
Why I QUIT Carnivore And what Happened After 

Tuan Ly
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24 окт 2024




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@Name11223 8 месяцев назад
Nice to see that you Are experimenting with other types of food. Keep us updated!
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Will do, thank you for your support!
@AnneMB955 8 месяцев назад
6 months Carnivore and the only way of eating for me. No carbs, no alcohol, no cravings, no going back.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Happy to hear that it’s working for you. If u are truly thriving, why change
8 месяцев назад
If that is the only way to keep you away from the bad stuff then keep going! But remember that adding whole foods to your diet will in no way be bad for you! In fact in eating a varied diat of whole foods (which includes both meat and vegetables) you will feel even better in the long run!
@VanDamn911 27 дней назад
Kiefer contains sugar, & liquid is highly absorbable by our bodies. One hasn't tried a true carnivore diet until they cut everything out. I admire your passion for health, but you're missing critical information that will help you draw more accurate conclusions. The last 5% of non-essential additives, such as spices, low glycemic artificial sweeteners, & natural flavors, which could be hundreds of things dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the carnivore diet. A 100% carnivore diet is about 90% more effective. We are unable to absorb two fuel types at one time. Two fuel types attempting to enter a cell at one time creates an inflammatory response. Repeated inflammatory responses cause cell damage, and eventually cell dysfunction that disables a cells ability to stop healing. This causes cells to multiply out of control & grow into cancerous tumors. Anything in our environment & especially consumed that we did not evolve with, & adapt to, will be recognized as foreign material by our body, & cause an inflammatory response. You were likely struggling because you were unable to remain in fat burning, or maintain burning one fuel type, and constantly switching between them is an extremely energy taxing process. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, but we have to be consuming fat in order to use our "fat soluble" vitamins. (A,D,E,K) We can convert fat into glucose or ketones. We are only able to regulate our blood glucose levels at a steady four grams when we are not consuming high glycemic foods that signal our bodies to produce insulin signaling glycogen fat storage. When our blood sugar levels exceed four grams, we are kicked out of fat burning, & out of ketosis, preventing us from using our "fat soluble" vitamins, also reducing cognitive & regenerative functions, because our brains prefer ketones for fuel. When glucose crosses through our blood-brain barrier, they entice bad bacteria to follow their food source right into our brain. Bad bacteria don't care what kind of damage they create as they root around in our brain consuming glucose like rambunctious children all hyped up on sugar. As they multiply, they create damage in different areas of our brain, causing neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's, depending on the area of the brain infected & the severity of the infestation. Certain bacteria like those derived from starchy vegetables like the russet potatoes used by McDonald's restaurants, are particularly problematic, because they multiply faster than most bad bacteria, taking over our entire microbiome before our good bacteria can mount a defense. Plants put us in a mind fog that we can't tell we're in until we find our way out. Benjamin Franklin said, "Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." By avoiding sugar and carbohydrates that feed bad bacteria, we can starve them out, allowing our good bacteria to thrive, producing a healthy microbiome that protects us from illnesses like the Coronavirus, and bad bacteria such as candida & yeast. Carbohydrates compete for the absorption of Vitamin C, dramatically increasing Vitamin C requirements. Our bodies convert sugar & carbs to glucose. Glucose is stored as unhealthy glycogen stores in an attempt to turn it into something usable by our bodies, & to get excess glucose & other foreign material out of the way of our normal fat burning process. This is a defense mechanism to prevent sticky glucose from lingering in our body, creating free radicals, and metabolic waste our bodies struggle to clean up. Glycogen stores are the subcutaneous fat under our skin, visceral fat smothering our organs, and glycating in our arteries, clogging them, causing heart attacks & strokes. Bad bacteria feed on glucose, & can't survive on fat or ketones. Bad bacteria send signals to our brain triggering hunger signals causing us to crave unhealthy sugar & carbs. Just like we get hungry every few hours when we're consuming insulin spiking foods, so do bacteria, & they'll wake you up in the middle of the night to let you know. Glucose Burns fast, erratic, & volatile like rocket fuel in a way that's damaging to our cells, unlike fat that burns slowly & efficiently without causing damage. The sudden deaths of many carb loading bodybuilders show the results of burning glucose for fuel! We evolved eating ruminant animals with four chambered stomachs capable of breaking down plant matter, filtering out plant defense chemicals, plant toxins, and even many environmental pollutants, while also providing all essential nutrients in more bioavailable or absorbable forms. Ruminant animals eat grass and weeds with long root systems that reach deep within the soil, sucking up nutrients not available closer to the surface, or in the hydroponically grown fruits & vegetables grown without soil, or in unrotated nutrient void soil. Many are genetically altered to last longer on shelves, resistant to breakdown, resistant to higher amounts of carcinogenic, estrogenic pesticides, and weed killers, that contrary to popular belief, cannot be washed off, because it's absorbed into the structure of the plant. The cell structure of plants prevents the absorption of the nutrients, & even with proper breakdown we are only capable of absorbing about 5%. This means we have to use more energy to heal damage caused by them, than we get out of them. Plants are stationary, so they've evolved, & developed defense mechanisms in the form of plant defense chemicals, & plant toxins to protect themselves. All plants, fruits, & vegetables have varying amounts of anti-nutrients in the thousands, that prevent us from breaking down, & absorbing our proteins & nutrients! Some people have developed minor adaptations to tolerate certain defense chemicals for short periods of time, however these things build up in our systems eventually overwhelming us. Most joint inflammation is caused in part by this toxic buildup of foreign plant material. These are chronic stressors that prevent us from healing! Fiber are indigestible carbs that feed bad bacteria! That's why we have to take pre/probiotics to break them down. This creates a science experiment in our gut. The process of fermentation produces methane gas buildup, which expands our gut, bloating us up like balloons, creating tears in the lining of our stomach, through which we lose Vitamin C that leaks back into our blood, creating damaging free radicals & metabolic waste. This Vitamin C loss also causes other nutritional deficiencies, because we need Vitamin C to direct nutrients where to go. This is a condition known as leaky gut, or increased intestinal permeability. Carnivore is a fasting mimicking diet. Fasting allows us to remain in a low inflammatory state capable of using our body's natural healing mechanisms of mitosis & autophagy to dispel the old damaged mitochondria that make up our cells, repairing, & replacing them with new ones, creating new healthy vibrant cells that keep us healthy, happy, looking good, & feeling great! Most autoimmune diseases & cancers are caused in part by inappropriate diets that create inflammation & nutritional deficiencies! Dr. Anthony Chaffee & Dr. Ken Berry are great references for additional advice on a proper human diet. Please support Kerry's RU-vid channel HomeSteadHow, and their documentary "Healing Humanity." There are amazing stories of people curing autoimmune diseases, stage 4 cancer, blindness, & even people being able to walk again after being in a wheelchair for years. Steak & Butter Gal has a great support network, especially for women. Between them there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of success stories. These wonderful people are doing a great job of spreading the word of a proper human diet. They have channels on RU-vid, covering everything we need to know to be healthy! We all know how difficult it can be switching from an unhealthy addictive diet to a healthy sustainable diet, & lifestyle. Hidden carbs, & synthetic compounds such as monosodium glutamate, (MSG) that make food practically irresistible trigger instant gratification dopamine hunger hormones make it difficult. Some of these compounds have been proven to be as addictive as heroin & cocaine. Scientists are paid a lot of money to make sure that we remain addicted to these things. They even use brainwashing techniques like subliminal messaging in ads in conjunction with drugs, to control the narrative of our minds. Nine out of ten studies are falsified by these huge corporations to provide information supporting these unhealthy fake foods. They pay for the dietary guidelines and provide the fake research papers and studies used to train our doctors. Ignore these studies and narcissistic doctors and stick to the facts. Use your own eyes, & heart to guide you. Many are scared off by the short "oxalate dumping" period we go through during transition, & lethargic keto flu symptoms, that can be alleviated with adding healthy salts, electrolytes, or trace minerals. Don't let the diarrhea scare you, it's temporary, & our digestive systems, & microbiome will adjust. In any case diarrhea won't hurt us, but continuing to store plant defense chemicals, anti-nutrients, & glucose as glycogen fat stores until it clogs our arteries, definitely will hurt us! Most of us have had these things building up in our systems for a long time, & it takes a while for our bodies to dispel all of the free radicals, metabolic waste, plant defense chemicals, toxins, & anti-nutrients, like oxalates that are stored in our fat cells. Hence the term "oxalate dumping." "We Are One With All That Is." (John 17:20) Good luck on your journeys my friends! My RU-vid channel: I recommend my Corruption shorts Playlist! www.youtube.com/@VanDamn911
@Kaztrofy 7 месяцев назад
Careful with the banana and berries, according to Dr. Rhonda Patrick it will negate many of the benefits from the berries, at least blue berries.
@tuanly 7 месяцев назад
Ok cool, going to check it out. Thanks for letting me know.
@chenatcr 8 месяцев назад
I am on neither vegan nor carnivore/keto diet, I pay attention only to food quality and portion size, I enjoy all kinds of foods, carb, meat and fats. And I am super healthy and never limit myself into any sort of diet. Foods should be used for your joy of life, don’t stay away from them
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Agree, food should be part of life for enjoyment. Just paying to food quality and portion size is more than good enough for most people.
@Summerlove21 8 месяцев назад
I loved it as an elimination diet. Figured out I was sensitive to cruciferous vegetables, onion and artificial sweeteners . I’ve since added fruit and only some veggies and potatoes. Feeling much better.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Great to hear, do your own elimination diet is best way for you to learn what actually make your body thrive and what makes it suffer. Happy for you:)
8 месяцев назад
There is a good chance that in removing all ultra processed foods your sensitivity will decrease and you may be able to eat thoss things in the future
@Summerlove21 8 месяцев назад
@ I agree. Great advice 👍
@jstar1000 8 месяцев назад
I agree, I think the best practice is eat carbs but then do not eat them again until you burn them all up completely and also eat quality carbs not trash. I like to rotate from Keto, Carnivore, fasting, OMAD, all of it. Rotate it all around to keep the body confused just like working out muscles. I really don't have any of the auto immune issues I just get fat when I eat too many carbs, other then that I'm good to go.
@CircumambulationMaedia 8 месяцев назад
If your workouts were bad, you weren't fully fat adapted, 35 days is not enough time for this to happen, it generally takes 3 months for this to happen due to the replacement rate of mitochondria. Carnivore is the natural metabolic state for humans.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
"Carbohydrate has two important advantages, over fat, as a metabolic fuel; it is the only fuel that can produce ATP in the absence of oxygen, and more ATP is produced per O2 consumed when glucose is oxidized, compared with when fat is oxidized. These advantages probably determine the preference of many cell types for carbohydrate." pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10365987/ "Compared to fats and proteins, the utilization of carbohydrates enables a high energy flow rate and an increased energy efficiency in the muscles. During exercise, at ~80-85% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) in moderately active individuals, carbohydrates are predominantly metabolized" "Despite the positive impact on the fat oxidation and body composition, following a HFLC diet might have a negative effect on exercise performance due to the lack of carbohydrate provision at higher intensity levels." www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9037589/
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Listen but maybe you are right, I'm moving to Cape Town in a couple of months and I'll give the Carnivore Diet another shot then, and this time for 3 months. Stay tuned;)
@CircumambulationMaedia 8 месяцев назад
@@tuanly the problem with those studies is they're comparing carbed up carb consumers against unloaded carb consumers rather than fat adapted people. "it is the only fuel that can produce ATP in the absence of oxygen" The problem here is that your body produces its own glucose via gluconeogenesis. Your body actually can produce more ATP when fully fat adapted (this means eating zero carb strictly for three months, including lactose, so you have to be strict lion diet) compared to when consuming carbohydrates. Once fully fat adapted you have 4x the amount of mitochondria and the mitochondria you have is 4x as efficient. @anthonychaffeemd goes over this very well in his 'Why We Are Carnivores' video, see around the 1:02:00 mark. Secondly, dietary carbohydrates actually ferment in the krebs cycle. This is what increases inflammation, DOMS and also your risk of cancer. I've been strict lion for over a year now, I run over 60km's a week, lift weights every day, and no longer experience ANY DOMS from exercise at all, I can run 40kms and not feel any muscle soreness the next day. Cancer cells require 400x more carbs than regular cells to survive, if you never eat carbs you'll never get cancer unless you're exposed to unnatural levels of radiation. Cancer cannot survive without dietary carbohydrates. Give it time, your mitochondria takes up to 3 months to fully replace themselves, at which point if you've been strictly meat only, you'll be fat adapated.
@lisawanderess 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely!!! It took at least a couple of months of adaptation challenges before the full effects kick in! Carnivore has totally healed my autoimmune Rheumatoid Arthritis and improved my mental health sooo much!
@leemanwrong 8 месяцев назад
Yep fat adaptation has been shown to take up to 6 months in some people.
@Sandra-hk8ks 8 месяцев назад
I find when i ate carbs my pain was off the charts . Take care your not going to fall off the diet altogether. The more carbs you eat the more you will crave the sugar. Im thinking you will be sorry after all your work.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Typically cravings is triggered by glucose inbalance. Have u ever had crazy craving for snacks when ur hungry, but after eating meal u lose craving. It’s a least like that for me. Glucose Inbalance can be really easily be created by high GI and GL food. But glucose doesn’t have to be a problem, it’s only a problem when theres inbalance(when we spike it or crash it). When it comes to pain, I highly recommend u to test each card sources individually. It might the oxalates levels that are assosiated with certain type of carbs food. Also consider there is biodiversity between us all, some food might be inflammatory me but for u. Remember a bag nuts can be a snack for someone, but for others thats a death sentence. Thanks for watching by the way, appreciate it
@Sandra-hk8ks 8 месяцев назад
@@tuanly , I have found the egg whites bother me but I've not had pain at all with sugar. Ill explain, one night I couldn't sleep well at all. I tried everything to no avail. Then I got up to get a drink and wow, there was a huge bag of peanut M a Ms. I couldn't believe it because I've really never cared for sugar. I'm more of a salt person. ...well having a weak moment I grabbed that bag of M an Ms. Took them to bed , must have ate a whole hand full but I was out. I slept all night. I was worried when I got up if the inflamation would be off the charts. To my surprise nothing, so I counted my blessings and dumped the M an Ms in the garbage so I never did that again.
@BARBELLS-AND-BUDS 8 месяцев назад
I have avocado, berries, heavy cream, High fat real yogurt, and sometimes protein powder with my eggs, red meat ,fish. chicken, bacon, and butter.
@Minisquid100 3 месяца назад
On carnivore, working out fasted works much better for me. Hitting personal bests in the gym regularly.
@Minisquid100 3 месяца назад
A lion doesn't do his hunting after a feast.
@hauvoon4661 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this video, i am about to start carnivore and have been worried about how to get out of it. Would love to watch your follow up vid on how u settle on a steady state diet and how you feel
@tomomasta3254 2 месяца назад
I like the carnivore and fruit diet...carnivore only gave me panic attacks, and dehydration...too much electrolyte imbalance
@maaikewilhelmina1457 8 месяцев назад
This is a very good approach to your diet! Very nice video❤
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for watching!
@demonflu 8 месяцев назад
Great video! Would you be able to provide an updated testosterone reading soon? I’m curious to see if it’s back to normal or not. Thank you!
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
First of all thanks for watching, appreciate it. Well I’m in Norway now, and that test here is like $300-$400.. Thats a little out this channel budget lol. But if this video does well, I’ll do it anyways for u guys. So Subscribe and like the vid, and I’ll get blood work done.
@nickp8094 8 месяцев назад
I have to say when ever i see the words carnivore diet I'm left in disgust. It sounds ridiculous, would be pretty disgusting in my view, yet you see so many people saying its changed their lives. But that doesn't change what i think about it, it just makes me think the person doing it had to cut out shitty snacks and processed food in order to do it so no wonder their feeling better
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Hahah I don’t disagree, Eliminating processed food, alcohol and inflammatory food will make everybody feel good
@VanDamn911 27 дней назад
Kiefer contains sugar, & liquid is highly absorbable by our bodies. One hasn't tried a true carnivore diet until they cut everything out. I admire your passion for health, but you're missing critical information that will help you draw more accurate conclusions. The last 5% of non-essential additives, such as spices, low glycemic artificial sweeteners, & natural flavors, which could be hundreds of things dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the carnivore diet. A 100% carnivore diet is about 90% more effective. We are unable to absorb two fuel types at one time. Two fuel types attempting to enter a cell at one time creates an inflammatory response. Repeated inflammatory responses cause cell damage, and eventually cell dysfunction that disables a cells ability to stop healing. This causes cells to multiply out of control & grow into cancerous tumors. Anything in our environment & especially consumed that we did not evolve with, & adapt to, will be recognized as foreign material by our body, & cause an inflammatory response. You were likely struggling because you were unable to remain in fat burning, or maintain burning one fuel type, and constantly switching between them is an extremely energy taxing process. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, but we have to be consuming fat in order to use our "fat soluble" vitamins. (A,D,E,K) We can convert fat into glucose or ketones. We are only able to regulate our blood glucose levels at a steady four grams when we are not consuming high glycemic foods that signal our bodies to produce insulin signaling glycogen fat storage. When our blood sugar levels exceed four grams, we are kicked out of fat burning, & out of ketosis, preventing us from using our "fat soluble" vitamins, also reducing cognitive & regenerative functions, because our brains prefer ketones for fuel. When glucose crosses through our blood-brain barrier, they entice bad bacteria to follow their food source right into our brain. Bad bacteria don't care what kind of damage they create as they root around in our brain consuming glucose like rambunctious children all hyped up on sugar. As they multiply, they create damage in different areas of our brain, causing neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's, depending on the area of the brain infected & the severity of the infestation. Certain bacteria like those derived from starchy vegetables like the russet potatoes used by McDonald's restaurants, are particularly problematic, because they multiply faster than most bad bacteria, taking over our entire microbiome before our good bacteria can mount a defense. Plants put us in a mind fog that we can't tell we're in until we find our way out. Benjamin Franklin said, "Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." By avoiding sugar and carbohydrates that feed bad bacteria, we can starve them out, allowing our good bacteria to thrive, producing a healthy microbiome that protects us from illnesses like the Coronavirus, and bad bacteria such as candida & yeast. Carbohydrates compete for the absorption of Vitamin C, dramatically increasing Vitamin C requirements. Our bodies convert sugar & carbs to glucose. Glucose is stored as unhealthy glycogen stores in an attempt to turn it into something usable by our bodies, & to get excess glucose & other foreign material out of the way of our normal fat burning process. This is a defense mechanism to prevent sticky glucose from lingering in our body, creating free radicals, and metabolic waste our bodies struggle to clean up. Glycogen stores are the subcutaneous fat under our skin, visceral fat smothering our organs, and glycating in our arteries, clogging them, causing heart attacks & strokes. Bad bacteria feed on glucose, & can't survive on fat or ketones. Bad bacteria send signals to our brain triggering hunger signals causing us to crave unhealthy sugar & carbs. Just like we get hungry every few hours when we're consuming insulin spiking foods, so do bacteria, & they'll wake you up in the middle of the night to let you know. Glucose Burns fast, erratic, & volatile like rocket fuel in a way that's damaging to our cells, unlike fat that burns slowly & efficiently without causing damage. The sudden deaths of many carb loading bodybuilders show the results of burning glucose for fuel! We evolved eating ruminant animals with four chambered stomachs capable of breaking down plant matter, filtering out plant defense chemicals, plant toxins, and even many environmental pollutants, while also providing all essential nutrients in more bioavailable or absorbable forms. Ruminant animals eat grass and weeds with long root systems that reach deep within the soil, sucking up nutrients not available closer to the surface, or in the hydroponically grown fruits & vegetables grown without soil, or in unrotated nutrient void soil. Many are genetically altered to last longer on shelves, resistant to breakdown, resistant to higher amounts of carcinogenic, estrogenic pesticides, and weed killers, that contrary to popular belief, cannot be washed off, because it's absorbed into the structure of the plant. The cell structure of plants prevents the absorption of the nutrients, & even with proper breakdown we are only capable of absorbing about 5%. This means we have to use more energy to heal damage caused by them, than we get out of them. Plants are stationary, so they've evolved, & developed defense mechanisms in the form of plant defense chemicals, & plant toxins to protect themselves. All plants, fruits, & vegetables have varying amounts of anti-nutrients in the thousands, that prevent us from breaking down, & absorbing our proteins & nutrients! Some people have developed minor adaptations to tolerate certain defense chemicals for short periods of time, however these things build up in our systems eventually overwhelming us. Most joint inflammation is caused in part by this toxic buildup of foreign plant material. These are chronic stressors that prevent us from healing! Fiber are indigestible carbs that feed bad bacteria! That's why we have to take pre/probiotics to break them down. This creates a science experiment in our gut. The process of fermentation produces methane gas buildup, which expands our gut, bloating us up like balloons, creating tears in the lining of our stomach, through which we lose Vitamin C that leaks back into our blood, creating damaging free radicals & metabolic waste. This Vitamin C loss also causes other nutritional deficiencies, because we need Vitamin C to direct nutrients where to go. This is a condition known as leaky gut, or increased intestinal permeability. Carnivore is a fasting mimicking diet. Fasting allows us to remain in a low inflammatory state capable of using our body's natural healing mechanisms of mitosis & autophagy to dispel the old damaged mitochondria that make up our cells, repairing, & replacing them with new ones, creating new healthy vibrant cells that keep us healthy, happy, looking good, & feeling great! Most autoimmune diseases & cancers are caused in part by inappropriate diets that create inflammation & nutritional deficiencies! Dr. Anthony Chaffee & Dr. Ken Berry are great references for additional advice on a proper human diet. Please support Kerry's RU-vid channel HomeSteadHow, and their documentary "Healing Humanity." There are amazing stories of people curing autoimmune diseases, stage 4 cancer, blindness, & even people being able to walk again after being in a wheelchair for years. Steak & Butter Gal has a great support network, especially for women. Between them there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of success stories. These wonderful people are doing a great job of spreading the word of a proper human diet. They have channels on RU-vid, covering everything we need to know to be healthy! We all know how difficult it can be switching from an unhealthy addictive diet to a healthy sustainable diet, & lifestyle. Hidden carbs, & synthetic compounds such as monosodium glutamate, (MSG) that make food practically irresistible trigger instant gratification dopamine hunger hormones make it difficult. Some of these compounds have been proven to be as addictive as heroin & cocaine. Scientists are paid a lot of money to make sure that we remain addicted to these things. They even use brainwashing techniques like subliminal messaging in ads in conjunction with drugs, to control the narrative of our minds. Nine out of ten studies are falsified by these huge corporations to provide information supporting these unhealthy fake foods. They pay for the dietary guidelines and provide the fake research papers and studies used to train our doctors. Ignore these studies and narcissistic doctors and stick to the facts. Use your own eyes, & heart to guide you. Many are scared off by the short "oxalate dumping" period we go through during transition, & lethargic keto flu symptoms, that can be alleviated with adding healthy salts, electrolytes, or trace minerals. Don't let the diarrhea scare you, it's temporary, & our digestive systems, & microbiome will adjust. In any case diarrhea won't hurt us, but continuing to store plant defense chemicals, anti-nutrients, & glucose as glycogen fat stores until it clogs our arteries, definitely will hurt us! Most of us have had these things building up in our systems for a long time, & it takes a while for our bodies to dispel all of the free radicals, metabolic waste, plant defense chemicals, toxins, & anti-nutrients, like oxalates that are stored in our fat cells. Hence the term "oxalate dumping." "We Are One With All That Is." (John 17:20) Good luck on your journeys my friends! My RU-vid channel: I recommend my Corruption shorts Playlist! www.youtube.com/@VanDamn911
@KenWang2 8 месяцев назад
But you can also use fat for fuel so maybe you were eating too much protein, but i see what you mean. Well carnivore is a good diet to lower blood sugars then.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
I was aware of that, 70% of my calories where from fat when I was calorie to achieve ketosis
@littlegranum6727 8 месяцев назад
When I tried Carnivore I lost so much strength in the gym. I tried it out for 30 days as well, but got discouraged afterwards. Great video!
@lisawanderess 8 месяцев назад
You should have waited a bit longer! First couple of months you're still adapting...the magic happens after that!
@leemanwrong 8 месяцев назад
30 days is not enough time for fat adaptation, its been seen to take up to 6 months to fully adapt for some people.
@swinkeymo 8 месяцев назад
One month is too short. It took me two.
@WildLifePrime 8 месяцев назад
Im on carnivore diet. Never going back. Do what makes you feel good. I always say to people eat cake if thats what you want😅. I cant even eat eggs, everybody is different
@weeebie 8 месяцев назад
generly just live you life as you wont.. as long as it dosent affect oders.. but when that said ther is only 1 healthy diet and its 80-100% carnevor diet. sinse that what humans made for.. personly i love egg i eat maybe hmm 30-90 a mounth it goes up down a bit.. but i anly buy eggs from chickens ther go freely on oganic grass fields out in the sun and rain... and dont geet feed corn and oder poison that they not made to eat normaly.. chickens are mostly inseckt and flower seed eaters with bit grass.. trust me the eggs taste wayy diffrent:) and nutrition value frow the roof
@WildLifePrime 8 месяцев назад
@@weeebie I have my own free range chickens, they roost in a tree by my bedroom window. I'm just allergic to eggs.
@NaMe-ku4cl 4 часа назад
I eat vegan and i never have constipation. Sometimes i fart. But it's not a problem ;D
@CryptoCarnivore33 8 месяцев назад
Great video. I'll be following your journey and will like to see what foods you can tolerate.
@visions2bvisions2b5 8 месяцев назад
kefir has 9-10 grams of carbs per 8 oz
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Yea, I know. You can’t really be 0g Carbs. 5 Eggs have carbs, same with beef liver. Thanks for watching, appreciate it
@jangothlarsen2589 8 месяцев назад
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Sounds refreshing, I’ll give it a shot!
@kremata 8 месяцев назад
Yeah it's true that some are too weak (in mind) for carnivore diet. I've been Carnivore for two years and will never go back.
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Funny you say, that there are Vegans have the same mindset. Saying that "most people are mentally weak for not giving up meat..". Think about that.
@kremata 8 месяцев назад
@@tuanly Except that they are following an ideology based mostly on fallacies. Yes carnivore is not for everyone but not for the reasons you claimed. It actually looks like you tried to sabotage your "trial" just so you could bash it. Think about that.
@drproton85 7 месяцев назад
I see you're a Carnivore zealot. Covert any members?
@kremata 7 месяцев назад
@@drproton85 If by zealot you mean not blinded by false vegan propaganda you're right.
@KonTurboR 8 месяцев назад
The lab numbers don't mean much and aren't the same for everyone. What the diet does is to regulate and adjust to your genetics, if your testosterone dropped is because that's likely your basal level of testosterone you should be at and were artificially inflated before.
@MiddlePath33 2 месяца назад
Newsflash. Your gut can heal on a raw vegan diet too.
@dj1rst 2 месяца назад
The worst recomendation ever. Fibre destroys your gut because it is indigestible.
@TomSmith-cv8hk 8 месяцев назад
I'll add Broccoli, but I won't be kicking off the Randle cycle.
@abrahamjoseph6707 8 месяцев назад
I would use a straw when drinking acv bro.
@SebastiaoJoseph 8 месяцев назад
Amazing vídeo my man
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Thank you brother!
@shirleydaniels9310 7 месяцев назад
all mammals pass gas
@amitloutube 3 месяца назад
its a eating disorder...hope you come out of this disease...You need to do fasting, eat fresh local balanced food with some carbs, fats and proteins..
@Vetlerj 8 месяцев назад
Great and informative video!
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
My man!
@_SpaceApe_ 8 месяцев назад
both vegans and carnivores are same crappy zealots... humans are omnivores and our genetic advantage over other species is metabolic flexibility it is true that some people will do better on carnivore others will do better on vegan diets. I myself do best on mediteranian type... alot of carnivores and keto people confuse mental alertnes and clarity with stress... low bload sugar activates our flight or flight response
@dj1rst 2 месяца назад
Please try it yourself if you want to juge the carnivore diet.
@_SpaceApe_ 2 месяца назад
@@dj1rst i religiously folow science of nutrition since 2008 when i had over 135 kg or 300 lbs that i lost alot of that weight doing carnivore only now i know better... Let me be clear i dont have anything against diet itself... I just dont like zealots...
@tomomasta3254 2 месяца назад
Oh wow, Im an intermittent faster for last 15 years and always feel like I'm in fight or flight... I wonder if I'm one of those who'd do better on 6 smaller meals a day...
@tomskegold 8 месяцев назад
He never looks happy when he’s eating. Like he’s forcing it down holding back the sick. He looked like he enjoyed the fruit smoothie like most sugar junkies.
@shirleydaniels9310 7 месяцев назад
sugar is the bodies favorite fuel aka good carbs
@Minisquid100 3 месяца назад
Your body prioritizes using glucose because glucose can become toxic. It is not a 'favorite' fuel. Ketones are much preferred.
@Sandra-hk8ks 8 месяцев назад
I almost didnt watch ⌚ 😂😂😂
@tuanly 8 месяцев назад
Glad you did! And appreciate that:)
@wenshu888 8 месяцев назад
You don't know what you're talking about.
@ollicron7397 8 месяцев назад
Your decrease in testosterone is likely due to your training not your diet. You do a crazy amount of cardio and a lot of your exercises are doing more harm than good to the body, I was screaming STOP STOP STOP. Why are you doing so much cardio? Why are you doing kettlebell swings the way you do them? Are you going to be pulling large levers the way you swing that kettlebell? Just go once a week to the gym, and only focus on eccentric movements. I would not touch anything cardio, the best I would do if I were you is just stick to boxing once a month and ONLY for like 10-15 min. The carnivore diet is based on a natural human diet, meaning the energy consumed for it, is for the purposes of surviving out in the wild. These fruits and vegetables are all man-made and all of them contain toxins for us. The workouts we do must coincide for things we must do to survive in nature, like lifting for heavy logs to build homes or carry the hunt game home, and hunting. Cardio produces cortisol, a lot more than weight lifting, and can enlarge the heart causing high blood pressure; it is also the biggest thing causing you to lose testosterone. You are not getting stronger because you are breaking down more protein than you synthesize. This means you are inducing sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, storing sarcoplasm into your muscles, composed of a combination of water, glycogen, and something else I forgot the name of. Also, protein not used for building muscle is converted into glucose, so this fear that you're not getting any glucose is a tad irrational. Remember you do not build muscle by damaging them, weights do not build muscle, diet builds muscle, the only way to build myofibrillar hypertrophy is to be in an anabolic growth state and for that you need to eat plenty of animal meat protein as you were doing previously. It will cause you to synthesize more protein than you break down! I hope this makes sense, you need to eat to build muscle, not work out more! Another thing to note, is that 1) you only produce testosterone in your sleep, the other things help, but they're not essential for it, and 2) your testosterone will always vary it is not a constant number you can wake up with more testosterone today and the next day end up with less, it really varies a lot, to measure it accurately you would have to measure your blood 3 times a day every day and have the blood analyzed. So the 500 number isn't absolute.
@leemanwrong 8 месяцев назад
Thats typically what they would call an american kettlebell swing with more emphasis on vertical force rather than a more horizontal force used in a conventional swing.
@ollicron7397 8 месяцев назад
​@@leemanwrongI'm American and I call that the crossfit kettlebell swing of shoulder and spinal joint death!
@furnsidebarbel 23 дня назад
What absolute nonsense , yeah do boxing for 15 mins once a month.... goodone
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