
World of Warships Blitz - Japanese cruiser "Aoba" review 

Fun and Games with Terry
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This one has been scheduled for a while, and finally I get to catch a break from WG shiny - really not feeling the one-day loaners in the current event - and get to show that, unlike common perception, the Aoba isn't really that bad of a ship.
AnsiaOrchestra - Epic Battle Theme
Used with license
Historical images are public domain



11 сен 2024




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@HighlanderNorth1 4 года назад
You mentioned several "self awareness" traits that I don't follow very well yet. Aside from not paying close enough attn to my minimap, I practically never pay attn to my own ship's surface detection circle on the minimap, so it never occurs to me to consider whether I'm even in an enemy ship's spotting range! I also don't pay close enough attn to what direction enemy battleship guns are facing, and I don't pre-plan my maneuvering based on the enemy BB's last main gun shots, in order to take advantage of their 19-22sec reload time. I don't pre-plan my torpedo shots based on much prediction of an enemy's probable next move. I pretty much just line up the torp sights and fire!🤪 I don't change my ammo nearly as often as needed, from HE to AP and vice versa. I practically never use my precise aiming boost, and I literally never use my sonar! Of lesser significance, I often waste my repair kits and fire extinguisher at the very end of battles, when there's only seconds left, and it makes no difference to use them.. I'm slowly getting better at the game, but DAMN, ^that is a LONG LIST of "shortcomings" in my overall strategy and self awareness!🤔😒
@drewc.256 5 лет назад
I liked Aoba when I had to grind through it, it’s guns felt very accurate and had pretty good dispersion. Having a quad torp launcher was fun as well. However, I didn’t like Myoko’s play style compared to Aoba. It’s guns felt very erratic and reverting to the more conventional cruiser tactics made the ship feel like it was out of place.
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
I've only played a couple of games in the Myoko. She's certainly got improved firepower over the Aoba, but feels like a much bigger target. I'm usually a very aggressive cruiser player, so we'll see how she turns out for me. But yes, I've quite enjoyed the Aoba for her different playstyle.
@IJNAoba9-25-26 4 года назад
@Sykotic-xl4fd 4 года назад
Pretty good armor, but you still shouldnt give broadside to BBs Me: thinks back to that time that I accidentally deleted an aoba in my Warspite Very true
@hansenkho3835 4 года назад
Ah, thanks for the link Terry. I really got some problem with its torpedo due to small arc, so i just rely on main gun mostly. See if i can make some progress with it
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 года назад
yes, the IJN CA torpedo arcs are tricky to work with. You don't want to give broadside, but they're better towards the rear, so you want to either use stealth to get into positions where you can use them, or get someone to chase you, set them on fire and drop torps in their path.
@Gozar111 5 лет назад
Hey T. Had the Aoba but found her a very frustrating ship to play. Too few guns and the reload times are rubbish. The Myoko on the other hand is an epic standalone Samurai that can kick ass in any game. Please review her as well?
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Yep, Myoko review will come, I've unlocked her already.
@WRGOP 4 года назад
I got mine to go at 37knts.
@nathanandrews9019 5 лет назад
Now, on to Myoko
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
I've actually unlocked her a couple of days ago. Enjoying the vastly upgraded firepower so far, I'll do a video soon.
@patrickmcleod111 4 года назад
I just bought the Aoba after watching this review, but I've only played a few AI games so far. Im also focused on the free T6 German premium destroyer í just won for reaching 1500 mission points, so that forced me to start the German DD line, so I bought a tier 3 German DD too. In the mean time, if you had to choose a first tier 7 ship to own for a mediocre player, which would you recommend(cruiser or battleship)? Thanks
@FunandGameswithTerry 4 года назад
Tier 7 will get you into tier 8 battles, so expect the difficulty to ramp up. The Yorck in the German line is an excellent HE ship (unusual for German ships), sturdy and torps for close-range fights. The Myoko is more squishy, definitely a ranged ship, but if you enjoy the Aoba, she's pretty much a linear progression. You can't go too wrong with the USN heavy cruisers, the New Orleans is a good ship, well armoured and good guns. If you're more looking for a ranged HE spammer / DD hunter, Shchors is a great choice. In terms of battleships, the Gneisenau is... a bit special. I haven't played the tier 7 USN BB yet, so can't say much - Nagato has good guns, but relatively weak armour. My personal playstyle is very aggressive, so I'd go German BB, but if you're ok with a more ranged role, USN or IJN should work well for you.
@lebkuchenmann7663 5 лет назад
Can you do a whats in my harbor vid lol
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
hehehe, yeah, it's getting a little crowded there, even though I do have a tendency to sell ships I'm not using. I'll put it on the list.
@FlyTyer1948 5 лет назад
Irony. Just before I watched this, I was sole survivor fighting off a bb & sinking just before an Aoba snuck in & finished me with torps. :-(
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Oops, I hope that wasn't me... she can be quite dangerous, when played appropriately.
@IJNAoba9-25-26 4 года назад
@F-4E-58-MC 3 года назад
Got you in my dock lol. Might level and use you
@HoshikawaHikari 3 года назад
High grade coal + refined diesel, so it’s a hybrid power system? XD
@vrajmodi3207 5 лет назад
In german ship AP is best but in Japanese BB i m in big confused?🧐can you help me?
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Sure. The choice of ammunition depends on several factors: * what is the calibre of your gun? * what is the armour of the target you're shooting at? * how far away is it? Armour piercing (AP) shells are designed with a fuze that needs to go through a certain amount of steel plating before it activates and detonates the shell. In the game, AP shells can do full penetrations (full damage), half-penetrations (didn't get through the armour, 50% damage), overpenetrations (not enough armour, went clean through, 20% or so damage) or bounces (ricochet, no damage at all). High explosive (HE) shells have a different fuze and are designed to explode no matter what. They can do full penetrations (shell gets through the armour and detonates inside the ship) or half-penetrations (shell didn't get through the armour and detonates outside the ship). They cannot over-penetrate or bounce. HE shells can cause fires, which will do additional damage over time. Now, let's go through the calibres. First, destroyer guns, around 130mm (they're also often used as battleship secondaries). Their AP shells can penetrate other destroyers, but mostly their HE shells do about the same amount of damage, plus can set fires. Their AP shells will bounce of pretty much everything else, so it's a safe bet to just stick to HE with those. Light cruisers have around 150mm main guns. Their AP shells will reliably penetrate destroyers, and usually do more damage than the HEs. They can penetrate other light cruisers as well, but will usually bounce off anything with heavier armour (some cruisers and pretty much all battleships). With 150mm guns, use AP against destroyers, and it's pretty much safe to use HE against everything else. This is a bit of a generalization, as it always depends on the individual ship you're sailing. For example, most German cruisers have pretty poor HE shells, but unusually good AP ones, if you can target a ship's superstructure, you can AP penetrate with 150mm, but not the belt armour and so on. Don't worry about those finer details too much, it'll come with experience. Heavy cruisers have around 200mm main guns. My rule of thumb is the "6km" rule - their AP will start overpenetrating DDs at around 6km and closer, but do relatively reliable full pens beyond that range. So with 200mm guns, if I shoot at a DD at 6km and closer, I'll switch to HE. They do reliable pens against lightly armoured ships, so I'd usually stick with AP against light cruisers and carriers, but switch to HE against heavy cruisers (the difference isn't that great). 200mm will not get you through battleship belt plating, so I'd usually recommend to use HE against battleships. Again, some German cruisers with their poor HE performance can be an exception here (except the Yorck, which has excellent HE shells for some reason). Lastly, battleship shells of 300mm or more will do reliable penetrations against anything except destroyers. So for BB drivers, use HE against destroyers and AP against anything else. There are, as usual, exceptions - the Nelson, for example, can be more successful with HE. In terms of nations, German shells usually have very good AP, but poor HE performance, whereas Japanese shells have very good HE, but comparatively poor AP performance. In the video, you've seen me use AP against destroyers at range, but having to swtich to HE once they got closer. I've used AP against light cruisers (I think it was an Atlanta), and HE against battleships exclusively (reliable damage, and chance to set fire). Ammo choice is the most complicated for cruisers due to those factors, it's much more clear-cut for DDs and BBs. One thing I often do when I unlock a new ship is play a couple of rounds against bots, just to try out the ammo at different ranges and against different targets (doesn't matter if I win or lose those, just for research). Lastly, there are still more variables - aiming, armour zones, shell arcs, captain skills etc, but that's too much for a comment to run through :) Try to stick to these basic ammo selection principles, and see if it makes a difference for you. Most of the things said here are not "official", but from my experience over time.
@vrajmodi3207 5 лет назад
@@FunandGameswithTerry Danke Bruder
@vrajmodi3207 5 лет назад
@@FunandGameswithTerry how to identify bots?
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Bot players will have a colon in front of their name, so if you see ":WinstonChurchill", that's a bot, whereas "WinstonChurchill" would be a real player. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when facing bots: Bot DDs are absolutely harmless. For some reason, their torpedo launch algo doesn't work, so they almost never fire torps at you, unless you continuously sail in a straight line right next to them. They will keep firing their guns, though, and might set a fire occasionally, but can mostly just be ignored. Bot ships target by proximity - a bot will always fire at whichever target is closest to it. You can easily avoid being shot at by a bot by not being the closest target. Bot carriers need someone to spot for them, they will not launch planes unless a target is seen. Then, they attack by proximity. Bot carriers do not have manual targeting control over their torpedo planes, so they'll mostly drop miles away by the time they get there. Dive bombers find their own targets, so they will work. They won't re-target once they sent our their planes at whatever was closest at the time. Bot cruisers and battleships will change ammo types, but are not very good at it. You'll often find BBs firing HE at you, when they could have used AP to much better effect. But don't rely on that. Bot BBs can actually be quite dangerous when you're in a DD, due to their habit of firing HE shells. Bot ships have magical turning powers. You'll occasionally see a bot BB turn like a tank would - on the spot. Made me wonder if WG had mixed up their algos with WoTB :) This makes them relatively hard to torpedo from a distance, since they will vary course and speed, often quite radically. Close range torps work better. Bots will not actively cap, they only get into the cap circle by accident, and usually won't stay there. If you see a bot in your cap, usually a DD, don't panic. Bots do not use damage control or heal. If you're in an HE spammer, it's usually beneficial to set some fires on bots first, and then focus on other ships once they're saturated (three fires). Flooding does massive damage against bots. Bots will usually rush forward without any regard for positioning. Since both sides get the same amount of bots, they normally cancel each other out. When fighting in a battle with lots of bots and few human players, it's often a good idea to try and take the enemy human players out as priority targets.
@tintin999 3 года назад
ok the AP on this thing is really good I once got triple citadel on a New Mexico lol
@Shadow-sq2yj 3 года назад
That's rng at its finest.
@MiG23ML 3 года назад
IDK why but I like AP over HE, He for me just don't do as much damage and set fires
@excelsior1018 5 лет назад
This video has inspired me to take another look at the Japanese CA line. I left off at Aoba.
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Wow, thanks! IJN CAs are certainly different, I'll be reviewing the Myoko as well, since she seems to be a big step up from the Aoba.
@Gozar111 5 лет назад
Oh and I just had my 7000th game
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
wow, that's probably more than I have done :)
@dudditz 5 лет назад
Its mediocre at best, t7 is where the fire kicks in and t8 you end up with a potent firedevil, torps that work and if enemy team / situation asks for you pump decent ap salvo.. most wont like it, but most take t4 american bb to the corner of the map for sniping or reasons.. T8 is right now my peek, im fed up with t10 matchmaking and gameplay, if you ask me i say t5-8 you can dominate a match, you can have fun in a team of 3, meet equal team and show whos daddy Im not a big fan of wg‘s marketing with t7 skirmish / premiums.. but its 70%skill based i‘d say, if a kaga kill your fast ship and enemy camp you can still rush and win with coordination and skill..in t10 you get one dd thats a windowlicker or just catch an unlucky salvo and its done.. Sure there are games where one drives his mino and sinks 3dd but most is bb and dd fail that dictate a match, less chance to turn the table
@FunandGameswithTerry 5 лет назад
Ooh, I'm going to have to do a Mino video soon. I just adore that ship, she can take on pretty much anything else. And that feeling when you sink 8 torps in a single line into a certain tier 9 premium BB? Priceless. For me, Mino is the perfect combination of dps, manoeuvrability and aggression. Sure, she can't tank for shit, but I have more torps than a Shima, with a faster reload, smokes, very good AA and guns that no one wants to get close to. I'm very close to get the APCS captain skill, can't wait to see what the impact on penetrations is going to be. If I can start penning BB deck plating or superstructure reliably with that, she'll be outright ridiculous. T10 meta tends to be very static, true. I don't play extended periods of time in 10, agreed that 8 is usually the sweet spot. But 10 can be fun, in the right ship :)
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