
Why was the Quran Memorized? Questions about the Quran, part 7 | Dr. Shabir Ally 

Let the Quran Speak
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15 окт 2024




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@abdcd8582 3 года назад
the most well read scholar.
@fidelcatsro6948 3 года назад
@bryanbradley6871 3 года назад
Fidel was Catholic lol 😂
@bryanbradley6871 3 года назад
A Muslim can't be a Marxist Zionist
@fidelcatsro6948 3 года назад
@@bryanbradley6871 Im a Socialist Muslim...nothing wrong with that amigo...
@bryanbradley6871 3 года назад
@@fidelcatsro6948 so you're a National Socialist Nazi?
@fidelcatsro6948 3 года назад
@@bryanbradley6871 nope socialist doesnt mean nazi..you were taught propaganda in capitalist schools
@sinaazararya7271 3 года назад
I am an Atheist but this man is lovely . I hope muslim comunities have more people like this man .
@Fearles575 3 года назад
My allah guided you sister what ever way u wish to be happy
@user-kw4vs6om6m 3 года назад
Sister Sina. If you watched this video, it probably means you are still on the journey of seeking for truth, which means you are agnostic, rather than an atheist in my opnion. May Allah guide you to the truth and to the right path one day.
@Subxanallah1110 3 года назад
Quran 2:256 "There is NO compulsion in religion." People have freewill to believe whatever they want in this life.
@nayeemibnmusa1844 3 года назад
Alhamdulillah💗 Islam will win with you or without you but without islam you will be lost. - Ahmed deedat
@syedfaizan3831 3 года назад
Very nice
@tavishkaif4651 Год назад
Sister humble reminder, I have noticed that you don't say peace be upon him whenever you take the name of the Prophet (S.A.W)
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
@m.e.e2878 3 года назад
Love the Showwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
@amiaquehaque 3 года назад
@samsam4844 Год назад
Mr.shabir do you still believe in what arabs claimed التواتر . Arabs muslims lied about every thing . The Quran you have was written by Abbasi khalif-ate .not Ottoman ‘s Quran .
@peterhwang1860 3 года назад
Ah, the now famous holes in the standard narrative. If people memorized the direct speech of Muhammad there would not be 10 different qiraats, that is, 10 different Arabic versions of the Quran. The hadith claimed that Gabriel recited to Muhammad 7 different ahruf as a cover up. Look, the obvious explanation is that the Quran was originally a written text that was composed at a time when the written alphabet, derived from Nabatean Aramaic, didn't have all the necessary letters to sound out all of the Arabic language, which had been up to that time only an oral language, one that was spoken but not written. That created ambiguities in the text that led to the 7 or 10 or more qiraats once diacritical marks were invented and used to complete the Arabic alphabet.
@Ar-bp2wl 3 года назад
The only hole present here is IN your tiny brain!
@lorenzochimelis7359 3 года назад
the way he has chosen to trim his beard says or speaks volumes concerning his opinion conceerning the hadith tradition .a fish reflects the water it was born in and lived in and in that water is the basis of his knowledge and his perception on everything .Again here he makes a statement that is troubling concerning memorization i will leave it at that accept to say that he is using a minimalist approach to the importanse of memorization of the quran did ALLAH even hint in his vast knowledge that superceeeds time and space that memorization of quran will not be a virtue to persue do to the intellectal development or the tecknology produced by that development did the authentic hadith tradition mention this that due to the technological development of mankind that memorization will not be a persuite of virtue and need and did not the prophet prophesise of a time when knowledge will be lost where a grand child will only know of islam that there grandfatheres use to say....LA ILLAHA ILLALAH THE REALITY IS THAT MAKING THE EFFORT TO MEMORISE QURAN AT THE TIME OF MANS APEX IN DEVELOPMENT AND KNOWLEDGE AVAILABILITY IS WHEN MEMORISATION IS MOST CRITICALLY NEEDED AS THAT is the state WHERE everything is taken for GRANTED and all become complacent thus the prophet said i SEE AND FEAR FATNESS IN MY UMMAH was the prophet talikng about the invasion of BURGER KING or TACO BELL IN THE MUSLIM WORLD no he meant the dangers of complacensy and taking things for granted confident and predisposed to rejecting the value of EFFORT .yes there are many things these days that trouble me with our brother but i wish him the absolute best as he at his best is needed PS...if he doubts the complete need to memorize the quran or at least invest in its gifts via reading with the intent to understand then tune into christian prince and how he is dismembering lazy muslims who in this age of mass information aquisition the level of there ignoranse under the backdrop i just mentioned is tragic i bid the good dr. reconsider his satatement
@Hamza000h 3 года назад
U ignorant fool. He cut it in that way so the AGP mask can fit his face properly. You are a perfect example with the problem with the umma today. May Allah guide you
@lorenzochimelis7359 3 года назад
@@Hamza000h let me not meet your aggression with a like response in order to vive you the respect you deserve as a fellow Muslim as to what follows your excuse is pathetically shameless and without merit and I say this minimizing its true grotesque nature the beard sir if which I have sizable one acts like a deal in and of itself a a Nd the Mack in no way is prevented from performing its function when I wear it which is every day diner the pandemic started so stop it if you do not believe me click into my channel the man you see there is me secondly SIR Dr Ali position on the importance of the memorization of the Quran because of the ease of its acquisition is straight up criminally irresponsible as that convenience has produced a apathetic take it for granted approach to the Quran and is contrary to the Quran and sunnah in which Allah states the importance of the Quran Muhammad’s obligation go recite it and the. Like five of Muslims TO READ IT understand and memorize if able the Hadīth tradition is full of Hadiths concerning the virtue of memorization and its reward with the added blessing by and commendation of teaching it to other while living its teachings yourself Shsbir statement was not only wrong but irresponsible but that’s what you get when your education. Comes from those who oppose your faith and Whom on the larger level are western academics who are predisposed to the notion of the rejection of faith and the existence of god in the first place . Lately the western education he had gotten and it’s flavor have been snowing up all over the place he needs to check His role I think I would loose an eye the day he quotes Muslim scholarship instead of hanging on the JOCK STRAP of every damned western Christian scholar or secular academic he knows present the Muslim perspective ggg Th on Muslim scholarship who are expert IN THERE RELIGION let me end this here as I am self agitating myself. Be blessed my BROTHER
@lorenzochimelis7359 3 года назад
@@Hamza000hbefore Is that today With the technological advantages in information sharing and transmission we have the rank and file Muslims are horrifically ignorant of the religion we’d joy because complacency apathy and laziness the products of taking things for granted set in the prophet warned us of this that’s why the Allah in the Quran and prophets sunnah extolled the virtue of the hands on physical memorization or at least commitment to reading and understanding Quran
@Hamza000h 3 года назад
@@lorenzochimelis7359 im a busy man. I didnt read it. If you dont like dr shabir ally watch someone else. Maybe assim al hakeem fits your understandings? Bye
@lorenzochimelis7359 3 года назад
@@Hamza000h your not to busy to rely on ignorance u did not read yet your drawing conclusions and making assessments cool 😎 your common sense is to disputable for me Salam my son
@abdar-rahman6965 3 года назад
Seems: what is said in this video is extracted from Hadith Literature which was neither verified nor certified by Prophet nor even by 4 Caliphs. Many reports in these books were concocted to defame Quran and Prophet. Same groups also concocted many traditions to show that Prophet was unable to read and write, and in those days, Arabs were also unable to read and write. *But Facts are very different. Even Quran tells: when you make an agreement, write it down. This shows: people were aware of writing and reading. In Sura 25, we read that concerning Quran. Unbelievers used to say that these stories are WRITTEN down by Mohammad (PBUH) which are dictated to him day and night. This clearly indicates that Prophet knew how to read and write.* He was successful Merchant. Did he choose to remain illiterate for over 23 year! Quranic verse 3:20 makes clear that in Quran: meaning of word Ummi is not illiterate but Gentile (non-Jewish). There are some reports in hadith literature which were concocted by enemies of "Prophet and Quran" to show that Prophet is illiterate; and they also concocted Al-Ahad story of battle of Yamamah to show that Quran was not compiled in the life of prophet but it was compiled either by Caliph Abu Bakar or Caliph Uthman. But there are also over 50 reports in Sunni Books which show CLEARLY that Quran as a Book was present during the life of Prophet. After revelations, Quranic verses were written down by Scribes instantly in order, and Quran has also talked about those scribes. Abu Bakar just reprinted that Copy of Quran which Rasool left behind. Even Dr. Shabir Ally knows, that a Top Expert on Compilation, Professor John Burton wrote: "Mushaf which is in our hands today is the same Mushaf which was in the hands of Mohammad" Besides; we see many many reports even in hadith literature which show that during the landing of Quran, Arabs were able to read and write. There is very famous tradition which is graded as Sahih by Sunni Imams, which say: Prophet said: Do not *WRITE* down from me any thing except Quran, and anyone who have already written down anything from me in addition to Quran, she/he must delete it (Ibn Salah, Sunan Darimi, Dhababi, Ibn Barr, Taqyid al-ilm, Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Kathir, Mustadrak, Masnad Abi Yaley, Nisae and in many other books). So above-given tradition also shows that during the era of Prophet, Arab were able to read and WRITE. We must also know that paper was invented about 800 years before the landing of Quran. And Arabs have always good trade with Chinese. Even Books of old and new testament found from Codex Sinaiticus were written centuries before Quran. All those hadith are concocted which say: Quran was written on bones, stone, and pieces of leather in order to degrade Quran. In the same time, these same book also say: that Prophet wrote letters to non-Muslim kings on Papers. Then, why not, Quran on paper too? Why on bones and leather pieces? *We must analyze this point in the light of Quranic verses **54:40**, 15:9, 17:88, **41:42**; that after writing down whole Quran, why was whole Quran also memorized!* Truth is: it was done so, in order to have 101% foolproof preservation of Last book of God Quran.- Because Huffaaz are indeed a CHECK on Quranic text. In Surah Qamar God has said not just one time but four times that He has made the Quran easy to memorize and understand. This is the reason, most of Haafiz of Quran memorize Quran in the age range of 7 to 12 years. Today we have about 50 million Huffaaz who are in fact 50 Millions Soldiers that God has deployed as Protector-Check on the text of Quran. If all computer archives and books of this planet are thrown in a sea; Quran is only the big book which will be right back after a few hours. Just bring one Haafiz, and print whole Quran again 15;9, 17:88, 41:42
@abdar-rahman6965 3 года назад
Many misunderstood from: that Before landing of Quran, prophet never read or wrote any old scripture. From this sentence: majority wrongly infer that Prophet was unable to read and write. And this is not True. Assume: Our Sister Saffiyah is a PhD (indeed she is), may be, in Islamic law but still she has never read and wrote book of Harry Potter. That never means: She does not know reading and writing. When it was said that Prophet never read and wrote previous scriptures; this was in fact a answer to those people of Book who blamed that Mohammad PBUH has copied stories from old and new testament.
@acesin-et7pp 3 года назад
@@abdar-rahman6965 Quran 19:48: You ˹O Prophet˺ could not read any writing ˹even˺ before this ˹revelation˺, nor could you write at all. Otherwise, the people of falsehood would have been suspicious. Quran 7:157 “˹They are˺ the ones who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whose description they find in their Torah and the Gospel.1 He commands them to do good and forbids them from evil, permits for them what is lawful and forbids to them what is impure, and relieves them from their burdens and the shackles that bound them. ˹Only˺ those who believe in him, honour and support him, and follow the light sent down to him will be successful.”
@abdar-rahman6965 3 года назад
@@acesin-et7pp Please read and try to understand our previous comments twice because points which you have raised are already fully answered in our previous comments. By mistake, you have misquoted verse 19:48. Verse 19:48 says: "but for now I will leave you, and the idols you all pray to, and I will pray to my Lord and trust that my prayer will not be in vain." That is not 19:48 but 29:48 In verse 7:157 "Unlettered" is Incorrect translation of word UMMI. Verse 3:20 is Tafsir of verse 7:157. And in verse 3:20 no any rational translation fits in word UMMI except "Gentile" which never mean unlettered but Non-Jewish. Also concentrate on words *could not read any writing ˹even˺ before this ˹revelation* So is, *ONLY before this Revelation; not after revelation started.* In Surah 25, Unbelievers blamed Prophet: that he himself is writing the stories. How could they blame so, if Prophet was unable to write revelations of Quran!! Quran 25:5 And they say, “Tales of the ancients; *_he wrote them down;_* they are dictated to him morning and evening.” Sahih International 25:5 And they say, “Legends of the former peoples *which he has written down,* and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon.
@BaniAadama 3 года назад
@@abdar-rahman6965 Alhamdoulilah! You’re spot on. I still can’t phantom the fact that Muslims don’t want to stop and think sometimes to better grasp what The Quran is conveying to us rather they prefer gobbling stories completely made up by men, mortals like all of us with their share of flaws. Thank you for sharing these FACTS. I always advise people: to grasp the true message of Islam, Take a ground zero approach of everything one has read (outside of Quran) go back to Quran and work your way up by understanding everything in the LIGHT OF THE REVELATION not the other way! Salaamun Aleikum
@abdar-rahman6965 3 года назад
@@BaniAadama Aleikum-Salam - thank you. Your comments are indeed enlightening
@گرشاهجاوید 3 года назад
very nice
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