
WOTMQ: Fact Based Reason 

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Enlightenment values limit religious justifications for bad behavior
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27 сен 2024




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@misterdeity День назад
For those of you wondering, the piece of classical music in this video was written by me. I wrote and recorded it years ago for a video I shot and produced about roses (of all things). And no, that video is not available or anywhere to be found. Having co-written and edited the video as well, there was a point in my life where I knew more about roses than any one human being should be allowed (by law) to know. LOL!!!
@scottstollery2191 День назад
What?!? Wow! I had to go back and listen to the music again. You’re a talented lad!
@misterdeity День назад
@@scottstollery2191 Thanks! I got all the creative genes and nothing else. I’m mostly useless. Good thing I’ve always been able to find a niche. LOL!!!
@mannyguyson День назад
Love the shiny new outro!
@kentjensen5216 День назад
@misterdeity I noticed the music, but I did not attribute it to you. It was very well done and beautiful. It went along well with the piece and its theme.
@yinYangMountain День назад
Roses: Until my late teens, I lived across the street from the ‘Barbic Greenhouses’ (San Diego County) where thousands of roses were grown. As I understood, they were considered some of the best cultivated and were shipped all over the world.
@TJ000 День назад
God is good, God is great. Let us thank him for the hate. 🙏 (Go Devil's)! 🤣 🤣 🤣
@robsquared2 26 дней назад
There goes my plan to sell atheist colored paint (it's just an empty bucket).
@misterdeity 25 дней назад
@@robsquared2 LOL!!! Genius!
@littleredpony6868 День назад
Doesn’t Home Depot sell one of those?
@misterdeity День назад
@@littleredpony6868 LOL!!!
@mistahtom День назад
B…b…but Jesus was a carpenter, chess mate libs 😹
@BeenDownSoLong... 24 дня назад
I am a Naturalist. I consider any beliefs in things supernatural, including gods, to be irrational. Furthermore, I find it a lot less tiresome to answer god questions telling people that I am an Orthodox Pedestrian and that we believe everything that everybody tells us. The reaction is usually silence.
@misterdeity 24 дня назад
@@BeenDownSoLong... Love it!!! I’m gonna use that one.
@CharlesPayet 16 дней назад
Orthodox Pedestrian as compared to a Non-denominational Pedestrian? Does Orthodox indicate that you refuse to jaywalk on principle?
@BeenDownSoLong... 14 дней назад
@@CharlesPayet If that is what you believe, then so be it.
@CharlesPayet 14 дней назад
@@BeenDownSoLong... maybe it didn’t come across, but that was meant to be humorous. 😉
@BeenDownSoLong... 10 дней назад
@@CharlesPayet I beg your forgiveness. That is just an Orthodox Pedestrian response to any doctrinal question. See how easy it is.
@suqmadiq68 День назад
Easily fooled, easily ruled.
@theoutspokenhumanist День назад
One interesting point is that the people who wrote the Hebrew bible and those for whom it was written, did not perceive their god as morally perfect, or even superior. As with all the old gods, be they Greek, Roman, Norse or some other, the tribal war god of Abraham was capricious and needed watching, lest he have one of his fits of rage and kill thousands of his own people. This behaviour wasn't seen as just or unjust, it just was. The gods were man writ large. Then the Christians came along with their new ideas influenced by Greek philosophy and they invented a brand new god. Invisible, immaterial, tri-omni and perfect. And they pretended this was Yhwh, even as they pretended the old scriptures foretold the coming of their very different idea of a messiah. And all the problems this invention caused have been argued over, fought over, killed for and died over for 2000 years.
@brunozeigerts6379 День назад
I always liked the line in Cross of Iron. 'Do you believe in god, Sergeant? 'I think god is a sadist...and doesn't even know it.'
@scottstollery2191 День назад
Saw a church billboard today saying, “God wants full custody, not just weekends.” I experienced that same old claustrophobic sensation of some being hovering over me at all times waiting for me to screw up. First of all, why would a god “want” anything? But it was a relief to remember that in my atheism I can allow myself to explore multiple pathways at my discretion. And wouldn’t you know, I pursue pathways of fact, reason and those that try to do no additional harm. No god required…
@HarryNicNicholas 23 часа назад
god didn't have any parents, jesus had two dads and mary didn't consent. not to mention joseph, cos no one does.
@laurajarrell6187 День назад
Brian, yay, my phone worked for this! Great music, it is. Superb definition. Now, if we could get it to right wingers. And you, nummyer by the day! Everyone else, Please! vote blue all the way down!👍🏼🌊💙💙💙🌊🥰✌
@InigoMontoya- День назад
It’s almost time for me to leave my atheistic home, climb into my atheist-mobile, and go to work and perform my duties with atheist fervor. Atheism rules my life in that I spend most of it not even thinking about gods. The god-thought shaped hole in my life, like any other hole in something immaterial, is completely unnoticeable.
@littleredpony6868 День назад
I fill my god shaped hole with spaghetti
@morganramsay7628 День назад
If idle hands are the Devil's play things, idle minds are God's.
@deeccummings7481 День назад
I am going to HAVE to stea..err USE that sometime. Use... That's the right word...
@morganramsay7628 День назад
@deeccummings7481 Be my guest. It just came to me as I'd listen to all these uninformed believers, unwilling to learn but make remarkably absurd claims.
@Lorenzo_That_Vegan_Dad День назад
If YHWH exists, it's clear that he loves pain and suffering.
@Speedkid День назад
And hates black people.
@TJ000 День назад
Who doesn't?!?!? You're saying it likes it's a BAD thing. (I'm guessing SOMEbody spends weekends home and alone 😉). #BDSM #Leather #Latex 😳 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Lorenzo_That_Vegan_Dad День назад
@@TJ000 🤣 All I know is pain. 😬
@AssassinoJake День назад
​@TJ000 ill be real, reading this after reading the first reply made me do a double take XD
@SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers День назад
Or, to put it another way, a world full of numerous god beliefs is full of misery and injustice, is best off without those beliefs.
@Maryfs1 День назад
I pray to Kratos. He doesn't listen. We both prefer it that way.
@shawnsimmons1308 День назад
You’d be frustratingly surprised at how many times I’ve been told that since I’m an atheist that therefore I’m a devil worshipper. It’s become an excellent opportunity for me to quip back at them asking, “If I don’t believe in your sky daddy, why would you think that I believe in your ground troll?”
@HarryNicNicholas 23 часа назад
just remind them it's christians satan hates not sinners, hell being torment for sinners makes no sense.
@Jay-o1s7p 19 часов назад
I know this wasn't addressed to me, but I am not surprised. Doesn't surprise me one bit. I am, at this stage in my life, extremely wary of Christians and their love.
@docmatthy День назад
Thank you for the clarification! Unbelievable that it's still necessary.
@clemstevenson День назад
The moment you question the authenticity of the supernatural claims in the bible, this belief-based religion implodes. It doesn't require that much enlightenment to doubt the parting of the red sea, or the idea of stopping the motion of the moon & sun. Why would I think it rational to believe the absurdity of talking snakes, talking donkeys, virgin births, and resurrections?
@darthvirgin7157 День назад
“atheism is not an ideology, nor a religion.” the gullible: “but what other argument can i use?”
@tomsenior7405 День назад
I can not see a way for a believer to justifiably denounce Atheism as a valid response to an unverifiable claim. Note well, this will not stop believers from making additional unjustified claims, such as; "Atheism is a religion, so there!", or; "Atheists do believe in god, and that's that!", "Denying Christ's sacrifice is selfish, because that is what I believe!", etc., When, in fact, all the religious are doing is suppressing their own doubts and expressing this through anger. Summary; Religious people can not comprehend how it could be possible for people to think of their god as just like all the other gods. This drives believers to rage. (Lecture ends).
@kentjensen5216 День назад
When the JW's visit my house, I always ask what type of evil god issues a command such as that found in Psalms 137:9, which states: Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated. To paraphrase Hitchens, god is neither great nor good.
@Alverant День назад
Genesis 16:7-11 Abraham buys a woman (Hagar) because his wife can't conceive a child. When Hagar runs away, God sends angels to bring her back to her owner. God engaged in human trafficking. Angels are basically slaves too. The ones who wanted to be free were literally demonized.
@radiofreeutah5328 День назад
Weird that the "Judeo-Christian Ethic" of personal autonomy, freedom, etc. was completely absent from Christendom until the Enlightenment . . . It'd almost seem like the Enlightenment was a repudiation of that ethic, not an offspring of it.
@misterdeity День назад
@dougt7580 День назад
The largest change in my moral outlook when I became an atheist is the understanding that any desired reduction or elimination in suffering is MY responsibility. I can no longer pawn that responsibility off on god and feel okay with doing nothing in the belief that god will right the wrongs or fix it at some point later. One only need to look to Mother Theresa to see how this "god will make up for it later" belief can morally bankrupt individuals.
@unclejohnny863 День назад
More limited justification needed😊
@ChipArgyle День назад
Fact-based reason is challenging when we're living in a post-facts, post-reality world. When those you debate are allowed to start by redefining basic terms to make them align with the outcomes they desire, or simply create something called alternative facts, you've already lost the argument. Looks like we're going to need 1 of 2 things at this point to get us back on the path to veracity: 1. Confirmation of a deity's existence so he can tell us once and for all what's up and what's down; or 2. Widespread, brutally empirical atheism necessitating fact checking for everything before any discussion is allowed. We'll be waiting for #1 for a long time, and #2 sounds like a ton of work, so who's up for a game of make-believe?
@stevewebber707 День назад
The self righteous can be truly scary in what they are capable of justifying. At least from a position of flawed humility, we are forced to think on our actions.
@andrewanastasovski1609 День назад
You're just angry with God for being a horrifying monster.
@pondartinc4002 День назад
@misterdeity День назад
I’m certainly disheartened by people’s desire to worship such a Being!
@Dwayne_Bearup День назад
I'm not angry at God. It's not His fault I'm a horrifying monster.
@pondartinc4002 День назад
@@Dwayne_Bearup 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@adrianthom2073 День назад
“No rational atheist (or “New Atheist”) holds religion accountable for every idiotic or unethical thing religious people do. We blame a religion only for what its adherents do as a direct result of its doctrines, such as opposing gay marriage or killing apostates. Atheism has no doctrines. It does not demand that a person do anything, or refrain from doing anything, on the basis of his or her unbelief. Consequently, to know that someone is an atheist is to know almost nothing about them - apart from the fact that he or she does not accept the unwarranted claims of any religion. Atheism is simply the condition of not believing in Poseidon, Thor, or any of the thousands of dead gods that lie in the graveyard we call mythology. To that extent, everyone knows exactly what it is to be an atheist, he or she has simply added the god of Abraham to the list of the dead. If a belief in astrology were causing people to go berserk-to deny medical care to their children or to murder unbelievers-many of us would speak and write about the dangerous stupidity of astrology. This would not be bigotry or intolerance on our part. It would be a plea for basic human sanity. And that is all that an atheist’s criticism of religious tribalism and superstition ever is. If you understand this, you will recognize any attempt to blame atheism for specific crimes, great or small, for what it is: A fresh act of religious demagoguery.” - Sam Harris
@yinYangMountain День назад
Thanks for the “Quickey.” It was good for me.
@misterdeity День назад
That’s all that matters. I’m a giver! ❤
@TJ000 День назад
​@@misterdeityNo dinner. Not even a drink. But, you did do all the work, so... 🤷 👍😂
@misterdeity День назад
@@TJ000 LOL!
@jimmaughan1898 День назад
@misterdeity День назад
Thanks!!! You’re my new best friend. Call me!
@DoctorZisIN День назад
OK but as a reminder, Hitchens is in charge of the next meeting. (Funny how theists think he's kicked the bucket). In the agenda: What breed of dogs ate Jeezabel? By a team of professors of bible studies. Don't miss the fascinating 5 hour presentation which will take up most of your Saturday. See you there!
@misterdeity День назад
@Reason1717 25 дней назад
Facts, facts , facts, what have they ever done for me! Reason too. Well I have to go now turn off my computer an grab my cell as it's alarm is ringing to remind me of my eye surgery appointment.
@misterdeity 25 дней назад
@@Reason1717 There’s the aqueduct.
@HarryNicNicholas День назад
i have an atheist mug. it doesn't turn water into wine.
@misterdeity День назад
An atheist mug should turn wine into water! Or is that the Satanist mug?
@jimmaughan1898 День назад
Going after the Dude now, eh? Celine wasn't enough? As a Canadian, ordained Dudeist, I doth protest! Not too much. That would be rude. Reverend Jim Maughan, the Da
@misterdeity День назад
No. We love the Dude here. And always say… The Dude abides!
@BGTats144 День назад
I hate it when they say atheism is a religion how?? I never heard an atheist prayer..
@DawnDavidson День назад
An atheist prayer … hmmm … maybe something like, “I wish all the Xtain excusegists would go away and stop proselytizing me”?
@adalbertred День назад
There is atheist culture: Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
@AmberAmber День назад
The pruning of relig powers is also rhopefully reducing the "pruning" of newborns' "bits" worldwide !! It did here in Canada 🇨🇦!! Love you @Mr Deity #BrianIsBrainy #MrDeity2024 #Consent #BodilyAutonomy #NoXianNationalismTY #EndingYTsupremacyMatters
@CaraiseLink День назад
This. Excusegists' use of "atheist ideology" reminds me of conservatives' use of "antifa terrorists". Not only are they frequently just making things up, but they're trying to ascribe some kind of shared organizational structure to something that is ultimately just a resistance to one specific form of oppression. A resistance that takes many different forms among many different kinds of people, who would vehemently disagree on a wide variety of topics aside from the exactly one topic used to define the category.
@pondartinc4002 День назад
Don't ask me to "obey" to your god. I only worship those little chocolate donuts. I'll do anything for them.
@misterdeity День назад
Mmmmm. Chocolate. 🤤
@billytheadult6247 День назад
Very few Atheist influencers have had the intestinal fortitude i.e, BALLS to address the elephant in the room (committing genocide and property theft in response to God's immaculate command). Keep calling out the BS that surrounds us. The stench is nauseating.
@pnwtreehugger806 День назад
Frockin'(sic) A, Duder-omony abides!
@tiltingwindmill День назад
Oh, I just looooved the prune = Dr. Pepper, um, analogy, play on words? So almost random. (admittedly, I miss some of these, um, analogies, or they just go over my head... I consider myself kinda fortunate to have caught this one.) Chefs Kiss! Another Mister Deity video, as sharply written as ever... 💙
@misterdeity День назад
You nailed that one! Well done. ❤
@4ozscoop День назад
Hey, I'm just like you! I am me too!
@misterdeity День назад
No, you'l still you one.
@markgordon5266 День назад
I'm good with: Confucius: Treat others as you wish to be treated. Socrates: Virtue is its own reward. Voltaire: Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. Moe Howard: Spread out, porcupine! Groucho Marx: I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.
@misterdeity День назад
Words to live by!!! ❤
@markgordon5266 День назад
@@misterdeity Now that I think about it, my favorite Groucho is: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
@misterdeity День назад
@@markgordon5266 I can’t pick one. I love, “Room service? Yes, I’d like to order a bigger room.” And, “While on safari, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I’ll never know!”
@josephbelisle5792 День назад
Or how about the atheist golden rule...treat others as they would wish to be treated. "The next time I see you, remind me not to speak with you."
@markgordon5266 День назад
@@josephbelisle5792 Good point, that may be an improvement on Confucius.
@darthvirgin7157 День назад
2:43 i think you meant to say: “my texts are HOLEY”
@jenniferpatton5108 День назад
@jjpopnfresh6822 День назад
"Yeah. Well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man."
@bubbahargo День назад
The Dude abides! 🤩
@rolihom2042 День назад
Atheism is a belief of "nothing created everything" said me 13 years ago. Realized I made mistake , I did 360 degree turn and changed my dogmatic belief to dog eating (J.K.) and dropped my god like a hot hell. I also realized I only made 180 degrees turn. Haha. Tell me, were you about to show me how wrong I was? BTW, always good video, Brian. Keep up the great work!
@misterdeity День назад
LOL! In my first and only feature film, I had a character say they made a complete 360 and went in the other direction. Great minds!
@rolihom2042 День назад
@misterdeity dude, I watch every videos you ever put out for like a couple decades. Which one was this in? Don't remember that line
@rolihom2042 День назад
@misterdeity you were part of me deconverted from Christianinty, and I eternally grateful your contributions.
@josephbelisle5792 День назад
I made a 760 degree turn once. On ice. It was amazing. No diety involved. Just physics.
@rolihom2042 День назад
@josephbelisle5792 nah. It's more than just physics. It's talent from up high.....your brain. And many prayers, I meant practice. I cant even get past a few feet before falling. You're awesome.
@somersetcace1 День назад
While it is absolutely correct that atheism is simply a label that denotes people who do not believe in gods, when atheists take to a public forum `as atheists` (in other words wearing that particular hat,) it is often seen as them speaking for all atheists. It's not the fault of the atheists speaking, but the perception of those listening. That can be quite annoying at times. Not to mention the concerted effort by several popular apologists to forge atheism into some strawman worldview for them to bash.
@joestfrancois День назад
HEY! You used my music and did not give me credit! What the heck atheist man?
@billytheadult6247 День назад
@misterdeity День назад
WOW!!! Thanks so much. You get blessings, indulgence, multiple chances to make a first impression, and front row seats to the apocalypse! You’re my new best friend. Call me!
@billytheadult6247 День назад
@@misterdeity Very few influencers are honest enough (and brave enough) to walk down the path that you're on right now. Stay strong. Live long and prosper. Keep crank'n them zesty videos out, and you'll get more lov'n.
@misterdeity День назад
@@billytheadult6247 That’s all I want - more lovin’!
@rustyclaymore1105 День назад
First time I've "watched" in a year or so. I forgot how much extra enjoyment is to be had reading the subliminaltitles. Thanks Bri!
@misterdeity День назад
@@rustyclaymore1105 Thank you. I try!
@DawnDavidson День назад
@@misterdeityyou are indeed very trying. 😂 Also, I always make a point of actually paying attention to the screen in your vids. For most videos I don’t bother. For yours, it’s essential. Thanks for those words. And the Dude.
@misterdeity День назад
@@DawnDavidson It IS a visual medium. I learned in my aesthetic training that you should always play to what the medium does either uniquely or primarily. So since I’m nothing to look at, I thought it imperative to make you look… but not at me. 😘🤔🤪
@DawnDavidson 13 часов назад
@@misterdeityYou are unnecessarily self-deprecating. I find you quite pleasant to look at. But the words are quite entertaining as well. 😊
@Troubleshooter125 День назад
Being removed from holy-book-based morality, atheism at least presents the opportunity of considering morals with a clean sheet of paper, unsullied by the obvious bigotries and biases which virtually every holy book is saddled with, one way or the other. This does NOT necessarily mean that any morality using the absence of a deity will necessarily be BETTER as a matter of course. But it DOES improve the odds, IMHO.
@sheilbwright7649 День назад
Atheism provides opportunities such as the ability to laugh at the time and effort wasted on theodicy.
@misterdeity День назад
That was my last video - WOTM: So Much To Apologize For!!!
@sheilbwright7649 День назад
@misterdeity As a rational person, can you really say last.? As knowledge expands, so does idiocy, and the door to theodicy never closes. Looking forward to your series on Catholics,
@misterdeity День назад
@@sheilbwright7649 I should have said that was in my just previously released video last week.
@sheilbwright7649 День назад
I do hope I am misunderstanding your comment 2,000 years of evil and only 1 Catholic video? Just in case, this might give you a smile, I was Catholic schooled and I succeeded in not allowing my schooling to interrupt my education. I was in the library one day and one of the religious put some book in front called something like "Questions on the Faith". I moved it out of my way, he moved it back, and I moved it again. He then said, "I think you should read this." Of course, the only response could be "Why?". " I think you have problems with your faith." . "Brother I have absolutely no problems with my faith (long very long pause) I have absolutely no faith". One of my few school days that can bring a smile to my and others' faces.
@rick343 День назад
Yeah it's weird, I don't worry about what I do and don't have, and am very thoughtful of other people's lives, and although it's easy to say, be thankful for what you have because there are people who have it way worse, I live it, and I'm a happy person, living paycheck to paycheck, with no motivation to acquire things, and the little I have is fine with me, I should be miserable by the standards of so many, and yet I feel this way, without religion, without any belief in a god, I would put my life and inner good and peace up against any Christian, and most likely be more at peace, I've never been depressed, I don't get anxiety, just here making the best of the ride I have left.
@misterdeity День назад
Well done! 🎉
@markworkman9991 День назад
Why does God need all these weirdos making up all these excuses for a bunch crazy ideas that if you really stop and think and take in what the holy books are saying , you’d run the other way pretty fast. Why can’t the God just leave a book that just says , hey! I made all this and it’s up to you to figure it out and I’ll grade you at the end of it all?
@Jay-o1s7p 19 часов назад
(S/he) It doesn't
@c.a.t.732 День назад
I saw a statistic today that said 1 in 3 American adults claim to suffer from religious trauma. I would think any other affliction that widespread would be the subject of national attention and a call to action by government health agencies. But God forbid organized religion should be recognized publicly as a threat.
@misterdeity День назад
@@c.a.t.732 WOW! Gotta Google that!
@c.a.t.732 День назад
@@misterdeity I saw it on a "CBS Mornings" segment today with Lisa Ling, and the source for that statistic was listed as the SHERM Journal.
@normanwolfe7639 День назад
Way to use fact based reason and inquiry!!!!
@c.a.t.732 15 часов назад
@@misterdeity I saw that statistic on the "CBS Mornings" September 26th (yesterday) show in a segment hosted by Lisa Ling. The source was listed as the SHERM Journal.
@c.a.t.732 14 часов назад
@@normanwolfe7639 I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or what. I posted my source for that statistic here last night, but it evaporated, so I posted it again this morning.
@cindysue5902 День назад
#SPMRPED I'm going to try to remember that!
@michaelbell3181 День назад
FYI: shared on 2 SMs
@timothymulholland7905 День назад
Very clear? Very good.
@iglapsu88 День назад
Thank you Nate!
@otopico День назад
Dr Pepper forever!
@yourgodismean4526 День назад
So, holy shit, Brian. You were totally right about Paulogia! I happened to see him on The Line the other day. They were talking about terrible things God demands his ppl do. Paul says(I’m paraphrasing of course), “We’ll, if I found out there was a God, he’s all powerful and I would have to obey him”!!! He just tossed this off like it was nothing. Ik why Matt keeps him on the channel-he has a big YT presence hims and Matt seems to be about $, to a large extent. He’s also a mean asshole. Matt, I mean lol. (I watch The Line for tips on arguing w theists and their Trans show.) So I get it now. I’ve also just heard wistfulness in Paul’s voice when talking about having God proven to him. Sad and gross. Hope you’re doing well, Brian. No prayers for you and I would never dream of offering “thoughts n prayers”(basically a big fuck you). But I will offer hope, in general, and for a better day tmrw(all we can ever rly expect). 💪😘❤️🦋
@mcarp555 День назад
I don't recall Paul saying he would obey a god. But of course if a god existed he could force Paul to obey him, sure. As for Matt, he's only rude to people that are rude to him first. There are plenty of examples where he's kind to people who are desperate and lost.
@yourgodismean4526 День назад
@@mcarp555 I’ve seen Matt shred ppl who absolutely didn’t deserve it. The fact that he’s capable of kindness just makes it worse
@misterdeity День назад
@@mcarp555I like Matt a lot. We’re friends. But he does have a pretty short fuse sometimes. 😬
@mcarp555 День назад
@@misterdeity Twenty years of putting up with the same old arguments and nonsense might do that to anyone.
@siamsasean День назад
I was sure you was gonna mention the Koran in there. What with the latest out of Afghanistan.
@misterdeity День назад
@@siamsasean I haven’t been paying attention.
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 10 часов назад
“We do not even in the least know the final cause of sexuality; why new beings should be produced by the union of the two sexual elements, instead of by a process of parthenogenesis [reproduction requiring only one parent] . . . The whole subject is as yet hidden in darkness.”​-Charles Darwin, 1862. With reference to Darwin’s view, Science News, September 8, 1984, adds: “He might have been writing today.” “This book,” states Professor George C. Williams in the preface of Sex and Evolution, “is written from a conviction that the prevalence of sexual reproduction in higher plants and animals is inconsistent with current evolutionary theory.” In his book The Evolution of Sex, Professor John Maynard Smith presents “a scheme for the origin of sex,” calling it “the best scheme I can offer.” He states in conclusion: “I cannot pretend to much confidence in this explanation.” “Sex is the queen of problems in evolutionary biology. . . . It seems that some of the most fundamental questions in evolutionary biology have scarcely ever been asked . . . The largest and least ignorable and most obdurate of these questions is, why sex?”​-The Masterpiece of Nature, by Professor Graham Bell. Here are some expert opinions on the origin of sexual reproduction.
@misterdeity 10 часов назад
@@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 Thanks for that…(?). 🤔😬
@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 10 часов назад
@@misterdeity you're welcome.
@darkpatches 19 часов назад
I guess our "SPMRPED" rally hats should be clear vinyl. So you can clearly see the source of SPMRPED.
@rick343 День назад
So what is the best term to use if you don't believe in the Bible but as far as a god or afterlife is concerned, you don't know if one does or doesn't exist, because you can't know, unless you can spend, let's say at least a few days void of any life left in your body whatsoever, and then come back. In short, I don't know what happens after we die, but I have no belief in what the Bible says
@misterdeity День назад
@@rick343 If you don’t believe in a God or gods, you’re an Atheist. That would also cover a lack of belief in holy books. Since no one knows whether there’s anything beyond this life, that would make you a sentient human being. Enjoy your time here!
@adarkerstormishere День назад
A person who believes there's a god but doesn't believe that god cares about us or even knows we exist is called a deist. Most of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. were deists, and they had plenty to say on the subject, so if you're interested, I would absolutely recommend reading their letters. As for a person who doesn't know whether a god exists or not? That's an atheist.
@dvonzosch461 День назад
​​​@@misterdeityReligionists have one favorite TV channel out of many. An ( A - Theist ) has the favorite TV channel of being ' OFF '.
@rick343 День назад
@@adarkerstormishere I would love to read their letters, I have read a few letters that were written about the thoughts of the Constitution author's, while the Constitution was being written, and the reasoning behind them, the whole story is fascinating, lately, with what's going on in this country, I have been rereading and studying the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and watching RU-vid videos about what went on during the time the Constitution was written, I love history and a lot of subjects, that when I was young and going through school, I had no interest in at all, I did just enough to get by, spent my time chasing girls, since I've gotten older, I have become obsessed with learning and all kinds of knowledge that I find interesting, a complete turn around from who I use to be.
@robertrusso2064 12 часов назад
Spiritual not religious
@Egooist. День назад
No comment! ;-)
@Egooist. День назад
(K)Ein Kommentar!
@timwhite7127 16 часов назад
All I can add is amen...
@ryanjames3793 День назад
Pledge yourself to the one true religion islam. 😂
@InigoMontoya- День назад
It’s too hard. You have to always know which way to face in the direction of Mecca. I am not investing in a compass just to pray.
@ryanjames3793 День назад
@@InigoMontoya- 🤣 or worship a wall because god is angry at the jews.
@donaldnumbskull9745 День назад
Either all religions are true, or none of them. See, I can do unfounded, ridiculous assertions, too.
@ryanjames3793 День назад
@donaldnumbskull9745 I need to convince you that one true religion is christianity. Jesus just visited me and told me so. Ok, so trust me, bro.
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