
WHY THE NEW DUNE MOVIE SUCKS: BLAND STORYTELLING! High Stakes Stories with Heart for Comics & Movies 

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@buffdudes 5 месяцев назад
The professionalism of everyone involved in the movie felt very next-level. The cinematography, direction, acting, etc. That aspect was definitely thrilling. But I do agree with you, Dario. Having read the book and watched David Lynch's Dune, I felt the weakest link in the modern Dune 1&2 was the Harkonnens. They were reduced to nothing more than "generic evil bad guys". I thought all three actors did a fantastic job (Austin Butler, Dave Bautista, Stellan Skarsgård), but where were the quirks? The motivations (other than just power, conquest, and riches)? They felt reduced to almost the equivalent of the mustache-twirling villains of yesteryear. And as you said, Paul had no real challenge or character arc. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, so I'll watch it again, but those were also my thoughts. -Hudson
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Hudson, thanks for the Comment. I wanted to like the Movie and I do like some Aspects. But It could have been so much More. The Movie is already long, but I was thinking a moment ago on Luke on Dagobah. I mean yes he goes there and claims something there.... or many things. The Lessons of Yoda, Facing his own Fears. They Took that Scene and made the Audience feel the Lesson and Impact of that Scene. Same for Movies like Heat or the Godfather. But also for Lord of War with Nic Cage. I feel like the Writers have the Full Story and know where it starts and Ends, and then say: "Okey... what does the Audience need to Experience Here, in Order to Know internally, what is Changing in the Character or Story." I missed that in Dune. And the Harkonnens looked so great in this Movie. Would have loved to see More (Witty & Brutal) Opposition From them AND the Emperor. But who knows. Maybe It was not an easy Task. But a Task nontheless.
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
Also I just wanted to point out 1 thing that nobody has said: Denis Vilneuve's Dune ripped off the Desert Suit Designs from the 1984 Dune. They didn''t bother to come up with their own designs, they just stole the designs from the original movie.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
You mean from Lynches Movie. I thought the Lynch Movie had the Black Desert Suits that looked way cooler.
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
@@darioscomicschool1111 Yeah from the Lynch movie. But I mean... The Black Desert Suit design in the new Dune is the same as in the 1984 Dune. They just used the same design in the new movie. It's not exactly the same, but it's clear that they didn't bother to re-design the suits. :-) They just stole the design from the original Lynch movie.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
@@dyotoorion1835 Well I don't know how the Production Went. Maybe they liked the First design and payed homage to that. Or Maybe they even asked can we use them. Why Invent something new if the First design worked. Only Thing I would say is this. The Suit looked very Underwhelming to me in the New Version. Sure it looked all very Real, Grounded in Reality... But It also took away a bit of the Spectacle. And I would have liked that in Dune. But that is Personal Taste.
@chicagovader2188 5 месяцев назад
Have to disagree with ya on the still suit design the new ones look quite a bit different and not nearly as good as the versions in the Lynch version.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
@@chicagovader2188 Thats what I thought. in all of the Movies and TV Shows before there was a special care for those Suits, and they always looked great. In this Movie they look like WW2 SAS desert Gear. Just Blends in. For my taste a bit too little.
@PixPunxel 5 месяцев назад
People would say that its based on a book and so the story is just following the book. But me as someone who read the book several times I understand what is going on, but if the filmography is now something that you need accompanying booklet to understand what is going on, I say they forgot how to make movies.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
I started yesterday Reading the First Book. And It is very Precise in it's Theme and Very Suspensfull. And I heared the Movie is missing Vital Parts. For the The Movie was DULL. Yes they Have forgotten how to make Movies. BUT THEY WILL REMEMBER AGAIN!
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
PixPunxel is correct.
@matiasrostworowski5141 5 месяцев назад
@@darioscomicschool1111 of all the examples of the degradation of modern film, denis villneuve and Dune is the example we're going for here? Seriously? You're allowed to not like a movie or a director, especially since this movie is first and foremost for fans of the book, but its crazy to say this guy doesn't know his stuff.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
@@matiasrostworowski5141 Well, have you Read the Books. I started a Few Days ago, but alot of People Say alot of STuff is missing or Different. Again, I have Nothing Against Denis or his Movies. I praised the Arrival and Blade Runner... But his Movies seem a bit Distant at times. Autistic I call them sometimes. But Its his Style and its fine. But This Video I made was to be a Counter Balance to all the HYPE AND Praise...which I find is not justified. If I would take more time I am sure I could nitpick the things That bothered me better. The 3 Hours of the Movie flew by....but they left me also Hollow.
@matiasrostworowski5141 5 месяцев назад
​@@darioscomicschool1111 I love the books. The second one is probably my favourite, but i like them all. The original was one of the first pieces of fiction that really blew my mind as a kid. The movie definitely stays true to the story, characters, and most importantly, the spirit of the books, even if it cuts a lot of the subtle political stuff (including my favourite scene), which I think was the right move for the sake of the run time. Dune has very snappy writing, and Herbert covers ground quickly, there's a lot of stuff in those books. I can't imaging it would be possible to include much more than he did without the atmosphere suffering. I appreciate this review for feeling more honest than many others I've seen on youtube. Too much clickbait and overhype going around for my liking as well.
@RacerC45 5 месяцев назад
Please tell me this is a clickbait-y joke video.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
No. It ain't.
@RacerC45 5 месяцев назад
@@darioscomicschool1111 But I've seen the movie and I think it wasn't that bad.
@matiasrostworowski5141 5 месяцев назад
@@RacerC45 its not bad, and this is not a majority opinion. Some people jsut don't like this kind of storytelling. The movie worked for most of us.
@bluehorizon9547 2 месяца назад
@@matiasrostworowski5141 Some people just don't like this characterless, plotless, structureless storytelling. I find it hard to express how terrible it was. You can literally remove all Bene J scenes and Feyd and nothing about the CORE of the story changes because there is NO CORE, just a pile of disconnected scenes.
@marioandrade9872 2 месяца назад
dune 2 is so bland an soulless a total waste of time
@darioscomicschool1111 2 месяца назад
It could have been cool, IF they would have UNDERSTOOD the main Sauce of the Book. How could they Igrnore the MEssages of the book. It is rather obvious...But I guess, they didn't care or get it. A HBO show would have done the Book maybe more Justice. The Book has really stellar Writing in my View.
@chicagovader2188 5 месяцев назад
In defense of the Paul character he is a genetically breed superbeing that has been trained from a young child, he is nothing like the typical heroes journey character and that is not the point of Dune, Dune is about the danger of charismatic leaders and how they can lead humanity into places, I mean in Dune Messiah it beats you over the head a bit that Paul is not a hero but a bad guy, with that in mind I don't think you'll care for the books either. I do think the new Dune films are bad adaptations and extremely dull to look at and changed way too much from the book to make it palatable to modern audiences.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Well... I understand that Paul is a Bred Messiah... And the Movie wants to tell me that, often. But I didn't feel and see those scenes, where he captivates the Fremes. I mean there are scenes. But somehow Denis Delivery Sucks on this. Its either Cringe, or its Dull. I would challange him to a duell of Storytelling... and win. But I don't know where the Atention in the Production went, and I am sure this Costed alot of Time, Money and Attention. But this Movie will just be forgotten in Sands of Time... Because it has nothing to say, other than looking kinda pretty and sounding like Hans Zimmer has nothing new to offer. Fanboys like it though. Again, the Book so far is great. It is written in such a Good Way. Very Compelling.
@juckoosaurus 19 дней назад
As someone who is a fan of the early Dune books This adaption is a poor one. They were redflags in part 1 that alerted me that part 2 will not be good. that being said they are good things about Good: The casting for the most part is good( brolin, oscar isaac austin butler) Some of the shots from part one are gorgeus like the atreides landing on Arrrakis & Seluca Secundus. The Saudakar & the usage of battle language and hand signs. Bad: The muted colours and the costumes are meh for such a high budget production( lynch's dune and heck even the miniseries overall have better costumes). The emperor of the known universe dresses up like scrooge Mcduck. Cutting out so many thing things from the book that were interesting like the dinner scene & thufir and duncan suspecting Jessica being a spy for the Harkonnens( these scenes are confirmed to have been shot and cut out by multiple actors) Cutting this out makes the Atreides look like dumbasses and takes away the Baron's cunning plans. Austin Butler is a great actor but his adaption of Feyd is so lame compared to sting's. Cutting out CHOAM and the spacing guild and making them an afterthought. Zendaya spending the entire four hours pouting. Looney tunes fights from the Harkonnes in Part 2. Expecting lore bits to be understood by the viewers who never read the books even though you cut them out in the first place. Watering down Paul's Decision to allow the Jihad to occur. No mentions of the Fremen bribing the spacing guild to not monitor parts of Arrakis making it seem like there are less Fremen than there are actually are. Changes to the story that make nonsense like Keynes becoming casted to be a woman. This stupid as she works for the Empire and her disappearing for 9 months to have Chani should be very suspicious to anyone. Lets just say I am not looking forward to Vilenue adapting Dune Messiah
@darioscomicschool1111 15 дней назад
Keynes being a Women. I will write just a short answer to your Amazing text. I deserves more words. But I mostly Agree with you. I read book 1, and the Diner Scenes.... The Duke not knowing if he can trust the Lady Jessica... so many Scenes... The Movie could have been so much more.. and It was just MEH! Well they did try... but than Calling THAT A MASTERPIECE... is just STupid. I will soon return to this Channel and One Video will Cover the Dune Book. Cause its that GOOD! It really was!
@bluehorizon9547 2 месяца назад
Hated Dune 2. Beautiful, characterless slide-show.
@darioscomicschool1111 2 месяца назад
I am reading the Book Right now. IT is so much more. How could Movie just focus on that... Messiah thingy. The book Is really a guidebook on how to live and be a (hu)man.
@matiasrostworowski5141 5 месяцев назад
I feel like I must be going crazy when I here anyone say literally ANYTHING positive about the lynch version. Its awful acting, direction that is at best confused, but probably better described with the word deranged, and it just look like shit, even for its own era the visuals are just terrible. Everyone I know in real life who's seen it absolutely hated it, and in many cases couldn't get through it. There is really very little redeemable about that movie IMO. I get some people liked it, there's still a lot of Herbert's cool ideas in there, but I really just don't understand that perspective. There are valid criticisms of the Dune Part 2, of course. Its not perfect, and, because its heavily based on the book, its style of storytelling is very unique. Dune the book is kind of one of a kind. There's no other story, in any medium, that is anything like Dune. its obviously not for everyone, and especially for the people who haven't read or didn't like the book, the film is a lot harder to get into. It was clearly written first and foremost as an homage, written for people like me who obsess over the original novels. In that respect, its amazing. A real adaption of the unadaptable. But that's a flaw as well, of course. But all that said Dune part 2 is a good movie. You can't deny that its now a fan favourite. That it WORKED for both committed book readers and new fans. Its impossible to deny, I think, that it has some of the best sound design in cinema, ever. Not all the casting worked for me (the emperor especially) but there are clearly some really strong performances. The story isn't going to connect with everyone, some people will be confused (I pity those people, truly), but most of the compaints I've seen online are from people who refuse to take the film on its own terms. Some people feel like a sci-fi blockbuster needs to function in a certain way, and they come into the theatre with those expectations, and when Dune doesn't deliver on them, they're disappointed. But that doesn't make Dune bad. Quite the opposite, in my opinion. For me, Dune is a masterpiece in atmosphere, and subtle storytelling.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
I remeber Watching Lynchs Dune and liking the First Hour. I should go back and finish it. But Of course its a Lynch Movie...they are all Deranged^^ For the Book, I started reading it...and It flows very well. I like how its Written, I will tell you, once I am through. I think making a Movie out of the Books is a Real Challange and Denis does a great Job. It is a success, People are loving it. What I don't like is the Hype, and the Words.. Its a Masterpiece. Because I could cleary Point out (in a better Structured Video, where in My Opinion it fell short, and how It maybe could have been done better). But a Movie Production is a huge Beast. They Covered everything they Could. I am just very in Love with a Proper Story, because I think that is the Most Nourishing to the Viewer / Reader... And that is what Insulted me. Sardukar and Harkonnen defeated in 10 Minutes just like that. Come on... I needed more Effort. The Sound and the Vissuals where Great. I love that. But again, I think I grew Tired of the Hans Zimmer Soundscape. I am glad this Movie is a Huge Success. I think we need Stories, Movies, Games...things that bring us Joy and fill up our Cups. I started watching Amazons "Fallout". I am a Fan of Fallout 2... and although the Series has "WOKE" Elements its a great Joy Watching...and that is a great thing. When Life makes you wanting more Life. Yeah Christopher Walken was a bit Strange as the Emperor. Who would have Worked? Good Question. Ian McKellen? Kevin Spacey. Is that man still allowed to Act? Hey Enjoy the Movie. Glad you did. I truly hate It when people are trying to tell me what to think. I think thats a major Insult to the Laws of the Universe. But at the Same time, I think the Movie Failed me, and some people I know, ...not because they are confused or didn't get the Plot... but just because its not Writen as good as it could have been. (But that would have been hard...and I don't know how hard it already was to make the movie.) Have you ever seen Sergio Leones "Once Upon in the West?"
@matiasrostworowski5141 5 месяцев назад
@@darioscomicschool1111 I actually agree with the point that its being overhyped on social media. I've seen way to many video titles like, "DUNE WILL CHANGE CINEMA FOREVER." Its a 10/10 movie for me, purely in terms of how much I enjoyed it, and i do think its the best sci fi movie we've had for years. But I don't think its revolutionary. I mean, its probably not even the best Villeneuve movie. I think I like Arrival even more, and that's an adaption that does it all without you needing any foreknowledge of the book. I'm not sure its even the best movie of the last year. There are things I would change about it if I could and I don't think that's true of something like Oppenheimer, for example. Feels like there's a lot of people who are looking at it with rose coloured glasses because its finally a sci-fi epic that isn't shit. Others definitely just don't watch enough movies, and just don't really know how to look at it critically. People also just like calling things revolutionary. That, and its good for views. No. I must admit I haven't seen Once Upon in the West, looks good though. Should I add it to the list?
@grahamlefroy7516 5 месяцев назад
Over the top was the stallone movie, big rigs and arm wrestling...man i miss the 80's
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, Over The Top. I watched it a month Ago. I was thinking, Dario, WTF are you doing watching old Movies... go to sleep. But the Movie totaly Moved me and GAVE ME A PUMP. I think the Movie did a Few Things Right! Brother... we will bring the 80s and 90s Back!!!
@josephbanks888 5 месяцев назад
It sucks, it’s supposedly the best sci fi film of this generation I would expect it to make a huge profit and people still be talking about it just a month later but no.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
You just gotta Accept that. I am also very Combative in that sense. But Its also Ok to Voice your Opinion and stand by that. Time will tell.
@PixPunxel 5 месяцев назад
Glad to see I am not the only one that thinks this
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Brother! Glad to see I am not alone with this^^ hahahah. All over the Internet this is Hyped. It was good in a Way...But It failed on so many Levels!
@joejoyce8031 5 месяцев назад
I thought the movie was bland and soulless
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Thank you. I will do a Video on how to Capture an Audience. I am watching LAtely the Amazon Fallout TV Show. It's not without it's flaws,... But Two Characters totaly keep me hooked, and Episode 2 and 4 Where Tons of fun. Something must be right in the Fallout TV Show that was Missing in Dune 1 & 2.
@josephbanks888 5 месяцев назад
Agreed. People complain about Zendaya acting and said it’s too much Zendaya I would say yes give me more of Zendaya and more of Timothy Chamalat, I want more of their charisma into these character so I can relate more, so the film can be braided in its appeal. How do you have a sci fi franchise led by Timothy Chamalat and Zendaya and only sci fi nerds like are watching it, everyone should be watching it. Dennis is too deep into the books. The tone needs to be lighten up, the character needs to be more fun and relatable, the environments needs to feel like somewhere that audiences at the least would like to vacation too. This is why I will always respect what James Cameron does with Avatar. He can easily make a heavy sci fi mature film with complex stories with Avatar but no he just made a simple story about a family with a dad and mom that go on dates, kids that gets into trouble, kids that uses teens like “bro”, and “cuz”, family pretty much going on a vacation to the islands that’s something mass audiences can relate to. I wish James Cameron directed Dune franchise he would’ve had everyone going to see it cause understands how to relate his characters to mass audiences. Dine 2 is said to be the greatest sci fi film of this generation but no one’s talking about it just a month later and it barley breaks even .
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
@@josephbanks888 I can relate to what you say. Looking Back Denis Villeneuve's Movies have a Similar Style... and also how the Tells the Story. I enjoyed the Arrival and Blade Runner, also Dune for the Spectacle...but they never Quite Touched my Sould... or Gave me a Boner like a good old James Cameron Movie Does (I am looking at you Terminator 2, Aliens and True Lies). And I am also one of these Guys who likes that kind of relatabilty. The Normal Folks. But I can also delight in more Intelectual Things... but both need relatability and Heart.
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
Hi Dario! :-) So you are absolutely not alone in thinking that Dune Part 2 was utter trash. I watched Dune P2 yesterday and by the end I was just rolling my eyes, checking the time and waiting for it to end. There is SOOO Much wrong with this film in every conceivable way and I think that the public and reviewers are suffering from mass psychosis when they say this film is a master piece. There is so much wrong with Dune P2. I haven't read the books, I've only seen the 1984 version but compared to that version by David Lynch, this new Dune fails in every way. Literally everything is better about the 1984 Dune - the art direction, the acting, the pacing etc. In the 1984 version the mysticism of the Spice Melange is expressed is a strange and magical way. Paul's visions are profound and moving. But all of this is utterly missing from Vilneuve's Dune. In the 1984 version the love story between Paul and Chanee is moving and Chanee's character is beautiful and desireable and their love for one another is what unites them in an epic battle. Completely gone from this new version. The primary problem is is that this new Dune does not tell the story in a way that makes any sense. The concept of Shields / Projectile weapons is confusing and doesn't make sense. It makes no sense why the Harkonnens get completely slaughtered in every battle? Why does the Emporer just bow down? Why do Paul and Chanee fall out of love?? Why does the emperor land his flagship on Arrakis only to get nuked. Where is the plotline with the spacing guild and space travel? It's all absent from Dune P2. All you have is desert, boring bombastic music and crap battles with thousands faceless soldiers running across sand flats.... Meh. So yeah... Thanks for putting forth your experience of Dune Part 2 Dario. I and many other people agree this film is an absolute dumpster fire, and the fact that so many people think it's a masterpiece shows how truly ignorant so much of modern society is today. Long live real storytellers who tell fascinating, fun and moving stories! ( Mike Mignola, Will Eisner, Alex Garland, Peter Jackson etc). :-)
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Well I didn't say it was Utter Trash. It was Decent at Best. And I lament that It left me Empty and that there Must be some Storytelling mistakes here. And I also pointed out the Unjustified Hype. So ... Yeah. I do not know why they are suffering from mass Psychosis. That is bad. Because when Lies are told and Believed, bad things happen. (Like my Doctor giving me 25+ Creams for my Dermatitis and Me Suffering, ...than I changed my Diet and all went away. I am 39 Years old and have the Skin of a Newborn, While at 22 I had the Skin of Old Elefant. It was Horrible.) I remember watching the 1984 Version and found it very Cool. The Actors covneid so much.... VIBE. And Knowing Lynch, I think he would never Deliver Trash... although he has definetly a Taste that is probably not for everyone. I will resume watching it soon. I bought the Book a week ago after Watching "The Philosophy of Dune" by NaturalHypertrophy here on RU-vid and was blown away by it. I am reading the book,...and ITs great. I cannot yet pinpoint why...but it is great. I was reading also in Robert McKees Book "Story" about Character, Charaterization and Story. How the Meaning of the Story gets revealed, when the Protagonists have to make Choices under Pressure and reveal therefor their TRUE CHARACTER... and therefore move the Story forward. Themes of the Stories are worked, through them pushing for their wants and needs. I think in Dune 1 and 2 this was to Vague. I loved the Space Opera look in the 1984 Version. I think Denis V. And Chrisopher Nolan sometimes go for grounded Realism because they don't know what to do with the Extravagant Pulpy Aspects of it. And than its REal... but they I'm watching the Hurt Locker and not DUNE, a Space Opera^^ Yeah I gotta resume watching the Lynch Version! Thank you so much. The Love Story in the New Dune was so DULL. I FELT NOSSSSSSSSSIIIINNNNGGG! Like the Nihilists in the Big Lebowski^^ MAN ...you speak big TRU TRU. About that Shitty Ending. All Rushed, Nonsensical. As If the Emperor AND the Harkonnens coulnd have fought to the Death! Hardcore! Long Live the Great Storytellers. We will bring them Back! Promise!
@someguyyouknow6420 5 месяцев назад
No real stakes in Dune. *Proceeds to cite starwars… Man hates the movie for not being like other movies he likes…
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
Not im Dune. No real Stakes in this Movie. Not TOLD STAKES....,but real felt stakes. This Movie moved just through plot Points. It didn't deliver a moving story. I can't understand how people can call this good or even a masterpiece?
@someguyyouknow6420 5 месяцев назад
@@darioscomicschool1111 So you mean to tell me Paul’s internal struggle of choosing to love Chani vs Becoming the Lisan Al Gaib and in turn killing 60 billion people just what flew right over your head?
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
Dario is absolutely correct when he cites the heroes journey of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars films. Luke suffers hardship and defeat and grows through his journey. There are real stakes and the viewer is moved by Luke's challenges and the final devestating realisation that Darth Vader - his arch enemy is his father, and you can see the true anguish in Luke's face as his father has just chopped off his hand and is about to kill him and everything he has faught for is about to be lost. In Dune Part 2. Paul Atriedes is a Gary Stu (Male Mary Sue) He is told right from the beggining that he's the chosen one. He faces almost no challenges - his victory is never in doubt. He wins every battle and finally marches into the chamber of the EMPREROR OF THE GALAXY and tell hims to kiss his Ring... and the Empreror does it.... lol. If you can't see why Dario is correct in his comparison. I don't know what else to tell you.
@darioscomicschool1111 5 месяцев назад
@@someguyyouknow6420 Yeah.. Because THAT IS TELL... not show. It's called Show and Tell. And just to drop EXPOSITION leets me FEEL nothing. Great Movies, Comics, Books...let you into the Mind and Moment of the Characters. It takes you through the Motions so that you CAN FEEL... the Lesson. The Internal Struggle. What you mentioned did nothing for me. And all the Movie was like that. That is my Critique of the Movie.
@dyotoorion1835 5 месяцев назад
@@someguyyouknow6420 No. It didn't fly over my head. it's explained in the film through exposition dumps that don't lend any emotional weight to what's happening.
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