
Writing with the Enneagram: Type 5 

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@doovstoover9703 8 дней назад
Oh cool a 9 minute 31 second personal attack
@eniggma9353 7 дней назад
I know right?
@Ht9ehtoom 3 дня назад
It comes for us all eventually
@Slaztic 3 дня назад
@@Ht9ehtoom "It approaches. I watched it slaughter each and every one it came across. I won't be the first to fall, but soon I'll be the only *One* left. It comes for us all eventually."
@TheMoonsHalo День назад
@brass_seamstress 8 дней назад
5-ness so accurately describes the almost primal fear of helplessness
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
For real, I'm a 5 and I think becoming quadriplegic is one of the scariest things ever
@ZachScottB 8 дней назад
@@seagullspit6048 In 2010; I woke up from a three week coma as a quadriplegic. I stayed this way for about two months, while my brain reset. You're right. It is the scariest thing ever. To make it worse, I woke up with memory loss. This obstacle really prevented me from realizing the full potential of being the Type 5 personality, of ‘The Investigator... Not being able (not having the mental capacity) to explore this idea, I am sure stunted my growth and prevented a quicker healing. Wow... this video, and your comment, really made me think. Thanks
@Amaend8 3 дня назад
Hmm. Intresting way to put it
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 2 дня назад
I think that describes all fear types: types 5, 6 and 7. All of them doubt the world and fear the worst, the five looks inwards for safety, the six looks outwards, and the seven prefers to drown it out with excitement.
@bogscholar691 8 дней назад
Solution to 5-Fixation fear of helplessness and overwhelm: “Fuck it, we ball.” Genuinely changed my life
@isaacnykamp8083 8 дней назад
I got into existentialism. Kind of breaks the 5 personality gambit when the 'grand theory' of things is predicated on things never making sense
@RoyalFusilier 8 дней назад
As a 6w5, I'm having the sinking realization that my direction of growth creatively will in fact be to pick a direction and fling myself at it without preparation, *trusting* that I can *handle it,* aka putting faith in my competency without needing to endlessly plan. In the past I've compared the act of actually writing to knitting a parachute while on the way down. Sounds great! Or at least... necessary.
@aguywithalotofopinions412 6 дней назад
I don't think it's healthy to categorize yourself like that, like these are concepts that characters can sometimes fit into pretty cleanly, but real people tend to be more complicated, that's why the enneagram isn't recognized by the larger scientific community
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 5 дней назад
​@@aguywithalotofopinions412It's fine as long as you don't personally attach yourself to it. Officially recognized psychological categories are also not perfect, the totality of my personality is not informed by my ADHD or autism. I'm not saying the Enneagran is anywhere near as valid, but these concepts help people, so I think it's OK.
@savstinks6847 3 дня назад
​@@isaacnykamp8083Lmao i literally just had that realisation recently. But now i must ball
@KeganKirby 8 дней назад
You see, I'm clearly not a 5 because I'm great at emotional stuff, I've gotten so good at understanding my emotions and others emotions that I don't need to worry about doing something wro- well shoot.
@blazebird404 7 дней назад
how DARE you be so real
@Mellonote 8 дней назад
this countdown is intense, i wonder what happens when we get to 0
@jonathansalvador5037 8 дней назад
The next one will obviously be negative one.
@mimi.sues. 8 дней назад
“Thank you localscript man” we all say in unison
@leesnotbritish5386 8 дней назад
I wasn’t sure if I have a 5, but when you got to the growth part I was like “no, I will not invite in chaos I will *ponder* until there is no chaos” so maybe I am
@RoyalFusilier 8 дней назад
That's probably a good way to get to your Enneagram type - compare things that terrify you and see what sounds like the least appealing of all. For example, very few people probably enjoy feeling unsafe and vulnerable to attack, danger, criticism, etc, but my particular bad Six brain would sacrifice justice, love, status, identity, competency, pleasure, strength, and harmony to *ensure* "a safe and secure [me]". Cue the Declaration of a New Order from Palpatine as ominous music plays.
@Atticus_Moore 8 дней назад
@@RoyalFusilier probably a great story there a 6 character joining an empire to feel safe, but then has to deal with the fall out of the empire being destroyed and reconciling who they became while in the empire
@WarpSonic 5 дней назад
that is EXACTLY what a 5 would say in response to that part of the video lmfao
@qoseb 8 дней назад
I think an important note is that the 5's obsession doesn't necessarily have to correlate with their fear or disconnect of the outside, it just needs to be something they can immerse themselves in to feel stable and worthy within it, to the point they don't want to leave it. so they end up avoiding areas they don't feel the same competence and can isolate physically or mentally from them. categorizing everything that doesn't have to do with their obsessions as mundane and worthless
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 5 дней назад
With the Enneagran, the fear and insecurity of the type IS the type. The 5, 6 and 7 all do things in response to a fear of the world. The 5s hide from their fear by becoming competent and introspective, the 6s hide from their fear by taking steps towards protection from some outside force, while the 7s hide by drowning themselves in new, interesting, often pleasurable things and experiences.
@starlesscitiess 8 дней назад
as an autistic non-5 dating an autistic probably-a-5 i do appreciate the little tangent about autism & the way it was explained here
@TeagueChrystie 8 дней назад
As an autistic 5 yeah I thought it was very well handled.
@dragoknight589 8 дней назад
as an autistic probably-a-7-which-likely-stems-from-also-having-ADHD I am inclined to agree
@Szystedt 8 дней назад
As an austistic almost-certainly 9, I do agree!
@VintageVesper 8 дней назад
Autistic two, absolutely I do kind of resonate with five but I am aware I am not one.
@Alienrun 8 дней назад
@@Szystedt I related pretty strongly with the 9 video but after watching this one and the 6 one now I'm not as sure if 9 is my strongest trait. It feels like I was a 5 for most of my childhood (and still have characteristics like that) but maybe I took other coping mechanisims along the way when knowledge just wasn't good enough. (Its hard to move on from past failures so being a 9 tends to suit well with dealing with that stuff I guess! lol :P) What about you? As a fellow autism/aspie what do you think makes you a 9?! :O
@ursusludens7174 8 дней назад
Ah... that's why studying the blade seems so appealing
@ARandomerUser 8 дней назад
cool vid. quick interview. the questions get more important as they go. 1. if the thing that separates 3s and 5s is the fact that 3s need people to know that they're competent, then isn't Waltuh a 3? his entire relationship with Jesse (we need to cook) is built on the foundation of Jesse being _the_ *Top 1 Meatrider.* also, more importantly, the dinner scene. Hank (pre-Gank) was fully ready to move on, but Waltuh needed his status as Heisenburger to be recognized. 2. What's the difference between 5 and Counterphobic 6? i get that 6s "look outward" but what does that mean for the cp6 specifically, and how is it different from the type 5 fixation? 3. before, you've said changing a characters Core/Fixation would make them a different character, which made sense when you posited that a persons Enneagram Fixation was the character, and couldn't change, but now that you're saying it can change (because the Fixations are meant to categorize problems, not people), how does it make them a different character? wouldn't they just be the same character dealing with a different issue? 4. what are your thoughts on the vape hotbox having ended? 😢 5. In the Type 8 video you say "revenge is a 10th type of bs that can stand on it's own narratively". what are some other motivations that you think can stand on their own that don't fall under the enneagram? 6. will you marry me?
@localscriptman 8 дней назад
1: that’s not “the thing” that separates 3s and 5s, that’s just a comment I made. The three fixation concerns self esteem, the five concerns fear. Very different. But if a you make a comment that makes the five feel weak or incompetent, yeah that’s gonna hurt their ego. They’re not immune to social interactions. Jesse is a 2, his need to please Walter is his own problem. 2: it’s muddy, many sixes look fivey. But sixes will go out into the world and actively try to tear things down that they distrust. Fives are more or less happy to just know the truth. 3: I don’t mean a literally different character in some transubstaniative sense. I mean if the character is suddenly dealing with a new set of emotional problems that have no ties to the original, they might as well be a different character. 4: RIP 5: Well I think some stories are general enough that they fall into just the “self esteem” box. Which would be heart type coded, but kind of an amalgamation of all three. I think grief is another one. But even that & revenge can be tied into enneagram-level motivations if you want them to. 6: No I have a girlfriend
@DoctorCyan 8 дней назад
How did you write all of this in the first 2 minutes of the video's release?
@ARandomerUser 8 дней назад
@@localscriptman based take. i forgot one of my questions, i've since edited my comment
@ARandomerUser 8 дней назад
@@DoctorCyan i watched the video at 5x speed
@isajohns8746 8 дней назад
@@DoctorCyanHe’s just different
@galaxyvision417 8 дней назад
An excellent, concise explanation. As expected, I felt attacked. I’ve seen far too many people glorify type 5 without understanding how exhausting the day-to-day is. The existential anxiety, search for meaning and understanding, fear-driven pursuit of competence, withdrawal, obsession, and detachment are no joke. They’re not ‘quirky’ or ‘cute’ labels to be tossed around for fun; they’re all-consuming and ever-present companions that demand energy and attention every single day. Thanks for putting these accurate and easy-to-understand enneagram videos out here for writers. As soon as you’re done with the series, I’ll be shoving them all in my writer friends' faces.
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
It's magnified with things like adhd and ocd as well, and you wanna just collapse and sleep life away or whatever but you know you just can't you have to be able to do it you just have to
@oleg4966 8 дней назад
The worst part of it that I've had so far is when life pushes you to accept the unknowability of most of the world, you do so, and yet it doesn't work. You still feel lost in the depths of your own incompetence and you still feel unsafe: you just feel _fundamentally_ unsafe now rather than _situationally_ unsafe. So accepting the chaos isn't the end of the road: it's the beginning of something that might be a straight road to mental health, or might be a maze instead. I don't yet know what it'll turn out to be.
@heretohear1847 7 дней назад
Ive spent all of today in obsession. i dont really know life without obsession anymore. I'm getting better though, i think.....
@aguywithalotofopinions412 6 дней назад
I don't think it's healthy to categorize yourself like that, like these are concepts that characters can sometimes fit into pretty cleanly, but real people tend to be more complicated, that's why the enneagram isn't recognized by the larger scientific community. And this is coming from a pretty big 5. Don't use the enneagram or anything else to label yourself like that, unless it's specifically to work on those issues, but not to categorize your specific flavor of suffering.
@jasonsomers8224 3 дня назад
@@aguywithalotofopinions412 real life is more complicated-and that's not a tendency, it is in the nature of the enneagram. Imagine the most accurate map of a piece of land. What is it? It is the land itself. Every map is a summary, every description is incomplete, and that's to say nothing of the data that is not physical: natural laws, memories, and all such patterns. The Enneagram is no exception, but, crucially, no model is an exception. For something to be useful and healthy, it need not be perfect. For me, the enneagram is a more precise language for thinking about and talking about my innate goals and the strategies on a high level. As a fellow 5, I've noticed I tend toward perfectionism. I've found myself acting similar to a 1 and a 9: like a 1 when I think there is a right answer and like a 9 when I'm not sure yet what the perfect strategy is, but both these are grounded in my need to know I am on the right path before I take a step. Here is why I use the enneagram, if you can, this is the thesis to refute: there is no better alternative; no mathematical proof to concoct, no experiment to run, and no spirit to question that could test the enneagram. It handles questions beyond the scientific method. You must take an act of faith, put on the lenses and see the inner world through them. When I do this, I see deeper into the same world I saw before and it gives me a language to communicate things which would otherwise be difficult to express. Or, don't use the enneagram, but don't count others as fools for choosing heads when you landed tails. (I have found a similar use for the Big Five Personality Traits system, (OCEAN) which was data driven in its conception, but it addresses different questions) Sorry, this got real long. Hazards of a YT comment section for me. Also, 5, so info dumps.
@kit888 8 дней назад
5w4 here. It's not just about a theory of everything to understand how the world works, but also hoarding a massive collection of facts to know how the world is.
@juju10683 8 дней назад
5w4 is probably one of the most common fixations for authors and directors
@HP-mk2lw 8 дней назад
I relate to this so much. The hoarding of knowledge… totally
@stephenbarrett5357 8 дней назад
They literally say that 3:20, my dude. Pay more attention.
@MirthCap 8 дней назад
​​@@stephenbarrett5357 maybe they're too much in their own head Badum tss Edit: I'm sorry
@Clover-_- 8 дней назад
Edit! At the same time, since we're the less socially awkward version of the 5 (not by much) it's also the theory of how people work and how to predict people. We are more socially aware, we like the psychology of things, less of the math side, if that makes sense. God I wish was more of the math side of the 5. Math is cool by the way, the thing that sucks most about being a 5 is feeling stuff tbh.
@VJ-Vice 8 дней назад
I don't know of a story example off the top of my head, but another cool 5 story concept could be about a 5 character, whose perceived feelings of security orbits around their self-perception of their own competence, who makes a mistake. Like a genuine, no external factors, lapse of judgement mistake that shatters their own perceived self-competence. Suddenly, they can't trust themself to navigate difficult situations, and they devolve into a state of panicky self-deprecation. It could be a story about learning to accept your own flaws (sort of like the opposite of Whiplash but internally driven rather than having a psychologically predatory music teacher pressuring you towards perfectionism)
@crediblesalamander8056 8 дней назад
sounds like a storyline i think i've seen in a tv show before. the hypercompetent detective fucks up for no good reason and someone else dies. they can't forgive themselves and their self-image is shattered.
@crypticcorvid 8 дней назад
Isn't that Doctor Strange? I don't remember the exacts of the movie, but at least that first part sounds a lot like what I remember lol.
@optimizedlaziness6183 8 дней назад
When I was learning to drive, the school got a new car and the gas pedal got slightly stuck while I was maneuvering. The off feels it gave me + the engine slightly revving until we found out what was up shot down my ability to do anything meaningful for the rest of the session... Yeah I'm 99% sure I have a 5 fixation
@Alienrun 8 дней назад
Bro your just describing me! Stop! :O
@bluepaint9923 8 дней назад
trey from sunshine (2007)
@amanofnoreputation2164 8 дней назад
"Offical psychological classificaitons are also made up." THANK YOU!
@McMxxCiV 8 дней назад
Yes, and yet the comparison with the enneagram is a bit problematic. One system of classifications is based on decennia of study and is often misunderstood as 'labeling' while the goal is to give indications for optimal treatment for recognisable sets of symptoms, while the other is based on a "just trust me" kind of ideology.
@miya1285 7 дней назад
@@McMxxCiV yeah, the enneagram is useful for the everyday person in their own lives, but it isn't nearly as substantial as psychological classifications, the enneagram doesn't change based on new evidence, unlike psychological classification.
@Caleb6000 7 дней назад
This is such a huge oversimplification.
@jimmycraig221 3 дня назад
@@miya1285 the enneagram is already complete tho. psychological classification being entirely made up AND constantly changing is terrible.
@miya1285 3 дня назад
@@jimmycraig221 i mean if you prefer uniformity over accuracy why not just pick up the DSM 1 and decry all derivatives as blasphemous? what a wildly anti-intellectual take.
@alacer8878 8 дней назад
I was waiting for one of these types to resonate with me. Well, here it is. Funnily enough it also resonates with the main character of my writing project. I've realized I may be self-inserting more than I'd intended. Love your content as always, Man.
@zapp770 8 дней назад
Accidental self inserts happen to me all the time lol. Also a 5 btw.
@isaacjg8 8 дней назад
I just had the exact same experience watching this video.
@Alienrun 8 дней назад
Self inserting isn't bad, you kinda have to do it a little bit with every character you write, since the whole story is coming from you after all. Just make the story interesting and your all good basically! :P
@alacer8878 8 дней назад
@Alienrun See, I'm not so much concerned that it's bad as I am that I'd done it more than intended.
@vickypedia1308 8 дней назад
Found out which type I possibly am by figuring out the two types of my protagonist pair and then thinking of how I've been joking about them being self inserts for years
@diazpayne2075 8 дней назад
As a 5, it's scary how much this video explains my own complexes. The world can be scary sometimes, and it has somehow become a priority for me to 'preserve' myself against the overwhelming nature of reality. I always feel the need to be prepared in facing the world. To be fully equipped to deal with it. Romance is also a daunting pursuit for me, because it inherently requires one to be vulnerable and trusting towards your partner. The first time I saw Good Will Hunting I got emotional about how much I relate to the main character. I'm also in the process of writing my first novel. This series has been really illuminating in how I analyze and flesh out my characters' motivations. I'm happy to say they turned out pretty consistent with their enneagram type.
@VJ-Vice 8 дней назад
On a side note: it's also interesting to think about what types of upbringings/backstories would result in the 5 complex. You mentioned the bullying part, but I could also imagine it would result from any scenario where the character is forced to demonstrate some degree of self-sufficiency. They're able to tackle the world by themselves, because they've likely had to tackle the world by themselves at some point where they're the only person they could rely on (or if they're supporting some dependent). On that note: there's an interesting parallel to be made between 5's and 8's. 8's exert their locus of control over their external surroundings to feel secure, but 5's exert their locus of control internally and on their own body and skill set to feel secure.
@Luipaard005 6 дней назад
I am a 5w6 and can confirm your hypothesis. My moment of "self sufficiency" arrived when I was 11 years old. I fainted in school and when I was taken to the hospital they revived me and informed me that I was a type 1 diabetic, aka the type that is completely dependent on insulin to survive. I still remember arriving home from the hospital and how it felt when I decided that I was going to live no matter what. I wasn't going to get my limbs amputated, I wasn't going to have seizures, I was going to control my diabetes because I simply refuse to die to it, it's such a stupid way to go. If my personality had a crucible moment then it was that moment and I guess I emerged a 5w6. Have been a diabetic for 23 years now and have not had any seizures or any amputations. :)
@kosherkingofisrael6381 4 дня назад
@@Luipaard005 Not a diabetic, but that persistance to live is something that totally resonates with me.
@seagullspit6048 3 дня назад
When I was a kid I'd have dreams where I'd be awake but still hallucinating and talking pure nonsense, like a flat stanley type of murderer was out to get me the first time, and every one of the other dreams like that I was forced to go through some eternal nonsense punishment like having Bowling Balls pass through me for eternity. I had a religious upbringing into mormonism as well and time and heaven and all that stuff terrifies me to this day.
@loucarroll830 8 дней назад
my type 5 fixation loves hearing myself and everyone else be explained in ways that are clear and easy to follow ❤
@Diiby 8 дней назад
That white line on the left whenever he cuts to the purple 5 is damaging my rigid worldview and I need to understand it
@kinolokki5953 8 дней назад
finally the sigma male enniagram
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 8 дней назад
What makes Fives sigma males? I know: their social awkwardness and delusional self-confidence undercut by a barely hidden fear of absolutely everything that could be considered tangible and real.
@Patrykos_One 8 дней назад
​@@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 I think he said that, because he's a 5
@imstupid7614 8 дней назад
i think "sigma males" are closer to 6, they tie themselves to people like andrew tate, redpill groups (maybe out of inexperience?), and a 5 would probably take elements out of those but try to distance themselves from the groups (bcs they're dumbasses, the 5 thinks, they can't be fully right). could be wrong though, can't fully understand the difference according to local's system
@juju10683 8 дней назад
@@andyroobrick-a-brack9355I found the unhealthy counterphobic 6
@makesomeshit 8 дней назад
If you watch the video abt 9 hè Days there theyre the sigma
@hacim42 8 дней назад
I'm not someone with any level of familiarity with enneagrams outside of this channel, and I enjoy the feeling of "wait, is this one me?" Today was close.
@koibubbles3302 8 дней назад
If it’s close you might be the next one, that’s what I felt like in the 6 video. Although 5s and 4s are a bit different so mileage may vary
@Lzyboy49 8 дней назад
We used to pray for times like this.
@TheMightyKawama 8 дней назад
I said to myself when you started this series that I wouldn't have that facebook quiz moment where I'm like "oh I'm such a 7" and yet after watching this I have never felt more called out than ever before - fine work Lucas
@debdebberton 6 дней назад
8:40 i've also think there can be a kind of "threat display" aspect to the "eccentric five fashion sense". the compulsion to self-isolate can lend itself to a knowingly-off-putting/anti-social instinct, and if ones clothes can passively deter unwanted interactions, then that choice offers a measurable benefit to the five complex
@Accel07 8 дней назад
Often I have noticed (both personal experience and external observations) thats 5s also often tend to try to create bonds and relations with others who share their interests and beliefs, like actively seek such people out, which i now believe is because it makes 5s feel secure, that there's someone out there like them and so they wont have to face the world alone.
@optimizedlaziness6183 8 дней назад
More than that, surrounding yourself with people with the same interests as you tints your perception even more with the color of whatever those interests are. So the world resembles more closely the things you're good at. So it is less scary. Also surrounding yourself with like minded people means you have new sources of knowledge at your disposition that further your understanding. If you're really deep in the maladaptive 5 hole, your relationships could be essentially drones that are there to go find information and relay it back to you
@Accel07 8 дней назад
@@optimizedlaziness6183 Thats a good point you make. So it's a cycle, where a 5 will surround themself with people that have similar beliefs which will then enforce their belief further leading to them going in even deeper.
@optimizedlaziness6183 8 дней назад
@@Accel07 Yep. An unhealthy 5 may end up in an echo chamber. Whereas a health 5 might look for other people with different expertises in an effort to broaden their horizons
@jasonsomers8224 3 дня назад
I was gonna say, yeah, no 5s don't care if their alone, but optimizedlaziness described well why 5s cluster. Other people are sources of information. Why reinvent the wheel?
@amanofnoreputation2164 8 дней назад
An easy way to distinguish 5s form 6s is that 6 is afraid for his personal safety, whereas the 5's fear is more abstract: A 6 wears a tin foil hatbecause he doesn't want the aliens to probe his mind so they can abduct him unawares. The 5 wants to figure out how to speak Martian and by an Uno reverse card by abducting one of them instead because of the existential implications that the very presence of extraterrestrials has for the human race as a whole. The 6 has a thriller feel to it; following personal struggles, while the 5 can have a more setting-driven sci-fi feel.
@DDanteZ 8 дней назад
I like to think of it as the 6 being afraid of external dangers (real or imagined as they might be), while the 5 is afraid of chaos and the unknown (more abstract, like you said). Their solutions are respectively different too, the 6 takes steps to protect themselves from danger, often by joining a community or cult (strength in numbers as it were), and the 5 deals with the fear by trying to understand it, and put it into a box of set and predictable algorithms. That's my interpretation anyway.
@macchupichu 7 дней назад
How is this easy?
@ohwowitsme8548 8 дней назад
As a 5, who represses nerodivergence (not autism, the AD4K) as it equals emotion just for my own competence, and has the wardrobe of 80's among other things (hence 8:36) you really nailed it, its also thanks for this whole series, there like template characters and tools i can use for my own stories and character pairings, really effecint way of creating many
@peacewalker4058 8 дней назад
Finally the best type is here
@TheONLYFeli0 8 дней назад
as a 5 (Help Me Fr 🔥), Thanks
@loftygingersnap1603 8 дней назад
no 4 is hehe
@kickasterisk6155 8 дней назад
first time arriving without any comments on the video
@localscriptman 8 дней назад
I fell off
@Not_a_Pro360 8 дней назад
I’m late
@kickasterisk6155 8 дней назад
@@localscriptman love your humor, your comment alone made me laugh. Thank you for the video, I really like the enneagram videos.
@XiSirenDragon 8 дней назад
You be the first one at the station
@notgucci5877 8 дней назад
i was literally foaming from the mouth waiting for this video, thank you
@sotha8203 8 дней назад
Cool vid. The point about how philosophy as a field is '5' coded and overlap with a lot of autistic traits such as hyperfixation and need for categorization is interesting. I was just in an Ancient Greek Philosophy lecture about the Presocratics. Thales, known as the first philosopher, came up with a unifying theory claiming that all is water, as in the earth drifts on water like drift wood. Same guy who was said to walk into a well while stargazing.
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
He's not far off. If he just replaced water with magma, he'd be on to something lol
@Scaly_prince 5 дней назад
Most fiveish thing I did was picking up art at 10yo and thinking "yeah i'm gonna dedicate to this professionally so I can avoid the real world even when i'm at work."
@starlesscitiess 8 дней назад
@duckduel5820 8 дней назад
It is worth noting though that this isn’t a perfect system, and that people stray from aspects of their type. I’m an extroverted 5w4, for example. If you’re watching this series for writing advice, try to mix in another enneagram types trait into the mix. Strong 4s, loud 5s, shy 7s, reckless 1s, etc.
@VJ-Vice 8 дней назад
Well that's the main point he's been harping on in this series. The enneagram describes pathology, not personality. The way each number manifests in an individual can vary wildly from person to person, so personality is not a good indicator of a character's type (he talked about how Zuko is a 6 in the last video despite having the stereotypical personality of a 4 for example)
@andrewhahn2364 8 дней назад
This video helped me figure out that I don't actually have an 8 complex, but actually have a 5. It's just that my "specialization/focus of hyper-competency/theory of everything" instead of being about some particular narrow branch of academics, ended up being of study of a kind of meta-competency/control (i.e. how can I do every individual thing "right", to control all the variables), which I misinterpreted as an 8 characteristic. Basically, I ended up intellectualizing that I needed to intellectualize less/that 8-like characteristics were seen positively, and saw positive results from experimenting with that, and then just continued to pursue more and more 8-ness like a "number go up" thing. Crazy how good these videos are that it changed my entire perspective on my own core drives. You the man, script man!
@qu765 8 дней назад
it's uncanny how well this describes me - well described me last year. Then I started to realize I was trans and put so much effort into trying to understand & personally define what 'gender' actually means and then the optimal way to transition & come out and it all stressed me out to the point of depression. Then I started to realize that actually it's ok to not have a perfect answer to everything know things and my who world view changed mostly. That's crazy, how my experiences mapped so clearly onto the described 5 arc. I feel like I understand myself better now kinda after watching this video. I already instantly click on LocalScriptMan videos as fast as I can - but now I will double fast these are so good.
@Wake64 8 дней назад
I realized that my type has changed and that moving to another type doesn’t = healthy. I have a 5 worldview now, but used to have a 1. In childhood I felt I needed to be perfect in order to be loved (religious upbringing). When I realized that this thinking was destroying who I wanted to be in my teens, I decided I didn’t need anyone’s approval, help, or opinion, and became 100% self reliant. This may have seemed like a healthy change (character growth), but I retreated into the world of thoughts and put up strong walls and boundaries to protect myself from everyone. It has been a lot of hard work tearing down some of those 5 walls. In some ways it is healthier as I’m no longer in denial about who I am, but on the other hand, I have a whole new set of challenges. Yay.
@flip1242 8 дней назад
As a type 5 myself yeah this sums it up perfectly. Hell I’m afraid of getting sick or injured because of how much I dislike being helpless. It’s just better to feel like a confident observer than a helpless participant.
@sapheiron 8 дней назад
That moment when I can finally place the pathologies for all the major characters in my story. I think this is a good tool for the box and I can upgrade my character writing for the little moments. Thank you!
@hayleyhistorynerd2211 7 дней назад
Loving these dives into the fixations. I think it's super intriguing and you brought up a physical honing and competency for the five. I the intellectual/nerdy five seems to be the immediate go to for examples, but I the idea of a five who is an athlete, muscular person, or fighter with extreme competency is great character fodder, love that. Hayley ^_^
@IgneousExtrusive 8 дней назад
I've been waiting for this one to help construct a character I suspected could be a 5. Thank you. Still figuring it out but these videos provide a neat roadmap, from which I can explore things more off the beaten path.
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
What sort of help are you looking for?
@IgneousExtrusive 7 дней назад
@@seagullspit6048I've more or less found it.
@nicole-vs-everything 8 дней назад
this video validates my Rustin-Cohle-Is-A-Five truthing. i am vindicated
@c3phCD 8 дней назад
i can’t wait to watch these again all together
@okin536 8 дней назад
I've been looking forward to this video as a "5". An interesting take, I never really thought that I wanted to know "the truth" of things. Like who cares if we live in a simulation, I'm trying to make the best of my life as is. But it's obvious by how much I yap about other things I think I know "the truth" of, so yeah checks out. That said, I'm obsessed with power fantasies. Even when they're awful, formulaic schlock, I can't get enough of them. When a main character exudes competency it tickles my brain in all the right ways. Have any thoughts on that?
@TheONLYFeli0 8 дней назад
what the hell, as a 5 I like badass characters too
@JohnDo-w4m 3 дня назад
​​@@TheONLYFeli0I particularly like PHONK edits or characters with unshakable world views such as 40k space marines. This might be a collective 5 thing but I'm pretty sure most people like badasses.
@vinusundarv1648 8 дней назад
To say it in tamil: Sema Can't wait for type 1 video. This is the best enneagram resource for writers ever made
@KUREHA3D 7 дней назад
as a 3 i can see this being something we identify with too. i love your breakdowns, good for people like me that take a lot of different types of explaining to understand anything lol.
@II00I00 8 дней назад
enjoying this series. the elegance of the system I am ambivalent about, but it sure seems like a neat tool for creating characters, as advertised
@StandardQuip 8 дней назад
Long time subscriber. Love your vids. Love this new series. Could you do me a giant favor and go to youtube studio, settings -> Channel -> Advanced settings tab and uncheck the box that says "don't show potentially inappropriate words" ? Your auto-captions are totally cramping your style. Thank you and love you
@Baulx138 8 дней назад
this series has been really interesting. cant wait to finish the entire thing
@Tr33ba1t 7 дней назад
In the Mouth of Madness is possibly the best example I can think of for a 5 in Film
@leafesque8804 8 дней назад
i love your channel bro. this shit helping me lock in
@jonathanlovelace521 8 дней назад
...I definitely had a five-coded growth arc when I was younger. Trying to decide what, if anything, fits me now.
@codtheseawing3609 5 дней назад
I can already tell when he does 4 it going to feel like a personal attack
@dado8467 8 дней назад
New number dropped, new addition to my collection
@ToqTheWise 8 дней назад
On the point of emotions, I think it's more complicated than that. I know how you feel about wings but I strongly feel that I'm a 5w4 because I'm very much a 5 but I also have the need to be understood of a 4. I find that I'm highly emotional and dramatic as a person, something I get from my 4 wing. 4's are the drama. However, I think my 5-ness comes in with the fact that I tend to need to intellectualize my emotions. Part of the reason I think I can write characters is that I've developed an ability for psycho analysis. There are several possible origins of this, I am also autistic and I feel that autistic people need to develop a hyper-analytical mindset to survive. However I find that the most common patient of my armchair psycho analysis is myself. I'm very introspective and I tend to look for the root cause of my emotions. This seems like a 5 with too great of an emotional need to be ignored. So instead they integrate these emotions into their theory of everything. This is opposed to a 5w6 which is deeply adverse to emotions because they aren't logical and because their emotional need is such that they can push it away until it boils over.
@jasonsomers8224 7 дней назад
9:05 Internal vs external seems like a great way to differentiate the 5s and 6s, in fact, I had made an inner type, outer type, and a counter type categorization for each of the three sections. Image Types: 3: inner type - focuses on internal goals as a way to impress 2: outer type - focuses on external goals as a way to impress 4: counter type - pretends to not be obsessed with image Anxiety Types: 5: inner type - focuses on making themselves capable 6: outer type - focuses on making their world supportive 7: counter type - pretends to not be chronically anxious Frustration Types: 8: inner type - focuses on fixing the frustrations of their world 1: outer type - focuses on making their world fix its frustrations 9: counter type - pretends to not be frustrated by the world
@WarpSonic 5 дней назад
hmm this is similar to the "overdoes-suppresses-is in conflict with" subcategorization of every third
@jasonsomers8224 4 дня назад
@@WarpSonic I'm not familiar with those terms. What are they? Are they natively enneagramic?
@JohnDo-w4m 3 дня назад
This actually seems spot on. Three problems and the only three reactions to those problems: fix the thing causing the problem, Fix myself to deal with the problem, Ignore the problem. And the big lesson for all is that they can't fix the problem, its always gonna be there, and it has to be accepted. I like this alot, thanks. I wonder if the three sections can be broken down into something more holistic. Like, fears of self, fears of others, fears of the world? I'd have to think about it more. maybe there's some truth about the nature of motivation at the bottom of this.
@JohnDo-w4m 3 дня назад
Response to threats against Ego (234), response to the threat of the unknown/future (567), response to the threat of Pain (189). I'll have to wait on his vid for the 1. The 567 needs to be better defined and 189 maybe better refined but I think this is getting closer.
@jasonsomers8224 3 дня назад
​@@JohnDo-w4m Fundamentally, wouldn't all fears exist in the future, whether a fear response to threats against ego as a (234) will feel or a less defined fear as with the (567). And responses to the threat of pain are responses to fear as well. Maybe we have different definitions of fear? When I think of fear I think of a potential situation that would be undesirable. (potential is necessarily in the future) Another possibility for misinterpretation is my bias. As a 5, an anxiety type, it is possible I am projecting fear or hope onto the roots of all choices. I can't really put it into words, but holding the motivations of the 6 and the motivations of the 2 or 3 in my head help to illuminate distinctions between anxiety types and image types. It's something like the 6 wants capability while the 2/3 wants attention. Perhaps the 2 or 3 cares about legacy while the 6 wouldn't. I don't know. I might be making meaningless categories here. It's not an easy task.
@Not_a_Pro360 8 дней назад
5:24 new local cannon: clones
@NiteOwl2000 8 дней назад
Finally, so excited to hear your thoughts on this one
@Signehart 8 дней назад
I like the point about distinguishing between 5s and 6s. They both fear the world, but the way that fear manifests is different. 6s fear that the world is the problem and by fixing the world, they will be fine. They don't think the problem lies in their ability to engage or survive in the world, it's more about how the world harms them. 5s however are the opposite. 5s are afraid of the world as well, but the thing they try to "fix" is themselves because they see themselves as the issue, in the sense that they aren't "equipped" to survive in the world. It's like... A 6 and a 5 need to cross a pool of acid. Though they both fear the threat, the 6 turns outward and finds a way to drain the pool, essentially changing the world around them, while the 5 builds a set of acid proof armor, essentially changing themselves. The 6's mindset is "This acid is out to get me (or us for 6s with an army behind them)." While the 5 thinks "the problem is that I can't swim in acid." 6s also have the ability to accept external support. They can be "us vs them" if they can find a group that gives them that safe feeling. Since they build their safe space externally, that can mean either isolating themselves so threats can't approach (which is when they look 5ish) or surrounding themselves with safe things. In contrast 5s are always self-reliant. Nothing is trusted until it's understood and it's really hard to understand people.
@oleg4966 8 дней назад
As a 5 who made bad choices early in life, I'd like to underline one more thing: 5s are fear-driven rather than competence-driven. So they don't go to the lengths required to build universal competence: they do the minimum to build situational competence that makes them feel safe in their current circumstances. --- UPD: In terms of how this can apply to writing, the implications I see are these: the 5's early life situation influences their earliest developed competencies, and if a 5 develops a new competency, the question to ask is "what change in their circumstances drove them to do it?". A situation that can't be fixed or avoided but can be escaped in your head (targeted bullying on the street, abusive household) will result in escapist competencies such as books, games or other addictions. A situation that can be fixed and can't be avoided (poverty, shamed by girls, beaten up by boys, zombies on the street) will result in the bare minimum of obsessive neverending work required to fix it (make all the money, ruin your health to look pretty, get beaten up routinely in a boxing club so you can beat up other folks better, be a prepper).
@Mayo-ow5lb 8 дней назад
I love you local you remind me of the voices in my head ❤
@johnes0art 8 дней назад
Been really enjoying these videos, it's nice to have some starting templates and things I can come back to when I'm confused 👍😎
@ko5686 7 дней назад
this is my dad to a T. he literally has a document on his computer that’s his Big Theory Of The World. we call it his manifesto lol
@coffeefrog 8 дней назад
I realized last week that I’ve been accidentally writing my mc as a 2 when he‘s meant to be a 4, so I’ve been pondering 4 story conventions and why they work the way they do. I’ve been getting anxious to see if my thoughts align with yours. Thanks for this series. It’s incredibly insightful!
@optimizedlaziness6183 8 дней назад
2s do things to please people, 4s do things to express their uniqueness/individuality. A 4 could spend their time helping people because they believe that being able to help is a core part of who they are whereas a 2 would help others to feel like they matter
@elementeight8 8 дней назад
You are the peanut butter in my otherwise dry bread day.
@ZXNovaBoom 8 дней назад
You see this is one thing about 5s, all of the stereotypes about them, is that it's easy for people to get caught up in those stereotypes and assume that people who are ya know, doomsday preppers, knowledge hoarders, and the like are Type 5s. Even if there is in fact, a tendency for 5s to be this way. Like I look at myself and the things in my life and honestly if I were more shallow I'd probably type myself as a 5. I am a nerd who has fixations on gathering knowledge. I do have fixations on wanting to be competent. I'm introverted, though I'm definitely not socially awkward. However I've always felt that I never had the drive to be competent in what I think I should be competent in. I've often worry about being useless. Then when I think about the common negative emotion I have, and the actual negative trait, or rather I should say, the negative feeling that occurs with me when I'm in bad situations, I realize I'm a type 9. It's anger that I often feel, and I always try to forget about it. I am often a pushover and accepting things I should not. Just enduring things. I'm tough enough. Just a Type 9... with ADHD. What also helps is that I also feel I related to type 8 and type 1 fixations too, because 8s 9s and 1s are all Gut types. I almost wanna say ADHD is a Type 5 disorder. Sounds stupid I know, but maybe that's why I manifest some Type 5-like traits idk. But either way, I know I'm a 9 for certainty.
@Alienrun 8 дней назад
I related to the 9 video when I first saw it but after seeing this one I'm questioning if I'm more of a 5 now (6 I also related to, but like Lucas said, that seems to be more of a 5 but externalized). I do have autism so that's probably why...and despite leaning more towards traditional autism as opposed to adhd...almost all my irl friends have adhd. Its relieving cause they can understand me well but also are able to do things easily that would be a bit harder for me otherwise. Very strange stuff nevertheless!
@zixszixs3843 8 дней назад
A 5 type is more about emotions and control then anything else. We use the world as substitute for ourselves we need to understand the world so that we can understand ourselves so that we can properly process and understand our emotions. Admitting you can't understand the world is admitting we can't properly control our emotions. We are more about control then anything the idea of mastering somthing or being good at somthing is our wey getting control and feeling safe.
@RATZGobbler 8 дней назад
"There's no box in your brain labeled Autism" Thank you for that. I never cared for that as an excuse to treat people differently.
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it's not real. Neurodivergent people need accommodations to get by.
@gianni206 8 дней назад
The video I’ve been waiting for. Now I can leave the house.
@Unownzone 8 дней назад
While I know this series is mainly for using the enneagram to understand and create characters, this interpretation of the five actually made me realize the five is the most relatable to me 😂
@clemenza2832 7 дней назад
I like your way of deliniating between Fives and Sixes. The "Fives are introverted and Sixes aren't" always bothered me because I hate the western perception of intelligence being associated with introversion. (Not that being introverted is bad obvs.) I also like how you made a point that it's not necessarily intelligence they seek but competence. It just makes it feel less specific in a way that's helpful.
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
I keep seeing obvious 1s and 3s in the comments jumping the gun and saying theyre 5s, but 1, 3, and 5 are the competency triad. They all care about being competent. 5s arent a 5 because you want to be competent, 5s are 5s because of the REASON they want to be competent. 5s are rejection and withdrawn types. If you have attachment, aggressive (3) or frustration, compliant (1) tendencies, you should wait or reevaluate.
@abbeyevangelou 7 дней назад
Hello Mr ScrtiptMan, I hope this message finds you well. I would like to thank you for all the knowledge you've poured into me. You are a great teacher. If you would like to give your humble students some homework that would be greatly appreciated. A video on writing exercises, or little bits of homework at the end of vids would be amazing! Sincerely Student representative xD
@nethla314 7 дней назад
yesss I've been hanging out for this one! got a MC that needs some refinement and this just hits it on the head. Thank you :D
@kokisautomaatti 8 дней назад
love these videos, they make me sit down and think
@dolores111 8 дней назад
Lovecraft was a 5 who couldnt develope a theory and just gave in to endless fear
@weird_mango42 8 дней назад
I've been waiting for the 5 video since you announced the E gram series!
@jonathancrowder3424 8 дней назад
I feel personally attacked less than a minute in
@elouisemastandrea4873 8 дней назад
Thank you king
@melpomenethemuse 7 дней назад
This is going to be so helpful. The writing parasites are hissing now (positive)
@panterauntera77771 2 дня назад
"Oh wow, he's just like me!"
@JasonBaumgardner 8 дней назад
As a 5 to help others here, the biggest hurdles I have found is to realize 5’s find security in knowledge. They want to gather all the knowledge possible before taking action. Realize as a 5 you are going to research and know more than most other numbers so start taking action once you feel about 80% prepared cause you’ll never get to 100%. 3,7,8,1 will all jump into action at 5% knowledge base so know you are more prepped than most and start gathering “doing wisdom” and not just “textbook wisdom.” Also 5’s don’t trust emotion. 2’s think emotion is truth. So they actually don’t understand each other much. 5’s usually pair with 1’s in relationships most often. 5’s love the “free spirit” of 7’s and 1’s when healthy (or being social) behave like 7’s. Hope that’s helpful!
@carimeslockdownedtree2654 8 дней назад
Stanford Pines. Literally the first description of this, and this is goddamn Stanford Pines. OHHH AND THIS IS WHY STANFORD FEELS SO AUTISTIC-CODED. VERY RIGHT.
@turnerburton 8 дней назад
The image types are next 😈
@vlc-cosplayer 8 дней назад
Everybody gangsta until the sx 4 walks in ✋😔
@poe.and.theholograms 8 дней назад
07:06 to 07:25 the opportunity to cut to extremely loud and incredibly close or house md was right there!
@decadesyearoldthingsreview6595 8 дней назад
Local don’t forget you are playing in the ballpark of future enneagram enthusiasts will find this video on a playlist and will be a series what people will moarn if it’s get taken down
@omriscooter4810 7 дней назад
I feel so called out in this vid god fucking damn it
@emiil54 День назад
In the E5 subtypes book by Naranjo & his students, he correlates SP5 and SO5 to Autism, he also referes to SP5 as "the schizoid". I usually have a problem with him relating mental conditions to the types because he exaggerates a lot, but Autism & SzPD for SP5 fit so well. I am an SP 5w4, I'm both autistic and schizoid. The hypersensitivity to stimulus, inhibition, emotional detachment, hyperfixations, isolation, apathy, compartmentalization... are all characteristics of SzPD and Autism. E5 is what you think of when you hear the word Autism, but it's only one representation of the spectrum, autistics who are sensory seeking, hyper empathatic, hyper expressive... would not relate to E5 My special interest is typology (i'm the biggest Enneagram and Socionics enthusiast) and I spend lots of my time rereading the E5 book
@seagullspit6048 8 дней назад
Wow you even touched on my muscle fetish thanks localscriptman
@Kaizen_ 3 дня назад
Adding this video to my autism diagnosis folder
@breendart134 8 дней назад
Feeding my type 5 fixation by watching every LocalScriptMan video
@roadcrewfilms 8 дней назад
Soooo good! Thanks so much!
@SukacitaYeremia 8 дней назад
I'm 7 minutes in before I realize all the square blots he puts on the 5 number is babying my reason seeking brain
@verlorenjurlissia4613 8 дней назад
had to pause half way through the vid due to the amount of emotional damage 😭 what a great explanation
@yunggolem4687 2 дня назад
I don't think it's so much that they're scared of the unknown while everyone else isn't... it's that they're aware of the many potential paths of the future while most others are not. They want to go down their path rather than be helplessly washed down one by the torrent of time.
@meatdelirium 8 дней назад
MY TYPE YAY also the type I accidentally write about when I make protagonists
@owlboy_9995 4 дня назад
Fabulous analysis. 🏆🌟
@betzalelabrams2177 8 дней назад
I, personally, see Walter White as a counterphobic 6, rather than a 5
@nestorarranz3179 7 дней назад
Ive felt identified i must hide now
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