
Why The Creator Will Change Indie Filmmaking Forever 

Luc Forsyth
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28 сен 2024




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@TyroneLT 11 месяцев назад
I saw the movie over the weekend. Edwards is a magician. It many ways, the film looks better than a lot of films with much bigger budgets.
@BenSanchez-n6w 11 месяцев назад
The problem is that we live in a society of losers who only want to see the 17th star wars or the 7th avengers or the 10th batman... no one cares anymore about good movies ... good movies Will get their accolades later but in the box office ...humans are morons...why do you think garbage AI created , auto tuned music with garbage meaningless lyrics are the most popular ? It's the same here
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Awesome, looking forward to checking it out!
@jenshartmann2575 11 месяцев назад
Yes, visually the movie was very on top. Much more to my taste than the later Marvel stuff, on par with Dune. The story could have used some more focus, but is also a lot better than everything Disney came up with on three times the budget…
@Rocketryman 7 месяцев назад
You are correct it's a movie. It is not a film. No film was needed or used. Digital Video and Film require two different skill sets having different timelines covering 150 years.
@sightseerproductions 10 месяцев назад
They actually did a podcast talking about how many they had on set. I think it was eight or nine. Oren wanted to make sure that Gareth could just pick up the rig (since he was operating most of the time except for the crane) and go. So they made several small packages with the least amount of equipment as possible. Oren was also talking about how nice it was just to have these small packages because they were able to do so many different setups if they wanted and not really follow the shotlist. It was a great podcast.
@MIRSTROY 8 месяцев назад
Could you share what podcast that was, would love to check it out
@IdeaStudioBKK 11 месяцев назад
I was lucky enough to have a small acting role in this film, and the time I was on set all of the cameras I saw were Sony. We shot inside for my scenes, they had a cart with several different camera configuration on it, and as far as I could tell they were all Sony cameras. I have been on set for some B movies that had much bigger crews and setups. When I finally got to see the movie, I was blown away by what the end result was. A few of my friends who were involved in some of the outdoor scenes down in southern Thailand confirmed to me that the minimal crew we see in the BTS were also down there for the beach shoots.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Very cool, thanks for sharing that!
@MobileFilmmaking 11 месяцев назад
Congrats man. That’s soooo awesome
@IdeaStudioBKK 11 месяцев назад
@@MobileFilmmaking Thank you!
@dawnofthedead1285 10 месяцев назад
Sounds so cool. Which scenes were you in?
@IdeaStudioBKK 10 месяцев назад
@@dawnofthedead1285 in the third act I am the scientist standing next to the general when Joshua is using the EMP device on Alfie. when the lights flicker he asks me whats wrong and I say its just interference. Then its my voice calling him him when he is in the car before Alfie breaks free. We had shot a longer scene where my character explains the EMP device they built to the general and and brings it over to Joshua with him, but that did not make it into the final version of the film. Either way was a great experience.
@2win1now 11 месяцев назад
In the early days, I felt defined by the camera I used, now it's merely a tool. Modern day filmmaking is kicked wide open for everyone! The tools we have today to create visual stories is unreal. Cheers Luc, always advice in your weekly uploads ☺️🎥🎬
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks, glad you liked it!
@jamesc9274 11 месяцев назад
I shot my first verite documentary for the BBC 25 years ago, having spent the previous seven years shooting big budget commercials with Arri 35mm cameras, full crew and a big lighting truck. My producer at the BBC handed me a huge Digibeta camera and a small crew but this was just at the time when mini DV cameras were becoming viable. The Sony PD-150 was the equivalent then of what the FX3 is now, prosumer and tiny form factor. The big difference was that its relative image quality was poor. Poor but just about good enough for broadcast. Just about. I insisted on solo shooting the whole doc with the PD-150 despite this big sacrifice in IQ because it was vastly outweighed by the advantage of a small form factor. You have a different relationship with the subject when you put a camera on your shoulder to when you hold it in the palm of your hand. I shot the film over the course of a year and very quickly you just become part of the furniture in a way that you don’t with a huge camera perched on your shoulder. When the police burst in to arrest your subject, for example, you get an unfiltered reaction as if you’re just a drunk uncle recording lunch on Christmas day. Scorcese has for years filmed his rehearsals on a small camcorder and has noted wistfully that he can never get *quite* get the same level of performance when it comes to a take in front of the whole crew and the full rig. The advantages of portability are obvious. Not just to a film crew flying all over the world but also to the solo doc shooter. When your subject is trying to give you the slip to go have that awkward meeting with the bank manager, you can just leap into the back of the taxi with him and get the shot. In verite documetary film making, getting the shot is everything. The big game changer now with the FX3 is that you don’t have to make the sacrifice in image quality to get it. Any competent DP can get just as good looking results with a FX3 as they can with an Amira. I would have killed to have had that option when I first started shooting docs and this is an incredibly exciting time to be a film maker.
@gbwalther3198 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for writing. Very interesting. I still have the last model of three prosumer cams which I used-the Sony HDR-FX1 (mini DV). It has so many features that are so far ahead of its time, that it is amazing. I still use it for certain venues because the lens has such amazing reach & I luv the rocker zoom. 😎😎
@mistercohaagen 11 месяцев назад
I saw it a couple times now... it's not just that it competes with other films, it's that they got everything they wanted and it looks more real and grounded for being shot on location. It's like Blomkamp, but one notch further. I can't wait to see what directors like him will do once they know they can work with smaller budgets and faster gear. Maybe we'll get to see the uncompromising movies these kinds of directors really want to make, with much less studio interference, and lower ROI risk for sequels.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
I'm very down with that!
@Leprutz 10 месяцев назад
Why do you all make it like he is the first to do it that way? It is how films are done in general. Heck. I shot like this since filmschool. Small teams, sometimes even no team. Hell, movies don't need huge teams to be paid for standing around for hours. It is non sensical. This movie may have changed somthing for the big players up there. But you know what... Danny Boyle loves to shoot with small teams, guerilla style. Always has. Even Slumdog Millionaire was shot that way. But nooooo, nobody talks about that or acknowledges that.
@Nobody-Nowhere 10 месяцев назад
It was actually quite bad movie, i think they tried to go for the District 9 style... a bit too much, so that it was obvious. And then included the Chappie style robots. There was really nothing particularly interesting in the whole movie. Maybe the camera indeed was the most interesting thing about this movie. Kinda ironic, when it was supposed to be the least important thing.
@gbwalther3198 10 месяцев назад
@@LucForsyth Distribution & Getting the Ca$h back from films--no matter how well they are shot has always been the big headache. Even Pixar after Bugs Life tried to go on their own. Then, that didn't go so well so Ed and the rest of his gang ending up selling it off to the MickeyMouse people for tons of cash. Distribution was the key little but big word. So it will be interesting to watch how films like this play out for the investors. 😎😎
@gbwalther3198 10 месяцев назад
@@Nobody-Nowhere i haven't seen it yet. Now, I really wonder if its is worth the bother. At least you gave me some good laughs with ur review. I like the last three words, "the least important thing." Ha, Ha. Ha. 😎😎
@ayobamimac 10 месяцев назад
I think this is less about the camera but the cinematographer and crew that figured out how to get the best out of it.
@starwaves9917 10 месяцев назад
It’s not about the tool you have it’s the knowledge and talent you have that is the most important. Back in the day they didnt have the tech we do now yet with the limited tools they were able to achieve incredible results.
@avx111 11 месяцев назад
We've been over this before with the 5DmkII and the original Blackmagic Pocket. Consumer cameras' image quality haven't been holding back indie filmmakers for a good long while now.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Agree, but this is at a higher price point...in my opinion it's a level above what's been done
@TheSteveKinney 11 месяцев назад
Camera never mattered. Lighting. Location / set & set detail. Story. Framing. Acting. All more important.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Yep, agreed!
@waveland 11 месяцев назад
I think it finally dawned on me why they used the Ronin in so many of these rigs. In a very real sense, almost every shot they made had to become a VFX plate, and though the Ronin wouldn’t do anything to dampen z-axis movement, it would keep the camera level throughout each shot. At the same time, looking at these behind the scenes clips, the camera ops are having to contort their bodies in ways that a more traditional shoulder and/or handheld rig (even one built out of an FX3) would not require. I tend to doubt I would ever need such a setup, but then again…who knows (famous last words and all that). As for the output, I believe they were filming in RAW (not 4:2:2) to a recorder via the HDMI port. Obviously they made it work, but seems real clunky from my point of view. HDMI isn’t the worst connector in the world, but it’s not particularly robust. I would much rather have a camera capable of internal RAW but for the “Creator” crew, so much depended on shooting at ISO 12800 for the low-light work, and that really limited their options.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Interesting, thanks for sharing! it also makes me wonder also why my ronin shots never look quite so epic...
@senornash8328 11 месяцев назад
It didn’t look like a $4k camera the movie was breathtakingly beautiful
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
I know, wild!
@ToxicTurtleIsMad 10 месяцев назад
400k lighting and post
@maxgreen2365 8 месяцев назад
Although this movie and camera means a lot for the indie filmmaker/cinematographer, you also have to take into account what it does to professional film technicians like myself. People on the money side of filmmaking who don't understand the importance of experience, lighting, and glass only see dollar signs with the Creator. They see smaller crews, cheaper cameras, and less money to achieve blockbuster looks. This results in less pay, less budget, and less jobs for the technicians who make these movies look the way that they do. So yes, The Creator is fantastic for the prosumer and indie world but pretty detrimental to the professional one.
@inframe-brooklyn993 11 месяцев назад
GREAT VIDEO LUC. I am a huge SCi-Fi geek and how this slipped by me I have no idea. I am gearing up for my own Sci-Fi feature in May of 24 and my DP and I (she will be shooting on the FX9) just threw out the whole steady cam department and i will be purchasing the FX3 for all our B Cam stuff with the Ronin. I already have most of the small rig build out from my Canon EOS R6. just need the cage for the FX3. I even have the Atomos Ninja V which i love as an onboard monitor. Thanks so much for this "Lightbulb" moment and what clearly will be a game changer in our industry.
@scottievee7467 11 месяцев назад
Atomos is a great choice. I have 3. I have bought and returned many other monitors. They match the LCD screen perfectly. To me that is most important. Settings in camera and monitor for accurate framing. I only use the FC once in a while on the Atomos. I'm really diggin' the location in the woods shots. The audio is working out for ya there too. Thanks for these.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
thanks man, great to hear!
@NicoleSeelig 6 месяцев назад
So true. While it helps to have at least a good quality consumer camera, it is more important to know your gear inside out and make the most of what you have. As long as you have an engaging story, good actors and good AUDIO, there is no excuse to at least tell a simple story.
@joenicklo 11 месяцев назад
This message is for anyone obsessing over which brand camera is used for a successful production: Who cares what camera something is shot on? It's the writing, the directing, the acting, the music, the editing, the sound design, the set locations, the art direction, the lighting etc., that make a movie/show/doc GOOD. Not a camera.
@gbwalther3198 10 месяцев назад
Ha, Ha. Ha. U just burned the house down for lots of these techies who live & dream about the latest cam. By the way, last film workshop I took was in 2016 in LA. Yeah, it was not about the latest cams, it was about how to use lighting to make dramatic statements ( a lost art now-days). Global Cinematography Institute. There were nine of us in the session that I attended. Yuri Neyman ran the program. Was great. U are so right. Just don't let up with the techie gals & boys! 😎😎
@SlimBodyRecords 10 месяцев назад
- this film was made in the most perfect way possible, w/ the filmmakers vision..(every shot in this film was filmed with love and passion for film..) 10/10
@4137productions 9 месяцев назад
Love how the excuses to noy make and create is only as big as the lies we tell ourselves. Thanks for making great content!
@ScoobieDee 11 месяцев назад
I watched the film last Friday in the Cine x room. I absolutely loved it ..... I am not surprised that the fx3 did so well, but great to see that someone has made a film with it . defo worth seeing on the big screen!
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
You'll have to let me know how it is...doubt I'll make it in time!
@StephenParsey 6 месяцев назад
Atomos makes great monitors/recorders. I have been using a Shogun for years. Super bright, quite rugged, easy menus, all the features your could possibly want.
@robinprobyn1971 11 месяцев назад
There is the famous 10 Fx3,s in the basket stills shot, when early BTS ,were leaking out . And one of the AC,s said it was so they could rig up cameras in various modes in advance . So really $40K of cameras but 10 instead of 1 .
@jaylamb218 11 месяцев назад
Great video! Stay warm! As for The Creator, I seen it a liked it a lot. The entire crew did a awesome job on achieving a great artistic performance!! I was worried that the making of, and FX-3 Sony would overshadow the movie itself, it did not. There was still a story there, some would say several stories all rolled up into one! The performances were great by all the actors, the story was easy to follow and never deviated from the script itself, the cinematography was simply spectacular!! Top notch! As filmmakers out here it’s nice to come across stories like this, but we can all bet that this isn’t the first movie shot with the FX-3, we just seem to be hearing about this one! I love how the production was able to downsize the production for the sake of getting the movie done in a timely manner! The locations were really conducive within the story itself and became a character itself! I’m a sci-fi person so this was really up my alley on a number of levels! I think you’ll like it in the end, but that’ll be a testament to the director, DP, actors, and crew!! Take care!
@squaresaucemedia 11 месяцев назад
Saw this movie today…. Man was it a well rounded well written movie. Never in a million years would you have guessed it was shot on a fx3
@kenkamara 10 месяцев назад
A camera is a box with a whole. Great creative and glass makes magic.
@randallburgess6393 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, I saw the movie and pretty much everything you said was on the mark. It really does have a nice film look to it and I think you know it goes back to the whole issue that you can’t compare one camera to another and say one is better it’s just they do things differently And this camera and this movie kind of proved that as far as making great art cameras have pretty much all come to a point where it’s not the camera that’s making the art it’s the artist and that’s exactly where it should be. Don’t you think there was a lot of effects in the creator, but the basic foundation of the movie and the shots that I look really closely a to see the quality and if someone told me it was Film, you could almost… almost believe that it was shot on Film, which is pretty amazing and certainly speaks well of how much camera technology has come along enjoy the FX three it’s an amazing camera and we are blessed at this time in place to be filmmakers
@FrankValchiria 10 месяцев назад
the creato was really a great movie, i really enjoyed it, the story with some hints of akira was really original a landscape of the same marvel or dc films
@securityg 10 месяцев назад
EXACTLY! It's the SOFTWARE(concept, ideas) first and the HARDWARE(camera, equipment) that comes second that matters the most - James D. Watkins, artistic director of PHOENIX PRODUCTIONS.
@Oceansta 10 месяцев назад
If you've watched Monsters, using a producer cam for Creator makes total complete sense. Gareth Edwards DNA 🧬 right there.
@thewellvideoproductions8244 11 месяцев назад
Good flick, bit underwelming. Not sure what I was expecting but more wouldn't have hurt. As mention by Chris Stuckman, it kind of flounders it's way through the third act.
@JakeSloan 11 месяцев назад
Love these on the scenes videos man, especially as someone who also works in the arctic. It's pretty incredible what affordable filmmaking gear can do with the knowledge of how to use it. The creator just proves all the haters in my comment section wrong lol
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Totally! And the comments section can be dangerous, always take it with a pinch of salt!
@AJ-em2rb 9 месяцев назад
only a minute in and haven't finished yet, but like.... lenses matter way more than bodies and that's what i'm more curious about in regard to the making of The Creator. edit: update after viewing whole video: wow i'm impressed with the setup. proof that diminishing returns really are diminishing lol. also i loved the movie it's great and i'm sad i missed it in theaters (mean old life getting in the way)
@nathananderson8720 10 месяцев назад
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my RU-vid channel 8 months ago about self development. Now I have 942 subs and > 800 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
@DominikMBlock 11 месяцев назад
I own an A7c and I started to rig it out and adjust the rig for my needs. Maybe some day I will upgrade to an FX3, but for now I really want to stick to the idea to make the best possible content with the gear I have / can afford. That in mind: I can recommend the Portkeys PT6 Monitor. It's light weight, has many assisst features and with 600 Nit it's the best one I could find for my budget of 200€.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Yes man, this the perfect attitude!
11 месяцев назад
I agree with you Luc! I never imagined a world that I could make a movie with the equipment I already have. I'm so happy I enrolled in your course. You are continuous source of inspiration.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Thank you my friend, really nice to hear!
@360.Tapestry 11 месяцев назад
it's a beautifully realized movie. a lot of the themes are derivative and they never fully hit the right heady marks. but it's an emotional journey nonetheless and i'll definitely be enjoying it again. i hope there's an extended cut at some point because i enjoy spending time in the world they designed
@joshuaam7701 9 месяцев назад
It was one of the best films I’ve seen all year personally. I have always been a big singularity believer and this was a fun vision on one potential scenario!
@johnclay7644 11 месяцев назад
informative video particularly about Sony FX3. Thanks Luc.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks John!
@jmanchester 11 месяцев назад
"Hollow Excuses" I like that. 100% agree
@Channel-5766 10 месяцев назад
I saw the movie, in fact I bought it because I loved the story, the acting of the characters and the quality of the scenes and the special effects. Impressed with the equipment that was used to shoot the movie simply Wao! Hopefully those people with desire and vision will be encouraged to make and tell new stories. Personally I recommend the movie and I am sure that a second part will come.
@DanielAVphotomassacre 10 месяцев назад
Glad, I found your channel. Keep it up.
@dejvdou 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for breakdown, I'm really surprised because THE CREATOR was one of the best sci fi movies that Ive seen in last years! Damm
@kinoromantic 8 месяцев назад
I have been able to put together an URSA mini 12K package (8 tb worth of SSD storage, monitor, handles, follow focus, batteries) with a full set of vintage Zeiss lenses and the whole package ran me just shy of 10,000$ and I have virtually no need to go in debt for a 100,000$+ RED with Cooke S4 unless production is paying to rent one )
@markloh9182 8 месяцев назад
“Not focusing on Plot or Acting” While this film got incredible plot and acting as well, i love it so much
@electricdreamer 11 месяцев назад
I bought this camera because of creator. The movie is probably the best ad ever for a camera.
@WhySteve 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the effort you put in to still make videos on the go! It's inspiring. Cameras really are becoming more affordable with more to offer, like the Fujifilm X-T5 can do ProRes & BRAW in 6.2k and the camera is only like $1500. Probably using some of that "black magic" to pack such a punch in such a little camera. 😂
@KristophTy 11 месяцев назад
Awesome Video as always... I saw The Creator the 2nd day it was out. I thought it was amazing... The Storyline in my opinion was very well thought out. A couple things were predictable but the overall movie was a 8.5 out of 10... Possibly got that rating because I knew what it was filmed on.... Long story short.... WATCH IT!!!
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Awesome, thank you!
@zongmuas 11 месяцев назад
Totally agree, this movie is going to change how a lot of us see movies and how we approach our projects. I'm a firm believer that you shouldn't let the gear stand in the way of you making your film and now this film will help back up that argument. LOL.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
@joelmulder 3 месяца назад
The camera body really doesn’t matter that much nowadays. It’s never been the most important thing. You can get a fantastic looking image out of a Canon 70D if you strap a $20000 anamorphic lens to it. Won’t be movie theater quality, but the image will still look good. Add to that a world class colorist who knows how to work with lower bitrate/DR footage, and you could shoot your film on almost anything. The Creator might’ve used a cheap body, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves into thinking they were using a low budget setup.
@GuigsPlay 7 месяцев назад
I was in Awe hearing you speak until you mentioned Graig Fraiser then it became clear how that was possible, he is simply the best photography director available.
@Nylonscheme 10 месяцев назад
Believe they had 6-10 rigs for different scenes, jibs, cranes are in use too so plenty big time equipment but amazing use of a full frame Sony mirrorless FX3 in 2023 vs arri Alexa is wild
@thekidzcantfathom 10 месяцев назад
The film felt like an homage to the sci-fi genre. The emotional high points don't quite land, but otherwise it's a pretty interesting film. I plan on buying a physical copy once it releases.
@dalemsilas8425 10 месяцев назад
This movie surprised me, its so good.
@DJaquithFL 9 месяцев назад
My simple observation, the biggest obstacle are the obscene budgets. When you think $80 million is "average," then you essentially double it for a breakeven point $160 million post COVID-19 is a difficult swallow. There's too many of these movies that are ending up in the red to offset the tiny few in the black. AI is going to revolutionize movie making over the next several years or decades, but until then, I think big budget movies are going to be few and far between.
@DJaquithFL 9 месяцев назад
Just looked it up and the creator 2023 lost major money. "Budget $80 million Vs Box office $104 million. So with an estimated $160 million total cost there are nowhere close to breakeven.
@thearabicdp 11 месяцев назад
You are so right. I felt so empowered after watching this movie especially for that reason.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
nice! Still haven't seen it myself
@thearabicdp 11 месяцев назад
@@LucForsyth you will like it if you like a good sci-fi.
@cellscell3848 10 месяцев назад
I watched the film, it was really good although the natural lighting approach made things a bit hard to see at times. Traditional lighting should still be the go to....
@robinprobyn1971 11 месяцев назад
Shinobi is basically Ninja without record functions , I use it on the fx3 , its HDMI only , but also not much of a battery eater , and if you lose / drop / break , its not the end of the world . Samllrig do a nice cage for it too , more mounting points .
@tonyleonard2955 9 месяцев назад
I would be really interested in a test case of this camera with use in Unreal 5! -Like perhaps in a virtual production kind of arrangement!
@sagunlama 10 месяцев назад
Next fx3 gonna come with 6k 120 with global shutter.
@rberg135 10 месяцев назад
Don't forget whatever camera you are using, those films are heavily processed in VFX and comp.
@patfish3291 8 месяцев назад
Every one can make cinema movies with 2,5K camera now a days. A BMD Pocket 4K is more than enough. When I went to film school I was dreaming about a digital camera that could have made videos that out smartphones can now produce 😅
@DisSpain 11 месяцев назад
Still shooting on a 5d Mark II. No school like Old School.
@mjgfromDDD 11 месяцев назад
Cameras are only tools. It was a smart choice for Gareth to use such a small camera with great low light and image quality but thats the furthest it can go. Since films have been done on IPhone, cam corders, blackmagics it's important people know that a camera alone won't make anything look great BUT its inspiration for others to try!
@R3TR0J4N 6 месяцев назад
Just me or its rare seeing this sfx or CG blends well with the greenery environment
@cb4j 11 месяцев назад
FX3 used to film 80 million dollar hollywood movie. Also as a webcam and to record my b footage. lol
@premiumparis 10 месяцев назад
FX3 also has S35 mode... only difference is resolution is higher on the FX9. But using FF camera to shoot S35 kind of doesn't make sense.
@elcasanelles5806 11 месяцев назад
With their rig, you can lock the gimbal motors and have hand held at any moment.
@sammorganmoore 11 месяцев назад
Ive shot a feature as Bcam with a little sony. Truth was the HDMI was so bad that the few shots we did with my C200 were faster easier and therefore cheaper. Certain lesson is if you gonna use these little cams you need many copies because the rig is going to need to be made very robust if you lose picture all the time it just wastes set time. So sure use this camera one in shoulder build another in ronin build with that HDMI glued and nailed in pace. If you cant afford 2 (or 10) then of these boxes then a more robust camera .. c200 or zcam or kimodo might be faster and therefore cheaper.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, I guess that's why they used 5!
@sammorganmoore 11 месяцев назад
@@LucForsyth which is not quite so cheap if you are an owner op. I dod feel that 'proper' vid cams (c200 fx6) hold up as the cheapest solution for the small crew when you see the bigger picture. Features are a bit special with off board sound, many spares bodies/rigs and the like. Ive shot features with one alexa and moving it from shoulder to rig was a pain.. would I vote for 2 smaller cheaper cameras? absolutely.
@xanblacq 10 месяцев назад
Thank You!
@SuperRioMa01 8 месяцев назад
I enjoyed the movie very much. Awesome looking movie
@victordelacruz8440 8 месяцев назад
I haven't found any big budget cinema using the Canon R5C vs Sony FX3 probably because of the log capture.
@thundering1 10 месяцев назад
I think what this movie is doing, beyond anything else in Hollywood, is PROVE to EXECUTIVES that the tools and crew size are not a once-size-fits-all. When they greenlight a production, it's fully expected to have a crew of 70, and using Panavision / Arri big builds, Maxi-Brute lights, etc. The, "This is a REAL movie productions, kids!" viewpoint. I see this as a useful push-back to executives' current expectations.
@Nynex 10 месяцев назад
Funny the name of the movie is titled The Creator, now we will have many new filmmakers because of the backstory FX3 hype, beautiful imagery and abilities in low light, luts, cheap anamorphic lenses etc. all at a fraction of the cost. I jumped on this bandwagon as well. time to be the Creator.
@MarkusGjengaar 6 месяцев назад
In reality, this does not mean a lot. People think it’s a game changer, but the reality is that it’s way more about “who is behind the camera” rather than the camera itself.
@Garytyronejohnson 9 месяцев назад
Awesome sir!
@SQUAWWW 10 месяцев назад
Love your videos we also run the exact same Fx9 setup up lol!
@AnisHallowayJR 10 месяцев назад
Awesome video. Luc. By the way which brand winter gloves are those ? . 😉👍🏾
@shockyoursenses 7 месяцев назад
I had no idea this film was indie, low budget, i felt like this was on par with other sci fi's that spent 2-4x more money.
@adolfwigga 10 месяцев назад
Didn't know the Star Wars Rogue One director was an indie filmmaker.
@Oceansta 10 месяцев назад
I wonder what the lighting package for this film was like
@lavaspin 8 месяцев назад
Hi Luc, how do you keep the fuzzy on the mic on the stock FX3 audio mount out of the frame? Do you just avoid 24mm, where I can see the edge of a Rycote on mine? Thx!
@PlushGrenade 8 месяцев назад
It's worth a watch.
10 месяцев назад
I watched the movie. It is one of the best sci-fi movie there is. But I missed that part that it was shot on FX3. WOW! Thanks for sharing.
@mikhailkalashnik0v 9 месяцев назад
I wish the fx3 was 8k capable. I was looking at the a1 for 8k shots. Will a new version bring 8k?
@LucForsyth 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for that, I'll put that on the list!
@jd0tadams 11 месяцев назад
Hey luc! Great video. This topic definitely makes this an interesting time. By the way.. what audio rig do you run on your FX3? I don’t see it in the description details. Cheers!
@PeterCleff 7 месяцев назад
I always tell people. Good artists are more important than gear.
@jroar123 10 месяцев назад
Well, the camera might be very affordable to most, it's not in my budget because this is a hobby for me. I have the Canon 70D and it shoots at 1080. If I need 4K, I use software to upscale and it looks amazing. The thing is that I also have to worry about storage. 4K takes up a lot of space. I also have a GoPro Hero 10 and that does shoot 4K. Unknowing, I found out that my iPhone SE also can shoot in 4K. So I have all the equipment that I need for now. What I would like to do is go back to college (I am already a petrochemical engineer and 59 years old) to advance my skills as a hobby. Having said that, do you know of a good online program that would work? Thanks for the video and wow does that Sony Fx3 do a good job.
@istominmusic 10 месяцев назад
Interesting. Did they make this movie in only 10 bits???? I'm colorizing a clip from this camera right now. The cameraman did not use the LOG mode on this camera. And for me, 10 bit is not enough to achieve the result I want. So for me it is much better to work with my Pocket4K camera, which shoots in RAW, 12 bit. The material is much more flexible.
@michaelbraden6245 11 месяцев назад
I just got the R5C. Would you say the FX3 is a better choice? If so, why?
@thydevdom 9 месяцев назад
Honestly, in recent years, Indie movies typically have a better replay value than the big hollywood productions. Story lines are more raw.
@platypusx11 7 месяцев назад
the movie looked amazing
@operator6471 10 месяцев назад
It could be shot on VHS for all I care but, please, give me a great story. I fell asleep during the Creator. His first film was great!
@nebukadnezzar3578 11 месяцев назад
Very insightful, thanks a lot! May I ask whant kind of belt you use at 8:45? Thanks a lot! :)
@flush5081 10 месяцев назад
קולנוע עצמאי ב80 מיליון דולר. אנשים פשוט בדיחה
@OurVoicesOurLives 11 месяцев назад
Very few people talk about the lenses that were used in conjunction with the camera.
@LucForsyth 11 месяцев назад
Makes a big difference for sure. I think they mainly used a 75mm Kowa
@HarryHuggins-yq6dp 10 месяцев назад
Client mad im not using Matte Box My response: "THIS IS THE SAME MOVIE THEY SHOT THE CREATOR ON!" lol
@VegasDominic 11 месяцев назад
Interesting to know that in low light FX3 is better than Fx9 🎉
@reliantfilmsproductions9752 10 месяцев назад
With 80million dollars budget with the industry best gaffers, and professional crews and professional colorists. With a budget and professional crew, colorists etc would make any camera look great. Give or take it has a decent dynamic range. It’s funny so many people will get this camera and think that their project will look like this film and will be sadly mistaken. 😂
@smartdoctorphysicist3095 10 месяцев назад
Hi thank you letting me know, I hope down the road I will be able to do the same.
@ICinemaBites 8 месяцев назад
This movie is the equivalent of a Lamborghini without an engine. It could be visually and technically impressive but the characters and the story don't work, something that surprises me coming from the director of Monsters
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