
Why There are NO Apostles Left 

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Proof Every Modern Day Apostle is a False Apostle
Gino Jennings is not an apostle
Kathryn Krick is not an apostle




15 июн 2023




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@themostokperson Год назад
Why is it that modern day prophets only speak words of affirmation and not words of repentance?
@jrich4268 Год назад
Amen absolutely
@Janae-rl8pq Год назад
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
You got that right
@AskBibleNotes Год назад
That's an excellent point!
@jameelhambrick9041 Год назад
Thank you!
@michaelbennett4594 Год назад
Where’s the humility and nobility of being a servant for Christ? There are such arrogance in these pastors. I’m glad I’m pursuing the fruit of spirit so I can become the ultimate servant for the Lord.
@chaplainsoffice6907 Год назад
Bless you my sister in Christ. I enjoyed reading your post. 🙏
@michaelbennett4594 Год назад
@@chaplainsoffice6907 thank you but I’m no sister I’m a brother. I appreciate your prayers and kindness.
@MC-blessed Год назад
@shoestringundertakings Год назад
Amen! 👏🏽
@EveryDayMattersToday 10 месяцев назад
They’re not biblical. given the prophetic gifting. I denied myself because I never had affirmations but rather messages of correction. That is not a popular or glamorous calling as it is seen in the church community. thank God for the teaching of this channel.
@bonappetit5906 Год назад
Lord, please come back soon!
@morefinest Год назад
That David Taylor guy is beyond delusional.
@biblebasics101 Год назад
Absolutely, point blank period!!! There’s evident mental illness going on there. SMH
@AskBibleNotes Год назад
I pray that his heart can be changed. He's delusional and deceptive.
@albertoosorio8343 Год назад
Yea he’s off 🤦🏽‍♂️
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
You got that right, He is a fruit cake half Baked 😢
@MC-blessed Год назад
Ummm hummm 🥴
@latinotruthseeker8852 Год назад
We're blessed to have the Bible today 🎉😊
@BADDMIXX Год назад
Brother Corey! Keep Calling Out These Deceivers! HalleluJah!
@BADDMIXX Год назад
Stephen Did Signs & Wonders! Even He, Isn't An Apostle!
@user-wk8xk6bp3j Год назад
Stop listening to this guy and get to know God for yourself
@julielemker2131 Год назад
@@BADDMIXX what signs and wonders? He was filled with the Holy Spirit and preached an awesome sermon all about Jesus
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
What’s deceptive about it? Because there are deadbeat parents, do we say we have no need of mothers and fathers? Is an analogy; so don’t assume I’m saying you should be calling these ministers mommy and daddy. I have to clear that up before someone argues a non-premise. My point here is that there are bad pastors with the unfruitful works of darkness. Yet, you still believe Corey is one of the good ones. This tells me that you believe based on experiences and not Scripture. Because if deception causes you to stumble, you wouldn’t even have Faith to believe this RU-vid channel.
@julielemker2131 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee The gift of apostleship was given only to selected people sent by God. In order to be an apostle, one had to have seen the resurrected Messiah and have the power of miracles. The gift of prophecy was the ability to receive direct revelation from God. A Prophet could even write Scripture without error. The book of Ephesians teaches that these two gifts are no longer available: Paul states two purposes for these gifts. Laying the Foundation of the Church Ephesians 2:19-22, 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; According to this passage, the two gifts of apostleship and prophecy in the New Testament were for the purpose of laying the foundation of the Church. The picture is that of Jesus...the chief corner stone. From the cornerstone, two lines of stones were laid for the foundation. One line of stones represents the apostles, and the other line of stones represents the prophets. In this passage, the prophets are not of the Old Testament, but those of the New Testament. The purpose of the New Testament Apostles and Prophets was for laying the foundation of the Church. By the death of John the last apostle who died around A.D. 90 the foundation of the Church had been laid. What is happening now is described in verses 21-22 believers are stones, which are being fitly, framed together, one on top of the other, building up the house of God. That is the purpose for the other gifts. The other gifts are being used to lay stone upon stone in building up the house of God, but the foundation is comprised of the apostles and prophets. The first key purpose of the gifts of apostleship and prophecy was to lay the foundation of the Church. Ephesians 3:1-9, For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: 3 How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery;* (as I wrote afore in few words, 4 Whereby*, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6 That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: 7 Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power. 8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; 9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: Paul spells out a second purpose for the spiritual gifts of apostles and prophets: to receive and record New Testament revelation, new revelation concerning the teachings on the dispensation of the grace of God. Verse 5 makes it clear which prophets are meant: not the Old Testament prophets. For Paul said: it has now (in Paul's day) been revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit. Just as the Old Testament had to be recorded by the Old Testament prophets, the New Testament had to be recorded by New Testament prophets. The apostles also had the prophetic office. The two purposes for the gifts of apostleship and prophecy were to lay the foundation of the Church, which has been laid; and t record New Testament revelation, which has now been recorded. With these two things accomplished, the clear implication is that these two gifts are no longer given.
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
The Bible says pride comes before the fall, these false teachers will fall one day, and stand before God
Not to mention if they continue doing what Simon Peter wrote of them by the Holy Ghost which is denying the Lord that bought them which will lead to them all becoming lost in the sins that God Himself came to save us from they will be judged by the law of the Old Covenant the previous covenant before God started up His New Covenant of Grace. And they better not do what that lost man named Judas Iscariot did which was betray Jesus Christ. And God wasn't joking when He said He would put enmity between Satan and Eve all the way back in Genesis 3:15.
@abrahamissac5938 Год назад
Apostles are Alive BUT in Paradise waiting for The New Heaven & New Earth.
@carltondean3675 Год назад
It is so amazing how the scriptures warned of these false teachers, false prophets, and false Apostles. Glory mungers. Proud, puffed up, unholy and lost. None of them can be saved. It's biblical that they will perish. pray for discernment. The bible says that "If it were possibe." and of course it's not possible, that even the very elect would be deceived. It's not possible. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice and a stranger, they will not answer. So all the people who follow these false leaders by default according to the scriptures, are going to hell with them. You follow who you follow. Or, better put, you go with who you follow. 2Peter 1-3
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
Everything we need to be successful as Children of God is written in the Word of God
@derrickdavis5105 Год назад
Praise the LORD JESUS my friend, I heard the young lady say GOD is restoring the church like the church at Antioch, book of Acts . Thinking of that church ALL THINGS WERE COMMON, not like today Church, ALL the money stays up top . Love you always D and C
@chaplainsoffice6907 9 месяцев назад
Three days ago Israel was attacked by Palestine and now at war. Where were all the Apostles and prophets who always said, God told me to tell you ?
@DaChristianYute Год назад
Listening to Gino saying he’s done more work than the Son of God is funny and at the same time a little Frustrating.
@Mon-ml2lq Год назад
He was saying that because that’s what Jesus promised lol and he know that Jesus can’t lie. I don’t think he was saying it in a prideful way I believe he was responding to someone that was showing hatred.
@inaciadiaz7366 Год назад
@@Mon-ml2lq what kind of greater work can a human do that is better then Christ?
@Mon-ml2lq Год назад
Just seen it and he misrepresented that clip of Gino lol that’s why he cut it short. Understand that this channel tells you that you don’t have to be baptized also when scripture clearly tells you it’s for the removal of your Sins after repentance then after that we confess and he is faithful to forgive us. Not really defending but we have to speak what we know.This is for me to because I’m guilty.
@DaChristianYute Год назад
@@Mon-ml2lq okay prove that you have to be Baptized?
@DaChristianYute Год назад
@@Mon-ml2lq okay, When Jesus Told him disciples you will do what I do and Greater explain exactly what he meant.
There are no more Apostles!!!!! Period!!!! The foundation has been built with Christ as the cornerstone. This is part of the many problems with the church. The only title we should want is servant of Christ.
@Cesar-pq2ck Год назад
All these fools just want to place themselves above others; there’s no humility in them at all. Years ago I had a dream where I saw Jesus, never saw his face, but I saw him in his glorified body. He wore white, I’ve never seen that type of white. He had golden, shining hair like I’ve never seen. I’ll never forget that dream! But despite that, you’re never going to hear me call myself an apostle.
@camden7488 Год назад
Saul of Tarsus did. Thats all he got too, same thing.
@fd2lministries923 Год назад
@@camden7488 So, you're saying that Saul only saw Jesus in a dream? You better go back and read the scriptures. . Then tell me if it says he was dreaming. . Give me Scripture and verse if you find that.
@camden7488 Год назад
@@fd2lministries923 i never said dream. Paul had a vision the two who were with him did not see what Paul saw they only heard something. Its in Acts 9 Ananias had vision from God to go pray over Saul noone calls him an apostle. Actually Moses and Jacob well Jacob actually touched Him so id qualify Jacob as an apostle before Paul and Moses but again the book doesn't call them apostles. Only the 12 originals that God chose for Jesus...... Go read, maybe read my comment thread in here. It gets more descriptive Hope that helps.
@fd2lministries923 Год назад
@@camden7488 Cesar-pq2ck said: years ago I had a dream where I saw Jesus. . etc etc. . You replied, Saul of Tarsus did. That's all he got too. Same thing. . Those are your exact words. Meaning: That's all he got was a dream. Then you added the words same thing. . . And by the way the Bible does not say that it was a vision. Acts 9:3 and as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: 4. And he fell to the Earth and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecute thou me? Where does it say that this was a vision? Don't twist scripture to make it fit your narrative. . That's all I'm saying. .
@camden7488 Год назад
@@fd2lministries923 so he didnt even see God your saying. Thats even worse. So how does one call Paul an apostle then? He had no direct dealing with Jesus at all. Only heard a voice then. Many a people lay claim theyve "heard" God. He cant be an apostle any more than you or i am.
@FrancoJeffrey Год назад
47:52 - Too many people want to be someone special because all their life they were not. Very sad but true. May the Lord humble us all in our areas that are lacking the fruit of the Holy Spirit!
@jtbyrge7990 Год назад
The information you just presented is interesting, and impossible to argue against. You used scripture to affirm everything you said about being an apostle. Thank you neighbor. Stay humble, and God bless you.
@Anchor1778 Год назад
One thing that is glaring from the opening montage of clips is the arrogance of these "apostles". They all said "I".
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
You are right they are puffed up in pride
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
Pride or arrogance is not sufficient evidence to negate an office. Satan is the king of Pride. Does hell exist? Do demons exist? Yes they do. We have to make it make sense. Now you are correct in your assessment. It is Pride wreaking here. But the video was about whether true apostles exist outside the original twelve.
@Anchor1778 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee two questions for you: Are you an eye witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Are you directly called by Christ?
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
@@Anchor1778 Of course I am. We all are. Otherwise your Faith is futile according to 1 Corinthians 15. If you say there’s no resurrection, then your Faith remains in the grave. Every believer has witnessed both the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. That’s what true salvation entails. Look, I’m too adept in the Scriptures. You can’t trip me up. All you can do is keep deeming others and myself as false. Ahh, but I’m not concerned about that either lol
@Anchor1778 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee I'll have to disagree based upon scripture. That's alright though.
@robinpatrick9787 Год назад
these people just can not be satisfied in salvation and evangelism, they want to almost be Jesus Christ Himself. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Cor.11:13-15)
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
Well said, Amen Amen
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
So you’re never going to become like Christ. As he is so shall we be? You don’t have to be a miracle worker, true or fake apostle (as you say). Yet the commandment is to be as he is. Seated with him in heavenly places. You are confusing men and women’s arrogance with a command to become the adoption of sons-for Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren.
@robinpatrick9787 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee he did not call us to be apostles but disciples and to go and share the gospel and make disciples love God and love our neighbors and sin no more; where does it say to go call your self apostles or prophet?
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
@@robinpatrick9787 Please read my discourse before responding unenlightened and unintelligently. Otherwise, I will take this unintelligible standard as intentional laziness . Also stick with the topic and scriptural text of the video which Corey addressed. Please and thank you. Stick to the topic! Lastly, where are your references and research that proves out he only called us to be disciples? The burden of disapproval is on the one questioning. It’s not my job to prove it out to you and do your homework. That’s laziness at its finest. Do the work of proving! Corey clearly mentioned that there is still a need for evangelists, pastors and teachers. Did you miss that premise? Or were you absent from class?
@robinpatrick9787 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee sure no problem. God bless n bless God! Take care. 🥰
@smackblack4591 Год назад
This was amazing Corey! I Love the biblical accountability. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
@markisaki979 Год назад
Paul said that he was the least of all the apostles. Paul, the man who Christ gave a second chance to, bestowed upon him the (albeit temporary) power to work miracles, and wrote basically half of the New Testament, called himself the least. What does that say about the so-called "apostles" today?
@johnnywegood7750 Год назад
Good job Smart Christian, you are a much needed watchman on the wall. In these last days deceivers will get worse deceiving and being deceived! Great Job!!!
@jamesgorham7125 Год назад
Good teaching Sir Brother Cory on this subject, a lot of false teachers are twisting the Scripture for their own personal gain. The Apostle Paul said this will happen in the last days
@baldylocc64 Год назад
All these apostles should get together and argue use true.
@fofokeith Месяц назад
I appreciate you. Subscribed
@nevillejanari7915 Год назад
Important to note Paul refers to himself firstly as a Servant then only as an Apostle. Romans 1 - From Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle chosen and called by God to preach his Good News. The Good News was promised long ago by God through his prophets, as written in the Holy Scriptures. It is about his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: as to his humanity, he was born a descendant of David; as to his divine holiness, he was shown with great power to be the Son of God by being raised from death. Through him God gave me the privilege of being an apostle for the sake of Christ, in order to lead people of all nations to believe and obey.
@PatrickStoudamire-r6x 9 часов назад
May the Grace of God continue to give you wisdom in handling His word. In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
@elijahi4795 Год назад
So many people in this day and era who say they are followers of Christ spend more time downing others rather than walking the walk of the Lord Jesus which was Love. The Pharisees spent a lot of time condemning others walking contrary to the Word of God. Jesus told them that they would die in their sin. People have lost sight of the cross and Jesus dying for the sins of all people. Many will get a wake call from the Lord when He says I never knew you. John 3:17 God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it but through Christ that the world may be saved. The Lord knew everything about everyone yet He did not condemn anyone. If you are not preaching the Great Commission of the Lord that saves and delivers and sets free people from the enemy. What are you doing?
@julielemker2131 Год назад
Corey, knows his stuff😀
@GJP1169 2 месяца назад
Nowadays when I hear someone say they are a apostle alarm bells go off .
@julietatkins9264 Год назад
You GO!!! Mr. Minor…Make’um say Hummm…Nah-nah-nah! Praise God for His Word…The Truth. Mrs. Juliet Atkins
@reginaldwalton5432 Год назад
Thank you very much for the explanation.
@MrShamaron041979 Год назад
Matthew 12:39 New International Version (NIV) He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. Jesus had told us the only sign we’ll see, the sign to repent
@codywhitaker8620 Год назад
Hey Corey what program is that you have on screen that compares the greek with the English translation? I would like to get that for my own studies
@ShepherdMinistry Год назад
Accordance Bible software. He also uses logos sometimes.
@codywhitaker8620 Год назад
@@ShepherdMinistry Thank you kindly
@suejoyful5576 Год назад
Thank you. I subscribed 🙏
@BADDMIXX Год назад
I Trust Scripture! Don't Be Deceived Saints! It Is Written! KJV - 2 Corinthians 12 : 12 “TRULY THE SIGNS OF AN APOSTLE were wrought among you in ALL PATIENCE, in SIGNS, and WONDERS, and MIGHTY DEEDS.”
@BADDMIXX Год назад
KJV - 1 Corinthians 15 : 9 “For I AM THE LEAST of the APOSTLES, that AM NOT meet to be CALLED an APOSTLE, because I PERSECUTED the CHURCH of GOD.”
@BADDMIXX Год назад
KJV - 1 Corinthians 4:9 “For I think that GOD hath set forth US THE APOSTLES LAST, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.”
@BADDMIXX Год назад
ONLY 12!!! KJV - Revelation 21 : 14 “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of THE TWELVE APOSTLES of THE LAMB Lamb.”
@BADDMIXX Год назад
FALSE!!! KJV - 2 Corinthians 11 : 13 “For such are FALSE APOSTLES, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING themselves into THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST.”
@BADDMIXX Год назад
LIARS!!! KJV - Revelation 2 : 2 “I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which SAY THEY ARE APOSTLES, and ARE NOT, and hast FOUND THEM LIARS:”
@theblackbull273 Год назад
Bro Cory keep bringing truth to the people open there eyes. Yes but according to the bible an apostle is not just being sent. It's one that is sent by Christ with miracle power. Just look at the lives of the apostles of Jesus Christ great signs and wonders did the apostles and great fear fell on the church of Jesus Christ. Because beyond a shadow of a doubt these men not women were truly men of God. These apostles today believe in tithing even Gino Jennings and tithing is one of the biggest false doctrine in the world today. Trying the spirit.
@danmarley2886 Год назад
Let us be clear on the matter, the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. That being established, we cannot say that there are no more apostles. Let God be true though every man be a liar. Jesus gave the gift of apostles to the church before he ascended on high, they are therefore the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have no biblical basis to declare that there are no more apostles. If we can make that declaration without the support of scriptures, we can also declare that there are no more prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. In the same way, if the standard for the giving of apostles is that they are named in scriptures, the that must hold true for the giving of prophets, evangelists and teachers. Men cannot bestow grace to stand in any office, only God can call you, and equip you. All of these offices have been falsely held since the early church. It has been revealed that as there were false prophets among the people, there shall be false teachers among you. The problem is that the church cannot discern the qualifications of these ministry offices. We have not been taught to recognize these gifts. The twelve apostles were qualified as eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Christ Jesus in addition to signs of an apostle. Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles as well as Barnabas, who had held the offices of prophet and teacher. This class of apostle was limited in the authority of their reach, and did not enter into other men's labors. There was a measure of the rule given to them. God sets these gifts in the church according as he wills. Not everyone has apostles, not everyone has prophets, not everyone has pastors. But the church cannot say with any certainty, who is who or what, so we fight.
@Dre336 Год назад
You have ZERO scripture to backup anything you just said!!!
@robinpatrick9787 Год назад
Hi, Can you describe the functions and duties of apostles and prophets? And also can you describe the functions and duties of preachers and teachers?
@toolegittoquit_001 Год назад
The Apostles saw Jesus. They have all died
@danmarley2886 11 месяцев назад
@@Dre336 You just proved your lack of Bible study.
@Dre336 11 месяцев назад
@@danmarley2886 Nah, I just know how to let scripture interpret scripture and not put my spin on a scripture to back my viewpoint. That’s call exegesis just in case you don’t know what that means. What you are doing is eisegesis. Look that word up because just like your lack of understanding scripture you probably don’t understand that word either.
@biblebasics101 Год назад
Only the uniformed, naive & biblically illiterate believe these man-made apostles. None of them meet the biblical criteria of such. The only two ongoing offices we see in the New Testament are the bishop (pastor/elder) & the deacon. Apostles were known to be such by all the churches, not just ones local assembly. Many of these man-made, self proclaimed apostles aren’t known by any saints. Scripture is clear the gift of the apostle remains in the since they continue the work of foreign mission & church planting everywhere, but the office is closed. No new revelation is being given & the canon is closed. It’s truly sad many if not all these so called apostles can’t properly understand & interpret a text. These so called apostles don’t even teach the same doctrines.
@chaplainsoffice6907 Год назад
@@daniellewisson You know an Apostle was one who witnessed the resurrected Christ and called by Christ. Today man made apostles say Jesus came to me in a dream. Satan can come to you in a dream as well.
@ordiecarroll8085 Год назад
Talk to the people who were in witchcraft.. and wanted free from voices.. And they will testify they are free after Kathryn Krick or DANIAL Adams prayed deliverance... These people are really free and will tell you.. It pretty bad when church does not believe in deliverance today.. And because you don't belive an Apostal..so church want them to stop this kind of prayer because your not Apostal.. Leave these people oppress.. Why can't the church listen to real testimony and leave these preacher/Apostal.. If your casting out demons and setting people free.. You deserve the Apostal title..
@biblebasics101 Год назад
@Daniel Lewisson Scripture clearly makes a distinction between who were truly apostles, and those who were not. Hence the Apostles were distinguished by calling them the 12 (which later excluded Judas & included Matthias). Paul had a special commission to the Gentiles. Others like James, Barnabas, Titus, Timothy, etc were not apostles, but were at times called such solely because they were commissioned by the Church to go on missionary journeys alongside those who were Apostles. You can’t proof text & eisegete to fit your own presuppositions & subjective ideologies.
@biblebasics101 Год назад
@Daniel Lewisson actually I don’t, you’re not reading with comprehension but trying to prove your subjective point. I never said they weren’t called apostles, go back and reread what I said smh it’s ok we all can see you clearly have a vested interest in the title….
@johnbenson20 Год назад
YES I deal with these Pride Narcissistic deluded people they are not interested in the Biblical TRUTH !
@MeatEatingVegan777 Год назад
I want to become a bible, Corey. Lol I'm kidding. As usual, this is a fantastic, informative video. Don't stop doing what you do!
Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 2 Thessalonians 3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. And we were told in the Scriptures 2 epistle to the Corinthians about false apostles in chapter 11 of course Jesus Christ talked about them in Matthew chapter 24 not to mention they are called tares in Matthew 13:25. To be an apostle one must have the salvation that is found in Jesus Christ and His gospel alone.
@eddiehill1992 Год назад
God didn’t call no woman to preach
@dawnkliewer9268 6 месяцев назад
They can teach though
@Jesus_is_otw Год назад
“‘I know your deeds and your labor and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people, and you have put those who call themselves apostles to the test, and they are not, and you found them to be false;” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬ If people in this church were testing people who said they were apostles and finding them false, that means that there were actually real apostles still around.. why else would they be testing them if they knew there were no more?
@stevenlindsey2056 Год назад
Why would they not test people claiming to be Apostles, when the word of God tells us to do so. The fact that they were found to be false should tell that there were none.
@Jesus_is_otw Год назад
@@stevenlindsey2056 since the Bible says to test for them, that means there were apostles after Paul and the others. There were many apostles mother than the initial 12. Barnabas Andronicus Junia or Junias (debated) Silas Timothy Apollos And then 70 were sent out. Apostle means one who is sent out on a mission. There are still apostles called today, me being one of them. I have the gift of healing/miracles over 65 people healed over the last year and a half ministry. I don’t refer to myself as apostle whenever I go. However I was called by the Lord Himself by a direct word given to me to be an apostle. I wasn’t commissioned by any man but Jesus alone called me. And I have the gift of tongues (actual language verified) I speak in Arabic when I speak in tongues and they are translated into me praising God.
@Jesus_is_otw Год назад
@@daniellewisson how are they false?
@Jesus_is_otw Год назад
@@daniellewisson they’re not false smh your theology is confused.
@stevenlindsey2056 Год назад
@@daniellewisson According to what?
@julielemker2131 Год назад
Amen and Amen
@chris092283 Год назад
Im hoping sometime there will be a debate with you and Gino Jennings
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
Gino would clobber Corey
@markisaki979 Год назад
Yeah... Sure... All Corey Minor needs to do is to mention that nowhere in Scripture does it say you need to speak in tongues to be saved, and he's won. This was brought up when he went against Gino's bosom buddies C Roc and Tony, and it got them scrambling in circles 😂 By the way, Tony and C Roc is a testing ground for debating Gino. They only let the opponent through if they're confident that Gino will beat them. This happened last year, looks like they're dragging their feet 😂
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
@@markisaki979 the problem with debating with people like Gino Jennings is there is no debate. Oh sure they show up and act like it is a debate but because in their mind they somehow have God in their back pocket they flip out. Gino is a crazy person. I enjoy watching him speak in tongues: it sounds like he is having a heart attack. Gino is completely off the rails. People like him SCREAM AND YELL pushing out their point of view like pushing out a turd. One the other hand he does have it right on church history and the investigation of the three way God. Gino is a cult leader that makes scads of money: he wears a new suit every time I see him on the TV.
@JesusChristSaves955 7 месяцев назад
Yes Corey stop talking in your safe zone call out Pastor Gino Jennings in a debate and back it up with the bible.
@skillychild86 Год назад
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
Gino Jennings said that?
@@VictorianMaid99 Good morning good afternoon good evening blessings to you in Jesus! Mr.Gino ain't no apostle he needs to give up that title and just call himself a slave of Jesus like myself! If they were apostles they need to go out and tell everyone about Jesus and be brave and valiant as i am! I've been confessing Jesus everywhere i go and to all the people when i became Christian at 17 back in 2014 starting with my highschool which i was unaware was full of witchcraft practitioners. Right now I'm doing it online through social media and spreading the message everywhere with my real face and my real name and i speak lovingly gently and speak blessings to the people and curse sin as the scriptures show me to do! Bless you in Jesus glory to the Father the Son and The Holy Spirit HalleluYah Amen!
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
Yes but Gino Jennings SAID God actually appeared in his bed room and told him he was an apartment.
@regrob16 9 месяцев назад
We can add Apostle David Lynn to this growing list of people listening to their egos given to them by Satan.
@aprilechols184 Год назад
Amen and amen 🙏🏽 🙌🏽 👏🏽
@PatrickStoudamire-r6x 9 часов назад
Amen Corey, you are teaching truth
@sanya_red_bird Год назад
Some of these people claim that they have seen Jesus…and talked with Him like they are equal with Him. Thoroughly appalling. They will have to answer for their misdeeds.
@joyceevans632 Год назад
No it doesn’t make those few who we’re fortunate enough to talk with God equal but favored. None is equal to the Father, Son or the Holy Spirit
@ordiecarroll8085 Год назад
Lot of people has seen Jesus.. Little kids can't make that stuff up.. Most church don't believe it because it Supernatural... I don't know what you mean by equL w him.. But He said I much go to the Father. And you shall do Greater works than I... That pretty big.. too supernatural for the church. Even said go raise the dead and set the captive free. ..meaning demons deliverance..
@sanya_red_bird Год назад
@Daniel Lewisson I was speaking of people today who say they have seen Jesus. There is no scripture to support that He appears to people today. The Bible says “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” 1 Thes 4:16. This is when He will appear again to mankind. And when I said they think they are equal to God, I hear false prophets and false apostles twist scripture and say they have new words from God when the canon is closed. Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophecy.
@kgar5String Год назад
@Daniel Lewisson Those people understood who God is, and shut their mouths talking about them selves, when you actually see God you immediately see who you are not, just read the bible of the people who encountered God, he said take of your shoes, don't be afraid, I am not worthy, they did not come off as bosom buddies.
@kgar5String Год назад
@@ordiecarroll8085 Jesus raised the dead, how many has Geno raised? Everyone knew it. Jesus put an ear back on, we are in the cell phone days, there are cameras everywhere, post on you tube the limbs being replaced. Obviously his version of greater thing and ours are different.
@AFallin2023 Год назад
Hey Corey Minor what are your thoughts on Tai Jackson?
@jeaniesampley1605 Год назад
A very good study
@Hakuuna_Matatah Год назад
I am curious as to why preachers have the desire to label themself an apostle, is it really necessary? 🤔🧐
@dawnkliewer9268 6 месяцев назад
It’s not necessary- more for status………I want Jesus, I want to be bold enough to evangelize the gospel
@julielemker2131 Год назад
If you want to hear about the apostles and prophets, they are all in the Bible, if you want God to talk to you, open the Bible, and everything will make sense, until you do, you will be confused, especially if you listen to people who claim to be apostles or prophets. Once you start reading you will see why there are no more "apostles or prophets".
@same5263 Год назад
The thing is, NAR has a lot of Mormon practices
@indriadrayton1132 Год назад
I believe the Apostle John was boiled in oil but survived and lived in exile.
@gabriella.hines. Год назад
That's whTmat my dad told me
@rruffin983 Год назад
Surely God assigns his ministers their office. Make no mistake these annoitings cost. I don't know if these ministers that are being shown paid the price but God knows. As a minister of music ...I do know I paid a high price before going before the people. The cost..be not conformed to the world. Spending hours in God's word. Spending time in prayer..lots of time. If in fact God called you for that ministry the holy spirit will obviously be present when your present. God's clear he said you cannot be saved "the people" unless I draw you or them. True redemption and salvation comes by the way of supernatural.
@toolegittoquit_001 Год назад
I never realized how painfully pale Kathryn Krick is 😳
@natashaokonye Год назад
A genuine question here: how do we explain, the miracles and deliverances that occur, By them?
@kgar5String Год назад
What miracles, every person has a cellphone, it is impossible for it not to be shown on the news or the internet, where are they, in the bible everyone knew it, even the sinners. Where did you read in the bible about deliverance other than being born again?
@julielemker2131 Год назад
When we get saved we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, why do they need deliverance
@Trap-Joe Год назад
Sooo much madness in this world especially after the industrial revolution to this day and it's constantly on the rise!... It's the beginning of the end; people.
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
Gino makes a lot of money, look at dam suits!
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
What are you saying? Industrial Revolution?? Madness is not the detection of the end times. Jesus says that when we observe these signs, the end is still far away (Matthew 24:3; paraphrased). Are you reading your Bible or Marvel Comic Books?
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
@@ApostleAliciaKee many tongue talkers say they are the only ones saved
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
@@VictorianMaid99 Okay?? What is the point you are making? I don’t recall ever stating anything remotely to that. And I’m not a fan of Gino Jennings. I’m sure he would feel the same about me.
@Keeper_Of_Faith Год назад
Can you look into Apostle Joshua selman, he's a good teacher from the looks of it but it's a case where now wherever I see someone call themselves an apostle Im on defense, I don't watch him but my mum does, just concerned is all.
@Keeper_Of_Faith Год назад
@@daniellewisson not really would be interesting to see how another brother views him from my understanding and what I've learnt the preacher seems no issue, but then again this could be my bias towards not wanting to upset my parents etc
@CountryGirl.64 Год назад
@CountryGirl.64 Год назад
@Mrs.CGraves Год назад
Apostles in the early Church we’re literally anointed by The Spirit on Pentecost. They were humble and ON FIRE for Christ. To preach and teach HIS message for HIS glory. These people are doing it for THEIR GLORY. That is the difference
@Mrs.CGraves Год назад
@@daniellewisson it was the 12
@Mrs.CGraves Год назад
@@daniellewisson Acts 2:1-21 It was the 12, 40 days after Jesus Ascended into Heaven. They were I. Great grief and on the day of Pentecost a mighty wind shook the house they were in and gave them supernatural, spiritual understanding, gifts and Peace.
@MrShamaron041979 Год назад
This why there are no more apostles, the pride that is so strong on each of them no humility at all
@user-wb1xq1zn7w Год назад
@tommihail2178 28 дней назад
I have the seat of Moses, I am the chief apostle to this generation"?? David E Taylor has nill humility compared to Christ's Appointed Apostles, St. Paul called himself"A wretched man and the least of the Apostles"😢😢😢
@edithalake1896 3 месяца назад
There are NO MORE apostle alive today . IT ONLY HAD 12 apostle and they All died ..They had to be on earth alive when Christ was on earth alive
@user-ux5ru1se1z Год назад
If there are no more apostles then what does 1 Corinthians 12:28 mean . All I am seeking for is the truth
@QueMari 4 месяца назад
Good question. In that verse, it says that “God has appointed these in the church.” The “HAS” seems to be past tense. Apostles along the same merit as Peter, Paul and James are no longer present in the church today. But Apostles in a GENERAL sense are present. Those that go about from place to place preaching the Gospel, planting churches & ordaining elders.
@delontebrown-dockery7389 Год назад
Where Is the humility?
@mikedickison244 Год назад
Apostle is used as an additional rung up the ladder of authority. Much as sanctuary is used instead of auditorium,, altar used as platform, tithe used instead of offering. There are others, but the word is used mostly to attach churchy verbiage to what we do. After 2000 years, we need to call stuff what it is.
@san-annahhendricks7199 Год назад
Ephesians 4:7-16 When HE. (Jesus),ascended on high ,HE led captives in HIS train,and gave gifts to men.... It was HE who gave SOME, to be apostles,Some to be evangelists,and some to be pastors and teachers to prepare GOD'S people for works of service,so that the body of Christ may be built up..until we all reach UNITY in the faith (MANY" break away , caused divisions ,form their own little church ,call themselves APOSTLE SO& SO. NOT UNITY. THERE MUST BE UNITY. NOT .DIVISION ) and in the KNOWLEDGE of the SON of GOD and become MATURE ,attaining to the whole MEASURE of the fullness of CHRIST!!! NOW TODAY, HERE,IN S.A,YOU GET APOSTLES IN EVERY CHURCH GREAT AND SMALL.. FEW THAT GATHER IN A HOUSE , ,THE LEADER? an apostle.. The scripture says , HE GAVE GIFTS TO MEN!!! BUT, YES!!! I AGREE TO A CERTAIN EXTEND WITH YOU!!! I AM TRULY AMAZED HOW MANY WOMAN HAVE BECOME LEADERS AND ESPECIALLY...APOSTLES!!! I CHOOSE TO BE CALLED SISTER..just sister !!! . DO NOT BECOME MANY TEACHERS...James 3:1 Don't they know teachers will undergo a more STRITCLY JUDGEMENT??? Call yourself Brothers ...Matth 23:8 YOU HAVE ONLY ONE MASTER!!! and you are ALL...brothers !!! So yea!!! Rather just be a bro or sis,even if you have the qualities ,and do miracles and signs, Stay humble and be sure you make it INTO heaven!!! Many great leaders ushered millions into GODS kingdom,but they themselves will not make it,because the devil is VERY ANGRY with you,for saving so many souls for the king of KINGS!!! I ASK TO PRAY FOR THESE " MASTERS" of deception..please ...
@yahayrawho Год назад
Apostle’s indeed still exist with slightly different roles and GOD has not chosen to reveal them yet. Furthermore, a true apostle does not label themselves as such. Only GOD anoints that title and others that will earnestly recognize them as such; not the bearer. Nevertheless, I agree with virtually everything you have expressed. Well done! ALL Praises and Glory to THE MOST HIGH for blessing you/utilizing you as HIS mouth piece. ⚔️💛🔥🙏🏽
@joyceevans632 Год назад
Can you share your scriptural reference?
@yahayrawho Год назад
@@joyceevans632 While the Bible IS and will ALWAYS be the greatest book of all of time. An earthly Holy guide, regardless of your ability to feel, accept or discern- ABBA has provided us all that we need within the Bible to lead us further. It’s not to say that it isn’t complete, but what I am conveying is that there are certain of GOD’S truths that by HIS own divine design is not written; but only inscribed upon our souls.
@fd2lministries923 Год назад
No, yahayrawho, there are no apostles today. . The requirements are in the scriptures. . There's no way around that. With all due respect, your opinion is not biblical. If so please give book chapter and verse. . I'll wait.
@brothertj2551 Год назад
​​​@@yahayrawhoall we need today is the Word of God and The Holy Spirit. The foundation is already set. Now it's up to us to do the Will of God by spreading the true Gospel in these last days.
@yahayrawho Год назад
@@fd2lministries923 I stand corrected Pastor. I was tired, just came in, did not really listen to everything you said fully. I was trying to cook and listen and evidently my listening suffered. Thank GOD my meal did not. 😂 I also failed to pray on my words and what thoughts I did have prior to making my comment. I was more so referring to the other highly GOD appointed titles to people. Which you did mention. Clearly to be an apostle one would have had to be walking with CHRIST upon HIS first coming and witness HIS resurrection. I am not going to bother deleting my very embarrassing comment, as I hope it will serve as an example for other’s to admit when they are wrong and accept correction; and not get defensive. For love is proven in our actions and correction is an act of love. So thank you pastor, for taking your time to correct me. 🙏🏽🔥⚔️💛
@oo1670 5 месяцев назад
Amen , Mark 3:14 Jesus chose 12 and commissioned them ......not 13 ,14 , or 15
@MC-blessed Год назад
It's just hard for me to listen to Gino all that hollering and arrogance gets on my nerves and that Taylor guy Lord have mercy I could never take him seriously 😒
@petesmith4173 Год назад
You guys volume is verylow.
@sydgroulx 7 месяцев назад
All fax no printer
@margaretslater7208 Год назад
The oil is suppose to make them apostles I guess! What nonsense. So-called speaking in tongues I guess will close the deal.
Revelation 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. The apostles that are mentioned in the Scriptures are in Heaven today. As for Gino and those who call themselves apostles they might want to come to Jesus Christ the real Christ that is able to redeem us from the sins that have made mankind lost since that first temptation by the one the Bible calls Satan came to pass in the garden of Eden.
@julielemker2131 Год назад
There are two categories of apostles. On one hand, you have the inner group of the twelve, and the prerequisite is that they must have been with Jesus from the baptism of John until the Ascension. But then you have a second apostolic group of an unknown number, and the only requirement for this category was to have seen the resurrected Messiah. Others within the Book of Acts who qualify for this second category of apostleship included James, Barnabas, and Paul. Corey is right, There are NO Apostles Left.
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
How does Gino fit that?
@VictorianMaid99 Год назад
@Daniel Lewisson it did stop. The Bible does not lost Gino Jennings.
@julielemker2131 Год назад
@@daniellewisson Its all in the Bible, have you read the whole Bible, don't take my word for it take, Jesus's Word for it
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад
@@julielemker2131 The Bible doesn't say there are no more apostles, especially because Paul says _God_ is the One who appoints ppl to positions in _His_ Church. You say "don't take my word for it", but that's exactly what you want someone to do.
@mzukisidlambewu-kc6dv Год назад
There are no Chief Apostles in the Bible, that's heresy🫵🫵🫵
@remnant8898 Год назад
What are, things the Bible never says for $100 Alex? Unless Pastors, Evangelists and teachers are NO longer here today, then Prophets and Apostles are still functioning gifts within the Body of Christ.
@RobinPB66 Год назад
@sogood5373 Год назад
I thought we were the seed of Abraham
@danielcarroll1816 Год назад
Yep I am always telling American that Australia is actually the greatest country in the world.... but you all don't believe me.
@taresatruby1536 Год назад
@wayword1679 Год назад
I think we may have had some modern day Apostles but they are and some were what we call missionaries today. Down through the centuries there have been those who were sent into some dangerous places in the earth some did loose their lives. There were some missionaries from America who went into the jungle of Ecuador in the 1950's to reach a tribe who were known to be exceedingly violent to the degree that they were on their way to becoming extinct. These, I believe it was 4 or 5 missionaries were able to make contact with them and were ultimately hacked to death. Sometime later 1 of the widows went back in and lived among this tribe and was able to share the gospel not only in word but in deed. This story just comes to mind, because probably in a " generic sense" those men were Apostles. jmo There are lots of stories of missionaries going into hard places and establishing churches in some of those places where there were none Those clips are ridiculous and shameful.😔 We need some "Apostles" to come cast them demons out of some of them folks.🤨 I believe we do still have those who operate in the earth as Apostles we just dont see them out being boastful bragadocious and downright prideful. They are doing what Apostles do, building and establishing encouraging and equipping.
@samurai_fx4911 9 месяцев назад
So, after everything Corey just taught you still say that there are Apostles? How so? Have they seen the resurrected Christ? Missionaries are a modern name for evangelists. But, they are not Apostles.
@RubyCube2022 Год назад
1:22 if mental illness was a person.😮
@Mrs.CGraves Год назад
How are THEY the Christ??? They are regular people, with pride ego and manipulation. People are seeking so deep in the wrong direction. If you notice it’s about THEM THEM THEM. Everyone is a peasant sheep.
@paulgay7625 5 месяцев назад
The guy that thinks he has the mantle of Moses needs psychiatric help.
@camden7488 Год назад
To be an apostle you would have needed to learn directly from Jesus. Meaning you heard his voice felt his touch and He could hear and feel you. Just as we di to those we deal with daily walking around. This is why there so much debate on Paul actually being an apostle. Which i say no he is not. Him like us are invoked by the Holy Spirit not Jesus in the flesh. We are disciples, if you are following the discipline. But thats about it.
@Dre336 Год назад
How is there a debate when the scripture clearly states he is an Apostle?
@camden7488 Год назад
@@Dre336 Paul claims himself an apostle but the 12 apostles are listed in all 4 gospels Paul is not one of them. Jesus had already ascended when Saul of Tarsus falls down and sees a vision of the Lord. Again an apostle is a person who learned and was sent by Jesus in the flesh while he lived in an earthly body. All believers in Jesus are witnesses via the Holy Spirit once we are sealed in it. We are all sent out by Him, Holy Spirit, to "witness" and testify of that witness which is of Jesus Christ that He is come and He is LORD. In Him if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth He is LORD, you shall be saved by His stripes\sacrifice. So are all believers apostles then in your eyes? I dont think thats correct. In Acts 9 the bible consider soon to be Paul aling with Ananias to be only disciples. Both saw vision of the God and were prompted to action as it explains. Also Stephen earlier in Acts also saw vision of God after Ascension, is he an apostle too. In fact in the same chapter it reads Paul kinda bullied his way into discipleship, thats how I take anyway. Then later He greats us as an apostle...... Which im fine with if all believers are also considered "an apostle" since we all become witness of the Holy Spirit and are commisioned by it to go out into the world teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ, a bondservant of The LORD. Paul seemed to be greatly enthused by this as well. Why hamper others who view it the same way as Paul? Is it bad for the reach of the body of Christ or wont it help improve it some? We all know that there are false prophets\witness out there.
@camden7488 Год назад
So i disagree i guess. However i do not consider there to be anymore apostles out there. After Jesus ascended there became no more. Only self appointed ones who consider it to be the next level in discipleship or a church tradition that moves one uo in the ranks after time of service. Usually yielding in a haughty heart...... Traditions of men to continue in a tabernacle after it was tore down and the vail became rent.
@camden7488 Год назад
Came across this nugget thought it was relative "we have seen and testify" is John speaking of all believers here or only himself and the apostles? I think all believing ones 🤔 1 John 4:13-15: By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
@liamellis9018 Год назад
Paul literally was taught by Christ for 3 years post-crucifixion/resurrection, the same time the 12 had with him pre-crucifixion. After that 3 years he literally met with Peter to make sure what he received aligned with what they had received. Then Paul went out for more years then later reconvened to make sure what he had is the same the 12 had received. Paul was indeed an Apostle..the other Apostles verified it as well. To say Paul, the most noted author of the NT books, literally called to be Apostle to the Gentiles-is not an Apostle is craaazzy
@rapmeister1000 Год назад
This again?
@blessed9107 Год назад
Gino doesn't see good in anything doesn't the Bible speak on that.
@tommihail2178 28 дней назад
David E Taylor is so blasphemous it's sickening that people follow him😢😢😢
@JesusChristSaves955 7 месяцев назад
Pastor Gino jennings is not a false teacher or pastor he teaches the truth.
@joelcarter2535 5 месяцев назад
He denies the Trinity 🤨
@JesusChristSaves955 5 месяцев назад
@joelcarter2535 what is the trinity to you because I know he teaches that the father the son and holy spirit is all 3 in one. And that's the truth it's not 3 different gods.
@joelcarter2535 5 месяцев назад
@@JesusChristSaves955 They are one being but three different persons that have their own role within the Trinity as in God the Father sends, God the Son intercedes, and God the Holy Spirit gives e.g gifts.
@JesusChristSaves955 5 месяцев назад
@joelcarter2535 so in other words you are saying they are 3 different entities?
@davidortega357 Год назад
There's only 12 Apostles that's it the one trying to be like. Apostle are only 5 $$$ Apostles like fake natives we are all servants there's no head apostle the only head boss is Jesus Christ
@FallenFlag9 Год назад
But according to scripture, the earth isn't round brother Corey 🙄😆 Great video, as always. 🙏
@toolegittoquit_001 Год назад
That's a poor misreading of Scripture, but whatever
@FallenFlag9 Год назад
@toolegittoquit9951 It takes effort to think critically and change perspectives. 👍
@joelcarter2535 5 месяцев назад
​@FallenFlag9 yes the bible teaches the earth is indeed a sphere 😊
@ApostleAliciaKee Год назад
I am going to share. I want to point people to the guidelines set by this channel: #2 Stick to the topic. This, I find difficult for most Christians to do. “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ [. . . ].” Having said that. Ephesians 4:13 begins with one transitional phrase. That is the word “till.” Till is short for “until.” The sentences following provides more context information. So the Scriptures say he [gave] some to be [. . . ]. until we all come to the unity of the Faith, to the fullness of the stature Christ, the head, and until we come to a perfect man. Until means a continuation of. So these gifts set in the Church are continually given “until.” Have we come to the unity of the Faith? We can’t even agree on speaking in tongues🤦🏾‍♀️ Are we mature in Christ yet? Have we been perfected in Christ yet? Absolutely not to all these things. Now, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand the meaning of first. Just because the original 12 walked with Christ, we cannot rule out in simplicity that they were the last. The only premise that would cancel that out if the function of the apostle was SOLELY based on physically walking with Jesus. Furthermore, if the Scriptures declare that Jesus was the firstborn-purposely leaving out of many brethren-would it be logically correct to say that others were to follow (even if the Bible did not explicitly mention others)? Of course it would! Why? Because the logical operator of “first” speaks to a sequential ordering of at least a second to follow. Otherwise, why say first? You would just say: “Jesus is the only son, and not the “first begotten.” We cannot read the Bible in low level literary terms. Now let’s turn our attention to the two words that seem to be at odds. They are: gave and until. The word “gave” in Strongs 1325 Greek means to give (in various senses lit. or fig.) NASB Translation add (1), allow (2), bestowed (4), cause (2), commanded* (1), dealing (1), drew (1), gave (79), give (122), given (117), gives (14), giving (12), grant (15), granted (10), granting (2), leave (1), make (1), offer (2), pass (1), pay (5), permitted (1), pour (1), poured (1), produce (1), produces (1), producing (1), put (6), puts (1), putting (1), show (1), struck* (1), utter (1), venture* (1), yielded (3). Corey’s explanation says that gave here indicated past tense. Where do you see past tense here? This tense is ongoing and forthright. Similarly, this is not a giving by the Church as some ordination. This giving was mentioned subsequently after stating Jesus descended before he ascended and then gave gifts to men. We have to think logically and not unto doubtful disputations. The word “until” in Strong’s Greek 3360 means as far as, until, even to. (i.e., to the extent of) So we can translate Ephesians 4:13 as this: “[to the extent necessary of those things to follow], we all come to the unity of the Faith, the fullness of the stature of the head-that is Christ, and [until we reach] a perfect man. Lastly, the way you understand a title is by function. Everyone that has studied logic knows that the absence of mentions does not mean a particular thing fails to exist. We know this expressly through the Apostle Paul when he clarifies that people were dying in sin well before Moses dispensed the Law. So the Law was not the culprit of sin, rather it took advantage of sin to bring all men under one uniformed standard; as a result we all (both Jew and Gentile) could come under one Lord , one baptism, and one Faith. I could go on and on. But it is always going to be a subset of people who refuse to read my discourse; rather, they are more comfortable in proving out their ignorance. If you look up in the concordance, do you know how many times pastor was mentioned? Did we see scripturally Jesus appointing pastors himself? Corey states that Jesus appointed his apostles so therefore no more apostles exist. Well Jesus never appointed pastors. Should we deduce that office was so insignificant that Jesus never places emphasis on it? You tell me. If apostles were first, and they no longer exist, neither does the second, third, fourth, or fifth leg of the race. Why did the Apostle Paul feel the need to repeat the ordinance in 1Corinthians 12:28? PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC. Do not argue your feelings or limited personal experiences. I do not care if you saw it done wrongly, falsely, or hyper spiritually. None of those sentiments negate God’s truth because you feel differently or some kind of way. Rebuttal logically and with Scriptural adeptness.