
Why Libya Remains Divided? 

Good Times Bad Times
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@GoodTimesBadTimes 10 месяцев назад
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@saint-miscreant 10 месяцев назад
You may want to consider renaming the video either ‘Why Does Libya Remain Divided?’ or ‘Why Libya Remains Divided’; the current title ‘Why Libya Remains Divided?’ isn’t grammatically correct. While I normally don’t fuss about such things (and I suspect English isn’t your first language, goodness knows I’m far worse in my second language), the title may cause native English speakers like myself to subconsciously skip over the video because they may associate incorrect grammar with poor analysis or content churns! I know _I_ was initially hesitant to check out your channel (RU-vid recommended me your Russian economy video) for fear that you were another RealLifeLore geopolitics-adjacent-tube wannabe, there’s a lot of channels in this space and I think the little touches do help! btw, I have been impressed with your animations and maps; your explanations are generally quite clear and the visuals do help :)
@second2none914 10 месяцев назад
The death of Gadaffi is one of the most important events of the 21st century. Everything from democratic reforms in sub Saharan Africa, to the North Korean nuclear program. They were all directly impacted by the Arab spring and Gadaffis death.
@Tmb1112 10 месяцев назад
North Korea's first nuke was in 2006... so don't really know how Gadaffi's death impacted that.
@SogaardReedWriter 10 месяцев назад
@@Tmb1112 Gaddafi gave up his Nuclear Program in 2003, but was subsequently overthrown thanks to a western backed intervention. The North Koreans saw this and realized that giving up their Nuclear capabilities would meet the same end, same goes for Iran. I believe it was John Bolton who said in 2017 that the 'Libyan Model' of disarmament would work well for Pyongyang.
@scoobydoobers23 10 месяцев назад
​@@SogaardReedWriterI've heard this claimed a lot. But I'm not sure how having a nuke would have prevented his death. Is the claim that NATO wouldn't have overthrown him for fear of it falling into other hands? That seems pretty straightforward to counter. Is the claim that he would have used the bomb on his own people?
@SogaardReedWriter 10 месяцев назад
@@scoobydoobers23 A nuclear weapon is by definition a deterrence, Gaddafi could have nuked France if he was invaded, this is large part why NATO hasn't directly intervened in Ukraine, or risk nuclear exchange with Russia.
@dannylo5875 10 месяцев назад
​@@SogaardReedWriterGaddafi should have kept his armaments and even invested in submarines as well as ships that could stop an intervention. Even a stealth bomber would have prevented the looting and the current African diaspora that is happening right now...
@WanderingCaretaker 10 месяцев назад
It’s genuinely so sad to see a country with such a rich history divided and destroyed for so long
@sidp5381 10 месяцев назад
Thanks to the supposed defender democracy, the United States this happened
@nabster9253 10 месяцев назад
Rich history lmao was invented in 1888 farthest back
@pax6833 10 месяцев назад
@@sidp5381 lmao did you even watch this video? US had nothing to do with it. It was Russia, UAE, and Turkey, funding a proxy conflict, that cause Libya to fall apart. Plus boneheaded power plays from Libyan warlords.
@prfwrx2497 10 месяцев назад
​​​@@sidp5381while I'm sure Washington didn't miss Gaddafi one bit, I'll be very clear - Gaddafi has made an enemy out of everyone. His neighbors, all the major world powers, and also his own people. I'm not denying how Libya under Gaddafi was moderately prosperous. I'm here to make a case that Gaddafi lived as a man who wholly bought into the idea of his own greatness, lived in excess in how he conducted his politics at home and abroad, and that delusion of grandeur is what killed him. Libyans had enough of political repression and sham democracy, and nobody overseas would miss Gaddafi if he were to die. And thus Gaddafi died like a manged mongrel. I'm not saying it was rightful for him to die from a lynching - anything but. He should've had a free and fair tribunal. I'm just describing history as it happened, and how Gaddafi engineered his own grand life and downfall. Gaddafi's foremost priority in life isn't the prosperity of Libyans. It was to fulfill his self image of omnipotence. What investments he made for Libyans, are incomparable to the luxuries he afforded for himself, and the resources he invested in his many global crusades. War against Chad, against the UK, against Israel, and more fundamentally, against established International Rule of Law. Gaddafi wanted to reshape the world to his image, and that hubris killed him.
@ivanskrypov4030 10 месяцев назад
​@@sidp5381Gaddafi himself carries the most blame here. If he wasn't such a greedy dictator and actually put his citizens interest over his personal, he wouldn't be killed by his own people. He also totally fucked up foreign relations by acting irrational and alienating a lot of powerful countries.
@A.Severan 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for discussing my country's situation. The downfall of Gaddafi, particularly after he sought alignment with the West, is a crucial, yet under explored factor influencing the dynamics in the Arab world and why their governments are apprehensive about hurting Russia. Leaders from Sisi to those in Saudi Arabia view the West with more skepticism, considering its inconsistent role as a power guarantor. This is especially evident when juxtaposed with Russia's unwavering support for Syria's Bashar.
@FOLIPE 10 месяцев назад
The west cannot be relied upon even by more or less democratic leaders in Latam, whom they come to bite every once in a while when things start risking working out. For leaders not aligned with their "values" it's even harder.
@dpelpal 10 месяцев назад
Russia is a joke army nowadays, much different story
@amongstus4418 10 месяцев назад
@@dpelpal Russia may be a joke but they're at least consistent vs the West whose 180 on Gaddaffi made them seem like total Schizos to the ME.
@zoidberg8001 10 месяцев назад
Bring back Gaddafi.
@jcliu 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for your perspective. I think Libya was also the moment when America lost faith in “the West”-i.e. that our alignment with the old NATO powers was anything more than a burden or charity case. Obama felt suckered in by Sarkozy and Cameron to “lead from behind” in an intervention against a dictator in their neighborhood, only to discover the French and British militaries couldn’t sustain a limited bombing campaign for more than a few days without massive American resupply. This led directly to his rejecting involvement in Syria or Ukraine. I.e., if Putin wants to lord over these basket cases, fine; America can pivot to the far more lucrative and dynamic waters of East Asia. Trump basically took the same line, in a different register. While Iraq was the original sin, I think it’s Europe’s utter weakness and incoherence-not to mention economic stagnation-that’s entrenched instability across the Arab world and beyond. At the end of the Cold War, 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇮🇹 were all serious military powers who could provide an alternative, semi-independent pole of Western leadership. Now, as confirmed by the Biden era, they are helpless vassals who need to toe Washington’s line (e.g. on China) if they expect any further protection.
@John-pk9rw 10 месяцев назад
“Mad dog of the Middle East” Americans and geography, gotta love it😂
Libya and the Maghreb are parts of the middle east
@H990-f5f 9 месяцев назад
سلام Please please understand .. take the truth I’m from libya We are in Libya divided politically . Politically only .. the situation Now 2023 on the land the reflection & war is stopped since 3 years .. now the country stable & Libyan people are brothers now .all my friends from western area I’m from eastern area there’s no problem between the people her seriously. Ask any one in Libya . this is the truth . & the clear evidence was Daniel floods in eastern area all western & south Libyan people came to east & helped us , supported us & cried with us ,they gave us their food their water their medicine their clothes , literally .. so we are peacefully together one heart , all the Libyans together 🇱🇾🕊️🤍 2023 الحمد لله
@LuisAldamiz 10 месяцев назад
The intervention was not "NATO", it was Britain (Cameron), France (Sarkozy) and, rather belatedly but with a very enthusiastic Hillary Clinton at the helm (what would later get her the nickname "Killary"), the USA. Italy and Germany very especially opposed the intervention. Italy, which had been cultivating Gaddafi for a long time already, especially under Berlusconi, saw in fact their oil assets transferred to France and Britain as result, Germany was not in the mood either for whatever their own reasons. Broadly speaking it was a neocolonial intervention against Italian interests... but also about Gaddafi's plan to create a gold currency for Africa, which could have caused troubles to USD and FCA franc hegemony.
@danielefabbro822 10 месяцев назад
It's the proof that we Italians are not considered allies by the other members of NATO. Reason why we should leave the alliance. We not only have important interests in Libya, Libya was one of our former colonies and we wanted that Libya could grow economically in order to become a good partner to us. But Europe and America destroyed everything. It was a mortal hit to Libya and a spit on our face for us Italians. And now that there's no more Gheddafi, we have also to welcome and hold all the migrants that are coming from Africa because France and UK don't want them. NATO is not anymore useful to us Italians. I'll vote to leave it.
@mayer14474 10 месяцев назад
Trouble USD?!
@FOLIPE 10 месяцев назад
Maybe Germany just didn't want a useless war for neocolonial profiteering in their periphery.
@danielefabbro822 10 месяцев назад
@@mayer14474 yes. The US Congress have already rised again the debt threshold in order to not declare failure. Bankrupcy.
@LuisAldamiz 10 месяцев назад
@@mayer14474 - The US dollar (backed by Saudi oil since 1973) doesn't like competing divisas, as much of US power lays on financial hegemony and manipulation, and that's why the USA is obsessed with controlling oil (to force its purchase in US conditions and especially in USD) and is by extension also very dedicated to delay the green energy transition.
@hilestoby2628 10 месяцев назад
I have heard rumors on why Gadaffis was overthrown in support by France. France maintains a post-colonial presence that controls half of the central money reserves in the French treasury with the CFA Franc of Sub-Sahara Africa in West and Central Africa countries. French companies get preferential treatment of resource extraction and businesses. France is believed to have wanted Libya's oil and the fear of the decline in Sub-Sahara Africa with Gadaffis Pan-Africanism. Gadaffis may have wanted to use the his oil money to purchase gold and expel the CFA Franc . This could in theory lead could have led to the decline and possible loss of the French presence in Africa.
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
There is never a single “why.” There are dozens of competing factors that push actions and alliances. The issue you cite would just add weight to one side of the scales.
@belisarius9515 10 месяцев назад
yes, France was the biggest lobbyist for the downfall of Gaddafi for this exact reason, for all the "liberte egalite fraternite" slogan the french government likes to publicly push, they are still a colonial nation with colonial interest in the western/ central Africa region.
@pjacobsen1000 10 месяцев назад
The 'they want the oil' theory is one of the most common heard theories when trying to explain conflicts. But oil isn't that important a resource. There is plenty of oil all around the world. Literally every continent (except Antarctica) has oil, it's not a scarce resource, and oil is readily available on the global market at the daily market price. There is as little reason to wage war over oil as there is to wage war over iron ore. People said the Gulf War, the Iraq War and The Syrian War were all about oil, but nobody ended up taking the oil, or even attempted to take the oil. Whether it's the US, or Russia, or China, or the EU, everybody is quite happy to just buy oil from whoever is willing to sell it.
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
@@pjacobsen1000 Exactly. Iraq and Afghanistan cost the U.S., which now produces most of its own energy, quite literally 14+ trillion dollars. No amount of favorable oil access is going to make up for that.
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
@@belisarius9515 The French certainly don’t GAF about Ukraine. They’re giving the bare minimum, constantly calculating what’s just enough to keep from getting criticized internationally. But by comparison, Belgium makes France look like the UK, US & Poland combined when it comes to giving. They’re an utter disgrace.
@Dangur2 10 месяцев назад
You forgot to mention French and Italian support of the opposing sides.
@danielefabbro822 10 месяцев назад
We Italians support the democratically elected President, backed by the United Nations. France supports the general on the other side, backed by America. There's literally nothing in common.
@Dangur2 10 месяцев назад
@@danielefabbro822 I meant wright that. France wants to limit Turkey's claims in the Mediterranean sea and supports Greece's claims for waters, so the general is their guy.
@danielefabbro822 10 месяцев назад
@@Dangur2 we have also saved the vast majority of the refugees that have escaped from the war and again also the migrants. All welcomed in Italy. With water, food, a roof over their heads, a warm bed and the chance to start anew here. While France, UK and America have done nothing, they even closed their borders. They first bombs harmless people than they refuse to help. I feel ashamed by having them as "allies".
@matthew7027 10 месяцев назад
@@Dangur2 French casually supports a war lord with RUSSIA. NATO sees none of it. great.
@asharahmad1068 10 месяцев назад
​@@danielefabbro822your democracy is a scam and is American puppetism😂 your current pm was labeled as threat to democracy because she wasn't chosen by usa😂
@Metalhead_69 10 месяцев назад
It's unexpected but entertaining to see a Lybian report in the current situation. It might not get millions of views, but something I will gladly watch and enjoy. Thank you, creator!
@dpelpal 10 месяцев назад
Slava Ukraine from a Libyan
@tonytrident8874 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I thought the same thing. I found this channel in the opening days in the Ukraine war and immediately knew by the accent he was from Poland lol.
@vilijamkil5937 10 месяцев назад
f... ukraine from a libyan@@dpelpal
@Metalhead_69 10 месяцев назад
@@dpelpal I wish the best for your country and people!
@PrimalAspid96 10 месяцев назад
@@Metalhead_69 How come ukrainian people began evacuation of Kharkiv and Odessa? I've noticed rumors of Russia's winter offensive happening this winter.
@Cubs3344 10 месяцев назад
Without US and NATO, I think Libya would be much more peaceful now
@njfblh2 9 месяцев назад
lol. Gandaffi was behind some many terrorist act. If you want peace in your country, stop terrorizing other countries and stop blaming all Arab problem to America and Europe.
@asselanory6982 23 дня назад
Absolutely yes 💯
@Mohammed96M 4 месяца назад
Since I am a Libyan, I give you good news that the situation will improve in a short time and the country will return to the better.. Muammar Gaddafi, the conscience of the world 🟩✌🏻
@LIGHTandPEACE 3 месяца назад
I want that too. But how?
@Mohammed96M 3 месяца назад
The situation is much better than before The army, led by Haftar, will launch a lightning operation and take control of the entire Libyan territory​@@LIGHTandPEACE
@VolmerHamden Месяц назад
​@@Mohammed96MHey Haftar, what do you say? This is a terrorist and he fought all the parties in Benghazi that were not supported by anyone. He secured its people and led it into a war that lasted four years. Many innocent people died there and from the groups that had previously been revolutionaries on 2/17 that were oppressed. He accused them of murder and terrorism charges that were completely false. Evidence, but she always denies the charges, and yet he fought her to control her and the rest of Libya by force. In the past, he was a prisoner in Chad, and then America took him and he defected to Gaddafi. Also, he will not be able to control Libya because he already tried in 2019, but he failed, lost, and left, and he will not be able to control Tripoli because even Its people have bombed it and bombed the innocents, so how do you want them to accept it? No one will forget his crimes against the Libyan people, so how do you want him to be its president?
@Mohammed96M Месяц назад
@@VolmerHamden You are either a terrorist or an agent... We all know that after 2011, people came to Libya and the East, specifically in Benghazi, Derna, and Ajdabiya, and they killed and bombed, and when the Caliph started the war, they slaughtered and carried out suicide bombers, and we all know this.
@Mohammed96M Месяц назад
@@VolmerHamden Khalifa Haftar, the next president of Libya, with American, Russian, Emirati, and even Turkish support. Khalifa Haftar now has many allies in the western region...just remember my words.😉
@karloyu3484 10 месяцев назад
I hope Turkey and Egypt could find ways to have that agreement road to Peace and make Libya great again.
@AJmyself 10 месяцев назад
tama ka jan...
@JSWahrani 10 месяцев назад
Great again??? 😂 when was the last time there was anything great about Libya? It’s always been a bloody mess
@karloyu3484 10 месяцев назад
@@JSWahrani ahh.. You might be wondering.. When was that?... Helinic period, Greek and Romans.. Up until 15th-19th Centuries.. 4th largest Country in Africa and Arab World. One the largest oil reserve. Then Civil War broke out in 2011, then Change alot of landscape in Libya.. Khadafi was kicked out, bitten to death by his Countrymen.
@rickysampson8759 9 месяцев назад
@@JSWahraniyou mean when it had universal healthcare, college, housing, and nobody starved under gaddafi?
@kylarazoth6289 9 месяцев назад
​@@karloyu3484 turkey has no say in libya egypt os its neigbouring country specially whe turkey is ruled by british made cult the muslim brotherhood.
@Ragnar1210 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for making this video! The conflict in Libya is way too complex to comprehend. There are so many factions and governments fighting with each other... It's just too messed up to understand the whole conflict!
@michaelarmstrong5065 10 месяцев назад
Like in america divide the country and it is weaked.He was to much of an independent thinker .England hated him for his support of the IRA,america and israel hated him because he was too much of a wild card in middle eastern politics that could have threated israel
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
I think it’s more like extremist jihadest and militias who are backed by usa, turkey and uk fighting the national army over the capital
@kendemajoros4617 10 месяцев назад
Great summary. Thanks for your commitment to an unbiased and relatively thorough report.
@Eric-xx3mb 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. I didn't really know what was going on in Libya post Gaddafi. Thank you for your work!
@asharahmad1068 10 месяцев назад
This video is western biasness. Just know that there is no Libya after Gaddafi
@quantumcomata105 10 месяцев назад
Twelve years already?!? But I remember the Libyan civil war like it was yesterday
@enderiskender2977 Месяц назад
you are geting old my friend like i :).
@CurvaceousCrow 10 месяцев назад
Amazing video. It would however, be extremely useful if sources could be cited within the video itself, or even just listed in the description.
@ggoddkkiller1342 10 месяцев назад
Sadly it was quite biased, for example no mention of how easily ''humanist'' and ''democratic'' west justifies supporting warlords, dictators, kings or princes if their interests demand it! Tobruk government was killing and destroying Libyan people elected government for years with foreign support like Sudanese, Egyptian and Russian mercenaries and weapons. And no western country did a damn thing to stop it, some of them were even openly supporting warlord haftar like France even if Russia also has been supporting Tobruk. Then when Turkey finally intervened and saved a democratically elected government, also finally enforcing a ceasefire after years of fighting suddenly it became ''a huge problem'' and some western countries even tried to block Turkish support to UN recognized GNA government like what the actual fuck?! If French and German navy didn't back down Turkish frigates were literally open fire on them especially in the case of German piracy, they had no right to stop a Turkish ship in international waters and search it illegally. Some might claim it is too aggressive but Turkey has every right to target pirates regardless what flag they are flying.. It is just a ridiculous joke that Turkey needs Libya to back it's claims in Mediterranean, it is not at all. Turkey didn't sign UNCLOS and it is not binding between Greece and Turkey while UNCLOS wasn't the only UN sea laws convention rather there were more of them before which were signed by both Turkey and Greece. So those previous conventions are binding and Turkey can literally ignore all Greek islands even in Aegean not just Mediterranean 100% according to international laws while only has to leave 12 nmiles EEZ for the islands. Also there is absolutely NOTHING found yet in the disputed area so claiming it was for ''billions of dollars'' is just nothing but another laughable claim! Turkey can not and will not allow Greece to use tiny islands that you need magnifying glass to see on a map and with only few hundred population to reduce EEZ of 80 million people regardless there are resources or not. It is also exactly same in the entire world, for example British islands next to France have both reduced territorial waters and EEZ, French islands next to Canada have reduced EEZ, Finnish islands next to Sweden have both reduced waters and EEZ, Spanish islands next to Morocco have both reduced waters and EEZ. But only God knows how exactly Greek islands next to Turkey must have full 12 miles territorial waters and full 200 nmiles EEZ, right?! They will need a war and also a victory to achive it for sure. The fighting in Libya didn't stop because GNA forces couldn't defeat haftar forces, again completely false information. It stopped because russkies sent two squadrons into Libya, actual fucking russian air force! It created a dilemma for GNA side as they had no air force to speak off and Turkey could send some F-16s to Libya but Libyan bases were in terrible shape and Libya is too far away for air refueling operations. Those russian squadrons could not target Turkish forces but they could shoot down Turkish drones and freely bomb GNA forces while russkies could also send more of them. It is often overlooked in the west for obvious reasons but Turkish backed GNA killed HUNDREDS of wagner mercenaries in Libya and they were willing to further increase their presence. So instead of escalating the war sides signed a ceasefire agreement under Turkish and russky supervision..
@senselesssai6828 10 месяцев назад
Glossing over a lot of well known facts when it comes to "arab spring" in Libya and the fall of Gaddafi.
@FOLIPE 10 месяцев назад
This is basically a pro-US, pro-Nato channel. You can't expect to come to a vegetarian buffet and find meat.
@dr94279 10 месяцев назад
Look at his Ukraine war coverage. Clear Western bias
@horstnietzsche1923 10 месяцев назад
Such as what?
@dr94279 10 месяцев назад
@@horstnietzsche1923 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LxdXqAkgOVs.htmlsi=Ez_xk5r3SHctBPKP
@senselesssai6828 10 месяцев назад
@@horstnietzsche1923 Such as Qatar through Al Jazeera the U.S and the French engineering and conspiring to organize the fall of Gaddafi and redistribution of the control of oil production between French and U.S companies in post war Libya. The supplying , funding (thus practically the creation) of and intelligence sharing to the so called "rebels" and supporting directly with airstrikes on military and government targets. This was all revealed by the leaked "Clinton emails". Why or how people that take interest in geopolics do not know this is beyond me. Wilful ignorance seems like the only option.
@boomba6686 10 месяцев назад
your videos are always so informative
@OktaviusBiedermann 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for this insight into Libya! A forgotten conflict.
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
Forgotten? Not by anyone who pays even the slightest attention to geopolitics.
@OktaviusBiedermann 10 месяцев назад
@@The_ZeroLine such a professional lol
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
@@OktaviusBiedermann I’m super cereal!
@ItssMrT 10 месяцев назад
Khalifa Haftar is also a an american citizen
@dannylo5875 10 месяцев назад
He is also a CIA backed individual...who often switched sides with whatever power provided assistance...
@ItssMrT 10 месяцев назад
i never liked him anyway but its not up to me @@dannylo5875
@tetefather 10 месяцев назад
Turkey coming in clutch and saving Libya from becoming another western colony
@kavi661 10 месяцев назад
Are you form Libya
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
You mean they helped the western militias to become there puppets
@skipperson4077 9 месяцев назад
Haftar was very close to invading Tripoli, which likely would have ended the war. Turkey showed up at the last minute and effectively caused this war to continue. Anarchy isn't salvation.
@tetefather 9 месяцев назад
@@skipperson4077 So Libya should've just let the whole country get overrun by foreign agents and become another corrupt colony because wAr iS bAD, mmMkaYY?? Your argument doesn't make any sense. By your logic, all countries should never resist any military action happening upon them because "there will be killing". lol
@fillipe4700 10 месяцев назад
I think we may disagree in a lot of stuff regarding domestic and foreign policy, but I can't deny that your content is top notch and I really appreciate it!
@adamesd3699 10 месяцев назад
It’s possible that the crisis in Gaza might help improve the situation in Libya because at least now many of the outside powers are meeting and talking - Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, UAE, etc.
@aaronjones8905 10 месяцев назад
Return the monarchy in a constitutional form. Monarchs stop strongmen from taking control and can unite the national identity.
@theotherohlourdespadua1131 10 месяцев назад
Or become the strongmen themselves...
@ars8223 10 месяцев назад
​@@theotherohlourdespadua1131well duh of course they are the strongman they are litterally monarch
@roghider319 8 месяцев назад
Italy will tell you otherwise
@jirislavicek9954 10 месяцев назад
The war in Libya is as complex and difficult to comprehend as the war in Yemen. I don't know who will be able to clean up this mess.
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
I think haftar is the best option for libya better than extremist jihadest and militias at least
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
As libyan this is the best video I’ve watched about libyan civill war, thank you for you honesty. ❤️
@user-rl3iv2jk9q 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for your presentation , I watched all of it .
@FreeFallingAir 10 месяцев назад
I'm loving these geopolitical break downs, great work.
@gogogodzilla9220 10 месяцев назад
How many instances of "Nato/USA supporting rebel militias gone wrong" have we experienced lately??
@baha3alshamari152 10 месяцев назад
And they are still doing it in Syria and Iraq and Ukraine
@SamiNami 10 месяцев назад
I think it was succeful the Libyan terrorist attacks have stopped.
@thegoodpimps 10 месяцев назад
@@baha3alshamari152Ukraine at least has an Endgame, they join European Union and NATO.
@zeus0710 10 месяцев назад
​@@thegoodpimpsthey'll never join NATO unless they succeed in kicking Russia out of their territory and make an agreement with them to stop the war. We all know if Ukraine joins NATO it will cause more conflict since all Europeans will have to forcefully put boots on the ground.
@carloscampo9119 10 месяцев назад
Amazing summary and data on recent events, thanks!
@emanuelsadu263 10 месяцев назад
Bet you that Gadafi is popular even today in Lybia
@anguscovoflyer95 10 месяцев назад
Because of all of this. Some Libyans miss Gaddafi even though he was a brutal dictator
@bas1m 10 месяцев назад
Libya was the richest country in the region , and was about to Make gold their currency and they HAD (stolen by .. ) a huge gold reserve. free healthcare free education (befriended a couple of Libyans abroad) Free Lands when starting a family But "some people" didn't like that because it will destabilize their economy ...and now its all history, that wont be forgotten "weapon of mass destruction in Iraq" type of thing
@burakahmettr8193 10 месяцев назад
yeah , it was even bigger than turkey's (seen as one of the best islamic nation) gdp per capita. human development index was also higher. europeans believe they are always right and democracy will fix everything while nearly everywhere they intervened became a shithole
@ScreamingSturmovik 10 месяцев назад
very little mention of the French involvement, everything i've heard says the French were supporting the General against the wishes of the U.S. and other allies
@arailway8809 10 месяцев назад
Very good work, Thomasz
@ThePunisher014 10 месяцев назад
Did a US president call Libya Middle East? lol The only argument could be said about eastern Libya, which could qualify to be closer to Egypt and the east than Tunisia and the west, hence even with that definition, Libya as a whole would still not be middle eastern, neither in culture, nor history.
@Rich-o5n 10 месяцев назад
Thankyou so much for your fantastic content I very much enjoy your detailed and unbiased reporting. Keep it coming
@Jerbod2 10 месяцев назад
Ghadaffi should have stayed in power. The USA pushed him over because a headless countey is weak. It worked.
@williamlloyd3769 10 месяцев назад
USA didn’t partially like Muammar Gaddafi, but he sowed the seeds of his destruction over decades. No reason Libya couldn’t have been strong country, but by destroying all other institutions in the country that provide cohesion in society, it hollowed out the country. PS - As usual, western powers were clueless about thinking what comes next.
@skipperson4077 9 месяцев назад
did you even listen to the video? I fail to see what 'The USA' gains from this anarchy, much easier to control one leader than many armed factions and Quaddafi was already working with the west. Simplistic and probably politicized answer for a very complex situation.
@AliSonerBozkurt 10 месяцев назад
No matter how rich and determined you are, you cannot do anything in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East without permission from the Turks.
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
Bro shut up and go make me some kebabs
@sehmeem 10 месяцев назад
Average turk who thinks he is better than everyone else.
@orange8420 10 месяцев назад
Developing nations get bombed to stone age by usa West : liberation Developing nation get aid from china West : chinese expansion, debt trap
@skipperson4077 9 месяцев назад
poor characterization. Only Vietnam was bombed heavily with most of the bombs being used in tactical situations in South Vietnam, the US ally. Despite that Vietnam recovered rather quickly. Afik, Western intervention in Libya was air cover to prevent Quadaffi from using his air force from bombing the Libyan people as per the UN. A large number of countries that took Chinese loans are in arrears, a problem for them and now a problem for China.
@Dutchwheelchair 9 месяцев назад
the imf is not any better@@skipperson4077
@kerryannegarnick1846 9 месяцев назад
I miss Gaddafi man
@kerryannegarnick1846 9 месяцев назад
He had a lot of problems, but he was one of the best leaders Africa has ever seen and he was done so dirty.
@donaldpetersen2382 10 месяцев назад
Why doesn't Egypt have any interests or involvement? They support Gaza plenty but wont touch Libya?
@zero95lucky 10 месяцев назад
In what way does egypt support gaza? Everything I hear is about how egypt has closed their border to the gazans & want nothing to do with the situation.
@josephpercente8377 10 месяцев назад
Libya is divided because the west in their Pollyanna view of the world thought if we installed democracy everything will be just fine. A lot more people have died than if qaddafi remained in power.
@globallawmedia 10 месяцев назад
Libya is struggling. But the future is bright if Libya follows the blueprint of previous war torn countries
@DerSchleier 10 месяцев назад
Which ZOG Capitalist destroyed ("war torn") country stands on its own today? I bet not a single one.
@Azurethewolf168 10 месяцев назад
Get involved in meddling with foreign powers to continue the war for their own benefit?
@pickleman40 10 месяцев назад
12 years of constant war but people like this guy act like it's not so bad because Obama was the president at the time.
@RenéSaussy 10 месяцев назад
Like Iraq!
@enriqueperezarce5485 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@RenéSaussyIronically Iraq was one of the few countries today that the US pumped money into and kinda saved it from economic turmoil from Baathist mismanagement of the economy
@Nobody.exe50 10 месяцев назад
i wasnt updated on the whole conflict , needed one , thanks
@m.streicher8286 10 месяцев назад
I didnt know Gaddafi supported the ANC or the IRA, cool.
@theotherohlourdespadua1131 10 месяцев назад
And the Moro National Liberation Front and Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the Philippines for 40 years...
@Nizmisrata 10 месяцев назад
I'm from Libya Unfortunately this is true
@ghostdiaries369 4 месяца назад
Why Libyans hated Gaddafi?
@Nizmisrata 4 месяца назад
@@ghostdiaries369 Libyan people are mostly left wing and Gaddafi was an extremist right wing so whoever talks about being a left wing and says a bad thing about Gaddafi gets excuted in public to terror the others Libyans never show hate to Gaddafi till the year of 2011 Libyans successfully gathered secretly ,planed to over throw Gaddafi in 2011/2/17 So as a said Gaddafi was a right wing that means left wings gonna usually hate his government And the west (left wing superpowers) found it a god opportunity to over throw Gaddafi since his own people are turning against him .
@stephenmarcus9601 10 месяцев назад
Libya was a confederation of city states held together by an oil rich central authority. Now, with resources in so many hands, it is doubtful that that nation of Libya will ever unite again. The Green Book, and Qaddafi, served as a sort of national identity, but that's over and replaced by tribalism that can only work together as part of Empire.
@benyseus6325 10 месяцев назад
Erdogan once again trying to play the masked puppeteer in the shadows.
@user-alking Месяц назад
نحن الشعب الليبي ندعم حفتر و نعتبره قائد لنا القائد يجب ان يكون قوي وليس كلب للغرب
@juriskucinskis4100 10 месяцев назад
Is there any material about how these direct democracy institutions mentioned in Gadaffis Green book actually worked? Were they actually established in Libya and is so, how much power over Libyan governmence they actually had?
@ItssMrT 10 месяцев назад
france also is with Khalifa haftar
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
France , greece , egypt , uae , saudi arabia , jordan and russia support marshal haftar
@ItssMrT 10 месяцев назад
@@Llo01 im from الزاوية in In the west and I don’t support him in fact I’m one of those who will probably end up fighting him
@Diplomastronaut 10 месяцев назад
Informative video. Very murky what is going on in Libya right now.
@Dangur2 10 месяцев назад
Libia probably would be splitted between Egypt and Algeria (and their allies). Their attraction is too powerful for such ruined and sparsely populated country.
@fuzzyhair321 10 месяцев назад
Egypt especially they'll exploit the oil for everything to help stabilise the nation
@Monestary_Warrior 10 месяцев назад
Another great video
@ryelor123 10 месяцев назад
Just goes to show, the European powers never change.
@sakakaka4064 10 месяцев назад
It's not only the European powers. All countries work this way - otherwise, they would cease to exist.
@JohnnyChronic18 10 месяцев назад
Top quality content
@hichemahmedsista6445 8 месяцев назад
Its sad how things changed to worse when colonel gueddafi was killed
@raquetdude 10 месяцев назад
2:50 wasn’t that attack done by Assad in Syria but Gaddafi claimed it was done by Libya?
@CoolBoy-jc8xk 10 месяцев назад
It was Iran not Syria
@lazygamer4825 9 месяцев назад
i love west ignores how libyan plp life under gadaffi they had evrtyhing many plp from other coutry came to libya to work many of my friends where in libya made aot of money there working f. west
@The_ZeroLine 10 месяцев назад
It’s amazing how many intellectually lazy people just say “the US it at fault” as if no other people or powers have any agency. No, while the US has contributed to both stability and instability in Africa + the ME, the 1,400 year old death struggle between Shias and Sunnis, a thousand different tribal rivalries, competing economic and geopolitical agendas and on and on, is the primary mover. Also, Gaddafi never had nukes. He had a primitive enrichment program. He was never close to nukes. So, he never had nukes to give up or was really capable of producing one. Anyway, how we got to the current predicament of Libya cannot be explained in a mere 20 minutes. For the record, I was not a supporter of Europe, Turkey and America’s intervention in Libya. Gaddafi was a monster, but they unleashed many monsters when they enabled the destruction of the regime. But after that, fighting became boosted by regimes, including Russia, the UAE and Turkey, who had even more cynical interests.
@FOLIPE 10 месяцев назад
In this case it is mostly the west's fault though, not only the US but also France, and their regional puppets in control of the Arab League
@MuiltiLightRider 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's mostly just people who have a particular worldview of "West=bad" who spew stuff like that without ever doing the work of digging into the details of these conflicts and seeing that in fact, not everything can be boiled down to "Western intervention" and that there are often multiple stakeholders, domestic and international supporting different sides and pushing their thumbs on the scales of conflicts
@shadowlord1418 10 месяцев назад
Same people who blame the British
@brownmold 10 месяцев назад
No mention of nuclear weapons, and Libya's giving up their arsenal....
@RoboticDragon 10 месяцев назад
Very good video, thanks.
@Ivan-NZ 9 месяцев назад
It is very ,,funny" when he says that the rebels occupied half of Libya in just a week, and in the next sentence he says that Gaddafi's clan has decided for a confrontation🤨
@goonerhill1668 10 месяцев назад
I think it is time for a promotion for Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. Maybe ''Supreme Generalissimo'' or ''Ultimate Warrior'' ??
@toxichuman208 10 месяцев назад
How about “stupid semi-dictator”?
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
There’s no rank after field marshal in libya
@abisekmndhr3620 10 месяцев назад
In search of silver libyans lost diamond.
@svennielsen633 10 месяцев назад
This was very informative.
@MrZombiekiller23 10 месяцев назад
it was all about protecting the CFA and 'containing' any nation that dares grow in spite of US imperialism
@danieltsiprun8080 3 месяца назад
I thought Qatar was the biggest supporter of the first rebelion in libya.
@MozogyLy Месяц назад
I am Libyan 🇱🇾 I lived my life between the years of Gaddafi’s rule and after Gaddafi. There were claims that Gaddafi was responsible for the attacks, but there was no Blame me for establishing bases and concentrations in Libya, as well as buying oil from smuggling and illegal immigration dealers, as well as drug dealers during the period of Gaddafi’s rule. I was going to ask the law because you harmed state security, but now you are the reason.
@AbdurrahmanNarzullayov 10 месяцев назад
Thanks to NATO intervention
@jamesdavis3177 10 месяцев назад
thnxs for the report
@grantpenton1850 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for such an instructive review. It seems inevitable that Libya will be divided for many years to come, as was Yemen, and that development will be slow. Perhaps the Egyptian megaproject New Delta will be online before any sustaining peace between the two sides will be realized!
@epeeypen 10 месяцев назад
honestly seems like america is the bad guy over and over
@gnalygnaly7759 10 месяцев назад
40 I only give this example. Let us sanctify ourselves. Every prayer has an Amen, everything has an end. One day, one after the other, we shall rest from our works. And looking back, we must be happy for what we did on earth for God. Help the weak. Love one another as God loves us. Let’s bear with one another as God bears with us. 41 Our goal is to move together from darkness to the Light of our time and to stand on the mountain of Matthew 25:6 and sing the song of Kacou Philippe, which is the Message of the midnight Cry.
@kamilskrobisz106 10 месяцев назад
Perfection in every second, quality of your movies is mind blowing just keep going and THANK YOU,,! Impressive always suprising and perfect I’m reading plenty of geopolitics stuff but again I’m learning from you guys buckets of new knowledge .. and again perfection is not easy but every single episode is way more than that … as an atheist I can only say gooood bless you keep it going 😂
@0.87Q0Q 9 месяцев назад
I watch this video from libya thanks for explain
@repo8720 3 месяца назад
America and its Western allies are happy with the disastrous situation in Libya. This is what they wanted from the beginning to destroy and dismantle Libya so that it would not be able to issue its own currency in Africa
@DuyPham-xd8lp 9 месяцев назад
Gadaffi was a man of culture, he only had pretty female security around him
@abdullahshah9397 10 месяцев назад
There is a significant ethnic divide between eastern and western libya often unnoticed by outsiders. The east is is made up of arab tribes that migrated from arabia in the 11th century. Even the dialects spoken there is very close to the dialects spoken in western and central saudi arabia. The west is made up by arabized berbers and descendants of turks and janessaries. All are arabic speakers and that makes this devide unnoticed by outsiders.
@kavi661 10 месяцев назад
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
That’s true
@thedarkdragon1437 10 месяцев назад
you are now losing viewers because youtube adblock policy does not let us watch your videos.
@dcanedemboyz7431 10 месяцев назад
Gaddafi, The Most Overrated Ruler
@mpbomber1491 10 месяцев назад
He was drippy tho
@dcanedemboyz7431 10 месяцев назад
@@mpbomber1491 Cap, seen Xi where better drip
@pickleman40 10 месяцев назад
Didn't deserve to be murdered, have his country dismantled and then completely abandoned by the west to institute a migrant crisis. Libya's current state is a failure of the west, not gadafi.
@prfwrx2497 10 месяцев назад
He's a Tito wannabe, and he failed spectacularly. Just a loony sitting on unspeakable amounts of mineral wealth, giving Libyans enough morsels to distract them for a few decades. Admittedly those morsels of natural resources was more than enough to significantly improve quality of life - but come on. Gaddafi was living like a God by comparison. He wasn't acting out of generosity for the Libyans. He was living a power trip and fulfilling his illusions of grandeur, bribing the people with the bare minimum of state functions and vanity projects until the last moments of his life. And since Libya was a cult of personality, the power vacuum imploded into whatever this is. At least Yugoslavia broke up and settled into national lines. Libya - there's no new idea to replace Gaddafi. I'm not here to discredit what positive impact Gaddafi had. What I'm here to argue is that the good that came with Gaddafi is incidental in its motivation, engineered to distract the Libyan public from his many eccentricities and crusades. A self proclaimed anti colonialist and anti Imperialist, who tried to colonized Chad's Aozou strip. A man with illusions of grandeur hell bent on destroying international rule of law and the West, and he wasn't beneath killing thousands of civilians overseas throughout that crusade. What ultimately killed Gaddafi is his complete failure at state craft and international diplomacy. His heavy hand at home couldn't stifle dissent any longer, and he had antagonized everyone of his neighbors and their regional superpowers, ensuring nobody would intervene to save his skin when the mob came after his head. Gaddafi was a man who lived and died by his delusions of grandeur.
@pax6833 10 месяцев назад
@@prfwrx2497 Gaddafi would lavishly shower Libyan oil money onto foreign countries for inane reasons, like providing money to "Emperor Bokassa" to convert the CAR into an islamic nation. Wasteful shit like that. Terrible leader. It is good that he is gone, the real problem for Libya is that they became a playground for foreign countries to wage proxy wars, same for Yemen.
@atakanpayman 9 месяцев назад
It appears a Turkey-Egypt normalization is mandatory for peace in Libya.
@neilsbruno9842 10 месяцев назад
The 'Arab Spring' should actually be called the Arab nightmare. The Countries went backwards. After getting freedom, 'the people' don't know what to do. Tribes still fighting tribes...
@NormanInAustralia 10 месяцев назад
@Aka0ne1 10 месяцев назад
Actually it has always been somewhat divided into CYRENAICA and Tripolitania.
@coleschwarz699 6 месяцев назад
There was "never a lybian connection to the discotheque bombing" - Head of the investigation (Manfred Ganschow) unless your source is Nancy Reagan, you were able to find that out
@advancetotabletop5328 10 месяцев назад
USA out of the ME and energy independent. Only nations USA should fund are western-allied countries that can stand on their own after the USA leaves. Thankfully, for the USA taxpayer, the number of such countries can be counted on one hand.
@alex4863 10 месяцев назад
My take on this is this, I preferably Torbruk to win in this conflict. Simply because before all this Libya for the most part was stable, one of the most successful countries in Africa, and due to western countries just sabotaging the country. (Gaddafi a horrible terrorism user, but then again show me a government that doesn’t do illegal activities) I still disagree with the Authoritarian tendencies from Torbruk, though a lot of countries cultures in some way function off that structure to function. Tripoli government is an instant turn off due to religious preference n mixture within government n that’s a instant turn off for my political philosophy.
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
As libyan you are right, there’s no “government” in western libyan it’s ruled by militias and jihadist(isis)
@gorillamaniamnotatrollimju8408 10 месяцев назад
Libyans are y'all happy now??
@abdulati2024 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately no
@Bettercalllsaad 9 дней назад
Are you mocking us or check on us?
@vanveakrin276 10 месяцев назад
Egyptian fraction challenging Turkish fraction for power in Libya
@Llo01 10 месяцев назад
This video also forgot to mention that iran supports the western government and Saudi support marshal khalifa haftar, libya is part of iran vs saudiarabia cold war
@Silkracer 2 месяца назад
arab leaders who wanted him out of the picture btw so USA responded with making the nato and France toke credit at the very end..
@biggrampa 9 месяцев назад
great channel
@abdulghani8269 8 месяцев назад
U.S.A. And EU must be charged now
@svihl666 9 месяцев назад
22:25 / 23:17
@leblancdegesco8321 10 месяцев назад
80 Well. The Lord Jesus Christ said that it is not good to give the bread of the children to dogs. But at a meeting where the Message is at the centre, the Holy Spirit is directly responsible for the actions He will lead you to do. But apart from that, do not listen to a person who has no interest in Salvation. Consider that God has given you the gift as a means to lead his children to Him. 81 A disease can be placed on someone by God to lead him to salvation. But someone who has no interest in Salvation can be a dog, a dishonest person, or a sex offender whom God has put in chains. And if you deliver him, you can be responsible before God for the actions he will do after that healing. That's why you must ask him questions before you pray for him. 82 Thus it is with what you must do with spiritual gifts. And if it is a prophetess, during a campaign of evangelism, after the songs of meditation, she will come and speak before everyone as the prophets would do. 83 You can go anywhere. And you are free to say what you want. I repeat that a gift is a bait to get a Message across. It is obligatorily that. A gift operating without a Message is a power of seduction, as we see everywhere with the evangelicals.
@afro_princess1671 10 месяцев назад
Under the thumbnail, it said CaspianReport viewers also watch this channel😂😂😂... what on earth is going on😅
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