
WHY you SHOULD open carry | JLS EP009 

Warrior Poet Society
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@ryanjoband9082 Год назад
I was open carrying a plastic pirate toy gun at the movie theater the other day, dressed up in costumes with my family. A manager told me i had to go put the pirate gun in my car, not allowed in the theater. I smiled and laughed heartily: hidden under my costume was a loaded Beretta 92. Irony, man.
@Razor-gx2dq Год назад
Never let them know your next move.
@Munce72 Год назад
I love that! Scooby snacks for you.
@tuchesuavae Год назад
@brettdavis5555 Год назад
My local theater didn’t allow concealed carry. They took the signs down after a certain theater shooting over 10 years ago.
@ryanjoband9082 Год назад
The element of surprise is crucial.
@americanpatriot768 Год назад
I was with my family eating at a local restaurant. When we were done.I went to pay the bill and an elderly woman stop me and said “It makes me feel so good seeing guys like you are out here in the public keeping us safe.” “Thank you so much sir!” That was awesome!!!
@cpvsgvmnt2116 Год назад
I've had a few of those.. honestly.. it's like when someone finds out I was in the Marine Corps and says "thank you for your service".. it feels cheesy AF. It's uncomfortable for me. I'd rather just a knowing nod or a quick side comment of: "sweet", "neat", "cool", "hell yeah"..
@andrewgood7586 Год назад
I had a guy say something similar to me one day while I was eating at a restaurant.
@yourlogicalnightmare1014 Год назад
Most businesses in Dem cities would kick yo ash out the door if you came in with a gun. Open carry doesn't override a businesses right to refuse you service, or tresspass you from the property
@andrewgood7586 Год назад
@@yourlogicalnightmare1014 Good thing I dont go to dem cities. I have zero reason to ever burden myself with that shit.
@yourlogicalnightmare1014 Год назад
@@andrewgood7586 Most adult males feel comfortable open carrying around children and old ladies. Many of these open carry cowards wouldn't try that in gang neighborhoods, where they will quickly find out how little their life is worth
@roswellbeau3894 Год назад
I met a liberal that moved out of Texas because he got scared after seeing someone open carrying a pistol. I think everyone needs to open carry now. ETA the sad part of the story was they moved to my state...
@OldSolidSnake Год назад
Right now!
@AaaaandYerDhem Год назад
🤣🤣🤣 totally
@LowBudgetYoutuber Год назад
For the record. You're a Super Villain to me. You train Mercenaries to kick in our door and shoot on site. You say you care about the 2A but it actually just for you and your group of racist Friends. We all losing and you're the only ones smiling. I hate you John Lovell. I promise I would take a few to the gut if i ever met you. From a fellow Veteran, when did your Oath Expire and when did you support the Boots against Americans violating the Constitution. 😢
@Ash_95 Год назад
You just sold me on open carry.
@Uberragen21 Год назад
😂😂 I thanked and shook a guy's hand in TX because he was open carrying. He was surprised when he asked where I was from and I begrudgingly said CA. He could tell the disdain in my response as I choked out the word "CA". We had a good 5 minute conversation and he was surprised to hear CA has so many gun owners and supporters. We're not alone and I agree we need to open carry more.
@kolab18 11 месяцев назад
I retired from a police department 2years ago. When I was on duty and I saw someone open carrying, I knew I had backup from that person if I needed help.
@Chizzumz 10 месяцев назад
@HielNahhorrible mindset. We carry not only to protect ourselves and other innocents, we need to protect EVERYONE. There can and have been times where our LEO brothers and sisters have been in losing battles and need support. It’s our duty as Americans to help each other.
@jorgecarrejo7562 9 месяцев назад
Cops in California are scared of people that have a taser on their hip..
@MitchWojcik 7 месяцев назад
@@Chizzumzre-read his comment
@Chizzumz 7 месяцев назад
@@MitchWojcik look at who I tagged. Someone deleted there comment.
@renegaderetiree60 6 месяцев назад
Not all those that carry have the mindset or training that would have a favorable outcome, if needed in a gun battle. We can only hope for the best, if placed in that situation. Better to be tried by your peers, than carried by pallbearers.
@PonyBoy1776 Год назад
As soon as I turned 21 here in Texas I started open carrying my Glock and have had nothing but positive experiences with strangers while doing so. The stigma is changing
@JP_Patriot Год назад
It is bro 👌🏼
@cannibal566 Год назад
what part of texas? i'm in dallas and have thought about it too
@PonyBoy1776 Год назад
@@cannibal566 fort worth
@MRsolidcolor Год назад
@@PonyBoy1776 Irving
@LeathamLuxuryWatches817 11 месяцев назад
@@PonyBoy1776I’m in Fort Worth too. Can confirm your statement on normalization
@alyeskaddict Год назад
I was OC in a Starbucks in Portland, OR. A woman off to the side kept looking at me (you know that feeling, when someone is just waiting to confront you). Eventually, she came over to me and said "Excuse me?" And I was internally sighing (Great, here we go). She said "I want to thank you so much for carrying today. My father's life was saved by an open carrier." Turned into a wonderful conversation.
@joshuahagen2961 Год назад
Always nice when the conversation goes in an unexpected, pleasant direction.
@inkspot78 Год назад
This never happened.
@alyeskaddict Год назад
@@inkspot78 it 100% did man.
@TUKByV Год назад
@@inkspot78 Yeah. Your mom.
@inkspot78 Год назад
@@alyeskaddict 1000% it did not
@was6transam01 Год назад
I conducted a social experiment during the plandemic. I would open and concealed carry into various stores. I would never wear a mask. When I open carried I was never asked to put on a mask while entering the store. When I was carrying concealed I would get asked about 80% of the time.
@bobjaynes6821 Год назад
Interesting, and notable
@bamafencer12 Год назад
No one's gonna fuck with you open carrying.
@MegadethTillDeth Год назад
What other data sets do you have from this experiment? Were you doing it to the same stores in same areas? Alternating? How often was each done? Which state? Interesting enough data by itself but some extra points would be even more interesting.
@was6transam01 Год назад
@@MegadethTillDeth North Carolina. Same stores like Home Depot, Lowes, Best Buy, Harris Teeter, Target. Usual stuff. Over the course of a few weekends. For instance we would go to Home Depot, Target and grocery store on the same day while I was carrying concealed. I would be asked to put on a mask at Target and grocery store. Home Depot rarely cared. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Next weekend I would open carry in the same stores and no one asked. At first it was just accidental. Like “today I feel like open carrying”. Next weekend I said fuck it, I’ll CCW and all of a sudden people are asking. Hmmm. Interesting. Next weekend I’m open carrying, no one asked. Hmmm even more. It was really odd but then I put two and two together and actively paid attention. After being asked a couple times, I went to open carry the rest of the Plandemic and was never asked again. Not a scientific experiment by any means but it was obvious enough to where my wife noticed it as well. Now that the BS is over Im back to CCW 99% of the time.
@cagneybillingsley2165 Год назад
open carry is for people who don't leave the house a lot. if you go out a lot you don't want to be policing your gear all the time
@wireman4029 Год назад
When my wife open carries, she gets compliments, mostly from elderly women, but sometimes even men. When I open carry, people seem to look at me in disgust, or even maybe its fear; So I started holding my wife's (or kids) hands while walking, and I started getting smiles. Of course, we sometimes run into that Karen that is totally opposed to people's rights
@C420sailor 11 месяцев назад
Remember, her carrying his empowering. You carrying is toxic and oppressive 🙄
@karamlevi 11 месяцев назад
It’s sexism and h a t e towards men who are victims of crime at a 90% level compared to women, it’s pure discrimination.
@pkoutdoors8112 7 месяцев назад
When my wife open carries, she gets all sorts of old men asking her what she's afraid of. Those are the only people that approach her and talk to her about her gun. I've had all sort of people thank me, even a Marine recruiter/weapons instructor, or ask what they need to do to carry legally.
@craigdoriety9798 7 месяцев назад
​@pkoutdoors8112 You would think that men would realize that women are more likely to be targeted by criminals and a firearm is an equalizer fir a female going up against a male.
@gln3276 6 месяцев назад
​@@pkoutdoors8112 "What are you afraid of?" "Absolutely nothing and nobody."
@tracecify Год назад
Rights not exercised are rights lost. I want to see more responsible, squared away citizens that present well, professional, upstanding, and/or in good standing with their communities open carrying.
@dronelabs556 Год назад
Lost my rifle open carry private property. Took me down at gun point and threw me in nut house. Good luck.
@radjamss6390 Год назад
@@dronelabs556 can you elaborate?
@coups119 Год назад
Amen to that!
@dronelabs556 Год назад
@@radjamss6390 can’t really believe everything you hear online. But county employee saw me with my rifle and called the cops saying I was bitching at him for doing his job. 6 acre lot with couple buildings. And a dirt road middle of timberland/cornland (court didn’t even know or think I had internet). I was bringing my rifle to my shop for cleaning. Cops wouldn’t hear it. Previously I was hunting snakes with .22 snake shot in that area. So maybe that had something to do with it. But I don’t know. I ditched the guns when he pulled his phone out but police came in like I was about to hurt someone. typical cops running around my yard with ARs creating crossfire situations for themselves. Took all my stuff, but no charges! feel like I was robbed. Only some zoom hearing. No money for lawyer, no charges no public defender. Lawyer wont help for free because case is a loss due to the fact I was arrested and thrown in a mental ward where they found cannabis in my system due to a legally owned cannabis card. I don’t think I was crazy before but now idk this was too far.
@ryanburns3921 Год назад
You feel like you were robbed because you were. Civil asset forfeiture is the biggest racket this country has ever seen. They didn't charge you because you didn't break the law. They just wanted your stuff to sell and pocket the money. Happens everyday, coast to coast.
@kcarter2958 Год назад
The idea that open carrying makes you the primary target is a valid one but would be largely negated if there were 10% or more doing it. Sure, if you're the only open carry guy in the bank teller line then the robber will likely take you out first but, if there were 8 or 9 people openly carrying, the robber would probably never even walk in the door knowing his poor odds of success.
@jmf1976jmf Год назад
Valid point
@zahktuthalxalyrion6364 Год назад
100%. If you're alone in OC, you become an obvious target. But if there's 10 of you, then it's a clear deterrent instead.
@ryanjmauchmarphotography Год назад
I’m not sure most of these criminals have that many brain cells
@markspruill4129 Год назад
Had a friend of mine open carrying a 1911 and two mags. He was the only one in the bank in the morning. A guy dressed in black and face covered opened the door, looked around saw my friend and left. The guy had been pulling armed robberies at other banks . This was in Richmond, VA about ten years ago.
@zahktuthalxalyrion6364 Год назад
@@markspruill4129 Also a thing: the kid who shot up movie theaters specifically went to the one known for being gun free. Most of these fools don't want to die, but do want to make the news.
@ChipDindu Год назад
Great topic fellas. Retired Colorado LEO here, carried professionally for 31+ years, and carried concealed off duty every day, and still do. Even as a detective, most of the time I carried concealed under an untucked polo in summer, or a jacket in colder months. We responded to many "man with a gun" calls in public places, just as you guys described. A few of them didn't go well because once in a while, a younger cop was ignorant of state law and our municipal criminal code. Thankfully, this resulted in in-service training by our PD lawyer, and development of best-practices protocol for such situations. Eventually, unless there was an articulated threat or allegation of criminal activity, our 911 would most likely not dispatch the call...yay for that, as John would say. What Ben said about stickers on your car is spot on...don't bring attention to yourself. You make yourself an easy target for parking lot vandalism or break-in, or worse, a fake road rage incident where the anti-gun caller claims you pointed a gun at them. If you have 2A stickers on your car, the anti-gun caller could reasonably assume you have a gun. Then the cops stop you based upon the complaint, discover you DO have a gun, and then what's your defense? - "I didn't do it" - good luck with that. The cops are going to reasonably believe the lying caller based on the circumstances, and you go to jail. I encountered many "victims" who were liars, and this state is full of lefty loons who would gladly try to get one of our 2A tribe in trouble if presented with an opportunity to do so. I'm a CC guy and would never consider open carry, for all the reasons you guys talked about. For me, it's not with the risk tactically, nor do I want to attract attention, or have a 'conversation' about 2A. Great content guys, keep it up!
@user-nf7ui7dz1z Год назад
There really are a lot of Lefty nuts in Colorado. Beyond brainwashed or helping. Tell them you voted for Obama and you're the greatest, tell them you voted Trump and they will cancel you in every way imaginable and that includes the city screwing you in every way possible because you got placed on their list. No one wants to admit it, but its real and actually happening. Even Fox is Left in Colorado.
@patmurphy7266 Год назад
great points, especially about the negatives of the "conversation" and stickers on cars
@crankybuzzard6867 Год назад
have to agree.
@saltywrath8903 Год назад
I’m a LEO too, no really I was born in August. Thank you for your service.
@RobertTheTexan2 Год назад
I appreciate you serving your community. I agree with you, I believe there are tactical advantages to CC that are lost with open carry, and honestly initiating a conversation does not outweigh the tactical reasons. Well said!
@unknown360123 Год назад
I open carry for 3 reasons: - intimidation - inspiration - desensitization It intimidates bad people to rethink twice before they do something stupid. Sure, you could be the first target, but unless they are a hardened criminal that is ready to die and give his life for afew bucks, he probably wont go through with any attack. Seeing me carry has inspired MANY people to learn how to shoot and carry on their own. Ive had many talks with men and women saying, "how do i get my license" or "what gun is that, is it a nice shooter? " etc. Including many people that say they didnt like to carry but seeing me inspired them to keep their families safe too. Lastly, desensitization. People look at people with guns as either a cop, or a bad guy. But if you show em that you can be a nice casual person that isnt causing trouble and is armed, they become less judgemental of firearms and see its the person carrying it, not the firearm that can be a problem.
@Jakrr1346 Год назад
100% spot on
@Random-th7wm Год назад
intimidation? think again bud, criminals probably smiling inside every time they see someone open carry because they know exactly who they need to end first...
@unknown360123 Год назад
@Random did you not read the part where I said unless they are hardened criminals they probably wont do anything? And did you not listen to the podcast where they gave several other examples such as them rethinking because if there's one person carrying, there may be more carrying? There's no wrong or right way to carry, but there's definitely merit to the either statement. But from what I've seen. Criminals usually go for soft targets and case areas first. When they attack to do anything big, they enter with speed and force so they're not usually looking to case and attack at the same time. Having multiple people carrying while they case an area can detter them for even trying. Having multiple people carrying when they do attack with speed and suprise is gonna be a bad day for them anyway. So again, Doesn't matter how you carry, aslong as you carry.
@bhoward9378 Год назад
If you intentionally open carry a deadly weapon for the express purpose of "intimidation" that is a crime.
@Jakrr1346 Год назад
@B Howard literally not, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon requires action (waving the gun around/brandishing) or threatening someone with the ability to deliver on that threat immediately. Open carrying regardless of the intent of the person doesn't matter unless they do either of the two things I mentioned.
@1stinlaw917 Год назад
15 years ago in Pennsylvania the state that I live in now the police were arresting anyone who opened carried even though it was legal. So gun groups had to lobby to stop the illegal arrests. It took 12 years to educate the police that the Pennsylvania law allows "open carry". So now we wear it like a badge of honor.
@johnyd1911 Год назад
That's crazy..... We didn't have it that bad here in Connecticut but some were arrested and charged with Breach of Peace till they later went to court and had the charges dropped and then the lawsuits came about. Even though we can OC and CC the instructors never told us we could OC, that our permits were CC only. Our State Police sent out a memo saying that indeed, OC was infact legal. Of course Democrats always try to kill the OC part of it every year and want to make it that if a cop sees you open carrying they can stop and detain without any probable cause...
@burtonkephart6239 Год назад
Didn’t know that. That’s crazy. I live in florida with only rural open carry. Lots of family in Pennsylvania still though so I am surprised as Pennsylvania is about only gun friendly state in northeast area except rural states like Maine and Vermont etc.
@wesleyclark5441 Год назад
@NotInMyRepublic Год назад
​@@burtonkephart6239 New Hampshire is a pro 2A state. Definitely the exception in New England.
@danquirke443 Год назад
Philly cops will still harass you and brag about it.
@RiversideTroll Год назад
Back when I was a young ruffian, I noticed an older man carrying openly in a popular barbecue restaurant. He was dressed out in tactical garb but not wearing a badge. He was not a cop. This was my first introduction to open carry. Many years later, after becoming a student of defensive handgun combat, I decided that open carry was the way to go. It's more comfortable. I can carry a larger weapon, and I can get it on target quicker. I was once converged on by 3 bad guys in front of a liquor store. One of them saw my hand on my Sig p239 and yelled GUN! All three took off running like their asses were on fire. Luckily, none of them deployed weapons as I would have surely dispatched their souls. I can't count the times that people have thanked me for carrying, including police officers. My iaido instructor asked me once why I carried a gun. I replied, "Because carrying a sword is illegal."
@harleyhoney 11 месяцев назад
Love this! Great convo!
@clementclark3472 10 месяцев назад
😂😂 good stuff brother
@stereodreamer23 9 месяцев назад
I'd be interested in what jurisdiction you live in that allowed CCW but bans carry a sword. The only places I know of that ban carrying swords are the really anti-gun cities...
@jringo45acp 9 месяцев назад
I train iaido as well, great art to complement my jujutsu. I also have open carried 99% of the time for over 15 years. Here in Indiana there's no ban on any length blade, the only reason I don't carry my sword is because my wife would be really embarrassed ;)
@cjim4875 8 месяцев назад
Years ago when I was a LEO Firearms Instructor, SWAT Team member etc., I started studying Jiu Jitsu. My Sensei also a LEO with a different agency, said " I know you're a gun guy, what are you doing here ?" My reply was that in my experience you can't just shoot everybody, you have to go hands on much more often than guns up. Also, if you can control the situation with hands, you may avoid having to go to guns. He liked my answer and I trained with him for several years.
@wesd3370 Год назад
I seriously think that all the major gun RU-vidrs should get together and organize a month of open carry (at least for those not living in tyrannical states). Basically a form of protest, and to show how many guns are around you every day. I’m totally in.
@Random-th7wm Год назад
good way to get shot and let the gov know exactly who to look out for...
@mrtrapper93 Год назад
I agree a nation wide open carry movement for a month would change a lot of attitudes about guns. The You Tubers should lead this charge.
@alexanderstephens5292 Год назад
I think that's actually a very sound idea. I'd love to participate.
@firefalcon07 Год назад
Like him or not, I like how YankeeMarshal does the every 2nd counts stuff. He open carries the 2nd of every month to help get guns out there.
@johnkrstyen7351 Год назад
Love this idea. Maybe start a push on social media for say month of July to be Open Carry Month.
@Wildnorthman 10 месяцев назад
I’m from Idaho where you don’t need a permit to conceal carry and even then I preferred open carry. Growing up as a kid there, you saw people open carrying often and it always made me feel protected and not in danger. Most of the guys in my high school would leave their hunting rifles on display in their rear window racks locked up during school. We would all go hunting after school and I can’t recall ever hearing about a single school shooting ever taking place in Idaho even to this day.
@jcglock40 Год назад
John, you make some very valid points but, at the end of the day, the element of surprise is the best action needed. After 21 years of Law Enforcement experience, i realize that if i carry open i become a target for the BAD guy and can't help anyone if i'm taken out of the fight. I truly appreciate your service to the Republic and all you do. May the Lord bless you sir..in TN.
@CowboyinDallas94 Год назад
Then why do LEO’s open carry?
@RobertTheTexan2 Год назад
@@CowboyinDallas94 probably because they are Law ENFORCEMENT. I’ve got a few close buddies who are cops and off duty, they never open carry. And honestly that’s a pretty silly question.
@josephjohnson8353 Год назад
@@CowboyinDallas94 Regardless, open carry makes anyone a target.
@jeremiahm3765 Год назад
Plenty of factors make someone a target. Having a pistol on your hip is as likely to make you a deterrent as it is to make you a target.
@chuckwhitman7350 Год назад
Roger that! After 30 years in Law Enforcement my opinion of "Open Cary" is you might as well put a sign around your neck saying "Shoot me first"!
@rhenriksen Год назад
Glad you've finally come to understand the PR side of open carry. Everyone who chooses to OC should, ideally, understand thay they are ambassdors of 2A and present themselves as dialed in, courteous, and positive.
@CowboyinDallas94 Год назад
Totally agree!!
For I [am] of a postmaster and master/sovergn with my world of the correct-grammar-venue is with the neutrality of my volition with the carrying of my saftey/security/covery-tools.
@initialaiming 11 месяцев назад
I’m a truck driver , I open carry in 38 states ( everyday/everywhere). I get more thank yous than anything. Most people are oblivious to their surroundings and the people they encounter. Conceal carry is simply uncomfortable and a pain to worry about. I don’t care about printing. If you see my firearm you know I’m not the one who is gonna be doing something wrong. Criminals hide what they are going to do and how, until the last possible moment. I’m not worried about what most people think.
@djfrancis1870 Год назад
Maybe Warrior Poet Society should be the lead in a movement for "National Open Carry Day." I'm sure if you take the lead many other social media influencers and gun positive organizations like GOA, FPC, or SAF would join in to make the 2nd of some month National Open Carry Day. It would be one day to show how many of us there really are. Send a message to the communities and to the politicians that claim they represent our interests. Just one day to make a statement.
@trekfortruth2841 Год назад
Boy I LOVE that idea!
@gymfloor169 Год назад
THIS RIGHT HERE! I concealed carry for all the tactical reasons and open carry in the woods for all the tactical reasons but I would love for society to see how many guns are in their community next to them in line at Starbucks without them ever knowing
@alpledger4233 Год назад
I was going to ask that same question. We really should have and open carry day!!! I am in Maryland and you would be surprised how many or carry now. Governor wants to turn us into New York and New Jersey with every location being sensitive place
@lucky15driver Год назад
Outstanding idea
@JohnD-yz2gc Год назад
Yes please. We’re losing by not participating. It’s not enough anymore to just sit back and watch what’s unfolding and tell ourselves that we’re too buisy and other people will dedicate their lives to whatever cause fill in the blank. Even if it’s just one day it’s still something we can do to represent. We need to get loud about it. Remaining silent is no longer serving us.
@Bateluer Год назад
I typically open carry, been thanked a few times for supporting 2A and been asked what type of pistol I was carrying multiple times.
@johnyd1911 Год назад
I do about 75/25, CC/OC. When a few actually notice me OC'n they are surprised they can do so in my shit state of Connecticut.
@stereodreamer23 Год назад
I'm a "2A Absolutist". I carry almost every day, sometimes open, sometimes concealed. As for other people carrying, it's not the other OCers I worry about--they tend to be some of the most intelligent, well-informed, situationally-aware, and well-trained pro-2A people I've met. It's the bad guys who carry concealed that I worry about, because you don't know who is armed, or what their intentions are. Bad Guys don't OC--the LAST thing they want to do is draw attention.Z As for the whole "OC makes you Target #1", please provide one example where this was the case, documented in a reliable news source, by a "bad guy" who wasn't wearing a badge....
@soundphilosophy 11 месяцев назад
Great points.
@biggiemediumz 9 месяцев назад
Amen brother
@dominantproductions8973 Год назад
I've been open carrying fairly regularly since 2012. I remember some of the attitudes even from the gun community about it. I've been trying to explain these points about open carry for years. It's so great to finally see folks like yourself putting these ideas out there from a much bigger platform. ❤️ "Dirty things," get concealed from public view. Guns shouldn't be one of them. The more people see how many of us there are, the more they'll come to realize we aren't the enemy: we're their neighbors, friends, allies, etc.
@USA.THE.LAND.OF.GUNS.702 Год назад
I started to carry in 2020. Plan was to cc. But I gave op a try. And said f it I'll just stick with this.
@CallMeColtLLC Год назад
I have been carrying openly for a long time. I couldn't believe it wasn't legal in Texas when i got here. Glad we changed it. A lot of us fought hard for it. To many people were programmed to "hide" it. I'm happy to see the mentality of the community changing on the topic.
@UltraViolet_1.618 Год назад
When I’m in a public area and someone openly questions why I open carry, I noticed over and over how many others around me give their full attention to my response. During this type of interaction (whether positive or negative) I see a wonderful opportunity to communicate to multiple people at the same time my easy-to-comprehend and respectful answer. To me these are good seeds that go a long way for establishing a positive image of a person (culture) who open carries.
@UltraViolet_1.618 Год назад
The #1 question I get is, “Why are you carrying a gun?” My response is always, “To protect the innocent”. Plain and simple. This kind of response is difficult to argue against and often opens up a positive line of other questions. The #2 question I get is, “Are you afraid of getting robbed?” My response (in context to this question) is always, “Absolutely not” (with a respectful smile), which is usually followed by, “Then why are you carrying a gun.” My follow up is, “Carrying a gun in a responsible way and training regularly is why I am not afraid of getting robbed”. This response either shuts down further questions or results in more questions related to being a responsible gun carrier or why bad guys are fundamentally cowards and typically try to avoid conflict.
@francisdavis1271 10 месяцев назад
James Abraham.... I don't believe you.
@richardlindquist5936 7 месяцев назад
I prefer to be more gray man as well but understand why people open carry. One thing I think is overlooked is retention. Too many of the holsters I see offer no significant way to keep the gun “proprietary to the owner.” If I were to open carry I would use a level 2 or 3 retention holster. John’s comments are appreciated.
@TheKevinc6639 7 месяцев назад
I completely agree with you on the retention holsters. I think each has its place.
@MrKylekincaid Год назад
I've been Open Carrying since I was 19. It's more comfortable, quicker draw, I can carry a larger gun with a higher capacity, its more of a visual deterrent than a "target". I love it
@lopa-u9f 2 месяца назад
@NMiller_ Год назад
I'm in North Idaho and I see quite a bit of open carry, and I feel the same as lot of the folks in the video, "This is someone signally that they take the safety of their community seriously and are willing to act." If they wanted to do something nefarious, they would hide their tools away from the public's view. People who fear guns, instead of fearing malicious intents, want us to hide them from view, which makes us look like the ne'er-do-wells.
@ragnardanneskjold9348 Год назад
All of those open carrying in North Idaho are scaring the California and Seattle transplants. They moved to North Idaho for the lower taxes and cheaper property, not to be living in fear of being shot...or some other nonsense.
@nightstalker5628 Год назад
Those who moved to N. Idaho soley for cheap property are not wanted. The people that complain that the city isn't snow-shoveling their sidewalk or that we don't have enough housing and too much Prairie, shouldn't move here. We like open carry, side-by-sides, boating, freedom from regulations, being allowed to use our property the way we see fit.
@NMiller_ Год назад
@NightStalker it was those freedoms that drew my family here. We help our neighbors shovel snow, I'm active with the VFW, and looking at homeschooling coops for my kids. I love the wilderness and open spaces everywhere.
@michaelshuey1614 Год назад
Well said
@JoshTalksTools Год назад
I don't fear guns, I fear untrained people with guns. To me safety training + psych eval should be mandatory when buying any kind of firearrm. PS: I'm pro 2A
@filthfreaker_og 9 месяцев назад
open carry is definitely a different beast. Just be respectful, use a level 2 retention holster and be aware of your surroundings which should be second nature regardless of OC, concealed or no carry. Stay safe America!!
@adjustmentmade7371 Год назад
Had an older woman approach me the other day in the grocery and she had asked me why I was carrying a gun the way I was?? (open Carry) one of the few times I was open carrying here in Surprise Arizona, I took the time to explain to her that I was highly trained (and practice) gun use and safety and had been to Iraq, Afghanistan and other places I could not tell her about but the bottom line was if things went wrong there in the grocery store or gas station that it was my responsibility to protect her and others that cant or not prepared to protect themselves ... she thought for a moment and the said "Thank you" ... one more mind educated and changed about their original views.
@areyouready1214 Год назад
As a Wisconsinite, I was involved with a group called Wisconsin Carry years ago before we finally got CC. I would have loved to been involved in this conversation! Wisconsin Carry started because our former governor kept vetoing CC laws and saying we didn't need concealed carry because it was perfectly legal to open carry a firearm. Well, we as a group took him up on that. We literally had "open carry picnics" all over the state. I'm sure you can google more than a few news clips about us. We made up flyers on WI gun rights and handed them out all over including getting into parades. As I recall, Wisconsin Carry started the open carry movement here for 2 main reasons. 1st was to create an environment here to ultimately get a CC bill passed. 2nd was, well it quickly turned into, a movement to help the general public get more comfortable with an "armed society". We open carried everywhere we could and very often. At the time I had an infant daughter and I always open carried a G20. It was hilarious to see peoples reactions to me and my family living our normal lives when they noticed the firearm. Most of the time it was good but of course a few people didn't like it.....usually they asked if it was loaded and got offended when I said yes. Anyway....I could go on and on........ We didn't have nearly as many encounters with LEO than expected. Long story short, It was because of Wisconsin Carry that we ended up with the closest thing to constitutional carry as possible. I cc now 95% of the time simply to avoid all the social interaction that happens. That said.....I love it when I see people OC which happens fairly often in walmarts and such. I'm on the west coast of WI.
@joeplem5329 Год назад
I'm honestly surprised it wasn't an issue renewing my ccw considering who our Gov. is. I'm in southeast Wisconsin (Waukesha).
@gaifu1 Год назад
I'm in south central Wisconsin and joined Wisconsin Carry back before we got concealed carry. I don't see anyone OCing anymore, and I typically only do so at home now, but this video has me thinking about OCing more.
@SteelCityIceBirds Год назад
@@gaifu1 open carrying negates some of the legal benefits of ccw in WI. It’s smarter overall to ccw than to oc. Tactically it’s a wiser move too.
@James-kg1wf Год назад
As a wisconsite I tend to open carry when not working at least 98% of the time as it is legal in the state and tends to adjust people's attitudes. Also it is a great opportunity to respectfully and nicely change the opinions of people on those who tend to carry a firearm.
@Sheepdog1314 Год назад
yeah until you get popped from behind
@James-kg1wf Год назад
@@Sheepdog1314 I can respect the opinion however if you aren't unholstering or presenting then the other person is in the wrong. Remembering that you have the right to carry a firearm is the key. Also I do avoid going into certain areas that are shady and generally unsafe to this lvl as unfortunately it doesn't really matter if you have concealed or not or even have a weapon you are generally a target. Chicago/Milwaukee/Madison/Detroit/other major cities are generally unsafe no matter where you go so yeah everyone is a potential target then. Anyways again I can respect the opinion however that is a rather extreme circumstance that has many moving parts to it.
@TheKep Год назад
@@James-kg1wf the other person being in the wrong doesn’t matter when you have a golf ball sized hole in your forehead
@DirtyCiv Год назад
​@Long Johnson the thing is, criminals are most likely not going even attempt a crime if they see someone is also carrying, because they know they'd have to deal with them first, and most criminals aren't going to just smoke you for your gun and take that chance. edit: also just to add, that if you're open carrying, then your head would be even more on a swivel than if you were carrying concealed, so you'd likey give yourself more time to react.
@Arcliteshadow Год назад
@@DirtyCiv Agreed. Wolves don't want to fight, they want to win. They don't want to get hurt.
@BattleChemist Год назад
Before it was commonly-accepted in WA, I was part of the Open-Carry movement and helped get lots of bulletins posted by local PD's to alert their officers that, yes, it's legal to OC in WA... many officers weren't aware and I educated multiple to the law when they questioned it out in the field. It also allowed a conversation to start with random people in the public that would usually start with "are you a police officer?" and it would go from there. You have to dress well, not like a "Bubba" or Prepper... looking nice and otherwise 'normal' opened people's eyes that carrying a gun is "Normal."
@Isaac_5.56x45 Год назад
I'm not from your state, but I am a fellow American, and I thank you for all your work in creating awareness and education informing people about the basic human right to bear arms.
@PikeyScott Год назад
I’m a WA resident as well. I don’t open carry in general, but I do every time I’m on my Harley. It’s never been a big deal. Cheers to freedom, fellas.
@lordgrimoz6085 Год назад
Yep that’s the key, I have a clean appearance, and dress well, making my firearm an accessory. If your dressed like a thug or a criminal and you open carry. You get the response your looking to get.
@alexfrederick9019 Год назад
​@@lordgrimoz6085 same situation I have. People assume I'm law enforcement if I open carry. It doesn't do much for awareness or acceptance in my opinion.
@Renenko Год назад
What do you mean “before it was commonly accepted in WA”? I’m a WA resident too.
@mudcrutched1 Год назад
I open carry in 38 states and conceal in Florida. Simply being aware and controlled is how I go through everyday as a truck driver. I get more “thank yous’ “ than any other type of interaction. I walk everywhere legally I can. I simply follow the laws and move with purpose. Staccato C2 - SouthernTrapper leather holster.
@mrtrapper93 Год назад
I carry the Canik Elite SC, damn fine CC/OC pistol!
@Cuandoman 12 дней назад
Yup. No open carry in FL... Yet
@kylehaynes96 Год назад
Wisconsin resident here, I see quite a few people open carrying here and there but it’s quite rare to see these days. I live up near Genoa and around my neighborhood there’s very low crime rate, you’d have to go looking for trouble to find it. Everyone knows everyone so good luck having no witnesses. But regardless I’ve thought about getting a nice open carry holster with an optimal retention system and open carrying just because I can. Just to “stretch my legs” and exercise my right. If people don’t like guns in America, there’s the door 🚪.
@philmorris8862 Год назад
I live in deep east Texas and open carry here is very rare. I have only seen a couple of people open carrying in stores. I only open carry on my own property. Once I leave my property I conceal carry as I think concealed carry is safer. I certainly have no objection to anyone that does open carry, but for me I don't want anyone knowing I am carrying, which I always do.
@talltexan6432 Год назад
Same here Phil.
@Historyfreak-f7o Год назад
That’s okay. I do the same
@staceymiller4765 Год назад
I also have been thanked numerous times for just carrying a pistol. As a combat veteran, I fought for the right to be free in how I carry. It’s just more comfortable.
@patcolston2901 Год назад
I was in NM It made me feel safe to be around so many people open carry . I am 72 carry, but concealed. I know I physically could not fight off 2 or 3 thugs, but I would vote for open carry !!
@mark5650 Год назад
Thank you for your service. If anyone should be carrying it's retired military I can't think of any kind of person I would rather have beside me in a gunfight than them. I remember thinking after the Fort Hood shooting that every military uniform should have a sidearm but unfortunately Obama was in charge so they doubled down on stupid and did everything they could to keep guns out of Ft. Hood and other bases more than they already were. Sadly even when we get some decent leadership they don't get around to stuff like that because there is so many other stupid policies out there in our government to them to handle.
@AramatOverlanding Год назад
I found it interesting to read a couple of articles (google has since remove access to them) where in a Georgia waffle house there were a couple of guys eating and open carrying. A guy walked in to case out the joint, saw them, left and was going to wait to rob the place until after they left. Only way this was discovered was as the guy was waiting in his car with several other armed folks, a cop was patrolling the area and saw them acting suspiciously, called for backup and approached them. During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that they saw two guys open carrying and decided to wait. What would have happened if they had been carrying concealed? Would they have been forced to shoot it out? Acted as a deterrent in that situation. Most crimes are opportunistic. If a criminal sees any potential of resistance, in many circumstances, they will wait or move on for easier targets.
@kennygp2004 Год назад
I open carry as much as possible now to normalize firearms to children who are being taught to fear/hate firearms. Starting to see more and more people in our small town open carrying. My wife doesn't like to carry, but I'm not as worried when she takes our son into town because many good men and women are carrying. Great video and topic.
@spencermichaelson1882 Год назад
I agree. We need to show the next and current generation what proper firearm readiness looks like. It’s how we defeat the violence in your community.
@CowboyinDallas94 Год назад
The oddest looks I get I would have to say are 5-8 yo’s. They don’t know what to think because they are being taught firearms are bad, but here is this guy who’s not a cop carrying a gun, but he’s not doing anything bad, so I’m confused.
@MrAvidOutdoorsman Год назад
This has always been my argument for ccw, if we can open carry without paying another human money to do so, why can't we conceal,, well that to me only boils down to the money they make forcing you to pay for a right that isn't supposed to be infringed upon!
@tootall4646 3 месяца назад
Without even listening to the points yet, my biggest case for open carry is that is so much more comfortable to carry. You don't have to worry about the gun cutting into your gut or side carrying IWB or constantly worrying about whether your shirt has rode up over your gun carrying OWB. Point being, I am more likely to carry my weapon comfortably than in discomfort.
@eta24 Год назад
My 1st year having my LTC in Texas I open carried a para P14 1911 everyday, I figured out real quick that 99% of people did not even notice. The people that did notice would often stop mid conversation and say, oh I didn't realize you had a gun on you this whole time. I generally conceal carry a P30sk or S&W shield these days.
@buydirtfarm2021 Год назад
Same gun and same experiences.
@JohnnyReb2000 Год назад
I've always considered Open vs Concealed Carry debate as a matter of personal preference. My main reason for leaning towards the open carry side is my preference for carrying larger frame pistols which are easier to comfortably carry openly except during the winter when I'm wearing a jacket anyways. I would argue about Concealed carry as a negative is that just as open carry could put someone in a self defense situation due to the criminal being more bold, Concealed carry under other circumstances could put someone in a self defense situation due to the potential criminal not being aware of the presence of the gun. That why I've believed there to be tactical pros and cons to both methods of carry.
@jessfulbright9015 Год назад
Funny story on LEOs and open carry. 1990 I had leased a large ranch, and the ditch went dry, you guessed it, beavers! It took me until July, but I developed a strategy; every morning I walked the ditch with a .357 mag on my hip, .270 Winchester over my shoulder and dynamite. This day I had three half sticks of primed dynamite stuck in my left hip pocket, fuses dangling out. I only had three because I had just used one on a beaver damn and I was walking up the ditch to find the next one. Out of the blue a forest service truck comes flying down the road, when he saw me several hundred yards away, he just turned off of the road and came bouncing cross country right at me. I was up on the ditch bank, I knew he couldn't hit me, so I just stood there. After skidding to a stop, he jumped out of the pickup and yelled for me to stay where I was. Of course, I did because it was obvious this psycho did not have a weapon, was no real threat and was driving a government vehicle therefore theoretically an authority figure. He spent a couple minutes trying to climb that muddy ditch bank (about 40') up to where I was, his shoes, pants and hands were all muddy and he had gone nowhere, all he could do is pant out the words "stay where you are". I had not said a word yet, but finally, I asked him what it was he wanted anyway. He froze like a deer in the headlights, you should have seen his face. I bet he froze for ten seconds before blurting out "why are you carrying that...those guns?" By this time, I had turned a little to face him so he could also see my side arm, this also put those dangling fuses behind me so he could not see them. My response was the first thing that came into my head in that moment, as usual, and I do not recommend this to anyone else, always think about what you are going to say before you say it. My response was another question which again is completely improper when dealing with authorities, you should just answer all of their questions with concise and complete honesty. My "natural-self" took over and I blurted out the question, "Why would you ask me that question when it is obvious you are not carrying, ANY WEAPONS, AT ALL!" At this point he dove into his pickup and more or less exited the area the exact same way he entered, possibly with slightly more haste. I was a bit concerned so I made fast work of my morning beaver battle and went home. I got a call from the kid's boss the next day, he apologized and told me I had every right to carry my firearms.
@tysonscott5249 Год назад
I would prefer to NOT let people know that I am carrying
@tretre1692 Год назад
I prefer to let them know that guns don’t kill people, people kill people! Exposure therapy. Let us show people that good people can have firearms!
@LowBudgetYoutuber Год назад
Then you're like the rest and believe only your Rights Matter. You gotta remind people we that Free. I seen guy with .45 with the hammer back at the Bank and nobody cared. I see it it tells me Do I wanna die today? Shame you don't carry. Under the Brady Bill I'm denied the Right to self defense never committed a crime yet denied. They only for the wealthy cowards. You all allow this infringement and I hate you equally as the Alphabet Gangs.
@Uberragen21 Год назад
It doesn't bother me. I'm quite comfortable open carrying in less urbanized areas. However, in urban areas, I'm all about concealed carry. My preference to open carry is really geared towards when I'm outdoors.
@peterguns Год назад
Correct. Suggesting the open carry is just a step ahead of wild west of 19 century. Great, really great. Is that civilized country controlled by state or not, i am wondering. I comment from a different perspective where there is a reasonable access to weapons, including semi automatic rifles. But just for sport and collection purposes. You are able to carry loaded guns for sport purpose but... what for. No need. Safe environment. It is really difficult to obtain the licence for selfprotection carry. This is rather exeptional. So you can have your Glock, 1911, AK or AR but use them legally only in the ranges. How do you like it ? I respect you and US tradition but it came to madness while sb with no record, exams, psycho tests ( like in our country) could buy an AR like a bread or pack of cigarettes. Crazy and this is a clue issue for your country. Carrying open ? No. This could be provocative and generate agression or threat of being attacked. No need. To me hidden carry is one of the substantial rules. To me. Respect other views. What country do I come from ? 🤔😀 Guess...
@LowBudgetYoutuber Год назад
@christianconstitutionalist8653 Divided we all fall. He scared and knows someone may grab it and shoot him with it. So he tucks it into pants facing his Junk. No thanks. Support the 2A.
@ScottStevenson-jv7gc Год назад
I live in California and I wish California had an open carry. I feel that if more people open carried the criminals would see that and crime would go down.
@Geddy135 Год назад
but then how would the government be able to push more laws on the public if all the crime suddenly started going down? They gotta have a way to pretend like they care about you afterall.
@willdrivesu7914 Год назад
You can't even open carry on your own property there, if anyone sees your gun, it's considered brandishing a firearm. I got called into jury duty for a case like this. What a clown show it is there, so glad I left.
@whitelotus6619 Год назад
That's why government banned open carry, conceal carry. So there can be more criminals for the prisons. Hence more money for them to launder
@markrodriguez9176 Год назад
I moved from commiefornia last year. The only thing I miss is the weather. God bless texas!
@maddawgnoll Год назад
Moved away from commiefornia after the background check for ammo bullshit. I worked behind the gun counter selling and working on them. The fact that I was allowed to do that but couldn't buy ammo without giving record (background check). I feel, 100% that this is a step in the direction of only allowing you to buy ammunition for the firearms you have registered. So if you don't own a 40s&w but you want to shoot one, too bad. They don't allow you to buy it. I'll never go back. CA is a total liberal wreck now.
@denniswerner1670 Год назад
Got no problem with open carry, in fact I find it refreshing. I love seeing people exercise their rights. Another dude like me. In Michigan I see it in the northern parts of the state, never seen it near the cities.
@kevinshockey2765 Год назад
Not a fan of open carry. However you have a good point of showing how many of use are carrying. Im concealed so I can carry in places where the little signs posted no carry.
@robertosola7576 Год назад
So are we going to see the rifle racks in the back windows of trucks again?
@katiek.8808 Год назад
I’m currently working on that one myself.
@l.h.1238 Год назад
And a lot of new business for auto glass replacement.
@TheFi1thyCasual Год назад
Maybe in a quiet rural environment.
@garycooper1532 Год назад
I remember rifles in window racks when I was in high school. No one had a problem with it.
@robertosola7576 Год назад
@@l.h.1238 I agree! Ever since the mid 80’s thefts have skyrocketed! But I remember seeing those racks in just about every truck growing up.
@scotkingshill7644 Год назад
Thanks for representing California correctly. We have an incredibly diverse gun culture. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a Junior rifle team or a hunter safety course
@XrayMike17plus1 4 месяца назад
As a long time concealed carrier I appreciate OC as the canary in the coal mine and watch other's reactions around open carriers.
@ben41281 Год назад
I always say. Time and place. There are times and places, that open carry is better, and times and places where concealed carry is better. And the variables are infinite. So you have to make your own judgement call on what's best in your situation, for you.
@johnyd1911 Год назад
@burtonkephart6239 Год назад
Yes agree but people should have option . As the court case in Florida shows where a man with CC permit got arrested after shirt flap blew up and someone called police on him. It went to Supreme Court in florida but man still lost case!! Very sad.
@howtogetoutofbabylon8978 Год назад
This WAS a CCW, but... Sadly, He still got killed: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CQOHBSuY7TM.html
@JohnBenson-jk1ob Год назад
Great discussion. I’m strictly cc. I’ve always considered the target on my back argument.
@cripplers8 Год назад
I’ve experienced more pushback open carrying by Fudd gun owners than non gun owners here in PA. I open carry 99% of the time on a very few rare occasions I do conceal.
@TUKByV Год назад
Fudds and Butters are scum.
@robertphillips9117 Год назад
Your words have been good I have had a permit since the 1990 in Ohio. And I was a handgun instructor for around 10 yrs I enjoyed it students sometimes came up with good questions. Its been nice listening to you keep up the good work
@johnmullholand2044 11 месяцев назад
Im a reenactor, and all my guns are black powder, so i regularly carry, open and concealed, either a pair of 1860 Army Colts, and a 1861 Springfield rifled musket, or a Flintlock Kentucky pistol and rifle. Sunce we recently passed Constitutional Carry here, i carry either openly or concealed with no problems. Regardless, i have yet to "need" them, in a serious, terminal way, as of yet. But i am prepared. I also carry a large Bowie knife for backup.
@jkamp Год назад
I'm in AZ and it feels situationally dependent for me, based on how the person is dressed and the type of holster/gun/presentation. For example, I've seen guys at Home Depot wearing jeans and a plaid button-up shirt with a quality holster carrying a Glock/1911/etc and it looks fine. In those situations I have the same interpretation of, "cool, he's on our team". Conversely, I've been in walmart and seen guys in saggy jeans with no belt, a t-shirt with the collar stretched out 3x too big, and a Ruger P89 or Hi Point riding in a nylon uncle mike's holster CLIPPED to his pants pocket, flopping around...or I've even seen one time where they had the muzzle jammed into the utility pocket on their carpenter jeans... the grip and exposed trigger just flailing in the air. These dudes are the guys I'm keeping an eye on because they're not my people. They don't take it seriously and they're just making a spectacle. TL;DR - I gave no problem with proper open-carry, but don't be a clown.
@wandac396 Год назад
😂floppy uncle mikes holster. I totally agree. If you’re going to carry, get a reliable holster.
@nicolasarnold7426 Год назад
Hey John. I live in North Carolina and am 19 and bought my first pistol. A bill is in the process “hb 186”. It will change the age of conceal carry from 21 to 18 . And will allow constitutional carry . Meaning you won’t need a permit. I was really exited to see it and think it’s great. But then I thought of how it could also have negative sides. Just wandering if you could talk about it. Maybe constitutional carry in general in America. Love the vids💪🔥
@themightycrixus1131 Год назад
Hey man I live in NC too and have both open carried and concealed carried. You now don't need a purchase permit for a pistol. It took almost 2 years for them to issue my CCL. If you do open carry you must keep situational awareness and have a retention holster.
@truthseeker2222 Год назад
@@themightycrixus1131 I got the New Hampshire out of state permit. NC recognizes ANY CCL from ANY state.
@themightycrixus1131 Год назад
@@truthseeker2222 they do!
@nicolasarnold7426 Год назад
I was focusing more on is constitutional carry. Meaning there’s no background check, fingerprinting, permit, etc to cc. Which is obviously a huge W and we should already have that right. But I just wanted to hear johns thoughts on it. And the lowering of the age.
@Jeff-ut8dz Год назад
@@themightycrixus1131You must live in "that" county, i think it was around 30-45 days for mine which is a bit faster than the norm but much closer to it.
@jackring5000 Год назад
I'm in Wisconsin. Recently I passed a guy in the grocery store that had a full size semi of some make in a shoulder rig with no jacket. He was moving fast but he did smile and say hello as he blew by. That's the first time I've seen open carry in several years. John, I'm a fat old man that you trained at a USCCA event. I was really sick and could only manage day one. Sorry for that.For what it's worth you and Steve Fischer made me a whole lot less bad. Thanks for that!. You were frustrated that I was "self taught:" but I read M. Ayoob and E. Marshal and many others. When I was young you could go out west and get some training but I couldn't afford that, so I read, and read, and read, and then practiced and practiced and practiced. I ended up pretty good for a dumass civilian. You and your cronies made me get better. I must say my daughter and my son in law bothe became much better than me and I'm proud of them. John, the people you train look up to you so return their respect. We are bothers in Jesus so I'll jusr say I love you and you're doing work that the Lord will reward you for. Thanks for letting me be part of it.
@RayJ4Liberty76 Год назад
I’ve been carrying for over 15 years. In that period, I’ve carried concealed 99.99 times. I’ve only carried open when I was law enforcement. I’m not opposed to it but because how I dress, it’s kind of impossible. I’m the guy that never, ever tucks his shirt in so there for, even when I do have an OTWBH you don’t really see it, it covered up. I also like the element of surprise. To each their own. I’m out a lot with my family, my small son. I don’t want to be a target, I don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable.
@DylanJBartram Год назад
I totally get your view, and extra respect on it as former LEO. I think the comfort part is valid, but also, as a pro open carry person, I also think it's important more people see the responsibility and other normal everyday people carrying and exercising their rights. Rights not expressed are taken away.
@LGB-FJB Год назад
Element of surprise is an offensive tactic, not defensive.
@stevemellas3087 22 дня назад
I do both, but I find myself open carrying more often. One time, in the Walmart checkout line, a woman asked me why I felt the need to carry "that thing." I told her, "Because of people like you, ma'am." She looked confused, and her friend said, "But we weren't carrying anything." I replied, "Exactly. I'm doing it for you."
@Kyle-sr6jm Год назад
I regularly open carried in the shop. But those were conditions where I could control who had access to my back. In public, you cannot control how close, or from what direction people will be able to close distance on you. For me, open carry in public is absolutely a hard pass.
@seamusstout5991 Год назад
Retention holster is a must for oc
@Kyle-sr6jm Год назад
Yes. Absolutely. The only holsters I own without a minimum of a Level II are iwb cc. And what part of having a retention holster nullifies my points?
@Robhuckfeldt 6 месяцев назад
Thanks to a group called Michigan open carry, our 911 operators have been given training to ask certain questions for a call about a person with a gun. Such as how are they behaving, how are they carrying, another pertinent questions to discern whether this is an actual threat or somebody who has succumbed to the fear-mongering. It greatly changes the officer's attitude when they're dispatched.
@williamreynolds3487 Год назад
The biggest thing is having a good retention holster. Outside of that, have at it. I wouldn't do it, but to each his/her own.
@raifcluster 6 месяцев назад
Great comments, John. I especially appreciated you comment that answered the whole question of "Should I open carry?", and that is that you think tactically. There is no better end-all argument answer than that.
@ronfeltonfishing 10 месяцев назад
So. When I lived in Connecticut, when I was OC or even CC if someone seen me with a firearm they would call the PD and I would get a ticket for disturbing the peace. That has since changed. I typically CC because if there's a bad guy, I don't want to be his first target. I always felt that the element of surprise was my best advantage.
@andrewmallard1974 7 месяцев назад
I go to a cowboy church in a small town and almost every person carries there. I feel good when I see someone who openly carries
@pennyrobinson4266 3 месяца назад
The comments are wonderful here! I’m reading them first and watching the video after!
@IdkIdk-nt6iq Год назад
I’m 19 and conceal carry. Because im younger than most who carry everyday and the way I dress nobody would think I’m a gun guy. One of the things I hate about open carry is when I see people open carrying with a cheap holster with no retention openly. I’ve literally seen people carrying real guns in holsters made for air soft. Pretty recently I saw a women who was 100% of age to be able to conceal without a permit in my state, open carrying a sub compact (a gun that literally sacrifices basically everything to be able to be easily concealed almost anywhere) on her back In a holster with no retention. Me and my friend both saw it and said “if we were bad guys we could grab her gun faster than she can grab her own gun”. I don’t know how she can carry a gun on her like that and feel comfortable that nobody is gonna take it from her, because they easily can.
@johnyd1911 Год назад
Great points! Saying that, how does one own and carry a handgun at 19 year's old? Isn't 21 the age you can own one?
@pay-tray-it4897 Год назад
I have a drawer of holsters My daily choice is from Alien Gear. The way its set up it's nearly impossible for someone to strip you of your weapon.
@IdkIdk-nt6iq Год назад
@@johnyd1911 in Kansas you can get a provisional CCW at 18. Also the federal law says under 21 can’t buy a firearm with a barrel length less than 16”, but this only applies to FFL’s. I can buy, own and carry a handgun. I just can’t buy it from a gun store, I can buy it through a private transfer. This doesn’t apply to all states though, a lot of them it does apply to though.
@IdkIdk-nt6iq Год назад
@@pay-tray-it4897 yeah that’s good. But this ladies gun was only being held by the holster through gravity. If she had to run or jump i know for a fact that gun would have fell onto the floor. Doesn’t help she was also carrying open on her back with a zero retention holster.
@timprobst7905 9 месяцев назад
I'd like to see the statistics on if OC are attacked more first, or if they are a deterrent?
@stevenkinnison8044 8 месяцев назад
I only open carry unless I’m carrying a little pocket pistol. I mainly open carry for the comfort but it’s only easier to grab the firearm when needed.
@michaelbrininstool4515 Год назад
When I carry, I open carry. Two reasons reasons. First, I work from home and rarely leave the house so the cost of getting the carry license is not worth it. Second, I fear the state having all my personal info and "accidentally" releasing it, like California did. I live in a small town so usually don't carry at all. 20 years ago I lived in Texas and did have a CCW. Now I live in New Mexico.
@robertgant5321 7 месяцев назад
I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. My wife and I just came back from spending a few months in the Midwest, specifically Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am a Blue collared, Redneck, Army veteran. I open carry and conceal carry every day. Not a day goes by that I do not have a weapon on my person or in my vehicle. I am also a licensed and ordained Minister under the Authority of Jesus Christ. I do agree about gun safety as well as being "The Grey Man". Great episode 👏 👌 keep up the good work
@XNTexn Год назад
I've been carrying for 20 plus years. The last few years have been open carry. A few people think it's not a good idea cause attention will be on you immediately but I've always felt that if someone is going ro targeted I would rather be the target than someone who can not defend themselves.
@davidapoland Год назад
How often does an open carrier actually get ambushed? "There was this case in Arizona some years back." OK, it happens. Everything happens a little bit. How often?
@DumbNinjaDude 8 месяцев назад
My father used to get on my case about me open carrying, used to say "concealed is the only way to carry". My primary driving factor is that with such negative media firearms get in the mainstream, I want to be that good example for my community and by doing so reduce the negative stigma. Usually reactions I get fall into one of three categories assuming they notice at all; some sort of positive comment and questions about it, people giving me more personal space in public (which is especially nice as my daily driver is a motorcycle, I almost NEVER get people tailgating me), or a child's reaction followed by explanation by the parent and that's pretty 50/50 in positivity
@danulman8837 Год назад
When the unexpected crap hits the fan, the first person shot and most likely in the back of the head, will be the person with the exposed firearm. That might give the concealed carrier a better opportunity to actually eliminate the threat. I’d just as soon not be the sacrificial goat.
@rebeccawinterowd8936 11 месяцев назад
Wyoming here...had a customer come into my grocery store with an AR strapped to his chest. I could not believe how many ppl lost their minds over it. I stayed calm and said "hey its Wyoming, are you kidding me?...its his right. Im not kicking him out." I think he might be flexing his rights without sensibke discretion, but i stood firm and basically told my customers to suck it up. That really pissed them off. I went on to say "you have no idea how many guns are actually in this building RIGHT NOW". I GOT LETTERS
@viper071 6 месяцев назад
Solomon are great because they are originally a ski binding company that branched into mountain gear
@piobmhor8529 9 месяцев назад
I’m a Canadian firearms owner. We have some of the most repressive gun laws on the planet, yet we still magically have criminals who do bad things with guns. Funny thing about criminals, is that they do not follow laws. We the law-abiding cannot open carry. I travel to the US quite often through work and see good people carrying. When I do, I must say that I feel safer knowing that bad guys can see it too and will think twice about starting something. To my American friends, thank you for carrying.
@kevinmoss5538 9 месяцев назад
You’re more than welcome, my friend. You’re always welcome in Tennessee.
@piobmhor8529 9 месяцев назад
@@kevinmoss5538 I’ve never been there, sounds like a nice place.
@McClungMichaell Год назад
I'm from Rural Eastern Oregon and we are a red state with blue cities ,on the west coast I agree with John. I open carry all the time. Comes in handy when your out fishing or hunting and you are being hunted by Cougar of Black Bear. When your alone in the woods or desert folks you come across have a bit more respect. We have very low crime rate as well. When you don't have cell service you can't call the sheriff, you have to be smart and prepared. Farmer and Ranchers have to protect their families a and animals as well from coyotes and cougars.
@knightzSa Год назад
I started to open carry sometimes and most of times I do it Im holding my 4year boy’s hand also. I love seeing the looks and faces some people give me but no one has spoken to me yet about it.
@davidmojonnier1034 6 месяцев назад
Good deal. Now you won't shoot yer junk off. The really good thing here in Arizona is the ninny's can not report you for Brandishing. Thanks for sharing John. P.S. A cross draw holster works really well in a vehicle.
@drbabar77 8 месяцев назад
I spent a year in Israel, and riding the bus while soldiers around me were wearing their rifles, never make me nervous. It always made me feel safer.
@richarddechau4200 Год назад
I would say if your state allows open carry your holster should have retention with a hood. For safety reasons. In my duty holster I am not slowed down in the draw, but only because I practice a lot with that holster.
@coolsnake1134 11 месяцев назад
How I carry depends on what activity I am doing and also what state I happen to be doing that in, if I'm just doing my daily day-to-day chores activities etc I usually conceal but if I'm doing something like going hiking, fishing hunting obviously I'll be open carrying and usually if I'm riding my PWC I will conceal under my PFD so all I have to do is unzip and then draw from a chest holsterer. However if I'm going to Delaware I always open carry because my permit is not valid for concealed carry down there and they have permit list open carry
@TheDjcarter1966 Год назад
Biggest thing is though I wouldn't do it with level 2 holster with safety or level 3 if i didnt yave a safety but both are probably slower than a concealed draw. Also an extra level of attenion in other words always on yellow alert and doing the extra things ALWAYS back to wall and not really letting people walk behind me, etc.
@dobropetermckinney9828 11 месяцев назад
I semi open carry… Meaning, the gun is on the outside of my belt, but usually covered with a T-shirt or something. Always using a good retention holster such as an ALS. You can still see that there’s a gun there, it’s just not as obvious. I personally prefer open carry not only is it a fashion statement, its easier to draw in an emergency.
@wc153221 11 месяцев назад
I am a certified handgun instructor and in Iowa the people I see that open carry often fit John’s opening statement in that the person has sagging pants, butt crack and a $5 nylon holster with no idea how to run the gun or any training on weapon retention. These people scare the hell out of me. Also, open carry puts a big “shoot me first”sign on your back to criminals. Iowa has constitutional carry in Iowa now, no training requirement, no qualification requirement and so on. I was told by a fellow instructor that most people cannot hit a human sized target at 20 feet. I find this hard to swallow but, when I go to the local indoor range to shoot, this assumption is proven out when I watch other people shoot. I enjoyed the video as you did address both sides of the issue.
@risingawareness13 Год назад
We should organize a 'National Open Carry Day' and do it annually: a holiday that celebrates 2A. 🇺🇲
@ObamaoZedong Год назад
There is one called Every 2nd Matters, where people open carry on the 2nd of every month.
@GodGunsGills Год назад
@@ObamaoZedong nice
@bogusphone8000 Год назад
Annually or daily?
@Mandarintoenail1 Год назад
How about through the month of June... at least
@Skooozle Год назад
Sounds like "stolen gun harvest festival day" How about we open carry on the day of the month that our birthday is. For example, if you were born on April 20, you open carry on the 20th of each month if you were born on June 9th, you open carry on the 9th of each month.
@dwardo2257 10 месяцев назад
I was open carrying and I was in line ordering food. I heard a kid say oh that’s scary and the mother immediately said something like - no it’s not he is protecting us. It made me happy to hear a mom explaining the good to kids instead of bashing.
@joelslack2138 10 месяцев назад
Awesome bro
@DumbNinjaDude 8 месяцев назад
I had a moment like that when I was getting my car serviced, those moments are a breath of fresh air
@mr.berimbolo827 7 месяцев назад
@@DumbNinjaDudewhat state are you in if you don’t mind me asking?
@kellymoses8566 6 месяцев назад
Could you prevent someone from taking your gun?
@DumbNinjaDude 6 месяцев назад
@@mr.berimbolo827 That was little over a year ago in southern Ohio, just east of Cincinnati. Now I'm in Arizona and nobody bats an eye here lol
@AVH8TOR Год назад
“Let them see our numbers”. Totally agree. Maybe we’ve been in the hiding too long. Let the criminals realize there’s more of us than they thought.
@DavidLLambertmobile Год назад
I'm a veteran 🪖 4yr & a armed security officer 🚔. Since 2002. OC is highly over rated. I've used open carry in PA, TN, GA, VA. I never had any 🥷🏻 run up on me or had any shoot outs. If you tote, a Glock 19 9mm or K frame .357magnum few people if any bother you.
@amzarnacht6710 Год назад
By putting bait on your hip and waiting for the fish to come biting... because they won't nibble. Just hope you survive it because they're just - barely - smart enough to wait for a moment of distraction before putting you down for that clearly visible prize. Conceal, conceal, conceal. That gives you the opportunity to get the drop on them or, if they're locked and cocked they might not take your piece because they can't see it.
@studytime3461 Год назад
There is another good aspect to open carry... it habituates you to accessing your weapon in public spaces where it is actually needed for self defense. People who are mentally trained to only punch in the gym or draw their gun at the range, are too slave-like and permission based into their habits to actually access their skills in the real world.
@JP_Patriot Год назад
@@DavidLLambertmobile Damn straight, brother 🤣💪🏻🇺🇸 Mad respect to you!
@JP_Patriot Год назад
@@studytime3461 That’s ridiculous
@drpuma_2901 Год назад
Normalize open carry. Normalize conceal carry. Normalize training and preparedness.
@tattooed1979 Год назад
@SaundersE5 Год назад
@@tattooed1979 denormalize criminality.
@brianv3ntura Год назад
Normalize no permitless carry
@blueduck9409 Год назад
Situational awareness.
@Jeremy-ul3it 11 месяцев назад
​@@brianv3nturaFree men don't ask permission.
@lordgrimoz6085 Год назад
A few weeks back I was (as always) open carrying at Walmart and as I walk by I hear a little girl say “mommy he has a gun” without a pause the mom said something that both made me smile and shocked me. “ He is wearing it to protect us and everyone else here”. I do live in a rural town in PA, but I am seeing more and more people open carrying over the last few years. And I am seeing more and more people accepting it. Years ago I’d get odd looks and whispers
@emanuelhoyos1030 Год назад
That’s what I love about rural Pa - everyone and their mother has guns so they’re seen as normal
@flatmatt123 Год назад
I live in pa so open carry is legal for the whole state ? or depends where in pa you live ?
@leehrvyoswld Год назад
Sheepdog fan fiction.
@knine8154 Год назад
@flatmatt123 Here's some info. Follow up with the statutes Open carry is legal in Pennsylvania without a permit but you must have a permit to carry a firearm in a vehicle. See (11) and (15) below in statute Title 18 § 6106 below. From the PA State Police FAQs. Are there exceptions to carrying a firearm without a Pennsylvania License to Carry?Feb 25, 2023
@savagesemple5353 Год назад
PA has no law prohibiting open carry. Only in blue cities.
@friedenhiker1032 Год назад
I was checking out at Walmart, and a gentleman with a sidearm on his hip helped me out with my cart. I felt so safe and at ease going through that parking lot. As a single woman in a wheelchair, I have to be on guard all the time. This man gifted me with a few moments of peace. I'll never forget his kindness.
@brandonbennett7337 Год назад
That’s beautiful and that’s what it’s all about.
@inkspot78 Год назад
None of this happened.
@mgallager1449 Год назад
What state?
@slappy8941 Год назад
​@@inkspot78 Edgy edgelord is edgy. 😂😂😂
@TUKByV Год назад
@@inkspot78 your mom says that all the time.
@randalcarazo9407 Год назад
Excellent conversation. I'll stick with concealed carry when around town, open carry in the country.
@BruceCross Год назад
Yes, open carry has too many negatives in the city, but it's perfectly natural in the country.
@carlperry5932 10 месяцев назад
Agreed !
@1BobsYourUncle 10 месяцев назад
The reality is you will most likely need to get your weapon much faster in the city than in the country.
@1BobsYourUncle 10 месяцев назад
@@BruceCross. You let “negatives” dictate whether you open carry or not?
@BruceCross 10 месяцев назад
@@1BobsYourUncle Yes, that's my choice. You can make whatever choice you want.
@SixOFord Год назад
There was a time in this country where it was seen as strange to see someone walking down the street without a gun. Let's bring that back.
@cpvsgvmnt2116 Год назад
I need you as a neighbor.. lol
@animalmother9945 Год назад
I'm in Missouri, always carried sidearm
@Herbster41 Год назад
A well armed society is a polite society.
@gbear34 Год назад
@@Herbster41 And it's just a bit easier to arm up in your neck of the woods, I see! Congrats on passing Constitutional Carry
@bellumdominum7705 Год назад
@Abe Adams not true. In the early 80s concealed carry was very rare.. took an even tougher to get permit than today's CCW/CCP/CCL. Open carry was very common... even into a police station by civilians.
@Gunrunner223 Год назад
My thoughts on open carry. I think when you choose open carry, you have a duty to present yourself as someone trustworthy, kind, and more professional. Years ago in a restaurant, a guy open carrying, came in wearing nice jeans, tucked in white button up shirt, nice leathers shoes, gun belt, with matching holster with a Glock 19. Nobody in there gave him a second thought. He could have been a detective, or county sheriff off duty. On the flip side, saw a guy at a gas station, with a flea market nylon holster toting a full size high point 45 , clipped on his wasteband, no belt, pants falling off, more concerned with getting people to see he has a gun, than holding his pants up. I knew if someone came in with bad intentions, he's the first to run and hide! Everyone was nervous with him in there. Anytime you carry you should act respectable, but I think open carry so that everyone is at ease, you should dress decent, and be polite and helpful. Just my 2 cents.
@DylanJBartram Год назад
Very well said. I agree.
@DylanJBartram Год назад
​@@Eric_from_KansasI have noticed the same in SC
@bobadams4962 Год назад
I don't think it has so much to do with how you're dressed as how you carry yourself (but bathing definitely helps), I own a tattoo shop I'm covered from my neck to my toes in tattoos . No one ever looks twice at me when I open carry which isn't often but it does happen from time to time.
@quinnobrien8686 Год назад
Very well stated. Agreed
@cisco1dog Год назад
So, there should be a dress code for open carry? While I agree with most of what you said, I don’t want you or anyone else to tell me how to dress, nor do you.
@SkydivingSquid Год назад
I started open carrying when I first got my 1911, but even more so when I made friends with a retired Navy SEAL who open carries wherever he goes. He has an AMAZING perspective on it and I love it. Been open carrying since; unless I carry my Hellcat which is my conceal carry (in states that recognize the 2A).. there is a place for both open and conceal carry. If I am at a wedding or formal, probably going to conceal; if I am just going out to the store, open carry. So many arguments against open carry are seeded in the land of make believe shower thoughts.. situations and scenarios that will likely never happen and which don't follow real behavior or reasoning.. you can conceal carry your entire life and never once need to use it, ergo you have NO impact on the 2A what-so-ever. By contrast when you open carry, you are ALWAYS having an impact on the 2A. Even if just visually, you are educating the public on a right that exists and should be exercise (as not to lose it) and that it's OKAY to have a gun.. the public is ever being brainwashed into thinking guns are all bad and always a crime.. by open carrying you can educate them, welcome conversation, and in the worst case scenario and the cops get called, you can calmly and politely speak with them, and if they do end up violating your 2A and 4A rights, you can get a little payday (but god forbid this ever happens to you).
@pennyrobinson4266 3 месяца назад
Really appreciate your perspective.
@jackculp9776 Год назад
I am an ex police officer from Texas and when I see someone open carry, I feel safer knowing that if something went down, help and backup is close at hand.
@CowboyinDallas94 Год назад
That’s exactly what I want the LEO to know who is standing at the door of the store I walk in. I’m armed too, so if you hear something going down in the back, don’t shoot me, I’m the good guy.
@m16ty Год назад
I'm happy too when I see somebody open carrying, but I must admit I think part of the reason is that I know he will be a bullet magnet (and not me) if things go sideways.
@Dr.Zoidberg087 Год назад
​@@m16tylol if you see someone open carrying neither one of you will be a "bullet magnet" because one of you has the nuts to hang that sign up and stop the violence before it happens.
@cchgn Год назад
That is ridiculous. How do you know that that OC isn't a felon waiting to shoot YOU?
@timeatak5248 Год назад
@@Dr.Zoidberg087 I’m a former LEO and Mil Veteran. Just because someone open carry’s does not make them a MOH recipient. One trip to the range and it’s blatantly obvious that most gun owners can’t shoot nor do they have ANY practical skills (nor does a range allow that type of practice). Unless you do IDPA type shooting or were trained in a Formal defensive shooting course, open carry does not afford ANY tactical advantage. Once the shooting starts, tactical surprise and violence of action is the key to winning the fight. And I doubt the pot bellied clowns I see open carry can do either. I conceal carry and try hard to be in condition yellow in public to avoid first then take action as THE very last resort. Anyone that says or thinks otherwise is just a keyboard hero and would wilt in an actual confrontation. Also, if open carry is such a deterrent, why not sling a extended mag tactical shotgun around?
@rfpnc Год назад
When I worked at Home Depot, I always felt so much safer when contractors came in open carrying. I never saw a firearm improperly holstered, and it felt like the vibe was comfortable and professional. I understand the concern about how an open carry firearm could possibly be snatched by a bad guy, but I also feel an open carry firearm is a visible symbol of civility and protection. It felt like the open carry contractors (and others) were saying, "Don't try it". (I live in Indiana)
@alphaspartan Год назад
What are your thoughts on open carry of firearms bigger than a pistol? What if someone had a rifle, shotgun or PDW safely slung around the torso on a sling?
@alphaspartan Год назад
Not actually sure if slung is a real word lol but you know what I'm asking hopefully
@tomasnagy4518 11 месяцев назад
Not if it’s a retention holster.
@ralphm6901 11 месяцев назад
A while back I saw someone in Food Lion open-carrying. The only part about that which worried me was that the pistol appeared to be clipped to the edge of his pocket and was flapping around. Or maybe it was just dropped into his pocket. Either way, it looked very much like someone could take it off him very easily.
@ralphm6901 11 месяцев назад
@@happydogg312 possibly he had some kind of retention holster, but whatever it was, it was not clipped to his belt, it was clipped to the outside of his pocket and the whole thing was flapping around.
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