
Words of Warning | Charles H Spurgeon | Free Christian Audiobook 

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@Anekopress 2 года назад
*See the chapter links embedded in the video description to navigate this audiobook.* *Do you care to help in this ministry?* www.anekopress.org/donate *Buy the book on Amazon:* amzn.to/2LNXg8i *Buy the book on ChristianBook:* bit.ly/3VC2Crg
Please pray for me...I was spared from death in a military situation...im not sure if my hard upbringing, or my head injury changed me...I do Love Jesus and i believe in Him fully...I have issues from the military incident and my greatest fear is being double minded due to Anxiety...PTSD...Bi-polar and an anger issue. Please don't sugarcoat anything for me. Pray that I be set Ablaze for Jesus. I get angry at times for no reason at all. Lord help me fullfill your purpose. I serve God and talk with him always...but at times my heart turns to where I dont worry or fear anything while other times I am broken for Christ. I beseech you for prayer and Jesus to touch me. No excuses here...I need Jesus every second. Every day. In Jesus Name... Lord Help make my path straight to you Father....Set me Ablaze without worry or fear. Pray for my wife as well so we will be in one mind in Christ always. Thank you. Gerald.
@jeremiahzeiset 5 лет назад
What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who shall be against us? He that did not spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also give us all things with him? Who shall accuse the chosen of God’s? God is he that justifies them. Who is he that condemns them? Christ, Jesus, is he who died and, even more, he that also rose again, who furthermore is at the right hand of God, who also makes entreaty for us. Who shall separate us from the charity of Christ? shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? (As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.) Nevertheless, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Therefore I am certain that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature shall be able to separate us from the charity of God, which is in Christ, Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:31-39
@jeremiahzeiset 5 лет назад
And therefore will the LORD wait for you, that he may have mercy on you, and therefore will he be exalted having mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all those that wait for him. - Isaiah 30:18
@robinperini7261 4 года назад
International Survival Council Hello preciousOne, I hope this will get to you. Everyone has trauma and pain and wounds to some extent And these are all things we need deliverance from. The best way to overcome is to become one with the word, do you know the word so intimately that we become conformed to the word, to the image of God. It’s also the way we are delivered from deceit. Satan is a liar and if we believe any of his lies, he has inroads into us. We can give him entry into our minds and hearts if we do you not continually follow Jesus in repentance and faith toward God.It is a process. But God will help you every step of the way and when he sees you are totally committed to trusting him and obeying him, reading and obeying his word, you will be so excited because he will help you more and more and more and it will be fabulous! It’s really worth it to take the time to read and understand the word but it starts with repentance, crying out to God for mercy for the things we have believed that are lies for the things that we have done against him and other people. And before any of that we must forgive everyone who has ever hurt us and we must let go of everything else in order to grasp the Lord Jesus Christ. You can’t come to him halfway. Make up your mind, it’s all Jesus now and forever. And he will set you free. I’d be glad to help you anytime if you can text again. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Believe his word and obey it with all your ❤️
@andrewdavis8076 4 года назад
Hello brother, I want to share my testimony with you, this is the reason I have my hope and faith in Christ Jesus, He is truth.... To start, the devil wants to keep us in shame, he wants to keep us in anger, and he wants to keep us from the most important our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. For many years I dealt with intense anger issues, and in 2009 I had begun having my first anxiety attacks, it was really outwardly expressed, but more inwardly, a feeling of impending doom, everything I did was wrong, I was going to fail, and never achieve anything, it was at that point i was referred to the first mental health professional I saw, and shortly after seeing him, He suggested i take the mmpi (Minnesota multiphasic intelligence test for personality disorders) it was at that point I received my diagnoses of having what the psychology community called a borderline personality disorder, but at the time was mislabeled by my first psychiatrist as bipolar disorder. I lived for the following 3 years thinking I had bipolar disorder, until it was brought to my attention that bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder although were similar, were still different. The fact remained though, I characterized my life by this diagnosis, and I lived my life according to that diagnosis. Living in this diagnosis made life challenging, and I lived in that train of thought. it's who I thought I was. Even now as I type this response it just dawned on me, why my Father didn't want to have me tested when I was 16, because he didn't want me to live my life thinking their was anything wrong with me, but through my own will at the age of 26 I did it on my own. It wasn't until within this last year I started to research what exactly borderline personality disorder was, and learned that as the medical community states, it is an imbalance between the emotional regulatory systems in the brain, which causes the emotional range for an individual with this type of diagnosis to be at the extremes, when happy, REALLY HAPPY (although this was not usually the case) usually it is more towards the latter end of aggression, rage, depression, and negative thought. In order to balance that without pharmaceutical help, I thought cannabis was the answer, but in my research over the last year, I have come to find high consumption of high thc flower, and extracts can actually have the opposite effect where it would increase stress, anxiety, and a depressive states of mind. This was when I learned of cbd's, the nonpsycoactive component of cannabis which holds a vast majority of the medicinal value of the cannabis plant. Meaning, it won't get you "stoned," but it will give the therapuatic effect that is being sought after. I thought I found it. I thought I found my cure for my diagnosis. At first life was great, I was more open, I was able to moderate my emotions and i felt for the first time in my life, "I HAD CONTROL." This new revelation would be short lived, and soon, I would have some of the most terrible experiences with anxiety attacks to date in my life. I thought ok, well maybe I'm just not taking enough, so going from a before and after work user, I gradually moved to an all day everyday user, but I still found I was still living in an emotional roller coaster. I knew change was coming though, I saw the signs, but something in me was still fighting it. About 5 years ago when I was baptized i had a good friend I my give me the book "Crazy love" by Francis Chann, and well it sat for 5 years, and to be honest with all that's happened in those 5 years I don't know how I managed to keep a hold of it, the only thing I can say in respects to that, "it stayed with me, only by the will of God." This last December I had found first15 on the internet and started to occasionally read the devotionals, and occasionally read a little scripture here and there, but little did I know, Jesus and God were about to flip my life upside down in the most amazing way. January 6th 2017, was the first time I wrote in my first bible and devotional journal, and the extended reading was psalm 16. January 7th, and 8th, I finally picked up that book "Crazy Love" and truly unequivocally for the first time in my life I saw how much our Creator, our Father, our Friend is CRAZY IN LOVE WITH ALL HIS CHILDREN. Think about this in terms of the world and society. What parent in this world would let their ONLY child go through the things Jesus had gone through in his life here earth? What parent would let their child be crucified on the cross? No earthly parent could or would ever let their ONLY CHILD go through what Jesus had gone through, and here is where our Heavenly Father's love for us is ever present and true. God, our Heavenly Father sent His ONLY Son down to earth, the Word made to flesh, for the world, and even though Jesus Christ was free of sin and blameless, he himself was obedient to his Father's will, even to the point of death on the cross, and through his death he paid the price for the sins of the world, he satisfied all requirements of the law, through the blood of Christ our sins are forgiven, and through His flesh we may receive eternal life with our Heavenly Father and Savior. Every day since I strive to live a life in the characteristics of Jesus. Do I fail, of course i do, does He who is faithful forgive me, most definitely. God made a promise an oath after destroying the earth in the times I Noah that he would never bring forth such judgement or destruction without a way out. Jesus Christ is that way, Christ is the ultimate mediator, he is the gate, the only way to which we may come to our Heavenly Father. Once I fully submitted myself to the fact that I am not I control, that i was never I control, and that I need to completely give myself up in every way, and everyday, Christ took it all, the emotional pain, the suffering, the uncertainty, he took it all. Now still being in the world of courses we are going to have our days, and in those rough moments, and the good moments, we need to keep Christ in us at all times. Our Father loves us, and He is faithful to keep His promise. I know he will, because God is not a liar, we must believe and have faith even if it is as small as a mustard seed, He will take all of our pain away. It is a step by step process, just as Paul said we must drink spiritual milk first before we can eat meat. Everything comes in our Father's own time, not a moment to soon and not a moment too late. Oh and just a side note, I have quit using any form of cannabis, and through the grace of God have not had an anxiety attack in roughly 2 months. I am here for you, and so is our Heavenly Father and Savior, his hand is out, my hand is out, our hand is out for anyone who is in need, waiting patiently for anyone in need to grab a hold. it is said, "who hopes for what they can see, but it is those who hope for what they can not see, and still believes, and keeps faith, that wait with hope patiently." Our Heavenly Father loves us, His only Son Jesus Christ loves us, I love all of you, all of us here at first15 share the love of our Father and Saviour, and all of the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, and brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ are loved by our Father and Saviour every moment of every day. He won't give up on us, not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow or any day there after. WE ARE A CHILD OF GOD. May the God of peace be with you in every way imaginable, and may His love and rest fill your entire being in a way you never could have imagined. In Jesus Christ name I say these prayers forever and ever, Amen
@melodykeogh 4 года назад
@@andrewdavis8076 thank you. Just before I clicked on this video, I had said, Lord, I love to read/hear of testimonies declaring your goodness. The question came to me, why? And I answered, because when I am struggling to trust you and praise you, my whole being jumps with delight when I hear of your wonderful goodness to others, and I am reminded of your goodness to me and my struggle to trust you and praise you, immediately disappears. So, even if just for me and that prayer I prayed, God is glorified in your testimony. Amen. xxx
@anaalcantara5217 3 года назад
I feel trapped in my own heard headed heart. I repent and beg God for mercy and I beg God will save me.
@jeremiahzeiset 3 года назад
Ana, I am confident that all who come to the Lord find Him, that all who deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Christ are rewarded despite trials, and that all who confess sins and take them up no more, who one at a time deal with things in their lives that need to be dealt with, with a humble and willing heart, find eternal life.
@anaalcantara5217 3 года назад
Thank you for your reply 🙏
@nderitupius 5 лет назад
GOD THANK YOU!!!! I heard my own image spoken of here!!! The prisoner with the chain and cannonball!!! JESUS HELP ME!! YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE!!!
@anaalcantara5217 3 года назад
How are you doing ?
@andrescorrea9602 3 года назад
Same here. Convicted by the Holy Spirit, but Forgiven by Jesus Christ. Lord I'm not worthy to tie your sandal straps , Forgive us for we not know what we do but if it is your will , Teach us in all things pertaining to your Truth, Your Life , Your Love, Your Way. 🙏🙌❤️
@andrescorrea9602 3 года назад
I still need to watch what I say because I'm still a babe in Christ. I ask the Lord daily for forgiveness because I always misinterpret his word and am guilty of blasphemy. I've been reading scripture almost everyday for the past 8 months for the first time in my life. I feel like Paul in Romans warring with my members. I'm praying 🙏 to the Lord daily for him to Show me the Way. For Wisdom and Understanding.
@kerrye2953 3 года назад
Thank you so much for these audiobooks by God's anointed servant Charles Spurgeon! In these uncertain times, as a senior living alone and forced into retirement, I find rest in our God of all comforts through His servant. My hope is in Christ alone and my soul clings to Jesus as I watch and pray, waiting for His will and purpose for the Covid world unfold. He is in control, hallelujah! 😇
@walkerreeves8904 5 лет назад
I really appreciate what you are doing here, collecting the works of true servants of God
@jeremiahzeiset 5 лет назад
Thank you, Walter. May the Lord be praised!
@beebee9815 4 года назад
Walker Reeves I second that!
@masterchief9854 4 года назад
Please pray for God to soften my heart and make sensitive my conscience my brethern. I need Him every hour but often am only hardness inside and unable to feel towards Him. This troubles me greatly. I hope that whoever reads this will consider praying for me. And if you will let me know if i can pray for you as well.
@Anekopress 4 года назад
Dear friend, the only way to love someone is to spend much time with him. The only way to love the Lord is to spend a lot of time with him, in prayer and reading his word. But not only that, also working for him. Saying, how can I serve others, as I've been served by Christ. Also, I will pray for you.
@xuanlocslocum9549 3 года назад
I understand your struggle Gerald I’m struggling like you. Hang in there Jesus loves wants nothing from you but just love Him and live one day at a time tru st Him completly
@darlavoigt6364 5 лет назад
I can't wait to listen! Thanks so much!!! So so much!!!!
@Anekopress 5 лет назад
You're welcome! It's a deep, serious book. Very good though.
@darlavoigt6364 5 лет назад
@@Anekopress Glory to God! That's exactly what I need.
@Anekopress 4 года назад
A chapter list is located in video description (click the drop-down arrow to view and select a chapter).
@de-janeniles1120 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, Siphon Williams. Such joy in your reading when you read the words of eternal life in these books. I truly love listening. You make these books come alive! Blessings from New Zealand 🙏❤
@shawngibson7514 Год назад
There is one mediator between God and man, the MAN Christ Jesus.
@Erin_kaba 4 месяца назад
AMEN 🙏 ❤️
@gracedavid-albert3920 5 лет назад
May the Lord reward you abundantly in Jesus name amen.
@heavenbound9022 5 лет назад
Amazing!!!! Life Changing Truths That we Need So Desperately in America!!!! Thank You Aneko Press So Much!!! This is Priceless 😁
@embracinghoperestoringlive5460 4 года назад
Oh, how we need these words in these dark and evil times. Come Lord Jesus come and restore the hearts and minds of your people. For so many are following the way of the world in our churches. Pastors are leading the flock astray and away.
@Anekopress 4 года назад
No matter how many tares the enemy has planted, the Lord has His wheat to harvest, and in the end it will all be sorted out. It is interesting to me that He does not want us to root up the tares at this point, for the sake of the wheat. It is for the sake of the wheat that we encourage each other and strengthen each other with His words. May the Lord bless you.
@embracinghoperestoringlive5460 4 года назад
Peace and Blessings.
@adrianapop558 3 года назад
Thank you very much for this audio book😊God bless you with eternal life in His heaven!
@Anekopress 3 года назад
You're very welcome. May the Lord be praised!
@ph9687 3 года назад
Thank you for this book
@Anekopress 3 года назад
You're most welcome! As always, all praises to the Lord!
@ds-tj7cg 5 лет назад
@snazzyjazzyshar 4 года назад
Thank you so much for your ministry I am so blessed by all the books !
@Anekopress 4 года назад
You're very welcome, Sharon. May the Lord continue to bless you!
@kylehawker6557 2 месяца назад
The character voices instead of the reader's voice ruined the whole book.😒😞
@Erin_kaba 4 месяца назад
This book speaks to your soul thak you Lord Jesus❤
@melanieevans5597 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this work this message is definitely for me, the Holy Spirit reaches to me here .The Lord help me.
@Anekopress 10 месяцев назад
You are very welcome. The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised! (Psalm 48:1)
@andrewdavis8076 4 года назад
If we are to live Christ like lives, and we are to have fellowship with Christ Jesus as we are in Him, and He is in us. Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. How do we tell another person, they are wrong, is it not more gentle and fruitful to help them see the error of their way, rather than to judge them? Christ Jesus had anger, and He did make accusations. But the difference still remains. Jesus Christ's anger and accusations were both righteous and just. For He had no sin in Him, and no guile was found in His mouth. The accusations were made through anger to correct those who were in error, and were using the name of God to make their own sinful profits. When it comes to human beings, we have no righteousness in our flesh, and body is condemned to death by sin, but the spirit to life through Jesus Christ. So when we make accusations through anger, there is no righteousness in it, because there is no righteousness in our flesh, and we do not let go of this anger. We hold on to it, we swim in it, we sleep with it, we dine on it, we let it control us until it becomes a raging uncontrolled fire inside of us that will only lead to sin. The anger in our flesh is a result of our pride, ego, and arrogance we hold in our heart. If our heart is clean, and perfected in love, then we have no place, nor make room to hold any of these virtues in our heart. For we are to keep our hearts with all diligence, for from it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). In Matthew 15:16-20 Jesus responds to a question about the cleaning of hands before eating. He tells Peter that it is not what goes into the body, that defiled the body, but rather that which comes out of the body that defiles the body. Jesus was speaking about the evil in man's heart. That what comes out of the body comes from the heart. So if the heart is evil, what does this say about the message that is delivered from such a heart. So it is from the words that we speak and the message that we share, that can either spread life, truth, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, meekness, humility, patience, and a sure truth that in none other can we find or receive life, than in the person of Jesus Christ. Or with our words we can share death. Which includes hatred, anger, envying, lying, cheating, stealing, blaspheming, and holding to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (Galatians 5:19-20)(1 John 2:15-17). In which these virtues listed about death, will only lead to a life of struggle, doubt, self pride, and a life apart from the true Life offered to us in Christ Jesus. Our words hold great weight, and what comes with that weight is great power. Now we can use this power to spread The Life, and The Light, or we can use this power to spread hatred, and death. That final choice is up to us. What words will we speak today, and what message will we share for the world to see. The words and message of Life, or the words and message of death.
@Anekopress 4 года назад
Amen, thank you for sharing your thoughts Andrew.
@36742650885 2 месяца назад
Please pray for me everyone I need the intercession of Gods Children
@jeremiahzeiset 2 месяца назад
The Lord knows your situation, and is mighty to save. Have you found peace with Him?
@melanieevans5597 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this work this message its definitely for me, the Holy Spirit reaches out to me here .The Lord help me.
@Anekopress 10 месяцев назад
You are very welcome. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised!
@melanieevans5597 10 месяцев назад
@@Anekopress thanks for your care have you ever thought of doing audio books by Clarence Larkin He is a fantastic end time teacher with a lot of books.
@silver_gold9636 3 года назад
Thank you greatly!
@Anekopress 3 года назад
You're very welcome. May the Lord be praised.
@eliseoliver6999 2 года назад
Please pray for me anyone who sees this, pray that God gives me real contrition and faith and takes away all apathy ❤️
@jeremiahzeiset 2 года назад
He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Seek him, my friend, and you will find him. Press on, it is worth it.
@melenciolomodjr 3 года назад
Bookmark: 10:38 29:13 57:16 1:25:15
@MartinLazda 4 года назад
The "Dead" in trespasses and sin. CANNOT even grab the rope. Christ must dive in, pull the man up out of the water, and resurrect him back to life, just as He called Lazarus to come forth out of the grave. Sadly, this chapter inclines toward Arminianism...with all due respect and admiration for the Prince of Preachers
@andrewdavis8076 4 года назад
I am not familiar with Arminianism, and I am not sure what exact point your assertions are trying to reach. Is it that since our bodies are dead due to sin that we cannot choose Jesus Christ over the other options (i.e. not believing in His existence, or believing in another path to God, or not believing in God period). If that is the point trying to be made, is it the claim then that there is no free will to choose to believe in Jesus Christ or Not, but rather all who will and will not believe in Jesus Christ is predetermined?
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