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XMASwu - 我是谁「像一隻刺猬外向和偽裝強行匹配,不认识自己,只剩疲惫憔悴 我是谁。」【動態歌詞/Pinyin Lyrics】 

KarenDaidai Music Channel
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@KarenDaidaiMusicChannel 2 года назад
複雜的人際關係,我原地稍息被套上一層枷鎖。 生活就像他TM一場戲,那人生如戲上百萬層的台階。 我好像一隻刺猬,外向和偽裝強行匹配。 不認識自己,只剩疲憊、憔悴、我是誰?
@a1chengliting954 2 года назад
XMASwu 的歌就是好听!! 真的很好听😍😍
@chengcrystal524 2 года назад
@Chinese-dj-remix-2024 7 месяцев назад
每一首歌都精品 這麼能這麼好聽❤
@grooove8486 2 года назад
把自己包裹像一个刺猬 是他独特的歌词 这句比喻真的很现实和悲伤
@evelam9288 2 года назад
覺得獨特的話 推薦你去聽ykey在2019年發的《刺蝟》
@chengcrystal524 2 года назад
听了这首歌一次 就想无限循环了😍😍
@JayMe-0118 2 года назад
@Wei0701 2 года назад
@fieyi5720 2 года назад
@amandawsc80 2 года назад
@binmusic_97 2 года назад
如果有人看到此消息,请留下拇指。 我会回来,并再次听的歌🙋🏻💔💔。
@leenuschin5276 2 года назад
@user-dy5pw5km9x 2 года назад
@user-sy2hn9hx9o 2 года назад
@user-cj9dr3md9o 2 года назад
@ggvchfgdf2110 Год назад
@user-nn5yw4jh9l 2 года назад
@xjjue4168 2 года назад
@fernandahwa 2 года назад
A voz dele, o rap, mds q perfeição
@venusz1477 Год назад
I can not understand the meaning of your music but every time i can cry. Please add eng sub
@user-co9se4mp5o 2 года назад
@user-ns8om8cj5w 2 года назад
@user-dh8ni1to8k 2 года назад
@hongjianjiang269 2 года назад
@yx0333 2 года назад
11.12小吳生日快樂🎂 是生日全新單曲!❤
@user-ud2ot6jv1z 2 года назад
@ccjx921 2 года назад
@user-kj8tw5jk7m Год назад
@dangbangbang4727 Год назад
@user-xl7hp7rn8e 2 года назад
@user-sy2hn9hx9o 2 года назад
@user-op3wk6eu2o 10 месяцев назад
@ngocnhu9784 2 года назад
@Silanazmsl 2 года назад
Şarkı icinde bir hüzünü bulundururken beni istegim ile icine cekmekten geri durmuyor. Bir sarkiyi anlamak icin dilini bilmene gerek yoktur bazen. Sözleri kalbime bir hancerden daha cok zehir gibi batti. Acıttı. Hissettirdi. Yuttu. Titretti. Izin verdim. Sözümden geri dönmedim..
@timothyke7248 2 года назад
@user-dh8ni1to8k 2 года назад
@est8507 2 года назад
@angelprajapati3234 2 года назад
Who is the rapper of this song??
@user-sy2hn9hx9o 2 года назад
@user-ij3sn9yk2p 2 года назад
@cenachen5654 2 года назад
Jony j的感覺
@user-qj6xh5ik9q 2 года назад
@user-qi6si3ds8n 2 года назад
有點 啾尼 J的味道
@user-ii9nc4jw3n 2 года назад
弟子規(1) 🍀❤總敘 弟子規。聖人訓。 首孝弟。次謹信。 汎愛眾。而親仁。 有餘力。則學文。 易解: (弟子規)這本書,是依據至聖先師孔子的教誨而編成的生活規範。首先在日常生活中,要做到孝順父母、友愛兄弟姊妹。其次在一切日常生活言語行為中要小心謹慎、要講信用。和大眾相處時要平等博愛,並且親近有仁德的人,向他學習。以上都是日常生活起居必須要做到的事,做到了之後,還有多餘的時間精力,就應該好好的學習六藝等其他有益的學問。 ❤入則孝 父母呼。應勿緩。 父母命。行勿懶。 父母教。須敬聽。 父母責。須順承。 易解: 父母呼喚,應及時回答,不要慢吞吞的回應。父母有事交代,要立刻去做,不可推拖敷衍或偷懶卸責。父母教導我們做人處世的道理,是為了我們好,應該恭敬的聆聽。做錯了事,父母責備教誡時,應當順從接受,不可頂嘴強辯,使父母親生氣、傷心。 ❤ 冬則溫。夏則凊。 晨則省。昏則定。 出必告。反必面。 居有常。業無變。 易解: 事奉父母要用心體貼,二十四孝中,九歲的黃香,為了讓父親能安睡,冬天寒冷時會為父親溫暖被窩,夏天睡前會幫父親把床鋪搧涼,實在值得我們學習。 每天早晨起床後,應該先探望父母,並向父母請安問好。傍晚回家後,要將今天生活上發生的事告訴父母,向父母報平安,使父母放心。出門前,須告訴父母要去那裡,回家後也要當面稟報父母,讓父母安心。平時生活起居要合乎常規,作息要保持規律,不要任意改變,以免父母憂心疑慮。 ❤ 事雖小。勿擅為。 苟擅為。子道虧。 物雖小。勿私藏。 苟私藏。親心傷。 易解: 縱然是小事,也不可以任性而為,不向父母稟告。如果因此而讓父母擔心,更是不孝的行為,有損為人子女的本分。別人的物品雖小,也不可以私自藏為己有,如果私藏,品德就有缺失,會傷父母的心。 ❤ 親所好。力為具。 親所惡。謹為去。 身有傷。貽親憂。 德有傷。貽親羞。 親愛我。孝何難。 親憎我。孝方賢。 易解: 父母親所喜好的東西,應該盡力去準備;父母親所厭惡的事物,要小心謹慎的去除。要愛護自己的身體,不要輕易使身體受到傷害,讓父母親憂慮。要注重自己的品德修養,不可以做出傷風敗德的事,使父母親蒙受恥辱。 當父母親喜愛我們的時候,孝順是容易做到的事;可是當父母親氣惱我們,或者管教過於嚴厲的時候,我們也要一樣孝順,而且還要能夠自己反省檢點,體會父母的心意,努力改過遷善,這種孝順的行為才是最難能可貴的。 ❤ 親有過。諫使更。 怡吾色。柔吾聲。 諫不入。悅復諫。 號泣隨。撻無怨。 易解: 父母親有過錯的時候,應婉轉勸諫使他們改過向善,勸諫時態度要誠懇,語氣要溫和,並且和顏悅色。 如果父母不聽規勸,要耐心等待,遇到適當時機,在父母情緒好轉或是高興的時候,再加以勸諫。如果父母仍然不接受,甚至生氣,此時即使痛哭流涕,也要懇求父母改過,縱然被責打,也無怨無悔,以免陷父母於不義,使父母一錯再錯,鑄成大錯。 ❤ 親有疾。藥先嘗。 晝夜侍。不離床。 喪三年。常悲咽。 居處變。酒肉絕。 喪盡禮。祭盡誠。 事死者。如事生。 易解: 父母親生病時,子女應當盡心盡力的照顧,一旦病情沈重時,更要晝夜服侍,片刻不離開。父母去世之後,守孝期間(古禮三年)要常常追思、感懷父母教養的恩德。自己的生活起居必須調整改變,應該戒絕酒肉,不能貪圖享受。 辦理父母親的喪事要哀戚合乎禮節,不可草率馬虎,也不可以為了面子鋪張浪費,才是真孝順。 祭拜已經去世的父母時,應真心誠意,如同生前一樣恭敬。 🍀❤出則弟 兄道友。弟道恭。 兄弟睦。孝在中。 財物輕。怨何生。 言語忍。忿自泯。 易解: 當兄姊的要友愛弟妹,做弟妹的要恭敬兄姊,兄弟姊妹能和睦相處,一家人和樂融融,父母自然歡喜,孝道就在其中了。 與人相處不斤斤計較財物,怨恨就無從生起。說話能夠包容忍讓,多說好話,不說壞話,忍住氣話,不必要的衝突和怨恨就自然消失不會發生了。 🍀❤ 或飲食。或坐走。 長者先。幼者後。 長呼人。即代叫。 人不在。己即到。 易解: 良好的生活教育要從小培養,不論用餐、就座或行走,都應該謙虛禮讓,長幼有序,讓年長者優先,年幼者在後。長輩有事呼喚人,應代為傳喚,如果那個人不在,應該主動去詢問有什麼可幫忙的,不能幫忙時則代為轉告。 🍀❤ 稱尊長。勿呼名。 對尊長。勿見能。 路遇長。疾趨揖。 長無言。退恭立。 騎下馬。乘下車。 過猶待。百步餘。 易解: 稱呼長輩,不可以直呼姓名。在長輩面前,要謙虛有禮,不可以炫耀自己的才能。路上遇見長輩,應向前問好。長輩沒事時,即恭敬退後站立一旁,等待長輩離去。 古禮:不論騎馬或乘車,路上遇見長輩均應下馬或下車問候,並等到長者離去約百步之遙,才可以離開。 現解:不論騎車或乘車,路上遇見長輩,若方便停車,應下車問候,並詢問是否需要搭便車。若長輩要離去,則目視長輩離去約百步之遙,才可以離開,這是敬老尊賢的表現。 🍀❤ 長者立。幼勿坐。 長者坐。命乃坐。 尊長前。聲要低。 低不聞。卻非宜。 進必趨。退必遲。 問起對。視勿移。 易解: 與長輩同處,長輩站立時,晚輩應該陪著站立,不可以自行就座;長輩坐定以後,吩咐坐下才可以坐。 與尊長交談,聲音要柔和適中,但回答的音量太小讓人聽不凊楚,也是不恰當的。有事要找尊長時,應快步向前;離去時,必須稍慢一些才合乎禮節。當長輩問話時,應當專注聆聽,眼睛不可以東張西望,左顧右盼。 🍀❤ 事諸父。如事父。 事諸兄。如事兄。 易解: 對待叔叔、伯伯等父執輩尊長,要如同對待自己的父親一般孝順恭敬;對待同族的兄長如堂兄姊、表兄姊,要如同對待自己的兄長一樣友愛尊敬。 書名:弟子規圖說。歡迎翻印。 ❤明倫教孝 讀書千遍 。其意自現。 落實生活 。確實做到。 弟子規原名訓蒙文,為清朝康熙年間秀才李毓秀所作。其內容採用 "論語”學而篇第六條:(弟子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁,行有餘力,則以學文。)的文義以三字一句,兩句一韻編纂而成,分為五個部份加以演述;具體列舉出為人子弟在家、出外、待人接物、求學應有的禮儀與規範,特別講求家庭教育與生活教育。後經清朝賈存仁修訂改編,並改名為弟子規,是啟蒙養正,教育子弟敦倫盡份防邪存誠,養成忠厚家風的最佳讀物。💗
@user-zj5sh6ze1k 2 года назад
@user-sn8mr8dv1k 2 года назад
😄😍😙👍👍✌❤❤❤ "who am I"@_@ Hey-hey. Wonderful. It's wonderful. "Who do you think you are?" The music is good. That "who am I" 😂😂 music is also superb. The popular playlists are all very classic music creations. Great. Um. The lyrics are great. Keep creating. come on. I support the existence of cherishing your talents. I wish you a great sale of new songs. Remember. Take good care of your own body. Don't get hurt or get sick. Health is your greatest wealth. Understand? Good night. I love you. "Ten Women" is not hard to find. A female singer who feels a tacit partnership. You don’t have to be an award-winning female singer. The invitation is good at singing. Popularity popular. Just look sweet. (1. There is Korean star Jenny. 2. There is Korean star Lisa. 3. There is Taiwan Cai Peixuan. 4. Taiwan’s Korean star Zhou Ziyu is also good. Other partners. You can figure it out.) Focus. You are the hero of "Ten Women". You are a male voice. In promoting other female voices, the singer will also. advertisement. You can design the theme first. Your actor needs "ten women" to release a new song album. Please fans Ami online. Provide some valuable advice. Just started recruiting troops. Build your original network of personal concerts. Even if the singer hurts his hand, he can't dance. singing. Just write some style love songs. No need to dance. Sit quietly. Stance. Sing steadily. (Turning to tears. Jump out of the limited frame. Heavenly voice. The male voice sings quietly. Charisma is impossible. Trends force. During the healing period. Strong singers want to have income. You can try to open a small solo concert. Live broadcast to Audience appreciation. To be able to adapt to open a personal concert. The venue does not need to be gorgeous. Simple and clean is OK. It is enough to live in the comfort of your own home. OK) The heroine is heroic. Face the fan audience. This is basic courtesy. If there is a recording studio on site. There are musical instruments piano. Electronic organ. Guitar. All OK. Video MVs are often recorded live. Also OK. The release of the new song album "Ten Women" has partner female voices by her side. More ideal. Then record live and sing your own creative playlist. Is normal and correct. Your male voice wants to sing other people's songs. OK too. You can do it well. ^^ honestly. The head needs to be moved to be flexible. Don't stay there. There are large ones. International concert tour. Only then can I attend the concert. The superstar Uranus has to put down his body. According to the needs of the scene. The temporary situation of the factors is unreasonable. (Male or female idols. Physical injury and sickness. Don’t deliberately alienate your audience fans for too long. Let love you and support your audience fans. Accompany you to grow together. Accompany you through the ups and downs. Don’t be afraid to lose face. A little bit. It's not shameful. People always encounter unexpected moments. Unpredictable things happen in the sky. Find a way to scramble your own news. It's best to fry some bahang. Occasionally lose some topics from time to time. Write your current status to the Internet media. Write the plot of your "ten women" inviting female singers. Tell me one by one. Let the media remember to write positive. Help you add points. The invitation met with frustration. Also tell the truth without disguising. Let the media write the content. The purpose is to create news topics. Let everyone, viewers and fans pay attention to your activity. Let everyone see your efforts alone. Even if you are physically unwell. There are some inconveniences in personal movement. We must also be brave enough to face difficulties. Psychological construction should be cheerful. Smile to the audience fans. Meet at your live solo concert. Let everyone appreciate your professionalism. And you learn to be strong. Facing the stage of your own life. ) Isn't it? Just imagine. Since ancient times, some disabled male and female singers. As an artist, a powerful singer. He was also holding a solo concert with injuries and illnesses. (Slowly accumulate your popularity votes. It's not difficult to get used to it over time. One day your injuries are completely healed. Restore your healthy body. Then you have gathered enough popularity. Can hold a large solo concert for yourself. Isn't it? ) To learn to leave the team. Break away from the male orchestra under the control of a brokerage company. Leave the life-threatening practice of singing and dancing. Leaving the inhumane and inhumane schedule is tight. It's also killing my life. Please see clearly. You really give. How much is paid. It's not just taking the remuneration in hand and throwing it away in stocks. You are using your life and property to make up the bottomless pit of the stock. The mistake should be awakened. Okay? (I care about everything about you very much. I will be by your side. I will guard you. Come on baby. I love you. Good night.) 😄👅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-iq8ex3mz9b 2 года назад
@user-ce5ec1wy1y 2 года назад
@user-dh8ni1to8k 2 года назад
@user-jj7dr1tu7g 2 года назад
@user-sy2hn9hx9o 2 года назад
@noopychen9850 2 года назад
每一首歌都精品 這麼能這麼好聽❤️
@2001yunting 2 года назад
我是谁 (我是谁)
Просмотров 83 тыс.