
"Wilhelmus" Full Dutch National Anthem + All 15 Verses (Lyrics) 

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Het Wilhelmus is sinds 1932 officieel het Nederlandse volkslied. De tekst is omstreeks 1570 aan het begin van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog geschreven op een bestaande melodie. De huidige variant van die melodie dateert uit het begin van de 17e eeuw. Het Wilhelmus wordt beschouwd als een van de oudste volksliederen ter wereld, al is de tekst van het Japanse volkslied ouder. De tekst van het lied is in de mond gelegd van Willem van Oranje, alsof hij die zelf uitgesproken heeft. De tekst weerspiegelt Willem van Oranjes tweestrijd inzake de opstand in de Nederlanden: enerzijds probeert hij als vertegenwoordiger van het staatsgezag trouw te zijn aan de Spaanse koning, anderzijds volgt hij zijn geweten dat hem voorschrijft in de eerste plaats God en het Nederlandse volk te dienen. Het lied was populair als militaire mars en betekende een ondersteuning in de strijd van de Nederlanden tegen de Spaanse overheerser. Gedurende de gehele Tachtigjarige Oorlog is het lied populair gebleven, maar het raakte daarna in vergetelheid tot het in de 19e eeuw opnieuw werd ontdekt. Het was aanvankelijk vooral populair in oranjegezinde en confessionele kringen, maar werd tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog tot min of meer onomstreden nationaal symbool. Van het Wilhelmus wordt meestal het eerste couplet gezongen, soms gevolgd door het zesde.
The Wilhelmus has been the official Dutch national anthem since 1932. The text was written around 1570 at the beginning of the Eighty Years' War to an existing melody. The current variant of that melody dates from the early 17th century. The Wilhelmus is considered one of the oldest national anthems in the world, although the lyrics of the Japanese national anthem are older. The lyrics of the song have been put in the mouth of William of Orange, as if he had spoken it himself. The text reflects William of Orange's conflict about the revolt in the Netherlands: on the one hand, as a representative of state authority, he tries to be loyal to the Spanish king, on the other hand, he follows his conscience, which dictates him primarily to serve God and the Dutch people. The song was popular as a military march and was a support in the fight of the Netherlands against the Spanish ruler. The song remained popular throughout the Eighty Years' War, but then fell into obscurity until it was rediscovered in the 19th century. It was initially especially popular in Orange-minded and confessional circles, but during the Second World War it became a more or less undisputed national symbol. The first verse of the Wilhelmus is usually sung, sometimes followed by the sixth.



28 сен 2024




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@FTrainProductions 2 года назад
As I’m playing this, New York is becoming Nieuw Amsterdam again
@TheEmeraldMenOfficial Год назад
I can feel pride coursing through my veins despite not being Dutch. (I’m Canadian)
@AwoudeX 8 месяцев назад
and België became Zuid-Nederland? ;p
@gijzje 5 месяцев назад
@@AwoudeX The united Dutch Provinces and The south Netherlands were formed to The Kingdom of the UNited Netherlands in 1815 under King William 1 (from 1830 Belgium and Luxembourg) they seperated in 1830 after the Belgium Revolution
@manusiabiasa9945 5 месяцев назад
I Playing Song In Jakarta City Now Batavia City
@btm7279 4 месяца назад
Run Islands barter with New Amsterdam.
@Kaiser7068 2 года назад
I played this in South Africa Now it turned into the _Unie van Zuid-Afrika_
@DeVolksrepubliek 2 года назад
Nah roll it back more… *Nederlandse Kaapkolonie* Perfection.
@panzerkampfwagen-vi1313 2 года назад
@@DeVolksrepubliek unfortunately the bing bong brits came along and called cape colonie, screw britain
@Studios10 2 года назад
@@panzerkampfwagen-vi1313 Finally someone who agrees with me! Darn the UK!
@christianityistrue777 Год назад
I played this on Air Island Now it’s *Eiland van Lucht*
@vulpes7079 Год назад
@ericspoor8175 8 месяцев назад
Being older now hearing the entire National anthem for the first time. It is actually such a beautiful anthem, powerfully written. That we have thought of replacing this anthem several times not even that far in the past. It would be such a loss.
@lukefriesenhahn8186 8 месяцев назад
Don't let them replace this masterpiece. 😊
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 Месяц назад
Amen! Just now learning it ❤
@just1it1moko 10 месяцев назад
Imagine this, you're in Nazi occupied Netherlands, the royal family fled to the UK. every night you hide inside your house near your radio. Low volume so the Germans don't hear it. The queen speaks reminding you the netherlands isn't dead yet. Afterwards this song plays. Radio Oranje broadcasts always give me such chills and I associate this song to the determination of the Dutch people that lived through WW2.
@lukefriesenhahn8186 9 месяцев назад
My great grandparents, grandparents and their siblings listed to it when the Wehrmacht occupied Zuid-Hollandt.
@svenvanwier7196 5 месяцев назад
first sentence is why i have trouble being a monarchist
@hanselvonwijaya 4 месяца назад
​@@svenvanwier7196didn't the republican governments of the czechs, poles and the french fled to the UK as well?
@svenvanwier7196 4 месяца назад
​@@hanselvonwijaya sure
@tomastobonjaramillo1092 3 месяца назад
​@@svenvanwier7196 The royal family fled not because they wanted. If they didn't flee, they (along with the rest of the dutch government) were going to be used as puppet rulers by the germans and/or executed, causing more pain and suffering to their own people if they even spoke a wrong word to the germans. Therefore, the best course of action was for them to leave as fast as possible to avoid all of this and to then continue on the struggle from Britain and the colonies. The people of the time recognized this too and when the Netherlands was liberated, the people cheered the efforts of Queen Wilhelmina as if it they were their own. The recognized that she had fought tooth and nail just as hard as they had, Not on the battlefield, but on being the leading/mother figure her countrymen needed in their time of despair. There is a reason the war cry of: "Voor koningin en vaderland" became the rallying cry of all dutch partisan groups during the occupation. From our modern perspective, does it look relatively bad? Kind of. Thinking it carefully, was fleeing the right option? Absolutely, it would have caused more pain and suffering for the dutch people and the royal family if they had not left.
@Davi_920 Год назад
Just imagine, all verses of this song were played during opening of a football games.
@fransdekadevalvo2412 Год назад
during every max verstappen win a grand prix
@mammoth2005 10 месяцев назад
nope, just a few verses, trough time the dutch national anthem was adjusted shortened and some verses outright removed, if this 14:30 long anthem was played at every game or race people would have been extremely bored to tears and some would have committed suicide from boredom lol
@weslooos 10 месяцев назад
Sadly you not wrong, then again it was first written as a marching song and was a bit more upbeat. So the original would take less time to sing. and lack of cars trains and airplaines, tevelvision and such also gave us more time to sing songs propperly I guess.@@mammoth2005​
@bushchicken5882 9 месяцев назад
@@fransdekadevalvo2412easy !
@dakerbal 4 месяца назад
@@mammoth2005 no way really?
@herrpixel5805 Год назад
Toen koningen nog geen excuses maakte voor dingen die ze, A niet zelf gedaan hebben en B dingen die ons land mede de welvarendheid gebracht hebben waarvan iedereen meegeniet. Lang leve Dietsland, lang leve ons verleden! 🧡🤍💙
@BjarneKickboxing 8 месяцев назад
Ik denk niet dat jou een goed beeld is geschetst van de geschiedenis. Oranje had zeker ook zelf belang om zich tegen de Spanjaarden te verzetten, omdat hij macht moest inleveren.
@johanhuman4382 4 месяца назад
Sorry, late to the party. But my wish is that all nations will regain their patriotism. This is such a beautifull anthem, allso praising God while being humble but allso proud. Ek is van Suid - Afrika. God seën Nederland. Julle mag nie die opofferings van jul vadere goedsmoeds tot niet laat gaan nie.❤❤❤
@angelesmenac 11 месяцев назад
Impressive how the old spelling is clearer to understand than the curre t one, at least as a Romance Language speaker
@gerben19801 11 месяцев назад
My grandmother had an embroidery of the entire anthem. If i am correct the first letters combined form the words WILLEM VAN NASSAU, which basicly is Willem van Oranje-Nassau, the first of the house of orange, and prince of the Netherlands at the start of the 80 yo war against spain. He was accused of high treason by king phillips II, but all he wanted was to reform from the catholic church. He never disrespected the King, hence the poem mentions that.
@weslooos 10 месяцев назад
your right
@knorrieoomen8579 10 месяцев назад
Nope the first letters combined form the name Willem of Nassov wich is referred to Willem van Nassau
@globe0147 2 месяца назад
I am Australian Love from Nieuw Hollande 🇦🇺🇦🇺
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 Месяц назад
Love back to Down Under from the Netherlands 🇳🇱❤️🇦🇺
@LegioAeternum 8 дней назад
Nieuw Hollande is based
@madkhaliqfarhan 3 месяца назад
This should be the F1 outro! Everyone should stand for at least 15 minutes every time Max wins! 😎
@Quox.-. 2 месяца назад
Didn't t happen tooo often until now this season
@historygeek9545 5 месяцев назад
Fun fact, the beginning letters of all the verses spell out Willem Van Nassav. Which was the name of the governor.
@davehagen2540 3 месяца назад
He was not a King fucktard. The Netherlands wasn't a monarchy until 1815. Before that we were a Republic, and when the anthem was written we were also a Republic
@acwillibrordus Месяц назад
He was not the king. That was Philipe II of Spain. Willem van Oranje-Nassau was stadholder (gouvernor) and he revolted to the spanish king.
@historygeek9545 Месяц назад
@@acwillibrordus youre right! Thanks for correcting me😄
@vkanthems6744 7 месяцев назад
I played this in Brazil, now it is Nieuw Holland
@IotaWasN0tHere 3 месяца назад
Nieuw Holland is also Australia
@MrJustin4356 2 месяца назад
I'm watching this as a Dutchman and i'm reading the english translation to know what they mean. The language changed so much over these 400+ years.
@depressedutchman 2 месяца назад
ah man zo moeilijk is het toch niet
@svdlaan Год назад
"The King of Spain I have always honoured" clearly refers to Johan Cruyff!
@treesbycees9277 Год назад
Oh it makes all sence now! :)
@chenchocorleone2622 Год назад
Ik hou van de referentie, goede woordspeling.
@mrlakkie1612 Год назад
de enige zin die er uit moet. rot katholieken.
@redsandro 10 месяцев назад
Translation error in first sentence: Since Dutch didn't exist back then, Duytsch in "van Duytschen bloet" probably meant (what we not consider) Dutch more than Deutsch (German), and may be more related to Diets, which meant Middle Dutch at the time. For an American audience the confusion made it overseas when you hear that Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch) actually speak Deutsch (German) not Diets (Dutch).
@jorgthomasmeyer7256 10 месяцев назад
No. It means what is says: a branch of his family was from Germany. Furthrmore, the somg mentioned that he was from impertal descent which indeed refers to one of the Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire of te German Nation, Adolf von Nassau.
@kimashitawa8113 10 месяцев назад
We were all "Dutch" back then. The people from the Low Countries and the German-speaking areas. That distinction didn't exist yet back then (or in the time of this song was in it's infancy). We were "Low German" (Nederduytsch) and central/south Germans were "High German" (Hochdeutsch)
@redsandro 10 месяцев назад
​@@jorgthomasmeyer7256 I don't think so. Back then there was no Germany. There was Regnum Teutonicum, part of the Roman Empire. It only became Germany in the 19th century, 300 years after Wilhelmus was written. Language changes. According to Dutch historian Remieg Aerts ‘Duytschen bloet’ is unrelated to German origin as we use the word today. Duits or Diets is Germanic and means "vernacular language". It was used to illustrate the language of the people, as opposed to Latin, official language of the Roman Empire. Duytsch was meant as Nederduytsch (Dutch), not Hochdeutsch (Duits). Wikipedia: "In the 16th and 17th century Dutch language, 'Duits' and 'Diets' were spelling variants of the same word. The modern translation for this word is Dutch (Nederlands) in both cases." That's not to say that Willem of Orange wasn't of what we now call German descent, but the text was written in Nederduytsch in a political context, where Willem is torn between loyalty to the king of Spain and the Dutch people. If you think about it, it wouldn't make sense to mean German, since the Sea Beggars fought for independence, not to (re)join Prussia.
@jorgthomasmeyer7256 10 месяцев назад
Wilhelm von Nassau originated from Nassau, a place a few mile from Frankfurt (Main) in Germany. The idea that a German state in a modern sense had been established as late as in the 19th century by Prussia is true but has nothing to do with the matter we are discussing here. In the Middle Ages there was indeed a German KIngdom, but this was overshadowed by the simple fact that most German KIngs went to Rome in order to be coronated by the Pope as "Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire". One of those Emperors (and German Kings) was Adolf of Nassau, hence the verse mentioning Willem van Nassau's being from imperial ("keizerlijk)descent. If any German State had a special import concerning said Empire it was Austria, not Prussia, and Austria's dynasty, the Habsburgers. While Charles Vth from the Habsburg dynasty was Emperor and Ruler of Germany, he simultaneously was Rey Carlos of Spain. It is important to note that up to modern times we talk of the Netherlans (plural), never of "Netherland). That is because the Netherland Provinces were each less or more independent - but not sovereign - States, all paying allegiance to the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, to which they originally did belong. Then Charles Vth opted for abdication, letting his brother become Ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, and his son Philpp to become King of Spain. Simultaneously, Philipp became ruler of each of the single Netherland Provinces. Technically, as Ruler for each of these territories he owed an oath of allegiance to the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, i.e, his uncle, but factually the Provinces of Netherland became part of Spain. However, the nobility of the Provinces of Netherland, which include all of what later on became Belgium - had a strong sense of independance, concerning the whole of the netherland Provinces. Their capital was Brussels. This fews lines can just give a small glimpse of a very complicated matter of a time when religion and allegiance to a certain dynasty was crucial while the age of nationalism was further down in the future.
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
Hundreds of years ago, in English, people called Dutch and German "Low Dutch" and "High Dutch" respectively. These old terms can be found in Jonathan Swift's famous novel titled "Gulliver's Travels" (1726). "Het Wilhelmus" was written when VOC still existed, and at that time, Dutch people called their native tongue "Nederduytsch", or "Low German" if we have to say it in English. I see something interesting here: this type of Dutch looks more like German than today's type of Dutch does. I can see words such as "den, des" and also some adjectives ending in -en, just like German. Perhaps, German people in 17th century could understand this kind of language.
@kimashitawa8113 10 месяцев назад
The removal of "den" and "des" in the language is also VERY recent in the grand scheme of things. I think it was after WW2? Correct me if i'm wrong.
@charmelos1431 5 месяцев назад
Des morgens, den Bosch, des middags, des avonds
@receivedpronunciation6696 4 месяца назад
@@kimashitawa8113 Yes, you are right. In texts written before 1945, I can see "der, des, den, mijns, mijner, gij, ten, ter" very often. However, in texts written after 1945, I find it difficult to find such words.
@kimashitawa8113 4 месяца назад
@@receivedpronunciation6696 I never really looked up why that is the case. Was it just so simplify the language? Or some way to distance ourselves from the Germans after the World War?
@receivedpronunciation6696 4 месяца назад
@@kimashitawa8113 That is what I have been thinking for many years. The Dutch people seem to dislike the Germans very much. World War II could be the cause. To simplify Dutch or to make Dutch different from German could be the goal for these changes. But, based on what I heard, from 1934's Marchant Spelling of the Dutch language, people said "den, des, der" had not been used anymore in Dutch written texts. To some people, Dutch is the simplified version of German.
@reynatowijaya6025 2 года назад
Ein tolles Lied. Tausend Dank. Grüße aus Indonesien 🇮🇩
@reynatowijaya6025 2 года назад
Weil ich gerade Deutsch lerne.
@bwiebertram Год назад
Confused screaming
@joba2748 Год назад
The nazi's not only fled to south america. Probably also Indonesia
@lowiebovens. Год назад
@@joba2748 Wat een onzin, hij zegt dat hij Duits studeert! Apart nog van het feit dat je Duitsers nazi's noemt sla je de plank helemaal mis.
@poespower7974 Год назад
@@joba2748 sounds discriminative to me, do you think every german is a nazi
@sitrakaforler8696 2 месяца назад
Magnifique chant !!!
@IotaWasN0tHere 3 месяца назад
Greetings from New Holland
@unh0lys0da16 Год назад
Gaat al helemaal mis 10 seconden in de video. Duytschen als German vertalen is compleet incorrect. Met Duytschen word hier Dietse bedoelt niet Duitse.
@Herrworth Год назад
Er wordt Duitse bedoeld omdat wij in die tijd ook beschouwd werden als Duitsers ookwel Germanen genoemd en Willen van Oranje (de man waar dit lied over gaat) kwam ook uit Duitsland
@unh0lys0da16 Год назад
@@Herrworth Diets is etymologisch verwant aan het Engelse Dutch en het Duitse Deutsch. Vormen als Dutch en Diets worden door sommige Engels- respectievelijk Duitstaligen wel verward met Duits. In het Nederlands van de 16e en 17e eeuw waren 'Duits' en 'Diets' spellingvarianten van hetzelfde woord. De moderne vertaling voor dit woord is in beide gevallen Nederlands. Er is een onderscheid te maken tussen het taalkundige en het politiek-ideologisch gebruik van de term.
@Herrworth Год назад
@@unh0lys0da16 Ik heb hier al vaker discussies over gehad en mensen beginnen altijd over Diets echter bedoelen ze in dit volkslied helemaal geen Diets, in de periode waarin dit lied door Adriaen Valerius was gescherven betekende Duits evenveel als Nederlands en daarnaast was de Prins Willem van Oranje ook een Duitser, ook kunnen we terugkijken naar het middel Nederlandse woordenboek waarin Diets als Dietsc werd gespeld en Duits als Duyts, ja de betekenis is hetzelfde, maar in dit lied bedoelde ze echt Duits en geen Diets want er werd naar Duitsland verwezen.
@grootsChannel Год назад
@@Herrworth maar door het naar german te vertalen krijgen mensen de impressie dat hij uit Duitsland kwam terwijl dat toen niet eens bestond.
@zdenekkopecny4928 Год назад
I meant - Nassau (Nassouwe?) was in Hessen, i.e. in Germany. Sorry, I'm Czech, I guess I don't understand 🙄
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 Месяц назад
O that ALL the Nederlanders would FEAR GOD❤
@sundaempire2788 Год назад
i like how this version had a lot of Christian loyalty words, yet most of the Dutch are atheists now
Because we are leftists now. We lost our patriotism. Knocked out with the nazi's. But not yet dead. God zij met ons!
@TheGamingMotionTGM Год назад
Apparently, Germany is more faith preserved than Dutch while at the same time sharing that worldly liberalism. Source: My biblical studies teacher in high school sharing his business trip
@TheNabOwnzz Год назад
​@@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 It was already knocked out long before the nazis. And it will never return, unfortunately. But at least we have history.
@poespower7974 Год назад
thats the gen z most old people are christian
@Quarequieus 9 месяцев назад
Most current inhabitants of Netherlands are recent immigrants.
@muhammadrayhan2640 Год назад
Hiduplah negaraku tercinta 🇳🇱🇮🇩
@Herrworth Год назад
Terima kasih!
@Frank_Ammerlaan Год назад
@depressedutchman 7 месяцев назад
God bestaat niet Mensen van toen waren dommer
@jeryndavelauan2453 5 месяцев назад
I played this in the whole Spanish Empire Now it's gone out of existence
@war.torn_ 2 года назад
I am dutch!
@Helgardt6189 Месяц назад
Groete van Krugersdorp Suid-Afrika.🟧⬜️🟦
@jttjlep_ 9 месяцев назад
Always feel ashamed of my fellow countrymen that lack knowledge of the first paragraph.. But here again: “Duitse bloed” refers to the old word “Diets” meaning Dutch. Not to forget that the Dutch are also Germanic folks, but we actually refer to ourselves. And the honoring of the Spanish King… come on. It’s not that we honor the nowadays king of Spain, but that William or Orange did. Although he disagreed with him he still respected and honored him. The song is so called spoken by William of Orange himself.
@dutch-1989. Год назад
Ik ben van duits bloed verwijst niet naar Duitsland maar naar ( Dietseland ) er zijn zo weinig mensen die dit weten
@B_men_apo Год назад
Ik dacht dat het naar het gedeelte Nassau verwijst wat deel uit maakt van de familie naam orange-Nassau.
@johanvink8482 Год назад
Het lied verkondigt het verhaal van Willen van Oranje Nassau. Met name handig om het moreel hoog te houden en om ook alle huurlingen van heinde en verre aan hem en de zaak voor te stellen. Willem van Oranje Nassau was van de Duitse tak (Dillenburg)van de Nassaus die 2 of 3 keer de Bredase tak overerfde wegens gebrek aan erfgenamen aldaar. In t Wilhelmus wordt hij dus aangekondigd als van de Duitse tak. Niets vreemds verder want hij was ook heer der Nederlanden en trad rechtsgeldig op, ook namens de onderdanen. 😉
@@B_men_apo Het verwijst naar de tijd dat Duits en Diets nog een taal en cultuur was. Wij werden de laag-Duitsen en onze broeders naar het oosten de Hoog-Duitsen. Dat is waarom de Engelsen ons THE Dutch noemen. En waarom wij de Duitsers Duits en hunzelf Deutsch noemen. Diets is doorgaans de term die op Nederlands slaat.
@bestevaar7195 11 месяцев назад
⁠@@B_men_apoJa dat dacht ik dus ook altijd
@B_men_apo 11 месяцев назад
Door incomplete informatie is er altijd ruimte voor meningsverschillen in de geschiedenis
@osbone0076 2 месяца назад
Why he recalled the fact that he had allways honoured the King of Spain. Spain was the ennemy.
@lucati632 Год назад
Laten we opstaan als Europa tegen onze overheden en een Europa als vroeger terug brengen een Europa als vrij mens!🇳🇱❤️
@sprintermaster Год назад
Doe maar niet. Heb geen zin in een burgeroorlog
@KK-jt7xm Год назад
What is your shrink opinion?
@thedarkblackspeedy3140 4 месяца назад
Betere optie is terug naar de gulden. Uit de Europese Unie zodat we geen melkkoe meer zijn. Terug gaan naar tijdperken als 1700 tot 1900 die ook wel onzer beste jaren waren in voorspoed. Is niet eenvoudig zeker niet met al dat import dat oosters denkt of niet denk als een ware Nederlandse inwoner.
@ZweepTape 3 месяца назад
Yes ik heb ook zin in een opgesplitst Duitsland van 100en kleine staten, een super groot polen, een super machtig Frankrijk in ons zuiden, een machtsgeile Pruisen in ons oosten en Groot-Britannië een onbetwiste wereldmacht in ons westen, kan niet wachten tot de 2e rampjaar
@desteen1062 3 месяца назад
Wanneer was Europa vrij voor de gewone man?
@havardragvik5539 Год назад
eine schone lied
@hanniballecterbelvedere6749 6 месяцев назад
My grandpa faught together with Wilhelm in the war
@zeldadinosaur 9 месяцев назад
Why is the spelling so weird?
@simskii. 9 месяцев назад
Cuz it is old dutch.
@egalegal8229 3 месяца назад
@エルピープル12世 11 месяцев назад
@timboulder Год назад
@hibernii 2 года назад
@Herrworth 2 года назад
@Kai_075 2 года назад
We kicked your asses lol🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱
@jatorresh 2 года назад
@@Herrworth sí
@hibernii 2 года назад
@@Herrworth Sííííí
@legoflashgamer 2 года назад
@iancuPotcoava24 2 года назад
of german blood? Shouldn't it be dutch?
@MaximDeWinter 2 года назад
nope, Willem van Oranje was born somewhere in Hessen, Germany, and at one point became prince of Orange, and then he was raised by Karel V of spain (no idea what his name is in english) and after some time he went to the Netherlands, and at one point he didn't like the king of spain anymore. (there might be some inaccuracies in there, I dropped history two years ago)
@newanthemhouse1297 2 года назад
This National anthem mentions two countries Germany and Spain
@Kai_075 2 года назад
@@MaximDeWinter volgensmij heeft het er mee te maken dat ze zeggen van duitsen bloed maar ze bedoelen van Germaans bloed
@MaximDeWinter 2 года назад
@@Kai_075 hmmm, zou kunnen :)
@CosmicDalmatian 2 года назад
Dutch were considered part of German people for a long time (Same as bavarians, Prusisans, ect.), but Netherlands didn't joined German nation (Germany) beacuse it was more infulental and way more independent than any other German state To some people Dutch is a mere dialect of German beacuse some west Germans from Rhineland could better understand Dutch (and vice-versa) than understand some South German from Bavaria One man said that diffrece between language and dialect is a state
@NyalBurns Месяц назад
This is so long haha
@tomhermens7698 Год назад
Time to change at least the wording. King of Spain? To honour? Dietsche blood ? German blood? Let there be no misunderstanding because as it is, it makes little sense in today's Netherlands language.
@Herrworth Год назад
you clearly dont understand what this song is about, it is written from the perspective of william of orange, not of the dutch people and besides that is the netherlands still a germanic white country.
@B_men_apo Год назад
Nassau a part of the last name of the king orange-Nassau is located in Germany and he was born in what we now call Germany.
@videosuchen 2 года назад
Viele Grüße aus Dillenburg, dem Geburtsort von Wilhem von Oranien.
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
Deutsch: "Wilhelm von Oranien-Nassau" Nederlandsch: "Willem van Oranje-Nassou" English: "William of Orange-Nassau"
@ferryardiansyah8594 2 года назад
My grandmother can sing this song, love from Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@Case1303 Год назад
@xannie9430 Год назад
@abwo47 Год назад
Terima kassih Ferry
@electricangel4488 Год назад
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 Месяц назад
My wifes parents from Java, Dad captured by the Japanese....terrible treatment but survived using leeches for cleaning dead flesh. Thankful he made it to make a daughter I could marry in 2011😊😊😊
@fanfam 9 месяцев назад
Look at the men in the picture. Imagine the power and discipline they had as they conquered the world with such a small army. Men to be feared and respected. Today all is lost and will never come back again.
@kimashitawa8113 Месяц назад
Ironically the painting depicts the Dutch troops on the left surrendering Breda to the Spaniards on the right
@indonesianstudent88 Год назад
Greetings from (former) Batavia
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
Greetings from Djakarta, too
@zdenekkopecny4928 Год назад
The Dutch people had to fight hard for their freedom against the Spanish Habsburgs for 80 years. The Dutch developed successful battle tactics against the Spanish tercias. The Dutch then showed the Spanish Habsburgs that would not be humiliated. I like that. The Czechs did the same, I guess that's where our nations are similar.The Czechs also rebelled against the Habsburgs, but were finally defeated in the Battle of the White Hill on November 8, 1920. The Habsburgs took cruel revenge on the Czechs, executing 27 leaders of the uprising in Prague. Then they introduced a hard recatholization. - Jan Amos Comenius (Komensky), "The Teacher of the Nations", was buried in Naarden. He was a respected Czech thinker, scholar and pedagogue who settled in Amsterdam in 1656 and lived there for the rest of his life. He knew the great Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn, who painted him in his painting "The Portrait of an Old Man". -- I'm Czech. CZ ❤🤝 NL
@mrlakkie1612 Год назад
we defeated the spanish, french, and english. not by numbers, quality or force. but sheer willpower. and so czechia exists, aswell. praise your ancestors and god for it, and pass it on to the next generation.
@TheEmeraldMenOfficial Год назад
The Dutch invented the WMD, with the hellburner. Just to wreck the Spaniards.
@Votebritish Год назад
Thanks to the Dutch and Czech people for fighting Catholic Spain and tyranny. Just look at the absolute mess Spain and Portugal made of Lain America under Vatican and ter monarchy. Only now ,are Ltin countries emancipation from their strangle hold. They are adopting the Reformed Protestant Faith in huge numbers and development is clear to see.
@Civ6Iron4 Год назад
I ❤ Czech Republic (Czechia)
@dax2866 Год назад
@@mrlakkie1612wij waren rijker en slimmer: we wisten hoe je hout in grote aantallen kon zagen met windmolens waardoor wij veel sneller schepen konden maken. Ook staken we dijken door en gebruikte wij een nederlandse versie van het trojaanse paard bij de inname van Den Briel
@BiancaDeVreugd-n1r 4 месяца назад
Ik ben er trots op dat ik een Nederlander ben🇳🇱
@Quox.-. 2 месяца назад
​@@stonewalljackson7714Das ist die Luxemburgflagge...😅😢 🇩🇪🤝🇳🇱❤️
@G_D_Nienhuis Год назад
Greeting from the dutch province of Groningen
@novabrabantia Год назад
Damn. I sometimes totally forget how long the original song actually is.
@jovenaljoel6577 Год назад
It was written in 1500s it became oldest national anthem in the world in 1899 its first recording until its bacame national anthem until it banned by nazis during ww2 (1939-1945) its became national anthem in 1948
@jovenaljoel6577 Год назад
Im mistake its unrecognise until 1932
@thegentlemanfish7504 Год назад
Greece has a version of theirs that is over one hour in length
@jeroenbeckers4256 Год назад
@jatorresh 2 года назад
respect from Spain to old rebel
@mrlakkie1612 Год назад
nice vacation country but still catholics, we can agree to disagree and leave it there, respect.
@buurmeisje Год назад
​@@mrlakkie1612 Speak for yourself heretic, there are more Catholics here now than your mistake of a 'religion'
Its quite ironic that atheism did that which Alva couldnt do: make Catholicism dominant in the Netherlands.
@danielesavorana2038 Год назад
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ik, van Duitsen bloed, den vaderland getrouwe blijf ik tot in den dood. Een Prinse van Oranje ben ik, vrij onverveerd, den Koning van Hispanje heb ik altijd geëerd. In Godes vrees te leven heb ik altijd betracht, daarom ben ik verdreven, om land, om luid gebracht. Maar God zal mij regeren als een goed instrument, dat ik zal wederkeren in mijnen regiment. Lijdt u, mijn onderzaten die oprecht zijt van aard God zal u niet verlaten, al zijt gij nu bezwaard. Die vroom begeert te leven, bidt God nacht ende dag, dat Hij mij kracht zal geven, dat ik u helpen mag. Lijf en goed al te samen heb ik u niet verschoond, mijn broeders hoog van namen hebben 't u ook vertoond: Graaf Adolf is gebleven in Friesland in den slag, zijn ziel in 't eeuwig leven verwacht den jongsten dag. Edel en hooggeboren, van keizerlijken stam, een vorst des rijks verkoren, als een vroom christenman, voor Godes woord geprezen, heb ik, vrij onversaagd, als een held zonder vreden mijn edel bloed gewaagd. Mijn schild ende betrouwen zijt Gij, o God mijn Heer, op U zo wil ik bouwen, Verlaat mij nimmermeer. Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, uw dienaar t'aller stond, de tirannie verdrijven die mij mijn hart doorwondt. Van al die mij bezwaren en mijn vervolgers zijn, mijn God, wil doch bewaren den trouwen dienaar dijn, dat zij mij niet verassen in hunnen bozen moed, hun handen niet en wassen in mijn onschuldig bloed. Als David moeste vluchten voor Sauel den tiran, zo heb ik moeten zuchten als menig edelman. Maar God heeft hem verheven, verlost uit alder nood, een koninkrijk gegeven in Israël zeer groot. Na 't zuur zal ik ontvangen van God mijn Heer dat zoet, daarna zo doet verlangen mijn vorstelijk gemoed: dat is, dat ik mag sterven met eren in dat veld, een eeuwig rijk verwerven als een getrouwen held. Niet doet mij meer erbarmen in mijnen wederspoed dan dat men ziet verarmen des Konings landen goed. Dat u de Spanjaards krenken, o edel Neerland zoet, als ik daaraan gedenke, mijn edel hart dat bloedt. Als een prins opgezeten met mijner heires-kracht, van den tiran vermeten heb ik den slag verwacht, die, bij Maastricht begraven, bevreesde mijn geweld; mijn ruiters zag men draven zeer moedig door dat veld. So het den wil des Heren op dien tijd had geweest, had ik geern willen keren van u dit zwaar tempeest. Maar de Heer van hierboven, die alle ding regeert, die men altijd moet loven, en heeft het niet begeerd. Seer christlijk was gedreven mijn prinselijk gemoed, standvastig is gebleven mijn hart in tegenspoed. Den Heer heb ik gebeden uit mijnes harten grond, dat Hij mijn zaak wil redden, mijn onschuld maken kond. Oorlof, mijn arme schapen die zijt in groten nood, uw herder zal niet slapen, al zijt gij nu verstrooid. Tot God wilt u begeven, zijn heilzaam woord neemt aan, als vrome christen leven, 't zal hier haast zijn gedaan. Voor God wil ik belijden en zijner groten macht, dat ik tot genen tijden den Koning heb veracht, dan dat ik God den Heere, der hoogsten Majesteit, heb moeten obediëren in der gerechtigheid. Italiano: Guglielmo di Nassau, son io, di sangue tedesco, fedele alla madrepatria rimarrò fino alla morte. Un principe d'Orange, libero sono, ed imperterrito; il Re di Spagna ho sempre onorato. Nel timor di Dio io sempre di vivere ho cercato; perciò fui esiliato privato della terra e della mia gente. Ma Dio mi guiderà come un buono strumento, perché io possa ritornare al mio incarico di reggitore. Addoloratevi, miei sudditi, gente onesta di natura, Dio non vi abbandonerà, anche se ora disperate. Chi di viver pio si sforza preghi Dio di giorno e notte, ch'Egli voglia darmi la forza con cui io possa aiutarvi. Il corpo mio e tutti i beni per voi mai risparmiai; I miei fratelli, d'illustre nome, anch'essi ve l'hanno dimostrato; il Conte Adolfo è caduto in Frisia, in battaglia; la sua anima, nella vita eterna, attende l'Ultimo dei giorni. Nobile e d'illustri natali, rampollo di stirpe imperiale, del regno scelto principe, da buon e pio cristiano per la Parola d'Iddio io, libero e senza esitazioni, come un eroe senza paura il mio nobile sangue ho dedicato. Il mio scudo e la mia Parola son tuoi, Dio, mio Signore, a te voglio inginocchiarmi; mai più non mi abbandonare. Che io possa rimanere pio, Tuo servitore in ogni ora, e cacciare la tirannia Che mi trapassa il cuore Da coloro che mi ostacolano e sono i miei persecutori, mio Dio, ti prego di proteggere il fedel Tuo servitore; perché essi non mi assaltino secondo i loro piani scellerati, né si lavino le mani nel mio sangue innocente Come David, dové fuggire Da Saulo il tiranno, così anch'io dovetti gemere come molti altri nobili. Ma Dio infine lo salvò, liberandolo da grandi pesi e gli diede un regno molto grande in Israele. Dopo l'amaro io riceverò dal Signor mio Iddio dolcezza alla quale tanto aspira il mio senno principesco: ovver ch'io possa morire con onore sul campo; e conquistarmi un regno eterno come suol guadagnarsi un eroe fedele. Nulla mi ispira tanta pena in cuore, nelle mie avversità, che veder immiserire le buone terre del Re. Che gli Spagnoli oggi vi tormentino, Dolci e nobili Paesi Bassi, quando io vi ci penso sanguina il mio nobil cuore. A cavallo come un Principe, con l'esercito mio in forze, spergiurato dal tiranno, io attesi la battaglia; Chi a Maastricht or è sepolto tremò davanti alla mia mano; i miei cavalieri furon visti correre prodi, per tutto il campo. Se il Signor avesse voluto che così già allor succedesse, volentieri vi avrei risparmiata questa terribile tempesta. Ma il Signore di lassù, che su tutto ha potere, che sempre va lodato, non decise allor così. Cristianamente fu guidato il mio principesco senno, indefesso si mantenne il mio cuore nelle avversità. Al Signore ho io pregato fin dal fondo del mio cuore, che salvasse Ei la mia causa e facesse nota la mia innocenza Ahimè, mio povero gregge, che ti trovi in gravi affanni! Non dormirà il tuo pastore, anche se ora sei disperso. Alza il capo verso Dio, la sua risanante parola accetta; Vivi pio, da buon Cristiano:; presto quaggiù sarà tutto finito. Davanti a Dio vo' confessare e alla sua onnipotenza che io mai, in nessun tempo non ho disprezzato il Re; ma a Dio, il mio Signore la suprema Maestà ho dovuto obbedire secondo giustizia.
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
Oh you typed 'Het Wilhelmus' in today's new spelling.
@danielesavorana2038 3 месяца назад
@Naicul82 10 месяцев назад
Die erste Strophe sagt alles. Grüsse an unsere Volksfreunde in den niederen Landen !!!
@kimashitawa8113 Месяц назад
Groeten terug
@Naicul82 Месяц назад
@@kimashitawa8113 ga net weer terug naar Duitsland
@kimashitawa8113 Месяц назад
@@Naicul82 Terug van vakantie? Lekker
@Naicul82 Месяц назад
@@kimashitawa8113 ik kom er regelmatig ;) vakantie, beunen,genieten ;)
@kimashitawa8113 Месяц назад
@@Naicul82 Fijn dat je ons land leuk vind👍
@Levien-vt4tc Год назад
Prachtig lied! Opdat wij God niet vergeten.
@mammoth2005 10 месяцев назад
en toch is god zo'n beetje vergeten door het nederlandse volk..u weet nu toch ook wel dat wij een multiculturele samenleving zijn geworden? daarin kan de huidige politiek niet met christelijke en/of katholieke rechten en waarden mengen, en het volkslied is volledig gedrenkt in het christendom 3x raden waarom er zo'n nieuw volkslied werd bedacht.. al zal ikzelf de nieuwe nooit uit mijn hoofd leren.
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 10 месяцев назад
God zij met ons
@just1it1moko 10 месяцев назад
En ook de specerijen niet :')
@henkoosterink8744 9 месяцев назад
@depressedutchman 7 месяцев назад
God bestaat niet De mensen van vroeger waren te dom en jij bent nu te dom. Wel een mooi nummer
@lordhumungus7980 2 года назад
extreem gebaseerd landgenoot
@DonPedroman 9 месяцев назад
Salute from Spain, love that our anthem is short and without lyrics, but yours is massive and with little instrumental parts
@adesauvanie 9 месяцев назад
But only two are ever really used.
@Quox.-. 2 месяца назад
Without lyrics is crazy
@Arandomguy371 5 месяцев назад
"yo indonesia just got a lot more spices 🗣️🗣️" The netherlands: 🇳🇱⛵⛵🪖
@sloan7765 4 месяца назад
Woooww..,Very-very smart and harmonics this music , also song lyrics.
@masitah-n7u Месяц назад
The most beautiful and best national songs of all time 🇳🇱❤
@ambruskiss4492 2 года назад
The 4th picture, which I think is the only contemporary one, is a digital painting by Jaromir Hrivnac, set during the Dutch Revolt.
@kikicallahan3662 8 месяцев назад
14:20 the final line sounds like they’re saying "Nederland"
@KerbalHub 2 года назад
The first letters of each strophe actually correspond to the name, WILLEM VAN NASSOV
@KerbalHub 2 года назад
@@magnoes918 orthographic variant of "Nassau"
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
"Wilhelm von Nassau"...Nassau is a place in today's Germany.
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 11 месяцев назад
​@@receivedpronunciation6696that's correct. William the Silent was born in Dillenburg in the County of Nassau. He was member of the House of Nassau. He became the Prince of Orange, a Princedom in the southeast of modern day France. Hence a cadet branch was born, the House of Orange-Nassau. That house rules the Netherlands to this day. And Luxemburg was in a personal Union from William I to William III. (The first three Kings of the Netherlands). Luxemburg is now rules by another branch of House Nassau.
@receivedpronunciation6696 11 месяцев назад
@@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 Thank you for your information.
@receivedpronunciation6696 11 месяцев назад
German & English: "Nassau" Dutch: "Nassouw"
@michaeltsagalakis Год назад
Ben ick van Duytschen bloet - Germaans !! Not Jewish , Suri, Indische etc . Nordic blood !
@adyfardan 16 дней назад
My Grandpa (RIP) , could sing this song when He was still alive. He was born at Nederland Indische Era. Now is Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@13Melmoth 2 года назад
Great song
@miran4471 2 года назад
Watch too : " Merck toch hoe sterck" - Dutch Patriotic War Song. Also a song 400 years old🙂🌷
@paulanizan6159 3 месяца назад
Eine ergreifende Melodie.
@peet-janissen5838 23 дня назад
fun fact the fist letter of every coplet spells the name of the first king of the country wilhelmus van nassouwe.
@Votebritish Год назад
Thank you the House of Orange for defending the freedom of all true Christians and Willem ,Prince of Orange eternal gratitude.
@endthisnonsense7202 11 месяцев назад
Religions NEVER are pro to religious freedom, it ALWAYS is freedom for OUR Religion only. In reality replacing Spanish rule by rule of the Oranges was replacing the tyrannie of catholicism with the tyranny of protestantism for a long time, just like any religion would do it. True religion indeed! It's not for nothing Belgium decided to split off...
@adesauvanie 9 месяцев назад
'Van Duitsen bloed' is always mistranslated. It means 'of Germanic blood', not, 'of German bloed'. 'Duits/Dutch' formerly referred to all Germanic regions and languages, not just Germany.
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 Месяц назад
True. Yet there is confusion wether they meant German or Dutch. It doesnt matter much tho
@DutchTunisian 2 года назад
Yoo we have the same profile picture Edit: we had
@DutchTunisian 2 года назад
@DeVolksrepubliek 2 года назад
@hibernii 2 года назад
Nice Spanish flag
@DutchTunisian 2 года назад
@@hibernii i dont hear anyone laughing bruh
@hibernii 2 года назад
@@DutchTunisian All I hear is the Spanish national anthem.
@andrewfayi9448 Год назад
Max verstappen
@elmoblatch7932 5 месяцев назад
the most beautiful anthem in the world !! Greetings from Bergneustadt, Germany. Grüße nach Leersum !!
@hanniballecterbelvedere6749 2 года назад
Why wilhelm was assassinated
@Herrworth 2 года назад
Spain :(
@jatorresh 2 года назад
@@Herrworth heresy*
@GigaChadlovesandcares 2 года назад
@@jatorresh Spain*
@jatorresh 2 года назад
@@GigaChadlovesandcares Heresy and treason
@GigaChadlovesandcares 2 года назад
@@jatorresh De laatste keer dat jullie Spanjaarden ons verraders noemde zatten jullie bezig te zijn met verdrinken, Gekolonizeerd makker. Lang Leve Oranje, Piet Hein did nothing wrong! 🇳🇱💪
@asepjr6728 11 месяцев назад
It isa insult to Germany when the Dutch are one nation but when the northern provinces are under the holy Roman rule the Dutch germans were oppressed by the collapse of the holy Roman empire the princes of most of the hausbag hausbag then control Spain automatically Defeated by the Dutch, even the British were under attack until London was occupied by the Dutch
@ramamonato5039 6 месяцев назад
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe ben ick van Duytschen bloet (I, William of Nassau, am of German blood)
@mrstone497 7 месяцев назад
@JB-tc7np 11 месяцев назад
Waarom vormen we niet opnieuw grootneerland samen met Belgie? Dan hebben wij tenminste ook wat te vertellen binnen die schijt EU...
@dHonvar 6 месяцев назад
De Nederlanden één!
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 Месяц назад
When the world was a kingdom, we were a Republic. When the world is a republic, we are a kingdom. I love mijn land 🇳🇱🧡
@youngminkwon616 2 года назад
Fantastic version, thank you very much.
@xandocate 7 месяцев назад
Max Versttapen theme
@yusufmutluel153 10 месяцев назад
Lang leven nederland van een persoon met turkse roots geboren in Rotterdam Nederland in 1971 van een vader die in 1966 geëmigreerd is in Holland
@kaasmeester5903 Месяц назад
So you have two great countries to be proud of 😊
@bdd_ireland9129 10 месяцев назад
Wilders 2023!
@jamesdakrn 11 месяцев назад
End of First verse would've been awkward in the World Cup Finals in 2010 in South Africa lol
@BrianJ. 10 месяцев назад
It is always sung during every international football match. It was sung in 2010 as well.
@blopvis5988 2 года назад
@rufst Год назад
Por qué mapa de los Países Bajos españoles? Los Países Bajos ni siquiera conquistaron esa tierra.
@jkair7334 Год назад
Because it is a Kingdom of the netherlents founded after napoleon
@bram7527 2 года назад
Waar heb jij die foto(achtergrond) van 3:00 vandaan? Want zoek al heel lang naar die
@Herrworth 2 года назад
@osbone0076 2 месяца назад
this is a christian song with biblical sentences
@arturwiadrowski1739 Год назад
Can you please give names of all the paintings you used?
@dracul3220 Год назад
Although we far away separated, yet close in heart 💗 Thank you for civilized and developed us, Long live Dutch East Indies 🇳🇱
@buurmeisje Год назад
Are you okay?
@dracul3220 Год назад
Are you mad?
@buurmeisje Год назад
@@dracul3220 Rightfully so
@dracul3220 Год назад
Long live Dutch East Indies 🇳🇱
@RadBunny2269 Год назад
As an African, I’m sad for you.
@The_landsknecht Месяц назад
I'm German but I really like this song My grandmother is Dutch I love when my grandmother tells me about the history of the Netherlands! love from Bavaria Germany!
@TheIsemgrim 2 месяца назад
my teacher had us sing the complete 15 verses once. he sometimes had these impulsive things lol.
@torukmaktopoland 3 месяца назад
15 verses? Even polish have 6 (4 as Anthem), and even though recognise as long
@Helgardt6189 Месяц назад
Die Stem Van Suid-Afrika.”Uit die blou van onse hemel,uit die diepte van ons see,oor ons ewige gebergtes waar die kranse antwoord gee.Deur ons vêr-verlate vlaktes met die kreun van ossewa,ruis Die Stem van ons geliefde,van ons land Suid-Afrika.Ons sal antwoord op jou roepstem,ons sal offer wat jy vra,ons sal lewe,ons sal sterwe ons vir jou Suid-Afrika.”🟧⬜️🟦
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 Месяц назад
Die regte volkslied van Suid-Afrika. Groete van Nederland af.
@Helgardt6189 Месяц назад
@@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748Groete vanaf Krugersdorp Suid-Afrika.
@keizerderood6873 8 месяцев назад
Graef adolff is ghebleven in berlijn in den slaech syn siel siel int ewich leven Verwacht den jongsten dag 😔
@mr-silly-rat 2 месяца назад
i hate how most of the is wrongly spelled in our national anthem
@verbeekindustries734 2 года назад
Pittig based
@indonesianbassbooster5167 5 месяцев назад
Challenge: For every time Verstappen wins (or even De Vries), change verses on every next win
@DanielAldous-yu7kj 4 месяца назад
They should just perform this version once at the end of the season after Max wins the championship
@madkhaliqfarhan 3 месяца назад
I wouldn't mind standing for about 15 minutes at this point...
@jetbussihadi6326 5 месяцев назад
Closing Anthem Formula One😂
@matthewhodgson7388 Год назад
The Dutch spelling was awful. Oranje and Hispajne
@Herrworth Год назад
It is Dutch from the 1500 to 1600s
@matthewhodgson7388 Год назад
@@Herrworth ok
@receivedpronunciation6696 Год назад
"Het Wilhelmus" was written in a language which, hundreds of years ago, Dutch people called "Nederduytsch" (Low Dutch). There are similarities between old and new spelling. "Oranien" and "Hispanien" belonged to old spelling, those words with "j" to new one.
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