
Why I Left Christianity -- Jen Fishburne 

Answers From Jenesis
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My journey in and out of Christianity.
Updated: Since I have so many comments now, I will no longer be able to reply to all of them.
If you tell me I never had the Holy Spirit, a real relationship with Jesus, or I missed some verse in the Bible that I actually read hundreds of times, I will not respond. You can see all the many comments on that I have already responded to.
If you tell me I just need to become a Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, or Jew, I will not respond. I am no longer interested in manmade religions.
If you tell me your personal story, I will read it, but it will not sway me. It is not proof of anything other than you made a good change in your life.
If you have solid evidence that Jesus actually existed, please provide it. The scholars are ALL waiting for your evidence.
If you quote Bible verses to someone who knows the Bible inside and out but no longer believes it, you are wasting your time. But I know it makes you feel good.
If you are here to encourage me, I will probably respond!
If you actually have something new to share, I will respond.
I appreciate ALL the comments, but I am getting tired of saying the same thing over and over and over again.
Much love to ALL!



28 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 13 тыс.   
@GenXersJustWalkItOff 3 года назад
Wow... the arrogance and/or vitriol of most of these comments remind me of one of the best things about losing my faith: not having to deal with such people any longer.
@k0smon 3 года назад
MS//// Each person likes to feel that what they believe in is the 'truth'.
@willykruze 3 года назад
Over 1800 religion in the world and they all say if you don't worship my God you will not be saved.... Who then are we too believe... The thing is MAN MADE GOD IN HIS OWN IMAGE
@estershaanika8211 3 года назад
How do you leave your faith because of people if it was not people who gave it to you? Did you really have it, dear? Just a thought.
@estershaanika8211 3 года назад
@@willykruze which of these can proof their god as true, consistently? Which god does sciene support?
@willykruze 3 года назад
@@estershaanika8211 none and I hold none myself.... But also science can't explain everything.... It's just a way of calculating and explaining the world around us.... The best thing is we should live this life with the full experience it has to offer... And whatever happens after we die then we'd know
@wondering_stars_in_oz8462 3 года назад
I left the new age, or universalism, whatever you want to call it about 3 years ago to follow Christ. I know it inside out and explored many facets of it and spoke the lingo and helped evangelise the beliefs and philosophies for 15 years. I can't condemn anyone for going in that direction after living in such legalism for a long time, because at the end of the day i ended up there looking for freedom and healing and purging.... honestly when I came back to the simplicity of the gospel of Christ and his soft peaceful presence that feeling of restlessness and constantly seeking has ended.... and so much more than that. I've been lucky to end up in a church that isn't overly legalistic so my exploration of that fine line between grace and the law is between me and God, and that's the thing it always was for all of us. It's not about other people are doing it's about God. Listening to this, it's weird because it says a number of times that Jesus gave the gift of salvation to the gentiles because the Jews turned it away. I literally read a verse about it just yesterday because I was wondering the same thing you have just discussed. I also think the verasity of the Bibles authenticity has been fairly well established , by that i mean the people who wrote it believed that they had witnessed something, so the question is, do you believe THEM? Not whether Jesus existed or not, because records say he did exist and was crucified, so the question is do you believe he died for your Salvation? It's the same kind of thing when pagans say that the Christians have kept their pagan history from them like its some conspiracy when the only reason THEY even know about it is because the CHRISTIANS kept such a thorough record of it, it's like dude it's not a conspiracy, it's all over the internet, the Christians wrote about it😂 so anyway, I digress, back to the new age, the philosophy and methodology is incomplete. It just is. But i do get the rejection of a bunch of rules, but that's not what it is for me since coming back to it.... anyway I'll finish up my mini essay by saying that I'm glad you weren't massively antagonistic and disrespectful to the entire religion, it's exhausting and disappointing to see people doing that everywhere Because your experiences of Christianity are not necessarily mine so to me I'm not supporting something to bully people or harm them. I just want to follow Christ because I believe with my entire being that i was completely lost without him. That dosnt mean my life is perfect now, not yet anyway, but i can never go back to where i was. I believe what I am currently experiencing is deliverance, it's excruciatingly hard but necessary, because of where i was at. And the point of my comment here was to say, Don't close your mind to the idea of maybe coming back one day, because if your heart is genuinely set upon seeking truth, i believe that you will find your way back to Jesus. And one last thing, just because we happen to have been born in a Christian culture, does not mean that by default it is untrue.
@Linda-wd4pc 3 года назад
Penelope Ody.. you are a lot more kind than I was. I on the other hand would have wished that she didn't proclaim to know God and then turn around and call it all a lie. I think that is much more damaging. We are coming right up to the end if you're a Christian you know that well it's not really the end we're coming right up to the great tribulation and it is crucial that people know God and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. I believe what she's teaching is the big delusion of the great Awakening and it's sad for anyone that comes across this video.
@wondering_stars_in_oz8462 3 года назад
@@Linda-wd4pc i hear what your saying and I've thought a lot about this watching videos of people coming back to christ and those falling away. And thats the thing, he wants us to know him as our OWN PERSONAL saviour. And i can say this for myself that i never would have known that if I didn't find it for myself. I always believed in God, my family was Christian, not super religious but they taught me that Jesus was God, the basics, so that was never a question for me, but why Jesus? Why the Bible? Specifically? If we remain open to finding the truth he will address these questions with us. Some people are raised in religion but can't understand what they are being saved FROM or why if you know what I mean, they need to go on a journey to find him for themselves. I even read some verses in the Bible that i think addresses some of this, I will try and find them for you. One thing though, I don't think this lady is trying to join a lynch mob because her tone doesn't imply hate, i think her questions are genuine.
@wondering_stars_in_oz8462 3 года назад
1The word of the Lord came to me: 2“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? 3You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. 4You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. 5So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 6My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them. 7“ ‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock, 9therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 10This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them. 11“ ‘For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. 12As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness. 13I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the countries, and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the land. 14I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing land, and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. 15I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. 16I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice. 17“ ‘As for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will judge between one sheep and another, and between rams and goats. 18Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? 19Must my flock feed on what you have trampled and drink what you have muddied with your feet?
@wondering_stars_in_oz8462 3 года назад
Then there is Amaziah in chronicals. He became king but didn't stay king for long because he started doing as the pagans did and allowed corruption into Israel. Heres a portion of the verse about him. I believe the story is referring to the importance of following God WILLINGLY. He dosnt want unwilling participation, he also addresses with the Pharisees following the law without acknowledging God in your heart, so it's important to God. 1Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Jehoaddan; she was from Jerusalem. 2He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not wholeheartedly....
@sandeepsanghera1069 3 года назад
Isn't "universalism" one of the oldest teachings, though? It's in the Vedas, the kaballah, ancient Egyptian texts, pagan/Norse religion, native American beliefs etc... There is nothing "new age" about it... We are one cosmic consciousness... "Know thyself and you will know the gods and the cosmos." That line predates your Bible. Fact.
@stephsmith3639 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing Jen! Watching this video opened the door for me answer the questions about my doubts tucked away for years. I’m thankful to have come across this video
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
It is the hazard god that you came across this video I hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@boblossie3192 Год назад
I clearly remember sitting next to my grandmother in church when I was about 10 years old. We were listening to our preacher in the Methodist church in the Deep South. He was raging about how we are all sinners and when bad things happen to people it was because they were sinners. I could not take that in. My grandmother was one of the most wonderful, kind and giving people in the world who LOVED Jesus and the church - and yet she lost her vision and became blind. I endured many hardships throughout my life that most did not - and while I didn't enjoy it - I believe those challenges made me stronger and molded me into the person that I am. I've NEVER believe there was a Hell. I could go on and on.... I'm now 67 years old and hearing Jen Fishburne speak now is remarkable to ME - because she speaks what I believe is MY truth. And even though she speaks what I have already come to believe - it's incredibly inspiring and exhilarating to know there is yet another person out there that believes as I do! I'm so grateful to be able to listen to this because I know I'm not alone in my journey!
@827dusty Год назад
We are all sinners...what's your point? You know better than God who created you?
@boblossie3192 Год назад
@@827dusty THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY POINT ! ! ! ! YES - God does know better ! ! ! That's why he "gave" me these challenges! HE made be stronger! HE have me empathy and understanding though these lessons! GOD put us here to have this human experience. I don't believe I will completely understand why until I cross over to what people call "death". On this side of the line - we call it death. I see it as crossing over to our eternity. My bitterness is to the so called "religious authorities" that claim they know everything there is to know about GOD. That bible - so many say it's the "Word Of GOD". I say it was inspired by GOD, but written by man. A evangelical friend of my that has studied the bible all her life helped me with a biblical phrase I've always hated. Your bible refers to "The Fear Of GOD." She said the "literal translation" or the "original pages" is "Awe Of GOD." Some people try not to make GOD angry and try to do the right thing so they can avoid being punished or hurt by GOD. I choose the path that I want to do the right thing to please GOD and make Him Smile! Yes - we are all sinners. GOD gave us the freedom of choice to learn to be our best! I believe that is our purpose for being here - to have a learning experience.
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
we are bilIions like her welcome . hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc 3 месяца назад
@@827dusty Of course NOT! After all, God created man and woman with an original sin. Then He drown 99.9999% of them for sinning. He then impregnated a woman with Himself as her child, so that He could be born. Later He killed Himself as a sacrifice to Himself to save Israelites (NOT Africans, Chinese, Indians, Latinos, even Europeans) from the sin He bestowed upon them in the first place.
@gregsimmons694 2 месяца назад
Hi , time to wake up and use that brain God gave you! Only the name of Jesus christ of Nazareth saves sinners and sets possessed people free! God made you! Jesus can save you from hell!
@RK-db4oq 3 года назад
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 1 John 2:19
@michellejackson1096 3 года назад
@margaretbarrett6087 3 года назад
R K “whosoever shall say ‘thou fool’ shall be in danger of hell fire “ Matt 5:22
@trevorstalwart3160 3 года назад
True that
@stiimuli 7 месяцев назад
Classic demonization of those who leave a group in order to shame people into staying in the group. Every cult does this.
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc 3 месяца назад
Sound like John copied, stole and perverted Aesop's _The Fox and the Grapes._
@kirstenmsattler 2 года назад
Military fam here! 👋🏼 Wow, tears, and tears 🥺🥹 The drive we share, the amount of research and studying we’ve done, the freedom we now share. This whole thing, it’s beautiful. There are less than 10% of people who think for themselves and take those closed minded barriers down. Much love and light 💫
@favormine 2 года назад
Thanks so much for your honesty. For me it was the list of "Do's and Don'ts" that made me feel inadequate and further away from God. Finally I decided to leave church, not saying everyone should, but I needed to be uninfluenced and started studying the New Covenant on my own. See in the beginning I was sold out on the unconditional love and safety in the Saviour. Although having good intentions, when churches preach law it becomes a whole legalistic religious organization that robs us of our true identity and freedom that we are supposed to have. What I found is that religion says "Fix yourself and God/we will accept you" while the original Gospel says "Come just as you are and I will give you righteousness/(okayness) as a gift". Religion says "You have to work hard to stay forgiven and right" while the true Gospel says "With a single sacrifice I have made you perfectly accepted and irreversibly forgiven for ever". Religion says "You have to work to get close to God" the Gospel says "You cant get closer to your Father as He is in you and you are in Him". Religion says "God is in love with a future version of you" while the Gospel of Grace says "Dad loves you as you are right now unconditionally and is NEVER GOING TO CHANGE in this irreversibly restored relationship". Religion says "You are not good enough" and the true Gospel of Grace says "You are fully accepted, with a new heart which is righteous, holy and blameless. That's your identity, now live from your heart and be yourself". Religion is a bunch of rules to follow as a prerequisite to acceptance versus the Gospel of Grace providing immediate irreversible acceptance which will produce the "works"/performance over time, but our performance is SECONDARY to the "Work Christ did". This reveals a bit of what I found please see this link for more: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RHxbZEwbhHg.html This is 8 years later, if the true Gospel was preached people will break down the doors to get the Good News. In the mean-time I started a small bible study group where everyone is on the same level and unconditionally accepted, where everyone's opinion is valid and important. I guess the fight against the infiltration of religion is ongoing.. God's love. Nicolas
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
More than 70 % are believer 14 % are atheism. I hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@gregsimmons694 2 месяца назад
More importantly, Jesus saves sinners! Time to use that brain God gave you! Only the name of Jesus christ of Nazareth sets people free of demonic possession!
@lizmiller3325 3 года назад
Listening to this. Her story is just the opposite of mine. I trusted everyone and what they said about God. Sitting in church praying no-one would notice me. Never understanding anything God said. It was. Story I was suppose to follow. I always believed in God. But I didn't know Him. When I got on my knees and gave my life to Him. I opened the bible and found my life in there. Knowledge,answers,peace,love,and God. 5 years later I trust no man to tell Who God is. I Go to God to find out who he is in His truth. I am praying for you. Because God tells Us many of my people will be deceived.
@instrumentengineer5823 3 года назад
Where in Bible Jesus said I am God Worship me n I came to Die for ur sins?
@dexterd4156 3 года назад
@@instrumentengineer5823 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sS-lLTfCI7c.html
@asivenilutumailagi210 3 года назад
God cannot display pride as it is the very nature of falling from grace at the garden but he uses opportunity to reveal Himself in the context of the situation eg Phillip asked show us the father and the Lord Jesus responded he who has seen me has seen the father in John 14
@lizmiller3325 3 года назад
@@instrumentengineer5823 No where in the bible does it say worship men. My point was God warns us about everything happening right now. False teachers,people being deceived, He even says in 1 John 2:27 that we don't need any other teachers.
@WienArtist 3 года назад
@@instrumentengineer5823 When sharing the gospel with Muslims, it is not uncommon to hear the objection: “Where did Jesus say, ‘I am God; worship me’?” This is because many Muslims have been trained (by Muslim apologists) to ask this question of Christians and demand that the answer must be in those exact words. Of course, this is an inconsistent and irrational demand. As, if we applied the same criteria, then we could ask them to show us in the Qur’an where it says that to become a Muslim you have to use the exact words of the shahada (1st pillar of Islam): “There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Although both statements in the shahada are in the Qur’an (Surah 37:35 and 48:29), they are not found in those exact words in that order as a formula for someone to become a Muslim. Nevertheless, often when Christians do show Muslims that Jesus claimed to be divine, their response is to argue that the Gospels have been corrupted and therefore we cannot trust what they say about Jesus.1 This is a strange claim since the Qur’an does not teach that the Gospels have been corrupted, but rather commands Christians and Muslims to judge by what is written in the Gospels:
@Tom_in_CA 3 года назад
Jen, your story is many things; heart wrenching, sad, provocative, perplexing and disturbing to name a few. The hours that you put into Bible study is amazing and puts me to shame, though I was able to track with your references. The one thing missing from your story is a personal encounter with the Master Himself. Without this, I can’t imagine how you were able maintain any faith at all for any length of time.
@PInk77W1 3 года назад
God is Love. Many atheists seem to think God is knowledge
@PInk77W1 3 года назад
@Kelly Avery I will side with Dr MLK jr and not you thanks.
@jessienicholson5207 3 года назад
Love it , well said
@greglogan7706 3 года назад
To be honest I sort of seem to get that same sense that while I really appreciate Gen. I didn't hear about her interactions with God I heard about all her activities and certainly her massive amount of church activities and getting caught up into these various church experiences in social experiences.
@epicrama8256 3 года назад
U cant encounter sth that doesn't exist
@ScoobyDoo-ms9ou 3 года назад
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" ---- john 10:27
@pitelf3852 3 года назад
i dunno mr Doo 40+ yer study on the bible learns Hebrew in Israel creates a channel and tells the world the there 2 different bibles perhaps this should be looked into ?
@holyspiritwalker8343 3 года назад
If you have Holy Spirit you hear from him. Period.
@michellejackson1096 3 года назад
@@holyspiritwalker8343 PERIOD POINT BLANK
@TheSuperRyne 3 года назад
The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel were living in the nations 2000 years so no one living today is one of those sheep.
@sobatnu7078 3 года назад
@@pitelf3852 quran has many versions
@wadecoates5143 3 года назад
A relationship with God has to come from the heart through His Son. No amount of external knowledge will take away your hurt or grow your faith.
@douglaswise6797 3 года назад
That's a pretty big claim. Do you have any evidence that it's true?
@shinykathy 3 года назад
Interesting. Natural law, the law of Gd, law of the Cosmos. I truly believe in the law of JUST GOOD. Being righteous. Scientist can also excel at the BS game I do not get people needing so much understanding regarding what's good and bad. This shows how the SNAKE is everywhere
@anniesiscolives838 3 года назад
Yes! “Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth...”
@iamthechildofgod-kellykaye6665 3 года назад
Yes it is through your heart that knows the truth and you will feel this because you are being guided by Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit....
@shseducation5700 3 года назад
@@douglaswise6797no claim intended. It's just what the scripture says. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
@tiffanysmith7419 Год назад
Watched a Thief in the Night at 9 yrs old at church. I was terrified I was going to have my head cut off in a guillotine and then spend an eternity in hell, especially after the pastor saying "None of us can ever be certain of our salvation." Can't tell you how many alter trips and private prayers I prayed. Took 40 yrs and a 10 yr stint working full time in ministry before I could begin to deconstruct. I had many issues with the church, especially when it came to a woman's role, and that was largely what got me to leave the church. But leaving Christianity began by finally studying the concept of hell. Once that fell, the whole house of cards fell. SO thankful to finally be free of it.
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@IzzyNChrist Месяц назад
That Pastor was wrong, he clearly didn't read scripture if he thinks there's no assurance of salvation. You can't let a silly movie define your faith for you, do you do that with anything else?
@debbieforsyth2015 3 года назад
😥🙏🙏❤ I heard every word and yes I so resonated with all you said." Love your creator , love life and our neighbour"
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Thank you, Debbie!
@justiceforall8982 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne I also listened to your story,and what stuck out to me is you never received the gift of talking in tongues.You never gave God any credit for miracles he has done.You ran a great race and dropped the baton before the finish line.You gave up on Jesus but he has not given up on you!
@goatladygletha792 2 года назад
You are the first person I've heard articulate what I have come to believe myself. I am so grateful to have come across this video in my feed. So much of what you've shared is similar to my own experience, except I've never been the scholar or student you've been. I feel thoroughly heartened and encouraged by this. Thank you.
@2fast2block Год назад
She is NO scholar. She's an embarrassment is all. She can't even make it past the first verse about God creating. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@JenFishburne Год назад
Thank you!
@JenFishburne Год назад
@@2fast2block Wrong energy
@2fast2block Год назад
@@JenFishburne How Jen thinks she got around the laws of science I gave..."Wrong energy" Jen loves pretending she's some thinker you should follow.
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
I hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !articulate your next mariage will last one week.
@TreysDaddy1976 Год назад
This testimonial essentially summarizes the last 15 years of my journey. So many topics you touched on has been integral parts & even revelations I have experienced & learned along the way, and scepter you did MUCH more research & study. Absolutely incredible.
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
I hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !?!
@nicolejennings8389 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm in Houston. As for me and my home, we will serve the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
@MichaelAChristian1 3 года назад
What a wonderful woman!
@ank9218 3 года назад
@TheSuperRyne 3 года назад
You and the family better move to the promised land and start following the law
@Jason-bf8hs 3 года назад
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Nicole Jennings, you’re welcome. You are free to do what you want, but are spending one week a month in your backyard, your men are not trimming the corners of their beard, do you tithe your spices, and all your clothing is not mixed materials? There’s more, 613 to be exact. Be sure you follow ALL of them.
@mykilahsenwilliamsdorsey1495 3 года назад
I enjoyed your testimony very much. I love Jesus and the whole story of Scripture. Our Creator speaks to us in ways that make sense to us. The evidence that we are on the right track is the fruit in our lives. Are we loving? Do we care for others in a selfless manner? We can learn and follow principles that the biblical writings show us. God is far more than we can understand, wonderful, holy and beyond what we can full understand. That's okay. God is good. I loved God in Sunday school and in Seminary and even now after decades of following my faith. Loving all people is what it's all about.
@skywatcher1972 3 года назад
Beautifully said, my friend. god works with us, individually, as a loving Father. Sadly, too many people think that they must have all the answers right NOW, and are not Patient to grow. I hope a thousand people read your gentle words, and then The Word of God.
@krishnareddygudimetla4862 3 года назад
Iam indian but iam born hindhu family now my family belive only jesus glory to god 🙏
@ritamganguly6346 3 года назад
Have you ever read the uoanishads no without even attempting to understand the greatness of the puranas you left and settled for this abrahakic mythology.please reconsider this abominable decision.you will not regret it.
@TheEnlightened77 3 года назад
@@ritamganguly6346 It seems to me that a world in which each person has existed without beginning in a round of rebirths, each of which brings inevitable suffering, is rather depressing. And if each person’s suffering is the result of their past wrong-doing, which had to be worked out now or later, there is little incentive to change or to remove suffering.
@drashokkumar9209 3 года назад
@@TheEnlightened77 Hinduism has several schools of philosophy . Ranging from typical God ( as well as Godess ) to those bordering on atheism . Each gives you food for thought and opportunity to evolve yourself . There has been a tradition of debates from the very beginning . There is single fixed book for Physics or Chemistry . Similarly z Hinduism has No single book . It is an evolving religion ( if you intend to word religion ) . Evolution works the level of society but it also work the individual .
@krishnareddygudimetla4862 3 года назад
My dear hindhu brothers can u telling how many hindhu gods and (india popualtion(how to coming cast fellings )(sathi sahagmanam imean husband die ready after dead body burning time his wife also burning with body )why hindhu temple on top nude lady statues )your home to u going out side any cat coming opposite y scared )i know hindhu books devi bhagavtham .garudha puranma .baghavthgetha so many i know but no use because the books talki ng about physical but bible talking about spirtiual every body know one day we lived our body but our spirit going god that one important okk (can ur people telling lord shiva marrige who )brothers iam also before hindhu (rama is ur god but iam say rama also not god because ravan coming take going sitta why he dont know take going before )but jesus say u not coming befor in this world i know u )god means fast teanse ,and presant tense ,and future tense he must know that is only jesus he die for me and die for u all about ur sin (ur people belive ur gods have sin correct baghvatha geetha inside alraedy krishna also tell redy ) iam telling u all one blind man another blinde man canot show way two blind man going drop inthe man hole )spiritual and physiali okk that one bible say (u r gods have sin he how take going ur spirit in heaven brothers )my english bad iknow but iwant know who is god i do want blime ur gods but must think about u r spirit after u go where who will be save (only jesus )
@ritamganguly6346 3 года назад
@@krishnareddygudimetla4862 mr reddy about ram he was born as a avatar and had limited capabilities according to the legends.the entire scripture is metaphorical.and coming to sati it is not sanctioned by any scripture and condemned as witchcraft in middle age scriptures and let us not forget the church was responsible for witch burning on charges of heresy.the nude depictions are not anything to be ashamed of.our society was at a time moreopen of these factors.the path of jesus is one of blind submission with expectation of reward but the upanishadic way is one of liberation from cycle of life and death.dont read your scriptures literally.i recommed you read asthvakra geeta.its one of the greatest pieces of advaita vednata and superior to any kind of abrahamic mythilogy
@ellendianesouzalopohondeve9067 7 дней назад
When I first released I was deconstructing my faith your video was one of the first ones I watched, I want to thank you for sharing your experience. I came back to it today because I am still dealing with having lived my whole life as a Christian and your story and knowledge have helped me through that. Once gain thank you.
@skippy675 3 года назад
This video is great because it's unabashedly human. She doesn't claim to know everything or tell anyone what to do. She appeals to reason and reasonability, is skeptical of grandiose claims and guarded against allowing wishful thinking high jack her world view. There are a few weird tangents, but that only serves to make her come through as more believable and sincere. It's easier and more comfortable to slip into a romanticized view. We tend to do this with celebrities or historical figures who have passed long ago. Such figures tend to have their good qualities enhanced or greatly exaggerated while any warts or negative traits are filtered out. That fish we caught keeps getting bigger every time the story is told right? I think she is brave and spot on to point out that this is very likely what happened with Jesus's story as well. Unfortunately, most of the comments show that people are more comfortable sticking to their romanticized self serving views and shun anyone who threatens their comfy little dream world with critical thinking. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and experiences 🙏.
@mauricehalfhide3982 3 года назад
I don't find them to be weird tangents, I think she includes very interesting examples of how she was able to pick things apart to uncover several truths. Yes I agree that she does come across as very believable and sincere. And its a heck of a story that she would have tried very hard to condense with enough factual info to bring across her sincerity. Peace.
@a9c 2 года назад
She believes in some weird energy woo. And young earth and denies evolution. Not exactly skeptical
@@a9c Where does she deny evolution or say anything about young earth? And weird energy is certainly there somehow, since there is enough evidence for it to experiment with it.
@jessicao8517 Год назад
I noticed that a lot of people in the comments suggested doing things that she said she already did.
@Anna-qv9ne Год назад
​@@a9c you can be a sceptic and believe in all sorts of nonesence at the same time. First of all because we are influenced by culture and the people we consider authorities. We cant explore everything i depth, and therefore accept some things as fact just because we at some point for some rreason accepted it as fact. Second of all, or maybe in extention of what i claim above, sceptics are not above being psycologically trapped in a way of thought. An example of this in christianity could be: you need to question the bible, but if you question it too fundamentally, or before having studied the thing deeply, it may be the devil whispering in your ear, and therefore it becomes sinful and dangerous for your soul to explore the question you have outside of the bible. You are in that way forced to study the bible harder, and it will take longer to break put of the christian worldwiew. If you at the same time dont have the intellectial capabilities to study it like this baddass lady, you are pretty much stuck - untill something else makes you dare to question the bible. - i hope that gave some insight . Lastly i want to add that you can be completely naive and accept the world as round at the same time. All we can know for sure is something about this persons culture and worldwiew, it does not say anything about their sceptical abilities. A great examle of this is the mainsteam acceptance of acupunkture as treatment for everything, as if there is real science behind it.
@edwardvermeulen9781 3 года назад
This happens when people follow people and not Jesus! When you go into your inner room don’t take people with you pray yourself you find Him,your problem is you think Jesus is not enough
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
You didn't listen to the whole video. She was very clear about all of that. Yes, being spiritual is important, the problem is the overcomplicated Jewish/Hebrew history tied to what we call religion or Christianity.
@heelspur3403 3 года назад
@@thecommentschannel3548 old testament is for the jews, new testament for the church. Its not that complicated
@williammcroberts4281 3 года назад
She found the truth. You assume it.
@pitelf3852 3 года назад
um you seem confused , God commands us to work out our salvation it seem she is in the middle of that God also commands us to be like God i'm relatively sure that takes experience , you seem as tho your ready for judgement day and ready to assist in fact relaying i harking unto you don't do that God is the only judge and conversely says don't do that or you will incur said judgement ,Omg did i just do that full circle , gads that's the second time today , good evening
@kevinwynn6582 3 года назад
God loves you Jen. Peace be with you.
@oldmanaz.6811 3 года назад
Which God?
@remamasuskapoe4259 3 года назад
@@oldmanaz.6811 theres only one God! He is God almighty who made you and everyone upon the face of this whole earth. He made everything that is in it. That is the only God I know. Hes a personal God! When I hungry to know him more I turn to the word of God and he sustains my life. When I thirst he gives me living water. Only he can satisfy this spirit being of mine. He daily continually supplies my every need spiritually, physically and mentally. You see it's all about him and nothing else.
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Thanks, Kevin!
@repent6238 3 года назад
Rema, Your trying to communicate with a corpse. The Scripture says, The Fool says in is heart there is no God.
@remamasuskapoe4259 3 года назад
@@repent6238 yep but theres still breathing happening in his body. I still believe theres hope for this man. I never give up. God is still a God of love! Thank you sir! Gods blessings to you.🙏🏻
@ROKBUZZCUT 6 месяцев назад
It is always disturbing that there are so many people who allow themselves to be abused by lucifer.
@anotherpointofview222 3 года назад
Wow her "Christianity" really messed her up. The patience of Job to anybody that watched this entire video.
@luv2cook. 3 года назад
Yeah, went to this church, couldn’t speak in tongues..went to that church, that’s all my kids knew...blah, blah 😑 she went to some pretty strange ‘churches’. Love God like a child. Simple
@eddiepanganiban1259 3 года назад
this what happen when you study the bible deeply. i suggest you study rhe quran . allah said ' if this quran not from me you will find many confusion.
@kingsxkids 3 года назад
I’m out at 2 minutes 🙂
@marcusagrippa8078 3 года назад
Job is a really messed up story. God and Satan are betting each other to see if job will stay loyal, so god tells satan to do his best, so satan with the blessing of god kills his whole family, burns his crops, and decimates his herds. It’s not until god allows the devil to inflict job with sores that job is like, “damn I don’t know about this whole god deal,” then god tells him, “you don’t question me boy!” Then gives him another family and herd. So basically god allowed satan to straight murder job’s family just to win a bet against satan.
@IzzyNChrist Месяц назад
This is hard to listen to, but I want to listen to pray for her as she goes
@dennisabar4127 3 года назад
In the LAST DAY MANY WILL LOOSE THEIR FAITH, Bible is true,God can't Lie
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
Your answer is based in indoctrination, not on any fact, sorry
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
@@perazdera2827 that's a surface level explanation, that doesn't address the issues
@vincentawbrey8800 3 года назад
Amen, remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ," He who endures to the end shall be saved".
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
@@perazdera2827 Everything created itself by coincidence? What does that have to do with the this topic? Nothing!
@Thesortvokter 3 года назад
God can't lie? Bullshit :D Your "Gaawd" is a fucking deceiver. READ UP! 1 Kings 22:19-23 19 And Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: fI saw the Lord sitting on his throne, gand all the host of heaven standing beside him on his right hand and on his left; 20 and the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said one thing, and another said another. 21 Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, saying, ‘I will entice him.’ 22 And the Lord said to him, ‘By what means?’ And he said, ‘I will go out, and will be ha lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And he said, ‘You are to entice him, and you shall succeed; go out and do so.’ 23 Now therefore behold, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets; the Lord has declared disaster for you.”
@purebride8600 3 года назад
Faith is NOT believing that God can, it’s KNOWING that he will... according to His faithful promises in His Word. It is the spirit that vivifies; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
@wattsizname Год назад
Fascinating! My journey and experience has been very similar, especially theologically. Though much suffering and loss has caused me to question some things. I do have one question for you Jen. Where did you find the hard evidence that the New Testament writings, particularly Paul's, are forgeries rather than authentic? Thanks for sharing. peace to you🌻
@ld8936 3 года назад
Jen didn’t leave Christianity. She simply exchanged “apostate doctrines of Christendom” for the “wisdom of the intellectuals” or human philosophy. (Colossians 2:8, 1 Corinthians 1:19) Really just two sides of the same coin.
@mshelton1279 2 года назад
Your commentary is extraordinary. For me, it’s one of the more balanced accounts of one’s personal belief system and subsequent journey to find a spiritual “save place” I’ve encountered to this point. I’m the antithesis of you on many levels (i.e. race, gender, etc), but your words give me so much hope that with uninterrupted research, humility and open mindedness, authentic unity in this unpredictable world is reachable.
@asgarkhan1400 Год назад
Islam is the solution! Please don't listen to haters of Islam! Read about Islam and Prophet Mohammad pbuh!
@littlebitsouthern4198 3 года назад
You will always be searching and never come to the truth if you don't believe in the only son.you must believe and then your Eyes 👀 be open ... Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretched like me I was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I SEE!!
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
I found truth, thank you. No need to search anymore.
@littlebitsouthern4198 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne you have increased my faith even more..and my love for Jesus...you are for filling bible prophecy.... God has used you and you don't even know it!
@littlebitsouthern4198 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne the Bible is the third prophecy and all those prophecies have been fulfilled except for one but it's about to come to pass all the holy spirit filled believers can see this because they believe in the one and only son that was given at the cross. You see it says in 1 John that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and it was made flesh and dwelled among men
@littlebitsouthern4198 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne Jesus Christ was the living walking talking word who knew no sin and was made sin for us. So that we might have life because God so loved the world he gave his only son that he's so ever believes in him should never perish but have everlasting life here on Earth and after. See how that goes with in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and it was made flesh who was my flesh Jesus Christ was made flesh and he dwelled among men.
@SkywatcherSandra 3 года назад
Church is a building. Faith is in your heart. HUGS and GOD bless you all 🤗.
@AmitKumar-qz2us 3 года назад
Till 325 AD, not a single historian or writer wrote about Jesus Christ or any of his disciples . BEFORE THE FIRST COUNCIL OF NICEA IN 325 AD, NOBODY ON THIS PLANET EVER HEARD OF THE NAMES JESUS CHRIST OR CHRISTIANITY. JESUS/ BIBLE / CHRISTIANTY WAS COOKED UP IN 325 AD, BY JEWESS HELENA , WHO SAT ON THE POPE'S CHAIR.. The dead sea scrolls covering the period from Birth of Jesus to 68 AD , does NOT say one word about Jesus or his 12 Apostles. Hellenistic philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20 BCE-50 AD/CE)-alive at the purported time of Jesus, and one of the wealthiest and best connected citizens of the Empire- makes no mention of Christ, Christians or Christianity in his voluminous writings. Nor do any of the hundreds of other historians and writers who flourished during the first THREE centuries of the common era. The DEAD SEA SCROLLS were all written by Pagan Essenes . None of them have been edited by later Christians, as is the case with some other Jewish literature. All the scrolls (except a treasure map known as the Copper Scroll) can be dated prior to A.D. 68 or 69, when the Qumran settlement was believed to have been destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish revolt. The oldest of the scrolls probably goes back to the middle of the third century B.C. The people of Qumran belonged to a Pagan religious group known as the Essenes. Pliny the Elder, who died during the volcanic destruction of Pompeii in the year 79 A.D., described a community of pagan Essenes living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, close to where Khirbet Qumran is situated. John the Baptist was an ascetic Essene . He was a vegan and was uncircumcised . Various literary sources like Josephus and Philo tell clearly that Essenes were ascetics. We also know, from literary testimony, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the archaeological remains of Qumran, that the Essenes practiced many water baptisms for ritual purification-similar to a dip in the Ganges or the river Pampa or at Thiirunelli. At Qumran, however, all members of the community were baptized with water for ritual purification. Josephus writes, "And as for their piety towards God, it is very extraordinary; for before sunrising they speak not a word about profane matters, but put up certain prayers which they have received from their forefathers, as if they made a supplication for its rising" (Wars, 2.8.5). This testimony accords well with what we know from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Prayer and humility was one thing that the Essenes . When they cooked up stories about Jesus they wrote that Jesus Christ ate the Last Supper in the Essene part of town. Jesus is not historical character, The Dead Sea Scrolls have produced increasing evidence to cement the fact that Jesus Christ never existed and the whole story was cooked up at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The FAKE gospels were written after 325 AD after Jesus was cooked up at the first Council of Nicea.. Twelve apostles of Jesus never existed. Jesus Christ names 12 apostles to spread his gospel, and the early Christian church owes its rapid rise to their missionary zeal. Yet, for most of the Twelve, there's scant evidence of their existence outside of the New Testament. The concept of using statistics to prove that 'God authored the Bible' is bullshit. Why was the library of Alexandria burnt ? The gospel of Thomas was not written by Jesus' disciple Thomas. Englishman Godfrey Higgins studied Greek, Latin and law at Cambridge . His two-volume, 867-page book Anacalypsis: An Enquiry into the Origins of Languages, Nations, and Religions, was published posthumously in 1836. In his treatise, Higgins writes " the mythos of the Jews and the mythos of the Greeks are all at bottom the same lifted from the ancient mythos of Hindus ; and ... are contrivances under the appearance of histories to perpetuate doctrines," and that Christian editors “either from roguery or folly, corrupted them all.” 1900, Scottish MP John Mackinnon Robertson wrote that Jesus never existed but was an FAKE invention by a first-century messianic cult. He wrote about the First Council of Nicea of 325 AD where powerful forces invented a new god to fit the needs of the society of the time .Robertson specifically mentions the Talmudic story of the Yeshu . Thomas says: "Simon Peter said to them, ‘Make Mary leave us, for females don’t deserve life.’ Jesus said, ‘Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven’" (Thomas 114). AIYOOOOO -even Christians don’t like this When the master of James baby Jesus Christ never existed -- how can his disciple St James exist ? Even since the dead sea scrolls have been discovered CHRISTIANS and JEWS are jumping up and down like demented orangutans claiming that Essenes belong to them. Dead Sea text or Qumran Scrolls have absolutely nothing ZILCH, to do with the Bible of the Torah - never mind the diabolical lies of the Christians and the Jews. For arguments sake -even if messiah Jesus Christ existed , the gospels were written a even a century after Jesus' estimated year of death, by individuals who never met Jesus, and then were edited or forged over the centuries by unknown scribes with their own agendas.
@rosealexander9007 Год назад
@BluesJesus1959 3 года назад
Miss Jen: Thanks for sharing your journey of leaving Christianity. You’re very well prepared for continuing it. As for me, I leave it and, moreover, I stopped in believing in gods of any sort! I sincerely congratulate you for your commitment to find the truth and to study science.
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Thank you, Jesus. It is an interesting journey, for sure!
@Hi-hi124 3 года назад
Thanking ,,, while thanking Jesus,,🤣🤣🤣
@moosehunzie1880 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! And i am thankful that our paths crossed and i am in the group, Life aftwr Christianity.
@rolandovelasquez135 3 года назад
"It doesn't matter who or what you pray to..." But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6
@roostercrows3477 3 года назад
Jesus Christ is ho you pray to . No other gods.
@Sami-bs1go 3 года назад
@@roostercrows3477 to whom Jesus pray in the bible pleas answer?
@rbrown2895 3 года назад
@@Sami-bs1go God the Father.
@efiq78 3 года назад
@Sami-bs1go 3 года назад
@@efiq78 so God pray to God ?
@pilgrimpaulo 3 года назад
Jen, I feel so sad that after your titanic efforts of digging you have missed the pearl of great price. Thank God he hides it from the wise and reveals it to children. This is a mystery. You have taught me to be thankful in all humility for the encounters with the Lord my Shepherd, the loveliness of the still small voice and that this little lamb by grace gets to hear the voice of the crucified risen one. I feel great love for you, and in some ways had a fraction of your seeking capacity. My simple prayer is that like a child you can simply repent and believe again. Love and respect, P 🐑❤🙏🏼✝️🍇🤗🌻
@pitelf3852 3 года назад
Paulo i dunno man Jen is still in the sojourn lets not give up so quickly on a interesting side note so the bible is different in Hebrew perhaps this needs to be looked into ya think?
@S.D.M022 3 года назад
@@pitelf3852 which one? Ancient hebrew or the newer, bastardized hebrew/yiddish? Trust the KJV. Words had different definitions and context 400 years ago than they do now, *especially* when translated from dead/ancient languages. All the studying in the world will never fill you with the Holy Spirit though. God bless.
@TheSuperRyne 3 года назад
Oh, you like being ignorant like child but pretend it's innocence
@pitelf3852 3 года назад
@@S.D.M022 yeah it all changes to keep us from the truth the real truth is behind the words that will never be main stream
@Jason-bf8hs 3 года назад
@helenteichroeb9610 Месяц назад
Oh my goodness! Right around 22 minutes and I knew I had missed something important so I rewound… And it was a jog dropping movie when you said the new covenant was never for us! I knew the old covenant wasn’t for us… I have taught Bible studies on how the old covenant is not for us, but it never occurred to me then it follows that the new covenant isn’t for us either!I’m in my religious Construction now this just totally fits in, and is one more confirmation for me. Thank you so much.
@scottnorvell2955 3 года назад
I’m in the same place as you. Fully spiritual but no longer affiliated.
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Good luck on your journey, Scott!
@davidrocha5480 3 года назад
Sorry to hear that.
@papasitomamasita 3 года назад
@@davidrocha5480 Open your mind.
@davidrocha5480 3 года назад
@@papasitomamasita I created that line. ( Open your mind) .
@irunamonk885 Год назад
Wow such an inspiring video sister Jen... Thank you sister Jen for making this video...
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
Inspirer I hope to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the true miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@jimthewindmillman9317 3 года назад
Remember as you speak your human view you will answer for every word you speak . remember this post .
@davidhutchinson5233 3 года назад
I cannot stand self righteous condescending people like yourself. I guess you forgot that verse...judge not. Lest ye be judged.
@heelspur3403 3 года назад
@@davidhutchinson5233 who's judging?
@dianerosiermiles8966 3 года назад
Jim, our sister Jen is having a crisis of faith. Be patient and merciful to her. She needs our kindness, not threats.
@irvingalfaro8735 3 года назад
Allah will judge you all Christians. For believing in three gods
@TheGin31029 3 года назад
Then by your logic, so will you.
@dankekitchen7755 3 года назад
I have experienced many miracles that God helped me in my life, i can really feel that God is exist that's why no doubt to follow Jesus & i love Jesus....it's about your relationship with God ( sorry my english is bad, english is not my mother's language )
@evermateo6166 3 года назад
What I take from this video- the devil is a liar! Jesus is not on the cross- he lives in my heart, he is as real as the air that I breath! He breathed life into me!!
@UG4918 3 года назад
Go study and do more research..
@evermateo6166 3 года назад
@@UG4918 thanks- have a nice day.
@ericinohio8999 Год назад
Jen Fishburne Jen. Thank you for your story. I have many thoughts and questions, but I will ask just two. You say the Bible is NOT the preserved word of god, and you believe it to be historical fiction (the history of Israel fictionalized by oral transmissions, human frailties, and power dynamics). You’ve stopped studying it for the same reasons you don’t study other historical novels, but you’re certain the Bible should be a guide for how we should lead our lives. (1) How did god craft the Bible to be this timeless guide for living, if he didn’t preserve the words to convey that guidance? (2) How does this make sense in light of your findings that oral transmissions and subsequent translations have so drastically changed the meanings of the original words, unless we all become proficient in ancient Greek and ancient Hebrew? Once again, thank you!
@adetheheat8657 3 года назад
So she never got filled with the Holy Spirit. That might cause a lot of confusion when reading the bible
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
The Holy Spirit is only in your imagination.
@adetheheat8657 3 года назад
when I first got baptised in the Holy Spirit I felt a fire in my belly that comforted me and I entered into God's presence. Whenever I read the bible I enter into God's presence still. You need to get prayed to get this gift.
@angelmd43 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne You better repent and give your life to Christ.
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
@@adetheheat8657 Cool, I also have had experiences, that doesn't mean the whole Bible and christian mythology is correct, only in part and the present state of the church is worse. You had a somewhat surface physical experience to a spiritual event, that doesn't mean you are filled with anything or that your life is suddenly better, that is the point.
@Thesortvokter 3 года назад
If you read the bible and don't decide it's evil, then you are sick, suffering from the stockholm syndrome.
@JOHN-yo6qk 2 года назад
This lady was in a cult not the true Christianity. That's why she was so confused.
@RomanPaganChurch Год назад
@IzzyNChrist Месяц назад
she is still very confused
@JC57515 3 года назад
It's hard to believe if you've never seen the power of God, but when you have seen the power of God, it's life and peace.
@Nica-Ra-Wata 3 года назад
What god? GOMER OZ DADAR G. Gomer O. Oz D. Dadar Freemasons
@JC57515 3 года назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata Haha you've never seen the power of God
@jessicamn4086 Год назад
I'd like to believe that hell doesn't exist, but what about all the people that have a NDE, and return to say they have died and found themselves in hell?
@lodrevlodrev Месяц назад
What about those who saw nothing? Or those who saw an afterlife that doesn't correlate with what the bible says? It's very convenient to just pick and choose what goes our way and leave out the rest.
@PedroViaud-e3v Месяц назад
It's a big mistake to think that other people have the answers to our questions because God is always at our right hand. The answer will come at the right time
@ronaldquick6884 3 года назад
I once was lost, but now I am found , was blind, but now I see. Jesus said it best, " the truth will set you free".
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
A fictional character said, "The truth will set you free." How ironic.
@Mumoffive2023 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne you of all people should know never to mock God. In your pursuit of seeking truth you have fallen far from it. The testimony of Jesus Christ will live on in the lives of his true believers. No amount of discrediting him will remove his word from the hearts of man..
@dfpolitowski2 Год назад
Reading the trove of comments below, I'm reminded of Jesus's statement: "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you" for so did their fathers to the false prophets."
@roza4jesus757 3 года назад
In the last days many will turn away from the faith. I'll be praying for you. Do not be deceived. It is about a relationship with Him. Not a religion or a church.
@jasonhenson6293 3 года назад
You can’t have a relationship with Jesus and not His church. The church is His bride. That’s like someone saying to me: hey Jason come hang out with me but leave your wife at home. I don’t want her here. I would say well I don’t want to be around you. Jesus will do the same for those that reject His bride. Jesus has one bride because He only built one church. Today many churches exist and not by the authority of Jesus Christ whyaretheresomanychurches.com
@luisoliveira5253 Год назад
I'm no longer a religious person. “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.” ― Gustave Le Bon
@paulfromcleveland5871 3 года назад
This is giving me a headache. Jen, it’s very simple - salvation by faith in the shed blood of Christ. That is what it means to be a Christian. You devoted yourself to lifestyles that people call “Christian” but I don’t hear you articulating real Christianity.
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
I no longer need any of that religion. It's all a fairy tale.
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
@Thomas Jackson You are only repeating words ad nauseam, I get that you mean well but that doesn't help anyone really. You said it is simple and then resorted to say nonsensical symbolical imagery that is in no way shape or form simple at all. Please be aware of this next time, thank you.
@thecommentschannel3548 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne An unfortunate truth, but fairytale is quite harsh lol
@rickjames7576 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne You won't be thinking it's a fairytale when Jesus comes back, not as the meek and mild Lamb of God, but as the Lion of Judea, with His eyes blazing like fire, executing righteous judgement on a wicked perverse world, that rejects God's free gift of salvation through His Son Jesus. Who by the way is King of kings and Lord of lords, and Creator of ALL things, and that includes you ! HAVE A HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY !!
@GospelOfTimothy 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne if they didn't see Jesus, they don't know Jesus Jen, I saw Jesus I know him. The Christians are trying to keep people from reading my book
@Christian.Portugues.Francisco 3 года назад
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
@alexishill3342 Год назад
Yes!!! The song you sang played continually in my mind every day as a child. It was so ominous and creepy! I was allowed to watch these scary movies, but haunted houses and other actual "scary" movies were off limits because of my mom's religion. I don't think anything was scarier to me, growing up in a narcissist dominated household than being told I could be left behind for being bad. In a narc-religious home, you're always bad. It's part of the programming for control. These teachings have caused me a great deal of trauma, although I believe God is real and he is nothing like the terrifying, shit show they try to preach to you in church. Thank you for sharing this. It is so needed.
@JenFishburne Год назад
It really is quite traumatic to a child to hear that left behind nonsense. It should be considered child abuse.
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
Trauma Look I hope to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@hr92011hr 3 года назад
I’m a born again Christian and I’m not confused. God bless you
What does it mean to be “born again”? Lol
@hr92011hr 3 года назад
@@IFYOUWANTITGOGETIT it means that I have turned my back on the world and no longer desire to live it , instead I have died to my flesh and continue to do it daily and choose to live for Jesus.
@hr92011hr 3 года назад
@@hr92011hr I’m sorry.
@timedenfield7037 3 года назад
Jesus Christ 🙏 is our true Lord and savior 🙏 is the only way 🙏 truth 🙏 and the life 🙏💞🙏 Just remember the story of Job in the Bible, we all go through testing Remember that anybody who denies him,he will denies them💔 We are living in the end of time Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏💞 Love you sister 💞 God bless you 🙏💞 I will pray for you to find your way back to our Lord Jesus Christ Just remember what he went through for us 💕 that is true and unconditional love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Vurbanowicz 3 года назад
Yes, Jen Fishburne is a treasure! Her life showed such intense commitment to religion, such wholehearted practice. Her study and critical probing were also intense, and she followed the conclusions courageously and set aside what she could not justify. As a Unitarian Universalist for nearly 45 years, I have met or learned the life stories of people like Jen, but even among them she is extraordinary. I wonder if she has addressed any of our congregations.
@nafeesahmad2973 3 года назад
When you are free, kindly give a read to Islam
@Promiseland2024 Год назад
So many things I want to say in response to your video but to keep my comment short.....I will just say that your whole video resonated with me especially your closing statement. I now feel free to live and love others unconditionally....thank you! 🥰
@sanatan-dharma 9 месяцев назад
The Bhagavad-Gita God, Lord Krishna, is totally different from the Bible and Quran god. The below are some teachings from the Gita. No eternal punishment No slavery No rape No murder No stoning Everyone is a believer.
@pm2007est 2 года назад
Hi Jen. I grew up Catholic School grade 4-12, so was heavily influenced like yourself. If you do read this, do you agree with the assumption that the New Testament was written by Roman elites at the time. After the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple completely, they wrote the new Testament to basically change the Jewish religion.
@DunderMifflin_ThisisPam 2 года назад
No that's not true. The authors revealed themselves in the books they wrote.
@ashleyriosrizo Год назад
The time and dedication to come to these conclusions. I could never take the time! I commend you.
@arlinea22 3 года назад
Thank you Jen, I appreciate your candor, your experience and your truth. I too have a similar experience with religion and resolve for my life.
@electronixTech 3 года назад
Thank you. Well said.
@tsr3779 3 года назад
Faith and hope...without those their is no future
@maralkeshishian6492 3 года назад
Absolutely true!🙏
@papasitomamasita 3 года назад
Absolutely wrong. The hope mantra will destroy your life.
@ank9218 3 года назад
Faith and hope in Jesus
@Tarotlynx 2 года назад
It's incredible to see this level of scholarship. Thank you.
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
scholarship I hope to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the true miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@ASMRyouVEGANyet Год назад
I'm so happy for you. I left Christianity too. I was extremely devout. I studied my way out of it. They tell you "study the word of God, pray for guidance, study some more". Well, I did. Now I'm not Christian. I have no problem with other Christians as long as they don't try to shove it in my face. The archetype of Christ is a good one to follow but so much of Christianity is warped and based on paganism. Nothing against pagans either, but it's all stories until one person makes it their life. Then it becomes a system of control. Christians don't even know the history of their own religion and how it came to be. I also got tired of people using the Bible as their justification for any behavior they want, like eating animals and abusing the earth. Too many Christians simply do not know how to use critical thinking. I fully believe that religion is more destructive than good. If you need a religion to tell you right from wrong then you are already lost.
Most people have heard “Jesus/God loves you”. Does that mean they have a relationship with God and will go to heaven? Depends on the individual. A relationship is 2 sided, you receive love and you give love back. God showed His love by suffering, dying on the cross and rising from the dead for you, now you show Love back by repenting of your sins (lying, stealing, sexual sins, taking the Lord’s Name in vain etc) and believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour so that Heaven is in your future not hell
@m.n.executor1902 29 дней назад
Amazing. Thank you for sharing :)
@Wojewoda. Год назад
A christian prayer is never "magic". Magic is a zoroastrian practice.
@zaggy3110 Год назад
The christian concept of "Hell " is of zoroastrian origin as well.
@franksu3420 Год назад
Sometimes, we have to ask ourselves why we need religion ,what for and why stay in some religious groups , I think it is more important.
@foundationshomefellowship Год назад
A very interesting statement is made when she mentions that when people say that the Holy Spirit told them something is just your human emotion. The question I would have would be what about the major and Minor Prophets in the Old Testament and some of the prophets in the New Testament, in the book of Acts? Were they hearing from their own emotions or was it by the spirit? Isiah 6 we see Elohim speaking to Isiah and telling him to speak to Israel. Also, she mentions that why would the Holy Spirit have so many denominations if God is not the author of confusion? I think she may be confused even in that statement because God did not establish denominations that are a construct of man. Also, the book of Acts speaks about Peter visiting a Roman Centurion who was a non-jew who was the first non-jew to come into faith in Jesus Christ would that individual not be considered a gentile? Would he not be considered part of the nation's? And if not what would that Roman Gentile who is a non-jew be considered to be? Lastly what about Luke who is a companion with the apostles and a believer in Jesus Christ we not be considered a gentile or from the Nations.
@puckzilla-bs9zy Год назад
Hey Jen, thank you for your story. I'll watch the 1 yr and 1.25 yr up date before asking questions but this so far I find helpful. The more I studied/read the bible the more I was seeing shadows of what you have explained. I don't think I'm finding confirmation bias here but rather encouragement to be able to explain what I've found. Glad our paths have crossed I look forward to exploring deeper into why or how we can share. Love (as in powerful positive energy)
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
Energy I hope to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the true miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@sofiapickles8476 Год назад
Thanks for sharing. Are you familiar with the Skeptic's Annotated Bible? I'm curious what you think about that.
@theonlyway5298 Год назад
I've always understood the 'men of Ninevah rising up and condemning' as referring to the Resurrection and them condemning the generation of Jews who rejected Jesus as Messiah in the 1st century...retrospectively, not referring to the time of Jesus, 2000 years ago. In Matthew 24, Jesus was quite clear that that gospel must be preached around the world before his return and the resurrection - hence I don't think he was referring to his own time.
@tommysuriel Год назад
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world.." how is that only for is Israel?
@Sam-fz3mx 3 года назад
I did enjoy your story and think it's very interesting. I don't have the time or space to address the issues I think you ran into, but attempting to oversimplify it: It seems you got so rigidly caught up in the audience of every verse, chapter and book of the Bible, that you no longer saw how it applied to the gentiles (the rest of the nations outside of Israel) of today. It seems you have completely forsaken that it was prophesied that the new covenant would be for everyone once Israel rejected it. As Paul explained, we're grafted in and that makes us all the audience to a certain extent (100% agree we're not under the old law's jurisdiction). However, once you started anchoring your new convictions, accepting material that challenges the veracity and reliability of the Bible (in particular the NT) became too easy, almost like a form of confirmation bias that has further separated you from your precious Christian convictions. I agree that context is necessary to understand the Bible, but I don't agree the context indicates the Bible is not for us gentiles. I also disagree with the statements provided that question the legitimacy of the Bible and Jesus as a historical figure, there are plenty of apologists that do a terrific job debunking all the arguments that challenge the veracity of the Bible and Jesus as a historical figure.
@bstring3967 3 года назад
I don’t agree with scholars on everything but some of the very honest ones will admit that the Bible is very complex and confusing, I find that hard to reconcile with god not being the author of confusion. How is one to defend the faith with so much historical objection, contradiction, and tons of denominations. not to mention the alarming rate people are falling away from Christianity. The only answer I can come up with is to not try to come across as Christianity being the most logical faith as many apologists try to propose but rather make it completely about the heart as Hindus do.
@Sam-fz3mx 3 года назад
@@bstring3967 Christianity is the most logical faith I'm familiar with. Can't say I agree either with anyone that thinks the Bible is complex and confusing. The gospel is simple, and the Bible is relatively simple to understand in my opinion. People can be saved without ever moving on from milk (basic Biblical knowledge), even though there are some topics that are more complex, however, even with those, I don't see them as confusing.
@bstring3967 3 года назад
@@Sam-fz3mx it’s only completely logical within the confines of the book itself, even then we have Unitarian, trinitarian, oneness interpretations and variations therein. There are so many variations of interpretations that alone is testimony of the complexities dealing with many matters such as translation etc. take early church history and the thousands of manuscripts and many other things is why seminary schools have people specializing in one or two topics. If one can’t admit it would take your entire life to figure out then I don’t know what to tell you except maybe look into the depth of study and different classes at seminary schools.
@Sam-fz3mx 3 года назад
@@bstring3967 I acknowledge there are different interpretations for many Bible related topics, but I don't think it's complicated or confusing at all. Salvation is simple, and diferences in doctrines is not evidence for complexity of the material, there are too many variables to list that can lead to different interpretations. I've never had any real issues with the historicity of the Bible either, extra Biblical documents and the consideration of old texts. I suspect the main reason some people may find it complex and confusing is because they may be exposing themselves to teachings from people that want to present it as something confusing.
@bstring3967 3 года назад
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yea historicities as far as authorship, early Christians beliefs, inerrancy things like that and not so much things like if Christ existed. Also the thing for me I been trying to remember is planting seeds because I also push Christians often on things like diet that could win other followers and viable possible reasons christianity is declining in the sense that it is often seen as the old grandpa that won’t change. I really believe in what Paul said about becoming like those as to win them to the faith and also not causing a brother to stumble, again it seems to fall on def ears and it is discouraging. I think I did have an overload of historical data, trying to prove inerrancy, and other things and when I try to be completely honest I see patterns of flaws I seen in Islam and Hinduism. I could perhaps benefit from a simplified more conservative approach but I am reading books written by Christian scholars that are discouraging me and I’m often asking “how is he still Christian” or “how is he still trinitarian” and things like that. Thanks again for engaging
@sergiorr3190 5 месяцев назад
I was a Christian, but then i read the bible
@jakemzekarias1133 3 месяца назад
I wasnt a christian, but than i read the bible.
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc 3 месяца назад
@@jakemzekarias1133 Good Boy . . . *1-Peter 2:18* _“SLAVES,_ in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.” *Ephesians 6:5-7* _"SLAVES,_ obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as *SLAVES* of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.” *Romans 1:1* "Paul, a _bondservant_ of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God." *Romans 6:16* “Surely you know that you become the _SLAVES_ of whatever you give yourselves to. Anything or anyone you follow will be your _master.”_ *1 Timothy 2:1-3* “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for *KINGS* and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”
@jakemzekarias1133 2 месяца назад
@@rickastley4295 ‭Ezekiel 23:1-5 KJV‬ [1] The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, [2] Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother: [3] and they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity. [4] And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah. [5] And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours.... I bet you do...if you would have read the whole chapter you would know what that verse is about... My favorite verse is surah 65:4 and bukhari5134...🤡🫡
@KaCi1987 2 месяца назад
You read the bibel, but dont understand. May your heart is death?
@IzzyNChrist Месяц назад
Or maybe you were told you were Christian but then realized you didn't really understand what it was about. Reading the bible is one thing, having understanding is another. People read things they don't understand all the time
@kevinhenderson5520 3 года назад
Good for you. Great difference between Religion and spirituality. Keep growing
@anthonyjohn9000 3 года назад
Well said brother.
@IzzyNChrist Месяц назад
Jesus is not a Religion
@MrArdytube 3 года назад
There are so many things about Christianity that seem perfectly normal when you are inside.... but then seem peculiar once you start looking at them and or finally leave. Such as Your comment about “scaring children into loving Jesus”. It is so normal within the faith.... but so odd an idea when you look at it for what it is
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Yes, and the farther away I get, the more I see. Interesting how humans work that way.
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
No one needs to be scared into believing child baptism is dubious.
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
@face rock Unless it's in the bible as a sin, it isn't one. Please just ignore them. As for tithing. That seems to be an American church thing. These organisations are not without their narcisists and the odd psychopath. . A Christian label doesn't guarantee someone is a good person. Seek out decent and honest people. Stick by the word as it's written in the bible. That's what counts not a load of bullies. Narcisists are in ever walk of life unfortunately church organisations are no exception. Please remember Your relationship is with God not man. Not the pastor. David said his sin was before God and against God not against or before man.. Man can't keep their own rules let alone gods half the time. They will let you down. Thats in the bible. We are called to be strong. Also don't forget we were warned "wolves" would be amongst us.
@MrArdytube 3 года назад
@@1john4six It seems peculiar to me that God would send his son.... then wait decades tor record his story in a language he did not speak Then not keep the originals around and have different people record divergent versions of the story Then wait centuries to record a correctly revised version in yet another language based upon a limited selection selection of of copies that were not ultimately the earliest copies.... all this composed by a committee that was revising yet previous translations and working to the instructions of an earthly king. I gotta say that it does not seem the the most straightforward way of communicating a divine truth.... and, a bit sad about the hundreds and thousands of years that people did not have access to that divine book. I guess it is true that god works in mysterious ways
@billybari8081 3 года назад
@@MrArdytube Have you ever written book of which the audience is 200 successive, future generations? If you write a book today, how confident are you that it will be relevant in 300 years from now? These are the questions God dealt with when preparing the bible that you simply ignore (Isaiah 55:8-9)! God does not change, but human cultures, morality, and societies in general do evolve over time so that what something means today is not what it will mean tomorrow: *how do you convey your " unchanging thoughts" to all these incredibly fast changing societies?* WlTherefor, what you describe as weaknesses, sudainly looks like the perfect plan!
@SolemnPhilosopher 3 года назад
While I can't say the journey was the same, I did come to the same conclusion as you Jen. Ignore the certaintists on here who think their belief is infallible. Letting go of my fundamentalism as helped me grow beyond measure. In the words of Socrates: “The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.”
@bluwng 2 года назад
What ever came of Socrates? This lady just makes you feel secure because you aren’t the only selfish one who is confused. Now you have a friend. Good luck with that.
@SolemnPhilosopher 2 года назад
@@bluwng Hi Bluwng, thanks for your question. Socrates and his ideas went on to be a major foundation for western philosophy.
@SolemnPhilosopher 2 года назад
@@bluwng Also, Merry Christmas! Hope you have a good holiday season.
@a9c 2 года назад
You don’t know what you don’t know
@SolemnPhilosopher 2 года назад
@Opal Allen I remain a theist myself. However, I don't think any human tradition is infallible or inerrant.
@kamirose7816 Год назад
WOW!!! I was SO traumatized by that movie!!! A few weeks after seeing it at church, I went to tell my mom something. She was nowhere to be found and her sewing machine was running and I was sur that I had been left behind! Nearly 50 years later, I still can remember how afraid I was!!!
@Matthew-gd8gk Год назад
What movie?
@GLENLYNAS 9 месяцев назад
Yes...what fecking movie
@MrsB781 8 месяцев назад
@@GLENLYNAS ´A thief in the night´ . Larry Norman sang the song Jen´s singing in the video
@conradbulos6164 4 месяца назад
I think kai was talking about the rapture movie, Left Behind, starring Nicolas Cage where people vanish mysteriously as if called back out of this world to some other other worldly place, presumably heaven, as Paul fantasized in his Epistles.
@conradbulos6164 4 месяца назад
Cont....which started a cult called the Rapturists, a group of highly imaginative and fear filled people who overrated Paul as an honest, truth telling Apostle which he is not as is now being discovered by biblcal scholars.
@hspringmp8084 3 года назад
Sounds rather silly to say “starving children in India or Africa”, when you have starving children right under your nose in America. :/
@sifu6632 3 года назад
Thank you.
@cheriboberry1808 3 года назад
Seriously, thank u!
@_A_343 3 года назад
That's Esau for you
@juleehamilton7233 3 года назад
Not the point
@SimplescienceforMizo 3 года назад
So you actually missed the whole point of what she is proclaiming rather to stick onto these little passages. Peace be upon you.
@robdielenberg4234 6 месяцев назад
This is one of the best deconversion stories I've heard. You've confirmed again, that Christianity poisons people, then gives them the antidote, the side effects of which is a paralysed mind.
@victorjvanderwoude3102 27 дней назад
"Paralyzed mind". I was an atheist. I feel more freedom to think and reason than I ever did as an atheist.
@robdielenberg4234 27 дней назад
Yeah, it's called magical thinking.
@victorjvanderwoude3102 26 дней назад
@@robdielenberg4234 Magical thinking because your mind can't imagine something greater than science can explain?
@robdielenberg4234 26 дней назад
No, that is "God of the gaps" type reasoning. Magical thinking here refers to fantasy thinking about things that science can explain, has already explained.
@victorjvanderwoude3102 25 дней назад
@@robdielenberg4234 You’d have to define what exactly “science” has explained/proven which definitively ruled out G-d’s existence (in relation to Christianity). “Magical thinking” is an interesting term but only from a human perspective. G-d by definition isn’t limited by human limitations, in any measure. What I or you can do and is possible is limited, so everything from our perspective seems like magic or tricks. If G-d exists claims of magical thinking is irrelevant. So science has its limits within its material study when addressing or talking about things none material. Christianity and Judaism are unique among faith groups. What are reasonable historical grounds to prove or disprove G-d’s acts in History?
@khewmooi6252 3 года назад
I am very very very sorry for whatever things happening to you over there. Please forgive and bless one another. Please calm down. Please Come Back Before God Jesus Christ once again. I really believe God Jesus Christ will speak to you personally. I believe God Jesus Christ divine intervention and divine breakthrough will come upon you and your life in Jesus Christ name yes and Amen always 🙏😍🙏😍🙏
@maralkeshishian6492 3 года назад
Amen 🙏
@johntrojan9653 3 года назад
Not to worry cuz in the End Times (coming now), she'll be on her knees Praying her mind out, with the rest of us lost and frightend souls 😱🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@jess679. 3 года назад
i dont think she wants to come back?
@kctechie 3 года назад
"but the falling away must come first..."
@doriswashington7299 3 года назад
So very sorry you went through all you experienced.
@evermateo6166 3 года назад
This whole video is an example of the falling away- 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
@Francis_UD 3 года назад
Ever Mateo amen 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻
@berglen100 3 года назад
@@evermateo6166 Its school and your asleep. secular history for first Adam is flesh duality to judge that comes back on you. no one s better than anyone else, when you wake you will laugh.
@berglen100 3 года назад
@hdde8888 3 года назад
I find it very commendable that Ms. Fishburne uses its experiences to make it clear to other people, how strong these ideologies can damage the human mind, so you may need decades efforts to get rid of them.
@gallardo20081 3 года назад
See Romans 1:22....
@ASMRyouVEGANyet Год назад
Yes😩😭. It takes years to undo the damage that religion does to the mind. There are books written about it.
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
Ideologies I hope to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the true miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@saphiquefemme 3 года назад
Thank you so much for your video and honesty. I left Christianity witnessing how political it became in 2008 when my pastor encouraged the church not to vote for then presidential candidate Obama. The pastor openly made fun of his name in his sermon and I walked out. There was so much corruption including a cheating scandals amongst church leaders. Another reason I will never return to Christianity is due to my mom turning on me when I became a parent. I have never felt more uncomfortable witnessing hypocrisy from my mom. Acting Christian to her friends and our family but I'm a terrible parent. I'm thankful where I am in life. I no longer desire to please anyone as a Christian. Instead I serve my community humbly and maintain my spirituality as I see fit not as my mother, family or previous church does. I highly agree, you must do your research. I also find if a pastor or church attendee focus more on what they wear and how big the church is, I find people lose the meaning of what Christian means. It was a title to mean like Christ. If he existed, Christians should serve the community rather than create mega churches and design church cults with political agendas. I don't take the Bible seriously. I admire what you say that the Bible is bias. Especially since it was translated so many times. I low key wonder about other theories such as Lilith and Mary Magdalene along with cultural mythology. I wish more churches would take more responsibility to delivering more open conversations like yours. Thank you again! Your video has reinforced my belief that I am better off without Christianity.
@Jo-tm3zq111 2 года назад
Christianity is all about your relationship, your connection with God. If you look to other humans for what you need to do with your life and your faith things can easily go wrong. Trust in God. Someone created you, your Creator. This life is about getting past the material with a relationship between you and your Creator, our Creator, The Creator.
@JenFishburne 2 года назад
Saphique Femme (that's quite a name!) -- thank you for sharing. You have a great story. You become who YOU were meant to be and not who others tried to force you to be. It sounds like you have a fantastic story and you are on the right path! If Jesus wasn't real, it doesn't matter if the stories about Lilith and Mary Magdalene are or not, does it? But they are interesting to read and learn.
@JenFishburne 2 года назад
Mike, having imaginary relationships with a fictional character may be fun, but it won't do much more than that.
@operasinger2126 2 года назад
The church has gone further right and have not spoken out against far right extremism. The message of Jesus Christ is being lost/
@bluwng 2 года назад
@@JenFishburne who gets to decide what is fictitious? What qualifies you as as the source of truth, if you don’t know God it doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist. I am an engineer , I guarantee your simple mind doesn’t understand physics like I do, so does physics not exist because you are ignorant of it? You have. O idea how simple you are yet you talk like you are someone wise.
@purebride8600 3 года назад
So sad... everybody would refer you to someone else, or their teachings. When the answer was simply to call on Jesus.
@TheSuperRyne 3 года назад
Call on Jesus to do what? Save the house of Israel in the last days? Jesus finished up 2,000 years ago and found all his special boys....sorry...you are not in the club
@theatlantean8008 3 года назад
He never existed..
@wickdontez 3 года назад
@@theatlantean8008 Question...how long have you been on the planet?
@beardrn 3 года назад
Calling on the creation will never yield any results. The creation is powerless to help itself, let alone help you or I.
@brenthernandez6910 3 года назад
@@theatlantean8008 Life is hard, sometimes I wonder why, then I remember thats life. You can't always get what you want, especially in Gods world, for God knows what is truly best, so that is why we ask, and he answers as he wishes. Because our will isn't supreme and good like his.
@carinelamoureux5777 3 года назад
After many years of research about the purpose of life, I studied, new age, luciférien books every thing I could, until nothing was wright. I personally did received the love of God in my soul, it’s a love you received by grace and it can not be explained except that once received you are change forever....your kind of born again, because you KNOW! Even after my experience of love I doubted...really! Until I opened an old book of Alister Crowley and received a message in my left ear, from a language that doesn’t exit on earth, but my soul understood.....that again it’s difficult to explained but it happen. The message was : only love is important. At that precise moment, I burn every occult books I had and started to believed in God and read the Bible . I understood why I received a message in angel’s language, I understood why bad things happen in our lives.God is testing your faith and love for him. By studying everything on the Bible like you did, you decided to classified God like only humain can do. The devil his in the details. But our creator is simple, loving and waiting for you to stop taking part of men’s made church. Yes I know the Bible has probably been twisted by man a bit, but the Bible have many level of understanding, the real God message is under a few layers of understanding.It’s now the time for you to stop studying it for facts, tangible history.Once you asked for spiritual level of understanding of the Bible you no longer drinking milk but honey or wine. And yes Jesus exist he is alive , His the words of God, the light, the way...like the Bible. And the Bible is alive...kind of crazy right, but stop studying with brain and start studying with you love and soul. You will see. I have faith in God , the I Am, to show you the way.
@christinesbetterknitting4533 3 года назад
Hallelujah. The Holy Spirit "sprinkled, me as I read your testimony! He reigns!
@papasitomamasita 3 года назад
Man, are you ok?
@carinelamoureux5777 3 года назад
@@christinesbetterknitting4533 wonderful, praise God and his Holy Spirit ! Enjoyed that precious moment and keep it safe in your heart and soul, because life continue and the feeling may start to fade-away...because time and regular life happens! So to keep it alive you have to praise God and do what’s good : Love God with all your heart. Love others like yourself, with love, even the ennemies. Because at the end, only Love is important....the exact message that Jesus came to teach us!
@carinelamoureux5777 3 года назад
@@papasitomamasita of course I am! But I understand your concerns, it’s really hard to explained to others when something extraordinary like that happen. Not only I’m privileged but the first experience a doubted it, so for you that didn’t experienced it , it’s hard to believe. My second experience, It shoched me to the core and I even asked my doctors for a brain scan, because let’s face it, I heard a voice from a language that doesn’t exist on earth that voice my brain couldn’t understood but my soul did, so what can I said, the scan came negatif, it happen once and because of that I started to read the bible, and then I understood what happen. I don’t remember the exact scripture but their a place where it clearly explained our faith and believes in Him, God, and that if he needs to he will talk to us in angel language to make us believe. After that scripture I understood, I wasn’t crazy. When I received His love years before (first experience, I was born again and save) and I came back to my old stuff, my old occult book our Father decided to gave me a lesson, that I would never forget, THE voice, the message. It scared me so much. But I stay on the narrow path now, no more new age, magic, occult book. I really hope you’ll experience it one day, you’ll see.🤩😇
@rosemahinay7634 3 года назад
I also became a new ager during my catholic adult years. In all my yrs of confusion and anxieties and seeking, i thought new age was harmless and even offers answers i cannot find in my prev reigion. But Jesus was indeed gracious
@janicepanton5976 Год назад
There are no magic words to go to heaven. Religion is not a substitute for Jesus. Memorising verses makes parents and Christian teachers happy but does not make a child holy or godly. In the end, it's our love for Jesus, our acceptance of his Lordship and continuing our life to the end in a relationship with Him. And, he will let us walk away from him, if that's our choice.
@angiebullard7324 3 года назад
Professing themselves to be wise,, they became fools...
@michellejackson1096 3 года назад
@FLATearthGARY 3 года назад
Quoting Bible passages is not thinking... just trusting in man and not our creator. The first commandment said it all
@anitaobendtimeswatchwoman6170 3 года назад
Amen. Ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth found in Christ Jesus.
@margaretbarrett6087 3 года назад
“Whosoever shall say ‘thou fool’ shall be in danger of hell fire “ Matt 5:22
@villageidiotsforchrist537 3 года назад
So very sad... That's why it's all RELATIONSHIP, and nothing else... We have to know HIM, and once we do, we're never the same.... HIS Voice is real, HIS presence is real, and so is HIS compassion and grace... Praying!
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад
crucifiction attempt on Jesus to remove laws will make his ppl lose blessings in mathew 21 :43 & jeremia 31 :36. pauls in acts 9 : 3 saw devil of luke 10 :18 went to Arabia, is lawless false prophet in mathew 24 :11 thought he's who will correct him - comforter in John 1 :21 & 16 :8, Prophet law giver like Musa is Muhammad peace and blessings on him! Jesus is only sent to his tribe, after mark 16 : 8 Jesus's 2nd appearance saying he's sent for the world is an admitted fabrication. isaiah 49 says Jesus will leave his tribe and return following the light of nations of isaiah 42, a new covenent, from the Arab Prophet from mt selah Medina, this is clearly Islam. Abraham wasn't from juda, juda came like 2 centuries later, Ibrahim and Ismael were Muslims who built the Kaba, even Jacob imitates the hajj in genesis 28!
@PInk77W1 3 года назад
His Church is real. “The CHURCH is the ground and pillar of TRUTH.” 1 Tim 3:15
@kelseykjarsgaard5774 2 года назад
What he say to you?
@wet-read 4 месяца назад
It's dogma, first and foremost.
@scottmoore7588 4 месяца назад
@@kelseykjarsgaard5774 Probably whatever his thoughts were on whatever was going on. I should probably clarify, I mean to say that god tells theists whatever they want to hear, and that's definitely not a coincidence (sarcasm).
@kenosentity6455 3 года назад
This woman has my utmost respect!
@marcusrogers2818 3 года назад
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior . As you will recall, The challenges presented by the 2020 was unprecedented and unexpected in the annals of recent history.The entire world was so down for about three monthsBy the coronavirus pandemic that was not a respecter of persons,class,status,religion,nations and kingdoms. The Pandemic was a levelers of humanity,systems and governments and it brought to bear everyone that the only thing that important denominators in the existence and essence of man and humanity is the omnipotence and sovereignty of the Almighty God. “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this, that power belongeth unto God”(psalm 61:11).I saw a vision that you should support a child that is sick of leukemia in Orphanage at Nigeria called Bravo Motherless Foundation,support the child finically for surgery and “God will open all your closed doors and bless you abundantly” (bravofoundation00@gmail .com ) Or WhatsApp +2348062153117…….
@matthewmontano9695 2 года назад
@@marcusrogers2818 dude. Stop.
@kevinmorgan8534 2 года назад
She's a fanatic.
@Tabascosause Год назад
@@matthewmontano9695 What did they say?
@2fast2block Год назад
Only other clueless people like her respect her. She goes by blind faith. There is no evidence we can get all this on its own naturally. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@tonygalli6986 3 года назад
Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the Door shall be opened.
@turndroid234 3 года назад
Well, at least we all know the one of the many prophecies in the bible has come to fruition. "There shall be a falling away." This person just proved it. If anything else, it brought me even closer to Christ. I hope I can finish the race.
@dustistreet9503 3 года назад
Yes, exactly. I feel the same way.
@remamasuskapoe4259 3 года назад
@@dustistreet9503 You can make it Dusti street.When you have Christ you have everything. The word of God says. We can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. We are more than overcomers because as Jesus defeated Satan on the cross of Calvary. We too have the victory. He emptied himself on that cross, he gave his all, his life and arose on the 3rd day. He conquered and defeated satan once and for all eternity. He could not do anymore for us. He finished all he came to do on earth. His great Redemption plan worked! So now we can have eternal life. He fixed the gulf span that separated us from God. Praise God he is a good God!
@slimmychick45 3 года назад
My point exactly,I haven't even watched the video and know it's not for me to hear. The great falling away is truly happening,I have known many people like her that no longer believe and frankly is frightening to know that few will go to heaven and many will end up in hell. The enemy is winning yall and this is nothing but another confirmation of that😔
@turndroid234 3 года назад
@@slimmychick45" Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Mathew 7:21 Remember who calls him Lord? We Christians do. Islam, Hindus, atheists don't ever call or refer to him as Lord. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Mathew 7:13-14
@kenallensworth5408 3 года назад
Mattew 7:21-24, Jen has Never known my Savior and He has NEVER known her. Yeshua says in this verse that many people are deceived into thinking they've been born again/regenerated when they have not been. Yeshua doesn't say that you were once mine but you left me, he says you were NEVER mine.
@kimturner9794 3 года назад
This is why I don't read anyone's book about God other than God's written word. The word of God is ETERNAL. It never goes out of date.
@debbiethomas7957 3 года назад
Yes this is true for me too bless you
@speedgirl1114 3 года назад
Amen.. I totally agree with you.
@batman-cw2hd 3 года назад
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. 1 Corinthians 2:14 The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 2 Corinthians 4:3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 1 Corinthians 1:23,24 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
@S.D.M022 3 года назад
@michellejackson1096 3 года назад
Me 2
@UR2Compliant 3 года назад
The Christian church really left a bad taste in my mouth too, after years and years of attending, now I just believe and trust in Jesus Christ as my saviour and the leader of my life's journey...and cannot ask or "do" anything to gain Gods acceptance...
@QueenLadySummer329 3 года назад
Amen! 🙏🏾
@pilarskifamily899 3 года назад
I am sorry for your pain, and Jen's too. I know what you're saying though. God loves us even if we never went to church. My heart breaks for her and other prominent church people who have recently denounced Christianity. So sad.
@UR2Compliant 3 года назад
@@pilarskifamily899 Who’s Jen?
@pilarskifamily899 3 года назад
UR 2Compliant... Jen is the woman making this public video. 😉
@RauBogdan 3 года назад
We must obey Jesus and let Him, though the Holy Spirit, to lead us to a free sin life. Read Galatians 5 and Romans 6. We have to completly submit our will to the Holy Spirit so He can do His job to lead us in the whole Truth and to sanctify us until we sin no more. Sanctification is a process and takes time, but we have to stay under obedience the whole time.
@Cmon2828 3 года назад
I admire your strength and courage to tell your story.
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
Thank you, Roman!
@mauricemenard2243 Год назад
Courage I hope your video helps others to slave themselves to atheism religion with the troue god hazard and pope darwin and all our priest in every school forcing your kids to accept the devilution religion !ps me to was an emotional christian and never receive more than emotions but for some who have really repent they are the miracle ! And keep up tyrannize Christianity cause you chose the dark side now, evil brother .we have video sacrifices killing baby one day before they are born so lovely . enjoy all the pleasure of the flesh !
@janegordon2484 3 года назад
Blimey it’s exhausting just listening to all those ‘rules’ you adhered to !!! Thing that smacks me though is you never spoke about meeting jesus .... having a supernatural experience with him so no wonder it was all such a legalistic chore, never made any sense and you left
@souffled 3 года назад
WOW Exactly right
@jamessmith9622 3 года назад
Yup. When people don't come to him humbly and repent they can't establish connection with him to receive what he has to say to us. I was as bad as one could be, but by his grace I had a chance to change and now I have witnessed so many messages from him through people or situations that can't be something that doesn't exist, that being coincidences, none of those with my God.
@jeanrose4167 3 года назад
Why should everyone meet Jesus all he said ams he was a practicing jew all he said is xome. To Father tjru me
@isanna6075 3 года назад
@@jamessmith9622 Same here James. I was a bad boy for decades (women/narcissist) until my sin literally drove me to my knees. That was four years ago and since then it's only been Jesus - EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Hitchens used to ask "name me one thing a Christian can do that an atheist can't". I thought about that alot over the years but never could come up with an answer until recently which would be to humbly get on your knees and ask for God's help. Only then will He get involved. Dave Hunt used to say "you know when you know" referring to the new birth experience. Jen, unfortunately never knew The Lord Jesus Christ. She couldn't have. How could she and walk away. Just my two cents. God Bless.
@wesleyebanks4214 Год назад
There is so much false information about the Bible and Christ in this video. I pray this woman does not succeed in deceiving others. So many provable lies. I hope you choose to study on your own instead of listening to this misguided woman.
@eunomad768 3 года назад
So sad. This lovely lady lost sight of Jesus and His sacrifice of love. May The Lord restore you and heal you with His touch of love.
@priscilladevi9705 3 года назад
I know I kind of feel sorry for her satan has deceived her for sure
@JenFishburne 3 года назад
I lost sight of a fictional character, on purpose.
@ZyrnC 3 года назад
@@JenFishburne If you haven’t watched this yet please just give it a chance and be open!
@douglaswise6797 3 года назад
@@ZyrnC you seriously don't think she gave Jesus a chance?
@julianelvisgarroway4658 3 года назад
@@priscilladevi9705 that is somewhat bias to think that even though we have the freedom to think and choose, that if you leave Christianity then you automatically following Satan. No other way of life. Your just a Christian defender without verification.
@fishhuntingadventures1322 3 года назад
It is really possible to know the "word" and not know the "WORD".
@sues3218 3 года назад
True, even the scriptures say that the word of God is "spiritually" discerned. After all, Jesus is the Word. It is the Holy Spirit that leads us into all truth. Only those who are "born-again" by the power of God receive the Holy Spirit. I suspect she was doing so-called church, but never believed the simple gospel message to begin with. In the video, she listed a lot of "her" accomplishments, and that makes me wonder if she ever truly humbled herself before God. I suspect she is walking in pride. She is attempting to "earn" her salvation. God resists the proud, yet gives grace to the humble. We all need to come to the humble point of recognizing that we are a sinner in need of God's mercy. That is the first step to receiving the gospel message. Humility. I am not sure she ever did that. Her video was very prideful, with her listing all her wonderful accomplishments. Why doesn't she acknowledge what Jesus accomplished for us? I don't think she was ever truly His. He never knew her.
@SimplescienceforMizo 3 года назад
@@sues3218 i am not going to argue with your point but you need to dig deeper onto what she is actually talking about these are called testimony incase you’ve not herd, I’m not going to admit that what she said could be possibly true as we dig deeper to the word of God it is actually full of mystery.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад
crucifiction attempt on Jesus to remove laws will make his ppl lose blessings in mathew 21 :43 & jeremia 31 :36. pauls in acts 9 : 3 saw devil of luke 10 :18 went to Arabia, is lawless false prophet in mathew 24 :11 thought he's who will correct him - comforter in John 1 :21 & 16 :8, Prophet law giver like Musa is Muhammad peace and blessings on him! Jesus is only sent to his tribe, after mark 16 : 8 Jesus's 2nd appearance saying he's sent for the world is an admitted fabrication. isaiah 49 says Jesus will leave his tribe and return following the light of nations of isaiah 42, a new covenent, from the Arab Prophet from mt selah Medina, this is clearly Islam. Abraham wasn't from juda, juda came like 2 centuries later, Ibrahim and Ismael were Muslims who built the Kaba, even Jacob imitates the hajj in genesis 28!
@iamkaren73 3 года назад
The word was made flesh ,,,who are you? If thine eye is SINGLE pineal gland your body will fill with light,,God is light! Know who are you ? Astrology is Gods science just like when the bible says will you know his Nazaroth? The bible is metaphysical, cosmological mythological so don't be deceived by being told it's a literal book!
@iamkaren73 3 года назад
@@sues3218 no,,, jesus stands for truth way and life just an example of who we are and by obeying what he taught we become one with the most high! If you are giving you power to Jesus you are idolizing a man that walked the earth 2000 yes ago ,,,christ is a title not a name; who are you? There shall be no idols before the most high!
@doreeseglassel1057 3 года назад
Only true repentance and surrender will bring you to the true and living God. You have obviously never understood to reverently fear and love Him. Praying for you all.
@johnnycassell4338 3 года назад
Fear and love... Sounds like a healthy thing to base the totality of your life on. You make me sick!
@doreeseglassel1057 3 года назад
@@johnnycassell4338 To fear God means to reverencr and honor Him as our creator. He sent His only beloved Son as a living sacrifice of pure love for us for our sin amd rebeliousness against Him, so that we can have eternal life with Him.
@mr.seapig2811 3 года назад
She reminds me of the character “talkative” in Pilgrims Progress... Unfortunately, he never made it to the celestial city.
@christinesbetterknitting4533 3 года назад
That part of the story always convicts me. I pray to have ears to hear more than a mouth to jabber nonsense.
@ab-zg8pt 3 года назад
Wooooaaaah I haven't read that in years!!! Thank you for this.
@nostalgicbliss5547 3 года назад
@@christinesbetterknitting4533 How was she jabbering nonsense? She had a pretty detailed breakdown of why she left the Christian church. Seems like some of you simply don't want to see things from a different perspective. Being a blind follower is not going to lead you to heaven. It's what is in your heart and mind that counts the most. You can proclaim you love Jesus and are a faithful Christian all you want, but it will not save your soul.
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