nonsense hook,line and sinker. Unbelievable grown adults.
@MrBBaron Год назад
As a child I could not reconcile the millions of years that dinosaurs ruled the earth with the creation fable. I knew that an ark could not possibly contain all the animals of the world. Why would any God kill all the innocent people and animals with a flood. More and more contradictions and brutality in the Bible made me realize at a young age that it was a book of myths an historical fiction book.
@gilgamesh7652 Год назад
Is strange that Early Church Fathers who lived in the 5th century did not believe that the Genesis events were literal but more symbolic but some people today...
@JasonHauser125 Год назад
Certain esoteric schools teach that Genesis is chock full of secret truths, and the "stories" of the 7 days, an ark, Adam and Eve are all symbolic of much, much older things. Same schools also say the Biblical Jesus didn't exist, although he was based on someone who did.
@neftalibahamundi7270 Год назад
Hello, I respectfully disagree with your comment about the flood. It is possible for animals to fit in the Ark, keep in mind that the number of animals of today didn't exist back then but their ancestors. Also, if you remove the aquatic animals from the list; the number gets smaller. God makes it clear that it needs to be 1 male and 1 female. Lastly, I encourage you to read Genesis 6 where it explains that humanity was causing violence and all kinds of sins. Because of these reasons is why God killed them all. God saw their hearts was made of evil and stone. The only way to get rid of evil is either with love or death. Death was the optoon after God expressed love to them and they refused it. If you disagree with God and His 2 choices, how would you handle the situation?
@gilgamesh7652 Год назад
@@neftalibahamundi7270 But some must of the animals where in 7 pairs while orthes just in 1 pair
@neftalibahamundi7270 Год назад
@@gilgamesh7652 Thank you for replying. Gen 6 explains that God commanded Noah to take 2 (male and female) of every different kind of animal. Gen 7 explains that after a period of time, God planned ahead and commanded Noah to take seven of every different kind of clean and unclean animals, male and female, for sacrificial purposes. Adding a bit more in the ark. If you like to know what are the clean and unclean animals; you can read Lev 11.
@Dalekzilla Год назад
Excellent presentation. As far as the old cultural laws/Levitical Law, the popular excuse that conservative/evangelical Christians use for quoting the scriptures regarding homosexuality, but ignoring all the dietary laws, the laws about stoning people to death, wearing different types of fabrics together, rituals involving a woman's menstrual cycle, or even only eating or touching a flying insect if its legs are "jointed" (yep, that's in there)....is that only the "moral" laws are still in effect, and so they are no longer bound by any of the others....EXCEPT that any rabbinical scholar will tell you, that's NOT a Jewish thing. Christians came up with that concept so that they could pick and choose which of those old cultural laws were useful to them, and which weren't.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@Dalekzilla 11 месяцев назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 I am in agreement as far as Christ, whose teachings and mandates I try to follow. Christ was/is perfect, because He is part of the Triune God. BUT I believe God has manifested in other Faiths, and that is why I try to be respectful of them (and to people who aren't religious as well). I believe that anyone who is without sin absolutely has the right to judge others. Funny, I've yet to run across anybody that fits those qualifications. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the Glory of God".
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
@@Dalekzilla Jesus is exclusive John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. “; right here Jesus called every religion a lie He is the truth. Believe what you want but the fact of the matter is humans are sinners in need of the saviour. Jesus did not only die on the Cross, but He also rose again from the dead. This is huge and you ought to listen to Him today. I am not a judge who sends you to prison, God's prison is hell so get right with Him today
@mikenash7049 Год назад
I was told that I was "overthinking" doctrine issues all the time. It seemed that any amount of thinking was "overthinking". Bible studies at the church I used to go to were like English comprehension exercises for six-year-olds at infant school, even though everyone present was an adult.
@bonekolekta Год назад
Hilarious 😂
@kingchrist3167 Год назад
@briancarton1804 Год назад
@@kingchrist3167 Why does Jesus play favourites? I prayed diligently for years and nothing. Came to the conclusion it's all fake , no heaven , no hell and no afterlife. When you're dead you're dead plain and simple.
@kingchrist3167 Год назад
@@briancarton1804 I cant die , because JESUS ! HE REAL in me , move and talk You are only deceiving yourself, death is the problem that humans must solve HELL forever ...NO WAY ,!
@briancarton1804 Год назад
@@kingchrist3167 Where is your proof? Do you think I am goings to hell and if so why?
@NoSenatorson Год назад
I’m so amazed by how some people were so intellectual about de-converting. Mine was a more emotionally based de-conversion. Mostly, I got tired of feeling guilty and depressed all the time.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
All Humans need to repent & Believe in Jesus as their God. Why? Because all Humans have sinned (lied, lusted sexually, stolen, dishonoured parents etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of God) and choose Heaven today. Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead. GOD IS HOLY
@NoSenatorson 11 месяцев назад
Let us reword your statements slightly to aid in understanding how they sound to everyone else. “All humans need to believe in Thor as their Rain God. Why? Because all humans have sinned (farted, overslept, drove to fast, ate fatty foods etc). Avoid the fires of Hell (justice of Odin) and choose Valhalla today. Thor defeated death by rising from the dead. Odin is Holy.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
The issue at hand is sin and God’s nature of being just. Sin brings suffering (the pleasure is short term, and the suffering is long term-on earth and in hell forever). God brings Righteousness (may have short term suffering followed by long term pleasure- on earth and in Heaven). If you love yourself repent of your sins (lying, hatred, unforgiveness, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, stealing, dishonouring your parents etc) & believe in Jesus for forgiveness of sins. (Jesus died on the Cross as a sacrifice and defeated death by rising from the dead)
@NoSenatorson 11 месяцев назад
Ok. Which God are we talking about here? So many deities and so little time. All of them have their special sins we have to keep up with. For most it gets confusing. Did you decide to go ahead with Thor? You didn’t say.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 11 месяцев назад
@@NoSenatorson I said Jesus as God Jesus/God interacts with us through the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen Jesus (big blessing), Angels, the demonic. I’ve had a miracle, seen Heaven (You want to go there), hell (You do not want to go there). Please listen for the time is short, I can share details if you want.
@Wookiemonsterfreak 8 месяцев назад
I can relate very much the same. I struggled, then sincerely went into deep prayer and asked what I can do to fix the struggle and feel the Spirit again. To my surprise, the still small voice pressed on me saying “it’s time to walk away from the Church and discover new”. I was shocked. I didn’t expect that answer. I made a compromise, “If I do this, I trust that is God wants me to come back, then God will lead me back”. What I discovered is the topics here, Myths and the common thread of that ties all traditional spiritual traditions. It’s a lonely walk sometimes, because it hard to walk away from the social comfort of all my Church family, but it’s still a meaningful spiritual life.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
God is the epitome of Holiness because He is sinlessly perfect, A sinner (liar, sexually immoral, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, thief etc) cannot be in the presence of God or else he will be utterly consumed therefore repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour to go to Heaven.
@hopeisorange 3 месяца назад
Abba called our family out of the Church as well. There are so many traditions of man that are seen in the Church as so much more important than the actual truth. We bought a farm and were overwhelmed at how to fit all of the extra work in. When I prayed about it, he told us to keep the Sabbath. That didn’t make any sense because it gave us one day less to do the farm work that was already overwhelming! Yet, oddly enough that shifted everything and we have really been blessed in the land. I believe his “Heavenly scrolls” are truth and are seen in the heavens and the things that he has made, but the written word can be corrupted
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 3 месяца назад
@@hopeisorange Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell.
@TheOneAndOnlyJinglebi 22 дня назад
Did you check out Islam? The way you started that text mostly ends with people accepting islam
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 15 дней назад
​@@TheOneAndOnlyJinglebi DO YOU FOLLOW THE DEAD OR THE IVING? Would you ask a car mechanic advice for a health issue? Likewise, why are you listening to dead people on advice on life? Jesus not only died but rose from the dead claiming victory over death. So when Jesus speaks to you through His servants you ought to listen WHY SACRIFICE NEEDED FOR FORGIVENESS OF SINS ? God has given us court as an example of justice. If somebody earns a prison sentence (Hell) from breaking laws (Sins). He can be let out justly out of prison if someone pays his fine (bail). Jesus death on the cross paid the fine (the fine is infinite because you have sinned against an infinite God so only Jesus can pay the fine because He is Perfect). Either Believe in Jesus and repent (change from your sinful ways) or spend eternity paying for your own sins
@GeekyGeckoCreations 6 месяцев назад
If the apostles doubted they would have denied christ as they all were Martyered and christ still hadn't returned. This would have caused severe doubt especially considering Christians were tortured and hunted like animals at that time, don't you think?
@Okijuben Год назад
Listening to you and David speaking, as an ex-fundie myself, I am starting to think there is a connection or correlation between the level of intensity or seriousness one experiences the faith and the likelihood that they will end up researching themselves into deconstruction. The believers we would have called 'lukewarm' are actually the clever ones, playing it safe. Why torture yourself on the path of deconstruction unless you are starting from a point of wanting, needing and dying to know God in the most literal way possible; rather than letting yourself merely be convinced of the fact a priori?
@danieldelanoche2015 Год назад
That's interesting. I think you make a really good point, I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to figure out it wasn't true. I was a super hardcore fundamentalist Christian, went to to Bible college, got my Theology degree, was a music leader, singer, preacher, etc. but kept just enough of an open mind to see inconsistencies in what people said they believed, things in the Bible that just couldn't make sense, etc.
@Okijuben Год назад
@@danieldelanoche2015 Wow. You are not alone, friend. And kudos for not doing what tens of thousands of others in your position end up choosing because of the sunk cost fallacy. I can only imagine the harrowing journey you've undertaken and I hope you have found ways to continue to fill your life with light and love and use, grow and redirect all that experience into something new and fulfilling. That's been my challenge of late, moving on from realizing I wasn't put on the Earth just to glorify the Palestinian/Canaanite Highlander Wargod and being okay with living in a community full of people that do. Audiobooks are a great distraction. So is making music.
@kariannecrysler640 Год назад
I agree integrity demands honesty and faith isn’t about being honest.
@tbishop4961 Год назад
The secret awaits eyes unclouded by ambition
@AndrewChristiansen-rx4mx Год назад
That is a good point. I was a lukewarm christian so to speak, as I saw the bible as a guidebook NOT as the literal word of God. Or at least not the verison the we have today as it had gone through. I guess that is why it took me 18 years for my faith to fade away into non-belief.
@kathyhuff7040 4 месяца назад
I almost gave up my faith - but I couldn’t deny the certain creative ways some of my prayers were answered… (That and J.S. Bach’s music!) I don’t have all the answers, I’ve had disappointments, I have accepted gray areas in my faith, and wrestling with questions isn’t a bad thing! Thank you for sharing your perspective, I respect your journey.
@wildmohn2457 3 месяца назад
There are also other forces and mind stuff like psychology and so on which can make things come true… did not obviously have to be a GOD or a Christian GOD which answered prayers. Sometimes it’s only the focus and the wish which also has power on its own
@daniellastuart3145 2 месяца назад
You can like Bach without being religious
@shannamathias4176 2 месяца назад
I respect yours as well.❤
@crazyprayingmantis5596 Месяц назад
Prayers are answered at the exact same rate as pure chance. If you pray to the empty milk carton in your fridge and pray to God and record the results you'll notice that the milk carton and God answer prayers at the same rate. You should be worshiping empty milk cartons.
@Jonathan94591 Год назад
I've had all these questions since I was a kid. That's when I surmised that the adults at my church were not not reading the WHOLE bible. I started paying attention to our sunday school lessons and realized that we came back the same lessons every 2 years. I knew I would not have or find permission to deconstruct my faith or anyones BUT I am 63 years old and I have given myself permission to dive into a deconstructed faith with a realization that if there a God and creator of this material universe there is no way that God is as religious as we want to believe.
@Ms.Mimi.Speaks Год назад
Our Creator is not religious! But what everyone misses because Christianity is monotheistic is that there is only One God! But, if you read the Bible, you find out there were many gods, and they were as accurate as Yahuwah! These were known as The Elohim!" which means Sons of God in English. Well, in Deut. 32:8-9 it says that "The Most High God," "El Elyon" in Hebrew, gave his "Elohim" an inheritance, and each got a Nation. And Yahuwah got Israel! El Elyon is not Yahuwah. That's the problem with Christianity! It comes from Catholicism, which comes from The Romans, who were enemies of The Hebrews!
@hueym2196 Год назад
Had also problems when I was a kid. I was surprised that people didn't see there were contradictions. However those contradictions need to be there for symbolism. Another aspect they keep the childrens bible to adulthood. So selcetive never reading an entire chapter the way it is meant to be.
@Trip_Fontaine Год назад
At a recent atheist convention they did a poll of ex-Christians asking why they become atheist. The most common response was "I read the Bible in its entirety."
@Trip_Fontaine Год назад
@sepulvedablvd7846 Deuteronomy 13 : 6 - 11 is pretty shocking too. It says you should kill your own family members if they entice you to worship other gods. It even describes the proper way that killing should be done.
@Matira269 Год назад
@@Trip_Fontaine True, this is why Bible study in church is so superficial, and your typical Christian literature bookstore only offers a lot of fluff. The guided tour of ths Bible offered in church is made to keep you in church. A bold and honest study of the Bible makes you leave the faith.
@pheresy1367 Год назад
Thank you! It's NOT about "being an extreme personality"... It's really about being SERIOUS in your conviction. If you're NOT serious, then you can easily float along with vague cognitive dissonance. Only when you are WILLING to take it to its final CONCLUSION, the truth of it will reveal itself.
@aprilmeowmeow Год назад
you summed it up perfectly. Almost every christian I know is ...y'know, "Christian". They also are the same people who say that Christianity is harmless. Well uh, I guess it is if you don't know much about what you claim to believe, lol.
@pheresy1367 Год назад
@@aprilmeowmeow That "warm, fuzzy, churchy feeling" that NUTHIN can compete with. Cause JC is da GOAT!
@KadandEve 10 месяцев назад
@@aprilmeowmeowChristianity is supposed to be harmless in a way
@njhoepner Год назад
I was born and raised a mainline Protestant...became an Evangelical at the age of 29...stuck with it for 26 years...I remember all the excuses, all the twists and turns and tapdancing used to get around the clear and obvious contradictions, errors, and plot holes...I believed them not because they were truly sensible but because I really wanted to believe them. I think that is the power of living in a bubble, being embedded in a community one does not want to lose. Until I finally decided to step outside the bubble and look at my own religion with the same critical eye I would use on any other religion, I just could not see the problems clearly.
@theboombody Год назад
Understandable. But it's not like popular secularism is immune from such problems as well. It just has less of them. The big thing for secularists is they all feel that truth is important and continuance of the species is important. But there's no reason those can't just be arbitrary preferences. And if they are arbitrary preferences, then there's no reason to be upset about someone spreading lies and fairy tales and lowering our future chances for collective survival other than you'd prefer they not do so. But there's really nothing set in stone saying one whacko's opinion is inherently less important than the opinion of hundreds of thousands of reasonable men. No law of nature declaring it. It's not like conservation of energy.
@Expedient_Mensch Год назад
@@theboombody " they all feel that "... Really? 'they' are all the same? Not even Christians, Jews or Muslims can agree on one doctrine for their respective faiths, not even that they are fundamentally variations of the same thing. How can you justifiably state that "they all" anything? Unless of course that's what you have been told, and you either have not, or can not think beyond that.
@njhoepner Год назад
@@theboombody Any "-ism" will have gaps and will have faulty people following it. That is a trigger to examine things, but it is not the examination itself. Since one must start from an axiom somewhere, I think "survival is better than not-survival" is a fair place to start. I don't think you'll find any coherent set of beliefs that starts from "the goal is to not survive." So I'll start from there...of course one can "but why" anything, but only for the purpose of being contrary. From there, it follows that truth is better than falsehood, since truth improves not only the chances of survival but the quality of it, for a host of reasons. From there, it follows that one should defend truth and oppose attempts to replace it with falsehoods. Personally, I have no problem with people who want to believe anything they like, so long as they don't then use those beliefs to harm others. However, I also think that if someone wants to put their beliefs out in public, they should be prepared for those beliefs to be challenged. If they don't want their beliefs challenged, they should not put them into the public space.
@hueym2196 Год назад
I never was a believer. I didn't find Jesus bad and with anthropology I allow it. Just like Buddhism used as a philosophy not a religion. The torah might be good however but that needs so much knowledge of initiation due the demystification to make it bit good. The chosen people are israelites or the intiated. Israel is the trinity of the Torah. Yet some people believe the chosen people are chosen by a literal skydaddy.
@njhoepner Год назад
@@hueym2196 Perhaps. I eventually came to the conclusion that a philosophy that needs so much re-interpreting and editing and deleting probably isn't worth having. There are better ones that don't require all those gyrations.
@danaagenbroad Год назад
As a teenage girl, caught up in the "Born again" Christian movement (early '70s), everything regarding women in the Bible was cruel and unjust. That's what turned me off, and I went the complete opposite direction, Feminism and atheism.
@eponaalbion Год назад
So you went from one PsyOp to another one :O
@GodlessCommie Год назад
congrats on choosing freedom and human rights over authoritarianism
@dirtypickle77 Год назад
​@@ring-tone278thanks for the threats. Fear is the foundation of Christianity. Next layer is guilt you sinner. You better figure out what version of scripture is correct or your gonna burn baby. Dont even listen to my first born the jews cause i tricked them to. What a mess we got ourselves into lol. I dont need no preaching. I studied my way clear of Christian dogma when I studied the OT in Hebrew/Aramaic. Which destroys Christianity by the way if your honest and can shake your indoctrination.
@daneumurian5466 Год назад
The Intervarsity Press Bible Commentary points that Matthew chapter one highlights the fact that three of Jesus's ancestors were unconventional, assertive women who didn't fit in with "polite" society.
@njhoepner Год назад
@@eponaalbion There's a problem with women having rights?
@Okijuben Год назад
I'm so glad you mentioned the destruction of the temple, Derek! If the gospels were being written today about a guy born in 1980, his end-times prophecy would have said something like 'the two steel dragons of the eagle-headed beast will burn down the two highest temples of world trade; then you will know the Son of Man is coming.'
@emilywyatt9340 Год назад
Rebuilding the temple as a task of the Messiah was post 70CE. At Jesus time . He was a military leader who would rid Judea of the hated Romans. Jesus ended up like all the other Messianic wannabes. His followers were so traumatised, they reinvented the very nature and mission of the Messiah rather than go home and keep a low profile. It s like Maga they can't accept they were wrong so they will hold on and make eternal excuses for the cult figure.
@johnjackson4905 Год назад
Jesus is the twin towers, the two cherubim of the ark of the covenant. 666 is a swastika, the altar of incense. The menorah is the eiffel tower. The table of shewbread is the lincoln memorial. The 7 churches is the 7 heads of europe. Spain, france, england, germany, italy, austria, and russia.
@thomaslynas721 Год назад
Obviously a prophecy written after the event
@markuse3472 Год назад
@@emilywyatt9340 You like all atheists and evolutionists-alike will of course force yourselves to believe as you choose and want to believe, even though you know you are wrong. There is no possible way first century (and somewhat into the second) AD Christians would have willingly lost jobs, family members, gone to prison, been beaten, been persecuted, been tortured and killed (again, willingly) had they not completely known Jesus was the son of God. But they had that bravery, that courage, that boldness, because they knew Jesus was Gods son, they had seen him resurrected and had seen him performing many miracles. They had Gods holy spirit and that helped them move along, whether in pain or not. No way no how they would have willingly suffered such pain and misery had they not known Jesus was Gods son. This was not only in Judea but in many districts of the Roman empire. You can, and people as you have, made some attempts to compare some of modern examples of mass religious delusion with first century Christians, but no honest, reasonable and smart person will agree with you: there is no comparing the two. It is too obvious first century Christians had come to know Jesus as Gods son.
@markuse3472 Год назад
@@thomaslynas721 You guys are a bit funny. You choose to believe as you want, not as God wants. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has been proven totally accurate both scientifically (archaeology, history, science and math) and figuratively or symbolically. God would not allow this system to go on as it is if he didn't have a set plan and time for HIS will to be done. He sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, not so that everyone on the planet may think and believe as they want, but that just as Israel was in unity, so would those who followed Jesus' teachings would also. Unity and organization is what God requires. God, guys, WILL have a "people for his name" (Acts 15:14-18) in the last days (Daniel 12:7-10; Isaiah 2:2-3 and more). While Gods people will without fail make mistakes (many in Gods word who are found in Gods favor now made some serious mistakes, too), God must and does have a people on this planet, unified in the same teachings world wide, of same mind and of same spirit, just as Israel was, and just as first century Christians were: Unity is required. You guys don't have that, and Gods word apposes that. You can not do this on RU-vid on your own, you must be a part of a worldwide unity of Gods people. It's a;; over the Bible, it can not be missed. By the way, when the angels told those standing by watching Jesus ascend to heaven "what are you looking at...the same way he will return" is clearly meant that only those close to Jesus would be expecting him when he is made king in heaven and sitting on Gods right hand side, which starts to be fulfilled in Revelation 12:7-12. There would be no trumpets on earth, not such ceremony. It would be a silent ceremony on Earth, but it would be monumental at the same time, as that passage in Revelation makes it clear and, that is why World War One started, because Satan was completely let loose on Earth and kicked out from heaven for good (before this casting from heaven Satan was able to leave and return from heaven and Earth as he [and the demons] chose). "The Great Tribulation" is without fail coming, just around. Gods word is almost fully fulfilled, few prophesies remain. Your choice. But God has a name and he requires his people to know it and to make it known, just as Jesus did, and in unity, per Gods word The Bible, not through some RU-vid channel.
@TheDreamtimezzz Год назад
So simple, basic critical thinking on the bible will reveal the contradictions, the archeological and historical inaccuracies, and the logical fallacies.
@kevinaviles30 Год назад
Unfortunately, it really is not simple. Great minds all throughout history and currently have come to the conclusion that Christianity is true. How can you reconcile that?
@dickmartn Год назад
The Bible is the history book of the group we can't mention on YT...You know, that protected class.
@ancientflames Год назад
@@kevinaviles30you are walking really confidently into a fallacy lol.
@dereknoto6555 Год назад
@@kevinaviles30 Childhood Indoctrination. Social pressures. Lack of information. Next question.
@reinercelsus8299 Год назад
​@@kevinaviles30 Great minds all throughout history and currently have come to the conclusion that Christianity is NOT true. How can you reconcile that?
@leahsodyssey123 Год назад
Reading the Bible cover to cover is probably the number one way to turn a Christian into an non-Christian.
@miked6652 Год назад
What about the Quran? If you don't know much about Islam, briefly, Muslims believe that whether you follow Moses, Jesus, Mohamed, Abraham, Noah, David, Jacob or any of the Prophets/Messengers sent to humankind in all times by God/Allah/Hashem is the same. However the Quran stated that after the Torah was corrupted (Change of the original) by deceivers to suit their benefits and then expired, then God/Allah/Hashem sent Jesus with the Gospel, then God/Allah/Hashem sent after all Muhammad with the Quran. Chapter 5 Versus 68: "Say, O people of the Book (Torah and Gospel), you are not on anything until you establish the Torah and the Gospel." And this didn't happen just with the last three Prophets. But since Adem, every time God/Allah/Hashem sent a prophet to a nation, he would send another after the previous message was corrupted and falsely changed.
@emo516 Год назад
Funny thing, I was starting to become a devoted Christian until the pastor insisted I read the 'word of God' insisting that if we didn't we would suffer eternally. Something about that statement struck a chord w me, because I don't like be 'fear mongered' into things. I started reading it out of spite, only to realize that I had I read it sooner, I would have never joined the church first place. He was better off letting me live in my naivety.
@cozakokotano6448 Год назад
​​@@miked6652 Quran is speaking the truth though. The bible scriptures aren't original. The man is right. The bible from cover to cover makes you leave Christianity because it contradicts with the teachings of the church. Jesus isn't a God and he didn't come to create Christianity. He came with a renewal movement to the Jews. To Judaism. There is no such a thing as Christianity. The Gospels and new testament are all for Judaism renewal. It all wasn't for a religion called Christianity and Jesus himself never claimed godhood. No trinity. All of that aren't in the gospels and all of that don't make sense. No church can explain the trinity well. Reading the bible makes the person leave Christianity because there is no such a thing as Christianity. It is just a renewal movement to Judaism. The Dead sea scrolls also prove the Quran true about the Torah being corrupted. Isaiah is 18% shorter than in the original Torah, so some stuff are added or retracted and that is basically corruption in the text. Also, the writing of the Dead Sea scrolls support the Hebrew bible which shows that the greek old testament has mistakes and faults. So, both are corrupted and the Quran is correct on this one, but that requires someone who researches, not a liar like yourself.
@Kassalawy56789 Год назад
So, how do you believe in it??? I am a moslem & just curious.
@wooddoc5956 Год назад
​@@cozakokotano6448Sorry, but people flying around on horses is no more believable than people rising from the dead.
@LyndaWilliams Год назад
I recall, as a child, bring shocked by god killing all first born children of Egyptians although the kids hadn’t done anything to Moses. And by Job’s children not counting for anything in their own right.
@lordssideministries4062 Год назад
God gave everyone a choice… God told EVERYONE Egyptians included that he would send the death angel. Those that obeyed did not lose their child. Look at it another way if a person decides to drink alcohol and become drunk and drives and they kill their child in a car wreck it is directly related to their decision to drive intoxicated. Bear in mind the Egyptians saw miracle after miracle, judgement after judgement… The last judgement was horrific but they were all forewarned and they refused to follow Gods directives. Every sin has a consequence and sadly death could be the result of our disobedience just like my drunk driver scenario. Hopefully if most of us saw the plagues that the Egyptians saw we would have repented and put the blood over the doorpost
@jawnatutorow 6 месяцев назад
I'm not sure if this would be comforting or not, but if it's true that God killed all those children (or any innocent people) to prove a point or release a judgement.. Then that same God promises a resurrection for those people to live again. So if you believe he killed also believe he will give life.
@philleprechaun6240 Год назад
A few translations don't say "this generation" but the majority do Matthew 24:34 (ABP+) Amen I say to you, In no way should [2pass away 1this generation] until whenever all these things should come to pass. (AFV) Truly I say to you, this generation shall in no wise pass away until all these things have taken place. (AMP) I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this generation [the people living when these signs and events begin] will not pass away until all these things take place. (AMPC) Truly I tell you, this generation (the whole multitude of people living at the same time, in a definite, given period) will not pass away till all these things taken together take place. (ASV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished. (BBE) Truly I say to you, This generation will not come to an end till all these things are complete. (Bishops) Ueryly I say vnto you: this generation shall not passe, tyll all these thynges be fulfylled. (BSB) Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. (Cepher) Amein I say unto you, This nation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (CEV) I can promise you that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all this happens. (CJB) Yes! I tell you that this people will certainly not pass away before all these things happen. (CSB) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things take place. (Darby) Verily I say to you, This generation will not have passed away until all these things shall have taken place. (DRB) Amen I say to you that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done. (EHV) Amen I tell you: This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things take place. (EMTV) Assuredly I say to you, this generation shall by no means pass away till all these things are fulfilled. (ERV) I assure you that all these things will happen while some of the people of this time are still living. (ESV) Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Geneva) Verely I say vnto you, this generation shal not passe, till all these things be done. (GNB) Remember that all these things will happen before the people now living have all died. (GW) “I can guarantee this truth: This generation will not disappear until all these things take place. (HCSB) I assure you: This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things take place. (ISV) I tell you with certainty, this generation will not disappear until these things happen. (JUB) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass until all these things are fulfilled. (KJV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (KJV-1611) Uerely I say vnto you, this generation shall not passe, till all these things be fulfilled. (KJVA) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (KJV-BRG) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (LEB) Truly I say to you that this generation will never pass away until all these things take place! (LITV) Truly I say to you, In no way will this generation pass away until all these things have occurred. (LSB) “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (LSV) Truly I say to you, this generation may not pass away until all these may come to pass. (MKJV) Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass until all these things are fulfilled. (MSG) Don't take this lightly. I'm not just saying this for some future generation, but for all of you. This age continues until all these things take place. (Murdock) Verily I say to you, That this generation shall not pass away, till all these things shall be. (NAS77) "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (NAS95) "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (NASB) “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (NENT) Amen I say unto you, This race shall not pass away, till all these things come to pass. (NET) I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (NIrV) What I'm about to tell you is true. The people living at that time will certainly not pass away until all those things have happened. (NIV) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (NIV84) I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (NKJV) Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. (NLT) I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place. (NRSV) Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. (NRSVA) Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. (NRSV-CE) Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. (Remedy) I tell you the truth, this sinful race will not pass away until all these things happen. (RSV) Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place. (RSVA) Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place. (RV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished. (TCENT) Truly I say to you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have taken place. (TLB) Then at last this age will come to its close. (TLV) Amen, I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen. (TNIV) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (TPT) I assure you, the end of this age will not come until all I have spoken comes to pass. (TS2009) “Truly, I say to you, this generation shall by no means pass away until all this takes place. (WEB) Most certainly I tell you, this generation will not pass away, until all these things are accomplished. (WEBA) Most certainly I tell you, this generation will not pass away, until all these things are accomplished. (Webster) Verily I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things shall be fulfilled. (Weymouth) I tell you in solemn truth that the present generation will certainly not pass away without all these things having first taken place. (Williams) I solemnly say to you, the present age will not pass away before all this takes place. (YLT) Verily I say to you, this generation may not pass away till all these may come to pass.
@helbitkelbit1790 Год назад
After Israel becomes a nation 1948 . A generation can be : 20 , 40 ,70 , or 120 years........The truth is , we are reading fairy tales
@tami.1111 Год назад
Wow...that's a lot of translations!
@timbrubaker1787 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's almost like some translators couldn't deal with that contradiction and decided to editorialise.
@GeekyGeckoCreations 6 месяцев назад
"Professsing themselves to be wise they become as fools" you can't outsmart God. You have tasted of the goodness of God. Please reconsider brothers 🙏
@seanmalone6487 2 месяца назад
I am going through a faith crisis currently, and have been for almost a year now. I have a BA in preaching and an M.Div. But my journey, while certainly taking me out of evangelicalism, is actually moving me towards historic Christianity, either Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. What made me leave is sometimes called "rampant interpretive pluralism." Basically, everyone interprets the Bible differently and there's no stopping it. It's absolutley out of control in the Protestant world (a recent estimation is 38,000 denominations worldwide in 2010), but in the other two branches there still exists an unbroken line of apostolic succession through bishops. *They* have the authority to interpret Scripture and guard Tradition. In both of those branches there is legitimate authority to interpret Scripture and a solid connection to church history. I may be leaving evangelical Christianity, but I would actually say becoming Catholic or Orthodox makes me even more Christian! Lol Additionally, I have been hit hard by objections like these many times, but this is precisely why interpreting the Bible so literally every single time isn't the way. It's not something the Church has ever done until recently in church history (idk about Catholicism but EO doesn't actually have any official eschatological position besides the 2nd Coming). It places too much stock in man's ability to understand divine revelation (Proverbs 3:5), which comes from a source of unsearchable and infinite wisdom (Romans 11:33-36; 2 Peter 3:15-16). Not even Jesus' disciples understood what He was saying most of the time, but one thing they did understand was that He had the words of life (John 6:68). 2,000 years later, the Church which Christ built through them is not only still here, but it's among the world's major religions with billions of followers around the world. That's a powerful argument that there really is something True even amongst everything that's unclear. Personally, what keeps me in my faith is my past and present experiences of God. There is no way for me to list everything He has done for me here, but I will say that I have no reason for living if He doesn't have a plan for me. God has given me so much; who else would treat me better or give me more if I left Him? This world is so broken; there's so much pain and evil, if God doesn't exist then why stay in this awful, awful place and live a miserable life?
@crazyprayingmantis5596 Месяц назад
I've lived without believing a God exists for 45yrs and I'm totally fine. It sounds like you've made a fictional character your safety blanket and you've convinced yourself that you won't be able to get through the day without it. You'll be fine.
@alexaa928 Год назад
0:00: 📺 The video discusses the interpretation of the Bible and the frustration of the speaker with certain Christian beliefs. 5:07: 🙏 The speaker shares their experiences running prayer groups and helping the homeless in their town. 10:16: 🔍 The speaker discusses how certain aspects of Christianity, such as the Bible's inerrancy and morality, can be questioned and deconstructed. 14:59: 📖 The video discusses the prophecies and warnings given in the Bible. 20:07: 🔮 Jesus warns about deception, wars, and persecution as signs of his coming and the end of the age. 24:34: ⚠ Jesus warns of the impending Desolation and advises people to flee to the mountains. 29:34: 🤔 The speaker questions why people interpret certain aspects of Christianity differently and suggests that theological reasons play a role in these interpretations. 34:41: 🤔 The video discusses the problem with understanding the New Testament and how people make excuses to get Jesus and the early Church off the hook. 39:47: 💡 Early Christian groups had differing beliefs about the nature of God, Jesus, and Paul's visionary experiences. 45:15: 📚 The speaker researched homosexuality in the Bible to help someone reconcile their faith with their personal identity. 49:30: 💔 The speaker shares their experience of trying to change people's minds with evidence but encountering resistance and dishonesty. 54:09: 👩‍🏫 The video discusses the interpretation of a Bible verse about women in the early churches. 59:32: 💔 The video discusses a disturbing passage in the Bible that condones violence against women and treats them as property. Recap by Tammy AI
@sparkuri Год назад
@mythvision , my understanding always took me to "the generation that sees THE BEGINNING of these apocalyptic things *will not pass before it all being fulfilled*", THEN the end will come...EG: WW2 holocaust survivors' GENERATION will see birth pangs>end of days. The tough thing about this is, it appears as if the whole world is in "lockstep" with tribulation, for the first time, although it's looked that way to countrymen under fire relatively for...ever...
@edwardmiessner6502 Год назад
Perhaps but it also looks like the tribulation with which the world and even the biosphere are in lockstep is about to come up snake eyes.
@sparkuri Год назад
@@edwardmiessner6502 William Cooper used to speak on this as a self-fulfilling prophecy by the elite to wield full control over man. "There is a cabal both seemingly wrote a prophecy to fulfill it, and gain dominance over the psyche as any animal in its kingdom"
@Nike-bu1uq 11 месяцев назад
If it's not ok to be gay according to the bible, how come it was ok to have sex with family members? I then think of what is written in Genesis 1:28 B2000 "God blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and over all the animals that swarm on the earth." Who could they morally have sex with to reproduce with at the time when Adam and Eve lived in the beginning? It was only them and their children who existed then? Either parent with child or sibling in between. That verse has bothered me for a long time and already in the first book of the Bible. I have put the Bible on the shelf because I get no context at all when I read it.
@LGshine0007 Год назад
I wonder if religion was just used to enforce "laws" they didn't want you to be able to break even in the social sphere without severe repercussion or be able to question them so things would never change?
@neftalibahamundi7270 Год назад
I can't speak for other religions but I can with Christianity. I apologize if a "Christian" created a bad view on the rest of us. We believe people should ask all kinds of questions because questions leads to knowledge and wisdom; which is what God wants for us all. Sadly, some put religion over God. Christianity is supposed to be a relationship with God not a religion about God.
@TheMahayanist Год назад
Well, that's certainly the point of the Hindu caste system. So, there's some merit to it.
@TheMahayanist Год назад
​@@neftalibahamundi7270No. Christianity was always propaganda, mythology and politics. From the beginning to the end.
@neftalibahamundi7270 Год назад
@@TheMahayanist Hello, I respectfully disagree. Christianity is the complete opposite of those things and if you want to know how that can be, I encourage you to read the bible. • Propaganda requires misleading people. We don't stand for that because that's against our views and morals (1Jn4;1). •A myth requires to have evidence that is all made up. Can you please be the 1st to show it's not real to me? Just because the bible can sound crazy sometimes, doesn't mean it's made up. Just because some people used religion for evil purposes in history, doesn't mean religion in general is evil; including in politics.
@TheMahayanist Год назад
​​​​@@neftalibahamundi7270look, I've read the Bible and studied under multiple Biblical scholars. I don't need you to talk down to me about "reading the Bible" Paul explicitly said that lying is completely allowed as long as it's for the cause of Christ. The evidence that it's all made up has been known by scholars for decades. Hector Avalos in his book, the End of Biblical Studies summarizes the current consensus. I didn't say religion is evil, I said Christianity is evil.
@pinky9440 Год назад
Many years ago, I listened to Derek when we were both still Christians. Then, I stopped listening as I started moving away from Christianity. Now, here I am, listening to Derek again, today, neither of us Christians.
@DeepDrinks Год назад
@johnbeechy Год назад
did u go small a atheist, or Large A atheist? or did u just assume God is not a mosaicist and there by God was not inside the Body of Jesus during the Crossing? a Muslim believes there was a Prophet named Jesus, but God being an Almighty would not put ITself into pain and suffering of a Crossed Body. i am just curious God does not mind atheists, it IS the large A Atheists that Bee duh problem // Ms are harmless unless they r rich with too much time on their hands = idle = wasted away with out a normal rt to access luxury cell phones are Ok now for many non tech M sects, but war pushes Tech upon the sheep that hate to use the latest toys // Thank you for your service
@njhoepner Год назад
"The Lord moves in mysterious ways." 😂
I wonder if you both are willing to have a conversation with Sam Shamoun @SHAMOUNIAN.
@MrBadintentionss Год назад
@@PRAEDICATORVERITATIS it's impossible to counter logic and critical thinking if you're a right fighter for something that has never been proven to exist. ANYONE who would enter a debate with only claims and feelings as their defence will get eaten alive, but being a right fighter, will learn exactly nothing 🤟
@oakstrong1 Год назад
The more I learn about other religions the more I realise how much Christianity borrowed from other religions, or rather, how much religions have borrowed from each other... I watched today a RU-vid video by Crecanford called the Oldest Religion in tbe world: the origin of belief. It is the most concise history of all religions I know. Another channel Iike is Religion for Breakfast. Magify also has interesting shorts about mistranslations of the Bible over time from Hebrew into Greek and Latin.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 5 месяцев назад
People often say, “I’m not hurting anyone so it’s ok to sin (lying, stealing, sexual sins, disrespecting parents etc)” The same God who said to love your neighbour first said to love Him to the best of your ability. If you carry on sinning, then you do not love God but are selfish like the devil so you will be joined to your father in hell or repent of your sins and believe in Jesus as God so Jesus adopts you as His child and you will join Him in Heaven forever.
@danhaverland4140 Год назад
I was born and raised as a Jehovahs Witness. I completely understand what you are saying
@rhecb Год назад
Not born but raised for 9 years #cult
@theunclejesusshow8260 Год назад
Took me 40plus years to escape the Candy Coated Blood Guilt Cult
@danhaverland4140 Год назад
​@theunclejesusshow8260 took me 45 years as an Pioneer, Ms and Elder
@danhaverland4140 Год назад
​@exjwjaynedoh1241I am CanadianExjw. Love your content
@trueworld78 Год назад
@exjwjaynedoh1241 i hear you on that one but you tell them and they acuse you of apostate,they just don't get it.
@bortiz11 Год назад
I was an atheist already, and an adult, when i read the Bible deeply and critically. (I actually went to Catholic school through 9th Grade). But if I was a believer today and read the Old Testament, i would have stopped at Ex 21 7-11, where fathers were allowed to sell daughters as concubines (therefore other Israelites were buying them as sex slaves...). That would have stopped my belief in a good deity on its tracks. Now, it just fuels my search for more and more information and analysis.
@tibitzu365 Год назад
But my understanding is that the God that created the universe is not the same god/s that created man or these laws and is not constrained by our concepts of good vs evil. We anthropomorphize God and give our concepts, our morality depending on the time.
@bortiz11 Год назад
@tibitzu365 well, then your understanding is not based on Bible/Torah studies. Which is fine. Because according to the Old Testament, the same god did it all.
@tibitzu365 Год назад
Well ok yes, because God created everything and continues to do so. I could also say that God created the chair I made and it would be true. Elohim can refer to God, angels, judges or kings. Notice the difference between God in the 7 days of creation and then the Lord god after that. Now look at the creation myth of the Sumerian culture(specifically, the creation of man) from which Abraham came from and tell me that God looks like a human(does not). This is what the Gnostics were getting at but badly. Edit: If you're over 40, you would be better off studying Kabalah, Torah can be hard to understand unless you have some knowledge about what came before and even harder if you come from a background of roman cultural appropriation.@@bortiz11​
@tibitzu365 Год назад
The Genesis of the Torah is also a very condensed form of what had gone before, for example, it doesn't go into the creation of Adam and Lilith and how it came that Adam lost his first partner who had to be replaced.@@bortiz11
@kevinblackwellwelder Год назад
@@bortiz11 Thank you for showing yourself to be dishonest. Exodus 21 7-11 doesn't allow fathers to sell their daughters as concubines. You plainly lie
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