
Why People are Afraid to Die 

Allison DuBois
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Allison and Tom talk about death and what the dead say about dying. They discuss what dying feels like and why people are afraid to die.
www.AllisonDuBois.com www.TomMcMullan.com
This video was recorded on March 9th, 2020.



6 сен 2020




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@Andrea-ys2ji 3 года назад
When I was in my very early 20's I worked in a nursing home/rehab center as a nurses assistant. It was there that I learned some very major tenents that I base my existence, faith and decisions on. While working in the Alzheimer's unit I witnessed the power of love and how we are students and teachers in this lifetime. #1 Power of love: Love is described as an emotion but to me it's something tangible that can not be destroyed, it just changes states. What do I mean? Well, I watched the progression of the disease in my patients and how they forgot everything like who they are, where they are, and even more heart wrenching, who their family members are. With time they even forgot the involuntary body functions like how to swallow. One day I called out to my patient by name (not that it mattered) and said, "I love you". Like a light bulb turning on she lit up and said, "oh, I love you too". Then, just as fast as the light came on, it turned off and she had no idea where she was and fear came back. From that point on I was a broken record and said the 3 simple words that brought everyone to life every 30 seconds. Love is energy that isn't destroyed, not even by disease. #2 We are students and teachers While working in this unit, and in others, I witnessed people ravaged by disease, old age and the occasional life altering accident. I had patients that were practically a human pretzel with little to no communication ability and bodily function. Every time I was asked to work this unit I would end my shift with a heavy heart and rittled with philosophical questions mostly asking, "why?" One day on the drive home like a bolt of lightning the answer came to me. We come here as students to learn. People like my patients are individuals who then transition in to teachers. They are teaching us what we need to learn (empathy, mortality, strength, etc). Even the ones who come and are here in life for short amounts of time (baby's and children that die) or even the ones who don't make it (aborted children, stillborn, etc). They are more teachers to us all. I also witnessed beautiful deaths and very tragic sad deaths. The beautiful deaths the patients were ready to go. They made peace with their life and were ready to see their loved ones. The sad deaths, those deaths were of people who had regret. They realized certain things on their way out and regretted so much. Don't die with regret- it's very sad. Long post but that's what I learned and I am very grateful for that experience!
@cabinlifeatedensprings1710 2 года назад
When you get that bolt of lightning. That knowledge that comes from beyond us. I call them downloads from God. Sometimes we are given downloads. My husband and I believe that we are here to learn. We go through so much on earth. If I told you the things I’ve gone through you would understand I have LIVED & LEARNED a lot. I was visited by an Angel at age 5. And the Angel told me that I was not to worry that I was always watched over and always will be. It was telepathy. No words . I spoke. I was begging the Angel not to go. Please please I said. I could not imagine being separated from this being. I was reassured and soon the room went dark again. What’s interesting is that when I saw the Angel I immediately had the most intense peace I have ever felt come over me. Like pure love and being excepted. And I know this Angel. I said ( I know who you are ). I’m almost 60 now and I have wondered how I know my Angel. People have said things to me like oh you were probably dreaming or just had a big imagination. But no. My mom and I had gone through something horrible that day. We were taking to a place to sleep where we would be safe. I was wide awake and I had been praying all day. My grandmother read the Bible to me and taught me to pray in the spirit. We are students here. And if we are good students we get to teach. One day we go in to something so amazing. This life is like feeling only a tiny tiny percentage of the real world “ heaven “. I’m learning about chronic pain. I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis mutalins 13 years ago. Good students of this worlds tragedies are able to find every possible thing about what is happening to them. So they can encourage others with chronic pain to learn to be positive. I guess when I make it to the other side I can tell everyone there about my disease and what it taught me, I hope God allows me to learn a lot more. More of what you learned. “ I love you “ it certainly is something beyond just words. Thank you for sharing! Leslye
@lauriekowing1653 3 года назад
I nearly drowned and am a spirit communincator. What you say is right on point. I regularly speak to spirits and was fortunate this past week when I put my cancer stricken cat to sleep that she cried answers to my questions and understood why I put her to sleep. She also had a spirit I believe is my mom call her name immediately after she cried . When I asked her if she was caring for her she said 3-4 which is how many of my cats that have passed, that made me so happy to hear. I will now turn to animal communicating since I have extremly old animals that will pass shortly, a 22yr. old cat and a 29yr. old horse that got me started in my spirit communicating. I will feel better about their passing knowing they will be safe and happy.
@PerfectlyImperfect804 3 года назад
I am more afraid of 'How' I am going to die..... my mother suffered through motor neuron disease for two years and succumbed by pneumonia.......... I agree with assistance passing...... thankyou, stay safe and stay beautiful xx
@dejacavu6259 3 года назад
I agree on the How part. I know I'll die, I know I'll exist in another realm but is it going to hurt!? :(
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
I had a near-death experience that changed my life. For anyone feeling existential dread or doubt...it's there, it's real, and it's beautiful. The experience gave my life new meaning and depth, but I also can't wait to go back. The life review portion is fast and like a whirlwind which is intense, but the rest is absolutely like being home again. Of course, language isn't available there, so at first, it can be a little frustrating searching for a word when trying to communicate, but you quickly (re)learn that intent and desire is the universal language, and when you form an intent and then apply desire to feel that intent, it physically changes the structure of your light body so that everyone can simply look at you and know what's being communicated. It's a bit like being an octopus. I never told my mom about this experience because of her religious beliefs, knowing she would have rejected it immediately....but as she was dying with brain cancer, I told her during her moments of fear, and it greatly consoled her.
@angelreed4696 3 года назад
I wonder though if reincarnation is really a thing will we remember going to the afterlife when we die like experience it.
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
@@angelreed4696 it's a good question. After my NDE I had to get real about assumptions and remove them from the "yes or no" experience of the whole thing. It's fascinating to think about, but all-in-all, my NDE could have been a number of things. If reincarnation is a thing, was the place I experienced where the consciousness goes to have its memories and feelings assimilated by some kind of intelligence before being thrown back down into a body? Are these memories kept for us, or are we just being used as live bait for data mining? Is the Data Collector a singular supreme being who used sound and light to design life, or is it a race of advanced beings who have genetically manipulated the dna of existing hominids, set up a "consciousness collection space" somewhere between the 3rd and 5th dimensions, and then hijacked the natural 5D human ascension process for their own ends? There are several scholarly books about that and "evidence" for it, which are really convincing. It could be our race from a far future timeline who achieved technologically god-like status but in the process, lost their ability to feel emotion which they later learn is the most advanced technology that nature can achieve. It could be that humans and other sentient life create their own continuity with some kind of collective ego that refuses to give up the mirage of experience ownership. I have no idea. There is absolutely something beyond this, but that's all I was able to squeeze out of 10 minutes in the afterlife. People (not meaning you) tend to think that those who've experienced a NDE or similar kind of ascension have an answer, but all it really does is dump a shit ton of mostly unanswerable questions in our minds.
@angelreed4696 3 года назад
@@sisterseeth thanks for responding to me. I believe in the afterlife. I was just worried I wont even remember meeting my lived ones again when my time comes. I cannot remember some things from years ago so maybe its like that.
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
@@angelreed4696 I would like to think that if we encounter loved ones who we've known on a soul level, we will know each other. When my mom was dying and I was caring for her, the "mom" role was stripped away because I was the one changing her diapers...these roles we play are convincing, but when our cultural identities are gone and we're just a witness to time, I think it can possibly be a little difficult to recognize our loved ones if we're searching through the lens of their incarnate identities. I'm not even really sure if attachment to other loved ones continues to exist once everyone has shed their identities. Like, who is our mom other than someone who protects and cares for us? What is she without a gender, existing as a silent witness to time? I would think that a group of silent witnesses to time wouldn't care much about seeking out one another, assuming we don't have some strategic function on the other side. In other words, maybe the whole question ceases to exist after our cultural roles are gone. I'm not sure if that even addresses what you were talking about, but I will say this: As I was (re)learning how to wordlessly communicate using intent and desire, I noticed that somewhere in my consciousness, I knew how to do it. It felt familiar, like something in a dream. So, that tells me the probability of two things 1) If they're helping me remember how to communicate, then we must stay in this "other place" for some time, or that this place is possibly a rehab for disembodied consciousnesses on their way to somewhere else where communication would be critical (considering (re)learning the language is second in the process after the life review...so it must be important). Otherwise, why waste time by teaching us how? And 2) The familiarity of the wordless language makes me think that memories are also stored in the energy body. I had no brain function when I was on the other side. I was dead. So, how did the language seem so familiar and quickly (re)learned unless memories are stored somewhere within the body that ascends after death? This would account for the people who have remembered past lives. I think this is a very good possibility and if true, then memories are not only ours forever, but also exist with us alongside the brain and can be accessed even before physical death. So to wrap back around to what you're talking about, I do think that familiarity with another being happens on multiple levels, and I'd like to think that at least one of those levels allows us to recognize another being we have history with, and that the history is retrievable even (and especially) after brain death. The words "history" and "memory" are very interesting when discussing out-of-body experience because history is a linear account of things within time. But time is a physical construct and so is linearity....so the idea of history must be radically different or non-existent in a non-physical dimension. The dimension may intelligently interact with physical laws, but isn't bound to them and more importantly, doesn't need them in order to exist. Maybe our memories, which are spectral imprints of time, space, events and emotions, are the schematics upon which non-physical experience is decreasingly based upon, depending on ascending dimensional layers. In other words, maybe as we advance dimensionally, memories are replaced by a holographic knowledge. Maybe it's not gradual and this is instantaneously the case. The remembering of something is, again, a linear process of recall using time, space, events, and emotions as markers for locating said memory....but, memory is rendered obsolete by knowing and being, neither of which require space, time, events, or emotions to exist.
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
@@angelreed4696 you may be interested in a book called The Dreamlife of Families: The Psychospiritual Connection by Dr Edward Bruce Bynum. It goes into this topic of memories of those whom we share deep connections with, and how it relates to death and multidimensional relationship. I really enjoyed this book because it takes an academic and data-driven approach to start a conversation. The author doesn't preach his beliefs and try to prove why, he lays out the information and talks about probabilities without discrimination of personal beliefs.
@rosered103 3 года назад
I have no fear of passing on, there was a time when 6 family members, from a 21 yr old nephews suicide, to beloved grandparents passed away in a 3 year period. Each have come to visit me. My nephew, I saw at work, standing with a woman in a floral house-dress, my Grandfather sends me butterflies, I see them everyday and when not out the butterflies come to my window. My mother sends me dimes (because they are light), I find them everywhere. I could go on and on but I know they do something that makes me smile. And I do smile everyday.
@kaylacooper4845 3 года назад
R R Please can u let me know when u say you saw ur loved ones are they in flesh and did they speak to you. Would love to see my brother he died a year ago miss him so much
@rosered103 3 года назад
@@kaylacooper4845 Missing a loved one I understand completely. Your brother is around you, look for signs. Be in a quiet space, like doing mundane things, housework, washing dishes etc. and he will give you a sign you understand, which will bring a smile to your face. Or while laying quietly in bed before sleep, bring his face clearly to your mind, he will come to you in your sleep and you will awake with the memory and a smile. Sending you healing peace of heart!
@kaylacooper4845 3 года назад
R R thank you for replying ; and yes I definitely get signs that r unbelievable and to b honest we always made a pack my brother and I and that was if one if us ever died we would give each other signs but never show ourselves because we would be too scared 😱 but I would love to see him now miss him terribly he was on,y 37 years old and he committed suicide he was very depressed 💔
@moodylicious 3 года назад
@@kaylacooper4845 bless you and the spirit of your tormented brother. He could not stay any longer and had to go. He probably hung on for more years than you know, trying to make it and hoping to be saved or get better, not wanting to hurt you with his leaving. Do not let thoughtless people tell you he was selfish or he was a coward. God takes the broken hearted who've died by suicide up into His loving arms. Also, healing is immediately begun to help his soul recover from his untimely death. Continue praying for the healing of your brother's soul, as he is helped in the afterlife to recover from the trauma. And please seek grief counseling if you are having trouble. You sound like, while missing your bro terribly, are being sustained and heartened by the signs he sends you, helping you feel better and close to him. I lost my precious, beautiful son to suicide. Dr Katherine Shear of NY's Columbia University has a Center for Complicated Grief, there to help us who've experienced a particularly traumatic death of a loved one and are unable to rebound years after the loss. complicatedgrief.columbia.edu/professionals/complicated-grief-professionals/overview/
@spoonb16acrx2003 3 года назад
Allison is amazing I wish she had a show
@elkadosh4726 3 года назад
I think most people think what they're actually afraid of is death but I believe the real fear is the potential of "pain" through the dying process...I worked in Palliative care for years. I KNOW our loved ones are on the other side, I have too many experiences to share, but I asked a cherished loved one to show their name daily to me just to let me know... and they're doing it...everyday!!!..even in the strangest ways! Believe! They want to talk...they miss us!!💖💖
@jacquelinebarnard649 3 года назад
Awesome 🥰😇🙏🏻
@melinasasha120 3 года назад
I'm not afraid of death however I'm afraid of the way I will die.Also thinking about who will take care of my pet if I go first.
@marigailcooper8925 3 года назад
Your spirit can and does leave the body before the body dies. Often times before having an accident that I knew was gonna hurt like hell, my spirit left my body so I wouldn't feel the pain or suffer so much. At first anyone LOL. Don't worry you'll be just fine.
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
You are absolutely right Allison. I worry about what would happen to everyone that depends on me if I die.
@11chewee11 3 года назад
I had a patient that was 89 and she had Aspiration from Dysphagia and was being tube fed. She loves the Lord Jesus and wanted to go meet him at the pearly gates and be done in the physical world. She could remember what a steak tastes like and really missed having it. She would ask me to tell her what I would eat for meals so she could remember what it would taste like before she passed. I told her I totally understood her as I see death as a homegoing myself. She passed a few days after that discussion
@marie-joseenadeau971 3 года назад
I'm glad to live in a Canadian province (Quebec) which offers that option for a terminal condition. Some European countries have been on this path as well. I think that we will see this trend more and more. I know that this is a touchy subject but I am all for it. Years ago I saw my father suffer for years from Alzheimer's until the day he died (and it wasn't Alzheimer's which killed him). Years later my mother, at 93, went to bed and just never woke up. It is a different experience for everybody. Now that I am in my 50s, I think of my mortality a lot. I am not afraid of the afterlife. In fact, I look forward to it as I am trying to create my Heaven on Earth so that it becomes eternal afterwards. I am afraid of pain, of choking, of not breathing. At least I know that if things were to become ''beyond hope'', I have an option to die in dignity.
@cabopam 3 года назад
I agree that in certain circumstances where end of life is a light at the end of the tunnel, and/or debilitating disease is taking quality of life, people should be able to have control over this.
@andrewvardanega2251 3 года назад
They should but most don't especially people in nursing homes I'll or with dementia.or people in hospital dying of illnesses.they have no choice .most places don't have euthanasia cos society in.general thinks death is final so they hold onto loved one's and keep them around as long as possible .usually keep them around in.unbearable pain.they can't speak for themselves or make decisions ,so it's the family's who decide to cling onto them .they should just let them go and take them where euthenasia is legal.it's more humane .y prolong their suffering when they r better off in.the spirit world? People have no problem putting a dog or cat down.but they allow their loved one's to.stay in.a state of suffering that is cruel.u wouldn't let ur dog cat endure that so it's no.different with people .the way the majority plus think is so selfish and sad.it's a self defeating negative attitude of ideals which society had taught them.in most cases ...society is wrong and stupid.they don't question.anything .they swallow the lies society , media's and governments tell them as if it were facts .society in general cannot think for themselves .it's brainwashing on.a subconscious level .tv's radios use subliminal messaging to.brainwash.the majority who r still asleep.it starts at birth ..we r blank slates who r easily manipulated lies to and influenced.even.I.was and I was forced to go.to church and believe what my family and society told me was true.but religions nd other ideals r false ..blind faith .even politics r a bunch of ideals.false ideals in most cases, false hope,false realities, false living .more than the majority r living a false life in.a false reality forced upon them from.birth.I.was lucky to.hAve woken up thru spiritual or paranormal experiences .the first step to waking up is knowing we live on which means death is false.everything we endure in.life has loss . losing part of our old false self is not loss..it's spiritual soul growth,healing and finding our higher consciousness which is aligning with.the greater god or universal consciousness .iv seen.bad felt the light twice .once in the physical world and once in a dream vision,where I sent my grandfather into.the light.I saw the tunnel of white rainbow light the doorway nd felt the unconditional love , which was a Billion times more.powerful than.all.the.love I've felt here .the colors were rich and unlike any Colors I've seen here .these were life changing events which have ..no words .I choose to.share cos I care and out of freewill.once a person.truly awakens ,then there is no going back .everything we were taught becomes unrealistic .except love.we must hold onto.good values and unconditional love we were given at birth.but after we awaken ,we realise nd question everything with a skeptical mind until.we work out what is true and what r false truths .put it all together so.we can read in.between.the.lines .depending on.others is not always a good thing but no one can do.it on their own either.we all r helped a long the way here and from.the beyond .I.learnt the hard way nd I.stripped myself down to.my raw self just like peeling back layers of an onion.peel.away the lies and false truths and the truths and knowledge will.b revealed .this sets us free.
@azurephoenix9546 3 года назад
I don't. pain and suffering is a soul purifying experience and you screw yourself out of that purifying experience by ending it all because you fear pain. pain and suffering has a spiritual purpose. I can and do see and speak to dead people and they have to accept responsibility for assisted suicide just like they would with any other suicide. when you violate spiritual law, you will be held accountable on the other side. you cannot escape it because all things in the universe must remain in balance. when you intentionally cause a spiritual imbalance, you incur a spiritual debt and you will be made to repay that debt, no matter what.
@moodylicious 3 года назад
@@azurephoenix9546 are the millions who have had their dog, cat, or horse euthanized going to be "punished" and made to "pay" for their sins?
@azurephoenix9546 3 года назад
@@moodylicious 1) spirit and soul aren't the same thing, so this is N/A. 2) There's a world of difference between killing an animal and killing a human being.
@Kim.Miller 2 года назад
Depression is debilitating.
@Heather_J 3 года назад
I wish you both could put out videos every day! I love them all ❤
@lynnleff4980 3 года назад
Me too!!!!
@Morganasnotarobot0 3 года назад
Right On!!!! Ali's beautiful!!!! 💖 👏 👏 👏 👏 FoREVer!!!!
@lucylight2637 3 года назад
Dear Alison, I ask humblely if you can help me with a question for a friend of whom they found the remains of this morning in the Italian Alps. I dreamt that it is his half brother who killed him last week, who then took his corpse above their home in the italian Alps (
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
@@lucylight2637 I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and those circumstances. I also just wanted to let you know, that I don't believe Alison reviews the comments on her video. I've watched a ton of them, and I've never seen her reply to questions. You may have more luck going to her website: www.allisondubois.com/ and looking for a direct contact email or number. You may have to schedule an appointment for a reading because I can only imagine she's busy a lot. Take care and I hope you find the answers you're looking for
@32000voisine 3 года назад
The moment you are born you begin to die is 🎯🎯🎯
@millionairemallory9361 3 года назад
I'm not afraid of death I'm afraid of the suffering leading up to my death...Watched my mother die on a ventilator last year when the hospital killed her!!!...smfh
@angiedelgado2847 3 года назад
I'm not afraid to die ,I just dont want to be there when it happens! 😁,I read some where this was a woody Allen quote👍
@32000voisine 3 года назад
I am starting to see that living is more painful then being on the other side. My Dad and my niece who passed earlier this year are out of pain and misery. It's been a rough year.
@andrewvardanega2251 3 года назад
I saw and knew this years ago after my awakening .my back injuries nd physical.pain nd bodily pain.for yrs is hell.but on.the other side I'll b free of this .fear death not ..for me I live best I can with my circumstances.I'll.b strong until I no longer can be nd then I'll b free of this physical suffering.many people r suffering badly but most r afraid .most think.death is the end which is the most self defeating negative attitude a person.can.have .this thinking stops people from finding inner peace..happiness and healing on.this side.grief stricken non believers never heal or find happiness or peace here until they cross over.
@andrewvardanega2251 3 года назад
Lost many many people too .but nothing is permanently lost.this is very temporary .then we meet up again.there is no.Time.until.then.we.must deal with what we r dealing with until we have no more energy to fight .it's a journey we each take it's personal but it's for the bigger picture.we each r a small part of the bigger eternal picture or plan.creator has for us.
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
Hang in there Jennifer. I know what you are going through... and it does get better. I lost my Dad, Grandma, and Step-Dad, all one right after the other. I was devastated and couldn't pull myself out of it, so I drank to numb the pain. That was a huge mistake on my part. I not only wasted a lot of time, but I also ruined my health. The alcohol weakened my body, particularly my bones, and now I have stage 4 cancer. Now I am working on making up for lost time, and counting on God to heal me and make me a miracle. Mourning is not for them, they are fine. Mourning is for ourselves because we miss them so much. My whole life was turned upside down, and I am sure my family that I lost was sad to see how I handled that. So live your life in the best way possible! They are watching you, make your loved ones proud!
@la4508 3 года назад
Sorry for your loss. It does get easier. I lost my brother and dad. Im sure they want us to be happy for the time we still have on Earth.
@sisterseeth 3 года назад
@@themamabearlife3339 for what it's worth, I am thinking of you and I will that any energetic resources I have that you may need are taken and sent to you with perfection and alignment for your recovery and comfort. You are surrounded in love.
@demimaher5451 3 года назад
I'm the same Alison, I don't fear death I just worry how my daughters would be after my passing,especially my eldest who still cannot come to terms with the passing of my mum 2 years ago. My youngest is a piceas so is aware of many things, my eldest like myself is a capricorn and finds it difficult to let go. Thank you Alison and Tom, I love your videos, God bless you both ❤️
@originaloldfashionedtarot 3 года назад
I don't fear death. Would love an expiration date, though. I had a dream(?) about my first love (late husband) coming to get me and me going back to get my grandson. Very specific. Right through the 3rd eye. Bam. No pain. Very cool. Love when you two post. I'm ready to go now but I was also done being pregnant at 7 months! Not a patient person, I guess!
@michelletalk5202 3 года назад
My Dad died last February and my Mum just died 2 weeks ago, I’m beyond broken, I’ve been looking for a sign that they’re together, but nothing yet, I think I’m too sad to see.
@MegaKrisso 3 года назад
So sorry for your loss x
@heavenrains2432 3 года назад
I know I lost my 35 year old son June 5 2019 , my heart is forever broken. I’ll never ever be the same.
@pamelaneibuhr6959 3 года назад
Sheila Beck me too, my daughter. I will never be the same. Unbearable at times.
@Elizabeth-pi4qh 3 года назад
What about exit points? We have options as to if we want to go at different times in life. I hope you both can speak more about this subject as so many are very afraid to die. Our relatives and friends watch over us and comfort us. Thank you so much for this conversation.
@donnariggs1567 3 года назад
This is what anyone with fear death need to listen to this....how comforting you are both. Blessings and THANK YOU for sharing!!!!
@gillianmellstrom7812 3 года назад
I just wanted to say how great I think you are! Thanks for doing this topic! xxx
@richardrobbins1422 3 года назад
OMG, you two are such a natural team! It's so very pleasant to hear you both bounce topics off each other in such a comforting manner. THX!
@chezshivy2762 3 года назад
Thank you. That was the best talk on death and dying I've listened to this lifetime.
@sherylward7377 2 года назад
The dogma instills the fear. As I’ve gotten older,I don’t have fear of dying. Choices throughout my life have cultivated and reinforced the release of that dogma and therefore released any fear of death. As my career as an RN also evolved from a critical care nurse who was expected to save everyone,even if they pleaded do not bring me back this time. Their families wishes for decades superseded the individuals desires .And super ceded their rights as I soon perceived. This lead me ultimately to “ knowing” I’d eventually become a hospice nurse. My body caused a ten yr early retirement so I grieved loss of my hospice position 😢😢😢 However, at least I had the honor of taking part in that aspect of life. It’s almost like I knew that was part of my soul path and I feelI did my very best.It felt natural. Agree,totally with your concept of being able to make choice ,especially in later years with no current cures available to them.
@barbdowns1 3 года назад
Thank you so much for doing this video! ❤️ I’m sort of “waking up” later in my adulthood to the whole opportunity and adventure of living. I’ve had a few close shaves and some major wake up calls about my mortality over the past few years. Now I’m feeling like I need to live my life with energy and an urgency to really give it my all. My only worries about dying are what happens to my husband and son if I pass before they do (I hope many years from now), and dying before I’ve had a chance to really live my life to the fullest. There’s pain relievers for some of the physical pain (hopefully) of dying, so that’s not as much a worry right now for me. I’m more worried about missing an opportunity to live while I’m still able to, and the pain I would feel if I suddenly died without taking full advantage of this life I’m living now. Thanks for these reminders, you guys. I hope you both and all your loved ones all stay healthy and happy. ❤️
@SuzanneAWells 3 года назад
Thank you! I appreciate you guys making these videos. Your messages are comforting and bring peace.
@Valandor_Celestial_Warlock 2 года назад
No one who has ever had an NDE comes back with a fear of death. Death is a release. It's like taking off a tight shoe. It is something to be anticipated and celebrated. It is a homecoming.
@marvalyddon7247 3 года назад
I recently lost my son , I want to believe he's with my mom his grandmother now ,but when you lose a child it's like you need to know for a fact where they are ,just as when they were alive, that feeling dosen't end when they die , I wish I had some reassurance of knowing he's with everyone that has passed.
@carlyc9891 3 года назад
Sorry for your loss ❤️
@PuffKitty 3 года назад
Marva, I know what you mean; there's this constant question of where is my child at? You don't get the comfort of an answer, it's neverending 😔
@hasgoodles7807 3 года назад
These videos are so helpful, please keep em coming, because you are doing a huge service to so many people. A.k.a. The silent majority. I am a closet psychic empath who does not see dead people, but sees images, words, and has tremendously accurate “knowings”. Took me 50 years to begin to accept it. Enough time passes, and the facts make it undeniable. As a professor, I almost felt the subject matter of my class to be a distraction to what I was actually doing all the time, which was kind of, reading my students. My friends. My colleagues. My bosses. I genuinely feel I’ve always pushed back a major pull to do this all the time, which would mean as a living, I guess. A major trauma, which I predicted was validated, and it just confirmed so many other things I, and everyone else I know, dismissed for years . But as I don’t speak with dead individuals, as much as I receive messages from a sort of collective source, I don’t know how to go about it. Either way, I’m an artist and I’ve been using the pandemic to do all kinds of things, making leather boots, paper backpacks, tailoring, and producing a ton of music. Thanks again for doing this.
@fiona0595 3 года назад
Thankyou both for such an interesting, comforting and thought provoking video.
@anthonygibson4789 3 года назад
Hi Allison and Tom!! I am glad to see you guys doing this video!! I’ve wanted to see this for quite some time now! Since covid I’ve been so depressed. My husband and I had a miscarriage in July. I miss my aunt and dad so much. And my husband and I are going through a rough patch right now 😢 but seeing y’all’s videos makes me happy for this short time ❤️
@FreedomRoad457 3 года назад
My greatest fears are going to hell (I’ve had a lot of religion in my life) or ceasing to exist. I feel like if I don’t believe in hell I’m rejecting the Bible. But I have a very difficult time understanding why God would create a soul knowing ahead of time they would burn for eternity. The older I get I’ve been trying keep from putting God in a box. Alison’s videos have been helping. I hope her version of life after death is the real one.
@Ocean-zj2jf 3 года назад
I fear leaving my kids & grandchildren behind" 😥 😢🙏 I'm a single parent..... And there's alot of other factors in my head that make me feel this way". It truly makes me fearful. I appreciate that you are taking about this subject, I think if there was more honest talk & discussion about this subject", it would help alot of us except death alot easier & better. 🙏💜 Thankyou very much for sharing this video with all of us 💜 blessings 🙏 peace love and light 🙏🌹🌈
@metagirl_4444 3 года назад
Thanks Alison and Tom. Im wondering whether you have ever done a readings for live people about their crossing over experience. For terminally ill people this would provide additional support, guidance and peace.
@jonrunning5952 3 года назад
Thank you for this helpful and comforting advice.🙏💞
@iluvhou 3 года назад
Thank you both.. BUT I am scared of being extremely aware of not being able to breathe. This fear is debilitating and crosses my mind often because when I have a panic attack my breathing is effected.
@sanstar2007 2 года назад
I love these videos of you and Tom. It brings me a lot of comfort. I think I’ve run out of your videos to watch. Any new one’s coming?
@helenbrazil267 2 года назад
Well said Alison and Tom ,don't be afraid to live is what I will take from this
@kimmiwoods4159 3 года назад
Narcissists seem to be very dark souls.Could you at some time talk about what they are exactly if possible? They do alot of damage on so many levels i am unable to comprehend. Thank you 🙏🏻
@katziebob 3 года назад
I too would like to know this. I’ve had so many painful entanglements with narcissistic people.
@deetee705 3 года назад
Brilliant explanation, thank you so much!
@chrissyr9920 3 года назад
Thank you both for your incite 💜
@alexandreleite2541 2 года назад
Recently, I lost my Prissie, she was 19. She took a little piece of my heart with her. 🐈
@bearofdeath 3 года назад
Thank you guys 💖🌻💖
@erima552 3 года назад
Is something about how you 2 complement complete each other. How well is presented and how easy is to understand and digest!
@donnawoodford6641 3 года назад
My mom, a religious person,was so scared when dying. I just wanted her to get over it. Fear is unnecessary, and loved ones don't want to see it. Mom, at age 88, didn't want to leave her adult children, but the priest told her that God could do the job of caretaking after she's gone. Why worry and make a big fuss? Face it and be courageous! Siblings selfishly wanted her to hang on. They tortured her to extend her life with surgery when she was in so much pain.
@teresadonner3213 3 года назад
We all love what you’ve done with your new look! I haven’t been following you like I’d like.
@deborahmontgomery2812 3 года назад
Thank you very much for this. I do ask about mental illnesses that can be unrelenting for years,it seems untreatable,and affect younger people, with the hypothetical euthanasia you touched on.
@carolderuelle5568 3 года назад
I am a nurse and I took care of my husband first and he was diagnosed with cancer I took care of him at home until he passed I would not send him out today anywhere else then I took care of my dad which was 96 Reno failure I brought him to my house and he lasted here for three weeks and passed I do not feel any guilt I feel that I did them and honor by keeping them here and I took good care of them both of them I loved them both. This past January I lost the granddaughter of 27 years old in a horrific car accident and I had talk to her an hour before on the phone that the accident happened and that was a total complete shock but she appeared to me that night and I never seen anything so beautiful in my life people on the other side are like China dolls they just shine like diamonds they’re beautiful and I thank God every day for that vision and I don’t see her as being that I see her as being alive she has more alive than I am and she’s happy and that makes me happy. I totally agree if somebody is terminally ill like Alzheimer’s that is devastating to the family I think someone before they get to the point of no return that they should have a choice I know that might sound cruel for some people to hear but I think you to totally would understand that I thank you
@MsChappy77 3 года назад
It is so true what you said about people who are spiritual don't worry about the other side. Once I became more spiritual, I stopped worrying about what's going to happen to me after death.
@yoli691 3 года назад
Thank you I needed to hear this.
@Friskyhorton 2 года назад
How wonderful, thank you.
@insightfullightworker303 3 года назад
I love you two together as a team!
@wanketta 3 года назад
My 93-yo father keeps hanging on with all kinds of serious ailments. He is afraid to die, even tho he’s a very religious Catholic. He lives alone, refuses to go to assisted living or nursing home, and neither my sister nor I want him in our homes. He is not liked for many reasons. Why is he still here?
@cindyfitzgerald4500 3 года назад
My guess would be Bc of religion he believes there is a hell and believes he has sinned and that is where he is going. My father in law was raised Catholic and was very afraid when he was dying Bc of the things he had been told growing up in the catholic religion
@anthonygibson4789 3 года назад
Wow I can’t believe you just said that about drug overdoses! That’s how my dad, uncle, and ex boyfriend died 😢 I felt like you were talking to me!
@zelhopson7160 3 года назад
I agree the How of dieing and all the losses on the journey to death. The medications that keep people alive but not living. Brutal!!!
@Joe-hx8mg 3 года назад
Loss has a lot of definitions as you said. It's not just physical death that brings grief. This year has proved it. I've been out of work for almost 10 months and I have gone through the grieving process about losing my job. I've had to let go of the job for now. Loss is loss. My mother lived to over 100 spending only 9 months in care facility. That was in 2016. I'm glad it happened then not now, because it would be too much to explain to her.
@jimrioslacey-baker7053 3 года назад
Comforting message. Thank you 🌈 🙏
@mishti06 3 года назад
Thank you for addressing our four legged kids...id love to see this talked about more. 🙏
@Kim.Miller 2 года назад
When I still had religion, I learned about "dying-grace". My pastor teacher said it was biblical doctrine that believers were granted dying grace which meant they were spared the pain of their injuries at death. As if being removed from their bodies.
@danakrupicka315 3 года назад
I love this man. I couldn’t agree with his thoughts more. Does he have a his own show at all?? Thanks for this episode - my father is dying and it’s not something you can prepare for.
@theblackbutterfly9648 3 года назад
I fear leaving my children and it's something I deal with everyday and I wish I could stop but it scares me, so I tell my oldest son all the time what he needs to know and I show him how to do certain things just in case. I learned over time that he wouldn't have who I thought would take care of him so he would most likely have to go into the system... I try to prepare him and myself all the time and it's overwhelming I just don't want to leave him and he not know what to do, I also write letters to him that he will be able to read when I pass those too have important life lessons, I tell my son all the time that no matter what I will find my way back and will let you know I'm with you...I think it's important that I have this conversation with him as we never know when its our time. I lost a child in a house fire when I was 16 as well as her father, I was the only survivor thanks to her father and that changed my life forever...
@FenixCreations 3 года назад
Hi Allison and Tom. I don't fear death as much as I use to. Thanks to the testimony of people who have passed and came back and thanks to mediums, like you Alison. People who have passed and came back tell the most beautiful stories..they all discribed that the afterlife is so beautiful! But i'm more affraid of living, so many problems, so much stress pfff. May I ask you one question? Could you give us the option to choose the subtitles on your video's cause then people who speak a different language could watch your video's. Thank you in advance! Warm greets from Belgium ♥
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
What a great message and info. Thank you Allison and Tom! :-) P.S. Do you ever see pets in the afterlife?
@RiverofSouls 3 года назад
Oh yes I can tell u 100% pets survive crossing over!!
@sarahdixon1943 3 года назад
A few years ago they did a live and I was mourning our dog extremely and I asked her, after a few times typing in and asking about my dog being in Heaven, she assured me that our dog would be waiting. I know it sounds do silly, but I adored her, our dogger, and I miss her sooo much.. I was so relieved and happy to hear that!!
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
@@sarahdixon1943 & Time. Is. An. Illusion Thank you SO MUCH for answering! Animals have personality, and think and feel as we do, so it makes sense that they have a soul that would go to heaven..... But I wanted the opinion of someone who has the gift of seeing. Thank you Sarah, for letting me know that Allison told you that. It doesn't sound silly at all! I consider my pets as part of the family, and have mourned their passing just as I would any other family member..
@sarahdixon1943 3 года назад
@@themamabearlife3339 - You don't see Allison as someone "seeing"?? She is the person that told me, called me out by my name, that our pets would be waiting for us. Sooo... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm not really sure why you'd ask if you don't want the answer...
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
@@sarahdixon1943 You misread my comment.
@maureen756 3 года назад
Hi Allison and Tom, Thank you for this excellent video! I'm actually not afraid of dying, I'm more afraid of having to see my loved ones pass away before I go!
@windyxfairy 3 года назад
This 🙌🏼
@themamabearlife3339 3 года назад
I am a Christian, so I am not afraid to die. I think heaven will be WONDERFUL! I am more afraid of HOW it will happen... Especially with how violent the world is getting...
@trishclark777 3 года назад
I’m with you Sister! I keep having dreams of “Rods of God” being used to level cities with “them” telling us it’s asteroids.
@cecemaynard9254 3 года назад
@4everfaithful32 3 года назад
Having had discussed this with several friends throughout the years, I think that people are more worried about how they will die, suffering and pain, especially suffocation and things like that.
@yjapeters9532 3 года назад
Love your video. And i agree with all you said. Every state should make it possible to decide.
@cathydodd1224 3 года назад
I not only felt relieved when my father in law passed I was happy for him. L kept telling him he could go on picnics with his mom and his body would work right again with no more pain.
@faithbyrge484 3 года назад
Wow how interesting I love your videos absolutely love them and thank you for the message at the end I needed to hear that it will be ingrained in my mind until I do leave and yes I will live because that's my right at this time for this time that I'm here
@lavaunjohns7796 3 года назад
I felt this discussion was off-topic for the most part. The simple truth is the fear of the unknown. Even those with complete faith in God end up with that fear near the end. I know as I've witnessed it many times. I absolutely know that I will live on when I leave this body for good. Many say God will send an angel for you. My experience has been that a loved one comes for you and when you feel or see their presence near the end then you should go with them. They're there to ease your fear and confusion of crossing over and to guide you home. Imagine taking a cruise to an unknown land and when you dock there is someone you love waiting there to greet you and show you the sites. It's a lot like that. I have a friend that fears going to sleep at night because he's afraid he'll never wake up. He thinks when you die it's a permanent sleep and it causes him anxiety. He has known me almost my entire life and knows what I've experienced and witnessed and still, he can't trust my knowledge enough to find peace.
@bekadam685 3 года назад
Please lobby your state and local senators on "Death With Dignity Act". No one knows when their time will come but you can have control to not suffer during death. Thank You Tom & Allison🙏 Much love and gratitude sent to you💌
@sallyzedillo4468 3 года назад
I very much enjoy your videos.
@zeuswrld9547 3 года назад
I’m afraid of dying because I don’t want to come back. I’m trying to learn all my lessons and find my higher purpose so that I don’t come back but not really sure if I’m fulfilling all of this truly. Earth is ‘hell’ to me. I want to be with all my loved ones on the other side.
@liabeachy 3 года назад
Love to you all , maybe it’s not the dyeing but on how and the pain more then the actual death .
@lee-annelandownunder4731 3 года назад
Much appreciated xx
@janemulvenna9598 3 года назад
Can you read a chart without the time of birth? Regarding the fears, I do think dying is part of your life task. I think it’s important to embrace the plan set down for you. I also believe that before you are sent here you agree to live the life your given and that the death is an important part of it. I worry that abstaining from the death that you are compelled to relive a life.
@TheVirgoan1 2 года назад
I have said to Spirit, I'm not coming back for another life here on Earth.
@emailsender7139 2 года назад
I personally don't like interacting with many people because they're bad mannered, loud and boorish . And I'll go to my grave with no regrets about it. I'd rather be alone.
@larken2 3 года назад
I am afraid of where I am going in the other side, I don't know what have there, how it's there.
@donnariggs1567 3 года назад
@sandradalton1611 3 года назад
I don't want to die because I'm afraid I'm going to miss something. 🤣😄
@es5605 3 года назад
Thank you!😘
@leisabrady5384 3 года назад
Wow was just thinking would love to have a reading but my mum didn’t die from murder or homocide. But she suffered a heart attack it was horrible to watch and I told the paramedics not to resuscitate her. I felt so guilty maybe I shouldn’t have. Just then Alison said some elderly say I don’t want to stay here I’m 89” I felt mum was talking to me she was 89. I had this feeling over me. It was so moving Thankyou Alison I honestly feel mum was coming thru. This helped me so much. Loads of love leisa Western Australia xx
@art.soul.education 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏⭐
@debosfeld2568 3 года назад
Love your videos ❤
@raquelaguilarcreations 3 года назад
Thanks, I plan to live 2021. Love you
@maxtompkins8715 3 года назад
Colorado has this choice if you have been diagnosed terminal. I’m so glad this passed a year or so ago.
@deannawitt9376 3 года назад
I loved this
@louisehans9771 3 года назад
I absolutely agree that people should be able to put in writing (while of sound mind) their wishes of their ending days. I watched my very vibrant mother wither to a shell of herself in the last 3 years of her life. (dementia). I am hoping that by the time I reach eighty I will have some say in my passing. (20 yrs). Like Sweden.
@marianilsson3834 3 года назад
I love you guys !
@user-zq7gl9tx3y Год назад
I am not afraid to die but I know I don't want to come back & start over ! I am still trying to.figure out what my purpose is this time . Everything I thought my life was about has left me . I have an emptiness from my past life that spilled out in this life ! To painful here !
@ginaamarr6507 2 года назад
I'm at peace with where I am in my life I'm dieing of lung and brain cancer and have 6 beautiful Adult kids and alot of grandchildren I've just celebrated my 50th birthday but Ai the end of the day I'm not afraid too die because I know when I leave I know my family will be okay 😊
@kandystanislaw6919 3 года назад
When my daughter was murdered in 2015 she was 20 4 weeks before her 21birthday and my mom died 2months before I HAVE TRIED TO TAKE MY OWN LIFE AND JUST CAN'T GET IT DONE THE RIGHT WAY I want to be w her I could save her that day I need to make sure she ok and to protect her I can't remember her voice
@heavenrains2432 3 года назад
I’m so sorry for your losses . I lost my 35 year old son in June 2019 and I just am so broken and there are days I wish I was with him too . Then I think about my grandkids and try to keep going but it’s very difficult.
@kandystanislaw6919 3 года назад
@@heavenrains2432 I'm really sorry about your son. I wish I had grandkid from her. Talk car
@traceyna1 Год назад
Well it’s hard when you love life and the world and you genuinely don’t want to leave it for something you have zero idea how to even perceive of
@marlenebtagelman2451 3 года назад
My sister was afraid to die, I think, because of the fear of hell.
@Lisa-sq3zl 2 года назад
My sister took her life because she was suffering from a medical neurological problem for which there is no cure yet. She tried multiple times and it was awful. She wanted to live but was in so much pain. She wanted assisted euthanasia but it's not legal, so she was forced to go in a bad way.
@KatherineKosma 3 года назад
I'm not afraid of being dead at all, I'm afraid of how I'm gonna die
@spruceguitar 3 года назад
There is a sequence of birth death birth death. Life is not the opposite of death, birth is the opposite of death. We never lose our “lives” because life is eternal.
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