
Why is Religion Important to Society? 

Michael Knowles
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#Shorts #MichaelKnowles #TheMichaelKnowlesShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #Religion #Gender #Abortion #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #Crime #God #Goodness #PoliticalProblems



29 сен 2024




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@boldasalion0664 Год назад
@konstantinnaumow505 Год назад
I think the biggest thing what religion can give, is hope. And thats a very big energy that can help many many people.
@cloudk1073 Год назад
So you admit religion is just a coping mechanism to make people feel better about the unknowns of life and death?
@Gebri3l Год назад
​​@@cloudk1073 religion is tradition mixed with the Truth (at least for the Abe religions) The truth is God Jesus himself went against religions and traditions and most of the religious choose their religion over the Truth and killed him God is the truth Seek first the kingdom of God Thats basically JC teaches
@cloudk1073 Год назад
@@Gebri3l do you not hear how crazy you sound?? Religions are just cults.
@CoachJoeyHernandez Год назад
Forces of evil are recognized as EVIL. Forces of goodness are divided by many. Simple
@sylviachacon5959 Год назад
It's NOT looking to religion. Many countries have religion. I agree! God and goodness is missing.
@MechaFenris Год назад
99.9999% of problems stem from being self-absorbed. Look to God. Love others as you love yourself. Simple. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Love God and the rest will follow.
@TacoBlend Год назад
"Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, _who is Jesus Christ,_ who hath been manifested by the things which we have written." -The Book of Mormon, The Book of Ether, Chapter 2, Verse 12
@DaveBalog99 Год назад
Yeah, you're pretty simple, Knowles.
@Onikokoro Год назад
If we looked at all the rules of the bible. It makes it more complicated. Religion is about discipline, America is about freedom. To stop the political debates you would have to make laws that hurt freedom. It will forever be complicated. Your perfect country would look like Muslim run one.
@isabellast.andrews2490 Год назад
Well said. The questions are complicated and the answers are simple
@ashwin-sq1jv Год назад
@gerryvandepol7630 Год назад
Complications always contain lies
@EaglesMan710 Год назад
I don’t deny the impact religion has made on society. Religion has certainly helped motivate people to be more moral, but I think as long as we stick to the core values of Christianity, we can thrive.
@hismajesty6272 Год назад
I generally agree with that sentiment. I think it works for a bit, but when the foundation is removed, it crumples overtime without anything of substance to anchor itself to.
@bevious Год назад
This is "anything goes as long as it’s related to Christianity". The idea is the basis for what got us into this mess in the first place. Relativism is never a good approach.
@carsonianthegreat4672 Год назад
You can’t have the core values without the actual faith and orthopraxy
@WaitingForYukiOnna Год назад
Isn't Christianity the one that says that you can do anything you want and you'll be saved by Jesus as long as you sincerely believe in him? Hitler is in heaven. Charles Manson is in heaven. A lot of people that were on death row are in heaven.
@bevious Год назад
@@WaitingForYukiOnna Belief is not the only facet to this. It takes a contrite heart seeking repentance for what you've done and a sincere desire to turn away from sin. You must also atone for the sin and the consequences of that sin. Salvation is a process but at the end of the day it's all up to Jesus, not us. He knows what opportunities the person has had in their life to know the truth and repent along the way. We are also destined to pay for every last offense, YES you will be forgiven is you seek repentance but it goes beyond words. However, mercy is never divorced from justice - and that's where you'll find yourself in a conundrum. I believe everyone will see all the harm they have done and you will be faced with a choice, accept God and the consequences of your actions or accept your fate of eternal damnation. It's an eternal choice that can only be made with all of the facts. We know for a fact that Hitler is not in heaven as he has shown himself in previous possession cases. Not sure about Charles Manson, but he wasn't contrite for his transgressions. Jesus will not force himself on anyone.
@marcus3457 Год назад
I love when I hear "No religion or politics!" Those are the two most fundamental topics that affect every area of our lives, and people want to dodge them to allegedly keep the peace. I think they are really dodging them because they are too immature to have an important conversation where someone might disagree with them, and they will be exposed for not having put any thought whatsoever into their beliefs, because they just say they believe things to avoid looking bad on social media to crazy people who will become angry at them if they believe in God, marriage or decency. They can't handle it.
@peteratkinson922 Год назад
Do you really love it?
@marcus3457 Год назад
@@peteratkinson922 There was a smidge of sarcasm there. Lol
@CherubChick1221 Год назад
I can't stand that either! I agree 💯%
@NotDuncan Год назад
There’s a time, a place and an audience for everything though and just because someone want to talk to me about a topic doesn’t mean I want to as well.
@BasedZoomer 5 месяцев назад
I say that because everyone around me is hot heated and I'm far too confrontation avoidant and anxious to be around that, so no. Not allowed at the dinner table. Let's all chat peacefully and enjoy a family meal. Go argue after dinner, away from the children.
@HughJorgan1 Год назад
Fun Fact: We are officially a secular country.
@alfonzovalentine1698 Год назад
lets go!!
@hismajesty6272 Год назад
Another fun fact: being officially secular has nothing to do with the populace being religious or not.
@thesquiddler Год назад
Fun fact: that doesn’t mean that we cannot still base our values and laws in religion, it just means we cannot force anyone to subscribe to our faith
@MechaFenris Год назад
Fun fact, all the law in this secular country come from Mosaic and Christian tenets. Look up the Scottish influence on natural law in this country before you break your arm patting yourself on the back for being "Secular". It don't hold water, chief.
@Chrisc-sn6uh Год назад
@@thesquiddler which we wouldn’t do as Christians as its goes against Gods will. God bless us all, christ has ascended!
Straight facts
@mvies77 Год назад
It is very simple and very profound. If only mankind would simply do it.
@Axmehe Год назад
Michael for President!
@peteratkinson922 Год назад
Spare this guy that fate!
@timothydrumm2846 Год назад
GOD created our world - HE knows right from wrong...SATAN was banished from HEAVEN to the earth...THUS we must look to HEAVEN for true, positive, most righteous DIRECTION!
@Susieq26754 6 дней назад
Practice your religion but keep it out of politics!
@adamsanchez222 5 месяцев назад
Jesus Christ is God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. -John 1: 1 Jesus was born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He humbled Himself to death on a cross, He was buried and on the third day He rose again. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 10: 9 God bless you all.
@PerryWarnock 3 месяца назад
This guy just expressed his political beliefs and then said that politics isn’t good and you should look to God. Politics and Religion are more similar than you think.
@rizmacadillac 7 месяцев назад
People do not like religious people. Maybe they do not like people from other religions. I have been yelled at and harassed for many years and I believe it is because I was religious when I was growing up. I have all sorts of words in my head over religion, but it is my opinion based on experience that people hate religious people ad people who try to live by the golden rule and have a good work ethic.
@victorrhone6785 Год назад
I don't believe in religion. I believe in God and Christ
@Not3xactly Год назад
If you need a bunch of fairy tales and magic books in order to be a decent human being, you have your own issues.
@Kirra-queen Год назад
@kbaptiste28 Год назад
imagine almost fucking getting it but being an asshole instead.
@susananne1098 Год назад
In God we trust😊
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 10 месяцев назад
Logic demands that only one religion can be valid. God acknowledges the presence of imaginary deities. The first commandment is: Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me." All religions have differing accounts of the origin of the universe, the nature of God, and what he has or has not said. Therefore, the law of non-contradiction is all that is necessary to understand that only one of them can be true. Furthermore, God knows he gave logical minds to mankind. So, he does not spend any effort trying to disprove things that every man already knows are logically impossible.❤
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 10 месяцев назад
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How to know if you're guilty or not? Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible. Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word. There are six more but let's just leave it at that. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman. How many times a day do you do that? Do you use God's name as a cuss word? Would you do that with your own mother's name? If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty. God can justly punish you and send you to hell. Ask him for mercy. His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine. The fine is death. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die." That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy. Option A. You die for your own sins. Option B. Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you. ❤ **Honest questions are welcome.**
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад
Look toward GOD is the answer to all of it .
@raikiriramen6257 Год назад
Its black and white, there is no goddamn rainbow spectrum. You either do good or bad.
@AxelMattias Год назад
I would respektfully disagree, if the answers really were that simple, then wouldnt we have solved these issuses by now?
@ProLifePatriot 3 месяца назад
His not wrong
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 10 месяцев назад
There's no such thing as an atheist. No one is actually genuinely unintelligent enough to believe that our beautiful and complex environment was formed through unguided chance. Romans 1:18-21 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, both His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. Can you provide us an observable example of unguided chance creating anything in the entire history of recorded science... Keyword: observable. Anything more complex than a pile of rocks?❤
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 10 месяцев назад
Storytime kids: The Ballad of HB 813. Louisiana. May 2022. Christians organize themselves and draft a "Bill of Abolition" for their state. This would criminalize anyone who willfully involves themselves in this activity, including the parents. It is a very simple bill declaring declaring that life begins at conception and ends by natural causes. The bill receives wide the spread support within the legislature of Louisiana, HB 813, it is poised to pass. What happens next? 71 of the largest and most influential *pro-life* organizations in America banned together and draft an open letter to the Louisiana legislature begging them not to pass any bill which which would actually place real penalties upon the parents. The bill fails. We need to stop supporting these organizations. Honest questions are welcome.
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 10 месяцев назад
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How to know if you're guilty or not? Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible. Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word. There are six more but let's just leave it at that. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman. How many times a day do you do that? Do you use God's name as a cuss word? Would you do that with your own mother's name? If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty. God can justly punish you and send you to hell. Ask him for mercy. His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine. The fine is death. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die." That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy. Option A. You die for your own sins. Option B. Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you. ❤ **Honest questions are welcome.**
@marinajess6549 2 месяца назад
@Catmonks7 Год назад
Amen 🙏 ✝️⛪️🇻🇦🇺🇸🦅
@patrickcannady493 Год назад
Nail on the head
@gsr9001 Год назад
@AkylasXXV Год назад
@younis9819 Год назад
One true Catholic religion is necessary for the survival of the west.
@kitsenthesavage9163 Год назад
Amén ❤
@ashwin-sq1jv Год назад
@ashwin-sq1jv Год назад
May god keep blessing you and be with your every struggle and happiness in your life
@jacobcarlson2887 Год назад
Religion is why we had the dark ages. All religions need to be forgotten.
@hismajesty6272 Год назад
Could you explain why barbarians toppling a decadent, overstretched empire is the result of solely religion? Religion existed in the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, as well as the Dark Ages, but as historical evidence suggests, the Dark Ages weren’t nearly as bad as people make them out to be.
@kaelabook Год назад
@ashwin-sq1jv Год назад
@ashwin-sq1jv Год назад
May Jesus bless you by fulfilling your wishes and your awaiting desires
@jonetaniratutokarua3457 Год назад
Damn!, that's good. It's just like Simon Peter and Jesus, walking on water. He kept his eyes on Jesus, he walked. He looked away from Jesus, he fell. Then our sweet Jesus pulled him back up. Look to God people, he won't let you down
@MariChambers Год назад
@itspatriciajones Год назад
I was with you until you said, “Build more prisons, lock ‘em up, punish them harder”. I hate being lumped in with your Uber American right wing thinking just because I’m Catholic.
@michaelbill521 Год назад
You need to get a bit more sleep. Your eyes are red and you look pale and exhausted. This is not good for you.
@33TimberWolf Год назад
Strange how every major (legit) religion can be boiled down to some basic rules... almost like Ten Commandments.
@teresawidmark4239 Год назад
@Feuriger_Kriegsheld Год назад
@victorbergman9169 Год назад
Amun Ra
@obitouchiha6439 Год назад
No thanks. I prefer western civilization to be theocracy-free.
@michellepressey8594 Год назад
I just started watching you recently, and I really like what you have to say ! 👍 BTW, I watched your interview with the exorcism priest , and I was fascinated! So glad I found your channel 😊
@CherubChick1221 Год назад
Michael is a very Wise young man. I encourage you to listen to him.
@jaughnekow Год назад
Religion is the way of life of a group of people. The problem is religion now is becoming tainted.
@kallioperobling3359 Год назад
Its very simple, that doesn't mean its not difficult. Too many of us let pride keep us from the joy of living the life we were created to live.
@CherubChick1221 Год назад
There it is in the proverbial Nutshell. Thank you, Mr. Knowles!! 💥✨
@CO2isfake Год назад
Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Jesus said it 2000 years ago and it’s still true.
@Chrisc-sn6uh Год назад
Holy God holy mighty holy immortal have mercy on us. 🙏
@trajan098117 Год назад
I was kind of agnostic most of my life but with the left getting so extreme in the last few years I have realised I have to pick a side. The left pushed me into being a conservative and realising that without religion most people will have no self control. I wish it was different but conservative values and religion are the least worst option. So here I am, backing you all the way
@raquelanderson6722 Год назад
It's not complicated we are trying to please people look to God
@askseeknock7 Год назад
The thing that is complicated and difficult is life and country not seeking God. Willingly cut off from wisdom and common sense Himself. We are not complete without Him. He is the working component;The engine, the heart the brain
@philipface30 Год назад
...you can still agree those are the correct things to do without religion. I'd hate to live in a society where laws are dictated by religion, and I honestly can't comprehend how intelligent humans are still religious.
@lesterstone8595 Год назад
The elites who want to replace God don't seem to be doing a very good job.
@keithroyal5507 Год назад
No. Whose god and who determines that? No theocracy.
@rodstenhouse8507 Год назад
Right or wrong, really not difficult
@BoloBane Год назад
I've never heard it said so plain and easy in my life........simple stuff
@jongrier5093 Год назад
The most not colompulated thing ever lol
@kaiser1295 Год назад
God is the arbiter of morality.
@HogExeNadoUser Год назад
No he’s not Same way feminists aren’t the arbiters of equality
@alondra5867 Год назад
He’s so real 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@MassiveTrackHunter Год назад
When you remove the belief in God, you remove the absolute definition of right and wrong, and everything becomes relative...which is what you are seeing now.
@MassiveTrackHunter Год назад
@Sydney Bell that is the answer the world wants you to believe, but it will let you down when they try to explain that what they are doing to you, is for your own good. Right and wrong are very non-dependent on anyone's opinions, and are clearly defined in the ten commandments and Jesus' teachings, which were meant to protect us from other's selfishness, our selfishness and our own lack of self-control. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Pretty simple logic. Whether you care about what they are doing to you, does not matter, when considering whether they are right or wrong to do it to you. Pick any action, weigh it against what God said about it, and you have a firm non-dependent answer of whether it is right or wrong, and you have His explanation as well, written long ago to explain why it is. You're very welcome to mention a specific example, and I will do my best to explain what I mean.
@MassiveTrackHunter Год назад
@Sydney Bell ok. My mistake. I thought you were leaving wiggle room in there, as though there is a gray area, such as "what is right or wrong" would depend on what a person feels on the receiving end of that treatment. Unfortunately some people do not believe they will stand before a judge when this life ends, and act as though they can get away with evil just because they call it good. Without that fear of judgement, society ends up with problem children. Lol.
@MassiveTrackHunter Год назад
@Sarah Highlander agreed.
@alejandroc7357 Год назад
@Sarah Highlander damn, really love how you worded it. I’m gonna use this comparison one day. Thanks
@wet-read Год назад
​@Sarah Highlander Exactly. People talk about being "God fearing" as a virtue rather than a curious and terrible burden. As well as, ostensibly, the only "real" reason not to do certain things.
@daughterofsarah6172 Год назад
Nicely put!! That's our foundation bible
@Demonoicgamer666 Год назад
Accept Christian’s throughout history have used Christianity to justify bad decisions
@mr_fusion85 Год назад
@duanekeith7816 Год назад
These complicated problems are either/or issues, and thus ought to be simple for the Left's dichotomous minds. Perhaps they look upon unexpected simplcity and try to descry great complexity upon which to impose typical false dichotomies.
@Harizak Год назад
I mean those that understand little believe they understand the world. While those that hold knowledge understand just how vast the world truly is. Generally when people say something is complicated they know more because... it is. For example the guy in this video has a 5 year old's understanding of the human body. XX= Female XY=Male. Which a childish view. And willfully ignorant I might add. Because I have seen this man speak about hormonal therapy for transitioning sex. So he is just to stupid to clue into the fact that genes.... mean little. Hormones mean everything. Just a little information I am sure your big word using brain can understand. But some people who look female are XY because the blood barrier between the fetus and mother does not function and the fetus is flooded with pregnancy levels of estrogen. And since bodies are formed based off which ever hormone is higher even if they are XY they become female in sex. Also some humans are simply resistant to one of the hormones. So it does not matter which they are in their DNA. They will become the other after their body won't recognize their hormones correctly. You can be XX and have enormous amounts of estrogen in your system but if your body can see none of it you are now male in appearance. But yes so simple. XX=Woman XY=Man. But I mean maybe go through middle school. How did these people graduate basic high school. This is all really basic anatomy level shit for teens. Yet full grown adults have the understanding of kids barely able to walk. And ya it's not super complicated.... its hormones and we live in the real world where nothing is perfect... but we have to say it's complicated when you talk to people who have the basic understanding of kids that just learned to walk. Like kids still excited about the Easter Bunny.... and they are adults...
@duanekeith7816 Год назад
@@Harizak Well, I'm ashamed it never occured to me to investigate hormonal imbalance, receptivity, and suppression of alleles. I am genuinely grateful.
@duanekeith7816 Год назад
@@Harizak Where hormones are concerned, I tend toward a distinct preoccupation with Insulin.
@whocares135 Год назад
@RobertJones-tw3ut Год назад
@senioraces Год назад
@jeannierichards522 Год назад
@ConniePenlandRoss Год назад
Well said.
@johnwpelfrey Год назад
Well said
@teresagardner3774 Год назад
@shelleycummins1835 Год назад
Right on😇 we need Jesus Christ 🙏
@HogExeNadoUser Год назад
No we don’t
@sayareyes3387 Год назад
I think what he's implying is that it's not exactly about religion but the morals being taught by religions that makes a good society.
@HogExeNadoUser Год назад
Our morals didn’t come from religion, so that’s kinda of a moot point
@Katie-di6sz Год назад
Its a form of control
@vincentknws Год назад
Everything is a form of control, money ECT ECT. If humans where left to be human we'd end up eating each other
@abramthegamingguy9016 Год назад
Better than the leftism control
@hismajesty6272 Год назад
Well said. We have to control ourselves or else we’d do horrible things. For my part, I will voluntarily control myself and lead others to do the same for the sake of ourselves and others.
@1libra. Год назад
It's funny cause the core beliefs of all religions are pretty similar
@Valerie-bb5hi Год назад
One of the most important things to teach your children is about Christ the reason society needs religion the reason the society needs God is because it's something bigger than themselves when they become focused upon just themselves you get what's happening in the world now and you have people that are depressed and all screwed up because they have no one to turn to with hope that they can change the situation God can give anybody hope
@livingexcuse3767 Год назад
Doesn't matter what religion or lack of religion is involved, if the ones making the decisions are incompetent, the country is going to be incompetent. If I had any faith to give, I definitely would not be putting it in people who think a magical being is going to solve all our problems rather then just trying to solve the problems themselves. We already have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, and crime isn't getting better, punishing them even harder doesn't work, the middle ages are a testament to that. If getting sawed to death, having your hands cut off, being burned alive didn't deter crime, maybe you should focus on correcting the root of the problems that cause crime, rather then ignoring and playing an endless game of increasing punishment and sentences for solvable issues. If you are not going to give a crap about baby's after they are born and shame the parents for not being able to support them, you have no justification telling people not to get an abortion. Yes, men are men, women are women, this is literally something that showed up in the last hundred years and was never a problem at any other point in human history.
@Kat_Just_for_Today Год назад
Everything you said is the opposite of what God commanded l. Love thy neighbor. Therefore you are spewing false doctrine.
@ReyGotSumCents Год назад
I don't believe in God and even someone like me would say religion is the answer. Because it teaches good values. Even if you remove the God aspect of it, it still instills and encourages goodness. I personally follow follow these good values but I just don't like the idea that the thing that's bigger than me is God because I don't have enough evidence, so it's the vastness of the Universe for me.
@grosenj Год назад
But it doesn't just teach good values. It's just much more complicated. Many young christian men feel entitled to "rule" over women because of the bible. And they feel entitled to the submission of women. The bible makes a lot of complicated issues oversimplified. When you see and analyse the entire world in all its complexities and nuances through a short book like the bible, the end result often gets very reductive. And when religion is used as a tool of suppression, it will end in a bloody way.
@ReyGotSumCents Год назад
@@grosenj You're right. Religious books like the Bible complicate things and oversimplifies them. I think a man's duties are also mentioned, it also says to respect each other, but I don't think it is mentioned that you have to be worthy of the respect and also earn it or maybe it is, but people interpret it as expecting the other person to respect them and then only themselves give respect which is a problem. That would be very clear to a person who has spent time in the real world. But that is also where we need to look at these books as a good starting point rather than the final verdict, and I also think that religion should be introduced to a person in their teenage years rather than in childhood because children are much more agreeable and they might carry these unreasonable beliefs into adulthood when it becomes much more difficult to change the their views even if they themselves want to.
@WaitingForYukiOnna Год назад
Jesus never corrected the old testament; he said he was there to fulfill the old covenant. Religion advocates for human sacrifice like in the story of Jephthah. It Advocates for rape like in the story of Moses Numbers 31. It advocates for generational punishment like in the story of Adam and Eve. It advocates for slavery like in Peter 2:18. It advocates for genocide like in the story of Noah's arc. It advocates for punishment of thought crimes as told by the John 3:15.
@dannyjones8982 Год назад
Lost people are creating Transenteins people, like Frankenstein .This won’t end well and they don’t care. It’s straight from hell. The devil hates Gods creation and will do anything to confuse and destroy it.
@jjames6990 Год назад
which god are we looking towards? hell even cathelics and protestants are still going at it. im not quite sure what the point is here?
@ElmTreigh Год назад
We are a country of many religions, so to stick to one defeats the purpose of saying we tolerate multiple religions and defeats the purpose of separating the church and the state(s). However, if religious *institutions* want to be involved in politics, and do not want to be separated from the state, then they should not be exempt from paying taxes as some already are. Religion, in my opinion, is a personal matter. It begins with family and ends with one's own discovery of inner faith and religion is simply finding an institution that best matches one's inner faith. I was raised Catholic and gained many core values and morals through family and through the religion I was raised in. I am tolerant due to the tolerance I learned through Catechism classes. I am respectful due to the respect taught by family and religion. I am kind and generous due to my family and the kindness and generosity the church gave us in our time of need. But I am now agnostic because I do not believe in the institution of religion, but I will forever be grateful to what Catholicism has taught me thanks to my family whom are Catholics. I don't think the government should impose any religion, but families should introduce religion(s) to their children as a sort of template for inner faith that they can fill in the blanks as they grow. Side note: I really truly belive prisons should be more rehabilitation than punishment since their punishment is being locked away from society. The world around them can grow and change and they're stuck behind concrete walls, getting older, knowing only anger and their mistakes; when they can be learning why they made those horrible decisions and how they can stop making them.
@RKGrizz Год назад
So the source and summit of Goodness created a world of suffering and eternal torture for those who do not follow his rules. Gotcha.
@jasminestallings2992 Год назад
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD..."- Psalm 33:12.
@HogExeNadoUser Год назад
What exactly is being like “I lUB jEzUs!” Gonna do solve our problems? What does any of this have to do with religion I’m pretty sure we’d do fine without it, Knowles.
@zagijimzoo Год назад
Original Sin/Free Will debunked: Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Adam and Eve did not have any knowledge of good and evil before eating the apple. So, when god tells them they will “die” they had no idea what god was talking to them about because they don't know what death, pain, suffering etc., meant! Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: Eve didn’t have any knowledge of good and evil before eating the apple. So, when the talking snake tells her they will not “die” she had no idea what the snake was talking about! Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Eve did not have any knowledge of good and evil before eating the apple. So, Eve did not know the food was “good” or “pleasant”. For Eve to know what “desire” meant she would have to have the knowledge of good and evil which she did not have yet because she did not eat the apple! For an all-powerful, all knowing, all loving, creator of everything, this god is dumb for not knowing he put an evil talking snake in his perfect creation and then talking to them about concepts they don't know anything about! Genesis 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Free Will debunked: If your "god" is all knowing then he knows what events will happen in the future. He knows everything about you cause he created you. He knows your thoughts, your decisions, your future actions, and decisions. Because if he doesn't know that then he's not "all knowing" but just a simple human being. For an all-powerful, all knowing, creator of everything this god didn’t know what he was creating and how it was going to turn out? That is not a "god" but a simple human. So his first attempt turns into a pile of dogshit and then he destroys everything with a flood. Then his second attempt also turns into a pile of dogshit! You have an incompetent, evil god that has absolutely no knowledge of future events. If your god cannot create a loving existence on earth, then how the hell is he going to create an all-loving heaven if he doesn’t have knowledge of future events. From his track record heaven is going to be a pile of dogshit too! Utter irrational stupidity to live your life by this idiotic bronze aged myth and an organization that protects pedophiles.
@zagijimzoo Год назад
“Every description of god that I’ve heard holds god to be all powerful and all good. Then I look around and I see a tsunami that killed ¼ million people in Indonesia, an earthquake that killed ¼ million people in Haiti, tornadoes, disease, mass starvation of children in Africa, depression, Covid that killed 7 million, childhood leukemia and I see all this and I say I do not see evidence of both of those being true simultaneously, If there is a god, the god is either not all powerful or not all good. Can’t be both. But I’m evidence driven more than I’m faith driven. To be faith driven and try to create legislation on that, that affects other people who don’t share your faith, that’s the being of a theocracy. And we have evidence of what that is in the past and our founding fathers specifically founded this country to prevent that from happening.” Dr Neil deGrasse The middle east used to be the intellectual capital of the world until theocracy took over and called thinking the devil’s work. And now they all dress in robes walking around and kissing a stone cube!
@kan9431 Год назад
You nailed it!
@sammydernawi689 Год назад
Look at Muslim countries, you will have a good country.
@memes007. Год назад
I came up with an idea and I decided to share it today. I call it religious laws. It's basically where you follow laws according to what you can and can't do in your religion. And it's meant to not have any religious rule overlap. This would help anyone not be subjected to laws of a religion that they don't follow in places such as Iran where most of the laws are based off of Islamic rules. Thank you for your time.
@spherence Год назад
It’s not important. It’s just a old confidence scam.
@cybersaint9710 Год назад
You can't say aliens aren't real then turn around and say god is real
@rizmacadillac 11 месяцев назад
Religious people - Christians - can make issues complicated and difficult. A few weeks ago I was at the Football Stadium and I had to check the fluids in my vehicle because I like to try to diagnose issues with my vehicles when I can. Some religious fanatic had followed me to the game and started complaining and griping about me because Football was NOT religion and even though he owned his own vehicle he attempted to claim that my owning a vehicle was somehow anti-religion. I was raised in a Church. I don't care as much about Church or religion as the Pastor or Minister who went to Seminary School and all. I studied in College and a huge priority for me has been using my education and using it to earn money... not wasting time on religion that - quite honestly - does not make sense. Some of these religious people are fanatics who might be on the verge of planting bombs and killing Americans if they don't get their way. There are things I believe I should like and things I believe I need and all and it bothers me how extremist and crazy other people can be with respect to religion. I learned something from talking to this guy. This was someone from ANOTHER church group who was stalking and following me to complain about my activities. Religious war - if this is what is happening to me..... well ... War is War. I'd rather have some of these football players on my side in any war of any kind than a bunch of monks chanting and fasting. Just recently some religious person came around and asked me if it was OK if I was considered to be a Female. The police come around in this town and ask if someone - some male - is acting like a woman. Of course not. And at the time I was trying to work and get some job started and headed towards completion and he comes around to waste my time with stuff like this. The conversations and ideas that come to me with respect to religion are insane. Crazy. Disruptive. I was listening to some guys giving advice on how to develop strong arm and upper body strength for sports and that made sense. But asking me if I want to be a woman? At least for me this is coming from religion. I did a mission for my church when I was young and nobody was interested... it is time to move beyond this and live a normal life. Quite honestly a lot of these intellectuals with unusual ideas and talk about complexity... they are religious too. But it is frightening to me to discuss the issue with some people because of extremism. And some of these groups have proven to be out to hurt me. And a lot of people simply lie about what they would do and what they believe. They oppose abortion, for example, but if the Mother's life might be in danger and maybe they could ... let's day die... then abortion might be OK. They might do it quietly. And maybe the only way to deal with religion is just explore the world and keep quiet about it. But then there is this stalker who is following me and complaining? And why are people from OTHER religions complaining about my learning process and growth process? Why the religious investigation?
@janinachambers8257 Год назад
Without religion you have chaos.
@HogExeNadoUser Год назад
Not true at all
@seanmcdonald5076 Год назад
Thank you M.K! Thank you Sir! 🫡
@donnamatrix8830 Год назад
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.
@namehere3273 Год назад
Well said turn toward God aka the same guy who flooded the earth. Also the answers are simple, if you ignore all the facts and factors that go into it. Here's a simple question, What is a book?
@hismajesty6272 Год назад
“Book:” Miriam Webster Definition C: “a long written or printed literary composition” You are welcome.
@namehere3273 Год назад
@His Majesty Is a newspaper a book I mean it fits into that definition
@grosenj Год назад
@@namehere3273 a newspaper is not a "literary composition".
@namehere3273 Год назад
@grosenj literary composition refers to any piece of written work. Yes it is.
@grosenj Год назад
@@namehere3273 Ok, we'll say a "literary composition" is any piece of written work this time, but don't let it happen again!
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