
Why Jesus & Satan Are Called Morning Stars  

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the morning star who is the morning star
Who is Lucifer in the Bible? What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan? How did Lucifer become Satan? What does the Bible say about the fall of Lucifer? What are the origins of Lucifer in Christian theology? What is the meaning of the name Lucifer? How does Lucifer compare to other fallen angels? What are the different names for Satan in the Bible? What is the story of Lucifer's rebellion? What role does Lucifer play in the Book of Revelation? How is Lucifer depicted in popular culture? What is the significance of Lucifer as the "morning star"? What are the powers and abilities of Lucifer according to the Bible? How does Lucifer tempt humans according to Christian belief? What are the biblical references to Satan's role in the Garden of Eden? How does the concept of Lucifer differ in various religions? What is the role of Lucifer in the end times? How do Christians defend against the temptations of Lucifer? What is the relationship between Lucifer and other demons? What is the theological significance of Lucifer's fall for Christians? Book of judges book of numbers moses story moses red sea moses splits red sea moses and miriam moses and mirriam the racist prophet bible story untold the moses king joshua book of joshua red sea moses Book of judges miriam gets liprosy God killed why god kills why god allows suffering Onan and Tamar lion of judah bible old testament stories Islam islam vs christianity bible stories The complete story of the Bible like you've never seen why satan rebelled watchers fallen angels nephilim Judah why jesus is lion of judah lies in the bible? is bible true evidence of bible contradictions in the bible kings of the bible elijah prophet elijah elisha prophet elisha story bible stories bible sad stories watchers book of enoch epic of gilgamesh the annunaki kings of israel book of kings of israel chronicles David and Goliath, Noah's Ark, Moses and the Exodus, the Creation story, Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jonah and the Whale, Joseph and his coat of many colors, Abraham and Isaac, the Ten Commandments, Samson and Delilah, Adam and Eve, the story of Job, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Solomon's wisdom, the fall of Jericho, Ruth and Naomi, Samuel anoints David, Esther saves her people, and the story of Cain and Abel darklavia historical evidence of bible david sodom and gomorrah daklavia darklavia kings of the bible elijah prophet elijah elisha prophet elisha story bible stories bible sad stories watchers book of enoch epic of gilgamesh the annunaki kings of israel the morning star who is the morning star
Who is Lucifer in the Bible? What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan? How did Lucifer become Satan? What does the Bible say about the fall of Lucifer? What are the origins of Lucifer in Christian theology? What is the meaning of the name Lucifer? How does Lucifer compare to other fallen angels? What are the different names for Satan in the Bible? What is the story of Lucifer's rebellion? What role does Lucifer play in the Book of Revelation? How is Lucifer depicted in popular culture? What is the significance of Lucifer as the "morning star"? What are the powers and abilities of Lucifer according to the Bible? How does Lucifer tempt humans according to Christian belief? What are the biblical references to Satan's role in the Garden of Eden? How does the concept of Lucifer differ in various religions? What is the role of Lucifer in the end times? How do Christians defend against the temptations of Lucifer? What is the relationship between Lucifer and other demons? What is the theological significance of Lucifer's fall for Christians? Book of judges book of numbers moses story moses red sea moses splits red sea moses and miriam moses and mirriam the racist prophet bible story untold the moses king joshua book of joshua red sea moses Book of judges miriam gets liprosy God killed why god kills why god allows suffering Onan and Tamar lion of judah bible old testament stories Islam islam vs christianity bible stories The complete story of the Bible like you've never seen why satan rebelled watchers fallen angels nephilim Judah why jesus is lion of judah lies in the bible? is bible true evidence of bible contradictions in the bible kings of the bible elijah prophet elijah elisha prophet elisha story bible stories bible sad stories watchers book of enoch epic of gilgamesh the annunaki kings of israel book of kings of israel chronicles David and Goliath, Noah's Ark, Moses and the Exodus, the Creation story, Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jonah and the Whale, Joseph and his coat of many colors, Abraham and Isaac, the Ten Commandments, Samson and Delilah, Adam and Eve, the story of Job, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Solomon's wisdom, the fall of Jericho, Ruth and Naomi, Samuel




30 сен 2024




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@evelynlowman5539 3 месяца назад
Lucifer was a high angel and brought himself low. Such a disgrace.
@fredtayam3638 3 месяца назад
someone is going to take care of the darkness, isn't it? and Jesus Christ picked Lucifer, because he is the best angel in heaven.
@Hydra-V 3 месяца назад
No angel can deny or disobey God. Lucifer was never an angel.
@Revok7272 3 месяца назад
Omg what..... Why would you not believe what Jesus says .... Satan aka Lucifer was a Cherub with the highest ranking in the Angelical orders and Satan became envious and his own pride told him he can be God so archangel Michael cast him out of heaven down to earth..... Yes Satan was once a Angel and was beautiful music ​@@Hydra-V
@Revok7272 3 месяца назад
​@@Hydra-Vand many other angels disobeyed God also and followed Satan..... Understand that no human can become a angel when they die angels was created before even the earth was
@Hydra-V 3 месяца назад
@@Revok7272 If they disobeyed God, they weren't angels.
@Paul_425 3 месяца назад
Jesus warns that our understanding of right and wrong can be deeply flawed. He says if we think our inner light (or truth) is actually darkness, we're in big trouble. This means our beliefs and perspectives can mislead us if we're not careful.
@billytheconqueror5803 3 месяца назад
And that's why people who use the phrase 'my truth' are incredibly dangerous
@gavinminty4974 3 месяца назад
Paul did a number on yall
@MegaBrandon3 3 месяца назад
Where in the bible chapter and Verse?
@charlesadams8279 3 месяца назад
@@gavinminty4974Peter vouched for Paul. Don't believe the lies of the pharasees
@charlesadams8279 3 месяца назад
@@gavinminty49742 Peter 3:14-3:16
@GerneanMurphy 3 месяца назад
The Psalms 147:4-5 He counteth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.😊
@pengyang7655 3 месяца назад
Jesus also warns us that that there will be many false prophets that will come and try to lead his followers astray with new revelations of the bible and for us to be wary and steadfast in our faith in him
@oohbootiga7649 Месяц назад
Why do you believe anything you hear or read?
@Uncanny_Mountain Месяц назад
The Bible is a Mirror, it is a Curse for the Brazen Serpent to hang on the Wooden Idol of Knowledge You are Satan That's why it's called the Byblos Baal There isn't a Christian alive who hasn't Blasphemed Also literally says at the end that all things reverse, that those who took into captivity now into captivity go Qur'an says the same thing, the Angel of Death arrives and all things reverse What you say is what you are judged for, thou shalt not Judge. Israel is the Canaan word for Saturn or El, Fruit of Isis and Ra, celebrated at Saturnalia when the Sun died and was reborn three days later on the Winter Solstice Which in the Southern Hemisphere is the Summer Solstice. As above so below. It's Accusations in a Mirror I and the Father are One Your Father is the Devil Dionysians built Solomon's Temple They were also big on dressing as females and Bacchic orgies They worship Pan, the Slavic word for LORD Jesus was a Satanist John the Baptist was born on June 14, like Trump, it's called the Day of the Pharoah birthday of Osiris The Olympics celebrate the first Full Moon of the Summer Solstice to mark the leap year, same as Ashoura is the tenth day of the Summer Solstice month. John the Baptist represents Aquarius, and baptised Jesus as a Setian, Set as in Saturn Israel is the Canaan word of Saturn of El, Fruit of Isis and Ra Satan Avatar of Akurios Akurios like Pan means LORD Esus aka Isis is the Celtic God of Death, and a Curse on the Romans, it is a Curse for the Brazen Serpent to hang on the Tree of Knowledge. The Idol of Wood, and the Beast that died for no man's sin, for no man can forgive sin, and he is therefore the God of Destruction, made in Man's own image, the mark of the Beast, and the Abomination of Idolatry When he stood outside the Temple of Pan he turned to Peter and asked who Am I Peter replied you are Messiah Pan is a Satyr, a Capricorn 🐐 That's why Saturn's Dei is the Sabbath, and the day Jesus said was to be observed and kept holy. It's Accusations in a Mirror 🪞 Same as what the Romans in media and govt use, aka Blame the Victim The Byblos Baal is the Egyptian Osirian Book of the Dead, to resurrect Ammun Ra. It was only written for one man.. Israel; The Archangel of Most Untimely Death
@jonjeskie5234 Месяц назад
You assume that you haven't already been "lead astray" by the book..
@pengyang7655 Месяц назад
@@oohbootiga7649 the Bible is the greatest love letter from a father to his children, it speaks to those who really listen
@pengyang7655 Месяц назад
@@jonjeskie5234 to be "lead astray" by the Bible assumes that you were already on the right path before reading it. How could you possibly go through life, with all the things going wrong in it, and say that it is right? The Bible teaches us how to conduct ourselves even when no one is physically with you and it can only make you a better person by following it
@bigshadow7232 3 месяца назад
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ my savior and my only way to the father in heaven Glory be to God in heaven
@luffytheiii2268 2 месяца назад
@truegamer2819 2 месяца назад
but i wish everyone can stop saying that these two are like brothers which is false
@TheBigZUnit 21 день назад
They are, according to the Book of Mormon. It’s a very interesting read.
@Darth_Jah 20 дней назад
@@TheBigZUnitaccording to the Paul the apostle, the Book of Mormon of false.
@stevensimpson1075 День назад
It’s called doctrines of demons. Read your Bible it warns of anyone preaching a different gospel.
@walterlebzax9585 2 месяца назад
Jesus Christ calls himself 'The Bright and Morning Star', but Lucifer is called 'SON OF THE MORNING', not morning star. "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Revelation:22:16 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah:14:12 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation:22:18-19. Don't add or subtract, say exactly what the Bible says or shut up.
@veebee3463 2 месяца назад
Son of Mourn-ing like grief , Morning Star (Jesus) like the star/Sun rises in the east … Jesus isn’t God and said so many times the way to the father … and Satan couldn’t offer the kingdom of earth to Jesus of Jesus is the creator God. Jesus is god /spirit person , but not the creator
@Mr_MR5 Месяц назад
Hmmm, unfortunately Isaiah:14:12 in the NIV reads this way "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!" And this is only one demonically translated verse in the NIV.
@felixy23 20 дней назад
​@@veebee3463John 1:3 Jesus is the source of all things. He's the Creator Himself
@nikiepunt8631 3 месяца назад
The moon needs light of the sun=darkness origin. Pretending to be Jesus=false profet. The false profet can only have light because of his former position as the right side of God. He has this light=power because of God, not because he is a god. he pretends to be a god, which again=false profet.. he only serves himself and lives of praise=idol. He is charming, cunning, seems kind and seems like he helps but he only helps himself. It is easy to be fooled by him. Keep your eyes open and only trust in God, not fear. The false profet comes in a time of great fear and comes with "solutions", that will only serve him, but it would seem to help everyone. Dont think you wont be fooled. The Bible is very clear on this. Mathew 24:11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Stay in faith with the Lord and your soul will be saved. Thank you God for saving our souls in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen ❤
@lil_light_warrior271 3 месяца назад
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arose falseChrist's, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, IF it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. In this Bible verse is says, IF it were possible. True believers won't be deceived. I think it was saying if it was possible. But as a believer in Christ, I don't feel it's possible. God tells us do not fear for things have to come to pass before he can come back. Once he does the dead will rise first, and then he will separate his children from the wicked. Do not have no fear. For God is with all of those who ask him to be. I pray everyone has the chance to Know Jesus and have a relationship with him. God bless.
@tracyhedgepeth3684 3 месяца назад
Amen Amen Amen
@BuddhaHunt333 3 месяца назад
@@lil_light_warrior271you know the idea of Jesus not the man himself
@kaylaliebeck4894 3 месяца назад
He has light from the one that created him. Without the blessing of God. She was then rescued from Christ. Put back in her aeon. She is a powerful force. Was tricked into thinking he was the true God. Was forgiven. She was the spirit flowing over the earths water before man. The Holy Spirit. Genesis tells of this. When Satan , once Lucifer, an angel , asked of her to create. She breathed the light into these beings , the one creation story. Where we come from Mud. But the true Version in Genesis of creation puts Adam and Eve alive as whole beings. Not all humans come from the same source. Created from the same source yes. All is. But not created as our loving true God created us. Two different stories to believe or not. Such as the world itself. Created from the one true source. But overtaken by a very light filled being. Satan. Much light was taken away. Been locked up a long time now. It’s been promised he will be let loose. Woe to the world. Make sure you know who you are praying to. God had only one begotten sin. That would make us his stepchildren. In a way. If we so choose him. He loved the human men. The very ones who had daughters that fallen angels decided they had to have. Disobeying Gods orders. Pride. Disobedience. Lust. All downfalls of the angels. God gave us more power than them. Use it wisely. Praise the only true God. .
@BuddhaHunt333 3 месяца назад
@@kaylaliebeck4894 god gave us more power than the angels shows that’s your ego talking and pride cometh before the fall. Who are you exalting yourself above the angels??? all things are at least equal in the eyes of god but very interesting read. Not saying it’s wrong not saying it’s right both are true until it’s truly revealed.
@Spiritualwarlord 3 месяца назад
He can also disguise him self as an angel of light !
@DrakePalmer-wj6kn 2 месяца назад
And that's why Islam I believe will be his biggest deception he's created besides making others believe there is no God all together
@Asquarecircl 2 месяца назад
⁠@@DrakePalmer-wj6knHis biggest deception was showing himself to Paul. Paul explicitly says that before he saw “Jesus” there was light. Paul admitted that he lies multiply times in his epistels. Id you go read Isaiah 14 it says that Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he wanted to make himself equal to God, just like the early Church made Jesus and the Holy Ghost equal to God. The idea of Jesus being crucified is also a deception. Why? Well, because in the old testament Moses made a snake on a pole that would “save” the Jews. Jesus was cursed according to Galatians 3:13 (just like Satan) because he hanged from a tree (just like Judas who betrayed Jesus and just like Satan hanged from the tree in the garden of Eden when he decieved Adam and Eve. The Church was built on Peter who was also called Satan. Is it all a coincidence? I don’t think so.
@jasonp5230 2 месяца назад
Actually his disguise is the Evil Demonic form ... He was created an angel of heaven. All the fear tactics are the illusion 😊
@Spiritualwarlord 2 месяца назад
@@jasonp5230 he was an angel of light beautiful anointed but he was changed and turned to ashes “All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you; You have become a horror, And shall be no more forever.” ’ ”” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭28‬:‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@jonjeskie5234 Месяц назад
​@@DrakePalmer-wj6knIslam is tame compared to the Old Testament.
@williemendoza2810 3 месяца назад
lucifer is light-years below Jesus. There's zero comparison and now the devil is cripplingly petrified of the true Son of God Jesus👑
@quintonmiller8266 2 месяца назад
Not true.you dhould pray to learn who he resllh is. You will be shocked
@CarlBorgher 2 месяца назад
@dustydesertdisciple6290 2 месяца назад
​​@@quintonmiller8266Nah you will see though, and in my life experience demonic spirits flee Christ name in terror. Dont you know Christ decended into Hell and broke down the gates of Iron and Brass? Dont you know that He is the Word made flesh who has been given Authority over all. He is more than the enemy could ever fake, and He is coming for His people. Wake up before its too late.
@fabiomirchi7721 2 месяца назад
@@dustydesertdisciple6290Amén 🙏
@666Abaddon777 2 месяца назад
you are going down with yaldabaoth..
@jamieSp69 3 месяца назад
Son of the morning, not morning star.
@jamessantoro8972 3 месяца назад
Son of the morning is defeated by Abaddon appollyon the light bringer of destruction
@pengyang7655 3 месяца назад
I have only ever heard of satan being referred to as "son of the morning", never "Morning Star". From what i know the name "Lucifer" means "Light Bearer" but thats the closest thing i can think of
@brock2443 2 месяца назад
@@pengyang7655 It started in the Non Inspired Version(NIV) where satan is referred to as the morning star. Isaiah 14:12 NIV “14 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” Isaiah 14:12 KJV “12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”
@vintv6106 2 месяца назад
In Isaiah. Lucifer is the Son of the Morning. Take note of morning. Then in Revelation Jesus Christ is the Bright Morning Star..
@Juliet-v3c 3 месяца назад
Brightest light Jesus Christ of God
@jeanymatthews2722 3 месяца назад
He was Gods messenger and whenever he was given a message or worshiped God, Gods glort shined through him and all creation bowed and worshiped God too but licifer took it as though creation was worshiping him and became proud and envious of God and started to rebel against God and wanted to take His position and dethrone God
@doreatheaalbin283 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this explanation. I had always wondered
@supershenron4688 2 месяца назад
He didn’t wanna dethrone God, he wanted to be like God, he wanted to be worshipped alongside God. Of course the son of the dawn knows it’s impossible to stop God
@bobyoung3857 2 месяца назад
Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity.
@GramPam49 2 месяца назад
@@bobyoung3857yes, it is the same lowly entity. Lucifer was reduced to satan when he challenged God’s sovereignty. The same way God changed people’s names in the beginning to end of the Bible, He did so with satan. The irony is exactly like The Lord’s MO. 😅 He gave Lucifer what he wanted in the opposite direction. Now satan is about to be sentenced. 🙌🏻
@bobyoung3857 2 месяца назад
@@GramPam49 Look into the 7 sins or demons( I think). It has Satan as one and Lucifer as a different entity. You may not remember that they once said Beelzebub was also Satan/ Lucifer.
@damon3347 3 месяца назад
Context and asking The Holy Spirit for revelation and understanding is 🗝️.
@henrychumley463 2 месяца назад
And, what is Holy Spirit Saying to you?
@damon3347 2 месяца назад
@@henrychumley463 John 1:1-14😊
@Darklavia 3 месяца назад
These are the Bible References: Jesus calls himself morning morning star; Revelation 22:16. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the *bright and morning star*. Satan (Lucifer) being the morning star: Isaiah 14:12 - How you’ve fallen from heaven, morning star, son of dawn! You are cut down to earth, helpless on your back! (CEB) But even more interesting is Jesus saying he will give an overcomer, "the morning star" Rev 2:28 There might really be a deeper meaning to the word "Morning Star"....
@Revok7272 3 месяца назад
Brother in Revelations Jesus comes back to take back the morning Star that Satan corrupted which is why Jesus is the true light giver and morning Star shining light in whoever accepts him in their hearts
@micahstallings5799 3 месяца назад
Or Jesus messed up in past life which brought him to a reality to where he’s good because of the things he went through that were bad. Reflecting the cosmos in space you can’t have positive energy without negative. Sane with us we have to go through that shit to become good. And to understand right from wrong.
@jamessantoro8972 3 месяца назад
Jesus is the judge of man kind also the highest king of lords that love's god means Jesus is your lawyer and God's the highest authority he desides your judgement
@Spiritualwarlord 3 месяца назад
Morning star race
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
Lucifer - SON OF THE MORNING Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, SON OF THE MORNING! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the NORTH ( SANTA, SATAN?): I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds: I WILL be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible
@INFRIAS 2 месяца назад
CHRIST Is The Morning Star 🌟 LUCIFER Is The Son Of The Morning.
@ThaDogfather_YT 2 месяца назад
You know, there’s a lot of confusion about the name "Lucifer" and who it refers to. Many people think "Lucifer" is the devil’s name, but that’s actually not what the Bible says. Let’s start with Isaiah 14:12. This verse uses the term "morning star" to describe the fall of the king of Babylon. It’s a poetic way of saying this powerful ruler has fallen from his high place. Over time, some traditions have interpreted this as a reference to Satan’s fall, but that’s not what the scripture states. The term "morning star" in this context was a metaphor for a prideful king, not a name for the devil. Now, let’s fast forward to the New Testament, to the book of Revelation. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus says, "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Here, Jesus is clearly referring to Himself as the "Morning Star." This title is one of glory, hope, and divine authority. If we were to stick with the idea that "morning star"(Lucifer) is the name of the devil, we’d end up with a huge contradiction because Jesus, in His own words, is the "Morning Star." (Lucifer) This is a powerful and beautiful title that signifies His role as the light of the world. So, if "morning star" is such a positive title and Jesus uses it for Himself, how could it be the name of Satan? The answer is, it’s not. The term "Lucifer" comes from a Latin translation of the Bible, and it means "light-bringer" or "morning star." It was used to translate the Hebrew phrase in Isaiah, but it was never meant to be Satan’s name. Over centuries, this mistranslation and interpretation have led to a lot of misunderstanding. Think about it this way: Jesus, who is the embodiment of truth and light, would not share a title with Satan. It doesn’t make sense. The confusion has muddled the true meaning and glory of Jesus being the "Morning Star." So next time you hear someone refer to Satan as "Lucifer" or "morning star," remember that it’s actually Jesus who claims that title in Revelation. It’s a title that highlights His divine role and the hope He brings. It’s a beautiful reminder that Jesus is the true light in our lives, shining brightly and guiding us, unlike the distorted tradition that mistakenly gave Satan a name he doesn’t deserve.
@racmar9105 2 месяца назад
Finally someone understands it
@ThaDogfather_YT 2 месяца назад
Exactlly how i feel about your comment as well. ​@racmar9105
@Hadmaepdhedah 3 месяца назад
Jesus is my lord and savior .
@GarneyEveruss 3 месяца назад
Jesus is the best. He is our saviour amen.
@LB-ll7kb Месяц назад
The Bible says Jesus Christ is the "Morning Star," and Lucifer is the "Son of the Morning." Jesus Christ and Lucifer were not at the same level and never will be. Lucifer used to occupied an important place in heaven, but his pride, envy, vanity, and betrayal to his own Creator God made him fall. He is a fallen angel, he fell from grace for eternity. Jesus Christ is God in the form of the Divine Trinity, God Father, God Son and God Holy Spirit, three different persons, but at the same time one.
@childofthemosthighGod777 3 месяца назад
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@valerieash 3 месяца назад
Yes, but nowhere in the Bible does it call Satan the Morning star as a matter of fact, no where in the Bible does it call Satan Lucifer
@Jfjfhfjuehrue 2 месяца назад
​@@valerieashsome are better, they are not even false prophets.
@valerieash 2 месяца назад
@@Jfjfhfjuehrue I don’t understand your comment
@ellentucker4211 2 месяца назад
​@@valerieash a false prophet can often mean that is wasn't the Word sent forth from the Holy Spirit. A good example would be Balaam...hired to speak a word against the Israelites. Just because it's not from the Holy Spirit doesn't mean it can't cause harm. The LORD teaches us to "Guard Your Heart" because of sowing and reaping. "...and while they were sleeping(unaware)..." Tares(i.e. bad information)were planted among the wheat(i.e.good information).
@valerieash 2 месяца назад
@@ellentucker4211 when men were sleeping, means when they had died, when the last apostle died which was the apostle John. This is when the great apostasy began. The Roman Catholic Church started to teach clergy class which goes opposite to what Jesus taught. Jesus is the leader of the congregation
@dennisduchesneau6317 2 месяца назад
This is what I was taught: Satan's original name as an angel, given to him by God, was Luciel meaning light bringer. He was bringing the light of God wherever he went. Then Luciel was somehow corrupted and challenged God. God cast him out of heaven and Luciel declared himself a god and changed his name to Lucifer meaning light bearer. This was his way of equating himself to God being that God is the light. Satan is a name given to him by humans.
@AntonioHaley-mz2jm 3 месяца назад
@EssieBuie 3 месяца назад
Did you not know in the womb when an egg is fertilized it lights up?😊
@leec2724 3 месяца назад
& did they not write of this because I wrote of it 1st #called2stand
@sabermasih5993 2 месяца назад
Brother Don't Use Pictures Such As JESUS Shaking Hands With satan That Is Blasphemy.May God Bless All Of You And Your Families And May All Of You And Your Families Repent Before It's Time And Know Jesus Is Your God And Lord And Saviour❤️✝️❤️
@EliteEdgeYT 3 месяца назад
I love jesus ❤❤❤❤and God ❤❤❤❤
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
Jesus Christ -THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR Revelation 22:16; KJV Bible I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I AM the root and the offspring of David, and THE BRIGHT and MORNING STAR. Revelation 22:16; KJV Bible
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
Lucifer -SON OF THE MORNING How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, SON OF THE MORNING! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the NORTH (SANTA, SATAN?): I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds: I WILL be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible
@Unknowns-d40 2 месяца назад
Sataniel satan and lucifer and vesper had both light and dark but the devi is god of the earth the devil IS ALSO THE DEVIL THE DEMIURGE YALDABAOTH
@taylorv49017 2 месяца назад
Interesting! Very interesting indeed! May Yah be with us all in this end time❤❤❤❤
@foxxkaren 3 месяца назад
Lucifer aka Satan is known as the son of the morning. Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst weaken the nations! Jesus Christ is known as the Bright Morning Star. Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent Mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.”
@prinka2096 3 месяца назад
Read the book, The Evil Creator by David Litwa. Lucifer is a good guy, hence why he's called the light bringer. Yahweh is the bad guy. Someone who brings light is not a bad guy
@foxxkaren 3 месяца назад
​@@prinka2096 I rebuke you in the Precious Name of Jesus Christ. You are lost. Stop reading books and read the Book, the Bible. In fact, ask God if He exist, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
@muhammadnumair5482 2 месяца назад
​@@prinka2096What is that logic my friend? the bible is trurth not a book by a man. The Devil is nothing but evil.
@prinka2096 2 месяца назад
@@muhammadnumair5482 Prove it without quoting your religious book
@veebee3463 2 месяца назад
What if Satan intentionally miss spelled Morning,,. And he’s the Son of Mourning like grief … not the rising of the Sun!
@speculativereality 2 месяца назад
What is “macandization” (phonetic spelling)? Context clue suggests “corruption” or maybe fall as from grace or downfall. Still, can u clarify? Maybe this is just some AI rhetorical tomfoolery.🤷🏻‍♂️
@otispage4 3 месяца назад
Rev 22:16 - “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, *>>the Bright and Morning Star*.”>son of the morning*!>until the day dawns and *the morning star* rises in your hearts;>and I will give him *the morning star*.
@veebee3463 2 месяца назад
Son of Mourning/grief, but if you want to confuse others you’ll put Son of morning and spell it without the U… that U makes all the difference in contex … Satan is the son of Mourning like Grief
@teky Месяц назад
pretty cool story NGL. just goes to show GOD/JESUS mercy and it used to be a good time for all until it wasn’t… I always questioned if GOD was supposed to know all he would’ve known that right? YET i don’t think it works like that since the whole free will for us and whatever else he did decide to create before us being in his IMAGE. so it’s def interesting but he def is the Almighty and I can’t wait to spend my real adventure after death on this planet, there is something to be excited for nobody should fear death unless they don’t get to know Jesus or decide to ignore however ya wanna look at it, there is always time to get it right while your still here PS. that idea of a civilization before is for sure a possibility , i mean the dude created the heavens and universe and how big that is it’s unfathomable just like how heaven prolly will be ever it can’t be explained to our knowledge nontheless… PSS. i’m no expert just grew up and went to a christian school for awhile till 6th grade so i know the word yada yada and that can be looked at in so many ways and perceived as well in many but i do think SATAN was one of GODS right hands literally and I also think but correct me if anything id like to really know but i think he was The Angel of Music before the heavenly civil war.
@marymenchaca3383 3 месяца назад
❤❤❤ I believe in Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Amen ❤❤❤
@reecebigwood3072 3 месяца назад
Ahhh yes I do too love a good fairytale x
@LorenzoJordan-wn3pf 2 месяца назад
Jesus is my Lord and Savior 🙏John3:16
@Ethan.legooo 2 месяца назад
Jesus is the true winner amen 🌹🙏
@DEX__075 2 месяца назад
Because that angel was created in form by god himself also god has a son of god who replace that angel this is savior or mesiah (Jesus) Son of god and We are created by Look in Jesus angels is created by form of holy spirit. It is clear than night. All the walls of heaven is whom we owe existence is GOD
@renabonner5641 3 месяца назад
@TheGreatestCreatorTruiil-lp7nj 2 месяца назад
The devil use light to trick you into the darkness. His two horns represent half truth and half lies. Some people are just mesmerized by things they don't know and if the devil can make you believe something with half truth it could take your attention shift away from God. God is one way and that's always truthful
@StarEssences 3 месяца назад
One of the came around me one day and said this: "She's in Jesus Christ"...The nit picking has yet not ceased upon my soul.
@areneesouder 2 месяца назад
Satan and Lucifer are NOT the same being. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about this simple fact. It's a fairly new idea to make them both the same being, but it's not true and has been causing all kinds of confusion. People need to quit being so lazy and research for themselves.
@christiangreathouse9946 3 месяца назад
I was taught that morning star was just a title they held
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
Jesus - THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR Revelation 22:16; KJV Bible I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I AM the root and the offspring of David, THE BRIGHT and MORNING STAR. Revelation 22:16; KJV Bible
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
LUCIFER - SON OF THE MORNING, Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, SON OF THE MORNING! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hastsaid in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the NORTH (SANTA, SATAN?): I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds: I WILL be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible
@prinka2096 3 месяца назад
Read the book, The Evil Creator by David Litwa. Lucifer is a good guy, hence why he's called the light bringer. Yahweh is the bad guy. Someone who brings light is not a bad guy
@gtvn2775 2 месяца назад
@prinka2096 2 месяца назад
@@gtvn2775 You think a God that killed innocent children with a great flood is a good guy?
@DanielMarkley-o9v 2 месяца назад
After the flood the spirts of the angels and nephilliam were left. Energy doesn’t die. Since these beings transformed themselves when they came, they can transcend space. Yeshua is semiale reborn. Semiale was his right hand and the accuser in heaven. He was created to test and judge. Same as yeshua.
@envy542 3 месяца назад
Lucifer isnt reffered in the bible as morning star ( to my knowledge ), didnt find any verse that reffers that
@DanielHill-y6p 3 месяца назад
Isaiah 14:12 dude just texted it.
@jamieSp69 3 месяца назад
Son of the morning, not morning star. Only the KJV of the Bible is accurate.
@jdilla999 3 месяца назад
​@@jamieSp69lmao the KJV isn't accurate. A matter of fact all VERSIONS are corrupt 😂
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
​@@jamieSp69same difference
@josecheatham6568 3 месяца назад
Right ​@@jdilla999
@thandekiledlamini5055 Месяц назад
Satan is called the sun of dawn and Jesus Christ is called the bright morning star🥰
@semjaengles3297 3 месяца назад
Jesus is the Light. Angels are light bearer.
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
Jesus is a created archangel
@Ann-zh5wp 3 месяца назад
Nope Sir! Check Heb 1 & Jude
@Ann-zh5wp 3 месяца назад
Jude calls Jesus, Our only Lord and Master. Also Jesus told his Disciples at the feet washing; you call me Lord and Master, for you are right. Jesus Christ is the Lord wit Moses I Exodus 3:14
@damon3347 3 месяца назад
​@@RichardWillis-fn4hg No Yahshua Hamashiach is 👉🏿not👈🏿He 👉🏿is👈🏿 the Supreme Creator of the universe and that includes Him creating angles as well.Study and meditate on these chapters in the Holy bible John chapter 1, Colossians chapter 1, Hebrews chapter 1.
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
@@Ann-zh5wp Hebrew 1:3 I Know you talking,and the father said unto which of the angels have I said at any time thou are my Son this day I have begotten thee! This was a question and the Answer is Jesus is the only angel that the father as begotten ,this verse is in fact confirming that Jesus is an angel! The word begotten means father produce ( create)off spring
@priestLM 3 месяца назад
This is true to some degree but I don't agree with everything stated
@Survivorchj 3 месяца назад
You didn’t answer your own question… because they are one and the same?
@Odiee99 2 месяца назад
Because they're both Demons. 😈
@jamieSp69 3 месяца назад
The morning star is something that God gives people and angels: And I will give him the morning star. - Revelation 2:28
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
No! Jesus and Satan are called stars because they were the two cheif angel, angels are called stars
@Revok7272 3 месяца назад
Wow ....bro noooooooo.... Jesus Christ is God Jesus created the angels and is returning to take my back the morning Star from Satan ​@@RichardWillis-fn4hg
@Revok7272 3 месяца назад
​@@RichardWillis-fn4hgJesus Christ is God revealed to us in human flesh
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
@@Revok7272 yes Jesus is a God ,the bible said there's many Gods and lord's, Jesus is one of many Gods, but Jesus is not the true Almighty God because Jesus made the confession that he Jesus have a God that he worships and his God is the only True God to worship
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
@@Revok7272 @Revok7272 yes Jesus is a God ,the bible said there's many Gods and lord's, Jesus is one of many Gods, but Jesus is not the true Almighty God because Jesus made the confession that he Jesus have a God that he worships and his God is the only True God to worship
@michaelrobison703 2 месяца назад
#thereallGodasoneperiod. #freewillperiod.
@cherylscott6040 3 месяца назад
Correction, Yahushua is known as The "Bright" Morning Star and NOT the morning star.
@anthonymiah3729 3 месяца назад
He Just didn’t Bow To Adam,, Pride got Lucifer thrown out of the Heaven’s.. ✨🌦👇☁️👿⁉️✨ Being Vain and too proud is a Common human trait Nowadays too,
@Mr1911es817 3 месяца назад
Cesare Borgia is not Yahshua!(jesus)
@godsguitar101 Месяц назад
Jesus is the bright and morning star!
@ennardthefuntimepuppet6456 2 месяца назад
That's called "black light"
@mr.graves2867 3 месяца назад
It is interesting to note that the concept of the “morning star” is not the only concept that is applied to both Jesus and Satan. In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions. Jesus is similar to a lion in that He is the King, He is royal and majestic. Satan is similar to a lion in that he seeks to devour other creatures. That is where the similarities between Jesus, Satan, and lions end, however. Jesus and Satan are like lions in very different ways.The idea of a “bright morning star” is a star that outshines all the others, and Jesus is the One who is called “bright.” Satan was a morning star. Jesus, as God incarnate, the Lord of the universe, is the BRIGHT and morning star. Jesus is the most holy and powerful “light” in all the universe. So, while both Jesus and Satan can be described as “morning stars,” in no sense is this equating Jesus and Satan. Satan is a created being. His light only exists to the extent that God created it. Jesus is the light of the world (John 9:5). Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent. Satan may be a morning star, but he is only a poor imitation of the one true bright morning star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
@prinka2096 3 месяца назад
Read the book, The Evil Creator by David Litwa. Lucifer is a good guy, hence why he's called the light bringer. Yahweh is the bad guy. Someone who brings light is not a bad guy
@mr.graves2867 3 месяца назад
@@prinka2096 It is interesting to note that the concept of the “morning star” is not the only concept that is applied to both Jesus and Satan. In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions. Jesus is similar to a lion in that He is the King, He is royal and majestic. Satan is similar to a lion in that he seeks to devour other creatures. That is where the similarities between Jesus, Satan, and lions end, however. Jesus and Satan are like lions in very different ways.The idea of a “bright morning star” is a star that outshines all the others, and Jesus is the One who is called “bright.” Satan was a morning star. Jesus, as God incarnate, the Lord of the universe, is the BRIGHT and morning star. Jesus is the most holy and powerful “light” in all the universe. So, while both Jesus and Satan can be described as “morning stars,” in no sense is this equating Jesus and Satan. Satan is a created being. His light only exists to the extent that God created it. Jesus is the light of the world (John 9:5). Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent. Satan may be a morning star, but he is only a poor imitation of the one true bright morning star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
@kelleydeclue4100 3 месяца назад
The bible can be contradictive at times and some stories may have similar storylines, you have to be a scholar to understand most of it, but for a layperson's point of view a whole lot of faith takes you through the dark into the light of Jesus Christ because He is the truth, the real light and the way!❤
@m.d7431 2 месяца назад
And why i get this stuff at night
@alfjones6377 2 месяца назад
philosophical, indeed
@enriquevellon3993 2 месяца назад
Amennn to that 🙏 ❤
@stevejordan795 3 месяца назад
Ohhhh. So that's why it's bad to open the third eye
@jaddy11mash 3 месяца назад
@leec2724 3 месяца назад
& I keel looking for that verse that I even quoted in my book #called2stand & keep not being able to find it again. .... & then to busy to seriously chase up... have questioned whether publisher left out in ebook creation
@RigoObezo 3 месяца назад
Lucifer is NOT his real name. That name was added when the bible was translated from Aramaic to Latin.
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
I've heard that but what's his name?
@davidbrown7357 3 месяца назад
Gadreel - god-reel had said he would make his name higher than Yahuah the most high EL @RichardWillis-fn4hg
@metasapienrex5287 3 месяца назад
​@@RichardWillis-fn4hg Helael
@RichardWillis-fn4hg 3 месяца назад
@@davidbrown7357 yahuah is not the name of the most high
@ego_sum_liberi 3 месяца назад
Lucifer is not Satan and Satan is not Lucifer. Food for thought and research. I expect more dislikes than likes.
@prinka2096 3 месяца назад
Read the book, The Evil Creator by David Litwa. Lucifer is a good guy, hence why he's called the light bringer. Yahweh is the bad guy. Someone who brings light is not a bad guy
@pariswoods5799 Месяц назад
@sirdragon7781 3 месяца назад
@Thr33R 2 месяца назад
Jesus and Lucifer are the same that's why their both called the morning star ..Stop calling out names that this world created or say it's a Greek translation 😂 silly world 🌍... YASHAYA 🙌 MEANING OUR SAVIOR ❤ CHRIST 🙌 MEANING THE ANNOITED ONE ❤
@leroypurdy3229 2 месяца назад
Amen to God and jesus and prayers for you and your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 o
@Freedomlives33 2 месяца назад
God - Lookit what I created.....I call it....UNIVERSE IS 💪🏾❤ Lucifer - I want it....can I have it?!? I WANT IT I WANT IT IWAAAANT IIIIIT 😭 GOD - NO Lucifer - Waaaaaa Waaa I HATE YOU I HATE YOU !!!!! 😭😭😭 Children 🙄
@tinabeamer4681 3 месяца назад
Lucifer was son of the morning!! Jesus the bright morning star!!
@jerryreuben-u7v Месяц назад
Stop "misinterpreting the Word of God".....!!!🤬 "If you don't know the word of God don't quote IT"!!!!🖕😠
@Cboesch_Music 2 месяца назад
The "light" Lucifer has that this video refers to "The Devil's Light Not Of God" is lexactly Lucifer's own beliefs/belief system which is very flawed...The Devil himself does truly believe that he can defeat God (although God was before the devil and made the devil) and the devil believes many lies about the reality of God, and His character. The devil believes God is not always honest as well. Think about it...If The Devil believed God for what the bible says (All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Always good, Omnipresent, In full control of the universe and everything within it, ect...), then he would not be warring against Him, as he would understand it is impossible to win....Then the "light" that can actually be darkness in all of us, is our own belief system/beliefs/truths that we cling on to...Think about this...Jesus says stuff along the lines of "The eye is the lamp of your body (aka like, your eye is the key to your existence) then later states..."If your eye is full of darkness then your whole body will be full of darkness, and great will be that darkness." What we perceive is translated into what we hold to be true which is our light, and it can be flawed if we are not careful!!! Pay careful attention to how you hear, understand!!! 🙏💗😇
@NoName-uz5ry 2 месяца назад
Hilarious Comedy, Roadshow. Lusifer=SUN, &, JESUS, SAYS ONLY THRU ME THE LIGHT CAN YOU REACH MY FATHER, TAH DAH. 😊 Satan=Matrix.!
@enochthewitness-2023 3 месяца назад
The bible does NOT call Satan the morning star. Isaiah 14 is talking about a King of Babylon, and NOT Satan. I would say please educate yourself before confusing other people with misinformation, but really you just need to actually READ the passage you are referring to.
@ProffezerSuggonDeeznutz 3 месяца назад
A universe before ours? Lucifer tasked with bringing the light to the new one but he became prideful and therefore the bad guy? This sounds like an anime. It sounds so familiar.
@wylldiamonda.k.a.bravehear6439 3 месяца назад
Yes.. familiar because animes appropriate mysteries and stories from the Bible
@mobrocket 3 месяца назад
​@@wylldiamonda.k.a.bravehear6439 Citation needed
@droopy5089 2 месяца назад
@@ProffezerSuggonDeeznutz its truth its the first universe. You live in the parallel one
@preythemantis5731 2 месяца назад
​@@droopy5089the parallel one? They're both parallel
@queenofheart1934 2 месяца назад
Amen 🙏🏻❤️👑💪🏻 JESUS CHRIST is the GOD himself and he is the Creator 💪🏻 . do not compare JESUS CHRIST and Lucifer
@troyethington9792 3 месяца назад
The light of life comes from Christ. The light of good/bad? Divided tree of knowledge redundancy.... 🤔 ForEveHer, wear is life? Love and light.
@NORTHSTAR1111111 26 дней назад
Jesus Christ Is Known As The Bright Morning Star ! Not Morning Star ! Helel Is Known As The Morning Star ! The big difference is the word Bright ! ❤
@truhsend 3 месяца назад
Misquote.. Ezekiel 28 is talking to Satan through reference of The King of Tyre. This is critically unsound speculation.
@MidTierVillain 2 месяца назад
That has to be false, whatever the devil is, is because of God- he is not an angel of his own creation, nor is he of his own light. God very well knew what Lucifer was, and will be, so is it safe to say the devil is also part of Gods plan? Makes one think, maybe, just maybe, Lucifer is just an angel that looks over those who have been condemned- but, he, himself, is not condemned. God is all knowing, the creator, so God could strip Lucifer of any resource, power, and existence- Lucifer serves a purpose, that purpose is Gods Will. Man has mistaken, or something got lost in translation, along with the FACT that there are scriptures that been removed from the Bible.. Why is that? How is that allowed, how can man determine what is worthy, and not worthy, of us to read/learn when concerning the Bible? How is it righteous for those who’ve hidden scriptures from the rest of us? All these depictions of Christ, and none truly display him as he was- but, it’s accepted, why? All these are rhetorical questions, we know the answer- but, are frightened to hear them out loud..
@johnnyjean-louis3515 3 месяца назад
There is NO such thing as Fallen Angels. Angels are £ternally Loyal to GOD. Angels are PURE and SINLESS Beings. Therefore,Angels CANNOT Disobey or Rebel against The "ALMIGHTY" GOD.
@reginadarko3231 2 месяца назад
❤❤Amen 🙏 🙌 👏 and 💕 🙏 Amen 🙏 🙌 in 💕 Jesus mighty name 🙏 🙌 Amen 🙏 Yes 👍 🙏 and 💕 Yes 👍 😊 thank 🙏 you 💘 Jesus I Believe 🎉 it I Received 🎉it I Claim 🎉it ❤I Affirm 💕 it ❤❤I Believe 💕 in 💕 💘 Jesus Blessings ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊😅😮😢🎉😂❤❤😂🎉😂❤❤.
@dearlifeetc9805 3 месяца назад
Lucifer became satan but before he BECAME SATAN, HE WAS THE ONE CLOSEST TO GOD THAN ALL THE ANGELS. Lucifer wanted to be like GOD THE SON and wanted to replace. Before Jesus became a man, he created everything with GOD. LUCIFER WANTED THE SAME relationship GOD THE FATHER HAD WITH HIS SON. He wanted to be everything Jesus is before the creation of the earth.God told the angels and Lucifer about the plans he had for earth and Lucifer and the angels loved the plans as they know all of GOD’S plans are GOOD. He and some of the angels didn’t want to serve the humans as it says in the Bible, that the angels will be judge by humans. So Lucifer didn’t want lesser beings to judge him and so he rebelled against GOD . LUCIFER FOUGHT some of the ANGELS OF HEAVEN AND WAS KICKED OUT. He became satan as GOD TOOK HIS stripped him of his name because it was given to him by GOD. Satan also wanted to be worshiped by humans who he considered lesser beings He had no longer the light of GOD AS GOD IS LIGHT AND Lucifer WAS THE LIGHT BEARER NOW that he had no light, because GOD WILL NOT BE AROUND DARKNESS GOD PULLED His light away.. Hell had to be prepared by GOD. No place in heaven for satan, GOD made hell for him as GOD TOOK PITTY ON HIM as satan wanted to be like the most HIGH. GOD made him hell as he wanted his .own kingdom, he got what he wanted. So, as he now is only darkness, who bares only darkness he has only darkness and no longer the light. This is what he chose. As GOD GAVE HIM FREE WILL TO PICK WHAT HE WANTED.
@izzytheoddkid2412 2 месяца назад
Lucifer is called "Son of the morning star" not the morning star. They both was not called "the morning star" ... Read it again.
@88cc20 2 месяца назад
origin of humans mayb...helped create humans mayb...just mayb..
@TonyCalrisiain Месяц назад
@SpiritualWarrior777 Месяц назад
Worlds without number were created BEFORE earth so yes there were places without number created before absolutely!
@Standandwait88 2 месяца назад
JESUS=,SUN,SON, LUCIFER =MOON,artificial light, the original sin not pride but "sin of omission " another words if LUCIFER would of kept his 👀 eyes on GOD and not on himself he wouldn't have fall into pride,there's always a cause of pride money,power,beauty,etc
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
Jesus Christ - THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR Revelations 22:16; KJV Bible I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches, I AM the root and the offspring of David, and THE BRIGHT and MORNING STAR. Revelation 22:16; KJV Bible
@MCClark 2 месяца назад
Lucifer isn’t called “Morningstar”, he’s called “son of the morning”, (Isaiah 14: 12)… Christ is the only called “Morning Star; (Revelation 22: 16)… Lucifer is a created being of God, thus bears the money more, “son of the morning”, and not equal to God… Both are NOT called Morning Star, God doesn’t share His glory/ name(s), (Isaiah 42: 8 )…
@Charlie-nu1qf 2 месяца назад
Shalom Devil means; Deceiver.... Edomites; like a red hairy garment. Thee seed of Esau..... REVELATION 13 : 10. 10. He that leadeth into captivity ( SLAVERY ) shall go into captivity: ( FOR YOUR FOUR FATHER'S DOING ) he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. EZEKIEL 3 : 3 - 4. 3. And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. 4. And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them. MHCBUA....🔥
@dazdilinger1151 2 месяца назад
Because they’re both make believe and idols which have pulled the world from worshipping YHWH deutoronomy32:12
@ms.c7158 2 месяца назад
Lucifer is “Halal Ben Shahar” Son of the Morning, he was a nephilim due to the fact that angels don’t have daddies, they are created being! Satan IS a fallen cherub who STILL has a body, lucifer is currently a disembodied spirit. JESUS IS THE ORIGINAL MORNING STAR AND STILL IS THE MORNING STAR! Please study with a thesaurus and a Bible dictionary before you inadvertently misguide your audience
@ShalandraRobinson-ln5kh 2 месяца назад
Thank You Lord Jesus, for everything, 🙏🏾 Amen 🙏🏾
@tamie2714 3 месяца назад
LUCIFER - SON OF THE MORNING, Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, SON OF THE MORNING! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the NORTH: I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds: I WILL be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15; KJV Bible
@theMolluskMan 13 дней назад
They're not. Lucifer is not the name of Satan. The name Lucifer does not exist in the original text of scripture. It is the Latin substitution for the Hebrew word hilel, Which means shining one. And even that does not refer to Satan. Read Isaiah 14 for the full context.
@casiandrodel9400 3 месяца назад
If this would have bean true you would not have darkness trying defeat light 😂😂😂😂😂
@Donathon-qx8kq 2 месяца назад
Actually... Lucifer is a mistranslation.... also... those verses we Not even about the devil but a enemy king... actually should have been translated as Venus
@frederickfloyd3797 2 месяца назад
Amen thank you Lord savior Jesus Christ for for your sacrifice. because❤❤❤❤❤we would had been lost all glory forever to my heavenly father 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Amen Amen.
@johnnyjean-louis3515 3 месяца назад
The Devil is NOT an Angel and he was NEVER an Angel.He is NOT a member of The Angelic Group.He belongs in a group of Spirits called The Djinns.
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