
Why the Design of Noah’s Ark Matters 

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@bibleproject Год назад
BibleProject creates free resources to help you experience the Bible. Everything we make is funded by generous supporters around the world. You can see our entire video library, check out our other resources, and give at bibleproject.com.
@RMendBell Год назад
@nickcalma222 Год назад
@@RMendBell Dont bother bruh he's ganna use a fallacy lol
@stevegeorge6131 Год назад
20:00 reading mountain into the text Does it say MOUNTAIN there?
@pjdalways Год назад
​@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000the book of Job has the answer to your questions about evil and suffering and it's purpose in case you are really looking for answers. Why ask strangers? Ask your creator
@leodirectvleo1703 Год назад
I have watched many of your videos and are close to the teachings I have learned at the church, confirmed in the Bible. Would you mind letting me know what app you use to create those drawings, if you don't minded. And thanks a lot for all the nice and most accurate stories you have created in this project.
@Abigail_Olson Год назад
The depth of Gods word blows my mind 🤯 so awesome that we can have access to knowledge like this today
@2l84me8 8 месяцев назад
Actually a wooden box of those dimensions would just collapse under its own weight and wouldn’t be seaworthy at all.
@maxwellwilliams3291 Год назад
As an Orthodox Christian, I just so much value and cherish this work. Please, keep it up!
@emmanuelcasado Год назад
What's an Orthodox Christian? Honest question.
@cozzwozzle Год назад
⁠@@emmanuelcasado member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Church whose members wrote the gospels, who canonised the New Testament, and who continue the tradition in Christ passed down from the Apostles.
@cortransport Год назад
@@cozzwozzle so this must be the biblical Church?
@mahkaimaldonado4471 Год назад
@@cozzwozzlehaha thats a reach
@emmanuelcasado Год назад
@@cozzwozzle remember that the kingdom of God is proclaims salvation through faith to all nations.
@xTSxVCR Год назад
I could sit and watch these kind of studies all day. Thank you, looking forward to more.
@danielleday9856 10 месяцев назад
When Mackie starts talking about "the door" portion of the discission, all I could think was this gives "I stand at the DOOR and knock" a WHOLE new feel and revelation. Edit: In that, He is on the side of divine glory... waiting for us humans to answer that door and spend time with Him. This is truly eye-opening. I can't wait to dive into the next session.
@oneangelbug Год назад
I love the symbolic pattern of the door that opens on side of the ark, the door in the Temple. I see some connections here: God opening Adam's side (to build His bride, Eve) in the Garden of Eden, and Jesus's side being opened by the centurion at the cross (Jesus's Bride the Church, is birthed/built) at the Cross.
@BzudemE Год назад
That’s so good!! I love that the resources that tbp is providing, leads to creative and spirit lead thinking like that! ☺️☺️
@br.m Год назад
@@BzudemE Ezekiel had to dig an opening through the side of his house
@Sarod2023 Год назад
Oooooh! Finger snaps all around guys! This is deep! 🫰🏾🫰🏾🫰🏾🫰🏾🫰🏾
@andrewjohnson8232 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 Behold, to the LORD your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, and the earth and everything in it. Deuteronomy 10:14 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1 You are the LORD, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you. Nehemiah 9:6 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1: 3-5 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for “‘In him we live and move and have our being" as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring". St Paul's address to a public gathering in Athens. Acts 17: 24-28 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. Romans 1:19-20 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. Romans 8:19-22 (ESV) So whatever you think you're going to cleverly introduce, sandflies, viruses, scorpions, the atmosphere of Venus, pulmonary arteries... I wouldn't waste your time, or more importantly anyone else's.
@bradleymcdonald6273 Год назад
*Therefore shall a man leave his father* and his mother, *and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh* And they were both naked, the man and his wife, *and were not ashamed* *This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh* ^ For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren
@dwaynealwyn Год назад
Powerful!!! Bring this to the seminaries, churches, and Bible colleges. More importantly bring this time of teaching to the homes. Thank you!
@ingrids27ec39 9 месяцев назад
I keep being in moments of awe of the Lord as more insights are unveiled in the scriptures😲.
@christopherflux6254 Год назад
Another interesting fact: Modern day ship engineers say that if you wanted to build a very large ship where the purpose is just for it to float (and not move forwards etc…) then the dimensions given for the ark are the optimal dimensions.
@PeterParker-vq2cz Год назад
and all the haters will try to make the argument that it wouldnt be able to sail anywhere, missing the point you just pointed out, it wasnt meant for sailing, just floating :) God Bless!
@sirpepeofhousekek6741 Год назад
Can you give me a link to them saying that?
@Itsme-eo9hh Год назад
It’s all theory anyway.....there never was a global flood!
@Itsme-eo9hh Год назад
@@sirpepeofhousekek6741there is no link,it’s a an invented statement
@christopherflux6254 Год назад
@@sirpepeofhousekek6741 There was a study into the Arks seaworthiness by Korean scientists in 1993 I believe.
@carolynbillington9018 Год назад
You labor not in vain in the Lord---thank you for studying and bringing to us
@Jesuslover2000 Год назад
Ya. All matter and energy, all planets and stars. Billions of years of guided evolution and construction all leading to the present.
@jenihansen7201 Год назад
This is very educational and needed to be explained. Thank you.
@breabeyrouti7834 Год назад
ive watched this several times and my jaw is still on the floor
@naturalhealermom Год назад
Bless you for bringing this to us. I’ve never known it this way til now. Praise Yah.
@kristenmurphy5012 Год назад
I've finally surpassed my husband in biblical knowledge, thank you Tim Mackie! 🎉
@Divino_1 Год назад
So cool. I pray I get married to someone with whom I can compete in growth in the knowledge of the bible. Lovingly of course.
@briankelly1240 Год назад
I am curious how you measure this comparison.
@kristenmurphy5012 Год назад
@@briankelly1240 I've stumped him several times when it came to knowing things in the Bible and connecting some things to other things. It's a loving competition that helps keep us hungry for more of the word. ❤️🤗
@Myyoutubehandle2 Год назад
@Seeker_36 2 месяца назад
@@kristenmurphy5012 😂😂 This woman!
@metalheartmachine Год назад
It is amazing that the description exactly matches the ‘kamidana’ still used in Japan, in all buildings, the roadside shrines, and in festivals, these ‘houses’ are borne in procession through towns.
@LexiMortrude Год назад
This is incredible. Thank you so much for doing these class sessions.
@rssoto8245 Год назад
nice video - I liked the visuals to explain the class... this kind of bible study is brilliant.. thanks for doing this :) !!!
@anal.mendoza Год назад
Hi everyone, May the Lord bless you all from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic1 I loved this video and learned a lot from it! Thanks for sharing that!
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000Any and all things that were created, yes. That includes Heaven and Earth (animals, people, and things that sustain life).
@sarahtuinanuya Год назад
Finally, someone pointing out that the ark was an ark/box not a boat! Love the in-depth information, thank you.
@htebazileeilsel2293 Год назад
It was a boat, too, it had to survive a flood.
@michaelicornelius 9 месяцев назад
But not a boat - A Boat has means of propulsion and steerage the Ark had neither Genesis 7:18 'and the ark moved about on the surface of the waters' .@@htebazileeilsel2293
@johnroccuzzo1434 Год назад
Fantastic stuff Tim! Thank you for all your hard work! One thing I’d like to comment on is the war tent of Ramses II and how it’s layout is the same as the tabernacle. It seems like the Egyptian influences in the Torah are highly significant and help us understand the meaning the authors are attempting to convey. I’ve always taken the tabernacle war tent similarities to depict both kicking pharaoh off from the place of God, while also helping us to imagine the wilderness journey as a battle march to Canaan. It is similarly helpful to see the shrine down the Nile imagery and how that links to the tabernacle. Just as the box Noah was in has no sail and flowed by the sovereign hand of God, so too did that box in tabernacle and the Israelites travel through the wilderness not by their own navigation but by the sovereign hand of God.
@johnroccuzzo1434 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 that’s what I believe, yes. Why do you ask?
@larionknight7545 Год назад
Evil is simply a result of the absence of God, as is death.
@larionknight7545 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 what do you mean a "thing"? an object such as physical matter? an idea? or a concept?
@larionknight7545 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 okay, so according to that definition from prowritingaid, evil is a "thing". But, what kind is it? You have cited from your source, four examples: Entity, object, quality (character), or concept. Let us dissect that. >First off, evil is not an entity. An entity should have independence, evil is not a being that can move on its own. Unlike God, humans, and animals, evil is not an entity. >Second: Is evil an object? No, it is not. An object is a matter with physical characteristics. You could say God the Father is an entity but not an object as he does not have a physical body, but us humans and animals could be considered as objects since we have bodies that are physical, made of matter, and takes up space and dimension. Therefore, Evil is not an object because it is does not have physical characteristics. >Third, is evil a quality or character? It could be. How does evil tend to exist? Evil is simply the utter absence of goodness. >Fourth, is evil only a concept? Yes, we could consider evil a concept. Evil is simply nothing but a thought or a knowledge, or rather and awareness of an experienced phenomenon, if nobody would act upon it.
@larionknight7545 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 If that is so then let us consider evil as a either quality or a concept, maybe both. Evil is a quality, then whose quality is it? You cannot say God has an evil quality, as we understand him as the "ultimate good". Is evil a concept? Yes, it is. You could say that evil is only something that finite beings can observe when they are separated from the life-giving source. What is evil? Is it violence, sickness, or pain, even death? What if those things were really not "evil?" What if humans only considered these things evil because humans do not like experiencing pain? Is pain a bad thing, is it evil? It couldn't have been a bad thing if humans were not affected by it, it humans did not die because of it, if only evil remained as a concept and not a reality. You know, think of it this way. Evil could never bother God. Even if evil exists in his presence, it could never change His nature, nor could it subtract from his value, nor change his qualities and character. It used to be that way with us humans too. We used to exist in a perfect state, where evil existed but could do nothing to harm us. Humans were put in a garden where there was also the concept of evil, per say. But, evil only started affecting humans once they chose to be a vessel of that character, to be the actors of that concept. So then, there it is. Humans created a reality where evil could exist, affect, change, or subtract value to humans, a reality where evil could be understood and experienced as a bad, gruesome, painful thing.
@ryanvasquez8910 Год назад
Discovering these things are so mind blowing. Learning really never stops if you just keep seeking. 🤯
@David-_-_- Год назад
Thankyou for producing such amazing edifying content. I so love your bible classes 🙏👍
@EvanMoon Год назад
Go to the Ark Encounter! It blows my mind, the size, and in depth they deal with so many questions people come up with
@themoldysoldier Год назад
I want MORE OF THIS!!! So excellent and exciting!
@GodwinKingThompson Год назад
I love this. God bless you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Seven hearts to you all.
@Kevan808 Год назад
The ark as a temple? Yeah, that's a rabbit hole. Love it 👍🏼
@nellosnook4454 Год назад
Thanks for this very enlightening information! 🙏
@clydekaila123 Год назад
Ssssooo many gems in this entire session
@Jess-xc5jh 5 месяцев назад
Mind blowing!🔥 Thank you for making these lessons available🙌🏼💎
@jonathanpetteys7383 3 месяца назад
Thank you for illuminating exposition, keep on delving. Deep well draw water of wisdom
@Sorana44 Год назад
I just love this man talking
@jonglass Год назад
Here's another one. The New Jerusalem in Revelation is described as a cube (which I always found weird...) but then in Solomon's Temple, the Holy of Holies is described as a cube. Coincidence? I think not! It is playing on the same themes as those discussed here, I think.
@jedecouvrelhebreudanslabib4930 10 месяцев назад
Great !!!
@AwakeTruthSeeker Год назад
This is a very interesting study into the subject of Noah's Ark and how it relates to Eden and the Tabernacle. I learnt from this, and I hope we can have more studies like this.
@marilynmiddleton9088 Год назад
Wow that’s amazing. I’m aww inspired .Thank you for your research 🕊
@jolenesteinbicer5380 9 месяцев назад
Great episode! I think you can take this temple idea a step further. Temples in nearly all cultures are astronomically aligned. I posit that all the details given for the temples that we love to gloss over, may be pointing to how God's people would keep his appointed times. These temples are also his calendar, Gen 1:14-16, 2 Enoch.
@mattcsaunders Год назад
@jackbuildsit You are a true professional. Your attention to detail is top notch! Thank you for doing what others won’t.
@Cindy-es4ob Год назад
That was great, thank you. And I loved your enthusiasm.
@almos460 Год назад
Thanks for making it into a video, just brings another level for a visual learner. Amazing research. Watch you guys in Kyrgyzstan.
@danielmiller2886 Год назад
We raised our pig exactly like you described with our dogs. The dogs have always been kept separate when when excited ( I am a dog trainer). We did our research when getting the pig and did everything exactly like you and trainers described. This pig, now 200 pounds makes the dogs part like the red sea and they dont want anything to do with him. They ignore him. He absolutely determined to he the boss of the entire house, people included. He is horrible about biting when he gets mad. If he thinks you should feed him, even when there is no food around, he bites. He goes from calm to frantic with no warning and no stimulation. I love him, but he is a terror. I've watched every video you made and after 5 years, he is so unpredictable that no one wants to be around him. I've trained dogs, birds, horses and donkeys. I am at a total loss as to why he is so unpredictable.
@fogijay Год назад
Oops wrong video
@yl5020 Год назад
​@@fogijayI'm so confused lol
@terrannyberg4687 10 месяцев назад
The pig has a pig nature
@danielmiller2886 10 месяцев назад
@@yl5020 Yeah, not sure how that happened. I was commenting on a video about minipig behavior. Lol!
@yl5020 10 месяцев назад
@@danielmiller2886 Hahaaaaa!!!! Love it👍🏽
@alumicavulaono5667 Год назад
Thank you, so much, for your rich and luxurious break down; unpacking those morsels of Scripture. This is the first time l am being fed your angle of interpretation underpinned by solid evidences. I went to Bible School and l am sure glad your Bible School is accessible to us all. God bless you, your ministry, family and blessed nation. God increase you ever more in your ministry. I follow you from the Fiji Isles in the South West Pacific.
@teon1322 Год назад
These sessions are my favorite ❤️
@katelyse Год назад
🤯 Gotta get a cup of tea and take a long walk now.
@cortransport Год назад
Lol 👍🏻
@clydekaila123 Год назад
Can Dr Tim read Bible stories for the Calm App? His voice is really calming..
@philipjordan8101 Год назад
So RAD!!!! God is AWESOME!!!!!
@Spencedawg3 Год назад
Another important part is that God made his ark to rest on a mountain top further connecting the idea of temple and Edenic model
@natanaelsivirichi79 Год назад
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; because when he has withstood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which GOD has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
@krisnickfffs Год назад
🤯 i love learning of these often missed details.
@krisnickfffs Год назад
@benjaminsmith2000 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
@krisnickfffs Год назад
@benjaminsmith2000 evil is the absence of good, just like darkness is the absence of light or cold is the absence of heat. Evil is in the world because men have made the choice to live contrary to God or with the absence of God. Evil is not a "thing" evil is a choice.
@krisnickfffs Год назад
@benjaminsmith2000 evil is not a “thing” like a rock or electricity. You cannot have a jar of evil. Evil has no existence of its own; it is really the absence of good. For example, holes are real, but they only exist in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but it cannot be separated from the dirt. So when God created, it is true that all He created was good. One of the good things God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good. In order to have a real choice, God had to allow there to be something besides good to choose. So, God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things we call that evil, but it does not become a “thing” that required God to create it
@krisnickfffs Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 So what is your choice?
@ricardooliveira9774 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 Sorry my guy, this objection has been debated and studied ever since Jesus, really. Augustine, Aquinas, I guess majority of the church fathers adressed this. Even in the Old Testament...
@ErictheHalf_bee Год назад
One other thing to keep in mind: if and when they had maps in those days, they would typically be oriented with East at the top.
@nnekaedwards6147 Год назад
Fascinating! ... thank you so much! ... there will be a part 2, right? ... looking forward!
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
The fact that “ark” means coffin too brings up an interesting point. One theological interpretation of the flood is that the water represents baptism. When we are baptized, our old life of sin is killed, and a new life in the Spirit is born. In other words, you’re saved from God’s wrath and walk in new life. Noah and his family were saved from God’s wrath. The symbolism here is that when they entered the ark for the purpose of being saved, they were stepping into a coffin in which their old life of sin was being laid to rest (Noah). They then experienced new life after coming out of the waters and the wrath of God no longer hung over their heads because of his mercy!
@c.b.831 Год назад
Really like this. Thanks for sharing!
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
@@King_of_Hogwartz2 Not exactly. Based on the interpretation I presented it would be foreshadowing. There are plenty of examples in the Old Testament for telling or prophesying things to come.
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
@@King_of_Hogwartz2 I think you’re missing the point. There are many things in the OT that address something that doesn’t make sense until the NT. For example, the OT prophesied the coming of the Messiah, but we didn’t know until He came that His name would be Jesus. Of course, I could be wrong. Just thought it was interesting.
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
@@King_of_Hogwartz2 Also, not that it’s very important, but do some research into the history of baptism. The practice of baptism has been used across religions and cultures long before Jesus came. He just gave it a whole new purpose!
@GoldHillRoad Год назад
@@King_of_Hogwartz2 Fair enough. I appreciate the insight!
@mogo124 Год назад
Thank you for the great lesson
@ezekielstewart7921 24 дня назад
when following bible methodology there's a rule that's to extra information ( information not listed ) this rule is one of the key rules in unlocking (giving perspective) bible insight. How do you list? you connect things that are logical with the subject, an example for instance if NOAH built the ark there must have been some plan or paper available at that time, Noah must have been a master builder, etc by listing relevant information we can unlock certain information.
@stevecavanagh8033 7 месяцев назад
"English has borrowed words? (ACHOO!)" "Gesundheit". Wow, I knew the Moses/Noah connection was there but had NO idea how deep it goes.
@libertywillis4346 Год назад
So I can take from this that YHVH is creating more “YHVH Space” in His world, through us, in us but for Him? For us? For us AND Him? Lots more to ponder and research and study. Thank you guys love you and God be with you further. In the name of Yeshua!
@bradleymcdonald6273 Год назад
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 you are consistent lol
@thestraightroad305 Год назад
@h3o6b9 7 месяцев назад
Thank you. 👍🏼
@chuckschwa Год назад
Every time I question my faith, I remind myself of all the connections and poetry and beauty and Truth found in the salvation story. You can't make this stuff up!
@scottmercer86 4 месяца назад
Amazing…as always.
@TheCreepypro 6 месяцев назад
love these kind of videos!
@Createdforfamily 6 месяцев назад
Wow so many connects!!!
@brandonmcclain9988 Год назад
The door of the ark of salvation is open to anyone who accepts it now, in this time of grace, but when it closes no one can open it! Revelations 3:7, Matthew 24:37-39: Don’t let it be too late!
@BevIsrael Год назад
That's very very interesting. My Bible studies recently have also been leading me to observe some consistencies that align to the point of this video, but I haven't really put it together until I watched this, it blows my mind how this topic compliments perfectly my observations. It was depicted here the consistency of the 3 tiers (upper, middle, lower), so now, WHAT for and WHY God designed it the way He did was actually the focus of my observations and here are what I found: Upper = Heaven (God) - Eden was described to be part-heaven located on a high mountain, and that a river is flowing from it. - I can't count how many times God used the word "mountain" to refer to "heaven/the garden of Eden" (being on earth) in the book of Isaiah, but here are some verses for reference that suddenly made sense now: - Isaiah 2: 2 "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountains of the house of the LORD shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it." - Isaiah 11: 6-9 (too long to write, but my favorite!) Middle = Earth (Jesus) - John 19: 18 "There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jesus between them." One criminal was going to heaven, and the other one was going to hell. - John 20: 19 ..came Jesus and stood in the midst (in the middle), and saith unto them, "Peace be unto you." - Matthew 18: 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst (in the middle) of them. - Jesus came and lived on earth to save people and I think we are meant to put Him at the center of our lives here. - Interestingly, the Tree of Life (referred to as the "hot spot" in the video) was also placed in the "Middle" (even though it serves as the "Upper" section) - Jesus is also the only way for sinners to be able to cross from hell to heaven as receiving Him is the only way to salvation. Lower = Seas (Hell) - In the story of Noah, God judged the world by sending a huge flood. When the Egyptians chased after the Israelites, God made the parted sea suddenly come over them. When Jonah disobeyed God, God had him thrown to the sea and swallowed by a fish. - In all these stories, the sea and judgement go side by side. - In Revelations 21: 1 it said that there will be no more sea in heaven. Why? Because there will be no more judgement in heaven. I might be reaching here, but this video just came to me at the right time when I was noticing all these. Let's continue to ask God to reveal His wisdom to us. God bless whoever is reading this! Let me know your thoughts if you have made it this far in my comment :)
@Telorchid Год назад
I would not call the seas ‘hell,’ exactly. There is the sense of death and chaos, but they are part of creation over which God presides. Even the monstrous sea creatures like Behemoth, Leviathan and Rahab are under the Creator’s purview. (More to do with creation than judgment, per se.) I do think there may be a Trinitarian cast to the 3 tiers commensurate with the sense of dynamism in the members of the godhead. The Father is stationary (sits in Heaven, the ‘hot spot,’) but sends the Son and the Spirit. The Son descends and returns, is the mediator who represents both Earth and Heaven. The Spirit is poured out and flows through all creation, and is often described as being like dynamic physical phenomenon (water, wind, fire) without actually being those things. As to Jonah, he is a type of Christ, and his death/descent does speak to both Jesus’s resurrection and His defeat of the power of death (the storm is silenced when Jonah is eaten by death), represented by the sea broadly and the great sea creature more specifically. Notice also other predictive elements (related to the crucifix on), such as the fact that Jonah is lifted by pagan hands to go to his death, and the casting of lots. But whatever Jonah does for the wrong reasons (his own sin is responsible for the storm, he does not bear the sins of others), Jesus does for the right reasons.
@cortransport Год назад
Wow great explanation. The 3 levels also reminds me of “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬
@BevIsrael Год назад
@@Telorchid That's true, the seas are also creations of God. But, the same way, hell is also just another creation of God. But I agree, we're not necessarily condemning the seas to be "hell' exactly, it's just what it represents. Scientifically speaking, to this day, we only know about 5% of the ocean. It's as if God meant it to be mysterious and mystifying for a reason. I also agree that what happened to Jonah is a foreshadowing of what happened to Jesus. Although I think it's a totally separate revelation from the 3 tiers. After I put the pieces together, I asked God what His purpose is why He's revealing us this now, why it's relevant to know the 3 tiers? It shows God's genius for sure, yes. But how is it useful to know and understand what the 3 tiers represent? Maybe He's telling us where Jesus will be coming from when He finally returns, probably the garden of Eden, or maybe so people would know that there is a Door (Jesus) that will lead people to salvation, I don’t know. But knowing God, we ought to be on the look out. Definitely worth checking out more.
@BevIsrael Год назад
@@cortransport oh yeah, that makes sense, too!
@RegisNdeTene Год назад
@BevIsrael, for your question here: "the consistency of the 3 tiers (upper, middle, lower), so now, WHAT for and WHY God designed it the way He did", This is related to the Temple, The body. The resurection, Nature and Creation. Certainly your observation about the Upper depicting Heaven is right, but the Middle being Jesus is right depending on the context, but in other context, it might not fit well as there is more to it. But let me provide you with extra clues to validate your observations. --> So to give you a hint and help you with your John 19:18, the crimminal going to hell = Israel, and the crimminal going to paradise = the Church, but appropriate explanation and context is necessary for you to see this depiction much clearly. --> As for your observation here, "In the story of Noah, God judged the world by sending a huge flood", you are perceiving something in the right direction, but the revelation of what is at play might blow your mind aswell. --> As for your observation here, "When the Egyptians chased after the Israelites, God made the parted sea suddenly come over them." You are also perceving something great here, but let me drop a hint, this place also speaks of the cross. --> For your mention here, "When Jonah disobeyed God, God had him thrown to the sea and swallowed by a fish." Although it might seem as if Jonah disobeyed God, he actually didn't when we look at it in the context of the REVELATION. Jonas is the image of Christ. --> Now let me add another clue, in this story that you mention here, "In the story of Noah, God judged the world by sending a huge flood.", God is actually giving clues about the rapture aswell.
@devinhannah614 Год назад
"You don't master the Bible. The Bible masters you. " - my pastor. This is yet another example. Thanks for doing these.
@solomonchild3398 Год назад
Is one of you a carpenter, woodwork looks great including table. Pretty fitting for the video too lol
@josheroh1514 Год назад
1:24 its chapter 6 verse 14-17 not chapter 7 for anyone following along.
@timothystanley4196 Год назад
This is better to watch instead of audio
@BeOfGoodcheer-yh7zm Год назад
Thank you
@DeconTheMonkey Год назад
Mind blown!!!!!
@곽철호-b8e Год назад
This is so cool that it feels like i’m listening to Marvel comics theory. But what’s more amazing is that this is actually applied to our life.
@xone-bonecusher4773 Год назад
Your my hero Tim
@xone-bonecusher4773 Год назад
@BenWoodruff Год назад
Does anyone know what Tim is using to prop his Bible up? I'm looking for something small like that... all of the Bible stands I've found are fairly large and lift the book off the table significantly. Just looking for a little something to give it a more comfortable reading angle.
@jackiejanes7555 Год назад
I learned the ark/coffin parallel from the Manifest episode where they mixed up the words in Bulgarian
@BUNJI82 Год назад
You almost made the leap to mention that the borrowed Egyptian word for Ark, includes the potential meaning of coffin which incorporates the narrative of death and then rebirth into the story as picked up in 1 Peter 3:20-21 and then ties the narrative back to Christ's death and resurrection and subsequently our own in Him, that as with Noah rescued from the death and destruction of this world in the flood, so we are rescued from the death and destruction of this world in Christ. Incredible connections just further demonstrating the wisdom of God and the plan He had to save His children from the very beginning.
@RegisNdeTene Год назад
Although I don't share the egyptian connection as everything Egyptian came after the Ark and came after God, so Egyptians probably took from God. But I would confirm that the Ark is a Coffin aswell. In the REVELATION, everyone who was in the ARK died with everyone in the world, however only those who were in the Ark were ressurected. Jesus Christ = the Ark Romans 6:4-8 New International Version 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin- 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. 8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.
@emmanuelcasado Год назад
This is awesome 💯
@UVJ_Scott Год назад
Several early Jewish sources indicate that God told Noah to suspend precious stones or pearls inside the ark to light it; in some traditions, it is a jewel-encrusted heavenly book.The gem would glow during the night and grow dim during the day so that Noah, shut up in the ark, could tell the time of day and how many days had passed.This was the explanation given by the rabbis for the sôhar that the Lord told Noah to construct in the ark. The word is rendered “window” in the King James Version of Genesis 6:16 but “light” in some other translations.
@Iyanu_A Год назад
Amazing 🙏🏾
@DevinAkin Год назад
Wow. Just wow. Thank you!
@DarrellWolfe Год назад
The longer I study the Bible, the more I expect that if I was taught it in church, it's probably wrong. 😂
@timber-rider Год назад
I would venture to say that the flood story was an oral tradition for thousands of years before it was written. The Gilgamesh Epic, Eridu Genesis, and Atrahasis are all Mesopotamian compositions that contain striking similarities to the Bible’s flood story that were written before the Genesis account. 1) It is never mentioned where Noah lived before the flood. Genesis only mentions where he landed. It is not known if Noah is from Mesopotamia. 2) We only know that the oral traditions that were written were from the limited perspective of the narrators. 3) It's pretty obvious each of the Flood Catastrophe stories were changed for cultural reasons or for doctrinal reasons. 4) It should be recognized that these stories are not related by the narrators as historical documents as we think of "history" in the modern sense. Rather, as was common in the ancient world, it is related as a story to learn from, similar to the narrative structure of fables. I am not suggesting the Noah catastrophe is a fable. I am only recognizing how the various flood stories were related by the relevant narrators. The fact that the tabernacle and Jerusalem temples are built according to the original Eden specifications depicts how doctrinal/symbolic these concepts are.
@mooncove Год назад
Seems interesting, but why is the "entire class" limited only to people with smartphones? I don't have one (disabled & homebound with a landline & laptop), so apparently I'm not welcome to study with the Bible Project.😢
@Andijt Год назад
I would say you're at a disadvantage rather than "not welcome."
@erikasuheil Год назад
I have accessed the classroom from my laptop.
@lyndseymiller3903 3 дня назад
The three tiers made me think of people being body, mind and soul
@JonPagel Год назад
Amazing stuff! This is so simple, yet so profound. Tim is merely showing us how the Bible is meant to be read through these common literary connections. Once you see these it is so obvious... just don't tell Ken Hamm :/
@rondalynch7038 Год назад
That was good!!!
@JaneAtyeo Год назад
Brilliant love it...❤
@joshuarmir Год назад
I know that you have an AMAZING team behind all of this...but have you thought about this content in Spanish...I am very interested to help you guys do that. Anyways...thanks for the great content.
@khgblast203 Год назад
@SonOfDavid-andMe Год назад
Thank you for the classroom! Do more I love it! 😃🥰❤‍🔥🏞
@home4hags Год назад
Love all your guys work. Q: why in the video does the EAST not have more of place in the drawing and in the conversation? That might be in another video. But it seems like in the diagram Eden should have an eastern pattern to it - not just that the word Eden is written on the eastern side of the paper. The diagram is more up and down, I know that fits the heavens being up and the earth being down. We know the Tabernacle was east facing. We know the Temple was east facing. So just thinking that here in the artwork east needs to factor in more and it more has this up and down flow. Not east to west. Maybe the garden was more west to east, like the Tabernacle and the Temple.
@cortransport Год назад
One eden, one ark, one temple, one way, one church, one body, one bride, one kingdom. Today what we see is many men building their own ark, their own church, their own kingdom, their way to heaven and do as they please.
@George-un2mt Год назад
The burning bush and psalms 46, the Angel seems like a fire in the middle of the bush yet the bush isn’t burning, god is in the midst of her ( god’s kingdom ) yet even though god is a fire, she isn’t burning nor are the victorious in her. Also, Eden and psalms 46, a river flows from Eden, a river’s streams delight (Eden) the city of god. The Bible is an extremely deep and connected book which is why we should Always pray before reading the Bible. God bless you.
@RegisNdeTene Год назад
the burning bush = the church or God's children.
@tariqcollins2609 9 месяцев назад
On the Eden thing I read yesterday how it was until God sent man out of Eden that He gave them skins for clothing so it affirms the statement of Eden being- Heaven and Earth.
@jonathanleonard1152 5 месяцев назад
Heaven on Earth is the one temporal place where people can choose between live of Love and Joy or fear and anger.
@byronrhodes1659 Год назад
An example of how REAL historical things are types and pictures of actual spiritual REALities. Both are REAL and God uses them as a comparison picture for what Jesus accomplished through his ministry.
@ChaptersandCode Год назад
Please can you state the bible version used? I have looked all over for one that has 'reed' rather than 'rooms' and I can't find it. Your classroom sessions are beyond helpful. Thank you for the impact.
@michaelicornelius 9 месяцев назад
me to!
@davidsrq Год назад
yooooooo! hyped!
@BigDaddy-vr2ut Год назад
I heard gopher was a miss translation to the word Koper Wood ? I think they might of spelled it differently.
@BigDaddy-vr2ut Год назад
Maybe Kopper
@michaelszczys8316 Год назад
It is my understanding that ' Gopher ' is not a species of tree but rather a ' wood lamination process '
@jamiemcvay130 Год назад
Water generally flows downhill except for the Nile.
@vardasarnat Год назад
The general take is correct. words in Hebrew are called TEVA, teva for letters which form words, each teva carries minimum 2 letters words, these are only 231 words. A and B is like B and A, so in fact there are 462 words, 462 = Native = Path, as in 32 paths of wisdom, but since AB is the same path as BA, we get only 231 - paths, RALA Shearim, 231 gates. So the word TEVA (ark) is a container for words in Hebrew, Beside TEVA - tav beit he = 406 = OT = A letter (as in 22 Hebrew letters) so the instruction is to build a container for Letters, Aleph, Beit, Gimel … etc each letter has a name, its own TEVA Kofer = 300 in gimatria 300 = spirit of Elohim = Ruch 214 Elohim 86 = 300 (also the value of letter Shin - fire- shin 360 is a circle.) Kinim - is birds’ nests, it is a round shape in Geometry, Kinim is not rids, Ken is A bird’s nest, it is round, circle or bowl, all of these points to Hebrew Geometry, a hidden vessel of communication. None of these are materials, it is a linguistic exercise. Tree like the tree of life is a structure of 10 Sephirot, Deluge in Hebrew Mabool = 78 = the wisdom The living creatures are letters, it is a living language If you don’t speak the language you can’t play the game. It’s a scientific logic based on Math, Gimatria Proze and decimal Geometry. Based on 10, Noah is 10th generation to Adam. 10 commandments, 10 plagues, 10 Sephirot, all emphasize the decimal system - many thanks
@firmbiz000 11 месяцев назад
He should really read Hymns on Paradise by Saint Ephraim and none of this would be surprising. Or just visit an Orthodox Church and you’lll see the same structure. By the way the Eucharist is in the Holy of Holies.
@kg9384 Год назад
Which session and module is this video in Bible project classroom Adam to Noah ?
@DuncanCreamer Год назад
Has anyone seen Irving Finkle’s work on the ark? Maybe I should wait until the end of the video to ask that. Basically he describes a workable design able to carry a bunch of animals etc. has no rudder or even front and back. It’s round.
@br.m Год назад
That's a coracle. I wonder if it is more like what Moses was floated on as a baby. It was disappointing that Tim did not mention Jochebed and Moses in this video with Moses being placed on an ark.
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