
Will Christians Go Through The Great Tribulation? 

Vlad Savchuk
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28 сен 2024




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@vladhungrygen 10 месяцев назад
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@ristonalaimo5048 10 месяцев назад
There will be three events, a: 1) pre-Tribulation Rapture (Luke), 2) mid-Tribulation Rapture (Mark), 3) and Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Matthew). God wants to rescue you.
@RHope7 10 месяцев назад
Does a rapture event mean 'a 'coming'? Does anyone tackle the mid-trib prophesy of the angel and the little book, that could imply a rapture event is sweet, but the feeling is bitter for those who still have to face 'the wrath'. We obviously have to find out if any 'Worthy' are taken first, followed by revival at the last trumpet (mid), and finally the remaining repentant before the coming of the Lord. Noah and Lot was not the end of the church age. The end of days could mean a process by which the chaff are sifted according to our endeavours. (Three strikes). Argument aside belief makes it at some point.
@merlingepte 10 месяцев назад
Pastor Vlad, i think that your eschatology is premised within your soteriology which has a heavy leaning on Armenian theology. Well if you believe that Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross is not enough for salvation and man’s responsibility weighs more than God’s sovereignty, you will teach people that they have to work out their salvation with fear and trembling through the purging of the Great Tribulation as God pours out his wrath, in order to be deemed worthy of Christ’s free gift of salvation. If Christ’s words are explicit, that one will be taken away and one will be left behind, and suffer through the great tribulation. Who are those that will be taken away?
@merlingepte 10 месяцев назад
But if Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient for the salvation of those who believe, and that God’s sovereignty weighs heavier than man’s responsibility to secure our eternal redemption, your opinion of purging through the great tribulation makes no sense.
@carolvanrooyen2488 10 месяцев назад
@@merlingeptefully agree 👍🏼.... As a born again believer I’m living in my tribulations NOW... pain suffering and working out my salvation with fear and trembling... wow! I’m not what I was when I got born again... but through many trials He has brought me through all the while sanctifying me... daily into the image of His Son Jesus Christ! I look forward to our blessed hope ... the rapture 🙌🏻...
@ItsAndy__ 10 месяцев назад
whether we go through the tribulation or we go through a pre-trib and mid-trib rapture, one thing is for certain Jesus Christ will return.
@stephaniechoi4278 10 месяцев назад
We go through tribulations. Don't worry about which is true. We will left behind.
@CATALINAG1 10 месяцев назад
@GodsfriendinChrist 10 месяцев назад
Vlad's giving you sound doctrine. The rapture is at the end of the tribulation when Jesus returns at the sound of the last trumpet.
@ItsAndy__ 10 месяцев назад
@@GodsfriendinChrist again whether its Rapture or no rapture Jesus will return
@Ladywatson1633 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@ItsAndy__I do think it’s important to know…mainly because ppl will fall way thinking he is not coming back or they got left behind when they began to see things they have never seen, their hearts will began to wax cold, they won’t have their minds prepared to ENDURE UNTIL THE END. That pre trib rapture doctrine is DANGEROUS
@carolchism5742 10 месяцев назад
I have always felt in my heart since I got saved at 18 (I am now 70) that we will go through the tribulation although most that I fellowship with believe in pre tribulation. All I say is keep your lamps trimmed at all times and be ready when our Redeemer returns! He will keep those whose hearts are longing for His appearing!!!🙏❤️
@Rei-m3g 10 месяцев назад
I understand , however since you believe i do believe that you will be the first one to be raptured and you will sit on a throne which God will give you and then you will receive a crown .
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
Don’t let the Posties steal your joy. The proper name for that time period is the time of JACOB’S trouble, NOT “the Tribulation”. That’s why I am neither “Pre-Trib” nor “Post-Trib”. I am Pre-TOJTiCA Pre- Time Of Jacob’s Trouble Catching Away
@eppiegallegos102 10 месяцев назад
​@@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6l
@marlin6046 10 месяцев назад
Amen sister
@tyrabrooks2330 10 месяцев назад
I am afraid 😨 though 😢
@michaelsuarez5201 10 месяцев назад
When I first met my wife, at the very beginning, she asked me “are willing to die for your faith “ ? I told her yes. I have always thought that we would both die on the same day. Great persecution is coming the church here in America. We need to be ready for this, and consider it a great honor to our Lord Jesus.
@hereshsingh230 10 месяцев назад
AMEN JESUS CHRIST Dead for each one of us and after all HE is our first love and we have to also bare our cross 🕊🙌
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10. I don’t know about you guys but I won’t be here for the hour of trial or great Tribulation. Study the 7 Churches and make sure you and your family are like the church of Philadelphia.
@1John3.8 10 месяцев назад
​@@Evangelist_Willyou've misinterpreted this. The same verbage is used in John 17:15. It doesn't even make sense that you could just get saved and go to heaven for eternity AND be promised an easy life here through the end. You've been taught a false gospel that aims to make you complacent.
@jayr399 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Willain’t no rapture. Ppl who believe that will be the first ones who will fall to the great delusion talked about in Thessalonians
@1love1hope1faith 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Willthe fact that revelation say that Christian will martyred is proof we are still here Jesus talks about it as well read Matthew 24! If you become a Christian you are the body of Christ and you are saved by grace through faith , to say some get ruptured and some don’t it’s very poor understanding of Christ and His redemption! He never promised a trouble free life , but that we would be hated for His name sake and be killed.
@rijanthapa7931 10 месяцев назад
*Main thing is we must be ready by building our faith strong and living a holy life*
@heartalemania8223 10 месяцев назад
@SylvanRobert-yq3xc 10 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@wesleyosarenmwinda1233 10 месяцев назад
amen 🙏🏾 let live for the sake of God
@lindamusimbi3377 10 месяцев назад
Recently I was so tired of all this arguments on pre-tribulation and post tribulation rapture and I asked God about it in prayer, I was led to an article that explained to me and made it very clear that Christians will be here during the tribulation🙏
@Cairo-u7b 10 месяцев назад
Hi! Do you mind sharing it?
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
He’s wrong, you’re tired because you’re blindly trusting preachers. Revelation 3:10.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
There will be people who will be truly saved during the tribulation period, but that will be after the church is taken up out of the world. They will suffer and most will die, but they will go home to be with the Lord.
@tammys701 8 месяцев назад
Well I prayed and the answer I got was pre trib...god always removes his people before a calamity
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 8 месяцев назад
@@tammys701 We can only get the truth from the Holy Spirit my friend. I’m glad He answered your prayers. And you’re very right! God removes His own before He casts His judgement on a people and place.
@angiedixon8017 5 месяцев назад
I feel God's mercy in this video. I was told by all my small group how wrong I am. I was told it's in the Bible. I felt very attacked. I couldn't quote verses off the top of my head, so I said I would come back to the conversation after I gathered verses. You know, my Christian journey on YT started many years ago. You were the first person I watched. I'm so pleased that to this day, you are even more important to me with your teachings. I definitely believe everything you said here. Thank you! 🔥🙌🏻to God be the glory🙌🏻🔥
@blakepinkham5307 10 месяцев назад
Though i walk through the valley in the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil. Your rod amd staff, they comfort me. Whatever happens, no matter how many times i fall. I will get back up because i know that's what he wants me to do. I will trust in him always.
@rainbows99 10 месяцев назад
God protects us from his wrath just like he protected Noah from the water.
@safequeenking2884 10 месяцев назад
We are protected from the judgments not the antichrists persecution. Chances are likely you'll watch your loved ones heads be chopped off before they chop yours off. Whats the difference between a tribulation Saint and the bride if there is no pre tribulation rapture. Why would God rapture us at the end just to bring us back down with him? Why does it say that we are at the alter in white robes when the seals are opened? Why does it say John saw the souls of them that were slain for his name if it says we were changed in the twinkling of an eye as we went up? The answers are because revelation skips around in time and there is a pre tribulation rapture. One we meet him in the clouds and at the end he comes on a white horse with a 2 edged sword in his mouth and his feet hit the mount of olives. 2 different accounts.
@ChristDynasty 10 месяцев назад
True, however the wrath of God and the great tribulation aren't the same thing, but when Gods wrath does come we won't be here for that.
@safequeenking2884 10 месяцев назад
@@ChristDynasty the great tribulation is gods wrath. Thats when the 21 judgments happen.
@laurenceknight9350 10 месяцев назад
@@ChristDynasty they are the same. The Antichrist is part of his wrath and judgement, which he did not appoint us to and is clearly stated in the Bible. Current (and true believers ) will not be here for the great tribulation. Remember, God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He saved Noah from the flood, and removed Lot before he judged Sodom and Gomorrah.
@theWordofGodMinistries777 10 месяцев назад
@geraldineignacio6452 10 месяцев назад
I have been praying to remember me and my loved ones when the rapture comes as what our church and many famous speakers preach. But in my heart, it says, i am praying wrong. I have been studying the bible and I am convinced that Christians will go through the great tribulation. And thank you for the confirmation and the comfort that even if we go through the great tribulation somehow, God sends His protection.
@jackcumberland 10 месяцев назад
Yes Christians will go through the GREAT Tribulation
@richardosborne2067 10 месяцев назад
Yes Mathew 24:29 spoken by Jesus's. Himself.hes only coming back once not twice as miscrewed by futurist belief as the Abomination of Desolation is also made future when in FACT it happened in 66-70AD. 1.1 MILLION KILLED.Christians escaped to Pela in the north as Jesus's instructed
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
How is it comforting knowing that you will likely lose your salvation?
@hauolipeelua8440 10 месяцев назад
@justice8718 10 месяцев назад
You've been praying wrong, because like Vlad, you don't understand that God is a farmer and farmers like him want to gather the most amount of good crops they have if possible. The Rapture takes all of his good crops and leaves behind his bad crops. So, the bad crops will be farmed and transformed from the sudden romaval of the good crops. They either become good or rot away in the new environment, after they witness the greatness, power, and the absence of God. You must pray people to wake up to the signs he makes before and after the sign that is the rapture.
@naomimcmillan9295 10 месяцев назад
Whether we go through it or not. Our hearts 💕 must be ready to meet Jesus. No one wants to to go through what's coming. God's true Church must stay strong. Spend time with God in the secret place. Pray, worship The Lord EVERYDAY. Be ready for what ever we may have to face. I love ❤️ You Jesus, no matter what! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@heartalemania8223 10 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
God’s true church must stay strong? Most of the churches shut down during the Kung Flü, cowering to Poindexters from the board of health. And you think they’re going to stand up to the Antichrist? Can a christian saved now lose their salvation?
@andrear6550 10 месяцев назад
Yes Amen 🙏 🙌
@hereshsingh230 10 месяцев назад
AMEN no matter what we will bare our cross cause, we seek things abv and not beneath, GOD is our redeemer HIs WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven 🙌
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@michaelendres6553 10 месяцев назад
I think we should prepare for the tribulation so that we don't become weak and possibly fall away and take the mark prepare for persecution and give the glory to God 🙏
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@imchayangeryanger5833 10 месяцев назад
Pastor Vlad I love this, I'm Pastor myself in India 🇮🇳.. you have brought scriptures to convict us that we are indeed going through the Great Trib
@ChildofGod98765 10 месяцев назад
I receive hate for sharing my testimony. My testimony is one of faith. No matter what we are facing God will give us strength to over come. Even though every month I struggle to pay rent and I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I keep faith. I’m ashamed and discouraged. These past three years have been hard on me. Since suffering a heart attack two years ago and my on going battle with lupus. As a single mom I’m overwhelmed. My sons are autistic and have problems with social communication and interactions but they are thriving now that I’m homeschooling them. Due to me homeschooling them my hours to work are limited like my finances. I’m constantly in fear of homelessness. But I STILL TRUST IN YOU LORD. Faith over fear!
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
No hate here, only the love of Christ. The rapture isn’t new. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself is the one who began the teachings on the subject and the apostles and the first Christians looked forward to the blessed hope every day of their lives. Jesus constantly commanded us to not be deceived. Where is your blessed hope? Please watch the rapture and Revelation series by pastor Allen Nolan who does a beautiful job of literally breaking the word down verse by verse, word by word, using the interpretation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic scriptures and explaining how even the cultural meanings affect what the word of God means. He’s the pastor who helped me to understand the Bible, especially the books of Revelation and Daniel, for the first time because he literally took his time and explained things word by word. Simply a true blessing.
@maryeb08 10 месяцев назад
I remember reading Hal Lindsey's book and watching the Left Behind series. I used to think the church would be raptured before tribulation. This teaching of post trib seems more in line with scripture. Also, I think the church will hopefully be able to minister to the unbelievers during this time and lead them to Jesus. Don't know when, but I know it will happen. If I am alive I want to be strong in my faith. I believe God will protect His people.
@FollowerOfChrist0708 10 месяцев назад
Well spoken! Good FATHER in heaven, let us be ready when the storms come! Let us stand firm in our faith. In JESUS name i pray, Amen!
@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 10 месяцев назад
Mary brooks, I agree with you The pretrib rapture will not happen Whenever I share where this pretrib rapture was created, most will close a deaf ear, too
@Keepitoriginalministry 10 месяцев назад
MaryBrooks8147 yes we are the two witnesses. Yes we are one olive tree. Israel the other Olive tree. Read Romans chapter 11, Acts 1:7-8, Zechariah 4, more. We will witness to the world and show Gods love, even unto death. Then the end will come
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
@@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 It was “created” long before John Nelson Darby. Paul addressed believers in 2nd Thessalonians regarding the catching away BEFORE the man of sin is revealed. I’m looking for Jesus, not the Antichrist.
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
@@Keepitoriginalministry Can a christian saved now lose their salvation?
@Chris-ot6cj 10 месяцев назад
Bless you Brother Vlad. I was raised in the South and a pre-trib Rapture was all I had ever been taught. Once I learned to read the Word and remove all doctrine, to just allow God’s Word to speak. I realized exactly what you are saying in the video. I also think that just as the Jewish people were deceived on how the Messiah was coming, the majority of the modern Church is equally deceived. And when you think about it, it makes since that Satan would want us to be confused. Great job here Brother! Keep on spreading The Good News!
@dwellinj1513 10 месяцев назад
This is my story, only I wasn’t raised in the south😊. But reading it for myself and then realizing how my teachers would twist scripture to make it sound “pre-trib-y”. If they lied about this important teaching, what else were they twisting?
@reneeca5696 10 месяцев назад
This is such a powerful teaching! As the world increases in evil and darkness it's so important for believers to move into deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As the Bible teaches us to be 'not of this world' we are wise to step completely away from worldly things. This will increase our ability to hear the Holy Spirit-we need Him to guide and lead us in all things, to prepare us for the days to come.
@jennysjourney02 10 месяцев назад
I've always heard we'll be taken up to heaven before the tribulation but do appreciate hearing this prospective and explanation of why we will. I do think a lot of us will be persecuted not too far into the tribulation and believe God will protect a lot of us, just like He's always done. Just like it is now.
@michaelhall7060 10 месяцев назад
According to many watchmen God has stated the tribulation has already begun. I know of at least 4 people who are hearing from the Lord and they all state that the tribulation just started. According to them the antichrist will be known by everyone by the end of 2024. Of course everyone will think he's an amazing person.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
He’s wrong, read Revelation 3:10.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Will Read John 17:15-20... it destroys the notion that Rev 3:10 has anything to do with an event never offered in Scripture.... that you pretend exists.
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@takaliuang 17 дней назад
I was pre tribulation ... now I must be ready for tribulation, thank you Pastor
@angiemclemore9558 10 месяцев назад
I agree with everything you said Brother. Not one other person in my family agrees with me but I’ve always felt since I was a little girl that we would go through this. Thank you for sharing.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Stop going off feelings and read the word. Revelation 3:10. Remember feelings can be deceptive.
@vf3289 10 месяцев назад
There are definite biblical arguments for both sides. God does put in our spirit the things He wants to say to us, so you may be hearing from God, always get confirmations though. Here are 2 differing sides: Matthew 24:29-30 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, " Matthew 24:22 "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened." Revelation 12:14 "But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent."
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@TriciaPerry-ef7bi 10 месяцев назад
​@@vf3289I got tricked back into sins after the holy Spirit and in sins and flesh. I don't want this and should have stayed in my own lane. Lying and DECEIVING. They poisoned me these PEOPLE WITH vacc and sins have made me A FOOL AND ugly when I wasn't this way. Chasing lies and now I have nothing
@victormgonzalez2677 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Will amen brother they just look Oxford definition of rapture and think that is the right definition not looking the Greek word definition rapture (harpazo)
@aaronwarren4344 10 месяцев назад
Emily Catherine from Nova Scotia was in a life altering car crash and needs prayers badly. Prayers to find The Most High God and His Will for her to take hold.
@krystal6612 10 месяцев назад
This was so helpful to me❤ I also thought 💭 we as CHRISTIANS would not go thru the tribulation. I’m so thankful you set me straight❤ I always had a feeling that thought of mine was not 100% true… EVEN IF WE ARE ON THE EARTH 🌍 DURING THE TRIBULATION WE WILL BE PROTECTED BY OUR ALMIGHTY GOD❤ WE MUST NOT FEAR 😨 BUT STAY STRONG 💪 IN CHROST JESUS AND STAY IN HIS WORD❤
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ look if the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. Explain to me how the second coming of Jesus is gonna be like a thief in the night if we know that he’s coming at the end of the tribulation?
@bamkat75 10 месяцев назад
​@@storozha777It will be like a thief to those that aren't paying attention! Christ's disciples got tortured and killed for their faith! Western Christianity is full of feel good I won't be put through the gauntlet nonsense! The blessed hope is eternal life! The wages of sin is death!
@laurenceknight9350 10 месяцев назад
WE WILL NOT go through the tribulation. Read your word and pray for understanding. Otherwise, people like this youtuber will scare and confuse you. The Bible is very clear on what will happen.
@christinemclatchie 10 месяцев назад
@@laurenceknight9350 I thought Vlad made it very clear though, as I had believed that we would be taken up prior to the Tribulation. Vlads account along with scripture to validate, made total sense to me… I’ve never heard him say anything false at all, but rather is spot on with his scripture backed teaching. But we need to be ready either way 🙏
@jackcumberland 10 месяцев назад
​@@laurenceknight9350 we as Christians will go through the GREAT Tribulation read the Word believe in His Word and don't believe what man says
@-MeganD- 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Pastor Vlad! I have been needing a way to share this with people close to me without offending them. This is so great, this lifts so much weight off of my chest. The pre trib rapture view is so popular with so many people I love, and God has been laying it on my heart to speak the truth to them, I just havent quite known how to do it. This is such a blessing. Praise the Lord! So grateful to you and your wife for being true vessels of God's word and the Holy Spirit. 🙏🕊
@salauerman7082 10 месяцев назад
What would you tell Jesus, about not sharing this video? Might I suggest that you share the video without sharing your opinion? Just ask those folks to watch and tell you what they think…
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
So, you believe a christian saved now can lose their salvation? That would make God a liar. I thought we were saved by Grace alone, through faith alone. But, that’s not the case during the time of Jacob’s Trouble. In addition, you have a “work”- you can’t take the mark of the beast. What happens when a christian takes the mark of the Beast?
@eppiegallegos102 10 месяцев назад
​@@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6joonce saved always saved false gospel, different jesus different gospel different spirit, Repent and Follow the Narrow Road that Leads to Life Eternal. Don't Follow the straight road that leads to destruction, the easy way out. Be the overcomer endure till the end that no man takes away your crown
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
@@eppiegallegos102 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. I’m sealed, until the redemption of that purchased possession. Are you saying what was bought with the blood of Christ can be “redeemed” by another? Jesus will come to get me only to find that : Oops! Someone else got here first. They took the SOLD tag off and drove the vehicle off the lot(?) And how are you going to “endure to the end”? Are you going to disobey God by not supporting your family during the time of Jacob’s Trouble (making you worse than an infidel)? Or, are you going to disobey God by taking the mark of the Beast so that you can buy and sell to support your family? God is going to give you a way out of sinning against Him by sinning against Him?
@eppiegallegos102 10 месяцев назад
@@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo Tribulation and Wrath are different , Tribulation is for the church, The Wrath is after the Great Tribulation, at the Last Trump the 1st resurrection and the one's that are still alive until the coming of the Lord are caught up to meet the Lord in the Air . So shall we ever be with the Lord comfort one another. Rev 10:3 is not speaking about the rapture, Christ Jesus is speaking because thou hast kept ( obeyed ) the Word of My patience ( are you keeping and obeying Christ Jesus through trails and tribulation and being patient till the day of our redemption , He will protect, keep you safe Psalms 91; 1Cor 10: 13 to endure through this temptation, trials and testings ) I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation ( great testing , and trail's ) which shall come upon all the world 🌎 to try ( test and prove ) them ( who's the Them it's a lot of Christian's and unbelievers and Pastor's and false prophets and teachers , there's a lot that teach a different jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit. Wasn't the snake bite a testing and a trail to see who would obey and keep the Word of the Lord, by not injecting that poison into your temple. ) that dwell upon the earth 🌎 ( they are earthly they love the world and the love of the Father is not in them. 1jn 2:15,16 ). Continue reading on down 👇 it's says hold fast that no man takes away your crown. Jesus continues saying him that Overcometh ( we as born again born from above must overcome the flesh, the world 🌎, the Great Harlot and the daughter's and the false prophets and the NWO order and the devil himself ) Christ Jesus will make a pillar ( do you know that a pillar can support a lot of weight the Pressure of life what ever comes our way ) in the temple of My God ( we are the temple of the living God ) and he ( that's the overcomer ) shall go no more out, and I will write ✍️ upon him the Name of My God ( Name means Nature, Character and Authority, we must walk and live in the Nature, Character and Authority of Christ Jesus ) and the Name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem ( the bride is called the New Jerusalem it's not a city of bricks 🧱 and mortar, ) cometh down ( born from above ) out of heaven ( for we are sitted in Christ Jesus in heavenly places ) from Myself God: and I will write ✍️ upon him My New Name ( Nature, Character and Authority Rev 14:1 ;Rev 2:17 ; ) So he that hath an ear 👂 listen ( we must listen to the Holy Ghost ) what the Spirit says to the churches.
@hampham2000 10 месяцев назад
Spread the gospel to everyone especially your family and friends
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@hzlkelly 8 месяцев назад
We must endure till the end.
@David_Jeffrey 8 месяцев назад
Some will endure to the end of the GT but many will qualify to be harpazo’d (raptured) prior to the start of the GT. There are 2 separate events
@eppiegallegos102 8 месяцев назад
​@@David_Jeffrey 2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@mikedyson2077 10 месяцев назад
The early believers believed that Christ would rapture them at any time, that’s what we call the Blessed hope, the Tribulation is a time of wrath and God made it clear that Gods children will never suffer wrath, also if we will enter the Tribulation that would mean that we would know when Christ would take us home, because the Tribulation starts with a peace treaty and seven years later would be the second coming, but one problem with all this is Christ said that no one knows that day or the hour, not even the Son, only the Father knows. I am looking forward to the Rapture which will happen before the Tribulation. There are so many false teachers out there. 1 John 4:1 says try the spirits and see whether they are of God
@ronbo30 3 месяца назад
Tribulation is a time of wrath? No. People go through tribulations all the time. Not GODS wrath. That comes at Christ second coming.
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
Rapture is taking those real Christian with God and meet Him on air only , the 2nd coming Jesus will come here reign here again for another 1000 years
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
That is not scripturally correct. What you would be stating would be TWO comings. Christ will not resurrect us in Heaven. He shall COME, FROM HEAVEN. We await his COMING. Do not be mistaken or confused or deceived. This video is correct.
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@princesssweetpea9205 rapture is meeting Jesus on air only, He didn’t came , it simply isolating the real believers from non believers , the non believers will given another chance to choose to prove they want to be with Jesus , if they pass the tribulation test……the real 2nd coming is Jesus will come here on earth to reign for another 1000 years. That’s why there is a scripture said no one knows when He is coming ,only God knows……. Because there is rapture that’s why Bible always tell us to be ready…. If said there is no rapture, they why no one knows when Jesus will get us ……… after tribulation we all know the next is Jesus will came to save those who pass the test and reign for another 1000 years
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@princesssweetpea9205 btw this is my analysis only but most important we all cling to God then God will never disappoint us 🙏🏾😋
@aleksandraschmidt6133 10 месяцев назад
I agree. The moment we find out who the antichrist is we know 7 count down has started.
@Stephanie-p9k 5 месяцев назад
@@christopherkennethtan1742 When Christ said, "No man knows the day or the hour", He used the present tense. Personally, I'm convinced that Christ is no fool. If He meant that no man WOULD know the day or the hour, He would have said so. He didn't. Scripture in NO place EVER says that no man WILL know the day or hour. It says ONLY that at the time of Christ's statement no man knew. And at that time, that was true. I'm thoroughly convinced that as the time draws near, we WILL know. What you are claiming isn't Scriptural. Look at it like this: up until the day before your birth no man knew the day or hour of your birth. But once that day drew near, it WAS known. That is exactly what Christ was saying.
@andrewturkington 10 месяцев назад
Finally a Pastor that’s speaking the TRUTH! Thank you Vlad, its 0:30 refreshing to find a pastor speaking the Bible…I am honestly in shock at how many big time pastors are preaching the Pre-Trib rapture that’s coming any day now, it’s extremely unbiblical and takes the assumption that Jesus is only coming back halfway to rapture us then will come back “for real” after the tribulation to reign for 1,000 years. It’s ridiculous, there’s ZERO scripture that supports this Pre-Trib rapture. People please wake up to the truth and read your Bibles, not just take what a pastors says as truth!! Gods Word is truth. Thank you Vlad! 💪🏼💪🏼
@sabrinaross8325 10 месяцев назад
I truly appreciate your careful and diligent study of the word. You are absolutely right that we have to lay down our preconceived ideas and study the scripture. I will definitely be studying for myself and make a decision, but like you said we must always be ready for His coming. Jesus said to watch and pray so we don't enter into temptation. I appreciate you and your wife. God has truly blessed me by allowing me to stumble across your ministry online. Much love.❤
@lisahorsefield7030 10 месяцев назад
Be careful of those whom may mislead by putting us in a snare. This is mentioned in the scripture also. We must be ready to meet the Lord at any moment! Lamps trimmed and ready to go! Prayers for all and the truth!
@eppiegallegos102 10 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6l
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@leonardoclaros9773 10 месяцев назад
I can only see pre tribulation rapture for the first fruits of Gods harvest, for example Enoch, hebrews says that he was pleasing to God and God took him out, before the flood.
@abelincoln8885 10 месяцев назад
So you are calling Jesus a liar in Mathew 24?
@leonardoclaros9773 10 месяцев назад
@@abelincoln8885 how so?
@CynthiaChiara 10 месяцев назад
I believe Christians will not go through the great trib , but thanks for sharing, God bless you😄
@cryptojihadi265 6 месяцев назад
The bible plainly states we will. Not one pre-trib verse actually states what they claim it does. They ALL require you to read meaning into the verses that isn't actually stated. And interpreted or extrapolated meaning from scripture can never trump plainly stated scriptures. It only takes two passages to nail down the order. The two passages are Rev 20:4-5 which flat out states the FIRST resurrection includes those beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and those who refused to accept the mark of the beast or worship his image. So CLEARLY there is no resurrection before the tribulation saints are martyred, since they are included in the FIRST one. No interpretation or extrapolation of meaning. It's axiomatic. Next is 1 Thess 4:16-17 that plainly says the dead in Christ will rise FIRST, THEN we who are alive and remain will be caught up to be with the Lord in the air. So, if the rapture happens AFTER a resurrection and the first resurrection includes the tribulation martyrs, then there is no way the rapture can take place before the first resurrection that includes those martyrs. Case closed. Now go look at every pre-trib verse you've been given and see if it says anything to contradict that. Of course not, the Bible doesn't contradict itself. It is only when you apply what you have been told those verses mean, does it contradict those clearly stated biblical passages. The most egregious one is the promise to the Church of Philadelphia. Used ALL the time, yet they NEVER include the verse that says it's TO THE CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA. So, you can't take a promise to THAT church and apply it to yourself and use that to trump those two passages I gave you. Also, nowhere in those verses does it mention rapture or tribulation. It's an assumption to think that HOUR of testing equals 7 Year Great Tribulation, or that kept from, means raptured. The church doesn't even exist anymore, so how could it be a promise regarding either of those things. If you want to use the argument that Philadelphia represents a TYPE of church, that's reasonable, but it's still an assumption and again, can't use it to trump plainly stated scriptures. But, that aside, the modern western church doesn't resemble the Church of Philadelphia IN ANY WAY. We most closely align with the Church of Laodicea and Thyatira. So look at ALL the assumptions and extrapolations of meaning you have to engage in to make that passage equal a pre-trib rapture, yet NONE of that is required when reading the two passages I gave you.
@manuelrodriguez5777 6 месяцев назад
So the very words of Christ himself about keeping us from great tribulation mean nothing?
@cryptojihadi265 6 месяцев назад
@@manuelrodriguez5777 please show us the verse where He said He'd keep us from great tribulation. I can point you to verses where He PROMISED us tribulation. PROMISED we'd be imprisoned, tortured and killed for His namesake. I can then show you how ALL the apostles died horrific deaths, except for John who was boiled alive and left to suffer in exile on Patmos I can then point you to MILLIONS of Christians who have been tortured, imprisoned and killed for Christ over the kast 2000 years and millions more that died in natural disasters, famine and plagues. BTW, I know the verse you're talking about and read it again. IT DOESNT SAY THAT? I can also point you to verses where Christ said IF you AREN'T willing to lay down your life for Him, you aren't worthy to be called His disciple. I love how you pretribbers ALWAYS have to change the words to get it to fit your narrative.
@tammi67able 5 месяцев назад
@@cryptojihadi265When i used to believe that because of the scripture and we will met the Lord in the air. But now. I know better. I saw that many of God’s people went through tribulation and God was in the storm with them.
@tammi67able 5 месяцев назад
@@cryptojihadi265 I’d love to see that.
@freshoil1 10 месяцев назад
This was an EXCELLENT teaching on the reality of what we are called to in this life. Thank you so much for teaching the truth of God's word to a deceived and weak people looking for a way out of what Jesus said we are to endure to the end. This will be shared to many. God bless you and yours.
@crystalwidener2052 2 месяца назад
My Bible KJV says " those who endure til the end shall be saved"! Praise God always. Amen
@michellepage2446 10 месяцев назад
I believe we will go through the tribulations but God will be with us and helps us through. Praise and all glory to Jesus!!
@heartalemania8223 10 месяцев назад
@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo 10 месяцев назад
He will be with you while He is raining His wrath down on you?Do you believe a christian saved now can lose their salvation? That would make God a liar. Don’t let Posties steal your joy. Look forward to the return of Jesus, not the revelation of the Antichrist. We are not here for that. It is the time of JACOB’S trouble.
@lemongate4869 10 месяцев назад
​@@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo Yes, we are here for the Tribulation. It Will be a Holocaust for the Christians after Jacobs Trouble. But after the Tribulation will come the wrath of God but He will protect those Christians who are still alive. Those who endure to the end will be saved.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10. Stop blindly trusting preachers and study yourself approved.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
@@NhamshahSpah-ky-id6jo Amen.
@juliamahlaj5686 10 месяцев назад
Well, whoever wants to go through Tribulation, can go through, but I don't, so I won't. I already find life too hard.
@AnnieFisher-td4ml 10 месяцев назад
Don’t give up. Christ is worth it.
@lavieenrose5954 10 месяцев назад
The biblical great tribulation happened in the years leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and her temple in 70AD. The terrible Jewish Roman war.
@ifeawosika966 10 месяцев назад
He who tries to find is life will lose it, he who loses his life for Jesus' namesake will find it.
@abelincoln8885 10 месяцев назад
So you know more about the tribulation then Jesus Mathew 24?
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
The rapture isn’t new. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself is the one who began the teachings on the subject and the apostles and the first Christians looked forward to the blessed hope every day of their lives. Jesus constantly commanded us to not be deceived. Where is your blessed hope? Please watch the rapture and Revelation series by pastor Allen Nolan who does a beautiful job of literally breaking the word down verse by verse, word by word, using the interpretation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic scriptures and explaining how even the cultural meanings affect what the word of God means. He’s the pastor who helped me to understand the Bible, especially the books of Revelation and Daniel, for the first time because he literally took his time and explained things word by word. Simply a true blessing.
@maribelguillen1990 10 месяцев назад
If Jesus is coming after the 7 year tribulation, wouldn’t that gives us a time to expect Him when the Bible says no one knows the day and time, and it also says He will come like a thief? Separating the rapture from His second coming makes sense on this matter, unless I’m missing something here.
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
Exactly! it means we would know when. How is that a thief in the night? ‬‬If the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium.
@justice8718 10 месяцев назад
@@storozha777 Yeah. Literally nothing with the tribulations and the rapture lines up, simply because they work completely differently and are different kinds of signs for the saved and unsaved to keep in track of. I think Post-Tribe people are agents of Satan that don't know they are walking into destruction. Not to mention, Christ is not going to go up to the heavens again for a useless rapture meet up. People looked away from the Christ (the key stone of those two events and their differences) and suddenly fart out old and confused doctrines of the people who wouldn't be able to accept Christ as the Messiah back in his day. It makes me wonder if they do have a true relationship with him.
@seanbale8141 10 месяцев назад
I have sined and am trying to sober up. I am not prepared. My greatest fear has been nothing but the fear pain. Please pray for me
@elenadulghen5412 10 месяцев назад
I pray in Jesus name that from today you will have a passion in your heart for Jesus and nothing else will hinder that! Understand His love for you, study His love for you and anything about His character will open your eyes. God Bless you my friend!
@TriciaPerry-ef7bi 10 месяцев назад
​@@elenadulghen5412i went back into sins and grieve the HOLY GHOST and feel so disgusted. What to do. I have lost everything my gift and talents God gave me. I have no idea what to do. My Nana passed in 2010 and both in Christ. I was always in Church but EVERYONE dying panicked the wordo and not LISTENING. I DON'T WANT THIS WORLD AND miss my friend in church
@easttexan2933 10 месяцев назад
that teaching is about as clear and concise as I have ever heard. Thanks my brother.
@catrionanason2710 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for your clarity on the 'Great Tribulation' based on scripture. As a 'Saved Newbie' you have helped me see both sides of the conversation with a clearer head. I am leaning towards the 'Be Prepared' series of events with the possibility of being beheaded. This way of thinking is helping me to come to terms with the worst scenario and to stand strong in the face of pure evil and great deception. Forearmed is forewarned! God Bless you! Catriona 🇬🇧
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
That’s what we should always be doing, since we’ve been persecuted since the days of the first Christians. However, I believe that you and everyone else who believes anything other than the true pre-trib rapture will be pleasantly surprised. It literally will happen at any moment. God has been pouring out His Spirit upon us, getting us ready to come home. So, be prepared. Jesus is coming.
@jordank566 10 месяцев назад
ALSO, the Bible says that the entry into Heaven is a narrow doorway (im paraphrasing) but if JESUS is the way the TRUTH and the life, and as true believers (people who actually walk out the faith and do as the Lord commands, NOT the people who just go to church on Sundays and then continue on with their lives, but the ones who have the spirit of God or the TRUTH living inside them) then how can the GREAT DECEPTION even be a thing if TRUTH still exists on the earth. I do think a lot of "christians" won't be CALLED UP because while they may have done all of these things God will say "turn from me I never knew you" so maybe the pre or mid trip will happen, but not everyone is going because not everyone who claims to believe actually walks this thing out. JESUS is our LORD and SAVIOR but he cannot be a SAVIOR where he is not LORD. Some of us will be selected for martyrdom, as it says in Revelation, there are still brothers and sisters who Heaven is waiting on for just that! Either way man Jesus is real he is the way the truth and the life and no one will get to the father but through him, so regardless of what happens, God's path is hard, but it's still GOD's path. Praise be to him and whatever happens, happens. Eternal Glory brothers and sisters, Eternal glory.
@jordank566 10 месяцев назад
Send that link! I'll check it out, I have been obsessing over this topic for years! Personally I think the deception started while ago as did the tribulation, we could very well have been living in it for awhile! The great deception and the great Tribulation though, maybe those are the ones that have yet to come! Who knows haha @Job395-wx1cy
@JesusIsAloha 10 месяцев назад
Imagine that scripture of a great falling away. Many believed they are supposed to escape and a mark is required to buy and sell. Now the time of the mark arrives and many take it because their pastors said you can take it because the real one will come after we are taken. Now they are doomed for eternity according to Revelation 14. Rapture teaching has misled so many in a false hope of evacuation vs a perseverance. Thank you pastor Vlad.
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
@DaltonGrayMusic 10 месяцев назад
That is precisely what God is warning of !
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
There will be no mark until we have the antichrist. The antichrist has not been revealed yet. The mark of the beast isn’t here yet. The vaccine was a precursor.
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 6 месяцев назад
If your a true christain you'll know not to take that mark either way.
@life.re-defined 10 месяцев назад
How the early church suffered with grace and strength is what saved many..... it will be the same in the end of days. Read your bible to know what is coming so you can be mentally prepared to endure. I say this as someone who has always believed in a pretrib rapture. Either way, continue to draw near to God and pray to serve HIM however He asks you to.
@aprilackerman6513 10 месяцев назад
My local pastor always says instead of believing in either pre tribulation or post tribulation...he stands with pan tribulation. He will just see how it pans out 😂. But seriously, I have always felt the need to plan for the worst and most importantly rely on God to help us through
@vdog4799 10 месяцев назад
Right. Stockpile guns and ammo and food and Bibles 👍
@Paulfactor 10 месяцев назад
The answer is understanding the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Being saturated with this foundational truth, there is no room for falsehood, as it is easily dismissed as being incompatible; a direct opposition to the purpose of God and the actual faith of someone who believes his purpose.
@SouthernAnnie 10 месяцев назад
Soooo....does that mean you'll be shooting people or giving them Bibles?@@vdog4799
@animaticToshiue 10 месяцев назад
@michellevideos 10 месяцев назад
Hahaha! Good thinking!
@stevehamilton3815 10 месяцев назад
Finally a man of God who speaks the truth that most believers don’t want too hear I have felt for years that we believers would have to go through the tribulation period My argument was always what makes us so special that we won’t have to suffer when so many before us were killed for their faith Jesus warned us that we would be hated and suffer persecution It’s now here in America and so many of us are not prepared too deal with it But I believe the Holy Spirit will strengthen each of us in these last days and is
@eviewalters9245 10 месяцев назад
There's a great channel called AOC Network (I think) and they deep dive into all of this and more. It's a great Bible study documentary channel. Highly recommend. I do believe what you said too. It's becoming more and more apparent. Have faith and let your heart take courage for the day of the Lord is near.
@The_redeemed7 10 месяцев назад
Well of course we don’t want to hear we go through a tribulation. Many many many people haven’t who died before now. Do I wish I was never born yes right now listening to this. I don’t feel Gods love right now and I hate all of this hate it. Of COURSE we don’t want to suffer the tribulation does that make me a bad person? Oh so we love and patient and kind only to have the wrath of GOD poured on our heads anyway 😡
@alexs7028 10 месяцев назад
@@The_redeemed7it’s not the wrath of God, that comes after the tribulation. Tribulation is satan’s doing.
@eviewalters9245 10 месяцев назад
let me offer you a little bit of encouragement. t's normal to be scared, and upset. I cried about it today just knowing that I may one day watch my children be slaughtered or the other way around. But the Lord has said that He will protect us, and he even tells us to close our doors and hide away not out of fear but knowing that this isn't to hurt us, and that because we believe in Him we shall be spared. Now these people will still come after us, they will still kill us, but in heaven with God is a much more peaceful and fulfilling reality than we could ever know while here on earth. You and I are both scared, because we've just gotten comfortable here, and this is the only reality that we know. This is all temporary, but the Lord wishes to see you with Him, playing, and singing, and dancing with His joy. I love you sister, the Lord is our strength and our shield, and If you wish I will keep you in my prayers. Just whatever you need bring it to God, or if you are struggling with that, just come back to this post and reply what is the matter, and I'll pray about it with my family. @@The_redeemed7
@The_redeemed7 10 месяцев назад
I disagree I’m pre-trib and I believe other interpretations than this vlad guy…I believe the old generals over this newbie Christian sorry not buying it.
@emiliesophietafong838 10 месяцев назад
Pretrib Christian here!👏🏻🥰
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 6 месяцев назад
Why are you pre trib? Answer with pateince but also with diligence.
@binnydsilvaministry6626 10 месяцев назад
There is caution given in the Bible end time falls teacher. Today I see it fulfilled through you. Bible was and is and never go wrong. Hallelujah. Praise God 🙏
@jillianleda6732 10 месяцев назад
I pray everyday im not left behind if it's God's will it is but i stay close to Jesus everyday I've been wanting to go home for the longest i just never want to go to hell please God Almighty in Jesus name
@synergyb3926 10 месяцев назад
It makes more sense to me, too, that we will be here during the tribulation but protected. That is consistent with other events in the Bible. God is in control so we can be sure He will be with us.
@wanda-bi4ku 10 месяцев назад
Amen! Glory to our Lord!
@luciajimenez1354 10 месяцев назад
Well laid out! Better to be prepared and strengthen onesself for what's coming than to expect to be taken out and find ourselves totally unprepared and gravely disappointed. Bless you brother for pointing out these realities.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@miriamramirez6100 10 месяцев назад
For the majority of my life I was always told of the rapture, but most recently, your explanation you are giving us makes a lot of sense. It is more of what I believe now. I believe that we will go through Tribulation in some form or another .
@jamespowell5602 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Pastor Vlad. That was good teaching Sir. The two Bible Schools that I attended and graduated from, taught us a Pre-Trib Rapture. But, after doing my own study, as if I had never heard of a Pre-Trib Rapture, I have come to the conclusion that we as the Church will go through the Great Tribulation.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
Your conclusions don’t matter, God’s word is the only truth we have. W you have not understood what you were reading. Look into getting sermons from men who understand the original languages and cultures that the Bible is written in. God’s word is clear. Where is your blessed hope? It appears that you have allowed the evil one to step in and snatch it away from you.
@jasonstockman3532 10 месяцев назад
I was raised to believe in a pre trib rapture , but in my own studies, I've obviously questioned my teachers
@edgarsaavedra858 10 месяцев назад
I totally agree with you, the holy spirit showed me through scriptures that there's no pre trib
@phoenixgamer1565 10 месяцев назад
Pre trib rapture is Satan's lie to have many unprepared. Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Yes, we Christian believers will be here to refuse the mark during the 7 year great tribulation period. The antichrist is revealed and makes the mark mandatory halfway (3.5 years) into that tribulation period.
@rockkstah2550 10 месяцев назад
Pre-tribulation rapture teaching makes a lot of money, particularly in America.
@phoenixgamer1565 10 месяцев назад
@@rockkstah2550 I agree. It is a lie they use to make money.
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 6 месяцев назад
​@@phoenixgamer1565if someone's truly a christain they won't need to prepared for thr mark. They'll automically know not to take it. If the great trib is gods wrath then didn't jesus death save us from that?
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
If this video is indeed full of TRUTH and discernment, I do wish that so very many who are being mislead might see it.
@twentynineelevenpodcast9283 10 месяцев назад
It is true the bible does not teach a pre trib that is a demonic teaching and it teaches an escape mentality. This is so true not the opinion of men but 100% biblical the rapture will take place after the great tribulation according to Matthew 24:29-31
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
look if the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. Explain to me how the second coming of Jesus is gonna be like a thief in the night if we know that he’s coming at the end of the tribulation?
@twentynineelevenpodcast9283 10 месяцев назад
@@storozha777 it will be a thied in the night for unbelievers read the verse carefully but for us who are aware of His coming this will not take us by suprise because based off of the signs we will know His coming is near as stated in the bible. Matthew 24:29-31 is so clear Jesus plainly tells us that He will come after the tribulation unless you are calling Jesus a lair?
@jeanicejeanell 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Pastor Vlad for this powerful word! I was raised seventh day Adventist and it was definitely drilled into me as a child about the great tribulation, yet now growing in God and allowing the Holy Spirit to govern and direct my life- I’m no longer living in fear or doomsday prepping lol instead I pray that God Buena a fire in me to share His gospel especially in a time like this! I needed this word! Thank you and God bless your family! And ps Congratulations to you and your wife on your baby boy what an absolute beautiful blessing!
@TaniaPerez-dz7dw 10 месяцев назад
I’m fully post trib my brother because Jesus is POST TRIB! May god help us to endure until the end 🙏🙏 Thanks for this amazing video!! We need to spread this, This is an urgent matter!!
@MrRondonmon 10 месяцев назад
No he is not, you just do not understand scriptures.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10. Study yourself approved and stop blindly trusting preachers.
@MrRondonmon 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Will AND....Rev. 2:10, 3:5 & 3:21 all have promises to those who OVERCOME or DIE, and those very promises are seen in Rev. 4:4, the 24 Elders (see 1 Chronicles 24 and the 24 Orders of the Priesthood) represent the Church as Jesus says in Rev. 1:6 and Rev. 5:9-10, we are kings and priests in Christ Jesus. So, the 24 Elders are the Church in Rev. 4:4, they have on Crowns of Gold(Rev. 2:10), White Raiment/Robes (Rev. 3:5) and they sat at God's Throne (Rev. 3:21). So, these are a POTRAIT of those Church Age Overcomers. These guys are not real swift at Prophecy tbh.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 10 месяцев назад
@@MrRondonmon Really which Scripture are you referring to? We are indeed not appointed to wrath--- Greek: orge... 1 Thess 5:9,10, but to eternal salvation and eternally living with Him. Orge is defined by scripture as forever burning with fire and brimstone... Rev 14:10... commonly referred to as Hell. It abides on the unbeliever.. John 3:36... it is the wrath to come.. 1 thess 1:10. Orge, once initiated, is eternal in nature. God's temporal wrath-- thumos is what David experienced when he sinned with Bathsheba. My Greek friend from Greece tells us that this wrath is best described in English as "anger"... as some version of Scripture translate. The wrath poured out in the judgments of Revelation is thumos... a temporal wrath... and not orge... God's eternal wrath of Hell. Every argument for a rapture is birthed in deceit... Scripture shows the event to be "the resurrection of the dead"... Heb 6:1, Rev 20;4-6, 1 Cor 15:42-55... which is what Paul didn't want us ignorant about in 1 Thess 4:13-18. The resurrection of the dead does not occur until the heavens are destroyed... Job 14:12, Matt 24:35-50, Mark 13:31,32, 2 Peter 3:10. If Jesus directly stated that He comes AFTER the tribulation... Matt 24:29--31... don't you think that there should actually be Scripture stating a rapture prior to tribulation, before someone teaches the OPPOSITE (antichrist... 1 John 2:18,19) of Christ?
@MrRondonmon 10 месяцев назад
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz The Day of the Lord is NOT eternal Judgment which comes at the 2nd Resurrection (of the wicked) which is 1000 years after Jesus sets up the Kingdom Age. The DOTL is God's Wrath on mankind living NOW, as Joel 2:31 and other places show, it will be with fire this time, not with a flood hence he Rainbow Promise. So, at the exact middle of the 70th week God's Wrath kicks in, this starts the DOTL, which starts up God taking back the title deed Satan tricked Adam out of, who was given Dominion over the earth, Satan stole that Dominion, see Luke 4, he is over every Kingdom on this earth, and does as he so wills with those kingdoms, he told Jesus that remember? Then after God's Wrath of 1260 days, we see the DOTL continue on for 1000 more years, and see Jesus ruling with a Rod of Iron. Then comes the 2nd Resurrection, and this whole Universe becomes HELL, God sets it on fire as we leave for the New Heavens and New Earth, which has no Seas in it. Rev. 20:4 is the Resurrection, and Judgment of the Martyrs who died in the 70t week who refused......REFUSED the Mark of the Beast, ONLY, go read it. Not the Pre Trib Raptured Church who marries the Lamb in Rev. 19 and return with Jesus. I know more about Prophecy and end times then everyone combined on this site. This s my calling of 40 plus years. 1 Cor. 15, if read properly tells us that the Rapture happens as the Dead in Christ are raised to go be with Jesus those in Rev. 20:4 serve on earth with Jesus for a 1000 years, and ONLY THEY serve, thus they are not the Church who are raptured Pre Trib. And no, no one simply flies off to Heaven in their body, 1 Cor. 44 specifically says the dead are raised as Spirt Men, thus with NO CORRUPTION (Sin Flesh). This is why we who are LIVING have to be CHANGED hw do you guys not understand this? It says we are on our way to Heaven and Flesh and Blood CAN NOT Enter Heaven, so says vs. 50. So, we have to be CHANGED (Meaning we leave our corrupt flesh bodies behind, meaning we DIE and go to be with the Lord like hose who get raised as Spirit Men, see vs. 44 !! Its obvious) Matt. 24:36-51 is the Pre Trib Rapture. As in the Days of Noah, they will be eating, drinking, giving in marriage (acting normal) but if that is the 2nd Coming as you say, we will know the EXACT DAY of the 2nd Coming, because the Beast rules exactly 1260 days !! And those people will not be ACTING NORMAL, they would more or less be ACTING like the people swimming around in the flood waters who WERE NOT eating, drinking, and giving in marriage because of God' Wrath ? (Flood) Thus the Wrath of God in Revelation will bring the same thing, people running from Gods Wrath, hiding in caves, not acting NORMAL !! This is why babes in Christ, OR people not called unto Prophecy get these things wrong. I jut destroyed you Matt. 36-51 thesis. As per Matt. 24:29-30 that is the 2nd Coming, you however confuse the passage, LOOK AGAIN, Jesus never says he comes IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation, that comes in vs. 30, he says the Sun and Moon goes DARK immediately after the Tribulation of those days [comes upon mankind]. So, Joel 2:31 shows this, as does the 6th Sea, both are PROPHETIC UTTERANCES, then we get the actual Asteroid that causes the Sun and Moon to go dark. In Trump #1 we see the Asteroid breaking apart, causing FIRES in 1/3 of the world, probably North and South America, which = 1/3 of the worlds Landmass. (Which will cause the smoke that makes the Sun and Moon go dark in Trump #4) Then in Trump #2 we see THE IMPACT (Earthquake John saw also) and in Trump #3 we see the FALLOUT that bring Wormwood (Poison substance that falls out from the blast). Then finally in Trump #4 we see the Sun & Moon go Dark IMMEDIATY AFTER the TROUBLES (Asteroid Impact & FIRES). And THEN in vs. 30 Jesus returns 1260 days later. Want to see another Prophecy exactly like this? Read Zech. 14:1-3........We see in vs. 1 the DOTL arrives, just after Israel repents in Zech. 13;8-9 (1/3 of the Jews repent). Then in vs. 2 it says Jerusalem will be conquered, the woman ravaged etc. etc. and in vs. 3 we see Jesus shows up 1260 days later to defeat the Beast and fight for Israel, WATCH BELOW !! Prophecy takes a deeper study sir. CAMPARE BORH NOW !! *Matt. **24:29* Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the *sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall* from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 *And then* (1260 days LATER) shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Want to read Rev. 8 now? Thise thin happen, THEN Woe #1 (Trump #5) lasts fir 5 Months, so why cant't you guys put it together like I do? 1.) You are not called unto Prophecy, 2.) You take other MENS IDEAS and they trump God's TRUTHS. Now watch how Zech. 14:1-3 shows the exact same 1260 day JUMP with AND THEN........or THEN..........WATCH. *Zech. 14:1* Behold, *the day of the Lord cometh* (Arrives) and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. 2 For *I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken* and the houses rifled, and the *women ravished* and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. NOW WATCH, another 1260 day JUMP with THEN.............. 3 *Then* (1260 days LATER) *shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations* as when he fought in the day of battle. Jerusalem FALLS, the Anti-Christ rules for how long? 42 Months and THEN Jesus' 2nd Coming happens. If you d not learn from this lesson its doubtful your pride will ever allow you to learn. There are those called unto Prophecy and those called unto other things. Prophecy is not your bag, or this guys bag on the video, if you do not understand the Pre Trib Rapture.
@debralawrence9969 10 месяцев назад
My scripture that made me realize that we're going thru Matthew 24:29-30.
@Rei-m3g 10 месяцев назад
No , tribulation is the time for Israel and not for the church .
@debralawrence9969 10 месяцев назад
@@Rei-m3g what scripture
@Rei-m3g 10 месяцев назад
@@debralawrence9969 its called Jacobs tears .
@Rei-m3g 10 месяцев назад
@@debralawrence9969 its in revelation where Israel will be trampled and descreated but for the last time a large number tol will be persecuted until they accept JEsus Christ as their Saviour . the church will be stole. At night to be with the Lord . amen
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
Please watch the rapture and Revelation series by pastor Allen Nolan who does a beautiful job of literally breaking the word down verse by verse, word by word, using the interpretation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic scriptures and explaining how even the cultural meanings affect what the word of God means. He’s the pastor who helped me to understand the Bible, especially the books of Revelation and Daniel, for the first time because he literally took his time and explained things word by word. Simply a true blessing.
@AA-zx6nw 10 месяцев назад
I usually like your teaching and sermons, however, your points in refuting the pretribulation rapture are weak. An easy example is comparing the word “church” to the word “Trinity” in your attempt to prove that it’s inconsequential that the word “church” is not mentioned in Rev. after the first 3 chapters. Huge difference here. The word “Trinity” is not used in the Bible at all. The word “church” is mentioned and then it’s not mentioned in the same book, which is what makes it significant. So, it is not the same thing. Btw, it’s impossible to read the Bible without bringing your own presuppositions to the text. That means you do the same thing you accuse pretribbers of doing. Lastly, when you were listing scripture that supposedly mentions Gods wrath while believers are present, there is no need to read a thousand examples. We get it, you think there’s a lot. Just say that instead. After all it’s not like anybody is going to write them down when you are spewing them off so quickly without pause. That said it would be helpful if you listed the verses somewhere accessible to the viewer or just say how many verses you found, as in the actual number. This is just some constructive criticism. I know your heart is in the right place but you have to remember this is a sensitive topic. Maybe one day you could interview a prominent pastor or teacher that is able to accurately articulate their position and refute yours. In order for you to actually refute the pre-trib. doctrine you have to present it to your audience accurately so they have a good understanding of what it really is and why many Christians believe in this interpretation. Then you could present your counter argument charitably. Right now you are only providing bits and pieces of what pretribbers believe and even at that you are not accurate. Hopefully that makes sense. At least provide an accurate depiction of what the other side believes and why. That’s all I’m saying. Also, it’s important that when we talk about these things we remain charitable to those who may believe differently. In my opinion you came off a bit condescending and sarcastic. Just remember, there are many legends in the Christian faith that hold to the position of a pretribulation rapture. I’m aware there are others that are of your interpretation as well but the point is we are not talking about baby Christians that do not properly exegete the scripture or practice sound hermeneutical principles. You make it seem like it’s so easily refuted but that’s only because you are picking and choosing what you perceive to be weaker arguments (at face value at least) and not articulating the actual position accurately. You haven’t even touched on the core of the interpretation. God bless brother.
@outdoorsman426 10 месяцев назад
Well put. Like I have told others that There are plenty of other Pastors who believe in a pre-trib rapture with very sound Scripture. All these pastors/teachers need to "Remember A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINT ITSELF WILL NOT STAND Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:25"
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
if the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. how is second coming of Jesus is gonna be like a thief in the night if we know that he’s coming at the end of the tribulation?
@outdoorsman426 10 месяцев назад
@@storozha777 I will never understand how so many can not understand that along with so so so much more.
@debrarussell8056 10 месяцев назад
Yes I agree. Well said.. Interview with Pastor Doctor David Jeremiah would be good .🕊️❤️
@AA-zx6nw 10 месяцев назад
@@outdoorsman426Good point. Case and point, I just heard recently that Max Lucado changed his position from an Amillinialist eschatological interpretation which doesn’t hold to a pretrib rapture. He now believes the dispensationalism interpretation of the end times which obviously holds to a pretrib rapture. To me, it makes perfect sense that there would be two different programs, one for the church and one for Israel, regrading end time events. Not when it comes to salvation (that is where a lot of opponents get it twisted), but regarding eschatology. In other words, Jews have to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved. That said, God does have a special plan for Israel because he has a covenant with them. As such, He promised they would be saved. Just because the church age began when Jesus died on the cross doesn’t mean God’s covenant with Israel all of a sudden is null and void. Israel is God’s first born and very special to Him. This should be obvious since He chose them to be the light to the world in the OT. The church is also special and we are both equally important to God. The difference is we are His bride. And I do not believe Jesus is going to allow His bride to go through the tribulation. God is faithful to His covenant with Israel and His covenant with the church. It’s very interesting because it was Israel’s rebellion against God and rejection of the Messiah that opened up the door for Gentiles to be grafted in as sons of God and unto salvation; and it will be the church’s/Bride of Christ rapture that will bring Israel to salvation. Obviously many will realize their mistake once we are gone. But God loves his children so much that they will have another opportunity to be saved during the tribulation (and other gentile believers). Bottom line, God is faithful to His Word, and He made a covenant with Israel and it still stands.
@bellastone-le9eb 10 месяцев назад
I agree with you Vlad. I've been taught pre trib and when I read the scriptures I never saw that. Besides there are many many if not most need to be purged by the refiners fire because they do not really know nor see Christ standing right in front of them but instead persecute and slander and try to destroy His messengers.
@marlaclosen4229 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for having the courage to tell, what we see, as the truth. I just pray people who are pre trib believers have an open mind, as the disappointment at not being pre- raptured may turn their hearts cold.
@sl1616 10 месяцев назад
How about the view that those who have their oil ready (growing to bear fruits as Christians and try to be clean), like the 5 virgins mentioned in the Bible, will be raptured before the 7 yr tribulation and those who don't have their oil ready will be left having to go through the tribulation.. And He might maybe leave some ready (Christians who have the oil ready) in the tribulation for ministry purposes.. How about this view..
@Esther4Gsus 10 месяцев назад
I agree with this comment. Because if there’s no rapture before 7 tribulation then where is the hope we can tell people about the gospel. Do we have to tell people to accept Jesus so that we all have to go through 7 tribulation? To be headed? Because it is written that anti-christ will find you anyway… ppl will starve to death coz they can’t take 666 for trading, buying food… etc. what ever ye believe ye receive so I choose to be the virgin having the oil.
@joetyrant4713 10 месяцев назад
I see that as the ones ready will remain and persevere (using the fuel) until Christ returns. The ones that are unprepared (with no oil) will be taken to either A) accept the mark to survive. B) fall away from faith since the great tribulation has started. C) accept the great tribulation and endure with what they have.
@godskingdomservant3191 10 месяцев назад
This is a blessed message that rings true to those who study Revelation AND the Prophets (like Daniel, Isaiah and Ezekiel, etc). Amazing!
@saintFozzy 10 месяцев назад
Sorry but not agreeing with you on this one... The rapture before the Tribulation is in fact in the bible and is scriptural
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
Only if one is mistaken, and does not seek truth and discernment. The chronology is clear. Christians have never escaped tribulation. We have never been promised to escape tribulation. ( We are promised to escape wrath ) The seven bowls/vials of God's wrath are poured upon the earth just after the earth is reaped.
@saintFozzy 10 месяцев назад
@@princesssweetpea9205 Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
@davidsousa7176 10 месяцев назад
@@saintFozzy That does not speak of the (pre-trib, which is not happening) rapture. God bless you. Daniel 12:2-3 2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.
@saintFozzy 10 месяцев назад
@@davidsousa7176 Ok, make me understand how not? In Dan 12:1, it said "and there shall be a time of trouble", I'm pretty sure that speaks to before tribulation. If not then explain what it means.
@davidsousa7176 10 месяцев назад
@@saintFozzy My understanding of "being delivered" is that we are protected by God during those hard times. Daniel 12:2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt. And this is the next verse which talks about some people being saved and others being casted into hell, which happens at the second coming of Jesus Christ. God bless you.
@CristiBarosanu79 10 месяцев назад
God Bless, You Pastor Vlad 🙏 i pray that more people will learn the reality of what is going to happen 🙏🙌. Sharing is necessary ☺️
@serahndambiri4003 10 месяцев назад
yes we will go through tribulation but we will be shielded by the God.. i believe. we pray for grace to endure to the end
@jasonhopson7280 10 месяцев назад
I always believed in a mid-trib rapture . The most important thing of all is understanding that no matter whether its before , during , or after , Jesus is coming back ! Oh , what a glorious day to be able to see my Savior ! His will be done
@Coffeedrinker291 10 месяцев назад
Right, it doesn’t matter. He will do what He wants and He will bring us through it.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Y’all trippin, just read the Bible. Revelation 3:10
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
Matthew 24:40-43 New King James Version 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what [a]hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what [b]hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
@mbowden299 10 месяцев назад
Still doesnt mean rapture ....
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@mbowden299 well it’s obviously about the rapture then what can you explain abt this prophecy ? Well , it’s only my opinion at least I get my understanding from Bible from what I read , I get my information and what I learned from Bible 🙏🏾☺️
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb if you accept the Holy Spirit pure heartedly , we die to self , no Adam spirit exist , that’s why Always teach us to walk in Spirit , if we follow the Holy Spirit then our soul will also be save
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb I can still find for many Bible scriptures that lead to the teachings of the rapture …..
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ if the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. Explain to me how the second coming of Jesus is gonna be like a thief in the night if we know that he’s coming at the end of the tribulation?
@Jiraiya-di7iw 10 месяцев назад
Woe unto any of us alive for that time. The great tribulation will be gruesome and absolutely brutal. A level of sufferation, misery and brutality never before experienced by mankind throughout our entire history! The beast will have full authority to overcome and slaughter us all. You will watch your family members die. You will have to choose between taking the mark or your child's life or anyone dear to you. Your faith will be tested to the absolute limit. Many Christians will crumble due to pain, suffering, starvation, homelessness, torture etc. Only the most faithful will make it out victorious.
@marthah7431 6 месяцев назад
No it is not “woe”. It is not a “woe” from our Lord’s mouth. It is “I am with you always even unto the end of the age. I will never fail you nor forsake you. It is “they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives even unto death.” Rev 12:11. Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into My rest. Who has disarmed the principalities and powers? Christ Jesus our Lord. Hallelujah to the Lamb who was slain. In Him we have life and are more than conquerors. 😌🙏
@frankieclayton9303 2 месяца назад
1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 through 18 Matthew 24 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 7 through 9
@destinylovetv2937 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! This gave me clarity! God Bless you Brother.
@griffiv7809 10 месяцев назад
Put Jesus image in front of schools for kids to find - that children may find and remember God
@tracyanncoe4586 10 месяцев назад
Vlad, I totally Agree With this,Though I was raised to Believe in The rapture..I asked The Lord to Please reveal to Me if there were Any areas in my life where I had been deceived,God Himself Revealed to Me thru His Holy Spirit that there was NO rapture that the enemy had deceived Many in Believing this & Not long after reading Matthew ch.24 The Lord lead Me to your Video you put out a few weeks ago on this topic TO confirm for Me HE was letting Me know it was something I was deceived In & IM SO SO THANKFUL HE DID,SO I'D BE PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE,ITS SO AWFUL HOW the enemy has worked for centuries to deceived US but THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND WILL LEAD YOU INTO TRUTH,THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO GOD & BRINGING HIS TRUTH FORTH...GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS ❤
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church. 1. Argument: The pretribulation view is not taught in church history. This argument is extremely dishonest. (The truth is that the post-tribulation also was not taught. The views of the rapture, tribulation and second coming came about as people came out the dark ages and returned to the literal method of Bible interpretation.) Those in church history allegorized the scriptures There was no literal 7-year tribulation, no rapture, and no literal Millenium connected to these events.
@MichaelMelder 10 месяцев назад
I truly believe that we will go through the Great Tribulation, I always asked myself when I watch prominent preachers support the pre_tribulation rapture and it caused me to do some research myself. Matthew 24:29-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; Rev 7:14, 15.
@starstar6777 10 месяцев назад
I’m glad people are getting on board with the truth that they will suffer for their faith during the tribulation.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
The church/bride will not be here. Those who are saved during that time period are the ones who will suffer for their faith. Most of them will be killed for their faith.
@ericaruiz3005 10 месяцев назад
He says pray that will escape those things to come
@humblewatchman1673 10 месяцев назад
Let’s take a look at Luke 21 in context. Luke 21:16 tells us some will die and we will be hated for His name. Then in verse 17 we see Jesus say “yet not a hair on your head will perish.” Clearly Jesus is contrasting physical death with eternal judgment, since He had just said some will die (physically). Verse 19 He says, “By your endurance you will gain your lives.” So, Jesus goes back to what’s happening on earth, and He says endurance thru the persecution is how we will gain our lives (eternally). In verse 25 we see signs in the sun and moon and stars, and in verse 28 Jesus says when these things begin to happen we’re to look up because our redemption draws near. Then, in verses 34-35 we see Jesus cautioning us to be sober minded, focused on Him, and aware of the signs of the times so that we aren’t caught off guard like the rest of the world - since these things will come upon entire world and all who live on it. Finally, in verse 36 we see the specific instruction that we are to pray that we have the strength to escape these things that we might stand before the Son of Man. I’d offer two thoughts to consider here. The first being that our strength has nothing to do with a pretrib rapture, because if a pretrib rapture were being taught in this one verse it would be by the strength and will of the Lord - not our strength. Instead, we’re told to pray for strength to endure, not to escape. The second thought is just how misplaced a pretrib rapture teaching would be in this discourse after Jesus had just spoken very clearly of all that would happen to us, around us, and all that we should be aware of….a pretrib rapture would render the entirety of Jesus’s prior teaching throughout Luke 21 completely superfluous and void of meaning to those who won’t even be here to adhere to the warning…those who would suffer for His name.
@theerealwayno5217 10 месяцев назад
I would rather serve GOD and suffer a life of misery to retire peacefully in heaven! than to serve satan and enjoy an easy life just to suffer an eternity in hell! I praise you lord and understand your plans, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven as we live out your proficy. You are the Alpha & Omega.
@vernalittle7917 9 месяцев назад
@theerealwayno5217 9 месяцев назад
@@vernalittle7917 Amen 🙏
@jetroconcerman4314 10 месяцев назад
If the Rapture takes place before the outpouring of the wrath or post-trib it is no longer a coming like a thief.
@annettekagendo1661 10 месяцев назад
We already are in tribulation n worse is yet to come but those that know their GOD will be strong n do exploits in the midst of it, hallelujah 🙌🏽
@stephangarancsi4516 10 месяцев назад
Please ! Have you read the Bible : what will start the 7 year tribulation ? Do you know the starting point ? I will help you : the tribulation begins when the antichrist (satan reincarnated ) will sign a peace treaty with the Jews , Israel and the Muslims . What need to happen to sign a peace treaty ? First a major war has to be faught. Read psalm 83 , prophecy about Elam (Iran ) war . Gog and Magog war . Then after the war people will be eager to sign a peace treaty . The middle of tribulation is when the antichrist will declare himself god in the new Jewish temple . The tribulation will end when all the nations will gather in the kidron valley (Israel ) and Jesus will set his food on earth once again . So No the tribulation has not begun . It is only the birth pains as Jesus foretold .
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
The tribulation cannot start until the antichrist is revealed. He has a limited time to rule. The great falling away must happen first. The one world government has to be in full power and the antichrist has to be appointed its king
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
This is definitely not the tribulation period. Most of the people Arne animals and plant life on the planet will die. These are the beginnings of the birth pains, where our Lord commanded us to look up. Where is your blessed hope? Snatched away by the evil one.
@marthah7431 6 месяцев назад
Beautifully said. I am thankful for you and your testimony. To God be the glory for the things He has done. Be richly blessed. 😌🙏
@jarkinaykuandikova2529 10 месяцев назад
Очень надеюсь получить проповеди на русском языке! Спасибо ❤
@godswittness69 10 месяцев назад
I don't speak Russian but I have Russian blood. Language is indeed a very beautiful and particular thing !
@christiaanvanzon2339 10 месяцев назад
Thanks pastor Vlad! I've change my mind concerning pre-trib...A can see that it is a man made docrine❤
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
Yes... thank God for those who are strong and speak TRUTH!!!!!
@DARK_KATACLYSM 10 месяцев назад
No pre trib is in the bible.
@just_me2797 10 месяцев назад
Amen. Just as you said, If one reads the scriptures and takes from them what they say, we will absolutely have to endure through the tribulation. There is no amount of mental gymnastics that can void what the scriptures tell us.
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church. The saints are overcome and die as martyrs.
@driftwood5504 10 месяцев назад
This shepherd loves to terrify you all with tribulation...it brings him money and worshipers
@basseyessien6607 10 месяцев назад
Hmmm, this is awesome,I was brought up to think we won't be here during the great tribulation, but recently I started asking questions about that, today you have provided the answer.Seems like any time I am in doubt or uncertainty,a video pops up as an answer.I bless the Name of the LORD and thank you pastor Vlad, God bless you always.
@juliamahlaj5686 10 месяцев назад
Nobody knows when Christ will come back. But I don't really understand whats the point staying here in the Tribulation. Why would God want His bride to suffer? Also, the Antichrist can't really come until church is no longer here on Earth.
@storozha777 10 месяцев назад
Also if the rapture and the second coming of the lord is synonymous then there will be nobody left to populate the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ the millennium. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. how is second coming of Jesus is gonna be like a thief in the night if we know that he’s coming at the end of the tribulation
@flowersofthefield340 10 месяцев назад
God wants you to "wake up" ...... and let gooo of your Teddy Bear 🧸
@marthah7431 6 месяцев назад
I can only speak for myself but my reason for wanting to be here during the tribulation/Great tribulation (if that is God’s will for me - I’m 71) is to encourage fellow Christians and to seek and save the lost under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If only one person were saved by my testimony, it would be worth it. I have been through a lot of tribulation already having been abused by satanists as a child. Nothing will ever be worse than what I’ve already been through. With that said, it led me deep into the heart of God where there is great love, longing for His children and pain (grief). I love Him so much. He will keep His children safe no matter where they are. How many times did Jesus say, “Be not afraid, I am with You.” Bottomline, He doesn’t want us to suffer, but a servant is not above His master. In this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world. We will overcome through Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world. Be blessed. He has us covered. 😌🙏
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 6 месяцев назад
​@@flowersofthefield340you act like you wanna suffer or something?
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
Rapture is meeting Jesus on air ……. That’s why s there is a saying Jesus will come like a thief of the night
@Quicksweex 10 месяцев назад
Exactly and what about my father has many rooms/mansions? because if millennium reign is gonna be affter jesus come to earth what happened to the rooms? cause he promised the rooms.
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@Quicksweex exactly , we will be staying in heaven during those 7 years trib…. Then after 7 years trib we will come back together with Jesus
@saintFozzy 10 месяцев назад
@Quicksweex 10 месяцев назад
@@christopherkennethtan1742 that's exactly what I understand when I read the bible. cause right now it is the Holy spirit who's restraining the men of lawlessness. and the Holy spirit lives in us because he came when Jesus went to heaven. I don't believe God will leave us without guidance and wisdom which the holy spirit gives to us.
@christopherkennethtan1742 10 месяцев назад
@@Quicksweex super agree , that’s why from what I understand anti christ will reign after the rapture because if christian still on earth ,anti christ cant reign, the Holy Spirit that live in us will always be victorious ……but if we all are taken through rapture then those non believers left , they don’t have the Holy Spirit that’s why anti christ reign during those tribulation period
@mtngrl7491 10 месяцев назад
Pastor Vlad, thabk you so much for posting this. I have believed this way for a long time. It is Biblical. I am so glad to hear your view on this, as I am not sure there are many pastors preaching it or preparing their flocks for this. It makes me sad, really. I have been listening to you for a few months now and have been weighing what you say against scripture. I believe you are a true man of God and lift you and your family in prayer. Thank you for answering your call.
@-MeganD- 10 месяцев назад
Yes I agree!! It's relieving to know he is teaching one of the most important biblical truths!!
@mtngrl7491 10 месяцев назад
@@-MeganD- I wish I could find a pastor like him near me. I have been searching for a church for quite a while.
@-MeganD- 10 месяцев назад
Well I will keep you in my prayers sister in Christ 🙏 I know God has the perfect church for you! And who knows, maybe it is our calling to lead others to this biblical truth! God will lay it on our hearts. I can tell you seek the Lord and want the things of His kingdom. Everything is working for your good, precious sister. It always does for those that love the Lord! ❤️
@mtngrl7491 10 месяцев назад
@MeganDean-yc3mz thank you so much. Your words of encouragement mean so much to me. Lord bless you sister. May His peace and love cover you and yours.
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church.
@Montana4us 7 месяцев назад
This pastor is speaking the truth!. I've tried to believe in a pre-trib rapture, but when I read revelation myself I don't believe in pre-trib! The teaching of a pre-trib rapture is a FALSE hope for Christians 😢
@MauriceCarter-zs8lt 10 месяцев назад
🤚Heavenly Father, Bless Your Preachers, Teachers and Prophets 🙏 Thank you my Brother ❤🫂😇🙏
@_nj71 10 месяцев назад
Thankyou Ps Vlad, I just finished reading Revelations thismorning, finding online translations to help understand. I thought the translations of church ages might be biased and therefore grateful for your sobering word about this. I take them as traits to learn from: keep on fire for God; stay strong in faith through suffering and hardship; avoid idolitory, false doctrine, sexual immorality and false prophets; dont rely on good works alone; open your heart to Jesus and stay true to God, despite poverty and hardship.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 10 месяцев назад
@@Evangelist_Will John 17:15-20
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 10 месяцев назад
Read it again... this time ask the Holy Spirit to teach you in all things.. 1 John 2:27, and repent of listing to "online translations to 'help' understand. All the extra terms created by man, "rapture", "second coming", "tribulation saints", "church age", "fig tree generation", etc are all deceptive created for the purpose of deception... Jesus, Peter and Paul all warn us about the deception surrounding His return... Matt 24:3,4, 2 Peter 3:15-17, 2 Thess 2:1-3. Scripture calls the event "the resurrection of the dead"... Heb 6:1, Rev 20:4-6, 1 Cor 15:42-55, Job 14;12, Matt 24:35-50, 2 Peter 3:10
@_nj71 10 месяцев назад
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz Thankyou Randy for your help as I appreciate some direction. You’re right, the more online opinions the more confusing and misleading it certainly becomes. Praise the Lord for wise teachers 🙏
@flintstarter7013 10 месяцев назад
Just be found spotless and blameless.
@davema4934 10 месяцев назад
Im a Pre-Tribulation beliver! Hallelujah!
@rubensebrechts9967 10 месяцев назад
HALLELUJA We're Gods children the rapture before the tribulation is clear trough the whole bible!
@BelovedbyAdonai 10 месяцев назад
Same 👍
@jhamilton1007 10 месяцев назад
And you are correct in believing that. It's sad that so many are brainwashed in to thinking that Jesus would hurt His Bride in the Tribulation, which is called the TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE. "Jacob" being Israel. I blame heretical and blasphemous modern translations for this heresy.
@princesssweetpea9205 10 месяцев назад
I am so sorry that there are those who do not SEEK truth. do not listen to empty promises with itching ears. The Scriptures are very clear. We are never promised to escape tribulation. ( We ARE promised to escape wrath) Pray for discernment. SEEK TRUTH. What you believe is not what matters... GOD's word will come to pass.
@jesussaves_316 10 месяцев назад
​@jhamilton1007 Actually Pre Trib belief only showed up in the late 1800s
@valerieoelofse5817 10 месяцев назад
We need to pray for ourselves and our family in Christ that Jesus will prepare us for what is coming.
@UESGrl21 10 месяцев назад
I wanted to believe in pre-trib, but I’m my heart I knew it is not how God normally operates. His strength is perfected in weakness. Also based on what I’m seeing and experiencing of God’s judgment poured out in the present age, I know believers are not exempt from tribulation, but that He does preserve us.
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church.
@samuelmulala838 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this Pastor... I was of the view at first that we shall be raptured before the Tribulation, but after going through the scriptures the Holy Spirit brought me to the same conclusions that you highlighted in this video. Cause the rapture speaks of the coming of Christ and us reigning with Him, so if the rapture happens right before the Tribulation how does that fit into the whole narrative. I think as people we often are looking for the easy way out and trying to justify it... I love the words you used, let scripture speak for itself and not us feeding our own narrative into the scriptures.
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
He’s wrong, you were right. Revelation 3:10.
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
We will be raptured before the tribulation period, spending those seven years in heaven and protected from suffering God’s wrath. Then, we will return with our conquering King at the end of the tribulation period, saving His people and ending that horrific time and beginning the Lord’s millennial reign. We will rule and be His priests under His rule. That’s how we will fit into this scenario. Those who are saved during the tribulation period and actually survive until the Lord’s return will be healed and will go into the millennial reign as human beings, the saints who will repopulate the healed world. They will have children and they will have children, and on and on until the end. And every person born during Jesus’s reign will be born with the adamic nature, and they will still have to make atheism choice to trust and put their faith in Christ or reject Him. God’s always blessed each of us with free will, and that won’t change. Those who reject the Lord will be the ones that Satan will turn against Him at the end of all earthly time, and they will all surround the holy city and rise up against Christ where God will reign fire down from heaven finally ending all of the rebellious activities once and for all. Satan will finally be thrown into the lake of fire, where he will join the antichrist and false prophet who will still be there…being the first two people thrown alive into the lake one thousand years ago at the end of the tribulation period. Then, this earth and universe will be destroyed, the Great White Throne judgement of Jesus Christ will occur, where the souls of those who rejected Jesus Christ and the truth will be judged and each person will receive their part in the lake, to suffer the wrath of almighty God forevermore. Then, God will create new heavens and a new earth and the New Jerusalem, His heavenly home/city, will be lowered from the third heaven and set upon the new earth. And God will live beside us, where He will be our God and we will be His people. And we will be with the Lord forevermore.
@ChildOfTheOneTrueAlmightyGod 10 месяцев назад
Sorry, above, the computer added “atheism” in when I was typing the word “a”. Auto correct is ridiculous. And it’s supposed to be “God will rain fire down from heaven…” above.
@Kepi_Kei 10 дней назад
I used to be pre-trib. Now I am post-trib. I have checked it out thoroughly. Christians will be surprised and the love of many will grow cold. No matter when he comes, I know I will go with him. Believing whether there is a rapture or not , or when it will be, has nothing to do with my salvation.
@gte251 10 месяцев назад
I've been reading the Bible and not seeing pretrib. Thank you for sharing this with God's Word 📖 God's Blessings upon Your Journey
@bozomahoney 10 месяцев назад
We do NOT go thru the tribulation!
@DARK_KATACLYSM 10 месяцев назад
There is a pre trib rapture. People will not go through the tribulation. The bible is clear on this.
@wendymtzc 10 месяцев назад
29 Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall GATHER together HIS ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
@theresahood-phillips 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. The Christian will through the tribulation period. I did not wanted to believe it but after hearing a brother from my church explained it at one of the church seminar the end times, and you confirmed what he said I truly believe it now. Just stay with God and his only begotten son JESUS Christ of Nazareth. We will be cover and protected from the wrath of God almighty to come.Glory Hallelujah 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@Evangelist_Will 10 месяцев назад
Revelation 3:10
@jamesadams5281 10 месяцев назад
1. One of the arguments: The pretribulation view is not taught in church history. This at its core is very dishonest. (The truth is that the post-tribulation also was not taught. The views of the rapture, tribulation and second coming came about as people came out the dark ages and returned to the literal method of Bible interpretation.) An argument against the post tribulation: Rev 13:15 cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. NASU Rev 13:7-8 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. NASU Rev 13:16 And he causes all…, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 1 Thess 4:17-18 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. NASU If you worship the beast or take his mark you go to eternal punishment. If you do not you will be overcome and killed. According to this there are no “We which are alive and remain” If the rapture is at the second coming. There is no one for Jesus to meet. There is no comforting because you cant comfort a dead body. Everyone is killed so there is no church.
@BeSaltShineLight 29 дней назад
Rev 3:10 “Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world.” (I don’t belong to this world, I belong to Jesus. Those who have accepted Jesus have been adopted into His kingdom by the blood of Jesus) 🙏
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