
Worshipping The Lord with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts) 

Doug Batchelor
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Worshipping The Lord with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
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➤Hearing the Voice of God: bit.ly/2D4souJ
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28 июл 2024




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@nikolgrigsby9832 4 года назад
@Pastor Doug .Thank you for All your work. Im new to SDA teaching. But im not new no the Word. learning the correct way to walk with the Most High. Im so thankful that He sent you to me. Im a Double stage 4 cancer survivor and ive spent the last 4 years studying and growing in my faith. Trying to strengthen my relationship with God. Im far from perfect and i struggle with worry of falling short of his expectations... But my faith has been strengthened by your ministry. And i want more!!! More God. I Walk in the Shadow of the Most High... Thank you. #Faithful... How big is your God?...
@AmazingFacts 4 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! Praise God that He has brought you to the message. May He continue to bless your journey with Him.
@claritatolentino8893 4 года назад
I always praise and thank God blessed be His Holy Name . Yes I dedicated and invited God into my dwelling place when I moved into my new home . That my place is His place to dwell amen .
@christinahall2587 4 года назад
Robt Jesus was a Sabbath keeper. He established the Sabbath after His work of Creation and rested on it … He rested again on the Sabbath, in the tomb, after His work of Salvation. The problem with the Pharisees was that they legally kept a list of rules without their hearts being transformed by love. They arrogantly believed that God favoured them above all others but didn’t understand that God had chosen them to evangelise the world. That’s why the angels announced the birth of Jesus to humble shepherds rather than to the church… the shepherds tender care of the sheep better represented God’s tender care of His “ flock”. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us that if we don’t have love we have nothing. Jesus said, “ Love your enemies “. Romans 13:8. “ He who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law. “. What we reject is a church that will join with the state to force it’s beliefs instead of allowing freedom of choice as God does.… God is love and love cannot be forced. 2 Corinthians 10:3 ‘… we don’t wage war as the world does “. We need to love as Jesus did and be prepared to die at the hand of an enemy just to show them the love of God … as Stephen did to Saul of Tarsus.
@Wordsmith3115 4 года назад
Bible flock box brought me here and I just subscribed
@ttalley9553 4 года назад
@jeaneenshaw 4 года назад
December 15, 2019 AMEN!
@sonyajeffkaisabenjaminsuem885 4 года назад
@jeaneenshaw 4 года назад
Robt Clayton , you are a very sick person, but you already know that❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy IT is an established proven fact that the Catholic church tortured and killed over 50 Million Christians in the name of Christ during the dark ages, 538AD -1798AD, simply because those Christians would not accept the pope as God on earth. One world church.
@sandramclaughlin8075 4 года назад
I love your ministries
@kowanmcgarry 2 года назад
Liquidate everything and give the money to the lord.
@lashawnminabaptista1024 2 года назад
Amen love it
@sdamom621 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing this wonderful lesson
@andrespga1986 4 года назад
Praise be THE LORD YÁHSHÚA (JESUS) Brother Please consider to upload video in the highest volume, since when I try to hear it from my phone is lower to hear properly even when it is in maximum volume. I love you all and pray for all the pastor and souls that may receive the WORD of GOD with a generous heart.
@judylarosee5326 4 года назад
In a local market they play oldies! Makes me want to dance. 💃🏻
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy With all the changes the Catholic church made to the Word of God they can hardly be called Christians now can they?
@TheLudaman141 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy With all the people the Catholic church killed during the dark ages, especially of the killing of the Vaudios. And with the systematic hiding of pedophilia and the raping of Nuns, the Catholic church couldn't be considered anything more than anti-Christian either...
@ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy The SDA doesn't hate Christianity, we consider ourselves part of Christianity. I feel like most other churches hate the SDA's, because they tell lies about us and call us names. They bear false witness against the SDA church.
@udermen 2 года назад
Heaven is new Earth
@tarikneshbiz4230 4 года назад
Will come all SDA pastor Happy Sabbath to you.
@chazeenslifejourney 4 года назад
Pastor Doug, I'm wondering if could do a video on Explain quote from God in the bible refers to The Man as the head of his wife .
@nathaliec7330 3 года назад
I thank god I found you through bible flock god bless you. Learning so much from you
@setapart27 4 года назад
*Please work on the volume. Thanks!*
@teo5836 4 года назад
My man Doug stays with the freshest suits, the tailor is definitely doin his job! Lol God bless you all!
@teo5836 4 года назад
Robt Clayton nowhere in the Bible was Sunday observed except with the pagans. Why would you worship on a day that isn’t the true Sabbath? You think mans pagan a Roman observance of the sun God Apollo is greater than the sanctified Holy Sabbath of creation? It’s your choice to ignore the truth and to hold 6 ( man) higher than 7 (God) it’s just blasphemous and OF COURSE dangerous
@teo5836 4 года назад
Robt Clayton your the only one with hatred, did your (g)od Apollo aka satan tell you that Adventist’s hate other Christians? Why do you make up so many outlandish things? Stop being a silly goose
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy Please show me how purgatory fits in the bible.
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy Talk of Sunday Law was talked about more 150 years before Ellen White. But please feel free to carry on with your lies...
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy "What do I have to do with you ?". For starters you can stop lieing. After that you can try and adopt a more civilized attitude. See how that goes.
@susanronan725 4 года назад
Please Doug, you mentioned in one of your videos that you and your wife were reading a book on how to pray. What was the name of the book and the author
@udermen 2 года назад
@3rubberboats 4 года назад
Pastor Doug, is the book of Revelation in order of what happens in the end times?
@writingonthewall3326 4 года назад
Hi there. I have a channel largely dedicated to Biblical prophecy. For you, the short answer is no. Revelation in not sequential. Revelation actually begins with 7 letters to the Christian churches while at its center we are told the story of the political battle in Heaven and the fall of Lucifer.
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy No mate I think that will be the papacy.
@ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy The Catholic church is the Beast of Rev 13. www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/book/e/53/t/the-beast--the-dragon-and-the-woman
@johnellg9399 4 года назад
Strange Fire
@sherriegoetting555 4 года назад
Thank you for this message. I have a question concerning flying. If God destroyed the tower of Babble because they were trying to reach the heavens. And God confused their languages too. How is it OK now to fly in the heavens, way above any tower ever built?
@writingonthewall3326 4 года назад
... it was the principle of the tower. As it was the principle of Adam and the forbidden fruit. The tower was in direct defiance against Heaven, as I understand, aircraft are not designed specifically to reach the Heights of Heaven, just to get to Hawaii ;)
@MichaellaSapphire 4 года назад
I really suggest you read Chapter 10 - Tower of Babel from the book Patriachs and Prophets. The tower was built to avoid being drowned again by flood like last time. God had explicitly told them before that He would not flood the earth again (Gen. 9:15). But they did not believe His promise and thus tried to save themselves from the 'flood' by building the highest tower they can possibly build. It's rebellion against God. That is their sin.
@sherriegoetting555 4 года назад
@@MichaellaSapphire Yes i understand the baal/satan worshipers defy God how ever they can. Its not that they didn't believe God, its their hate toward God and His creation.. Research (weather modification history.com) aero planes aren't just used for traveling to Hawaii. But you will never hear a sermon on the demonic activity going on in our skys from any preacher. And its shameful.
@writingonthewall3326 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy Lol. Jesus was, and is, a Sabbath Keeper. And the Bible tells us we will be keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath in Heaven for Eternity.
@deltad6621 4 года назад
So many comments to make. Its tough with the SDA community and music. In a way, it's almost like asking someone to sin by being disobedient with their gift from God by not allowing them to use a gift to the level given. To tone down a skill for the sake of others as in reality, they are envious and jealous of someone else's gifts instead of praising the gift. For that person with the gift it would be disobedience to God to not use your gift to his level. It's like burying the talent and producing no interest. But how could you blame someone in this type of community? Or could it be that God will look at those who accuse in the light of persecutors of Christ? I just find it hypocritical that we talk about how well David must have sang and played instruments to chase away spirits. To cry out about how amazing it will be to hear the angels of God sing someday yet do we tell them to tone it down? Do you walk up to Carrie Underwood in church and tell her to tone down her voice because of others' praise and its not good for her? We don't say these things about other heroes in the bible that we talk about in this area so could it be that really the battle is in those who criticize the talents of others through their own wicked hearts? Its like marriage. Don't we say that marriage may not just be for "marriage" but for holiness? As in, sometimes having a partner can draw out the iceberg of wickedness in your heart that has yet to be exposed. This allows us to continue pursuing righteousness assuming we will accept our faults and turn from sin like King David and say "I Have sinned against God." If Moses told them they should write songs of their experience wouldn't your story be a testimony to God? The bible holds songs about love yet many followers claim you can only write songs about God. Same thing about your sorrows and the typical preaching about country music yet songs in the Word are there about sorrow and sadness. I have witnessed myself years ago when I first became and Adventist at the Christmas concert, peoples outrage that an electric guitar was plugged in on stage and someone played. How embarrassing it is to even share that today! Yet a violinist like Jamie George gets up to play and everyone is in awe. A pianist plays and it becomes Holy. God forbid a guitarist on stage. It makes no sense! DO we tell those people with those gifts that they aren't allowed in the church because the community that was developed marches to the tune of traditions of men? Here it is said Martin Luther (I believe), as well as yourself, had sang for money to support yourself yet it is also said (at least in the past) how to move on making millions of dollars from music isn't the right thing. But what if that is the vessel that God had lent and the music is the oil and continually flows and is sold for money? What does it matter when people make money off of their music? That is their money provided by God as all success comes from God. This is an area that I believe the church is failing in. This area saddens me.
@jeremiahduran7238 4 года назад
Delta D well you can worship God his way or your way. Abel sacrificed a young sheep to praise God. Cain gave God his vegetables. In a way growing vegetables was Cains talent, however God didn’t accept it as a good way to praise. Honestly I think the music is a bigger problem when praising God the correct way. Honestly do I think a piano was used in David’s day... honestly no. However we should worship to the best of our knowledge but if there is reason to believe that an electric Guitar shouldn’t be used in worship... we’ll then we probably shouldn’t test it.
@deltad6621 4 года назад
Robt Clayton I’m sorry. You do not understand the word of God.
@deltad6621 4 года назад
Jeremiah Duran this plays right into my point. The guitar was electric ACOUSTIC and it was still a shame to play. Even if it was a regular electric you can make it sound like anything you want so why would that matter? It’s a joke to think that’s not ok. It’s a joke then to say a piano is fine. It makes no sense. If you are musically inclined then you know they are notes regardless of the instrument unless it’s a drum set.
@Stefan-X24 4 года назад
@@deltad6621 I can remembr growing up and sitting in church the preacher was not allowed to take his jacket off. Doesn't matter if it was 10 deg C or 45 deg C, it was unheard off. One day this pastor took his jacket off. People didn't like it. One day someone played guitar and harmonica. The members almost got heart attacks. The point is I belief any instrument can be played to the glory of God or to the glory of satan. It's in the way it's being used.
@ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад
@@EricSaavy The Sabbath is not called the Jewish Sabbath anywhere in the bible it is always called the Sabbath of the Lord you God, the Lord's Day. One reason the early christians stated to worship on Sunday was because they were prejudice against the Jews because they had killed the Lord Jesus Christ, but they forget that Jesus was a Sabbath keeping Jew. You sound like you are prejudice against the Jews also, is that why you worship on Sunday to distance yourself from anything to do with the Jews?
@catharinabellekom2013 4 года назад
I worship Yahweh and His son Yahshua. Time to get this straightened out SDA church and others.
@crockybird3287 4 года назад
Might aswell speak full Hebrew and move to Israel,he can still hear our prayer don't worry. It's not that big of a deal.
@genewilliams9454 4 года назад
Is abortions a sin yes no
@peterbamford2811 4 года назад
Controlled by the WRITINGS of ellen white not the canon of the bible or christ
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