
Why Musical Theatre Audiences are Suddenly Out of Control… 

Daniel J. Layton
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13 сен 2024




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@DanLayton Год назад
I would LOVE to hear your horror stories of bad theatre etiquette, but I'd especially love to hear your moments of utter joy spent in the theatre. Drop them in the comments please!!
@hazzamazza1015 Год назад
I went to see bat out of hell a few years ago and I loved it so much, hands down the best jukebox musical I’ve seen. But when the sing “2 out of 3 ain’t bad ” came on, this drunk woman behinde me was screaming (?!) along. She then got ushered out quite quickly. But that whole thing lasted the song. I was too focussed on that happening then catching what was going on at that point of the show. I think if you want to sing along- either sing in your head or go to a sing along performance. Heathers did “sing along” shows where we got sheets of paper that told us exactly when we could join in. But that was a crowd of theatre lovers and quite obviously theatre performers. It wasn’t too loud, in tune, house lights where brightened when it was out time to join and as soon as sing time was over, house lights down and it was time to join back in. (Completely agree this routes lowkey from mamma Mia)
@alecfest5346 Год назад
I was in a production at the end of 2022 and we had an awesome audience that heckled and contributed where it was appropriate (these moments were made very obvious for them) and made sure to be respectful at more emotional or storytelling moments or when they weren’t cued to contribute. It was an awesome crowd!
@hazzamazza1015 Год назад
Side comment: I’ve missed seeing your videos so much! Gonna have a bit of a binge now, I think I started watching about 7 or 8 years ago. Hate if it makes u feel old at all but you got me through a super tough ttime of being a loner in secondary. Im now in me second year of uni doing mt , still a loner but more happy with it ? Idk but just thank you yk (and also ty because you were my “famous person flex” when like a one second clip of us meeting at sitc was in a vlog. Anyways rant over but just thank you and keep on!
@HelloYesThisIsDog Год назад
Sister Act, last month. Two women with a young boy right behind me, and the boy would not stop talking. One of the women would frequently shush him, but then her and the other woman would be talking and loudly opening packets of food during songs, and then towards the end of the show, audibly yawning!! Unfortunately I could do nothing but sigh and shake my head loudly in that British way, but as they were so blind and ignorant to their own obnoxious actions, they probably didn’t even notice. I still regret not saying something a month on!
@felicitystjames8651 Год назад
For Black Boys who’ve considered s**icide when the hue got too heavy - was my favourite show I’ve ever seen. Exceptionally moving, funny and heartbreaking show and the performances were stunning but what made it so incredibly special was the audience. It is about black masculinity and the vast majority of the audience were black and people from the global majority- they whooped and sung along to the music (when encouraged by the actors) and they sat silently in the moments that required it. It was the final show at the royal court and playwright was in the audience. After the curtain call A middle aged man in the circle shouted down to the playwright saying ‘thank you, thank for making this’ and everyone applauded. This show clearly meant so much to this particular audience and i sobbed and sobbed thinking about how wonderful that show likes this exists and how fortune I was to see it with this group of people. Theatrical euphoria it truly was 🎭
@lindsaygray218 Год назад
I saw Dear Evan Hansen in Toronto and at intermission a teenage girl sitting in front of me turned to her mom and said "UGH I WANT TO SING ALONG SO BAD BUT COURTNEY [her friend sitting with her] WON'T LET ME!" and im like bless u courtney ur the best
@DanLayton Год назад
Courtney for Prime Minister
@SamHaeger Год назад
I don't know Courtney but I'm proud of her
@moonjellyfish23 Год назад
Courtney is a w
@calliel9188 Год назад
Praise Courtney
@samanthae.1002 Год назад
All hail the courteous Cortney
@Flutter_Aeina Год назад
When I finally was able to see Hamilton with my mom (she knew how ecstatic I was and this was a big deal for me), for the first couple songs, this couple in front of us kept singing along (quite badly.) my mom noticed I looked disappointed every time they would start singing along and after a while she had enough, tapping on the woman’s shoulder and effectively saying “hey. This show is really important to my daughter and she has been waiting to see it for a very long time. Can you please not sing along anymore?” Thanks mom! Also, the woman seemed SURPRISED my mom asked her to be quiet in a THEATER
@DeathnoteBB Год назад
It’s baffling that people can’t fathom others exist around them. Like I’m glad you enjoy singing, maybe buy the CD and do it in the car? I paid to hear THE SINGERS _not_ you!!! And this is coming from someone who loves to sing along. Do it on your own time!
@Ilsezwarts Год назад
Your mom rocks!! My mom would never do that, 😅 love you mom, but you care too much about not causing a scene
@peterevans6480 Год назад
I had a similar experience, I was watching hamilton with my family in the UK and some girls behind us kept making noise that distracted me from paying attention to the show ;-;
@MorganMalfoy13 Год назад
Hamilton was hard for me. I had the same thing happen and it drove me crazy. These two women behind me kept singing along. I had won the Hamilton Lottery so I was in the front row. It was so amazing and so special and they kept singing! The I made a fool of myself because certain shows when King George says "Everybody!" the audience sings along too. So I started to, but then no one else did. So I sank into my chair and tried to melt into the floor.
@davebittner822 Год назад
My experience seeing Hamilton included people to my right singing along, and someone to my left - wait for it! - whistling along.
@charlielouise2428 Год назад
I went to see the first showing of Mary Poppins after Covid and the actors were clearly buzzing to be back on stage and encouraged the whole audience to stand and sing and dance. It was an incredible experience, but we were very clearly cued by the actors and everyone knew when to sing and when to be quiet. There's a time and a place.
@hannahk1306 Год назад
Exactly, it's about context and you take your lead from the performers on stage. Like in panto where the cast are egging the audience on and they display words for the singalong.
@intorainbowzOG Год назад
Best part of the Abba musical: the sing and dance along at the end.
@amy-johudson5377 Год назад
same thing happens at the end of school of rock and six!!
@ace-upon-my-sleeve3512 Год назад
A couple of years ago I went to see a production of The Rocky Horror Show in a small, local theatre. I had carefully instructed my family, so they knew how to properly participate. We sat in the front row and, as it turned out, that night we were the only audience members, who knew what to do. The rest of the audience was absolutely clueless and that lead to them angrily telling my father and me off for yelling 'Boring!' at the Narrator. It was rather hilarious and got even better, when after the show we ran into the actor who played the Narrator (he was standing foh, still in his costume) and he loudly thanked us for properly participating, much to the dismay of some of the audience members who told us off.
@Author.Noelle.Alexandria Год назад
When I’ve gone to Rocky Horror, there was always an announcement to let us know what participation isn’t going to be allowed that night, and I think that usually gets the gist to expect audience “misbehavior” across to people who don’t know. :D
@etcetera1995 Год назад
My god. The one and only show you're supposed to shout at the actors.
@abbigailcarr2725 Год назад
Yeah rocky horror is different
@feelingReckless13 Год назад
that's really interesting, when I went to a local production about 112 years ago, the lighting/sound tech did all of the typical audience participation so the uninitiated in the audience would know what to do. but it was a really small theater and the way it was set up it was very easy for him to do because he was just in an open booth at the back of the theater. My seat was like 2 seats away from his booth so I could clearly see him having the time of his life throwing popcorn lol.
@Molly-tv5sv Год назад
RHPS is literally half panto hahahah - the one show you can actually participate
@kaitiecolbert8597 Год назад
I went to see Les Miserables recently with my boyfriend and the girl sitting next to us sat down and said “just so y’all know, I’m gonna be singing along”. We didn’t know how to respond at all. She hummed throughout the entire productions no matter how many dirty looks I gave her. The show was still fantastic but so many times, it took me out of a moment where I was on the brink of tears. It was so rude and inconsiderate and if someone comes in again with that attitude, I will probably say something. The actors on that stage work their entire lives to be up there singing and they deserve our full attention period!
@juliannehannes11 Год назад
I'm fuming. I would have not been civil to her, oh hell no, I would get her ass pulled out of the theater by an usher if she dare sing in my presence. You were too nice.
@kelf114 Год назад
You politely say, "I paid to hear them, not you. Please refrain from trying to be part of the cast."
@juliannehannes11 Год назад
@@kelf114 Not when I paid $150. $150 kills politeness for me. It's like spitting on my lobster dinner.
@snakesnoteyes Год назад
The words “inappropriate and unacceptable” would have been the first things out of my mouth.
@randomlibra Год назад
AH hell no. I paid to hear the people on stage. I would say, "Just so you know, I will be telling the ushers and having you removed. This is theater NOT a CONCERT".
@scaz7989 Год назад
I was in the pit band for Grease and I could hear 2 people singing in the front row far louder than the cast I was supposed to be playing for. I stared them down till they noticed me looking and put a finger to my lips, which to my surprise did the job
@deborahminter6231 Год назад
That's rude! At least they listened to you. I can't imagine an audience being asked to stop, and them causing a riot in response.
@cassondranorman Год назад
Good for you!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Glad it did the job!
@sungexpression9093 Год назад
They paid their money. They can do what they like.
@iSaraSeantae Год назад
​@@sungexpression9093 they paid an entrance fee for a venue with rules. Choosing to violate the rules is choosing to be kicked out.
@sungexpression9093 Год назад
@@iSaraSeantae it’s a musical with singable songs There is a reason they weren’t kicked out and the folks with the evil eyes stayed bitter in their seats
@TheAceofThePack Год назад
The only experience I've had like this was years ago when I went to see the lion king. A couple rows ahead of me there was a mother and her young daughter (couldn't have been older than 6). Anyway the mum starts singing long during Hakuna Matata if I'm remembering correctly. She only sang along during this song so it wasn't horrible but annoying. The worse part was when her daughter tugged the mum's sleeve and said "mum stop, people are looking" all my annoyance turned to sympathy for this young girl who was being embarrassed publicly by her mum.
@DJWhovian Год назад
I was FOH at the theatre that night and a lot of discourse has come out about police being called because of the singing, but it was because several staff were abused and assaulted. This is what should be talked about.
@DanLayton Год назад
When I saw that video I was so uncomfortable. Expecting FOH to deal with that level of escalation?! No ma’am. Hope the team are okay!
@DJWhovian Год назад
@@DanLayton Yeah I think everyone's doing okay, I've been there for several years now and I've not seen it this bad and sadly this kind of behaviour isn't a one off and has gotten worse since the pandemic. I think also part of the problem is these type of shows bring in the money because of the amount of booze that is sold. It can make it such a hard atmosphere for staff.
@FallenAngel53 Год назад
Oh ! I didn’t hear that on the news. All I saw and know is the women singing loud then getting thrown out 🤷‍♀️ that’s all the public saw .
@DJWhovian Год назад
@@FallenAngel53 Yeah exactly. Barely reported about because it probably didn't fit the 'no singing' narrative created from the earlier articles and This Morning.
@TomARowly Год назад
​@@DJWhovian Good point- a big part of it is alcohol. I only ever go to shows on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays because otherwise a significant portion of the audience is drunk and manages to ruin the experience. I always wonder why you'd want to drink and then go to a place when you should sit still and silent for up to 2.5 hours.
@wispisang Год назад
I see a lot of people argue “Well the theater is only for snobby rich people so who cares if the show is being interrupted” and as low wage actress right now that comment makes me so mad. It’s like we’re going to completely disregard not only the cast and crew who put their blood, sweat, and tears into bringing a performance to life but also the FOH and staff who are often times volunteers. It’s just a completely gross argument, I’m not rich by ANY means, I still need my parents for financial support, theater is my passion. I DO NOT want to hear anyone interrupt ANY performance, whether I’m a part of it or not, because it’s just disrespectful to the artists. This isn’t just about the audience.
@haveagoodday7021 Год назад
Even then, do these people people think this behavior is acceptable in any way in any situation? You don't need to be rich to have decorum and not act like you were raised in a barn. Not rich myself yet I still behave respectfully. On top of the points you made, just because you think theatre is for "rich snobs" doesn't give you any right to be disrespectful not only to the cast but to the audience, who in a lot of cases, aren't filthy rich and probably saved up a ton of money to bring themselves, children, family, etc. to go to their show. They paid to listen to actually talented people, not some chud who has the etiquette of a thermonuclear missile.
@wispisang Год назад
@@haveagoodday7021 Exactly. Some people save up a lot of money to enjoy one good night of live theater, they may never get an opportunity like that again, and you’re gonna ruin it for them?
@dombo813 Год назад
It's just wrong, too. Yeah, fuck the rich, but theatre is cheap. You can often get a seat for less than 20 quid. Not really a snobby rich activity.
@The_LadyAJ Год назад
I saw Beetlejuice last month. A guy behind me didn't sing along, but he did say every single one of Beetlejuice's punchlines right before he said them on stage. It was frustrating as hell. Also hearing about accessible shows literally made me tear up. A show of Beetlejuice with less crazy lighting would have been wonderful for me. The flashing lights gave me such bad migraines. They were like literal strobe lights pointed AT the audience. One time they flashed for like 15 straight seconds.
@IzzyRoseDoesArt Год назад
I saw beetlejuice a little while ago while they were in SC, and while the level of effects don't bother me particularly, the lights directly at the audience definitely did! During intermission we had both the purple and green lights from either side of the stage blinding us every 30 seconds because they would end up pointing right into the audience. Even though the crazy effects are a decent bit of the show's whole aesthetic, that's one effect they definitely should've reconsidered.
@The_LadyAJ Год назад
@@IzzyRoseDoesArt Agreed! They literally made me feel sick
@terracottagecheese2767 Год назад
I think I feel your pain. I went to see a Japanese movie in theaters about two months ago and it was a really fun time....except for the fact that this one girl two rows behind me read all of the subtitles out loud. Every. Single. Line. The most emotional part of the movie, which revolved around the main antagonist thinking to himself whilst surrounded by utter silence, was completely destroyed because she kept repeating everything he said! It was absolutely horrid.
@The_LadyAJ Год назад
@@terracottagecheese2767 That's awful. Had something similar happen when I went to see Batman a while ago, but that was just teens in the front row taking selfies the whole time and making fun of everyone else in the theater. It's amazing how little respect and self awareness some people have.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
@@terracottagecheese2767 That sucks, my favourite film is Tampopo & I've only been able to see it twice in theatres. I get how much that'd wreck the film for you. I wonder tho maybe she had a compulsion or she was accompanying someone she was providing access for & it just got out of hand or louder than intended. I have a male relative who wouldn't admit to needing a hearing aid & he'd constantly make his partner be his "world translator" but using excuses, & he was a domineering personality. It wasn't right, but it took us a while to figure out what was happening + how to mitigate it without provoking a bigger scene. The experience has made me look for genuine mediation/de-escalation training bc sometimes the thing that's annoying you is another person or family's crisis & a pithy call-out witticism or police intervention just makes everything worse. These things vary from situation to situation, I'd have to know more context to judge, & I realized after this family experience there were tools I could get that would help me feel more prepared for conflict. Lol I don't know if they'll help, hopefully I'll never use them, but I feel better just being more prepared.
@goodnighttheskye Год назад
Rocky Horror is a great illustration of the fact that the issue isn't enthusiasm or even interaction, just context and expectation. Rocky audiences go further than dressing up, singing along or even dancing - not only are there set lines and moments that everyone knows will warrant a response ("kick it!" just before the kick or "sl*t" and "a***ehole" after Brad and Janet's names) but part of the joy comes from the constantly evolving script as new audiences and regions craft more inventive jokes and call-outs. Eg: One of my favourite Rocky moments was the first time I heard a lone person shout "What's your favourite Lionel Richie song?" before Riff-Raff's famous "Hello", which made the Riff-Raff cast member smile and the audience applaud. At a Rocky show, causing the actors to corpse is a badge of honour but similarly, the way a cast member responds to the callouts can make or break their performances. When actors are able to take the callouts in stride or can fire back at the crowd in a funny way (which they almost always can, as nobody decides to tour with Rocky without knowing what to expect), the audience LOVE them for it. It's a sign that they respect and love the history of Rocky Horror as much as the audience does, and that mutual respect is CRUCIAL. Because the thing I think people miss is that Rocky Horror shows are not a lawless place. For as chaotic as they can seem to new people, there are very strict rules that audience members have to follow. Yes, dancing in the aisle is acceptable for the Time Warp and yes you can bring a water gun and newspapers, but the gun can't have water and there is no Kit-Kat or hot dog throwing. Not only that, but when the tonal shift happens and the floor show rolls around, all shenanigans cease until the curtain call. For as unruly as the first half of Rocky Horror can be, in my many, many viewings I've only ever seen one example of Frank having to shush an unruly patron when the show took its tragic turn, and the rest of the audience was on his side. Subculture (especially queer subculture) is beautiful, and part of what makes it so wonderful is the self-governing capability of an in-group. The ways in which elder Rocky fans model correct behaviour for those young or new to the show is what has allowed it to survive in both shadow cast and theatre forms for so long. It shows that loving something and feeling ownership over it can be a supremely positive thing when that partial ownership comes with a respect for the work that goes into maintaining and consistently improving it for everyone. (I could say SO much more but thesis over lmao)
@dawnhazell2697 Год назад
I am so glad you wrote this comment so I dont have to!! I love thinking of Rocky Horror as adult panto - there are rules and specific cues but audience participation makes the show so special! And meand that every time you see it you are seeing a slightly different show
@yerterb7135 Год назад
thank you so much for writing this ❤❤❤❤❤❤ you said it better than i could and it means a lot
@antm64 Год назад
I am old enough to have experienced Rocky Horror when yes! people squirted water, threw slices of toast, etc. Apparently theatre protocol for Rocky Horror has improved!
@goodnighttheskye Год назад
@@antm64 Ahaha honestly I've seen that behaviour at screening and shadow casts, but never in the theatre for the actual stage musical! Sometimes indie cinemas will still let you get away with water, but I've always seen toast confiscated!
@gr1mreap3rz15 Год назад
i was in a college production of rocky horror during quarantine - it was one of the most fun experiences of my life, but we all sorta mourned the lack of a real audience, since it was livestreamed online and we only had a handful of people actually in the room w us (following safety regulations n all). our directors were more than happy to stand at the back of the audience and yell all of the interjections at us, though, which helped us feel a little less alone lmao. i'd love to give it a proper go with a proper audience someday
@iszzyisthequeen Год назад
I'm a stage manager (off-west end is mostly where I work) and usually, the microphone that picks up the show relay is not connected to the soundboard but is either over the stage or sometimes by the stage at the front of the auditorium. If people are singing along to shows louder than the performers I can not hear the cue lines that could change lighting states or revolve cues. For me, this is going beyond an annoyance to the performers and is now approaching a health and safety issue where it might not be safe to go into a blackout or a revolve cue because what if mis-hear the cue and the performer is not ready and gets hurt.
@DeathnoteBB Год назад
This is why it pisses me off when the singing audience members act like people are just being party poopers.
@savannah115 Год назад
I never thought about this, but I'm sure going to bring it up if I ever find myself in a theater with fellow audience members who are singing. Thanks for this comment!
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
@@savannah115 Agree, very good info from that comment; will keep in my back pocket, too.
@bbobbyh55 Год назад
Two years ago, I went to a touring production of Rent. The girl next to me started to sing all the songs. I asked her by the third song if she needed a microphone. She explained that the show had changed her life and she could not help it. At intermission I told her off. Again changed life etc. People behind me complained to usher. I actually moved back a few rows. They continued to sing during the second act. They were escorted out finally. It was loud enough that people 10 seats and 4 rows away could hear them. Also note my seat is only 7 rows from the stage.
@FlowersOfIcetor Год назад
It changed her life and of course that’s all that matters, so she’s definitely allowed to sing along badly so it can change everyone else’s lives… for the worse
@niallreid7664 Год назад
"You don't understand... I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER!"
@sophiagonzales8974 Год назад
My life would be changed after hearing her sing
@vespernight4236 Год назад
Clearly she's the most special and important musical fan bc her life was changed by a musical....totally not the type of comment you see on most bootleg uploads on here 🙃
@marajoy7226 Год назад
I don't have a huge amount of experience with Musical Theatre, but as someone who spends a LOT of time in comedy clubs, a lot of this still sounds familiar. The amount of heckling, abusive behaviour to staff and just generally being a dick has skyrocketed since the pandemic. We've speculated it to be a combination of isolation rewiring people's social skills a bit and... Coke. Very drunk people are annoying and potentially problematic, people on coke are active menaces to a night out. Any sense of entitlement is amplified 100-fold and they WILL make it their mission to be the centre of everyone's attention, thank you very much...
@DanLayton Год назад
Oh god Comedy Clubs are a living nightmare. I had such a fabulous experience at the Stand in Edinburgh, but the sheer dick being elsewhere?!? I CAN’T EVEN. Honestly, being under the influence of whatever has a LOT to answer for
@embroideredragdoll Год назад
My social skills have been rewired from the very start of my life, it’s absolutely no excuse to be a dick.
@Flutter_Aeina Год назад
Maybe they were just really big Pepsi fans
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
@@Flutter_Aeina Cola War reference 11/10
@kareemmasri3934 Год назад
Coke? So you witnessed all this in Miami? 🤣🤣🤣
@RawrLittleDinosaur8 Год назад
I work front of house at the Savoy Theatre, and entitlement is the exact word for these kinds of people. Don't get me wrong, we get some lovely people watching the show (Pretty Woman) and they make the job worth doing, but the amount of people who not only feel that they deserve to experience the show and the theatre itself however they choose, but also decide that the staff are the ones who decided every rule and price and should therefore take the abuse. My favourite comment from the people we have to remove: "I've paid good money for these tickets!" as if everyone else got theirs for free 🤷🏼‍♀️
@DanLayton Год назад
Actually if I’m honest, I only pay bad money for tickets. Maybe that’s the issue…
@deborahminter6231 Год назад
So did everyone else in the audience! People shouldn't ruin the experience for everyone.
@misscoati697 Год назад
I paid for my tickets too, and not to hear Miss Janet the Accountant sing. I hate how those people think that because they paid they can ruin the experience hundreds of other people also paid for.
@joeldavila8655 Год назад
Fellow FOH here, I absolutely LOVE (sarcastic) it when people tell me their ticket prices when they come late after I tell them that we can't get them in without disrupting the show. As if me hearing they paid our standard ticket price would make me quake in my boots from the sheer magnitude of their wallets
@TheLoopyLizzie Год назад
Recently went to see The Play That Goes Wrong and a group of 16 year olds on a trip from Dubai were sat in front who clearly didn't want to be there. They were on their phones throughout, arguing with the usher, playing fart noises, shouting 'Bomboclaat' during quiet moments, and taking the piss out of the performers. The teachers were sat next to us trying to discipline but had little success, one of them even telling us they were the most entitled group of kids she'd ever met and she'd given up trying to stop them. Meanwhile, a few seats down, two girls were cackling even when jokes weren't being made, and trying to interact with characters by shouting out their names. It's not call and response! Please don't feel you need to participate! There was so much going on we could barely concentrate on or hear what was happening on stage as the actors are not mic'd. It's put me off going back to the theatre as this seems to be becoming more common than not. Miss the days of just being a bit miffed when someone rustled their pack of minstrels
@chrisparkes2179 Год назад
There was a school or college group in the last time I went to see The Woman in Black. They absolutely ruined the evening by screaming everytime the actors did or said anything suddenly. Then they'd all laugh about it. As far as we could see the teachers did absolutely nothing about it.
@chrisparkes2179 Год назад
@@absynthegreene6529 Same with that lot, man shuts music box lid - shrieks, light comes on at back of stage - shrieks, man comes on in different coat - shrieks. That was the same evening as an interval conversation I heard from the row behind me. 1st person "Did they only have two people in the film?" 2nd person "Nah, there were loads in it." 1st "Isn't it like the film then?" 2nd "The film's right f***ing scary" 3rd person: " I suppose it will be different cos they had millions and millions of pounds for the film and the stage play's got, like, none." 1st "So it is the same story?" 2nd "No, the film's dead scarier, I literally sh*t meself. I mean literally."
@purplegill10 Год назад
I remember seeing that play with my family before the pandemic. There were a ton of kids and teenagers in the audience and NONE of them ever acted in a way that would annoy or bother others. Even when a couple audience members weren't able to stop laughing the actors still managed to do an improv line to fill up some time and then the play went right back to being the way it was. Hearing all of this stuff happening is heartbreaking and I really hope that most of them are just new people who don't really know the culture or etiquette as opposed to an actual shift theatre culture
@rjlima4985 Год назад
I saw Beetlejuice recently and was sat right in front of a girl who sang along to all the popular songs and spoke openly about the plot during the performance. I can’t fathom how some audience members don’t realize that no one payed all the money they payed to listen to them. It’s incredibly infuriating to me both as a regular audience member and an actor myself
@Merina2222 Год назад
I want to encourage my fellow audience members to be more confident about CALLING OUT bad behaviour. Obviously only do it if you feel safe, but there have been SO many times when I've asked someone to please stop singing or put their phone away, and they've immediately done it. Don't let people get away with this. Be the change you want to see. Anyway, I'm really happy to have discovered your channel. So funny and great analysis.
@leahwilton785 Год назад
Don't be a bystander! This is a great mindset
@fruitsalad1181 Год назад
@@leahwilton785 I think I get worried about all the news about people speaking out and getting badly harmed or killed and it makes me very fearful of confortation
@boopy6430 Год назад
So true! Don't be nervous about it either. The opinion of some stranger in the wrong that you'll sit near for a night matters much less than the experience of you and the other audience members near them TBH. My heart goes out to you, stranger who told a pair of tourists in front of me to stop shouting along to the music when I saw my first and (so far because it'd expensive) only Broadway experience.
@jewels3846 Год назад
As a Canadian, in canada sure. If I had to visit the states to see a show fuck no. If I for some reason decided to risk that death trap in am not risking antagonizing anyone. If in the UK/AUs/EU also yeah fair I would ask.
@earlbluetea Год назад
​@Jewels lol you are not gonna get shot (I'm sure theatre people are the least likely to own a gun)
@Melon6ish Год назад
I feel like it's actually a regression of theatre-going experience rather than a new development, harking back to the 18th century musical halls where the lights were never dimmed, actors on stage were regularly pelted with food and random crap from the audience, and the play was really just a background piece for people to drink and socialise to. It's not about appreciating the art form or skill on display, the actors on stage are just dancing monkeys and it's purely an opportunity for a good night out. But I also agree about the jukebox musical analysis, combined with the fact that newer musicals tend to have a more contemporary pop sound that wouldn't sound out of place on the radio. It attracts a different kind of audience who treat the experience more like a concert than a stage play with an actual narrative that the songs are moving forward where people really need to hear what the performer is singing for things to make sense. Regardless, I actually can't conceive of anything ruder than singing loudly over a performer or talking or texting in the theatre, or being so patently blind to your fellow audience members experience.
@jenollerenshaw1411 Год назад
I've always felt quite strongly about audiences making noise over the performers. I, for one, want to get lost in the story and I can't do that if someone nearby is rustling sweet wrappers, singing along, fiddling with their phone, or talking to someone. I suppose I am sensitive to distractions more than the average person, but I long to reach a point where the rest of the audience isn't in my consciousness at all. Don't even get me started on clapping along to music. It has been demonstrated since the beginning of time that people cannot clap to the right beat or stop themselves speeding up, but people still insist on doing it which makes the music sound terrible. I think there are just too many people out there with Main Character Syndrome.
@fleetwood.stevie6380 Год назад
Completely agree! I’m very sensitive to noise too (one of the joys of autism lol) so when I’m watching a show and someone is making noise around me it can really take me out of it and stress me out. Obviously it doesn’t annoy me when it’s small unavoidable sounds but when someone is clearly just being disrespectful of everyone else it bothers me a lot. Unfortunately I’m too nervous to ever say anything, so there have been times where it’s kind of ruined the show for me and yeah I just wish people would be more respectful not only of the other audience members but the actors who work so hard. It’s so frustrating!
@christineheminger7762 Год назад
I’ve always been very distracted by noise as well. I noticed that a couple of times on certain diets that noise levels that would normally drive me crazy were just something I was aware of but not bothered by. So I looked it up online and read that a magnesium deficiency can cause noise sensitivity. Also read that magnesium is depleted by stress. Keeping in mind that it might not be true, I increased my magnesium intake. It worked for me, although stress can still take me back to the old days. I often wonder what my life would have been if I’d managed my nutrition better. Id suggest more research on RU-vid or online before blindly supplementing but I hope this info helps you find out how to fix the problem 🙂
@Gnomereginam Год назад
I saw Priscilla in Helsinki the other week and the audience held their rhythm suspiciously well.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
@@Gnomereginam Aw I wish they'd bring us Priscilla! We've never had Angry" either but they bring Les Miz thru my town every other year lol. Also "Priscilla in Helsinki" is such a good title or band name for something you should hang onto it bc it's unintentional word-gold.
@Gnomereginam Год назад
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Priscilla in Helsinki = a large number of people doing constant rhythmic motion for a whole evening in a room full of plush red velvet seats. 😏
@WouterWeggelaar Год назад
At my first musical visit have sung along until someone was kind enough to tell me that was not appropriate. They said it kindly and calmly and I apologised and thanked them for letting me know. I am very grateful for that, since I would not have known this etiquette without it. This is a once in a lifetime thing, after which you learn. Please be kind, some people may be first time theatre goers. And not everyone is privileged enough to experience that in childhood. That being said, some of the examples here sound like absolute horror and clearly a lack of respect for the performance. I have worked in a theatre as technician, and I definitely see the difference between first-time goers and people that lack basic respect. Glad to hear shows are being adapted to diverse audiences, although I don't think the volume of shows in the Netherlands would justify those for a while.
@Author.Noelle.Alexandria Год назад
ANY time you go to a live show of ANY sort for the first time, it’s incredibly stupid to presume that your voice is wanted. It can be a concert. It doesn’t matter. Wait to see what others, who have probably been there before, do. Don’t try to take the lead when you’re the newb. Period. So I’m not going to be kind. When I pay hundreds per ticket. I’m going to listen to the people on stage, not to someone who think being a first-timer gets them off on bad behavior. When no one else is singing, that the hell possesses you to decide to be the one to start singing? Didn’t it click in when others, who aren’t all new, weren’t singing?
@LukasWeber64 Год назад
@@Author.Noelle.Alexandria I feel like this is a “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?” scenario. Like, okay, maybe you would be justified in being harsh and scolding someone, but if you could accomplish the same goal (getting the person to stop singing) by being kind about it, why wouldn’t you? I agree that OP never should have assumed that it was okay to sing-not having experience is no excuse-but it costs $0 to be nice about it.
@DeathnoteBB Год назад
@@Author.Noelle.Alexandria You know everyone has to learn for the first time, right? And shit, could have been 6, for all you know. Chill
@dr.philmcbill3931 Год назад
It’s pretty obvious that you are NOT supposed to sing along. People are paying hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars to hear the professionals , why would you assume that those paying to hear a broadway show would want you instead? Actors work their entire lives to be on Broadway so why would you pay to disrespect them by trying to sing over them?
@squiggle.64 Год назад
@@dr.philmcbill3931 they didnt say how old they were when this happened
@YoruuXD Год назад
While I think you’ve got a good point, I don’t think it’s entirely the jukebox musicals fault. The general publics behaviour has taken a noticeable plummet over the past up to 5 years and not even just in the theatre. The amount of times I’ve seen people behaving actively disrespectful in the cinema is heartbreaking, the amount of people in the theatre even more upsetting. I definitely think social media and smart phones have a huge influence in it, even though that opinion makes me feel like I’m a million years old haha I once had a group of four young teenagers at a 9/10pm showing of Death on The Nile who wouldn’t stop talking, being on their phone at the brightest setting, taking pictures with the flash on - why they were even there and had spent the money to see the film I have no clue but they genuinely didn’t think they were in the wrong. Even worse, my own mum had to get given into trouble for having her phone out and texting on full brightness in the middle of a ballet performance after I had told her multiple times to stop. My mums done a lot of things I could be embarrassed by, and that’s the only time I’ve ever been deeply mortified by her.
@existential_horror5045 Год назад
i totally agree with the idea that this problem is worse because of smartphones/social media, and that makes me feel ancient as well even though i'm only 18. i think being a disrespectful audience member was probably definitely a thing in the past too but the availability of phones has made it much easier to impact the performance in a negative way. i honestly don't even think people realize they're doing it sometimes- i know people who habitually check their phones every 10 minutes or so and when they're watching a movie at home they'll pause it over and over again just to check their notifications. for them, being in a movie theater without checking their phones is practically impossible. it sounds like some kind of boomer meme but it isn't. that kind of thing is fine when you're watching a movie by yourself or hanging out with other people who don't mind but obviously in a theater it's incredibly annoying.
@error-try-again-later Год назад
@@existential_horror5045 fr, I'm admittedly a bit too attached to my phone but I REALLY don't understand people who can't just put theirs on silent for a few hours. Like goddamn, you're not missing anything 💀 it's a very strong argument for addiction.
@vespernight4236 Год назад
Tbh as someone who was in my last 2 years of high-school when the pandemic kicked off, I think a lot of teens lost 2 very important and formative years in terms of how to behave. Something about these kids 9th or 10th grade being online and away from most ppl has taken a toll (at least in my opinion) Maim character syndrome is through the roof, and I definitely think sites like tiktok that reward being a nuisance online for attention has rotted the brains of some ppl my age so much they think they can do whatever and it's everybody else's problem
@MaximumMadnessStixon Год назад
I've never seen a Broadway show (I have neither the time or money for it), but this sort of behavior stretches everywhere. The lack of respect people have for those around them is absolutely insane. And I've noticed that it got significantly worse after COVID lockdowns ended. I work at a movie theater, and the way movie-going audiences have changed from my childhood in the 90s to today is mind-numbing. I remember when I was a kid, anything other than a laugh at a joke, a gasp at a jump-scare or a small applause at the end of the movie would immediately be met with someone quietly saying "Shhh" and the distracting behavior immediately ending. Now I'm lucky if I go more than 30 minutes without having to go into a theater to tell about 50 people to put away their damn phones, tell a dozen teenagers to stop talking at full volume and threaten to call the cops on two grown adults who have decided that the premiere of _Super Mario_ was the perfect place to try and pick a fistfight. And the worst thing is, the adults are almost worse than the teenagers anymore. It's like all sense or etiquette has gradually vanished over the past 15 years.
@Maddystrawson Год назад
I’m an usher at a west end show very popular with families, daily entitlement, audience members screaming and verbally abusing us and constant singing and talking. We specifically asked the theatre director to add a part of the preshow announcement to say no talking or singing during the performance but not much has changed. Unfortunately it has become the norm in the theatre world 😭
@mte4506 Год назад
The people not following instruction should be escorted out and that fact should be included in a statement from the theatre before the show begins. AND acted upon. The audience is not paying for a ticket to hear an audience member sing.
@L_Martin Год назад
What do you think the cause of this is?
@geministrial950 Год назад
​@@L_Martin Main character syndrome and the recent spike in popularity of the "me" mentality. Its great that people sre priorizing themselves a bit more nowadays, its very healthy, but it becomes a problem when your priorization of yourself affects people who dont even know you.
@frogsfoot Год назад
if i had a penny for every time someone chose to use my seat as a footrest in the past 12 months alone, i'd have 2 pence. which isnt a lot but it is ABSOLUTELY WILD that it happened twice. however i did go back to watch this youth theatre group i used to be in when i was younger, and this absolutely adorable older woman recognised me from the shows i used to do with said group, and i havent stopped thinking about that
@Author.Noelle.Alexandria Год назад
I LOVE the Doofenshmirtz reference!!
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
I feel like once you're in a youth theater group, you'll never be forgotten by the usual audience members. It's been at least 10 shows since I was the wall in Midsummer Night's Dream and I'm still being called that by a fellow cast member's grandpa.
@astra_music Год назад
definitely not a west end/broadway example, but i was sitting front row a few months ago at Into The Woods which was being put on by my city's largest theatre company, and someone sitting next to my partner was on their phone for a bunch of the first act UNTIL the two of us had a loud passive aggressive conversation during the intermission about how awful that kind of behaviour is, after which they didn't pull it out once. sometimes being petty and non-confrontational works wonders, and i'm glad it didn't result in a huge fight like some of these.
@april9586 Год назад
Went to see Heathers at the Millennium Centre in December 2021 and the audience was INCREDIBLY well behaved. Not a single a voice singing or even whispering for the entire performance despite, not even joking, almost half the audience in some form cosplay. (For the record I did a gentle nod to JD and Heather Mac in black dress, leather jacket and a classic yellow scrunchie) BUT on the flip side, I then went to see Dream Girls at the MC in April 2022 and then audience was terribly. There was a group of incredibly drunk women in front of me who, after being asked nicely by fellow audience members to stop talking constantly, almost started a fight when told a little less politely to shut up during the beginning "It's All Over". They then all left (thankfully) so everyone could enjoy the rest of the song. PLOT TWIST, this was when my friend and I realised there were 2 girls behind us singing all the songs. Not loudly, but it was super distracting and took away from trying to hear the brilliant Nicole Racquel Dennis. I cannot confirm nor deny that since the ladies in front never came back for Act 2 that my friend and I sat in their seats for a slightly better view and to be slightly further away from the girls, to the encouragement of another lovely audience member...
@davidleedutton Год назад
Did you hear the story about the drunken woman who brought a performance of the recent Broadway revival of Death of a Salesman to a screeching halt and had to be removed by the NYPD? It was the Tuesday after Christmas, and I was sitting in the balcony. Despite the heroic efforts of the show's star, Wendell Pierce, who came back onstage and tried to calm her down and reason with her, this woman would not leave or stop throwing a fit. She was lucky to have the police escort her out of the auditorium, because many people in the audience sounded like they wanted to kill her. I still don't know how the performers managed to finish the show after that.
@strangeandinteresting Год назад
What's weird - And correct me if I'm wrong - I think that most all of this behavior is not from audiences that are majority young people, but older people. Not *old* people, thirty and above seems to be the sweet spot for this behavior. I've attended plenty of shows where the audiences were majorly teenagers and young adults (Think the likes of Heathers, Be More Chill, Six, ect.) and I was worried the behaviour would be awful. Nothing ever happened! If you wanted to complain about anything, there was a lot of enthusiasm, but it was always at the right parts; Clapping and cheering at the end of songs, cheering for character entrances when appropriate, laughing at jokes. And yet, the only shows I've ever experienced people being disruptive are shows were more ADULT adults are expected to attend. This is just anecdotal, though, so I might be completely off the mark.
@jackprather81 Год назад
When I went to see Kimberly Akimbo this past October there was a large group of teenagers/young adults that was very excited before the show began and I have to admit that I was a little nervous about how they would behave. Turns out they were entirely appropriate throughout the show and everyone had a great night at the theater.
@strangeandinteresting Год назад
@@jackprather81 Oh hey, was the show itself any good? I've been meaning to check it out.
@Ellie-rx3jt Год назад
I suspect it might have something to do with the fact that teenagers and young adults either aren't old enough to buy alcohol at the theatre, or can't afford the £12+ a drink. Plus drinking culture really is on its way out, with a lot more young people being teetotal or occasional drinkers.
@lunaangeleclipse9745 Год назад
I think some of it might be to do with money as well. Younger people generally earn less, so for them theatre tickets are pretty expensive compared to professionals in their 30s/40s. They literally can't afford to be singing over the entertainment they just paid top dollar for. If I were a teenager making minimum wage part time, I certainly would be cherishing my theatre tickets.
@yeet8627 Год назад
I agree with both of the replies above^^ As a theatre fan and a teen, I would not risk getting escorted out of the theater by being disrespectful because tickets are expensive and it’s not all the time I get to see a show
@dandydeadpool Год назад
I think part of the issue for UK audiences is that we're raised on a diet of Panto where audience participation is encouraged to the nth degree and some people just don't stop doing that, regardless of what they're watching in the theatre.
@Roadent1241 Год назад
I always put it in my head as Panto = Local amateur silly show, everybody knows everybody anyway. Have fun when they encourage it. Broadway/West End musical in person = New area. Much more professional. Dance, gently, but do not do anything outside of cheering. Slime Tutorial on YT = Obviously just sat at home watching potato quality because you couldn't do it any other way. (Yeah I have the money saved up for a ticket but the play isn't going right now if ever again so no way to see it regardless) Sing away if it's a sensible time of day! Wonderland? Spiderman? Wicked? Blood Brothers? Ladidah!! Is that sensible?
@ruthfoley2580 Год назад
I disagree. I worked front of house 2000 - 2005. I was physically assaulted on a few occasions & verbally assaulted on many more. Most audiences are fantastic people & we had loads of lovely regulars. Panto is hideous to work, but I was only verbally abused about once a week. Opera audiences were the hardest. Being screamed at at least once a show was the norm. I had to step in for younger colleagues who were reduced to tears. The physical assaults were during "comedy" performances & bands playing. BTW, the theatre I worked at was Manchester Opera House which is the sister theatre to the Palace. I also had the pleasure of working many shifts at the Palace.
@neuropsychroberts8922 Год назад
The people I've had bad encounters with recently were in London visiting from outside the UK. Sone tourists with money think West End is something to do, like Madame Tussauds. There's little respect for the fact that they're at a theatre production. The rest of us came for the show not to see and hear other ticket holders 😔 Not to say UK folk can't be rude or selfish at performances. Just talking about my personal, recent encounters.
@ujustgotpwned2008 Год назад
@@ruthfoley2580 I worked FOH at roughly the same time and have got to agree: opera audiences suuuuuuuuuuck lol
@polarvoyd Год назад
When I was 8, I went to see a Cinderella panto. It became exceedingly clear very quickly that the actors were trying to make each other corpse. Eventually, I think in the second half, Buttons makes the Prince, played by Gethin Jones, break.The whole cast is either pissing themselves or trying (and failing) to hide their laughter. The audience is right there with them. Many years later the memory still makes me grin.
@LMS16493 Год назад
I think theatres need to start having signs saying "Don't be a dick" How on earth do people not understand the difference between going to a theatre and going to a concert (or in some cases between going to a theatre and going to the toilet...) Baffling 🤯 Also I don't get how people have the balls to sing along (and louder than) incredibly talented singers. Don't get me wrong, I sing very loudly to the Heathers soundtrack but in the comfort of my own home and the discomfort of my baby and cat 😅 wouldn't dare do this in a theatre... There's a time and a place, read the room! Another great video 😊
@AnnNunnally Год назад
Probably the sign needs to be more detailed than “Don’t be a dick” because the dicks will not think that sign applies to them.
@LMS16493 Год назад
@@AnnNunnally yeeeah fair point 😅
@Roadent1241 Год назад
Does the cat sing along~?
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
It's been happening at concerts + interactive shows eg comedy too, as well as cinema + theatre, since about 2010. If you need more videos like LuPone scolding misbehaving audience members, there are many videos of musicians stopping performances to ask people to leave or shut up on RU-vid. There are still norms for crowd participation in interactive events too, & as someone who works in community arts & has to job-it occasionally as a caterer or server, it's been roughly the same time frame of these behaviours escalating in restaurants & even at other peoples' weddings, too. I have a lot of patience bc sometimes people have tics or anxiety or miss social cues, but the entitled behaviours seem to stem more from people trying to "document the experience" or "multi-task" (cell phones), as well as the lowered inhibitions from over-serving alcohol in theatres & the trend towards marketing everything as "casual" to lure people to live performance or group spectacle out from their home entertainment centres, which I think some people believe is license to act like they're in their living rooms.
@operatic9537 Год назад
I've been to a lot of metal gigs and festivals. At one festival there was a mosh pit that opened up and seconds later a guy got knocked over backwards and his head smashed against a rock and he was KO'd. The people in the mosh pit spontaneously stopped the entire thing, the crowd opened up with numerous people signalling in all directions what happened and they were able to get people in to check he was OK and carry him out. This kind of self-policing at mosh pits is common because everyone knows how dangerous it can be but it also comes from decades of experience with them and things going badly wrong with numerous accounts of people dying in them. While the theatre isn't ever likely to be that extreme unless metal operas become a thing, I think there's some lessons that can be learned there. I think unfortunately there's going to be a period of adaptation which you guys are living through just now and over enough time, social norms will adjust. It might even be that it's different for each show and each one can go some way to setting those norms from the beginning. You just have to keep talking about it and having these conversations with people and the knowledge will slowly (far too slowly unfortunately) but surely propagate until these incidents become extremely rare although never zero.
@Romanticoutlaw Год назад
reminds me of my mosh experience at a metal/folk festival. I got absolutely sloshed and went in with a little more confidence than was earned. Wasn't long before I fell on my ass--everybody helped haul me up, made sure I was okay. I promptly tried again, fell back down immediately, and went back to my seat, feeling cowed lol. But never by the crowd, they were sweet.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
Tbh the world would be a better place if every kid had a mandatory gap year serving in Food Not Bombs lol. Tho in my scene every few years we'd have mosh pit etiquette deteriorate & our seniors would show up in strength at all ages shows for a few months to correct the problematic/sadistic-punks causing trouble & remind us all how to mosh with manners again. It was legit "institutional lore" passed on as living traditions.
@delusion5867 Год назад
The thing most people in a mosh pit understand is that everyone is there to have fun and it's everyone's responsibility to ensure that everyone else is having fun too. Someone ending up injured spoils the show for everyone and people don't act like assholes because that's no fun either.
@irondragonmaiden Год назад
I think it's also a counterculture thing. People in counterculture events are usually more likely to self police partly because they know that injuries/people being inconsiderate shitheads spoils the fun for everyone, but also because they don't want to be on the news with "normies" pointing the finger at them or try to come in an sanitize/ruin things.
@princessgold1997 Год назад
My favourite show of all time is Come From Away, I saw it a silly amount of times, 5 of those in its final week in London. From Monday to the final show on Saturday you felt the audience building, each day more hardcore fans were there to catch their last show. That last Saturday evening was one I will never forget in theatre and I'd do anything to live it again. Most of the original cast were there and they lead the way in what was acceptable in terms of audience participation. They started the standing ovation at the opening number, every song got a cheer, every joke got an audatious laugh, every actor had their moment to shine. It was the perfect send off for a gorgeous show. New Fandoms seem to want that every night. I was shocked when I saw Heathers, I now don't want to see Six because of it. Audience participation has it's time and place very clearly set out in the world of theatre ettiquette. Go to a show and sit quietly, learn the social cues and then happily enjoy more theatre.
@DanLayton Год назад
That’s exactly it - they see and/or hear the story of that kind of experience and they want to be a part of it, so they lead it every night and say “this is what they want from the audience.” It’s an interesting thing.
@deborahminter6231 Год назад
Exactly! There are moments when joining in is totally okay. People should put their best foot forward and have consideration for each other, then it's easier to comprehend when quiet or joyous participation is alright.
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
Come From Away was one of the best theater experiences I ever had. Maybe people feel like they shouldn't misbehave due to the serious and heavy story.
@princessgold1997 Год назад
@@rosykindbunny1313 Yeah very true, but then again Heathers is hardly a cheery affair is it
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
@@princessgold1997 Good point
@frodobaggins7710 Год назад
As someone who failed A-Level physics, your Newton analogy was spot on, nicely done
@DanLayton Год назад
Using this as an official citation ta x
@knownothing5518 Год назад
We simply need Patti Lupone working as a bouncer during every theatre performance ever.
@Gnomereginam Год назад
literally clone her
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
@@Gnomereginam She's the reason I want another Voyager Mission, bc if we put her on the "Greetings, Aliens!" record that accompanied Voyagers, I think that will speak well of humanity to nice aliens while scaring off the hungry-for-humans aliens.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Год назад
I'm on the waiting list at my local library for her memoirs, the audio version. Apparently she dishes some dirt on Andrew Lloyd Creeper & tells the story of winning in court against him & I want ALL the gory details lol.
@knownothing5518 Год назад
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 OH LOL
@layla7844 Год назад
a very similar problem is happening in live music right now, a ton of teens (not just teens but,,,) who spent the last couple years online and out of the public never learnt the etiquette for concerts and are showing up to mitski shows and yelling at her during the set. the harry styles concert stories ive heard about are truly so horrible. everyone seems to have this idea that they are the main character and that these artists are there solely for them and so they can do whatever they want at these shows. not to sound old (im only 23 wahhhh) but i hope these people get off their phones and learn to actually enjoy the experience.
@geministrial950 Год назад
This is what Wattpad Y/N x Famous Artist books did to a generation
@ghoulchan7525 Год назад
@@geministrial950 reason i always tell people to stop making stuff with real life actors, the characters they play sure go ahead, but not the actor.. it feels so gross. like imagine if someone wrote fanfics of your neighbor. that would be weird and creepy as hell. and expressed my discomfort to people about it too. some understood it, and probably had a wake up call about it. others just said "it's fine, it's hurting no one, it's just memes". and then those same people act surprised when an actor does something they never expected. like bro what did you expect, they are still a person outside what you see on screen or off stage. freaking idiots.
@gryrabild Год назад
I haven’t seen any actual theatre since before the pandemic, but I have noticed audiences acting a lot less respectful at any big-audience events I’ve been at for the last year. I thought it might even have been a problem with danish audience etiquette specifically, but apparently this is, unfortunately, more universal.
@vulpixfairy1985 Год назад
That’s why they’re called musicals, not sing a longs. The actors deserve our full attention to their craft. Unless they cue us or encourage us to sing along, I’ll just respect their space and enjoy the show. And the staff do not deserve to be copped with abuse for enforcing the rules and to make sure we all have a great theatrical experience. I get your frustration and I do too. That’s why I’m always modelling to my son (he’s seven and on the spectrum) that in public places there are rules to adapt to and there are certain behaviours they wouldn’t accept. He has also begun to enjoy watching musicals of which Frozen is his favourite. I’ve always enjoyed going to the theatre since my parents introduced my to phantom of the opera, which I watched 4 times. It then led to les miserables, wicked, avenue q, the lion king, the LOTR musical, the jersey boys, Aladdin, frozen and joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat. Now I’m waiting in queue to watch Beauty and the Beast and rewatch wicked. The majority of the audiences are quite polite and the staff are often professional so of course I would follow the rules. I remember I was so ecstatic that we are allowed to participate in singing and dancing to the Joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat and to record the performance if we want. I did and my son and I had a blast.
@ThePolyLesbian Год назад
This actually happened like a month ago. Went to see Heathers for the first time (btw loved it, going to see it again in August) and these two old ladies were sat behind our group. They talked through the entirety of the first half, even filming some shots of dead girl walking (I know that because they had the flash on ffs) and during the second half, a member of our group, Kat, asked them to be quiet. And instead of telling eachother what was happening during the show, they started talking shit about Kat, until they eventually got kicked out. They had to literally restart a scene because of them because they ended up throwing a tantrum and refusing to leave. Anyway, still loved Heathers though, just a shame they kinda ruined it. Though in all honesty, still was worth the money.
@nataliehaku Год назад
I watched the Totoro live production at the Barbican last winter and I think it's the most magical experience I've EVER had. I was (silently) sobbing at the artistry of the puppets, the performance, the score. The audience reacted- we all gasped, we all laughed, and we all fell truly silent, when it was needed. I'm emotional thinking about it!!
@juliannehannes11 Год назад
That's going to draw a well behaved crowd until the kids come then all he'll will break loose
@trixiftube Год назад
Yes to this, @Natalie Haku!!!!! Absolute theatre magic. My 16-year-old and I will be returning in January. Twice ❤.
@trixiftube Год назад
@@juliannehannes11 No, the kids were all completely mesmerised.
@embroideredragdoll Год назад
My boyfriend went to see Totoro at the Barbican!
@iwantmybed3090 Год назад
Oh my god I went to see this production with my brother and I honestly think I’ll never get over it, I’m still in awe. Like just EVERYTHING I mean- it truly was like nothing I’d ever seen/experienced before and I’d sell my kidney to watch it again for the first time
@Travelbyailsa Год назад
I was in London last week for my mums 60th birthday and was so insanely excited to get to go and see Hamilton, a show I’ve dreamed of seeing since it became popular. We had amazing seats and I got teary by the end of Alexander Hamilton, but we were sitting next to a couple who clearly didn’t even care to be there one bit. Personally I am the least confrontational person I’ve ever met but the typical British tutting and looking at them did absolutely nothing so I mustered up the courage to actually say something to them when the boyfriend decided to talk at above full volume during another big song in the second act along with some over animated imitating (in a mocking kind of way) of the dancing that was going on on the stage (there were some very excited children behind them who I can imagine would have been devastated to miss even the tiniest bit of the show because of this guy). It was absolutely disgusting disruptive behaviour and thank god the girlfriend started shooshing him after I spoke to her and they never came back for the second act. But I was insanely disappointed for it to have tainted my experience of the first act and really upset at the notion that it could have tainted the young girls behind us experience. Edit: It has been extremely clear and frustrating since coming back from CoVid how many people that don’t understand theatre etiquette have started coming to the theatre. This is not the only time I’ve had people talking through shows I’ve gone to see in the past two years, I would say about 1 in 3 shows there has been some clear issue. Whether that be talking or use of phones or even singing, it just taints the experience
@lisaw150 Год назад
I think they aren't people who never knew how to behave in a theatre though. The people I've had this problem with recently were clearly wealthy, well-educated people over 40...
@danapohl444 Год назад
I think these people are just sucky people. I never had to be told you don't talk during a theater performance. Everyone thinks it's all about them these days. Or at least more people do. Also some people feel if they paid for something they are entitled to act however they want even if it infringes on someone else's experience.
@KarisGorst Год назад
can confirm, i saw the mamma mia uk tour a couple of weeks ago and 80% of the audience thought it was a singalong. it wasn't so bad that people got kicked out etc. it was just a general chorus of singing but was still very irritating. i also saw jersey boys in august and the group of women behind us were particularly annoying with their singing. a man also shouted out something lowkey homophobic during a pivotal emotional moment in the show. funnily enough i've never had issues at some jukebox musicals & juliet or beautiful (the carole king musical) and i've seen both of those at saturday night shows! it is strange how some shows have such problems with audience behaviour yet some are absolutely fine.
@geministrial950 Год назад
This is why we dont allow heterosexual men on theaters
@_Squiddy Год назад
As far as I can recall, I've never had a poor audience experience during a theatre show, but I do remember seeing Bear's Den in concert Feb 2020 (just before all the lockdowns kicked off) and being amazed by the number of people having full-volume conversations throughout the whole thing. It sounded like most of the conversation was happening up in the circle and the combined talking was so loud, it felt like being in a school cafeteria. I remember it got so bad at one point, someone in the audience yelled for them all to "shut the f*ck up" and got a little impromptu round of applause. At the same concert, there was a guy close to us who found himself behind a fairly drunk young woman dancing in a *very* enthusiastic manner (very much in his personal space and disrupting his enjoyment). After he politely asked her to tone it down a bit or at least move over slightly, she spent the next 10 or so minutes giving him the evils and deliberately invading his space, dancing in a very provocative manner. I think he might have moved in the end just to get away from her. She and her two friends naturally found the whole thing hilarious. It baffles me that some people seem to be so utterly lacking in basic self-awareness. As you and other commenters have said, 'entitlement' is exactly the right word for it.
@itsyissel Год назад
" Um, I listen to singers. I very rarely listen to people who can not sing. " this is EXACTLY why I don't go to karaoke
I found it interesting how she enunciated ‘sinGers’. Such a fine little detail that would make all the difference in a song. 😻
@error-try-again-later Год назад
Karaoke is fun when you're alone with your friends and all of you are drunk. Going to karaoke night with strangers is pure nightmare fuel.
@abbie3932 Год назад
I used to work FOH in the west end and on one of my first shifts as a supervisor a woman peed on the staircase in the auditorium on purpose because she didn't want to miss any of the show by going to the toilet. We could have our pronouns on our name badges and that became a target for harassment towards us. I could go on and on with horror stories but the job was made worth it because i got to talk about and share something i loved with thousands of people every night!! its a shame that that got overshadowed by the bad stuff but ill never forget that job!
@googleoogle Год назад
imagine going to a theatre production and getting upset a worker has pronouns on their badge 😭 (awful to be upset about that ANYWHERE, but especially in theatre like it is such a queer space, historically and currently)
@lisaw150 Год назад
I guess it's an international thing and it affects all generations. I went to a circus recently (not one that has animals, don't worry) with my family, an evening show aimed at grown-up audiences. A couple in their 40s behind us was talking CONSTANTLY and loudly and did not respond to looks to get them to shut up. Guess some people have forgotten how to behave around other people and that sometimes things aren't about them.
@saffodils Год назад
i usher for a local theater during the summers, and psa: if the theater is in the round, most likely the aisles you walk in on are the route to the "backstage." i've had to stop multiple people who tried to walk up aisles either right before a performer entered through that door (spotlight and all!) or right before a big set piece was about to be pushed in. people have been injured by those set pieces! i was so pleased when last year, for the first time, a guy asked me what he should do if he really needed to leave the theater for whatever reason. it might depend on the theater (and whether it's understaffed), but ime most ushers are glad to respond to any questions you might have! and a lot of that info is also in the pre-show announcement and/or program.
@patricelinman7183 Год назад
It's really interesting because I've noticed that theatre audiences are getting rowdier, concert audiences are getting quieter. Rock shows encourage being rowdy, singing, screaming, dancing but recently there have been more concert-goers who just stand there and record it on their phone. Some even complain about other people being rowdy. It's almost like the audiences, or the understood audience etiquette, has switched.
@caitlinm1120 Год назад
When I saw Pride and Prejudice (Sort Of) there was a girl in my row who apparently had never read or seen any version of Pride and Prejudice and didn't know the story at all. She was SO invested, and gasped incredibly loudly at every reveal. Darcy says "how ardently I admire and love you," GASP, he reveals that Wickham ran away with his young sister for her money, GASP. I've known that story for such a long time, it was hilarious and refreshing to hear someone experiencing it for the first time and go on that emotional rollercoaster with them. She improved the experience for that whole section of the audience, and I hope wherever she is now she's deep diving into more Austen with the same energy.
@Tessothemorning Год назад
Laugh out loud funny,Dan. You have a beautiful turn of phrase. My worst recent experience was at Turandot at the Sydney Opera House (go culcher!). We wait 2/3 of the show for Nessun Dorma, which I'm assuming is why all us non-opera people are here. It's sublime, transcendent. The woman behind me starts singing along. Traalalalas even. To OPERA. Jesus wept.
@Feraloidies Год назад
Oh my God I would be LIVID
@manyagaver1946 Год назад
I would throw hands
@Tessothemorning Год назад
@@manyagaver1946 Ah, you can take the girl out of England, but you'll never take the English out of the girl. I did the worst thing my cultural indoctrination allowed me to do: I turned round, looked directly at her and tutted! I assume she never recovered.
@Feraloidies Год назад
@@Tessothemorning I have no idea how one would actually tut, lol
@Tessothemorning Год назад
@Feraloidies See, we learn it at our mother's knee. So think of the noise you make with your tongue and your teeth when you're calling a horse over. Then make it really passively aggressively disapproving. That's your tut. It's devastating.
@jotunfalls4026 Год назад
A few years ago I saw a slime tutorial of Les Miserables and LOVED it. I was completely moved by it. Now, I’m Dutch, so I couldn’t see it live back then. For my birthday my parents ‘ gift was going to Londen and a ticket for Les Miserables. It was one of the best nights of my life. I hate to imagine how someone in the audience could’ve ruined such a special night for me.
@annarogers3172 Год назад
I remember going to a showing last year of Frozen and at the beginning everyone was reminded that it was not a sing-a-long and to please not to, and my god the reaction. There were massive groans and a woman behind me loudly complained saying that it was ridiculous, and I quote “what’s the bloody point then”. How about not to listen to your kids wail?! Luckily the groans didn’t amount to anything, especially with an audience which was majority under the age of 11. I am all for participation if there is need. Panto like you said or a cheer at a pivotal moment, song or line. Saying that I do think people shouldn’t go overboard. I know it’s common that people will cheer the entrance of a famous or well known actor/celebrity upon the first introduction but I went to a showing of Strictly Ballroom and every time Kevin Clifton came on stage in each scene or did any sort of dance move tonnes of people would cheer and woop and clap. Don’t get me wrong, I love strictly come dancing and kev is cute but It was really annoying. Let the show and the cast do it’s thing. Cheer at the end. On a positive though, sharing those joint emotions on a small scale with others is brilliant. I watched Dear Evan Hansen, knowing the story and I was in quiet sobs when the pin dropped on the woman next to me about a foreshadowed plot point and said ‘shit’ in a normal volume (not loud enough for disrupt everyone but loud enough for those around her) and I swear I snorted. She was mortified and covered her mouth but I talked to her afterwards being like ‘same, you weren’t alone’. Which was nice.
@megelizabeth9492 Год назад
Honestly, at a show like that, it’s inevitable due to it’s family oriented nature.
@aliciabruce9881 Год назад
I was just thinking, oh I'm glad no one has shat on the floor at my theatre *remembers someone pissed down the CARPETED stairs once*
@DanLayton Год назад
@Akumara Год назад
A 20 minute video from Daniel J means I am in for a wild ride of emotion
@lilyswift422 Год назад
i went to go see death drop (a show exclusively and wonderfully performed by drag performers) and someone threw a full coke bottle (???) on stage during a tense moment and all of the performers stopped what they were doing and gave them what for, "do you think that was funny" etc. i was shitting, imagine being told off by a group of people who could poke your eye out and break your neck with their heel while doing a pirouette in a dress i mean thats hilarious. i think it got kicked back to them by a beautiful glittery pink heel, the rest of the audience started a chant to get them out and they were escorted out quickly, such a hilarious moment but fuck me so unnecessary, not quite sure why they thought that'd be a good idea. anyway i hope they drank it and it fizzed up too much and got a faceful of foam
@Izzy-cp8yt Год назад
I think along with everything said in this videos, there's an issue with concert goers turning to musicals without understanding the vast difference in expected etiquette. As musicals become more mainstream, I think more people who didn't grow up in theater are getting interested in them without understanding that there's a very different expectation in behavior than concerts. At Fall Out Boy, it's expected that you're going to sing and dance along and be part of the energy - the same is not true for, say, Beetlejuice. Different situations demand different behavior, and the responsibility is on the audience member to behavior accordingly. On top of that, some of it is just pure selfishness. I've heard too many people say "well I paid $XXX and I deserve to enjoy the show I paid for", which neglecting to realize that the person next to them *ALSO* paid $XXX and *ALSO* deserves to enjoy the show, and that they as an individual are not more special than everyone else and entitled to do as they please. When it comes to a theater production, you'll almost always be told when, where, and what you are encouraged to participate in. A good example is Rocky Horror Picture Show, which more often than not includes call out cards in the program to tell first time audience members when and what to call out during the show. When in doubt, remain quiet until you can get a feel for the general audience expectation. If you want to sing along at the top of your lungs, that's what the soundtrack is for in the car on your way home or the next morning while you make breakfast.
@ANightworkerslife Год назад
I agree with most of your thoughts in this. Actually kind of spot on. But I think we need to take into account some more factors. Social media- social media has been promoting the "individual attention" for years and everything is created around this. Just look at TikTok, reels, Snapchat, facebook, instagram etc.. the individual attention (and I am going for this myself) is intoxicating and if you DON*T understand how to interact in a group this will cause problems as soon as you have to. Nr2. In Sweden we've been having the "individual schooling system" since the late 90's. This has been a system in the eye of the rest of the world (which has crashed down) and an experimental thing, all about develop the individual and taking out everything that talks about how to behave in a group, be it in a worksituation or otherwise. This has created a huge problem out in real life work situations- people coming out to work not understanding social rules, work responsibilities, respect and general behaviour towards others. I can't speak for england about this... But we have a general situation where everything is about the individual attention and nothing about responsibilities... and this is one of the outcomes of it....
@LukasWeber64 Год назад
I actually don’t think your argument about education/upbringing is true at all. I’m not a fan of Montessori education (probably the most individualized type of schooling that we have here in the US) because it often doesn’t seem great for promoting actual academic advancement, but most people I know who were schooled that way are very respectful and socially competent. Some of the rudest people I’ve ever encountered are people who had “children should be seen not heard”-type upbringings. The assumption in these sorts of cultures often seems to be that “once you reach a certain age and are no longer a child, you gain the authority to be loud and demanding,” and people are often very eager to exercise this supposed authority as soon as they “come of age.” Very often, in my experience (certainly not always, but you get what I’m saying), people who grew up in this sort of culture are every bit as loud and entitled in adulthood as they were quiet and respectful in childhood.
@sherbert1321 Год назад
I went to see Beetlejuice at Broadway. This was my first time seeing a musical in person! I was so excited! I had been listening to the soundtrack for weeks beforehand. When I watched the show, I very much wanted to sing along, but I tried very hard not to. Not because I was thinking of the other audience - I mean, of course I wouldn’t want to be disrespectful to them, but it wasn’t on my mind - mostly I tried not to for myself. Because I had heard myself sing those songs a million times, but I have never heard the performers singing it live. I wanted to drink in every moment and I didn’t want to miss anything. There were a couple songs when I mouthed the words along, but I didn’t do more than that. Gosh, it was so good! It was absolutely a MAGICAL night!
@jamielou Год назад
Can't help but think the issue is the same issue as most of the antisocial behaviour issues in the UK... (*Whispers* people thinking day drinking isn't an issue 🤷‍♀️)
@wildly_alice3437 Год назад
I've had moments of loudly tutting or sighing at people, but for some joy: My boyfriend is a performer. And he's brilliant. Seeing him do what he loves (Jersey Boys, now Be More Chill!) and getting to watch audiences watch him is just pure bliss. Performing means so much to him and seeing people impacted by his shows is really something magical. Watching someone you love, while in a room full of people *also* watching someone/something they love is so so special. His passion and talent has reignited my love for theatre and knobs with no manners won't touch that
@ujustgotpwned2008 Год назад
@katewilliams6903 Год назад
I saw mamma Mia last night and were sat near two hen dos who were all smashed and sang all the way through, one woman was one her phone half the time and one was complaining that it was too long - there were cheers and wolf whistles all the way through too and at any quiet bits someone would shout something - obviously it’s not a serious musical or anything but it was still so irritating
@SmallBlogV8 Год назад
I do wonder if it's as simple as constant social media making people become ever more self-absorbed and short of attention span. I don't go to the theatre often, just because I don't think about threate much, but if the audience is going to behave like a children's birthday party (spiced with drunk-rage parents) then I don't think I'd bother going to a show that intrigued me anyway, anymore. As well as it robbing me of immersion, that's just not an environment I can handle in any context (including actual birthday parties...).
@WastedPo Год назад
I absolutely do believe it's a result of people being constantly glued to their phones and thus, not realizing there are other people in the world. I see this all the time when driving--people not even watching the road as they drive, but just looking in their laps, just in their own narcissistic headspace, to the point where they're literally putting other people's lives in danger.
@heidi_d Год назад
Went to a show recently - haven’t been in a few years - and was SHOCKED when those around me were singing throughout the show. Who raised these people?!
@alicecartwrightuk Год назад
last time i went to the theatre, it was for neil gaiman's ocean at the end of the lane... ik that book back to front and sat lipsyncing along to the quotes i knew, bc it gave me joy to do and didnt disturb anyone !! its so easy to vibe with the material and not disturb people
@alicecartwrightuk Год назад
i also remember the puppet scene and thinking genuinely that i had just witnessed magic
@WaistHighView Год назад
This was a great exploration on this, and your explanation makes a lot of sense - I just stil can't imagine having the AUDACITY to even think to do this? Like, I have to get myself into the zone, and music be so loud that I can't fully hear myself (so I know no one else can either) to sing out at a concert haha.
@Ilsezwarts Год назад
I went to a ballet last year and there was this person who made a compition out of being the first person to clap. He even shouted "yeehaw" at one point... The ballet was the sleeping beauty by the dutch national ballet btw. Idk if it's the same for theater, because I havent been since I was a child, but if you've never been to a ballet, the funny thing about it is that most people have NO idea when to clap and we're all basically waiting for the people in the crowd who know the Rulez(tm) to take the initiative,, so when someone starts everyone immediately starts clapping with them. Usually there are moments when the audience starts clapping, only to notice it was not the time and it immediately and awkwardly dies out. The result this time was that this man started these awkward applauses during times that it was innapropriate, most often when the dancers were still actively dancing. For example, you're not supposed to clap when aurora comes onto the stage, because she comes on while dancing one of the more impressive dances of the ballet. Its not like she presents herself, waits for people to clap and then starts dancing; its immediately go time when she comes on. It is the moment I look forward to the most in the sleeping beauty, and it was so distracting to have this man jumpscare people and breaking away everyones attention from the poor ballerina (that was HER moment) To be clear, I dont blame people for not knowing that Aurora doesnt do the typical entrance, but it was VERY obvious to everyone (i spoke multiple people about it afterwards) that it was this mans goal to be disruptive. Ballets are not the occasion to be a hollering audience member, maybe at the end, you can be silly and shout "bravo" or some cringy shit like that (which he did too,) but you dont shout "yeehaw" in the middle of the ballet... please...
@alexab913 Год назад
Thank you! I was just thinking about how culture in general has shifted so drastically in recent years and for the life of me could not think of a reason why until I saw this and how life shifted drastically during the pandemic lined up with the shift. Also for me the hardest musicals I have to prevent myself from singing to are ones I performed in highschool and finally got to see a professional version of but even then I can resist the temptation and just lightly hum a melody during intermission or on the way out of the theater instead
@_nem Год назад
The one exception to singing along is in Hamilton when King George lll says: "Everybody!" That was such a great moment seeing it live and some of the audience joining in with the "da da da" bit.
@league-of-shadows Год назад
I spent $400 to see Phantom before it ended on Broadway but I was terrified people would behave poorly and ruin it for everyone but thankfully no one misbehaved around me. During intermission a woman drunkenly berated the bartender for cutting her off, but she behaved once she returned to her seat. The show was phenomenal and I felt so lucky to see it before it left, I'm so grateful no one else ruined it with their poor behavior. Before the pandemic I saw Murder on the Orient Express at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton NJ, it was the first time I'd been some place that sold snacks for during the show - it was so disruptive to be surrounded by people constantly crunching and munching on food!
@ohmyelliejean9156 Год назад
I’m so glad someone is talking about this. Everytime I’ve been to the theatre in the last few years, even pre-covid, the behaviour has been atrocious. Cursed Child? Woman taking pictures WITH THE FLASH ON. Les Mis? Singing along. The Phantom of the Opera? Two women texting throughout the show, one kid filming parts for his Snapchat story, multiple people with their feet up on the seats. Bake Off the Musical? We had the misfortune of being amongst quite a lot of young people who spent the whole show texting, getting up and moving around as they saw fit, feet up on the seats and talking loudly to one another. And sometimes I think to myself, is it me? Am I being a snob? but honestly, if the choice is being a snob or being a dickhead who doesn’t have any respect for the performers, crew, or audience members around them, I’d rather be a snob.
@user-ge2es2bp2x Год назад
in every theatre and cinema i've been to post-pandemic there's been someone around me being loud or using their phone. I feel like so many people do it now that idk if people would be on my side if i asked them to stop ((which i never do because i would rather suffer than cause confrontation)). My favourite rude audience member was the angry man repeatedly shouting at a woman in front of him to sit down when she gave a standing ovation during the bows at phantom. I was so confused.
@salemmarz3809 Год назад
maybe the last guy is short and sensitive about it lol but seriously im sorry to hear that
@tanja3611 Год назад
My experience with Heathers was a very lucky one. The crowd wasn't very disruptive in their behaviour (in my opinion) but just VERY excited and clearly there were lots of big fans. There was also an amazing understudy who flew in just for the weekend bc they had so many people out sick and he was an absolute hoot, his energy omg. Being part of a crowd that's respectful when it's necessary, nobody sang along or anything and then we collectively lose our minds when the heathers are revealed was such an amazing experience. I understand it's not going to be the best experience for every single person in the audience, I know my friend was often confused because she didn't understand the hype, but if I had to choose between this and those shows where you're scared to laugh bc it's so quiet, I would choose this 100% of the time.
@DanLayton Год назад
There’s a middle ground, to be fair. It’s in how a show is built. If you’re scared to laugh, then either the moment isn’t actually intended to be funny, or the writing of the show has got it wrong. I actually find the “lose our minds when the heathers are revealed” part particularly interesting - because that’s an example of something that hasn’t been earned in the narrative, but rather has become a rite of passage for the audiences who’ve hyped themselves up to be there by being part of the fandom. If that makes sense! It’s a cool reveal and they definitely are given star presence. But “lose our minds” worthy, which is the typical response?? I’m not sure!!
@tanja3611 Год назад
@@DanLayton hmm im not sure if that's the difference I experience. I'm also from the netherlands where crowds are typically more reserved with their reactions, so here it's quite common that something is funny but people genuinely hold back their laughter to avoid being loud. You are very right the heathers reveal hype isn't earned during the performance at that point yet. It's a show heavily influenced by the context of the movie being a cult classic and the music (and bootleg, let's face it) being so popular, but I personally don't think that's bad per se if the show can live up to the expectations. But I do also wonder how these crowd reactions influence the performance! Because for the actors, up to a certain limit it must boost their confidence and energy when the crowd is so hyped up, especially in such an over the top show where they can really play into these crowd reactions.
@simonantonehie6392 Год назад
I work Front of House, there has definitely been a huge change in audience behaviour since lockdown. People have gone mad. I've been called every slur under the sun, I've had a woman scream in my face and threaten me because her phone wouldn't load, I've been accused of theft, a colleague had a full merch table flipped by a man furious that they'd run out of a certain item. When I first started I was so exited to work in a theatre and now I dread every shift. There are certain shows that we see have been booked that have such a bad reputation for audiences that people will refuse to work (shows that attract middle aged women) (And yes, programmes have gotten worse. They are thinner with more add space and increase in price by 50p every few months)
@DanLayton Год назад
The ad space!!! The lack of interesting historical pieces about the theatre!! The fluff pieces interviewing someone who may or may not have been attached to a project tangential to the show a few years prior!! Where have they all gone!?
@ellabooray Год назад
Middle aged women! Ahhhh!!! That's so rough for FOH, very sorry to hear it's gotten worse
@Cruznick06 Год назад
Your ending discussion about accessible performances made me so excited to hear about. I won't be returning to live shows anytime soon (unless they're outdoors) due to being high-risk. But to learn about shows that are more sensory friendly makes me really happy.
@lewislc2714 Год назад
I’m a wrestling fan but a Dan video always makes the day miles better regardless of the topic
@DanLayton Год назад
Wrestling is Broadway with Bodyslams so you’re still in the right place 😉
@annabelledavis2389 Год назад
As jukebox musicals go- I loved Jersey Boys!! the small cast really makes it, the fact that all of those vocals are coming out of those 4 men? Are you kidding? And the way they build their harmonies- stunning honestly
@silvercheetah92 Год назад
Went to Moulin Rouge in Sydney and this girl next to me was singing along at a regular volume and taking pictures of the stage with her phone and she didn't act like this was a problem. I kept whispering to her to stop and she would never reply. For Act 2 her friend traded seats with her so I didn't see her until I left it looked like she had been crying so I guess someone gave her a talking to. Saw Hadestown in Dallas and two teen boys who were old enough to know better talked the whole time. They were little theater know it alls.
@PlatinumAltaria Год назад
What's more worry is not the lack of awareness about how to behave, but the lack of shame. Even if you WERE allowed to sing, why would you when you are obviously incapable?
@racheleleanor1992 Год назад
Not me welling learning about the accessible performances and adaptations - SO lovely! My sister and I went to see Les Mis last year and it was incredible, but we were sat near someone whose phone wasn't on silent and who was singing along to some of the songs. It felt super annoying and disrespectful but I was too awkward/British to say anything.
@_charlotte24 Год назад
oh i loved this!!! completely off topic to what you were talking about but you're such a good writer and your comedic timing with all the jokes in this video were so spot on. back on topic - absolutely agree with everything you said. not only is it poor behaviour but i find it so disrespectful to the cast and crew who's literal jobs it is to perform and sing those songs. unfortunately it feels like one of those things that isn't going to go away and people will just continue to do it
@DamnItsJustSam Год назад
Absolutely agree with all your points here. Accessible shows are fantastic for those with any kind of extra needs but should not allow 'bad' behaviour like the ones you mentioned at the start. After the pandemic have also had some of my worst gig experiences with poor behaviour, I can't help but think these things are linked. I think there is a lack of respect in various aspects of society now, which is now passed down from parents to children to their friends etc. The issues you spoke about are very very similar to experiences I had in schools with both primary and secondary school students experienced as an ex-teacher myself and other teacher friends too where there is very little respect in assemblies, and classrooms etc etc.
@PrincessOzaline Год назад
Preaching to the choir is an interesting turn of phrase when the problem is partly people singing along. Great vid.
@ashlynnheller8400 Год назад
One thing I've also noticed is people coming in late to the show. Considering how much effort me and panicking I and my Dad once had about being late to a show it bothers me a lot.
@ryano.5149 Год назад
I work in a concert hall that will remain nameless for obvious reasons. The amount of times someone throws a fit because no, we can't let them into the auditorium in the middle of the quietest solo piano performance, is baffling to me. I understand being upset. You have a right to be upset. You don't, however, have the right to disrupt the show for the other 800ish people already seated!
@LittleRedWhine Год назад
I will say I had to tell my brain over and over that Six wasn’t ACTUALLY a concert (and sing along) when I finally saw it because it felt so much like one.
@kilimenjiro3753 Год назад
Great Comet on Broadway had a particular section (a couple lines in "The Abduction") where some people in the audience singing along was something that developed naturally over the course of the run. Part of the reason is it was a moment in the show where the whole cast is sharing a communal moment, and audience participation was already a thing at that point in the show as they handed out egg shakers to audience members. As I recall, rather than reject the sing-along, the production embraced this and even invited fans of the show to record that part for the cast album (I know because my mother was one of those fans!) When the final performance of Comet happened, the cast flat out encouraged the audience to sing during this section. That said, there is a similar scripted moment in Hadestown which is meant to have the audience sing along during "Our Lady of the Underground", but apparently that hasn't caught on the same way - it's a leftover moment from when the show was more interactive/immersive.
@Sophie-eg8rq Год назад
I've heard of people getting glared at for interacting during Our Lady 🤦‍♀️ I think people still do it for Broadway but it's not common for the tour performances unfortunately
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
Dang, when I saw Hadestown they didn't have that interactive moment. What a shame.
@Cherri_Stars Год назад
It's fascinating how quickly this all changed. 10 years ago I saw Pippin on broadway, and there's a part (during "No Time At All") where the cast yells "Everybody!", and a projector screen comes down. The lyrics are projected on a screen with a bouncing ball, like karaoke. When I started singing along, the guy sitting in front of me turned around and gave me an angry look. It was considered such a ridiculous thing to do in a theatre at the time that people didn't even believe they were being prompted to join in.
@muirn3 Год назад
I feel like Be More Chill falls into a similar category as Heathers. Years ago I remember reading someone's review of the show saying the audience kinda ruined it for them, people saying the line before it was said and cheering at a characters entrance, that sort of thing.
@millieharrison9925 Год назад
Excellent video as always 👏 I saw Kinky Boots on tour in the UK a few years back and was sat pretty near the back next to an Older Lady who you could tell either didn’t frequent shows a lot or just had her own set of rules. The whole show she had a disposable camera in hand and was snapping away taking pictures on it. I let her get on with it because that ain’t none of my business, but I was v surprised none of the ushers noticed her 2 hour long photo shoot 🤣 I also absolutely love the relaxed performances that I’ve seen a lot more of now! It’s so inclusive and I adore how it means even more people can fall in love with theatre and its stories. I’ve seen videos where the villains of the shows (ie Hans in Frozen) will come out before the performance and introduce themselves and the characters so that audiences aren’t caught off guard and scared by anything! Bloody love it. More of that please
@Farmeryeti Год назад
I'm *very* new to watching live theatre (Only saw my first musical this September just gone) and thankfully in the handful of shows I've seen, the audiences have been well-behaved. I can only imagine that if they weren't it would have put me off going and seeing anything else.
@JediMaestr0 Год назад
Hello! Ran across this video out of the blue thanks to the algorithm, and what a gemstone I’ve found! I love your exploration of this niche problem and how it plays into the larger issues with today’s society. Your jokes made me laugh out loud multiple times (when you’ve delved down the rabbit hole of sheer *content* for a couple hours, your eyes kind of glaze over, and you become numb to it all, but this really pushed me out of that malaise), and I repeated an especially clever line to myself a time or two. Just want to say that I thought the video ideas you mentioned for the future (the pros and cons of the jukebox musical and how Mamma Mia! changed the landscape of musical theater, etc) sound fascinating and I would definitely watch! Your passion for theater and how it profoundly impacts us as storytellers made me want to go out and watch a show pronto too! In short, excellent video, and thank you for breaking me out of that dreaded RU-vid malaise. On to creating my own art!
@hannahhester8376 Год назад
I absolutely loved going to see Hamilton at the theater we have in Eugene Oregon the ONLY time people sang along loudly was in King George's song, when you're supposed to.
@fxlyon Год назад
I’ll share my horror stories and best experiences. I’m just starting out as a musical theatre actress as well and oh boy 🙃 Bad experiences: When I went to see a show on Broadway for the first time, I saw Moulin Rouge. It’s my favorite movie and I have a tattoo for it. I love it. But it was incredibly annoying for the people next to me to laugh every time they heard a song they were familiar with. Like yes. We get it. Stfu. And they were laughing in like a mocking way, not “oooh I know that one!” way. Someone behind us had to tap them on their shoulder and tell them to shut up. I also saw Hamilton not too long ago and had a very very drunk couple in front of me non stop talking and singing along LOUDLY to the music. Good experiences: When I first saw Wicked from a local touring company, I BALLED when Defying Gravity came on. It was my first time seeing the show and seeing it live. I also cried at every Broadway show I saw. When I saw Cats for the first time I had a smile on my face the entire time cuz I grew up on the 98’ VHS taping of it. It was in a word, magical.
@lucycorley4702 Год назад
I definitely think the pandemic has got people used to watching TV in their own homes and talking over it, being able to pause it, being in charge of it - being the main character in their experience. At the theatre your experience is inherently shared and part of a community.
@IrukunTheTuna Год назад
This came up in my recommended. Would LOVE to see more live theater and musical theater content! This was informative and funny! The whole Dear Evan Hansen bit SLAYED me. 😂
@RogieVixen Год назад
Post lockdown brought more entitlement. I work in a cinema and the amount of abuse, snark, and nasty behaviour just over serving popcorn is something else.
@molly.o23 Год назад
Love that credit music! It’s making me want to get up and dance in the aisles
@OneMadApple Год назад
Nobody comes to the theater to hear Karen from HR belting out the atonal equivalent of vocal diarrhea over the professional singers paid to entertain you. The level of personal entitlement has hit a critical mass. Half of the world seems to be living out that "if it feels good, do it" episode of The Simpsons, without having bothered to watch the ending where hundreds of people were grievously injured (or, ostensibly, killed) because of everyone's general selfishness and apathy.
@shining_faith Год назад
I went to multiple performances of Six in Korea one of then was specifically a singalong show, and it was honestly some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life! Given the kind of show Six is and how much it means to fans, I do think it was an ingenious idea to create specific shows where audience involvement was expected and allowed - it was lovely to be able to sing-along with the performers without feeling like we were upstaging them, and on the performers’ front you could see that they were also approaching these singalong shows in a different and interactive manner as well! It was such great fun 🥳
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