
WoTC D&D Woke Disclaimer dungeons and dragons 

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The drivethrurpg disclaimer
We (Wizards) recognize that some of the legacy content available on this website does not reflect the values of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise today. Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is a strength, and we strive to make our D&D products as welcoming and inclusive as possible. This part of our work will never end.




13 сен 2024




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@Sylasha 7 месяцев назад
I feel like a lot of the issues in media nowadays comes from a bad mindset. The best example of this is the sanitization of official orc lore in dnd. You obviously know that orcs would do absolutely terrible things in official lore. But in modern versions, they try to get an idea across that the makers of DnD don't endorse that stuff, trying every edition to minimize it down to nothing until the race becomes completely homogenized in the game. Just because a character in media does something bad, doesn't mean that the owner of that media endorses it. Yes orcs do awful things to the people they capture, but that is sort of the point, they are a force of villainy. To put it in wrestling terms, they don't want any of the villains to have genuine heat. You should dislike bad guys. I think the way they design stuff these days, they want to leave all of the villainous ideas to the dungeon masters so that they don't get yelled at for putting bad things in printed media.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Sadly wrestling is the same way. There are no bad guys because if you made bad guys that would get your show canceled and the same woke people would cause them problems. Look at comedy now. Wokism is a problem. Your example of orcs is a great one. When I wrote Within the Ring of Fire I thought what is the worst thing one being could do to another. Then I had a bad guy do that to a good guy.
@Sylasha 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad There is a new show out that I have been watching where everyone literally lives in hell. The villains do the worst stuff imaginable, and people try to say that the creator supports awful things, even though it is painted clear as day that we are supposed to hate the villain. People have become soft I guess. In regards to wrestling, it is somewhat similar. But in some promotions, the babyfaces are so neutered that heels can do awful things and get cheered because the babyfaces are so bland. I still follow wrestling a bit, but most of it is just out of habit to see what foolishness the companies are up to.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@Sylasha what is the show? Sounds good. Yeah, I've loved wrestling my whole life - it is hard these days. Been watching WCCW from 1982 recently. My son sat and watched it with me and said, how they actually act like this is real - that's cool.
@Sylasha 7 месяцев назад
​@@woodwwad RU-vid munched up my comment, I'll be briefer this time. Hazbin Hotel, 95 million view indy youtube adult animated show that got picked up by amazon prime and released this week.Imagine a disney princess who sees the best in everyone trying to redeem the worst of the worst people in hell so that they don't get purged by heaven for overcrowding hell. It deals with very adult issues like murder, drug abuse and sexual assault. Demons and angels don't think redemption is possible, but she has to try and save people because she is believes in the good of everyone and her resolve will be pushed to the limit.
@venusboys3 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad I didn't know this neo-puratanism had infected wrestling. I don't get how that could have happened, given the wrestling fans I've known.
@slavaukraini1991 7 месяцев назад
At this point Wizards needs their head rammed into the buckle 10 times followed by the patented DDT. Well said on everything there.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Thank you my friend. They are disrespectful trash and need the hogan leg dropped on them for the 3.
@HeathBadhwar 7 месяцев назад
I had a fool steal my bag of dice when I was a teenager playing 3.5. I was devastated. Didn't give a damn about my iPod. My dice bro! Those are sacred. Still pales to the sins of WotC.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
hate to hear you had that happen to you
@ShiceSquad 7 месяцев назад
Why anyway gives a fuck about new editions is beyond me. Ever since I learned the woodWWAD way to roleplay, it seemed like revisions of rulesets and tinkerings with settings had become irrelevant. Every liveplay I've ever seen you in is so dialog-driven, it transcends any kind of new edition and whatever changes the rights holder could make to fuck everything up.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
It is pretty common in a game I run for a die to never be rolled.
@ShiceSquad 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad Exactly! I remember a great WtRoF session you ran back in the day that was two straight hours of in-character dialog: sitting around chatting around the campfire. It was awesome.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@ShiceSquad thanks brother, I"ve run a lot of those through the years.
@HCGxreaver День назад
@@ShiceSquad My first WtRoF did not have any combat for like 4 sessions in a row one time.
@ShiceSquad День назад
@@HCGxreaver Did you post that? A long time ago? 'Cause I recall several great online sessions by other people besides Ander (Lou?) who did supreme storytelling with next to no combat, so every fight was truly memorable.
@Demolitiondude 7 месяцев назад
Without respect, we reject.
@RohanAirsoft 7 месяцев назад
Modern WotC vision of “diversity”: An anthropomorphic bunny rabbit, some made up freak race, and a purple haired gnome, discuss their mental health issues in an anti-racist safe space fantasy world where nothing bad or brutal ever happens.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, when I went to gen con 7 years ago I was terrified how close to what you are describing was true. I think a lot of these kids would be broken if they watched one of my games.
@jamesfullard Месяц назад
I run my games with a slightly modified Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy system. I run my games the way I want to run them, I allow players into my group AFTER we both have a sit down in Discord or in Person and I get a feel of what they are about. I do not allow any of the left wing BS into my games.
@Eldanoth 7 месяцев назад
You are fucking RIGHT. And you express it in the old fashion way. DIRECTLY without any woke statement. because you are OUR MAIN MAN!
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
You damn right, now and forever! I cannot stand how our media and education system is turning kids into fools.
@RPGrandPaTabletop Месяц назад
What system do you use for your games?
@seanlay9409 7 месяцев назад
I agree that their primary motivator is profit and that they have made a number of poor decisions, decisions that no doubt hurt the quality of the franchise and game. But, I don't really see how this disclaimer is the thing to get mad about. Is it really the disclaimer about the old content including imagery that is judged differently now that has ruined the game for you?
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
No, it is simply another piece of what the issue with this company is. They are trash and it is really sad that they own the rights to this great game. But it is very disrespectful of these fools to make such comments about the people that actually made real D&D.
@jamesfullard Месяц назад
Well said sir WELL SAID!
@drizzo4669 7 месяцев назад
Wizards believes we are all children that require moral guidance. They're supplying rules for a game that we, the players populate. Its always been "if you dont like a rule or piece of lore, dont use it". The table decides the morals of that world. If all halflings are enslaved, we either put the boot to Frodo or break his chains. Its our story to tell. The fact that Wizards are afraid to say that a whole race of monsters can be evil, only shows how afraid they are to honestly tell a story. We dont need diversity and inclusion amongst Night Hags or followers of Demogorgon. They are evil. Period. 99.9% of them.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Love using Night Hags in my game as monsters. I really have them down. Like horrifying grandmothers. One of the other things I hate about wotc is that they removed int penalties because every race is just as smart as every other one.
@drizzo4669 7 месяцев назад
@woodwwad even the movie Gremlins understood that a good aligned gremlin and a highly intelligent gremlin was the exception, not the rule. Its just good storytelling to set the expectation from the start and if you subvert that expectation later, its something you remember. "Everybody is the same" is bland and bland is forgettable.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@drizzo4669 You are certainly right about that, bland is forgettable and of course bitch ass. I try to make NPCs really stand out. My son is a gremlin, I have to get the fly swatter out every time he takes a shower. I've yet to meet one of them that had a "good" alignment.
@MeepChangeling 7 месяцев назад
It never was "the whole race is evil" though. The Monster Manual is an "on average" kind of deal. Most Orcs have a strength of 12, some might have 10, or 14, but most 12. It was the same for alignments. Also, this whole thing wouldn't be a problem if Wizards hadn't removed the full alignment text which explained the system's definishions of good and evil. "Oh but everyone knows what good and evil are! We can cut this!" they say, removing an uncommon definishion used in philosophy classes by which a guy who disliked government and was motivated by money so he did a little tax evasion to further inflate his shop's prices would be chaotic evil.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@MeepChangeling I think I might be a little worried what wotc might include on an alignment chart these days.
@idian100 7 месяцев назад
Right on the money. Thanks for telling it how it is. It’s extremely refreshing as always to get your thoughts on these things.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Well I just despise the way these people exploit our hobby - a thing that they did nothing positive for and have hurt so much. Hating on the very people they make money off.
@idian100 7 месяцев назад
I agree it’s beyond disgusting
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@idian100 it is bad enough my son has to deal with this every day at school. I see I really triggereed one guy on here, he came at me with 5 fake accounts.
@AndresColumbus 7 месяцев назад
hell yeah brotha!
@cheshiregodfrey7633 7 месяцев назад
I’m with you on this, while I recognize not every old karate movie aged well Jackie Chan was one of the first guys to really make it in Hollywood as an Asian actor and he opened the doors for so many people I couldn’t list them all I, think it would be a disservice to everything everyone has accomplished to cry and whine about stuff like cultural appropriation when the whole point of those books was to capitalize on people wanting to experience ideas the west wasn’t yet familiar with
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
I hate to hear about cultural appropriation. To the Woke it is cultural appropriation when you use something from a culture in a game but if you don't use anything from that culture you are Eurocentric. So it is unwinable.
@cheshiregodfrey7633 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad I agree with you completely, there’s just no pleasing some people and those people usually aren’t even worth pleasing
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@cheshiregodfrey7633 They aren't the sort of people you see complaining in the comments here are exactly the type of players that would never make it in my game. They would get triggered every 5 minutes.
@RohanAirsoft 7 месяцев назад
Great message, I wholeheartedly agree.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Thank you my friend.
@gaozhi2007 7 месяцев назад
It's all so tiresome. How about EVERY single product from TSR has this silly disclaimer on Drivethru as well. Ridiculousness.
@gaozhi2007 7 месяцев назад
You just started talking about Drivethru after I posted this. Glad you covered them as well.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@gaozhi2007 Yeah, it really make me annoyed. It is like they think everyone was preventing anyone that wasn't a straight, white male from playing back in the AD&D years. I played with so many people that weren't straight, white males back then. It was fine. No one was being shames, made to feel bad or excluded. Until the libs bring this sort of thing up I don't even notice - because until they make me feel different I wasn't different from the people they claim aren't like me.
@shrimpy4307 7 месяцев назад
I think its good that lgbtq+ people are more accepted nowadays.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
I think so too
@RohanAirsoft 7 месяцев назад
@shrinpy4307 Then you’re part of the problem.
@shrimpy4307 7 месяцев назад
@@RohanAirsoft what problem?
@RPGrandPaTabletop Месяц назад
@chrisdonovan8795 7 месяцев назад
I've been playing since 1985. WOTC has zero impact on my life. It shouldn't bother you either. Also, in this day and age, we have access to games from all time periods. You might as well get mad at people who sell nose rings and green hair dye. Their making money has no impact on us. Whose money are they taking? Yours? Mine? No, they're taking money from people who buy what they're selling. Enjoy your game. Grow your audience. You're not going to toughen up the softest generation, and they're not going to make us soft.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Not mad, just found wotcs comments under AD&D books to be really ungrateful and thought I'd comment on it. From the amount of discussion below seems like a good topic.
@chrisdonovan8795 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad From a RU-vid perspective, yes, it's a good topic, but I prefer discussion about the games themselves. I've had my fill of political debate and games are purely about recreation for me. Good luck to you and your channel.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@chrisdonovan8795 Well I have well over 700 videos. It isn't like this is the first topic I covered. This is one of the oldest RPG CHANNELS ON RU-vid.
@LawlessChemistry 7 месяцев назад
​@@chrisdonovan8795i always found it quite ironic that in our ultracapitalist society, people will complain that a brand they used to like is no longer to their standards. Companies aren't forcing anyone to buy things they don't like and no one should be forced to make a product exactly how someone else likes it. The Tabletop RPG genre has plenty of other options. People have gotten spoiled by the variety.
@chrisdonovan8795 7 месяцев назад
@@LawlessChemistry Lawless Chemistry.... Walt, is that you? 😉 I agree. In ten years, my loved ones aren't going to gather to mark the day that I fell in glorious battle against the tyranny of WOTC.
@Decado1628 7 месяцев назад
Spot on assessment Ander!
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
thanks brother
@joel.lallier 7 месяцев назад
Just walk away. Stop ranting and bringing them more attention. Find some nice alternatives and bring attention there.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Why? The video was fun to make.
@nootnik 7 месяцев назад
Pro tip...It helps before declaring hyperbolic violence to explain the reasons for said animosity.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Pretty sure the video does explain that. Those that produce D&D currently are the worst stewards the hobby has ever seen.
@nootnik 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad it was a tip on how to better deliver a message not a complaint about some issue regarding facts. It was a comment about aesthetics.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@nootnik Thank you, my aesthetic is deranged ranting ;)
@TheVoxxification 7 месяцев назад
I was waiting for this to be satire, but god your entire title is just rage-bait buzzword after buzzword. Waiting for the next video just labeled "PRONOUNS" with a dozen question marks at the end.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Sounds good, we'll make that one for you.
@LoremasterRelomi 7 месяцев назад
@TheVoxxification 7 месяцев назад
@@LoremasterRelomi I'm sorry you're afraid of needles.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@TheVoxxification So for clarity from your post, I take it you are a lefty?
@Skullnaught 7 месяцев назад
So do you enjoy being treated like an overprotected child or?
@davidguerrero1636 7 месяцев назад
I don't think you get it, because you're old. That's okay, I'm old too. But all the new players I see in the groups at the game shops around here are young and woke with blue and pink hair and nose rings. This is marketing. All that real D&D is still there, no one's taking it from you. Relax and just play AD&D like me. Or spend your outrage on something that's actually important in the world.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Well it is sad how woke a lot of these kids are. It is sad that Wotc is teaching them to be very poor quality RPGers. But it is best to point these things out. Woke culture is a problem.
@davidguerrero1636 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad is it sad? I'm not sure how
@davidguerrero1636 7 месяцев назад
and I don't think WoTC is teaching them anything, it's just going with the flow, they're teaching WoTC
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@davidguerrero1636 You don't think that wotc teaches a poor quality of play?
@venusboys3 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad What does being 'woke' have to do with 'poor quality of play'? I'm not a fan of WOTC or 5e... but I'm not seeing the equation. Not that I'm a fan of the lipservice to 'woke' folks either (who I think are of various ages, not just kids)... but that's not the part that turns me off the game/company.
@injunjoe8967 7 месяцев назад
Internet Archive has a lot of those pdfs without the disclaimer b.s.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I like physical books but I know a lot of players that just pirated all that stuff.
@trappedinamerica7740 7 месяцев назад
Are you trying to get more viewers appealing to right wingers? Try something else. I liked your content but this is just old man stuff. The game is still the same man. Besides gay people are being attacked left and right so they like the support even if it's just words.
@euphenasiusamdignemon5375 7 месяцев назад
are they though?
@slavaukraini1991 7 месяцев назад
People dont want politics or ideologies in every aspect of their lives...least of all in gaming/DND - keep it aa a creative outlet without legal disclaimers. Nobody cares if group A has some racial orc lore in their game or group B has 69 genders in their characters
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Not an appeal to rightwingers - the amount of anti- religious comments I've made in videos should show that. But wokism is a lefty religion and I don't think the emotional appeal of gays are being attacked has anything to do my topic. What wizards is doing is disrespect and wokism is dangerous and should not be forced on children. That being said, calling people on their bs isn't an attack on a whole group.
@venusboys3 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad Yeah, I don't think you taking a poke at WOTC for this performative crap is necessarily 'Right Wing', it's just a rational response to what's going on. I don't really mind the 'pronoun' thing, or having gay/transgender characters in a game... what bugs me is loudly trumpeting self-righteousness purity for having done so. Go ahead and have a gay PC/NPC, but just do it... don't make a big freaking marketing display about it. Doing the Dance-of-Shame for not having such characters, or having 'evil' orcs or whatever... sheesh! Such spineless weenies!
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@venusboys3 I think it is fairly hard to call an antitheist Atheist who is very pro science a right winger. I'm not an ideologue or a full on lefty - and the left if very intolerant of non conformity which is sad. I don't care what pronoun you want to call yourself but there shouldn't be legal repercussions for those that don't want to call you by them.
@dungeondumbo Месяц назад
@Emperor_Atlantis 7 месяцев назад
Same is happening with World of Darkness. I really dislike the new edition. Recent rpgs feel like pre chewed dogfood.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, the new wod is horrible. What was your least favorite part about it?
@Emperor_Atlantis 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad both nWod but also 5th edition. My credentionals: 10years weekly Storyteller for Vampire 3rd and 4th edition (4th=20anniversary). Well for starters oWod was always about having real history,myths and legend collide into the lore and thats not something nWod does. Also the game mechenics were ment to be streamlined but I didnt experience it as such. I like the vastness of oWod lore and mechenics as a sort of 'pool' for the storyteller to draw from. As for 5th edition vampire it feels more like a reboot of the whole universe: My twin brother does really love to run 5th, but he new in the WoD universe (only played a little bit of 4th with me before we moved out of parents house). He told me a lot of what they have done with the lore and mechenics. I must say mechenicly there are things I like, like the hunger mechenic. But its dumb you need to buy special dice for it (feels like a cash grab). But my biggest beef is that they changed lore to fit the politicalness. For example I feel that Tremere and Giovanni got overhaul to be more inclusive and less 'edgy'. But the whole point was that they were culty, disgusting, weird, scary, etc. Having the dynamic change between Camerilla, Anarchs and Sabbat feels a bit farfetched too to me: Every era the vampires are in their sociaty adapts because vampires of that time get embraced, but I dont really believe the changes made now are natural enough. Mabye I am just getting old. I remember seeing your "what vampire are you" video all those years ago when I was a aspiring DM, and here am I now as a salty veteran 😂
@Emperor_Atlantis 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad so for oWoD my biggest gripe was the abandonment of real world History/Myth/Legends. That is the main driving force behind the lore. And as far as the new (5th) edtion for Vampire goes I feel like this is also a reboot. They destroyed some clans and shuffled vampire politics around. It kinda feels to me it trys to wipe away the more edgy parts of the lore (Tremere, Giovanni are gone and Sabbat has a way more minor role) while amplying parts that appeal to the target audience (Anarchs and a less boomer Camerilla). Doesnt feel realistic to me how they pivoted it. +Hunger mechenic is cool, but you do need to buy special dice for it. Is the first step towards monetising the system. Note: I am a storyteller for vampire for 10years now. So I do got a lot of experience, but mabye I am also rusted into it. This is just my opinion.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
@@Emperor_Atlantis I thought the nwod was really uninspired stuff. Read like bad fanfic of wod. That's cool, glad you've been with Your Main Man for so long.
@Emperor_Atlantis 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad your quiz video was at the beginning of my roleplay journey. Didnt comment that much over the years, but I am still here 👍
@cryptc 7 месяцев назад
I remember when d&d started swapping every chapter between he/him and she/her, and at the time I found it silly and pointless. In hindsight I think that was a good inclusive change though, which didn't detract from the product itself. Things are getting a bit too far now however, with woke seeping in everywhere... and I would want a Darksun reboot and realize there is no way they can do that because of the themes of that setting 😂
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, white wolf did that too. I found that very annoying. I just used they when writing Within the Ring of fire. Yeah, I think you would be very disappointed with a 6e darksun.
@euphenasiusamdignemon5375 7 месяцев назад
Bro Look at whats happened to the WOD. The 5e is absolute trash. It appears like v20 is the last vampire product ill ever get because of this woke mind virus crap
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Gehenna happened and it is modern WOD - I own zero WOD books after revised. I loved that game and learned a lot from it about gaming - what they are doing is hideous.
@blackbarnz 7 месяцев назад
I agree. WotC, Hasbro,& Paizo are all grifters, who are out of touch w/ their fanbases. These retroactive critical critiques are absurd. I just repurchased a used copy of 1e Oriental Adventures off eBay. I guess I could've had it reprinted on demand but it would've had that idiotic disclaimer. I'm recollecting 1e & 2e stuff. Kudos!
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
They are so disrespectful - it is pitiful. I've been buying a lot of 1st and 2nd ed stuff in the last few years which you can see in my book picks up videos. Yeah, buy originals that way wotc doesn't get any money from you! That disclaimer really annoyed me and I figured why not make a vid.
@MrMelick 7 месяцев назад
To me it's the least of what WOTC did and really not a reason to be mad, like of course older cultural product won't have the same sensibilities as today, culture is always changing. Anyway it's just a pr move I really don't get why you and people get mad about this.
@woodwwad 7 месяцев назад
Oh, I'm not mad. I just like to take it to WotC. The whole of what they are saying is very disrespectful though and very ungrateful towards the culture that created the game that they continue to disrespect with their actions.
@MrMelick 7 месяцев назад
@@woodwwad Ok I get why you would think it could be a lack of respect, I don't really think it is. I mean it's like saying yeah grand dad has some antiquated views about the world and some of them are not politically correct but we still respect and like him.
@Skullnaught 7 месяцев назад
Because it is infantilizing to think people would not instinctively know older products were made from those times. And even then they are nowhere near as "bad" as these disclaimers make them out to be
@MrMelick 7 месяцев назад
​@@Skullnaught Yeah I agree there's some infantilism there but it's really not that big of a deal to me, it's like the warning that coffee is hot on the McDonald's plastic cup. And yeah I agree to that it's not as bad as the disclaimer make it sound like but it's the typical corporate exaggerated corporate message
@trappedinamerica7740 7 месяцев назад
I don't either. It's more silly to be mad about it. It's obvious that people complained. Remember the satanic panic? Why were we calling devils Tanar'ri? Oh yeah because of the same kind of stuff.
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