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William Shakespeare was totally Bisexual (Probably) 

Fandom Musings
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William Shakespeare- the Bard of Avon, Legendary Wordsmith, was, in all probability, super queer. We're going to look at the evidence, read some lovely poems, read some raunchy poems, and generally just talk Shakespeare.
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@starself0 6 лет назад
im binging all your videos right now but man i remember when we had to analyze sonnet 18 in class back in high school and our teacher did not allow romantic interpretations because it was about a guy so we had to somehow find a way to analyze it as a platonic-bro-no-homo-poem. it was hilarious.
@starself0 6 лет назад
on a very similar note i had to analyze sonnet 130 in high school and again in college and both times people in class brought up that the woman its written about is not white and both times my teacher/professor told us that this was not true. my college professor literally laughed out loud at the student who said it. gotta love the education system!
@potatoeater3638 5 лет назад
Same my teacher said that the sonnets are addressed to his male "friend" and female beloved.
@Scyllax 4 года назад
starself Wystan Hughes Auden, who was gay, said he found some of Shakespeare’s sonnets homoerotic, not homosexual.
@Scyllax 4 года назад
Of course, in “Twelfth Night”, the second after Count Orsino finds out his servingman is a woman, he proposes marriage.
@paris5410 4 года назад
Wow. In my case, the teacher just kept talking about “the lady in the sonnet” and I did not know enough about Shakespeare to correct her. I was livid when I found out she had been lying to us, because it was indeed a lie.
@KeldaMacFeegle 7 лет назад
Can I throw my money in for the Marlowe/Shakespeare romcom? PLEASE
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
KeldaMacFeegle i say we start a kickstarter
@imaniheijmans5724 6 лет назад
KeldaMacFeegle Yes
@eartianwerewolf 6 лет назад
Make it animated and I will agree.
@Aquadancergreen 7 лет назад
Absolutely flawless. Fabulous. 10/10. I love these videos, they really make me feel more at home when it comes to the queer community in history. We didn't just "appear," we were always there!
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
Thank you! Studying queer history is so important to me.
@cristina9202 6 лет назад
More than half of his sonnets were for a man :)
@ThinWhiteAxe 5 лет назад
And they're the prettiest ones in my opinion. Definitely some of the more idyllic ones were in the 'fair youth' series.
@Anonim-zk6kl Год назад
my teacher’s presentation literally: “feelings of male friendship are more important to him than feelings of love for a woman” YOU WANT ME TO SAY THAT HE WAS NOT GAY SLASH BISEXUAL???
@hughmanatee7657 Год назад
Nonsense. The sonnets to WH were to please a nobleman in order to gain his patronage and protection. Try recruiting living people, instead of the dead.
@AngelineProductions 9 месяцев назад
@@ThinWhiteAxeI thought the “fair youth” was referring to a young man, though?
@Stephen-Fox 7 лет назад
Fantastic video :) Oh, I think heteronormativity goes beyond just assuming a historic figure is straight until the historic record conclusively proves otherwise... There are some historic figures the historic record explicitly mentions as having had same sex who historians state that the two were friends. (To say nothing of the amount of birds that get missexed due to it being standard practice to assuming all animal sexual activity is a) between opposite sex birds and b) the bird on top is the male even when that requires sexing the same individual bird differently in consecutive sexual encounters) Now, sure, when doing a serious historic discussion we shouldn't project modern labels - with all the social connotations they provide - onto historic figures, because sexual prejudices were different then and labeling e.g. Alexander the Great as bisexual when he's from a time and place where that was the expected male sexual behaviour, so wouldn't have faced the prejudices that modern bisexuals face, makes little sense (In fact, in ancient Rome queer behaviour would have likely been 'a man taking the passive role in a relationship with a man who is of lower social status' rather than a man having a male lover. There is a Roman emporer who is negatively written about (By his successor, so grains of salt very much required, the problem with a lot Roman historic records are that they were usually written by the person who just stabbed the previous emporer in the back, literally or figuratively, trying to justify their actions as being necessary) for engaging in same sex intercourse, but the 'problem' wasn't that he was having sex with men in a Roman context, but because he was letting his social inferiors... Give him their wills. But... Outside of that very specific situation of serious historic discussion? And this 'outside of that' goes double if we note the sexual context of the time period? Representation is important, damn it, and letting queer kids identify with historic figures who made accomplishments? Hugely important.
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
Absolutely. There is such a disconnect between lgbt people and our history. It has been so erased and obscured.
@nataliekitchin7436 5 лет назад
can we also acknowledge the Dr who quote where Will says something mad gay to The Doctor and he says "5 historians just threw their fists in the air" I will not forget that
@paris5410 4 года назад
"57 academics just punched the air"
@madisnzz 3 года назад
I can’t believe I’m watching a video about Shakespeare’s sexuality on a school night.
@ThinWhiteAxe 5 лет назад
I just love his sonnets, and some of the prettiest ones are the 'gay' ones :)
@randyfool2065 7 лет назад
God damn I'm glad that many high schools push reading plays by a bisexual man. I wonder if Othello had any similarities to the Dark Lady and if Shakespeare would want his Will inside both.
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
Ernesto Coronado ive lone held that iago's true motivation in othello is jealousy- jealousy towards Desdemona for having othellos love. (othello is like, my favorite of the tragedies. i have feelings about it)
@frakkintoasterluvva7920 7 лет назад
I think it's more complicated than that. It's about jealousy, definitely, but not directed to just one person. He is pretty much jealous of everyone he is hurting by his plot. But Iago is definitely most focused on Othello, with Desdemona and Cassio as secondary characters and collateral damage in his plot. He wants to bring down Othello, and not just in the sense of destroying him, but in the sense of bringing him down to his level. He is secondarily jealous of Cassio for being promoted by Othello rather than him (so, preferred) and maybe also because Cassio is a good-looking man, probably also jealous of Desdemona for having Othello's love, and he is primarily fascinated with and jealous of Othello for being a better man than he is, a better warrior, a better leader, a better husband, and a better person... and there's also a lot of racism in the mix, because Iago has a deep-seated male insecurity, jealousy and inferiority complex, which gets worse when the man he is fascinated with as superior to himself is a black man. (This is reflected in the way Iago explains his plot against Othello partially by there being a gossip that Othello slept with his wife. Going by all we know of Othello and Emilia, this seems very unlikely, and we don't hear that gossip from anyone else, so it may be that Iago is projecting his own issues, insecurities and even fantasies. Mind you, Iago obviously doesn't care about his wife, so this is not about her, it's all about his own issues and his issues in relation to Othello.) Of course, Iago never thinks about his own motivations very deeply and probably isn't aware of them, and isn't willing to dig deep into his own psyche.
@skyc7089 5 лет назад
OH MY GOD IT WOULD MAKE SENSE TO HAVE SIMILIARITIES Desdemona is Billy Shakes and the Dark Lady is Othello :o Maybe
@jabotjab6239 5 лет назад
@@frakkintoasterluvva7920 But Othello in Shakespeare work is not a black man but a moorish but whatever the thematic is the same
@frakkintoasterluvva7920 5 лет назад
@@jabotjab6239 Yes, Othello is a black man in Shakespeare's tragedy. That's what "Blackamoor" (black Moor) meant, it was the term used for black African people. And he is referred to as blsck multiple times in the play.
@eartianwerewolf 6 лет назад
He was just a lover of all kinds ^ W ^
@eartianwerewolf 6 лет назад
Also yes, people saying this stuff is platonic are silly.
@joshuabiatch8856 7 лет назад
i LOVED this, PLEASE make MORE! (I don't know where else you would go, but if if have more ideas, please make them! I enjoyed this much! (just wanted to make that clear, awesome video!))
@arpitachakraborty8969 2 года назад
i always kind of avoided shakespeare (idk why tho lol Im more of an oscar wilde type of person) but im in my senior year (12th grade) and in our english syllabus there's sonnet 18. And dear god, the teacher explaining it as "the poet's beloved fRiEnD" with a straight face is hilarious. Like its all "just lads doing laddy things cause lads are cool" or "laddy bro pal dedicating 126 sonnents for his laddy bro pal no homo tho" type of thing again ndnlfsnf
@user-bd6qh5sf8d 8 месяцев назад
@JOHN----DOE 4 года назад
A lot of this makes sense--particularly because sexuality in Elizabethan England WASN't polarized (the men especially just didn't deny, but didn't usually act on, homoerotic desire ALONG WITH hetero desire). But it bigtime misses the point. Like virtually all contemporary criticism, it bags the reality that the sonnet tradition is one of exploring HOW PROFANE AND SACRED LOVE ARE RELATED (in Petrarch and Dante, the originals, selfish sexuality becomes divine love because the beloved is virtuous, denying sex, and then conveniently dies, so the poet loves her as an extension of God). Shakespeare's sonnets show a guy (him, all men, whatever) TRYING to love in a selfless, sacred way, and by the end failing miserably because his lovers betray him and he finds out his feelings are unavoidably contaminated--so at the end he ABANDONS SEXUAL LOVE ENTIRELY and asserts his soul needs to look heavenward. Difference from Petrarch and Dante is, this is not because his lovers are so saintly and ennoble him, but because they, and he, are so corrupt. It's like a parody of traditional love sonnets. Look to context and don't try to modernize the ideas of other eras!
@Canemikat 7 лет назад
It was the Doctor and Martha!!!!!
@azapro911 7 лет назад
"57 academics just punched the air."
@kengisamasempisankun 7 лет назад
This was great :D , highly enjoyed the in depth reading of the sonnets and analysis. And the dick jokes,, those were great too.
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
kengisamasempisankun lol! thank you
@sophb8302 4 года назад
the way you said ‘more than one team’ had me actually wheezing
@theivorys4 5 лет назад
Loved this! Thanks for the modern version beside the original lol great learning experience :)
@indighost__ 6 лет назад
im watching this in school help
@h-mh93 4 года назад
At the same time educational and highly entertaining - very well done! Looking forward to more!
@YourActualChild 5 лет назад
I think the most accurate term would be bi romantic? idk.
@asapbutters3566 4 года назад
Sonnet 20 is wild 😳
@vipinbhatiwal244 4 года назад
subscribing , i have had fun watching,thankyou, and you laughed in between was attractive, your voice is a song in itself.
@MakiPcr 7 лет назад
I want to know more about the Marlowe being a spy part
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
MakiPcr yeah. marlowe was maybe a spy for the crown.
@oof-rr5nf 5 лет назад
I love your channel SO MUCH!!!!
@reemgaga5622 5 лет назад
@ocuteams8023 3 года назад
You should watch "Upstart Crow"! It's pretty funny, Marlowe and Shakespeare are best buds and Marlowe comments on the fair youth poems a bunch
@shehasgreeneyes9861 4 года назад
Very interesting video. Did you see Will the British TV series? Love to know your thoughts.
@Abyss_Wanderer4816 3 года назад
It’s very interesting that also in english a lot of ancient writers and poets wrote poems and letters to seemingly men; we have the same dilemma in arabic. Even today a lot of songs seem like they were addressing a men. But at least in arabic, the word ‘habib’(which means lover in arabic) which is the centre of controversy was explained to used as a generalized term without any gender. So maybe here it’s the same case
@christopherlyons5900 5 месяцев назад
Possibly. But as you say, he wouldn't know what that word meant. And the poems he wrote to the (possibly) gay young nobleman strike less as love poems than a lowly playwright courting the patronage of a rich aristocrat. The sonnets to the Dark Lady feel a whole lot more sincere. I think he'd have thought his sexual feelings, whatever they were, were normal, and he wouldn't have felt any need for a label. I think we, in our present time, are too addicted to labels. Heterosexual isn't the norm. It is, however, the way any species with two sexes reproduces itself. Some animals are 'gay', but they rarely reproduce successfully. There's a reason gay people used the (somewhat derogatory) term 'breeder' to refer to 'straights' (they also came up with that term). You don't have to be straight to have kids, but people who aren't heterosexual are less inclined to do so. It's not a perversion or an aberration to be unconventional in your sexuality. People who are different help renew a culture, a society. But they can't keep a population alive very long. Precisely because they are unconventional. There's a reason why all the different orientations combined are vastly outnumbered by people who are attracted to the opposite sex. By which I mean physical attraction. Emotional attraction can happen between any two people. So the LGBTQ+ people all owe their very existence to--drumroll--breeders. And Shakespeare was one. He got Anne Hathaway pregnant out of wedlock. She was older than him. That is not very typical behavior for a gay man. Anne was no beard. She was his first love. He had others. Possibly one or several of those were male. We have no evidence of that. Do we really think a young rich nobleman had sex with an elderly commoner? People can have very passionate platonic 'affairs'--marriage of true minds, anyone? Also, we tend to forget a large percentage of rich men in Ancient Greece and Rome had sex with boys. Without being the least bit gay. It was normal in certain classes then--also very exploitative. Today we call that 'grooming.' Truthfully, none of Shakespeare's characters are gay. They are simply what Elizabethans were used to seeing. Women played by young men in drag. Many of whom were probably entirely straight. We see what we want to see. Today, we'd like to see Shakespeare as gay or bi. See the whole man. And see that unconventionality has no sexual persuasion.
@zennistrad 7 лет назад
1:49 I think you may have accidentally made a double negative there. No real criticisms otherwise, I quite enjoyed the video. :)
@AlterUndying 7 лет назад
love your stuff. Just started following.
@SeanGabbert 4 года назад
“Love him or hate him...” haha. Who hates him?
@matthewkopp2391 3 года назад
The "dark lady" idea both historically refers to racial differences but also to alchemical ideas and likely in my opinion a combination of both. The dark woman is the first stage in alchemical transformation. Historically we know there was a migration of Moors of various skin color into Northern Europe at various periods, most notably after the inquisition but you get the same theme with Eschenbach's work in 1100 in Germany. So the idea is older than Shakespeare. But England had a treaty with the Turks at the time so there was a great influence. The alchemical reference of the Nigredo is often represented as an African dark skinned woman. Which is also the initial stage of alchemical transformation. Muslims had more ancient alchemical knowledge than Northern Europeans. So in my opinion alchemical idea of "the nigredo" may have been both a Middle Ages racial idea and that "such people" had special spiritual knowledge. As well as the esoteric idea. Compare Shakespeare to Eschenbach and to alchemical literature and you will see what I am referring to. Eschenbach made direct references to Africans and Muslim spiritual ideas in relationship to Christianity. As far as homosexuality/bisexuality we know that Muslim and Christian culture had stricter and looser acceptance at different points in history. We think Muslims are today "homophobic" but was this always the case? In the past they more accurately preserved all of Platonist literature than Christians and Plato obviously contains many homoerotic references. Plato was reintroduced to Europe through Muslims. So the acceptance of homosexuality in the Renaissance may actually have been a largely Muslim influence. So the ideas of "the dark lady" and "the love of the same gender" may have come directly from an educated Muslim influence on England. Which we know historically happened. As far as bisexual, It is reasonable that it took a bisexual person who felt different to bring this to the forefront. So I think that Shakespeare was bisexual. But the brilliant humor in his work was likely more "universal". There would have been sexual ambivalence/desire/shame/homophobia unexpressed that Shakespeare brought to consciousness. After Shakespeare died Protestants outlawed theater for 80 years. Shakespeare provided too much truth. To expand on this Plato idealized non-sexual platonic love as the means of experiencing an enlightened Logos. But Plato also referenced an alternative namely a type of Mania for the same gender which can reveal the Logos. Love of the same gender can bring fourth the Christian ideal of the Logos. Alchemists believed that the first stage of alchemy was "the dark skinned woman" the Nigredo. So Shakespeare tapped into this idea of the way to Logos (Jesus) enlightenment could emerge with two forbidden sexualities. The same theme was expressed and duplicated into modern times. You get the same theme with Guess Who's Coming to Dinner crossing racial marriages and Tennessee Williams insinuating gay love in his plays. What we need to understand in the moment is that we have finally gone beyond both taboos of inter-racial and gay marriage. Which is a 2500 year old issue.
@mya1207 3 года назад
“Imprisoned pride” that one just might make it to Wattpad
@remyparaskovia5499 4 года назад
Super into, or super bisexuals Just say he was Bisexual.
@vazak11 7 лет назад
A well made video!
@Envy_May Год назад
ok but can we talk about how the first 17 sonnets read like angry facebook comments on a childfree post they make me laugh every time and they feel really like repressed and displaced until he suddenly does a 180 at 18
6 лет назад
When don’t even know if he wrote the plays and sonnets.
@brianc9374 3 года назад
Remember to always apply modern context to history
@renaigh 3 года назад
Shakespeare definitely used They/Them pronouns
@al3dama970 2 года назад
Shame for him. A good man an author who wrote a flawless poems and novels but as soon he went for sonnet his ideas, points and brief to his own live changes. “North star is actually the way when you lost it well get you to your life not the way you describes the love.
@ladydark623 6 лет назад
I would say bi
@Sawdustinthemakeup 2 года назад
My headcanon is that Shakespeare was a trans cat girl
@fay-amieaspen6046 2 года назад
I heard a word thus wrongly spake my dear lady, that of Whingeing. It's pronounced Win-jin-ing, breaking it into syllables.
@apersonorsomething8705 2 года назад
Very very very very late but in my english class we analyzed sonnet 18 and my teacher said "so as you can see, Shakespeare was just a little bit fruity"
@nakkidtime 7 лет назад
Love this video.
@fandommusings5302 7 лет назад
Sake1987 thank you!
@renaigh 3 года назад
William worked with a lot of Actors, at a time where Men & Women were very androgynous, I'd say he would've been Pan.
@cookiecat7759 2 года назад
I love researching queer history
@nammy_vibes 2 месяца назад
I am the only who have seen those flags in my first time .😂
@rachelring2542 4 года назад
Poor Ann!
@madisnzz 3 года назад
damn why are these comments so mean
@beastinout7291 5 лет назад
I pretty sure bisexuals means attracted to both genders, pansexual would be all people
@davidcross9811 5 лет назад
Beastin Out there are only two fucking genders, meaning Bi and Pan-sexual are the same thing
@qwertyuiopasdfghjkl9879 5 лет назад
Beastin Out well actually bisexual means you are attracted to two or more genders and pansexual is that you are attracted to the personality of anyone you are basically gender blind but bisexuals are also physically attracted to any gender
@davidcross9811 5 лет назад
That really weird Aquarius kid I, myself, am bisexual, and I am attracted to men and women. Men and women only. If you dress up like a girl/boy and pretend to be one, it doesn’t make you one.
@qwertyuiopasdfghjkl9879 5 лет назад
David Cross I believe there are more than two gender identities, and that’s my belief. I didn’t insult your belief or opinions so there is no need to call me retarded or a moron. You are extremely rude and you should fix that attitude of yours.
@lanac5793 4 года назад
@@davidcross9811 you're right they are only two genders, but there's inbetween or both.
@ryanmurtha2392 2 года назад
Shakespeare was illiterate but Bacon was gay, he was the guy you are looking for.
@reluctantlydancing 2 года назад
Anti-Stratfordians are so fucking wild. Yall will literally look at the most famous writer in the English language and be like "hmmmm he was too poor to read."
@uncatila 5 лет назад
I have often thought that a prerequisite for being a minister of the gospel should not to be having spent ones former life as a scoundrel, especialy when SOLA SCRIPTURA is the operating principle of biblical interpretation and research. a former prostitute should be aloud to attend church services but this doesn't necessarily mean that she should be made head of the choir. in light of modern alligations about Shakespeare's secret gayness a lot of alarms beginning to go off in my mind. "Kiss me sweet and twenty " comes to mind. it is a song filled with the joyfully celebration of Spring and virginal love. it makes clear to me the sexual normality and orientation of the poet. the poem makes a reference to the short window of time left for the bringing forth of children. "youths a thing will that will not endure" in today's contraceptive culture which was accepted by every Protestant denomination in the land at Lambeth in 1930, sex and love are mutually exclusive so, people may go either way for romance. This paradime shift opened the way for Margaret Sanger to be allowed open her first family planning clinic in Harlem. Birth Control blurs the line between gay and streight became it necessarily removes the possibility of pregnancy from the romantic act. I begin to see how the absence of fecundity utterly skews the cultural perception of poetic verse. aprehensions of being misconstrewed would sheath the pen in any scabard shoud one try to discribed romance in a Sodomon & Gamorah world. Imagine with what suspicion a sermon on the beauty of the Christ child would bring? What I see in all of this is the utter degradation of moral codes and then the neseccary debasement of the language that serves them. We have as jethro Tull once put it, "Sand Castle virtues in the tidal distruction of the moral malais"
@paris5410 4 года назад
What? Who's talking about scripture?
@VideosOfRandomContext 4 года назад
I personally don’t believe he was ever real idk ;-;
@VickyGoss 3 года назад
The only thing that offended me was your profanity. His writings are being taken out of context here. He was not homosexual.
@reluctantlydancing 3 года назад
I mean, assigning modern labels to historical figures that never had access to that terminology is always a flawed science, but based on the evidence we have (primarily his sonnets) he was almost certainly attracted to both women AND men.
@donthasselthehoff5753 2 года назад
A heterosexual man does not write over a hundred romantic sonnets to a man
@fifiluzia2177 4 года назад
Bi is not pan !!!!!!!! We only love girls and boys but not non-binary people . If we would love non-binary people we would be pan but we are BI so our own gender and the opposite one !
@paris5410 4 года назад
Not actually like that. Bisexuals like two OR MORE genders, pansexuals like people irregardless of gender (so yeah also no preference).
6 лет назад
There is no evidence that he went to school.
@zoetevka4653 2 года назад
@lauramartino-lawton7068 4 года назад
What bullshit!
@gingganggoolie 7 лет назад
that's not how you say penchant. apart from that very nice
@sargondp69 4 года назад
Revisionist history, cultural projection, false literature. Par for the course on censorshipTube and SV rainbow culture (soon to die with continued unmasking).
@paris5410 4 года назад
@sargondp69 4 года назад
@@paris5410 Who?
@donthasselthehoff5753 2 года назад
How is Shakespeare "false literature"? You're the one who's quite obviously trying to revise Shakespeare since his sexual orientation offends you
@sargondp69 2 года назад
​@@donthasselthehoff5753 Reread OP, you misunderstood. He was straight, perhaps that offends you. Male Beloved (notice [B]) was common literary trope and this explanation is demonic and false. 'Repent!' (learn the meanings or remain a tool). For now, go bother someone else 6OO6 L6 censor. Maybe read something on your comprehension level, like Johnny the Walrus.
@donthasselthehoff5753 2 года назад
​@@sargondp69 Ah yes, he was so straight that he dedicated over a hundred romantic sonnets to a single man. 😂 Sonnet 20: A woman’s face with Nature’s own hand painted Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion; A woman’s gentle heart, but not acquainted With shifting change, as is false women’s fashion; An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling, Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth; A man in hue, all “hues” in his controlling, Which steals men’s eyes and women’s souls amazeth. And for a woman wert thou first created; Till Nature, as she wrought thee, fell a-doting, And by addition me of thee defeated, By adding one thing to my purpose nothing. But since she prick’d thee out for women’s pleasure, Mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure
@dukadarodear2176 4 года назад
The Glover's son from Stratford-on-Avon could not have written the works attributed to him. He had very basic schooling and had never been abroad. He could barely write his name.
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