
Xarabank: Fr David Muscat debate + Celine + Marcel + Peppi [FULL] 11/10/2019 

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Fr David Muscat on Xarabank debate



6 окт 2024




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@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
Tfal igibu barka fil Familja u f' pajjizna. Il- gvern ghandu jissaportja li familja zghazuha Maltija
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
Well done Father David Good on you!
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
God loves the sinner but hates the sin
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
It is true that for God sent his only begotten Son to die in place of sinners but it doesnt' automatically mean that all will be saved. Unless a man believes & repents he will not be saved. Salvation is by grace through faith, it is the gift of God , not of works lest any man shall boast Eph 2:8-9 Belief in God's work carries with it a change in heart . We recognize we have broken God's laws and belief what Christ Jesus did and be ready to turn away from our sin....and become new creatures through Christ .
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
@@lizcutajar9352 I agree totally! Often we get a response not to judge, or that God loves us as we are, he made us, which is true. BUT he also gave us freedom to choose from right from wrong. "They" call it love but it's not. To do what we want to do not what God require, we are in rebellion. If we love God we please Him. So if I love my brother I can marry him? Or if love my dog because he makes me happy I marry my Dog. Some bishops and priests ARE IN HERESY. Not teaching the gospel. They confusing people and leading them to the abyss, at the end these priests will meet with their Creator.
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
Spot on Liz, we are saved by Faith and Actions. St. James apistle ch.2 v14. That's the reason Luther break off the Catholic Church because he believed and argued that only by Faith we are saved.
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
@@lilyofthevalley8960 Action is the result of salvation not the means for salvation. We are all as an unclean thing , and all our righteousness are as filthy rags......Isa 64:6 If anyone dares to say that by his works he is working his way to heaven , he is saying ' Jesus your work on the cross was not sufficient, I have to help out' So I pray you will understand that works are the result of a person who has been cleansed of his sins through repentance and trusting in Christ Jesus not the means to merit heaven. Martin Luther got this right.
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
Born Again means you give your life to God in everyday living. Love your God with all you heart and soul and turn away from sin. Love you nieghour as yourself.
@leightonfarrugia1529 5 лет назад
Dal father serhu raskom li patrijott kemm hu u kemm Lowell !! Peppi u nghidlek din xi darba u khux il boghod 30 Sena ohra jalla jilsifek lomor il bambin gjat ikolna emigranti inbaxxu rasna qudimom habba xi erba bhalek ghinuwom fpajizom ax ahna Malta ic cavetta sa Biex jitlu flewropa et juzawna ifthu mohkom
@h.azzopardi6954 5 лет назад
Fejn nistaw nivvotawlek?
@tomyyoung2624 2 года назад
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
The man in the glasses is annoying. Let the person talk, very rude.
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
@Le Epic Gauc thank you!🙂🇭🇲
@anthonysultana6059 5 лет назад
It teziz tas znien fil qrib,
@ernestferrante4719 4 года назад
These shows should e without an audience. It's so annoying.
@julianbugeja207 4 года назад
Night Core Love biex nindirizza ghad domanda li ergajt irrispondejtni, din mhix imnizzla fil bibbja li li Alla halaq persuni dwar transgender jew ohrajn, din xi haga li gejja mill ispirtu tal-gisem li jikumula fil-bnidem, mhuwiex dak l-ispirtu li gej minn Alla, kif l-bnidem ghandu jipprosegwi l-hajja tieghu fuq dina l-art. Inti semmejt li l-bnidem ghandu jhobb u jaccetta lil kulhadd, hu hekk hu, ghalkemm fuq dak l-kmandament ilna li ksrinih wkoll ghax hafna iridu jilhqu l-quccatta bla ma jafu fejn tintemm u l-invictus, izda l-bnidem sa mill bidu tal holqien tieghu kif gie mghallem, rema fil genb l-konverzjoni u l-ubbidjenza, li ma fetahx qalbu lejn Alla u mhuwiex kapaci iwarrab minn dak l-kalci li hemm quddiemu u jcedi lil innifsu fl-ispirtu ta turbulanza li jaghti kollox u jimxi wara kristu, kif irid Alla missieri, u kif haddiehor fieq u mexa warajh u ha l-maghmudija vera fuq dik ta Kristu ta, mhux kif gej tghammidna ahna tat twelied dik assolutament m'ghadna x'taqsam xejn mal maghmudija li bija qallilna u tghammed Kristu, qabel ma beda l-passi tieghu u jaqdi doveri tieghu li tah Misseru, Dan u ibni l-ghaziz li fih se nsib l-ghaxqa tieghu permezz triq li tah hu li twassal fuq l-Kalvarju, li kieku seta gew l-angli u ipproteguh biex ma jiehux dik l-hruxija, izda obda lil ta fuqu!!
@nathan_abela 8 месяцев назад
Maltese men are even good looking when they're women...
@Soldier14 7 месяцев назад
@gustavtonna7407 5 месяцев назад
@tomyyoung2624 2 года назад
Yes recommend a
@trevorcamilleri 7 месяцев назад
kuntent li qed jitilqu il maltin min malta ghax gejna invadati mil- barranien, li ghandek sem kbir fija din il misjoni pep jew ma jinburtakx li il maltin qedien ibghatu fpajjijzom
@thetruth9494 4 года назад
Insomma mahbub minn hafna injuranti ghax super injorant. Il- kristjanezmu tieghu jasal sal-ponta ta'mniehru - kristjanezmu falz bhal tal-maggoranza tal-Maltin dawk li ghalihom quddiesa ta' nhar ta' Hadd, ejja ha mmorru u qbiez, sokor, tbahrid waqt il-festi u x'jimpurtana mill-kumplament. Kristjan falz ghax mid-dehra l-opri tal-hniena insihom. Gesu' qal biex nisqu lil min hu bil-ghatx, nitimghu lil min hu bil-guh, nilqghu lil min hu bla dar, libbes lil min hu bla lbies. Gesu' ma qalx biex naghmlu kwota ta' kemm nies se nghinu
@antoineborg1327 7 месяцев назад
Persent% zejr anna ta baranin min bara lewropa😅 u muwx bic cip labour 😅😅
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
David li ma nistax nghidlu Father skond il kelma t' Alla , ghax Kristu stess qalilna biex ma nghajtu l hadd Missier ax wiehed hemm li hu fis-sema. David qal xi affarijiet sew , primarjament dwar l abort u l omosesswalita pero zbaljat li jghid li ma jistax nmur kontra Ruma ghaliex il bniedem l Alla jrid jaqdi skond il kelma tAlla jigifieri l Bibbja mhux lill- bniedem jew xi instituzzjoni. Halli Alla jkun veru u kull bniedem giddieb.
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
We call the Apostles our fathers. We call Saint Paul our father. It's a title to address a priest. He is a spiritual father. A priest need to be obedient to his elders. Jesus was obedient to His Father, "He sent His only son" The protestants they do the same with obedience. When they don't, they move on and create a church of their own. That's why in America there are thousands of protestant churches, they protests and move on. We are one church. One Bread One Body One Lord of all, One cup of blessing which we bless, We are one body in one Lord.
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
@@lilyofthevalley8960 In 1 Pet 2 all believers are called priests with Christ as the chief cornerstone being built up in a royal priesthood .
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
@@lilyofthevalley8960 Don't think so, the RCC has many branches within her different kinds of 'priests' and monks .... I am not a protestant , I am a born again believer Jn 3:3-7 I do not make any part of any denomination. I belong to Jesus Christ and only him. I do not believe in different denominations either because Christ is not divided . Saying this, the RCC even if it was truly one body , it will always be wrong because of its antibiblical doctrines and pagan rituals and beliefs.
@lilyofthevalley8960 5 лет назад
@@lizcutajar9352 we can babble on and on. Christ build his church on the rock of St. Peter. Christ's Church is not perfect, non of us are. No church on earth is perfect. In the Bible as you know, Jesus said to the crowd who were about to stone a sinful woman. "The one that is not guilty of sin throw the first stone", they all left ....the story goes on ....
@lizcutajar9352 5 лет назад
@@lilyofthevalley8960 Nowhere in the Bible does it attribute any man as being the Rock. Every scripture points to God or Jesus Himself never ever to man. You can start form the book of Samuel through to Psalms, Matthew and 1 Corinthians
@laquil23 4 года назад
jista xi hadt jatini email ta peppi please ha nibatlu fejn jazlu il baranin u mhux il Maltin haba li ihalsu inqas.
@trevorcamilleri 7 месяцев назад
ejdlu jejd kemm awn il lum afrikani u asjatici il tal GRTU
@homerbob8115 4 года назад
Dan il persuna jider car ma jifimx kif jahdem business. Jider meta jiprova iwigeb lil talk GRTU.
@thetruth9494 4 года назад
Ir-razzizmu mhux fil-Bibbja sa frattant thaddnu ghalla volha tghid li le.
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