
Worst Badly Behaving Kids Ever 

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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: What's the worst case of badly behaved kids you've ever seen?



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@Duvmasta 3 года назад
This is just one long condom commercial…
@ladyweasellou3367 3 года назад
This isn't a long list of terrible kids so much as it's a very short list of terrible kids with a very long list of terrible parents attached. *MOST* of the time this is just awful awful parenting.... So, yeah, in a way it could be a condom commercial because for some reason the worst possible parents are usually the most fertile.... But they're not going to use protection anyway (hell, why would they? As they are probably saying: It's better without a rubber and you can get paid for every kid you pop out and refuse to care for!).
@Duvmasta 3 года назад
@@ladyweasellou3367 mainly for the bad parents I guess LOL
@EmperorOfTheScrubs 3 года назад
Nah this is a vasectomy PSA
@Duvmasta 3 года назад
@@EmperorOfTheScrubs lol
@tricorvus2673 3 года назад
We have a single father of 6 who comes into my store once a month, the kids scream and misbehave and he does nothing. When he leaves, he brings joy. We joke amongst ourselves that we want to go home and neuter ourselves then drink a fireball. We are cautiously optimistic that he has been overheard speaking of moving away from the area.
@roseyt415 3 года назад
People need to remember, KIDS FOLLOW PARENT'S FOOT STEPS. These could just be brat's on their own or COULD BE IN FAMILY ABUSE. Please, remember this in case you see this. It's not ALWAYS the kids fault, but not all of them are angel's either.
@foxycinnamonkitten997 3 года назад
Yeah I can point out examples of that
@kimberlymorrison1217 3 года назад
I know that kids rise to the expectations of the parents! Parents today have very different views on what it means to actually parent your kids than my parents. What I see in parents in public is lack of consequences as a means to make life easier for themselves. Kids screaming at the grocery store is an example. I understand that groceries need to be purchased. My dad, a single dad, has walked out of grocery stores leaving behind full grocery carts when my brother or me started to act up. I imagine it was a hard thing to do before you could have groceries delivered (1980s). I can only remember it happening twice in a store and twice in a restaurant. So, the expectations were clear and the inconvenience was slim over time. He just had to remind us that he was serious and we stopped the behaviors! So parenting is about being inconvenienced in the short term and then reminding kids of the established consequences!!
@NoahBuie 3 года назад
everyone has a choice to do something
@TheOfficialHattyHattington 3 года назад
@Yllania 3 года назад
I mean yea but that doesnt change the fact that Im going to bitch about them.
@caiusreese9936 3 года назад
I'm a cashier at a grocery store so believe me when I say I've seen nasty kids but these 3 stand out: 1. Girl about 7 or 8ish with her dad screaming bloody murder, hitting, kicking, and pinching him because he wouldn't buy her any candy just screaming the store down for the whole time she was in line and getting served (it was around Christmas, she wanted one of the big bulk bags of candy that are like 20-40 bucks) A week later she comes in with her mom who bought her a whole bag plus other candy because "Daddy's mean, you deserve candy baby girl" no wonder she acted that way with a mother like that 2. girl about 5 or 6 is in with her mom standing by the open fridge where the cold sodas and juices are stamping her feet and crying throwings around because she can't get a drink (mom already bought her candy and ice cream) girl decides the best course of action is to grab two glass bottles of soda and toss them shattering them all over the floor. A staff member came over and yelled at the girl (which yes she shouldn't have yelled at a kid, but the kid shouldn't have just chucked the bottles) the mom went on Facebook a few months later and complained about it lying and saying her kid dropped the bottles and the staff member yelled her for no reason (I made sure to tell management that, that wasn't what happened) 3. Little boy 3 or 4 years old runs into the cubicle style area where the cashiers stand and literally grabs handfuls of money from my till while I'm counting granny's change I sort of yelped in shock going 'no, no, no no, give that back' granny? Granny laughs like it's the funniest thing she's ever seen (No lady it ain't funny that your little granddemon STOLE money from my till if it doesn't add up at the end of the night it's coming out of my paycheck)
@kaypounds9543 3 года назад
I work in retail so I've seen some pretty rotten kids too. I remember there was a boy at least 10-12 that wanted a pair of shoes and his mom told him they just bought him a pair and he threw a whole fit, not exactly yelling but was winning and complaining loudly and insisting he wasn't leaving until somebody bought it for him. In the end he didn't get his way, so good on the family for principle. Sometimes we bring in things to share with our co-workers since we're a small thrift store that usually has between 12-15 employees. I don't remember if it was a holiday or I was just being nice but I brought in Reese's Cups for all my co-workers. I only brought one each and because as much as I somewhat like them, I can't always trust all them, so the ones for the late shift I kept up front with me under the counter. It was around 3 or so and I was down to the last 2 for the closing cashier and closing manager. I should also preface that we don't sell food period. We have a pop cooler and that's about as close as you can get. So I go to do other tasks and this mom and her son head to the register. As I get up there I see a Reese's Cup sitting on the counter. Confused I check where I put the 2 earlier and sure enough 1 was missing. I asked where the boy got it from but he didn't answer (I knew anyway.) I told him that was mine for a co-worker and if I had extra I'd let him have it but it wasn't for same and we don't sell food. I don't think the mom liked that I said that or refused to give it to her son, but she didn't say anything. I kept thinking if she did I would've gotten back at her because the only way he could've got it was if he went back behind the registers where nobody but employees are supposed to be. There's been other instances here and there, but those two stick out most.
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 3 года назад
That very last one has to be the worst. Should've had management call the police and get that kid a firm talking-to. Granny may not give a shit, but if he keeps it up, he's going to juvie. Oh, and if he destroyed any of the money, it'd be coming out of the granny's purse. Just absolute no.
@tradexvoid 2 года назад
I'm also a cashier, but ,luckily, I haven't had to deal with spoiled kids. Spoiled adults, on the other hand...
@pipsqueaks3283 2 года назад
For story #3 granny should wait till he's 30 and doing that still see how cute it is then
@rohalexander1283 3 года назад
When my older sister would encounter a poorly behaving child running loose she would LOUDLY demand to know who's child this was. Seemed to work for her!!
@emilybarclay8831 3 года назад
Ignoring tantrums can be a great parenting technique when you’re alone in your home and not causing a scene. It teaches the kid that screaming doesn’t get them what they want but you cannot let them do that in public
@kimberlymorrison1217 3 года назад
Ignore it? Huh. That was not the approach my dad took. It was a privilege to go anywhere with my dad!! It was understood that we were to be on our best behavior or we could go home if we were unable to act appropriately. If that is the expectation of a child they will learn! My sweet baby niece is learning this from her dad (my brother). I am a millennial and expect this of the children in my life and they understand house rules and store/restaurant/ outside the home rules are different. My niece is not even two and she knows that food does not get tossed on the floor at a restaurant (or at home either ). So, I don’t understand rogue children at restaurants or stores ( I do understand some children on the autism spectrum struggle with this but it is obvious to everyone their parents work with them, instead of parents who ignore behaviors)! My brother and I would be forced to leave restaurants without eating or leave full grocery carts in the store if our behavior became unmanageable! Believe me, this did not happen very often!! I can only remember two instances in a store and two in a restaurant. My dad, as a single parent, was inconvenienced a handful of times and then only had to remind us of the consequences afterwards! I grew up before the internet (1980s) so now it is a slight expense to be inconvenienced and teach children appropriate behavior.
@RiRi-sj7jx 2 года назад
My dad used to sit down next to me and my little sister with a book and let us cry it out (as long as weren't somewhere we would bother anyone at all) until we were ready to calm down. It worked like a charm.
@emilybarclay8831 2 года назад
@@RiRi-sj7jx see? That’s parenting done right and probably decreased the number of tantrums you had overall
@chese0965 2 года назад
My parents would youst whoop you or smack you and drag you out then get the belt
@tidepodpadthai2633 3 года назад
I'll never get what parents who enable this behaviour think they're doing. People are gonna be way less forgiving when your kid is 25 and acting like rules don't apply to them, and when they end up mouthing off to the wrong person and getting thrown out on the pavement or thrown in jail, it'll be the parent's fault
@TheOfficialHattyHattington 3 года назад
Tide Pod Pad Thai sounds pretty good for these kids. It will teach them a lesson.
@dontcryplzzzzzz 3 года назад
@chasechildress2720 2 года назад
The kids fault aswell for not thinking.
@SuperSulinka 2 года назад
@@chasechildress2720 The parents are supposed to teach that nobody is born with modern morals
@chasechildress2720 2 года назад
@@SuperSulinka well you are correct its the parents job to teach them not everything is free work for your money respect law, and order and your elders and you don,t allways get what you want. But instead of teaching them this they wanna be their friends which doesen t work im not sayin they shouldn t love their kids they should discapline their kids and spank them if they were disciplined and spanked they would learn theirs consiquinces for my actions.
@Akhime 3 года назад
5:35 I misheard "say 10 kids" as "satan's kids" and honestly I don't think it would have been so different
@ClaireScullyClaireBlue 3 года назад
Same here!
@kaypounds9543 3 года назад
Me too. Probably didn't help that I was only listening along while folding and putting away laundry.
@Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh 3 года назад
My cousin. She is 11 but acts like she is 16. While on a camping trip she proceeded to whine about not being able to play Cards Against Humanity. She is 11! She has worn very revealing swim suits, told me that she has gotten drunk, and started talking crap about my appearance. At the end of the trip while at a restaurant I had a hard time holding myself together so I made an excuse to go to the car and started to cry. She is a product of her environment but she is such a terrible person. Her dad has a hard time keeping control while around her because she acts like her mom who is genuine scum. I’m a calm person but she was pushing me to my limit.
@lukaeglite-shaw2937 3 года назад
Look it’s not your responsibility to do this but as someone who used to be somewhat like that because of my environment you should probably try and talk to her and just say hey your being a real fucking brat I understand you’ve been through shit and can’t help it but you need to fucking stop
@boomerhunter5705 2 года назад
Whats Cards Against humanity? Sorry I never heard of these in my country.
@LadyYamiofLight 2 года назад
@@boomerhunter5705 it’s a card game with a lot of dark and dirty (figuratively and literally) humor. Definitely a more adult targeted game (though I know older teens play it too). Gist of how to play is basically one person reads out a card with a number of blank spaces and each person submits cards to fill those blanks and the person in charge of reading has to choose which one wins in their opinion and they get the card that was read out. Points are determined by how many cards you earn (ex: 2 cards = 2 points)
@boomerhunter5705 2 года назад
@@LadyYamiofLight Thank you for explaining.
@taylermuilenburg5029 Год назад
Why didn't you stand up for yourself or tell her off?
@e_m_m_a_0122 3 года назад
My nephew, 4 y.o. he's a fucking sociopath "I will stab your eyes tomorrow", hits and kicks and bites everything if you're not paying attention, tries to break furniture when he doesn't get his way. It's hell. Meanwhile he can also be so cuddly and happy, and just switch within 3 seconds
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
Welp, give him some time, maybe he'll stabilise with age.
@catsaregreat6314 3 года назад
I met a kid like this when I was 11, so mentally 9 because of disabilities, and I was just talking to a friends younger sister in her room because it was a Christmas party and I couldn’t handle the kids my age for too long(his brother and like two others), because I was mentally much younger. So I was there and one of the older kids cousins come in. There’s two of them. I’m still talking to my friends sister, sitting in the floor. Then suddenly after like three minutes of calm the eldest(9 so she knew better) just started beating me up unprovoked. She was weak so I just ignored her. She started hitting harder and faster until I was crying. I had big dark purple bruises all over my back, face, shoulders and arms. What did the parents do? Nothing. I showed them the bruises, and the eldest was still holding clumps of my hair. My friends sister said it happened, and her brother said he heard me crying in his room. They just looked at her and said “we don’t believe that happened and that’s her hair she’s holding, not yours!” 1. Her hair was much darker then mine, hers was light brown/very dirty blond and mine is more of a dirty gold, much lighter, and it’s naturally much shiner then other people’s hair. 2. An adult even said they heard some crying but thought it was the youngest whi cries for no reason often. 3. My hair is very long, hers was to her shoulders, mine was about two inches past my bra line at the time, so like at the bottom of my ribs. That hair was longer than her arm. 4. I was a very good kid and never lied. The red of the adults knew that would have believed me if I said I saw a tiger in the backyard.(eastern Canada) 5. The kids hair was still I her over the top hairdo. It would have been obvious if she ripped her own hair out.
@QrowxClover 3 года назад
@@daryatislenko4651 Not time, help. You can't let him be like that.
@tidepodpadthai2633 3 года назад
@@QrowxClover exactly, you shouldn't just wait for stuff like that to go away on its own, it usually just gets worse if you ignore it. I hope the kid gets some therapy
@QrowxClover 3 года назад
@@tidepodpadthai2633 Same. Exactly this.
@AmberMaytions 3 года назад
Ok these stories are awful and all but ‘I barely qualify as a vertebrate under social pressure’ is now my new favourite phrase
@atomicghost775 3 года назад
I think the most annoying kids I had to deal with was when my family and I went to Disney world. Like holy frick, parents don't give a literal crap and treat the staff like garbage. There was literally a woman who was tanner than a leather hand bag and her two older kids were throwing the ping pong balls about the pool and kept being awful. Her younger kid was sunburnt to a crisp and he was probably three. A majority of children at Disney world are spoiled brats and the parents can be worse.
@quit9488 2 года назад
I was at Disney land yesterday and all I did was eat potato chips and grin at spoiled children not getting the new Mickey Mouse club house costume set for 200$
@combinecommando001 3 года назад
Another thing that new parents that at least try to be parents. If you're going to make a theat to your child about discipline when they are misbehaving and they don't stop, you better go through with it, if you don't they quickly learn that you're just all talk. It's very easy to not go through with it because you dread the screaming and the fighting back but if you actually show that you aren't going to back down and that you're the boss, they will quickly learn that misbehaving isn't going to fly with you and avoid doing so after a few more attempts and each time they won't offer as much resistance because they know that you are the boss. Essentially, it's kind of like dealing with a dog, you have to train them early and let them know you're the boss, failing that, you will only have a misbehaved animal.
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
As a fourth generation teacher I'm singing up under every word. It's hard to discipline a kid when their own parents don't know what to do with them.
@bone-thief 3 года назад
Exactly. Kids are literally just small smarter animals, you can't let them step all over you or you'll have a little monster in no time. My parents always said 'we're not raising kids, we're raising adults' which is too true, your kids will only be kids for a small fraction of their lives whereas they'll be adults for the majority, so you need to raise them to be proper well functioning adults, not bratty immature little monsters. If you wouldn't accept the behaviour from an adult then don't accept it from your child
@joaolima7131 2 года назад
I wish that worked with my niece, no matter the amount of grounding, she always misbehave, she is 5, I'm a very calm person, but she makes me lose my patience very fast, she sometimes tries to manipulate others to do what she wants or she will make a mess, not even my nephew, who doesn't live here anymore was so desobedient.
@oldwoman5942 3 года назад
My neighbor, who’s kids were the same age as mine, asked me over for coffee. The kids swore at their mother, using the f word and then slapped her. We quickly left and my kids’ eyes were huge and my son said, mom, did you hear those kids swearing? My daughter chimed in, and they HIT her! My son then assured me that they would never treat me that way.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
Good on your kids for knowing that it's never right for kids to treat their parents with such cruelty and malice. It reflects good on your ability as a parent that your kids seemed so shocked that that stuff happened in front of them.
@CosmiChaos1129 2 года назад
You raised your kids right. Keep up the good work
@AlisterSweets 3 года назад
as someone with an intense fear of popping balloons and toddlers who WIELD balloons (because I dont trust them not to pop them) the second story scares me immensely
@haruzita2828 2 года назад
Me too I don't trust in toddlers holding ballons
@angelsartandgaming 3 года назад
God the worse one I saw was in a wal-mart (of course). I had my littlest brother with me who, if I remember correctly, was 6 at the time. So this was some time ago. He's 11 now. Anyways, this child was in the same part of the toy aisle as my brother and I were in. He wanted this expensive RC Car but his mom said no. Then this kid starts crying and then throwing things off the shelves and onto the ground, breaking things along with it, and opening toys from their containers just to throw them. I held my little brother behind me so that way he didn't get hurt. The mom just stood on her phone while this happened and I'm in a stunned position as if mentally debating if we should leave. I wanted to leave, but my body felt frozen? Hard to explain. I said very meekly: "You do know your kid is breaking things... right?" She told me. "You're not the parent of MY child." while still on her phone staring. Finally the dad there said "FINE get the RC car." To which they put it in the cart. It took a moment to connect everything that happened but I told my bro "Now boy, if you EVER did what that kid did, mom would personally make sure you don't have a 7th birthday." He knew that I was joking from how he chuckled. He replied: "Trust me, I know!" Wal-mart staff did come. I had explained everything and apparently this was not the first time this happened.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
Ah, a family with a history of destroying product! I do wish Wal-Mart and other stores would hold people financially accountable for product destroyed by their problem children. "Hey, buddy, you can't have that RC car because we just had to spend all the money we would have spent on toys for you for most of the year, plus Birthday and Christmas, to pay the store for the stuff you broke! Yay, your birthday and Christmas presents are that Mommy and Daddy aren't in jail for not paying for the things you destroyed during your temper tantrum! Isn't that great?"
@angelsartandgaming 3 года назад
@@Foxxie0kun Same??? Hopefully over the years they did get some sort of punishment, but I wouldn't know. I have never seen them again. Heck, after the fact, my family nor I went to that Walmart again. Still didn't stop us from seeing strange things... like a bunch of guys having a rap battle in the toy section!! Which was both funny and odd. I'd rather have toy aisle rap battlers than entitled kids breaking things.
@thetotallynormalsoul 2 года назад
"Now boy, if you EVER did what that kid did, mom would personally make sure you don't have a 7th birthday" lmao I love that line as the older sister I would have said the same to my 11 year old brother lol
@angelsartandgaming 2 года назад
@@thetotallynormalsoul Hahaha yeah! And the best (maybe worse) part is, he gets both mine and mom's sarcasm and sass. Haha!
@joaolima7131 2 года назад
I hate incompetent and entitled parents like that, saying, "He is MY child so mind your own business", when a parent replies to you that way, you can already tell where the bad behaviour comes from, a good parent would apologize for their kid behaviour, and sometimes offer compensation and cut the shopping short to ground their kid, some people should never be parents.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
This video has made me seriously consider supporting legislation allowing bystanders to slap the shit out of other people's kids in public if the kids are being nightmarishly bad.
@annalisasauter7935 3 года назад
In the story about the perverted children in the women's room, Thomas Sowell has the perfect response to that: "If you want to see the poor remain poor, generation after generation, keep the standards low in their schools and keep making excuses for their academic shortcomings and personal misbehaviour. But please don't congratulate yourself on your compassion."
@Miesque1973 2 года назад
I remember my dad's advice to parents: "If you don't love your kids enough to discipline them when they're little, you can be sure that someone who doesn't love them will discipline them for you when they're older.". Screaming, running around in restaurants (or during church) or being disrespectful was NEVER allowed for me or my brothers, and being asked if we wanted to be taken outside meant a spanking was in the offing. We weren't angels but we never threw tantrums, that's for sure!
@LenNeko1998 3 года назад
As a Target employee... we see so many screaming kids a day it just hardly annoys us anymore. We can't really say something either since they are our 'guest'
@foxycinnamonkitten997 3 года назад
I HAVE A PATENT FOR A JOB it's basically like a cashier but you don't get paid as much and you can do volunteer work and since you're not technically getting paid if someone comes at you you can say well they're not paying me I'm just a customer
@tidepodpadthai2633 3 года назад
Honestly cashiers should be allowed to say something when customers or their spawn are being horrible
@foxycinnamonkitten997 3 года назад
@@tidepodpadthai2633 yeah
@rohalexander1283 3 года назад
I was in line at a Target behind one of these screaming brats; Grandma refused to give in and she had a look on her face that said they were going to discuss this kid's behavior without witnesses!
@OtisDriftwood-mp7hg 2 года назад
Weed is your best friend to deal with those Hellspawns cause fuck the racist pigs on a power trip. Screaming little kids, just have some weed on standby cause your going to need it like alot.
@DodgerOfZion 3 года назад
I was staying at a (now former) family friend's shore house. Her very young, very autistic (I'm on the spectrum myself!) son would loudly sing in your face, climb up on you, and just overall disrespect your personal space. She just gave up on trying to teach him boundaries and the word "no," and as a result, he would run wild everywhere and start screaming when certain cartoons weren't on. I was miserable and made a hasty exit that Sunday. Another day, him and his mother came over and he really, REALLY wanted to play on the Wii. Scared of him ruining saves or otherwise damaging the system, I put my foot down and absolutely refused to let him touch it. He cried and was sad, but we held firm. Found out later that his mother had defrauded the state's hurricane relief fund, claiming that shore house had been damaged (it hadn't) and used money intended for repairs for self enrichment instead. We cut her and that whole family out of our lives.
@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 3 года назад
26:26 There's a biiiiiig difference between abuse/neglect and discipline. That's what parents like this don't understand. It's abusive to scream at your child. It's discipline to firmly tell them 'no'. It's abusive to hit your child. It's discipline to block them from hitting you (or anyone else). It's abusive to deny your kid necessary food or medical care. It's discipline to limit their sweets intake. I've been abused. I know what abusive 'parenting' looks like. But I've also seen Super Nanny. Discipline isn't bad- abuse is. That distinction is what parents need to know. Because not disciplining a kid is neglect. Kids need boundaries and instruction. Denying them any discipline is setting them up for failure.
@CydCherise 3 года назад
My mom had what we called the "Vulcan Death Grip". She would grab the offender by the upper arm and with two fingers squeeze right in between the two muscles. Jesus H tap dancing Christ, the pain was excruciating. Needless to say, whatever it was that you were doing, you stopped and meekly followed Mom around the store. There was also the ever popular, "Don't make me pull this car over!". Good times. But by God, we knew how to act in public.
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
Ooof, my friend did this"grip" to me once as an experiment. Hurt like a bich, never disobey your mom😅
@daynechastant 3 года назад
I feel knowing that trick would be VERY useful.
@MysticMae21 3 года назад
Pressure points are very effective. :)
@tcsam73 3 года назад
I think they used to teach that grip to parents in the late 60's, because my parents knew that one too. My sisters and I may have been rambunctious when were kids, we may have acted up from time to time, but thanks to that grip we learned boundaries. The occasional spanking helped too. If any of us had acted like any of the kids in the video, we'd have been picking our teeth up off the floor.
@marykandis959 3 года назад
@@tcsam73 pretty much dude
@thinkink3001 3 года назад
We had a nursery on college campus for the childcare students (i was doing public services at the time) and we were occasionally called in if there was an emergency. Medical or otherwise. One time we were called it to help control a kid. Keep in mind, all the kids were around 3-4 and the nursery was after 3:30pm. This 4 year old lad somehow got a knife and was trying to stab the other kids and the students. It took 4 of us (including myself) to get the knife off him. Two of us took his to a separate room whilst the others did checks to make sure no one was hurt. According to the kid, his older brother had been showing this 4 year old some brutal horror movies and he was acting on them. Got his mum, dad, and brother in and had to explain to this 14 year old boy why he shouldn't make his brother watch horror movies. The good thing is that the mum and dad came to one of our classes and gave us all handmade brownies, and they were the best brownies I've ever had.
@beagleissleeping5359 3 года назад
I worked at a Wal-Mart where we had to call a Code Adam because of a missing child. That means all entrances locked and no one leaves until the child is located. Turns out he was having a tantrum and hiding inside one of the clothing racks. Upon being found he yelled, "NO!" and runs off, with (mom or grandma?) following behind, who announced that he did this every time they went somewhere.
@Dragontamer135 3 года назад
That child who shreiked like a demon for the eight hour flight. Mom didn't do shit as people covered their ears. I was sitting in a waiting room and while my my and I waited a little girl put her blocks in the water fountain. Then she would press the button and was getting the blacks wet. My mom tried to lighten the mood by saying "she's giving the blocks a bath." I was like "mom that's not funny." But soon the girls older sister put a stop to it. My younger cousin and I had a birthday party together since ours are close together. She was like six at the time and went through a baby talk phase. Just the typical "goo goo ga ga." Or short sentences. She kept doing it and everyone was ok with it but I told her "I don't listen to baby talk." Then I told her about a mold that got a girl sick because she still did baby talk. The mold getting a kid sick I read in a magazine a long time ago. Yeah I scared her and lied to her but at least she freaking stopped.
@jadeharley7190 3 года назад
As a person who cried for eight hours on a red eye flight when I was a baby (parents lost the bottle on the ground right before takeoff) I’m so so so sorry that you had a flight like that
@Dragontamer135 3 года назад
@@jadeharley7190 I wasn't on the flight but you can look it up on RU-vid.
@aleksandarvil5718 3 года назад
Darla Dimple ( _Cats Don't Dance_ , 1997) as Thumbnail ??? FITTING!
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
I don't know who was flexing more with this character, the animators or the voice actress 🤣
@luckydemon944 3 года назад
Bro Cats Don’t Dance is the most underrated movie of all time!!!
@aleksandarvil5718 3 года назад
@@luckydemon944 INDEED ✔️💯
@kalaseid3592 3 года назад
I work in a local craft store and we had a mom and her two daughters walk in. Eldest was at least six and the youngest was at least two. Eldest, not kidding, was wearing makeup. They walked around for hours and everytime the eldest wanted something and mom said no the girl would proceed to scream and "cry" so loud it carried from one point of the store to the other. It continued until the mom had filled the cart so full in order to keep her quiet. She also allowed the girls to wander through aisles pulling stuff off shelves, using products, etc. At one point she left the girls and the cart alone in an aisle. The youngest pulled the very big cart down on top of her and proceeded to cry and scream. My manager ran over and lifted the cart off of her and made sure she was okay. Which she was. Not finding the mom anywhere nearby they picked up the toddler who promptly fell fast asleep on their shoulder. Mom finally came back and headed up to the registers. She apologized that she couldn't control her kids. Then the cherry on top. The dad comes in from having sat in the car that whole time and demands she hurry up because he has to go to work. 🤦‍♀️
@maubrey2095 3 года назад
My nieces and nephews. The first words ever to come out of their mouths is, "Can you GIVE us your toys?" and then throw tantrums when we say no. This is every time they visit. Then they steal some stuff. I won't give my Barbies cause I might want to give them to any future daughters. And you ought to watch your pets around them. Some stuff is for the same reason while the rest are sentimental value (gifts from close friends). Parents don't seem to care or are too involved in themselves (and god forbid have more kids).
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
Selfish parents produce selfish children. Parents who don't give their kids any attention, encouragement, or boundaries are usually the parents who pretend to be so in shock when their little psychopath gets convicted of murder.
@Phoebe5448 3 года назад
I was the best child ever. Quiet, polite, no noise at all. I'd just entertain myself looking at stuff quietly. Sure, I liked to touch things like pillows and stuff, but because they were soft. Definitely not a sticky fingered little hellion. My mum was SUPER lucky to have a shy inquisitive little nerd like me! Kids like this make me cringe like WTF. Negligent parenting at its finest.
@umopepisdn. 3 года назад
I was the same way. I didnt cry unless I was starving or in pain. Then my mom assumed that parenting is easy and had my brother. Literally she had to walk on a treadmill with him in her arms to get him to stop crying. The boy had to constantly be moving and always caused trouble. I remember when he was a tot he grabbed the books I got from the scholastic book fair and yeeted them into the sink full of soapy water
@cloudymew 2 года назад
Same here. My mum got EXTREMELY lucky with me. All my older siblings were like a nightmare to deal with, but I always listened. I was quiet, polite, full of manners and easy to entertain. At first my brother thought something was wrong with me (because I hadn't turned out like everyone else) and even tried to drown me in our pool outside when i was 2 I think. Thank god my mum had good parenting skills and stopped him or i would have been dead lol.
@beastmaster0934 2 года назад
I was like that too. I didn’t shout, I didn’t whine, I didn’t touch stuff I shouldn’t. I got up to some mischief every now and again, but it was just minor stuff, like sneaking snacks and stuff like that. Now my SISTER on the other hand, hoo boy is she a hellion in every sense of the word.
@izzle9181 2 года назад
Me too. I was too shy to act out, unless it related to swim lessons/learningtoswim I hated that shit. Even at worst i would just get naked, my logic being "can't do swimming practice in the pool without a bathing suit lmao. But really overall I never really caused problems, at worst I might've pouted over something that happened, never tantrums or screaming.
@ellalella1 3 года назад
The twelve-year old eating cookies would have made me throw them all out that minute. I just hadn't let them stay, even the other family members.
@ladyweasellou3367 3 года назад
The real title for this should be what's: "What's one of the best examples of really cr@ppy parenting that you've seen?"
@kaypounds9543 3 года назад
As somebody who works in retail, it is annoying af when a parent or guardian let's kids run wild in the store and treat us like a babysitter/daycare. My anxiety has gone through the roof a few times over wild brats. From the kid who was opening and slamming shut the pop cooler over and over, to the kids climbing on shelves for toys, to kids who pick up stuff and just leave it all over. If parents are gonna treat us like babysitters they should be charged a babysitting fee.
@skittstuff 3 года назад
The patience in this thread is amazing. I don't know how people keep their calm in situations like this. That's probably why I should never become a parent tbh
@bonnie_lover1239 3 года назад
I want a rule to be made where you have permission to discipline a child when they are disturbing the peace ( e.g. rolling on the floor, pulling things off shelves, cursing, hitting people ect ) and the parent isnt actively doing anything to calm the kid down ( e.g. getting down to eye level and speaking to them, taking them out of the building or away from the area, acknowledging their tantrum and speaking to them etc) but this can only be done to kids 4 and older since that's the youngest it's gotten in these posts. But you cant touch the kid obviously even if the kid starts hitting you despite how much you want to make them stop. And if it gets so bad then you could call cps because the kid may have gotten this bad personality from his growing environment (home) if the kid is still going crazy. This is probably a stupid rule tbh but this is just what I would like to happen but I dont think it makes much sense 😅
@hanikazuha 2 года назад
My half brother and sister with their parents were invited to my dad's previous company reunion. They broke a $4,000 worth of antique vase owned by the host. My step mom use the "oh, they're just a bunch of kids," excuse with no remorse or sorry, and no punishment to them. Complete example of bad parenting and worst kid behaviour (maybe)
@j_g9109 3 года назад
First story... I was like, a 4yo hitting a person’s leg with a balloon? Bratty, yeah, but the _worst?_ We then learn that him and his mother proceed to get into a screaming slap fight. 🤦‍♀️ My goodness... things aren’t looking great for that tot. As for my story, I was a cashier ringing up a defeated looking mom. Her about 8yo son was kicking her repeatedly, demanding a toy and a candy bar. She said no repeatedly. In my head I’m thinking “Stick with it. Come on lady. You can do it. Stick with the no. Don’t let him win.” Well, he won. He got the full candy bar, the toy, kicked her one last time as a thank you, then ran away. I was in shock. The line was in shock. The elderly gentleman I rang up after her looked at me and said “if that was my boy, he wouldn’t have lived long enough to kick me a second time.” I felt sorry for her but angry at her too. She was doing neither of them any favors. My daughter had behavioral issues when she was younger. Put me through hell. I probably looked as tired as her at one point. But I *knew* I couldn’t just let her keep acting that way. When I said no, I meant no. When I said now, I meant now. When I counted to 3, there was no 4. 5 years later, she’s well behaved, and we’re incredibly close. I hope that woman found some strength to stick up to that little terrorist and hope both of them are ok. One last one, really sad, I still think about them now- It was a foster mom who had just gotten new fosters, two boys 7 & 9 or so. She was trying to get them new clothes because what they had on was clearly not fit for them. They were throwing things, refusing to listen, throwing shoes on top of shelves and the oldest would say something along the lines of “you’re going to hit us now, aren’t you!” Apparently it had gotten so engrained that they were going to be hit whether they are good or bad that a “fuck it” mentality had set in. She was a determined lady. Finally got them together got some new clothes. While they were off running around, she looked me in the eyes and said “I’m going to show them that they don’t deserve to be beaten for simply existing. They need to know there’s another way.” That told me all I needed to know about their background.
@Miesque1973 2 года назад
I remember Lewis Grizzard's story about a boy (maybe 8 or 9) in a cafeteria line with his mother. He grabbed a candy bar at the register. She told him to put it back. He refused. She calmly turned around, paid the cashier, then turned back to the boy, told him to put the candy bar back, and he refused again. She never got angry. Just grabbed his arm, turned him around and spanked him four or five times. She told him to put it back. He did. Everyone in the cafeteria gave her a round of applause. Staying calm is easier said than done, but only two things ever got me a spanking as a child: willful disobedience and backtalk. Mistakes, accidents and bouts of foolishness were never a big deal and were dealt with fairly. But punishment was swift and painful for being a brat, and we knew Mom and Dad were in charge and could be trusted with setting the rules and enforcing them firmly and fairly.
@outrageousbananaking6302 2 года назад
“I’ll never come to your store again.” Karen ever says that at your workplace just say thank you it gets them every time
@ladyweasellou3367 3 года назад
This isn't a long list of terrible kids so much as it's a very short list of terrible kids with a very long list of terrible parents attached. *MOST* of the time this is just awful awful parenting.... So, yeah, in a way it could be a condom commercial because for some reason the worst possible parents are usually the most fertile.... But they're not going to use protection anyway (hell, why would they? As they are probably saying: It's better without a rubber and you can get paid for every kid you pop out and refuse to care for!).
@solidstate9451 3 года назад
If you are lazy with parenting, you are lazy with prevention.
@MossyCat0101 3 года назад
my(20) boyfriend's(25) little brother(5). He is a little devil. i tell you guys one story. We went down to visit he's family and there is this unbehaved boy, Marcell, who is love torture animals, he's siblings and others with various weapons. They live in a 2 storey house and we where on the second floor with the two girls(7 and 9) and Marcell, while the others down worked on something. There were a door like an attic door, so the kids if they fell they not fell down the stairs, you know. So Marcell told me, he wanna ask something from he's mom, i said ok, opened one wing of the door, he asked something, than when that careless witch(yes, i don't like her, she keep saying "he is just a child" as an excuse for he's behavior) went to another room, Marcell began to punch my head with he's fist at the still open door I was holding, and when i accidentally hit him while tried to stop him, i was the every evile in he's mom's eyes.
@Legendi-chan 3 года назад
I saw three kids (two boys one older and one girl) running around smacking berry bushes being loud and obnoxious, i was like in my head "why scream so loud" and "yeah there is bugs on the berrys its outside". We got across the street they were on play ground talking/screaming and i herd the one of the boys just scream "i am going to peeeeee over here" and the lil boi screamed "ill pee too" its rather gross but what ever not my problem, then i herd it one of them shouted "A BIRDBOX" and i looked what they were doing and they ran up to it and older boy was beating it with a stick screaming for a bird to come out, i around 180cm unit of an man didn't shout but spoke with my normal speaking voice that booms and told them to stop it this instant. They ran off so fast
@princessmarlena1359 3 года назад
1:19 I’m a magician’s assistant, my magician boss and mentor NEVER lets the kids touch any of our props or animals because of kids such as this…we also don’t want to risk them getting bitten or accidentally hurting themself on a prop (ie pinched on a box hinge, etc.).
@kobiimac5131 3 года назад
This is why I never want to have kids
@castielsgranny4308 3 года назад
At a birthday party fir an adult friend, his sister and BIL let their little girl tear into presents until they found my X-rated one. When expressed ire, I told them to teach their child how to behave. This was not the only annoying thing this undisciplined child did. I had to tell her to stop walking on the couch, and when they gave me the “look” I said they weren’t doing their kid any favors. I told them, truthfully, that their girl was the talk of the party. And not complimentary talk, either. My friend had even warned us beforehand.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
Bad parents are really testing the limits of "Fuck Around", and when their kid "Finds Out", they'll have the audacity to complain to the people around who witnessed the vibe check to end all vibe checks.
@kobiimac5131 3 года назад
Those two Stories about kids literally committing sexual assault Tells me those kids are going to probably be in prison one day or another
@henrikhyrup3995 3 года назад
A couple's birthday party I was at some years ago. Their kid (about 6 y/o) was pure terror personified. Running around like a tornado, screaming into everyones faces. If he wanted something, he would grab it and violently hold on to it - if he didn't want something, it would be sent flying across the room. At one point he came over to me and *demanded* that I changed the batteries in his PSP (or whatever the damn thing was). At this point I was sick to the core of him, but tried to tell him calmly that I had no idea where they kept the batteries or how to change them. He didn't like this kind of a no, so he punched me, with his small bony fists, right in my kidneys. I really (REALLY!) wanted to grab him by the throat and smash him out of the nearest window. Instead I took my jacket and left. A couple of days later I wrote a furious email to the parents, basically saying don't ever bother inviting me again and their little kid was a shithead and they were equally shitheads for not raising him. I also attached pictures of the bruises he gave me, which were at least the size of a tennis ball.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
The bruises could have acted as evidence of assault and you could have sued or prosecuted the parents for such depending on local laws (Most of the time with minors, the parents are liable for any harm their child causes, but could have also resulted in the child being put into juvie on assault charges).
@henrikhyrup3995 3 года назад
@@Foxxie0kun where I live we don't go around and sue each other. But at least it worked - I never heard from them since then.
@alyssamorgan747 2 года назад
Uh, that's literally an assault case right there. Hell, you were lucky the brat didn't cause a hospital visit. Cause if that happened, I would've saddled the brainless parents with the bill!
@MrsJohnsonListing 3 года назад
This is reassuring me that I have a good kid who's just special needs and not an actual brat. Not that I'm parent shaming 😅
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
It's fine to look at bad examples and be thankful for what or whom you have😅 Wishing all the best to you and your kid❤️
@MrsJohnsonListing 3 года назад
@@daryatislenko4651 thank you so much 😃
@GinkgoBalboa142 3 года назад
White chocolate candy rose
@HLY66 2 года назад
My parents took me and my fiancé who was visiting from the US (long distance relationship) to a miniature railway which rode us one hour to a nature reserve. Halfway into the trip, we stop at one of the stations to grab a bite to eat. It was one of those café / gift shop combos with a small miniature railway museum upstairs. Said museum was closed, so we sat and ate lunch. It was a Saturday afternoon and unusually quiet. We're sitting and talking amongst ourselves until a couple with their son (who looked to be 5 or 6) came in. There was a big island where all the gifts were displayed so we couldn't see most of what went down next. It seemed to be one of those classic cases where the kid makes a mad dash towards the toys section and one of the parents is quick to say no and makes an excuse about how they can't afford something that costs £3. The kid obviously heard this all before and isn't giving in that quickly. Mum argues with him whilst Dad is standing quietly observing the situation. Kid starts protesting enough to make the mother snatch the toy from his hands and slam it back onto the shelf. Kid proceeds to cry with rage. Dad decides to step in. "Samuel! Stop behaving like this right now!" he bellows. Mum shouts over the crying "How do you expect us to buy you anything when you've been behaving badly the last few days." Apparently the parents were able to afford the trip and thought that it was a good idea to bring their unruly child along. Surely they knew they were going to expect a tantrum. Dad keeps on yelling "Samuel John, stop this right now!" The parents never notice us sitting there listening and the staff are in the back pretending to look busy and ignoring the awkward situation up front. Then Sam decides to threaten to steal the toy he so desperately wants. Dad yells "No Samuel, you'll be fined!" Of course, Sam doesn't know what the word "fined" means and keeps up with his theft threat. Mother yells "If you walk out with it, you'll be taken to the police station!" This time, little Sam understood that police station equals big big trouble and starts kicking up a huge fuss. Mum instantly nopes out the building. Sam tries to fight with his yelling father until the man screams at him to get out. Sam repeatedly yells how "he wants something" before being forcefully carried out by his raging father who slams the door shut on the way out. The couple came back five minutes later without Sam briefly before leaving again. I could only assume that they had just arrived for this trip and their son's tantrum instantly cancelled the day's plans.
@jeannebuttons5301 3 года назад
I've told some stories of my cousin I call Angel. We had gone to Great America as a summer trip and Angel was her usual entitled brat self, she was too short to ride something and she threw herself into the ground and started wailing. When her father tried to pick her up to remove her from the line she punched and kicked him, increasing in pitch and volume. Angel got a good hit in and my uncle lost control of her and she hit the concrete hard. She was stunned silent for a moment then began that slow wail kids do when they are hurt. We spent the rest of the day at the local emergency room, she was bruised but ok otherwise.
@potatokitty 3 года назад
I swear children are becoming less disciplined.
@thebranchorganics3721 3 года назад
They absolutely are… adequate discipline these days is so quickly labelled “child abuse” when it’s nowhere near it.. I got hit very rarely, but geez I knew my mum meant it and I corrected myself quickly. New generation is all so bloody precious though
@emilyortiz5510 2 года назад
My Mum is half Scottish. Her eyes would turn Kelley green if I pissed her off. All she had to do was look at me with those eyes. I'd stop whatever it was I was doing wrong. 😯
@digimonalvatrax2738 2 года назад
Society is losing its spine. Suddenly discipline is abuse😂😂
@alyssamorgan747 2 года назад
Tell me about it. Growing up, I only got smacked three times - but I earned those smacks and learned from it. After being grounded for a full year, I knew to never, EVER piss my mom off like that again. Otherwise, I usually got yelled at and grounded. All a parent needs to do, is give the screaming brat a twist of the ear, a dark look and yes, grounding. The type of grounding depends on the crime. I mean, when I had been grounded for that 365 day punishment, I couldn't do anything save for going to school. That meant, no day trips, no vacations, no going to the mall or movies, no music, no computers, no tv. All I was allowed to do, was get up, breakfast, school and come straight home. Yeah, the grounding always did help...why can't parents just do that?
@beastmaster0934 2 года назад
@@thebranchorganics3721 Same here. I wasn’t beaten or anything like that, just a punch in the arm, not hard either, but hard enough to get me to stop being a little shithead for 5 damn minutes.
@supersmilyface1 Год назад
The build-up for the story about the little girl who wanted the mini Barbie doll was glorious. That poor mother though. I hope her daughter straightened out later in life.
@lightningx2656 3 года назад
I have two stories: The first one was when a family friend asked my dad and I to have a small vacation in the middle of summer break. We drove 3 hours to the motel and went to an amusement park with her 2 kids. The boy was way so damn hyper like has never been out of the house before. I mean full of screaming and almost running into people. The mother did nothing as her 6 year old was screeching his lungs out and almost tackling people in his way. He had no home training whatsoever. The daughter, about the same age, was entitled and spoiled. The mother had taken her into the gift shop to buy something. She had wanted a dress and lip bomb but was told she could only get one or the other. She proceeded to throw the dress down and start wailing as her mother gently told her not to do that and lead her out of the shop. As we were walking, she kept going on about how she wanted the dress and was pulling against her mother's hand. Further into the vacation, she simmered down but not the son. He got worse. He would cry over every little thing that didn't go his way. One thing that got to me was we were all in the car late at night and we were all hungry. The son was throwing a fit that he was hungry and would not shut up about it like he hasn't eaten in days. When my dad and I were in out motel room, we swore never again. For the next story, it was my birthday and I was in Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the week leading up to my Bday. What nobody told me was that we were gonna be up there with like 7 other family members and their children. I was kinda traumatized with small kids because of the prior vacation but I was willing reach a middle ground. I had to share a birthday with someone else so there were 2 cakes. This 3-4 year old came up to one of the cakes and started to nibble on the sprinkles. I politely told him to wait until the other birthday boy got his first slice. This kindergarten age kid proceeded to say "Shut up, b!tch" and whacked me on the shoulder. Safe to say I'm not having kids. (I forgot to mention that when we confront her about it, she pulled the good ole "Are you telling me how to raise my kids?!" card.)
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
The fastest way to a child-free lifestyle is to see how vile children are in general. Our species only survives because there's so many stupid people who aren't wise to how evil children are, or so incredibly capable and saintly that their children are a cut above the rest.
@alyssamorgan747 2 года назад
Or have an illness that's brought about extreme stress. And I know for a fact that kids are stressful - hence, why I'm not having kids. That, and said illness is genetic.
@Animus5134 3 года назад
Just gotta say, I love that you put Darla Dimple on the thumbnail. 😆
@Dragonmoon98 2 года назад
And, on this episode of Future Spouse Beaters and Serial Killers! We have parents who yell at strangers about how their children have some right to act like animals in public, another parent snapping at someone for swearing at their child when it tried to pickpocket them, and more on this episode of... Future Spouse Beaters and Serial Killers! Who will get the mark of Future Serial Killer? Stay tuned to find out, it will be a storm of Hellfire and soulless defeat! In this episode of Future Spouse Beaters and Serial Killers! (ETA doesn't that sound like a good concept for a show?)
@thatonerandomgirl9950 3 года назад
LOL my family calls me a brat and the worst thing I ever did in the store is cried because I couldn’t get a toy I didn’t throw shit or scream or call anyone insults
@Sierra-208 3 года назад
This makes puppies look like better company
@daryatislenko4651 3 года назад
Yeah, but at age of five a kid can bring you a sandwich if trained. Puppies? Not so much 🤣
@steve_the_vehicon632 3 года назад
@@daryatislenko4651 I've seen dogs do that, just as long as somebody at the other end is making the sandwich, not the dog
@daryatislenko4651 2 года назад
@@steve_the_vehicon632, that's the best part a kid can MAKE and BRING a sandwich.
@newtong4148 3 года назад
i definitely shouldn’t be a parent because my first thought with half of these is like “just pick the kid up by their ankles and hold them upside down until they calm down. they’re like 60 lbs and you’re a grown adult c’mon. just- just haul them up, problem solved.”
@kimberlyjones8152 3 года назад
Haha that's genius 🤣
@ashlynnheller8400 3 года назад
If my kid ever threw that big of a tantrum Im doing what my Dad did. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
@ShadowyKatz 3 года назад
You can blame parents, but sometimes they can only do so much.
@rhondawiggins5728 3 года назад
Bullshit. If you can’t handle them when they weigh 70 pounds what do you think it’s going to be like when they weigh 150? Get some balls people. If I had ever acted like that out in public my parents would’ve put me in the hospital.
@ShadowyKatz 3 года назад
@@rhondawiggins5728 lol. Same. Worse for my brother, but he was outta control always. I did fine, my sis did fine, by bro not so much. Parents can only do so much.
@samanthavanscoder9536 3 года назад
@@rhondawiggins5728 I've met plenty of people who were beat as children who can't behave
@emilysigmund1255 3 года назад
Ok, not the 'worst case' but a memorably bad one was of the little girl that kept undressing in the check out line. It was awful yet I felt bad for her because she honestly did not understand why it wasn't OK, her parents just never taught her. On the other hand, she's gonna have some pretty good stories of how she humiliated her mum as a kid to laugh about when she grows up.
@quit9488 2 года назад
How do her parents accept that?! If I done that I would get a beating and next day I’m at heaven
@ARGHHHHHHHH 3 года назад
That cats don’t dance thumbnail brings the memories swinging back and hitting me in the face and I love it
@lizachitwood3369 3 года назад
I blame the parents… I have 3 kids and 2 grandkids and none of them have ever acted this way. Took them every where and never once beat them or mistreated my babies. My kids were not saints but they learned from day one that actions have consequences.. Lazy abusive parents are to blame !!
@cocomunga 3 года назад
When I had one of the worst bathroom emergencies in my entire life some stupid kid crawled under the stall door. I don’t think I said anything but he quickly backed out.
@kimberlyjones8152 3 года назад
Ugh I had a kid do this to me too no joke I almost kicked the kid in the head
@cocomunga 3 года назад
@@kimberlyjones8152 haha
@moronribbons5774 3 года назад
2:05 some kid tries that shit with my 3ds and he's getting tossed out the damn plane, I need that entertainment for a planeride
@ladyweasellou3367 3 года назад
22:00 there's really bad yuppy areas like that where I'm at and it is terrible..... But they love to tell everyone how much better they are at their.... What is it? "Free-range" or "woke" or who-knows what.... Style parenting. Their kids are the absolute worst in the county and they... Just. Don't. Get. It. they really don't.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
Parents need to be firm, kids need structure and boundaries, and venison needs to be free-range. If your kids are firm, parents free-range, and venison has boundaries, you're probably living in a yuppy hellhole.
@flordeamapolita 2 года назад
I saw a similar tantrun like the boy with his grandmother. Only instead of a candy bar it was a barbie. It was back when my kids were little, mid 90s. They were in absolute shock. The girl was apparently told no she wasn't getting a barbie and was laying in the middle of the aisle tantruming away kicking at her grandmother and the toys on the lower shelves. All the while grandmother saying in a meek voice not today sweetie, maybe Santa is going to bring you that. More kicks more screeches. It was to the point quite a few toys were knocked off the shelves and on the floor and other shoppers were starting to watch the show. The grandmother was tiny and the girl was a fairly chunky 7-9. Not obese but a big kid so no way grandmother who was a smaller woman was getting her off the ground. Finally loss prevention, I assume, and a couple of managers stepped in and made them leave and basically escorted them out. There wasn't really a security thing back in the 90s. This happened in a Wally world in a town that has a big military base.
@socialmoth4974 3 года назад
I feel so blessed to have a well-behaved child. She actually behaves better out in public than she does at home. Lol
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 3 года назад
This video makes me want to make bad parents and bratty kids catch these hands. They're rated E. For everyone.
@koopaking6148 3 года назад
I think tramatising a bunch of kids is the best way to keep them from repeating something like what they did to the girl...
@rdred8693 3 года назад
Haha. So glad I didn't have kids.
@Ravethecat12 3 года назад
Child free is the best way to live and no one will ever change my mind. Stories like this make me happy I’ve never had a moment of maternal instinct in my life.
@Lightfyre281 2 года назад
I work at a craft studio that's mostly geared towards kids. We had this evil 3-year-old who would intentionally mess with things in our shop while her mom just laughed. Another time she peed on the floor and the mom said "You guys should clean that up." The little demon had her birthday party at the shop. She and her friends threw popcorn everywhere and smeared paint on the wall. The girl ignored my coworker gently telling her not to do things, and the mom said "I love that you're a rule breaker." The cherry on top of that sundae was when they were checking out, the little girl grabbed a painted rock we had as a decoration and asked "Can I have this?" To which my coworker replied "No, it belongs to the shop." The mom said "You should've just grabbed it while no one was looking." This woman was actually encouraging her kid to steal from our shop. That child is probably going to end up in juvy when she's older.
@alyssamorgan747 2 года назад
I would have banned that mother and her kid from the store.
@Lightfyre281 2 года назад
@@alyssamorgan747 I kept telling my boss that we should, but my boss is too nice. Fortunately we haven’t seen them in a couple years.
@ferretqueen2908 Год назад
I do medieval recreation events, and I often see this one 9 year old girl. She is essentially a chihuahua child. Her favorite thing to do is bite people, hit people, and kick guys in the groin. She's even made other kids bleed because she just likes to see other people in pain, and she's bitten me twice and treated it like a joke. Complaining to her parents doesn't really do anything even though she gets in trouble. Freaking brat.
@ujimars5499 3 года назад
My 8 year old son has autism and he goes into the women's restroom with the wife all the time, if there is no family one no one says anything because clearly by his voice other women seem to notice he's a bit different. ( may I add he is better behaved then most fully functioning adult/teen/kids. )
@RlLan-qq9bg 3 года назад
Worked in a well known, high-end children’s shoe store for about 8 years. The WORST child I ever saw was a little boy (I’d estimate about 7y/o) that cussed at his mother whenever she asked him anything (primarily direct insults). She was sitting on the floor negotiating with this child, trying to get him to have his feet measured (by me); There wasn’t anything that could be said/done to have him follow directions. When the boy finally decided to come over to his mother and myself and have his feet measured he positioned himself in front of me and to the right of his mother and instead of removing his shoes he turned to his mother spit in her face and then slapped her with the force of a grown man followed by calling her a “stupid B”. The mother wasn’t even phased and continued on trying to get his feet measured. I had to excuse myself.
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
I wish it were a thing that parents can just consign problem children like that to the government for medical experimentation or something, because parents seldom deserve being abused by their kids like that, and it's usually the parent who least deserves the abuse that gets the worst of it (Especially if it's a spousal domestic abuse situation the problem child is learning from).
@kimberlymorrison1217 3 года назад
I am of a different generation than these kids or what? It was a privilege to go anywhere with my parents! It was understood that we were to be on our best behavior or we could go home if we were unable to act appropriately. If that is the expectation of a child they will learn! My sweet baby niece is learning this from her dad (my brother). I am a millennial and expect this of the children in my life and they understand house rules and store/restaurant/ outside the home rules are different. My niece is not even two and she knows that food does not get tossed on the floor at a restaurant (or at home either ). So, I don’t understand rogue children at restaurants. (Yes I understand some children struggle on the autism spectrum struggle with this but it is obvious to everyone their parents work with them, instead of parents who ignore behaviors)! My brother and I would be forced to leave restaurants without eating or leave full grocery carts in the store if our behavior became unmanageable! Believe me, this did not happen very often!!
@ricochet0928 2 года назад
One time when I was like 10 or 11, I was at a day camp at the YMCA and at lunchtime on one of the days, I got up to throw something away and this other kid (probably around 7-9 years old) came up to me and started saying some really weird stuff. I distinctly remember him asking if I had a giant wart on my belly, which I'm pretty sure was his weird way of calling me fat. Anyway, after saying some more questionable stuff, this freaking child asks "Can I touch your boobs?" Y'all, I was _shook._ I also had two friends nearby, who were also male, so it was just awkward all around, especially when this kid starts to *reach up my dang shirt.* I stopped him before he got what he wanted, and my friends and I went to tell the counselor who absolutely went _OFF_ on this kid before dragging him off to speak to the head counselor guy. A while later, the kid comes back to me and says through sobs "I'm sorry I reached up your shirt..." Tbh I've always found this whole situation more hilarious than anything 😂
@angelabryant9766 2 года назад
This really just comes down to the fact that some parents are terrified of confrontation, which I think should be something that everyone asks themselves before they consider having a kid, 'Am I going to be able to handle confrontation?'. If the answer is no, either don't have kids or have at least one member of your family be able to handle it.
@yque4733 3 года назад
These stories remind me of my first job in retail. Usually the parents were worse that the annoying kids.
@DanandDonna1 3 года назад
One of my kids kept getting out of hand where ever we went. Well, when it came to going to the mall, he was told to be on his best behavior or he will go to the car with one parent while the other spent time in the mall. He right away earned that trip to the car with his dad. After that, he didn't go to the mall with any of us for 5 years. I told him to act out again and earn another 5 years of no mall.
@Sassylass1978 3 года назад
One boy I knew, I’ll call him Luke because that was his name. At the age of four, he was swearing at his mother, he helped himself to whatever he was told no to, threw rocks at my windows and my nieces, broke my things, and, drew on my brand new suede lounge with permanent marker. He would be about eight now and I hate to think what he would be like.
@IronHawk5 3 года назад
18:05 That's some Dante's Inferno shit right there
@superevilscientistgamer5939 3 года назад
Oh I don't know... Dante's Inferno seems a lot nicer than that...
@dragonsbanecannibal9378 3 года назад
@AriLolzz 3 года назад
I never thought I'd see Darla dimple on one of these I never knew she was popular enough for this
@emavirra 3 года назад
Everytime I watch videos like these I just become happier and happier that I hate children and will never have any :)
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 3 года назад
1:28 I feel bad for this guy's dad. And the rabbit poor rabbit D: I hope that kid never gets any pets.
@abigaildoll2785 Год назад
Im just glad the bunny is okay. That one made me mad as I love bunnies.
@mancave10369 3 года назад
5:07 If they did that in this decade, they (and to an extent, the mom) would be quarantined.
@laylam.ingram-alger6091 2 года назад
2:51 Always backup your artwork on a flashdrive. Even if you never think anything will happen to it. I learned the hard way that people are beyond petty sometimes and will do everything they can to ruin your day.
@keithbussey5411 3 года назад
So. You don't say no to your child and you don't discipline them and try to rationalize? OK. Your child legs it out of the front door and heads straight for a major road. This is what you say. "Oh Johnny. Please stop, darling. Oh, you don't want to stop? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you and yes of course you can go ahead and run. I'll just check the number for the mortuary."
@kimberlyjones8152 3 года назад
Exactly like why can't parents be firm and say no
@rosorial2673 3 года назад
Not my story, but my mom's. She's been a teacher for over 20 years, so she's seen a lot of crap. The worst thing she's put up with was one of her second grade class. Literally, there were only 4 good kids... out of 28. They never listened to her and tore up everything in sight (she had this bean bag thing in a tiny library in her room and one of these little hellspawns ripped it open and pissed on it). There was a group of mean girls (as I dubbed them) who were basically high school bullies in second grade form (seriously, one of them came to school dressed like a hooker... IN SECOND GRADE). We don't live in a very nice town, but this class made my mom really rethink her career choices.
@averagesplatoonperson Год назад
Heres my story: For context, I go to a Catholic School and in the morning before school starts students are required to go to the church and sit there. Now if you were a middle school student (k-8 school) you would change your seat to wherever the next grade you were going to was. for example. If you were a 6th grader your seat would change to the front of the church behind the 1st graders (despite the fact that the 7th graders sat in the back for most of the year but ok) and the 7th geaders becoming 8th graders would sit in the front in front of the 5th graders. Now Here is the story. The 7th graders are sitting in their seats in the back of the church when the Principal starts the morning announcements and tells the 7th graders to move up to the top. (the 7th graders were told this on friday but forgot) Then the 6th graders moved across from us. This is when the show happens. This 1st grader starts to throw a tantrum because he was in a argument with a girl on the class about the seats in the church. Now Of course the teacher tells him to stop, and then its over. The highlight of the story is that this kid sitting behind me said “Shut your bitch-ass up” Another thing that happened on the same day was that the kindergarten graduation was happening and this family brought their baby with them No, two families brought their babies. The first baby cried, and was running around the church and the second baby just cried. TL:DR: 1st grader throws a tantrum about a seat and baby runs around the church.
@plagueflower849 3 года назад
5:35 if i was you each kid wouldnt have a chance to get under the door without a size 10 shoe to the face idc kid or not
@kimberlyjones8152 3 года назад
Same that's an extreme invasion of privacy kid or adult although it'd be a size 5 shoe in my case😂
@Foxxie0kun 3 года назад
If a kid is squeezing under the fitting room door, I think a boot to the head is the most fair form of deterrence one can ask for. It's their own fault if they need to get a boot print on their forehead more than once.
@animegirl342000 3 года назад
This just happened today and I thought of this post, my sister took her son to speech therapy so during therapy she texted me about a this other kid who was misbehaving she had said that he was knocking the signs down he was messing with a disabled woman’s wheel chair screaming running like a wild man while another lady yelled at him to stop
@blackmagician7645 Год назад
It's funny how the first two stories had something to do with balloons. I guess Pennywise knew the correlation between balloons and children needing punishments.
@hearts4mako 2 года назад
12:49 I actually have a story kind close. Neighborhood kids from the ages 9-13 were throwing water balloons at cars. One dented someone’s car. They called the police. The police talked with every kid. It was so funny. Those guys were absolute brats.
@hearts4mako 2 года назад
21:49 **
@kurinthekitty6842 3 года назад
Darla Dimple has to be my favorite non Disney villain of all time
@ashlynnheller8400 3 года назад
Where is she from?
@kurinthekitty6842 3 года назад
@@ashlynnheller8400 Cats Don't Dance
@FJlittlebluerose 2 года назад
I remember when I was 10. I have this friend who had a younger sister. The younger sister was incredibly spoiled by the dad. I was hanging out with their family and the two sisters bought a ring. I remember the younger sister showing off her choice. My friend on the other hand took her time to pick her ring. When my friend showed off her choice, the younger sister was so jealous she demanded a traded. When she couldn’t have her way, she cried and screamed so loud the dad went running downstairs screaming at my friend. At the end of the night, I saw the younger sister happily bragging my friend’s choice of ring. My friend hid herself away crying…
@cloudymew 2 года назад
I used to work as a waitress in a small restaurant. I have many stories but these are my favourites: 1. Family of 4 comes in, kids look about 12, 9, 7 and 4. Parents are whispering to eachother, I had no idea what they were saying but they were definitely anxious about something. I take them over to their table and ask for drinks. Before the parents can respond to me the 9 year old says "I want coke! Now!" I looked over at parents, confused. Mum yells "Madeline! We don't interrupt!". She starts apologising and they order their drinks, so i leave to get cups (the restaurant had a refillable station). When I return, I ask for food as well. Dad is giving his order but then 7 year old jumps on him, shaking him about. 12 year old pulls him off while 7 year old screams and cries. Anyway, I'm now at another table while the other family waits for their food. They're giving their order when I see 9 year old (Madeline) and 7 year old (I think his name was Christopher?) messing around at the refillable station, pouring everything on the floor and all that. I excused myself from the other table to go see what they were actually doing. I went over and said "Hey you two, stop messing around at the refillable station please and go wait patiently for your food." Madeline gets mad and chucks her drink at me, she had good aim for a 9 year old as that shit went in my eye, so obviously I close my eyes in pain and then slip on the mess they had made on the floor. *I lost it* . While Madeline and Christopher are laughing I drag them over to the table, telling what happened at the station. Parents had no idea they had snuck away. When i left I heard parents screaming at 9 and 7 year olds, saying how disappointed they were and they couldn't believe another person had to tell them how to behave. Thank god those parents had my back! 2. A family came in once, 6 kids if I remember correctly. It was a quiet day and nobody was really dining in apart from 2 or 3 more people. I was cleaning up some spilled food on the floor when one of the brats comes over and gets his muddy footprints all over my cleaned up work. Now, I'm a very nice person and a big pushover at most times but I was getting pretty pissed at this kid. He does it 2 or 3 more times and I turn around, grab his wrist and say "Stop walking where I've cleaned up!" He starts laughing at me and yells "stop me now!", running through the wet puddle where I had just cleaned again. Unfortunately for him he slid straight into a wall. *Hard* . Kid starts bawling his eyes out, running over to the table he was at saying I pushed him into the wall and it was all my fault. Soon, his dad comes over and I've already know I've messed up, but he says "I'm so sorry for him. Thank you for dealing with him, I wish I could have better control over him but ill get there soon." I gave him a nod and he returned to his seat. A couple minutes later I see that they're leaving, but bratty mcbratster doesn't want to, clinging onto the chair for dear life. Dad is pulling on him while mum just laughs, recording this on her phone. I was shocked. I went over there, pulled the kids hands off the table and he fell straight down. I gave a smile to the father and walked off.
@jackscoular3235 3 года назад
I was in a cinema to see a movie (forget which movie) and all of a sudden these kids start playing tag around the cinema stairs. And these are no ordinary stairs, they're practically hollow do the sound of every foot-step was very noticeable. And the worst thing I'd the parents did nothing about these pains. Just sat there and excepted it to the point I couldn't even hear the movie
@gigimarie3989 2 года назад
The neighbors behind us had chickens in cages. Some of these chickens escaped and layed eggs in neighboring yards and the field beside us, causing a rampant wild chicken problem throughout the whole neighborhood. Then my shitty neighbors to the left moved in with their 2 bratty kids. Two girls, not sure of their ages but under the age of 10. It was clear from the beginning the parents didn''t give a shit how they behaved. Then I saw one day the true scope of their true psychopath behavior. They would catch a wild chicken and put it in a small pet carrying case. They would then proceed to get a sharp pointy stick and poke the chicken. They would laugh in delight when the chicken squealed in pain... Was so glad when we finally moved out of that neighborhood.
@capricorngirl52405 3 года назад
Most of these sound exactly like my sister and her four a little demons
@Kinguardia 2 года назад
so at my old job there was this mom with a little girl. the little girl was already causing a scene, yelling and talking back. she asked if she wanted candy like several times and the mom said no several times. finaly the mom said she was gonna call her husband and tell on her daughter. the little girl said "alright fine, yknow what" and took off. I was "lucky" (big exaggerated quotes there) enough to be walking in that direction to do something I was told anyway. the mom tried to run after her but this girl went into the clothing section and disappeared easily because she was shorter than them. legaly I couldn't do shit until the mom called for people to search so I just watched for her. a few seconds later I found her near the soap, where she was pouring soap INTO HER MOUTH and swishing it around. she then proceeded to go all the way to the other side of the store......AND PRETEND TO HAVE A SEIZURE. nuh uh. nope. unknowing of her, I was taking that bottle of dawn she used to my boss for an incident report. the mom was located, people where calmed down, I told the mom everything, and then that little girl turned into what I can only describe as the spawn of all evil itself. biting her mom AND herself, spitting, screeching, FLINGING herself around, kicking her mom in the crotch, punching, trying to take her cloths off, slapping, saying she would kill her mom and herself and everyone around her, at one point she tried to twist her own arm around and pretend her mom was doing it, literally jump kicking her mom in the stomach like in those action movies where the character jumps up and uses both legs and feet, and the part that her mom, I shit you not, LITERALLY HAVE A MENTAL PHSYCOTIC BREAKDOWN was when she broke free and TRIED TO TOSS A BABY OUT OF ANOTHER MOTHERS STROLLER. yeah. let's just say incident reports where filed, police where called, the father was called, whom might I add was A FUCKING BIKER, and oh, OH the sight of that little girl getting a brand new, probably shiny red ass was enough to make my day after that experience
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