
Why Social Security Is NOT Like a Ponzi Scheme 

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A liberal accidentally explains why she thinks Social Security is nothing like a Ponzi scheme.
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16 сен 2024




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@jakeburgeron7622 10 лет назад
Oh no, Why?
@mongoose60ft42 8 лет назад
I love the way he starts. " oh no"
@QuantumRift 8 лет назад
He has the worst coffee breaks.
@Quarryvillle 9 лет назад
"Oh no, why?"
@dpcoronado 11 лет назад
The Republican party was the one that helped end slavery and force schools to integrate, The Democratic party fought to keep slavery legal, and later fought against integration in schools and in general. Why do you think the Republicans would change that history? The founding fathers were comprised of people from the Whigs and the Tories. I don't see why the Republicans would change that since the Whigs and Tories were different parties altogether.
@Michiganman800 10 лет назад
"In that case I have some more bad news" hahahahahahaha
@AverageLeagueHack 5 лет назад
she forgot to call him a racist
@UncontrollableATroll 4 года назад
Glad to see people agree with this in the comments.
@xUnUsualSuspectx 11 лет назад
If it wasn't for the rich, you'd be homeless begging on the streets and sleeping in a cardboard box. Show some gratitude for those who pay for 90% of government and start taking some responsibility for your self.
@Drumboy5165 11 лет назад
Social Security is a scam and IS bankrupt, now, today. Explain how you expect 2 peoples income to support another persons retirement...check your stats and dispute this...please. I'm still waiting to see how another person supporting you is a right and not a privilege. Read the Constitution, it AFFIRMS rights given by the Creator...not what you force upon another by indentured servitude.
@odysseus762 10 лет назад
If you don't laugh; you'll cry...
@DediJ8k 12 лет назад
I love how all these videos start (in addition to the rest of them). "I believe (insert liberal agenda)." "Oh no. Why?"
@Drumboy5165 11 лет назад
"Taking away social security is infringing on the rights of the disabled/elderly. say someone is paralyzed and can't work. " Seriously? Where is it a 'right'? Please show me and explain this Constitutionally? You're not a scholar, sorry buddy. Social Security is a method of making people reliant upon the government, who instituted SS? Please do your homework and check, also check on WHY it was instituted. It used to be that people (widowed etc.) were taken care of by churches and charity, well.
@vincent15641 12 лет назад
Social security made the list in the new video called America's Top 10 Injustices.
@yimldsru2 13 лет назад
"THAT MIGHT BE A PROBLEM......" I love it! Please, please keep them coming.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@orionstarman I strongly recommend you read this: nontaxpayer (DOT) net/irsnara0 (DOT) html What few Americans know or understand is that Congress has an implied constitutional authority to lay and collect taxes that has nothing to do with Article 1 § 8(1). Congress, NOT the IRS, has the power to lay and collect taxes. The Bureau of Internal Revenue/Internal Revenue Service was never created by Congress.
@moorek1967 9 лет назад
"That might be a problem".....
@silverwolf9872 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster Taxes are indeed legal and there is a law that specifically states that the government has the power to impose taxes, it's in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 clearly states: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"
@orionstarman 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster Wrong. The IRS is part of Department of the Treasury. The FED on the other hand IS NOT part of the government.
@Drumboy5165 11 лет назад
What happened to individual responsibility? When did retiring become any different? Maybe, you and other like you, should plan for your own retirement while your still fairly young. SS used to be voluntary, then it became mandatory, why?
@scotthighland2748 11 лет назад
You do realize the government is comprised of citizens, aka, 'We the people'... If you don't like it, change it, just don't make it worse.
@NewCommentor 12 лет назад
I think it is right to consider wages not earned as a form of social tax, i.e. the disproportional low wages earned by factory workers go to higher paid executives. It is nuanced, but think with me. Money is just a store of value; we want people to work so that we can have things and they rightly want us to work too. Even capitalism is a form of sharing and agreement. People who make too little to pay taxes despite full employment are obviously under-compensated. It behooves us to motivate them.
@major600 7 лет назад
I read a book last year called "Social Security Works!" in which the authors claim that it really can't go bankrupt because of the way its funding is structured. It was an astonishing proposal, but I don't know enough about finance to know if they're full of it or not. Of course, the first pig in line at three troughs is unlikely to get skinny.
@unhappyview54 11 лет назад
Really Sorry to see xtranormal go. It was a great communication tool.
@GlitchyWitch388 11 лет назад
Oh and I almost forgot, George Saros, and no white collar prison, I mean like fucking OZ.
@ArxVirtus 13 лет назад
"That might be a problem." LOL
@mersauIt 11 лет назад
I cannot see which argument you reference here, but the day that the private sector loses interest in government is the day that the individual liberties afforded to us by our vast, complex, and unparalleled system shall be aborted.
@177SCmaro 12 лет назад
The rich really do contribute the most to taxes, by far. If the government is taking less money from the people who make up a corporation how is that welfare for corporations? And who determines how much money any single person "deserves" to make for their work? And how do the people in a corporation take money from anyone? Don't they have to sell you something first? And isn't that a voluntary action?
@ForestBeekeeper 13 лет назад
Or you can opt-out, or you can refuse to ask for a policy in the first place. :)
@LordProteus 6 лет назад
"Should I be worried yet?"
@mersauIt 11 лет назад
OK, you may be right about Democrats and Republicans both donating to charity. But as far as changing history books - the Republican Party wasn't even around when the founding fathers were.
@xUnUsualSuspectx 11 лет назад
I've heard those numbers too, but they aren't true. A lot depends on definition of "rich" + "middle class", by most definitions a rich is one that earns several times a decent wage. Some see this as 100k+up, others 200k+up, but either of these figures puts over 90% revenue from the rich and the vast majority of the tax comes from 500k+ Please don't accept the propaganda saying the rich don't pay tax, I'm not rich but I've seen what some pay and without them our country would collapse.
@Imperialstorm03 5 лет назад
Nothing to worry about
@mongoose60ft42 8 лет назад
Oh no why!!!!! I love it
@jeffiek 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster "I'm going to make a video " The world doesn't have enough film to hold it all.
@BungieStudios 11 лет назад
Social Security was effective during the Baby Boom. We need another.
@Anon1696 13 лет назад
That might be a problem.
@johanoncalvin87 3 года назад
So good.
@nicksgarage8295 3 года назад
damn. this was ahead of its time. wow
@mersauIt 11 лет назад
It's a good thing RU-vid cares so much about your ideas. I'm here to tell you that I DO. That's the most open-minded and Christian point I've seen made on here! False. I really hope you're not in charge of teaching children anything, ever.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 That's exactly why you don't understand taxes and think taxing the rich is the answer! You never thought that the rich are taxed in more ways than those who aren't rich, did you? No, you didn't, or you would have known that. SSI isn't a ponzi scheme, but only because all investors are represented AT SOME POINT, I've always maintained that position, but you seem to think I believe the exact opposite, even though I've never said it, because you have no position to argue!
@thetemplarknight83 12 лет назад
"they raped Zimbabwe"? Actually, Zimbabwe was the most prosperous country in Africa. Then people like you said "da white man own da land, kill da racist white man". Then Mugabe won the election and got rid of all the white farmers. And then the economy collapsed. He then decided to print money (very cleverly) to end the recession. This caused hyperinflation, meaning people couldn't afford to eat. This is the easiest online debate I have ever participated in.
@geckowonderful 11 лет назад
@mersauIt I'm not a democrat , I was just replying to the user who said that taxes should be cut for the rich and ONLY the rich; and that implied "trickle down" fiscal policies don't fix the economy, they only further conflate private interest in government. Corporations aren't the problem, Corporatism is. Enlighten your opinion before you respond with another asinine strawman
@Major.Tom.1973 11 лет назад
"That might be a problem..." haha I love this!!!
@shinokiba 13 лет назад
What happens when the bubble bursts?
@unhappyview54 11 лет назад
Let me know if you find a decent replacement for xtranorml.
@Excedrine 11 лет назад
But it's our income taxes that still aren't enough to cover the unfunded liabilities, which go up by $6 trillion dollars a year and equal more than twice the global GDP by the way, so there really isn't a so-called "surplus" at all. Neither is the FICA tax at the appropriate rate, given those numbers. Not even remotely close.
@LambChowder1 11 лет назад
Why you're talking about income tax when the FICA is the appropriate rate is anyone's guess, and that rate is no 70%. The 'bone dry' trust fund has a $2.6~ trillion surplus which is being eroded by demographic shifts. Gosh, its almost as if people are living longer than they were before when not forced to eat cat food to survive.
@Agitpropist 13 лет назад
Are you out of your Vulcan mind?!?!
@Sellipsis 11 лет назад
No, we just need it gone.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@orionstarman I trust and can accept your fear of the IRS, and it is well placed. If someone like Al Capone isn't immune from their illegitimate enforcement, then I don't blame you at all from maintaining your position.
@mersauIt 11 лет назад
Wow, you hit it right on the head. I own a Mormon propane factory in west Texas, and live on a flat built with oil futures adjunct to a country club along with my professional sorority girl mistress, our respective carreras, and our nine sons and one daughter. I'm also obliged by my own conscience to tell you that none of that's true.
@scotthighland2748 11 лет назад
Except we can afford all of these things, as well as we should WANT to afford these things. They are investments in the working class, to keep the economy from collapsing without them. As well as taking care of the sick, the poor and the elderly, people whom you apparently do not care about at all and should be ashamed for.
@scotthighland2748 11 лет назад
Sounds like just plain old social security to me, a system every industrialized 1st world nation has.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@thomaserossi Hate to tell you this, bud, but taxes aren't legal to begin with, and there's no law that shows being taxed has ever been legal in the first place, so evading taxes isn't actually illegal, because the IRS isn't actually a branch of the federal government. They only work for the federal reserve, which also isn't actually a branch of the federal government. Though I still love to see people arguing semantics about 'money'...hahah, so primitive.
@ThePirishman 13 лет назад
@Laughingblades Granted, but it's their own fault they ended up there 99% of the time. If they were more careful, they wouldn't need it, if they got a job and worked hard (emphasis on HARD) they would work their way up and be able to depend on no one but themselves. Isn't that a good thing?
@elgatochurro 11 лет назад
or if we... oh idk... stopped spending trillions on preparing for war when we aren't in war?
@sonofagunM357 13 лет назад
Wisdom of the internet
@francisoleary9615 9 лет назад
just keep working and everything will be ok
@mersauIt 11 лет назад
Wow, that's so racist and misinformed. Read a book. Hell, a magazine will do to start.
@orionstarman 13 лет назад
@eternity1776 You are utterly and completely clueless. SS is paying out more than it's taking in and is now cashing in those IOU's that the treasury owes them. Since our government has spent all that money on other things, like aircraft carriers and bailouts, it must now borrow that money, on top of all the other borrowing or raise taxes or cut spending somewhere else, before it can pay back SS. So where is the strawman?
@TheTokkin 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster This is a myth.
@bendangeruss501 13 лет назад
Another outstanding video.
@unhappyview54 11 лет назад
This is really good. I did the vid on SS trust fund as that is my pet peeve. "That might be a problem'
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster I think all the "haves" should pay comensurate to their income. Higher income, higher taxes. Lower income, lower taxes. I think if a Senator is rich, he should pay his share, dem or teabagger. I referred to my ex-boss when I used to fly for Northwest Airlines years ago.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 You are arguing about taxes in the same way a school janitor would argue about how teachers should be doing their jobs. IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!
@Sellipsis 11 лет назад
-a few dollars from every paycheck for their own savings account would take them much further than what my own Aunt Dotty was promised for the rest of her days: only $300
@Monkeywrench542 9 лет назад
just default on the whole national debt.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@jeffiek You're in luck, I was able to edit it down to only 7 minutes and 56 seconds, and with a nice new little intro I made for the series(which is on my channel, called I'm Sick And Tired), I'm in the process of exporting and uploading it as I'm making this comment. More soon.
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 13 лет назад
God, another teabagger making a video.... just what we need. Sometimes I think that the corporate elite and wealthy hire people to make stupid videos like this. Social Security is just fine... TAX THE RICH!
@ForestBeekeeper 13 лет назад
@thomaserossi Why must you insist that folks who opt-out can not opt-out? What gain do you get from insisting on this lie? The facts remain that many people do choose to opt-out.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 I suppose you aren't accustomed to losing arguments, probably because you are retired and have nobody around to argue with, so in your mind, you are always winning, because you are always shouting at the TV and the TV can't shout back. This seems to be the most likely scenario you've created for yourself and it's got to be just gut-wrenching to learn that the internet can, in fact, shout back, especially when you don't have a clue about the subject.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 Again, you argue like a child! Capital gains tax and federal income tax are 2 DIFFERENT THINGS. How hard is that for you to understand? If you raise federal income tax on the rich, you HAVE to raise it on the poor as well! While the rich still account for 0.2% of taxes in the U.S., they also account for 21% of all money collected in tax! The 15% capital gains tax that is collected on investments is where that 21% is made up for that the middle and lower class DON'T pay!
@Predator000099 13 лет назад
kind of like whats happening in china.....
@Ruldolphmaker 5 лет назад
this is prophetic isnt it?
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 Lol, tax the people that create jobs...yeah right. What NEEDS to happen is government needs to be payed ONLY what they work for in a value that's competitive with the rest of the private sector capped at $100,000/year. Giving gov't more money to tax the rich isn't going to fix the problem at all. You like where you work? I dare you to tell your boss he should pay more in taxes, see how quickly you're looking for another job. Hold the gov't accountable for their earning!
@orionstarman 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster Yeah, but I bet he pays every dime he owes. Hey, I don't like paying taxed ether but I don't like going to jail even more. So, do you have the courage of your convictions or are you just spouting off? Before I risk going to jail I'm gone to need a lot more to go on than what you gave me.
@kingston554 12 лет назад
read a history book thats why
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 See, this is why I can't take you seriously, because what you just described is the Fair Tax, and it was tried before and it failed miserably. You know nothing of the tax system which is why you have the limited scope of logic you have when it comes to discussing the tax issues.
@ChaChu808 11 лет назад
This video is horrible. Important information but seriously need to be redone to get the message out. I really found this painful to watch. Horrible Horrible
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 No, you weren't joking. You were being literal, judging, and callous because you hate. You say you were joking now because you lost the argument due to your lack of facts and you resorted to the old standbys of name calling, character bashing, and baseless blame-placing for things that are your fault in the first place. You lost this argument fair and square and can't accept it because you don't argue with people like me every day. So admit you can't win because I'm right!
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTokkin What is a myth? Prove to me that what you are saying is true with facts, please.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 You believe rich people need to pay their share? Ok, how about the rich senators and house representatives in California who collectively make near half a billion dollars alone. How should we tax them? They don't own any companies, they made their riches working IN the government YOU want start laying more taxes on people! Also, if you are retired, why did you let me believe you have a boss? Since you are that good at lying, what else are you lying about? Your logic, for one.
@orionstarman 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster I agree with everything you said and I love Penn & Teller but I still ain't going to jail if I can help it. The system needs to be fixed but you ain't going to fix it from a jail cell.
@carolynkircher4539 8 лет назад
noo thank you
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 I don't even understand why you are arguing, you have no position to argue from in the first place! You draw off of social security because you are retired! Where do you stand to gain off of defeating your sole source of income? Are you just THAT delusional that you can't see what you are asking for? Do you expect to have to live off the street to survive? You realize that's what you are arguing for, right? Do you understand it costs employers money to employ people?
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 13 лет назад
@TheMarkNessMonster Don't bother. I have just as much interest in your video as when I yawn.
@tkayshakur 11 лет назад
dee dee dee
@XiaoFury 13 лет назад
sheesh, that lady... lol
@LambChowder1 11 лет назад
This video is hilarious "My children won't inherit my contribution!!! NOO THEN HOW WILL I PROMULGATE MY DYNASTY" Then ignoring another potential patch, making illegals pay fica, to say nothing about how opposing illegal immigration as actually antithetical to libertarian thought. Or is comparing the social security to a bubble immediately after saying you can't opt out of it.. Maybe stick to videos about the eminent hyperinflation.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 Do you have the balls to go tell your boss he should pay more in taxes and film it? I bet you don't. You talk big, but do you walk big? Why don't you just give all your money to the gov't and live off the system so you have an excuse.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 If you want me to take you seriously, I'm calling you out. I want a video of you asking your boss to volunteer to pay more in taxes. Legitimate video of your office, not some bullshit scene you made up and poorly directed, I'll be able to tell, I'm in TV.
@Zeus92599 13 лет назад
do more battlefield 1942 please
@NoisemakerArrow 13 лет назад
The woman is really, really hot.
@TheWhiteDevil1612 13 лет назад
Your other uploads are funner because in most of them she has that typical fanaticism that's found in Liberals. In this, she appears more like she knows her ideas are insane; this makes it less funny as she's not ranting with the full conviction of a philosophy grad or something :D.
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 Listen to yourself! Really listen to yourself! Where have you shown me that I'm incorrect? What documented facts do you have to back up your argument? You have nothing! When I've asked you to prove your claims you just called me names and blamed me for your problems! You aren't winning this argument, you are badgering me! You lost, and you can't accept it! You argue like a child!
@cedriclovesaaron 13 лет назад
what is wrong with that chick?
@Sellipsis 11 лет назад
You said nothing about regulation. I don't know what the heck you're on about. And if you think just Bush is the problem, you should see all the crap that has been passed over the last 5 years. You're not going to fix the system by continuing support of the system and just saying crap like the system needs to fix it. You have to throw out the system and all its tumors and start over, that includes Social Security.
@kingston554 12 лет назад
@iDropShot856 no a lot of you cheat and try to force poor ppl to pay for u
@HunterXray 11 лет назад
ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur
@TheMarkNessMonster 13 лет назад
@TheTruthHurtsAlot3 Obviously your mom never raised to you to not bite the hand that feeds you. Shame.
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