
Why I Think The Wall Came First 

Transhumanist Gamer
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In this video I discuss whether or not the Genesis Wall was what first gave birth to Scorn people or if it's a creation by a previous group of them. I also go into the relation between the Parasite and ascended forms and how it all fits together.




16 авг 2023




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@TR-707 11 месяцев назад
i cant believe i played and beat this game, watched jerma play it, helped 2 stoners pass the stupid first puzzle... it all seems like 10 million years ago
@powerbelly211 11 месяцев назад
Haha I feel this too. It feels like I played this years ago, must have been the long wait and the game being so brief.
@AsianShadowrunner 11 месяцев назад
Okay, I do have a theory. Maybe a few of them. Even though the Scorn world is new and alien, I always thought that there was sort of a . . . . *Pattern.* Like a feeling of "I've seen this before but I don't know where." Then it hit me! If you just look at the outlay and the formats of the machinery, they reminded me of the *earlier industrialization age of the 1900's.* Think of when the first Ford T cars were made or back in the Soviet Union metal factories: Rust-colored, dark colors, grimey, dirty, filthy but able to produce working products! In a way, maybe Scorn world parallels that era in time! And in our own past time, O.S.H.A. wasn't even a *thing!* The *safety nets* you talked about, regulations, safety protocols, hard-hats, steel-toe boots, etc were mostly inventions *after* the industrialization age. What we see now in the Scorn world is a world where the aristocrats didn't care for safety because - just like our industrialization age - quantity was worth more than quality. If a few or a lot died, then as long as there are replacements, the future "can be preserved." Now for why the Scorn world failed, perhaps the Aristocrats over-industrialized *everything* to the point of most if not all of this world's resources are depleted. When you look around, it's a *barren wasteland.* No main energy sources, no planetary materials, nothing like trees, natural oil, gas, etc. Everything looks engineered and, sadly, *over-engineered* to the point where it caused irreversible problems! Think back to World War 2, the Nazis over-engineered their battle tanks to the point where they broke down a lot and they kept running out of fuel/oil and materials to make them. What if Scorn World did the same mistakes the Nazis did? They thought technology would save them but winded up ruining their world? And the parasites were the side-effects of the over-engineered machinery? Maybe the materials they once had became to toxic and mutated? Well, those are my thoughts anyway.
@usosaito.namahage 11 месяцев назад
The art is based on H.R. Giger's work and being a surrealist painter around the 1940s when WWII was going on.
@AsianShadowrunner 11 месяцев назад
@@usosaito.namahage That's what pulled me into this game! It reminded me so much of H.R. Geiger's work!
@AsianShadowrunner 11 месяцев назад
@nonamenosurname3637 Well, if you say so. My knowledge in those specific times is a bit rusty.
@Ghostman223 11 месяцев назад
What if there's different kinds of parasites? And the parasite that latches onto us is a specific kind? Like for example the parasite we got was made artificially, and accidentally by us, but the parasites the art book mentioned is pure?
@VoytekPavlik 11 месяцев назад
My theory is that it is a Facebook Metaverse metaphor
@ElMalito187 11 месяцев назад
On a positive note here’s my input on the Genesis Wall. How and when it was conceived/created is anyone’s guess at this point. However with the little lore we got along with the art book, it doesn’t take a rocket genius to surmise it’s actual purpose. The habitants of Scorn have devised a method to eliminate any and all emotional attachment and parental nurture. Doesn’t anyone find it strange and bizarre how and why the inhabitants of Scorn seem to know what to do once they’re birthed via the wall, pod, mold encasement. As if they were preprogrammed from the get go. Who did this programming (humanculi) possibly so but something else had to precede these creature engineers. And how is it all the characters of Scorn are compliant with the way things are structured in the first place. It stands to reason some sort of rebellion/sedition had to have happen at least once for these safety checks to be put in place to prevent further mutiny. Edit: I completely forgot to mention an important tidbit. Take notice how there's no "babies, toddlers, children, adolescents, preteens, teenagers, young adults, odd and bizarre and at the same time it's not odd and bizarre". Yes I know about the murial sculpture and it shows a baby scorn being. But none are running around. If we were to gauge the "age" of the protagonist's, I would say middle-aged, a hard 40 years old or a hard 50 years old. The pod person, either 30 or 35. The Humoncoli, not possible to put an age because of how inhuman it looks. The mold man and mold people 60, 70, 80 or even 90. Us human beings have relatively discernable features to put an age of sorts with plus or minus. But Scorn society has effectively removed those discernable features. Edit 2: Let's swing around about childbirthing. Natural childbirthing will be horrendous and unbearable. Here's why, babies and animals in the womb are soft and smushy, horses in particular have soft mushy feetes when they born, it’s only after they are birthed their cloven feetes begin to harden into cloven hooves.Scorn people have somehow integrated carapace/hard shell like body armor i.e. sharp edges and hard bumpy angles. Imagine a female Scorn woman trying to give birth to that. Henceforth the Genesis Wall and Pods and Mold Casings are the natural solutions.
@nevsterk2463 11 месяцев назад
Funguses crossed for getting more DLC! I was hoping the game was going to be longer after waiting for it sense 2018 but ehh.
@chucknoum23 11 месяцев назад
I don't know if your "funguses crossed" was intentionnal but I like it 😅
@aby110 9 месяцев назад
You're a fungi
@wesleyfilms 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video. I know I've said it before, but it would be cool to see you go through the file names and gleam things from it. I didn't know the aristocrats were named that.
@platzno1864 11 месяцев назад
I would have liked to see a “wall facility” given that everything else in scorn is supposed to be harnessed and industrial in some way. I almost wonder if the egg pods that grew the normal scorn people were supposed to be in a specific location where they were catched, as to make the process more efficient. And so people like our scorn guy were never supposed to be born there to begin with. Maybe they pumped the wall full of chemicals for faster birth rates and ended up making themselves infertile. Or maybe they always were to begin with, and the invention of the aristocrat pods was a very big milestone for the civilization. If you see this comment per-chance, will you answer a question for me since you actually own the game on pc? Does the wall curve around the entire “game world” or does it just end at a certain point where the character wouldn’t see it? Because it seems very natural that the scorn society live in a very small, walled-off bubble. It would also explain their strive to ascend the world into a higher realm; because theirs’ sucks.
@nocargarva9570 26 дней назад
I tend to agree with this theory on the ascendancy as that was the first thing that crossed my mind when viewing the murals astthe citadel and then seeing the neural network. But I never put thought into the birthing wall if it preceeded the aristocrates. Very insightful. Thanks for the content.
@platzno1864 11 месяцев назад
Does the wall curve around the entire “game world” or does it just end at a certain point where the character wouldn’t see it? Because it seems very natural that the scorn society live in a very small, walled-off bubble. It would also explain their strive to ascend the world into a higher realm; because theirs’ sucks.
@transhumanistgamer8963 11 месяцев назад
From the looks of it, the wall is forming a giant crater.
@toiletfx5679 11 месяцев назад
@@transhumanistgamer8963 and they have a giant crater in the giant crater next to the spaceship like building, mabe aliens crashed into the crater and died, leaving the scorn people with all the technology on board.
@VoytekPavlik 11 месяцев назад
You'd be cool to have a sequel with the cities, like the Oddworld where just this part in Scorn is that, where the rest is full of bounty hunters, traders, mutants, etc.
@markmajor5538 11 месяцев назад
Another great video with information and lore speculation!
@DarkExhibit11 11 месяцев назад
Another day . . . In scorn world . . . Love it . . .
@sveinnrafnsson851 11 месяцев назад
Nice video. Deserves more views.
@VoytekPavlik 11 месяцев назад
16:00 yes perhaps they just decided to go far more further and they skipped that part with the painting sculpture with the parasite. Which then turns into side effects, where the first guy wanted to fix that Skip and wanted to continue it however the machinery was too old and it got broken. Turning him or her into the hybrid. Just a theory
@toiletfx5679 11 месяцев назад
14:52 I am convinced that the white stuff is the milk of the crater queen and the entire crater's purpose is to milk the crater queen so the higher class Scorn people can have milk Jokes aside this was a great video, discussing Scorn lore will always be interesting, I just wish the devs would shed some more light onto this dark and twisted world so we could understand it better.
@cryohellinc 11 месяцев назад
Very interesting. Love your analysis. Please do more games.
@cronchulus5489 11 месяцев назад
Actually the meat grinder with all the bodies did display female variations of the scorn people, though I do wonder how they are even capable of creating an artistic rendition of a female if they didn’t have any unless some were present whether currently or historically
@platzno1864 11 месяцев назад
(this is a large comment beware) 2:15 something I noticed in the polis mural depicting sex and death is that the scorned fetuses' have collars around their necks. also the skeletons on either side of the far left/right are propped in way that they almost look like they are about to fall out of a wall-pod. think of that as you will. a little theory about the parasites and their role in the larger scorn universe: while there aren't a lot of direct sculptures of parasites in polis, the murals and the machinery in polis suggest that parasites were a common problem to the temple; facilitating the need for such devices. however I think parasites use to be invaluable tools for ascension, and even might have been respected citizens in polis-- but were eventually replaced by technology. my evidence for this is 1.) the parasite we get is not a perfect representation of parasites as a whole and polis would have likely had more "ritualistic" but still safer methods of making parasites that weren't defective. it also makes sense why people would willing turn themselves in parasites if for some reason they couldn't ascend. by all accounts the parasite in-game is physically superior to our helpless protagonist. scorn guy can hobble around and walk on things only if its lower than his fucking ankles. if there was a ladybug on the ground he would refuse to move. meanwhile the parasite is wall running like Jack Cooper and tap surfing across the terrain. the only thing an ascended form can do that the parasite can't is fly. maybe even parasites that successfully join with their host can ascend with them as one organism. (assuming they are capable of forming a fully symbiotic relationship) 2.) the parasite we get is definitely more intelligent than it lets on, and would had had the capabilities' to be considered scorn "people". throughout the section in polis (and the rest of the game) the parasite definitely knows what's coming for it and tries as best it can to incapacitate our player, and the fear in its eyes when you remove it gives off the impression of a thinking being (though that can be interpreted many ways). 3.) full ascension requires suffering, which was the parasites' role--however given all of the dangers, the chance of it being defective, and likely a even smaller chance of a full symbiotic relationship, its obvious why the people of polis looked for a better solution. Tsimply I
@platzno1864 11 месяцев назад
the last sections bugged out. It goes something like this: 3.5) the surgery automaton near the end of the game seems fully capable of the "suffering" part of ascension. it's claws, saws, and clamps make it seem very competent at every step of ascension given there are sentries present; no parasite required. in the animation at the end of the game, when our character is flayed-- the machine pauses for a bit, as if this a situation it has not seen in a very, very long time, before continuing on. in the end, the parasites were just a tool to be used, and flesh to be disregarded once their role was obsolete. 4. final) from what I can gleam, the story of the parasites in relation to polis was that they were a sort of old-school back-alleyway into ascension that was eventually- or was in the process of getting replaced with technology. while the machinery present in polis beg to differ; I think the parasites were seen as a unfortunate fact of life that were seen as an ulterior means to full ascension. (that could be why there are lots of depictions of sex+death and not of sex+parasite) and might have even been considered people at one point. I do not think that the parasites were at all the sole cause of the civilizations collapse; you see zero parasite growths at all in polis. I think the collapse has more to do with the homunculi which we were scammed out of seeing. no doubt polis was city full of colorful people who lived colorful lives. its just a shame we didn't get to see all of it. what i really want to know is who can\can't and why-- biologically-- can/can't they? is it the eyes? I have no idea. I am very excited what ebb software is cooking at the future gameshow event. only time will tell. Moral of the story: do a video on the parasite.
@emperorhadrian6011 11 месяцев назад
This is earth.
@mihaelmadaros1266 11 месяцев назад
Scorn is still so intresting
@DarkExhibitX111 6 месяцев назад
Do you agree with the story that REMdot explained. . or do you think different. . .
@CALIDOR109 11 месяцев назад
'ore of the 'orn
@santiagoravina4057 11 месяцев назад
Cob of the corn
@emperorhadrian6011 11 месяцев назад
Bodies make a pretty good cushion.
@thewanderingartists 11 месяцев назад
A scorn video ❤
@dead_frogge 2 месяца назад
Friend please turn your background music down in the future.
@PrinceGastronome 11 месяцев назад
Dude, did you see the new PS5 trailer? It shows a puzzle that is not in the original game.
@transhumanistgamer8963 11 месяцев назад
It's not a puzzle. It's a means of further advertising that the game is coming to playstation by showing the shapes on Playstation controllers. The purpose of the trailer begins and ends with PS5 release date, and there will be nothing new added to the game.
@PrinceGastronome 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the clarification!@@transhumanistgamer8963
@howdareu7529 11 месяцев назад
maybe parasite its a test for scorn ppl made by aristocrats lol ,,he has to get rid of it if wants to acsend,,and become priviliged elite,,than again probably not the case ,,cuz creators dont know either
@negentropyagent7337 2 месяца назад
maybe the wall did came..... first...
@zaz315 27 дней назад
well... this is a mystery maybe the first one were created by higher beings but the beings left them to corrupt and fall maybe .
@user-lg4vh1mt4l 3 месяца назад
What's so absurd about not figuring out reproduction, have you checked the birth rate in modern societies?
@aristedes9449 11 месяцев назад
Still can't believe how hard this thing shat the bed at the end what a pile of doomer garbage
@ElMalito187 11 месяцев назад
I love your videos on all fronts but unfortunately 😕 😔 there is absolutely nothing positive to be said about the state of Scorn and as it stands as we speak. I really commend you on making Scorn videos but let's face facts it's all in vain. The developers of Scorn bamboozled us from the get-go and left a bad test in everyone's mouth to us diehard enthusiasts. And to all those who support this dumpster fire creation all I can say is you're in for an absolute roller-coaster of hard truths as you grow older and as the years go by. Accepting this trash "as good as gets" or "better than nothing" is not acceptable by any means. These monsters lied, gutted their vision by 3/4, took your money and promoted false advertising upto the release of the game. Then they have the nerve to declare completed art. For real? When naysayers say "oh well Michael that's your opinion" I'm like "no motherfucker it's a stated fact and the evidence is right in front of you and everyone needs to hold these monsters accountable for their actions". Had Ebb Software been absolutely transparent and honest from the beginning I would've been on their side defending them and saying "hey at least you tried and gave it your best" and move forward and call it a day. But instead we ended up holding the ball and dropping it on their behalf. If you wanna keep making videos then just know this Ebb Software's original vision doesn't exist we speak and speculating on the 1/4 of what exists now is like playing darts without the darts and the actual target. It just isn't going to happen. Don't give these animals the time of day for piss poor results.
@NathanNathanNathanNathanNathan 11 месяцев назад
There is no way you actually talk like this
@Ghostman223 11 месяцев назад
There is no way you made this comment
@toiletfx5679 11 месяцев назад
be careful what you say or else you will also die of Skill Issue
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