
Yale Professor: How Evolution Might Actually Show Us The Purpose And Meaning For Our Lives. 

Thoughtful Faith
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Yale professor, Dr Samuel Wilkensen, explains what Evolution and Human Nature imply about the meaning of our existence.
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21 окт 2024




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@hardwork8395 2 месяца назад
This is one of my favorite interviews Jacob has had. I like his attitude of learning and wonder he displays here.
@SeanLayton 6 месяцев назад
I'm a temple worthy member of The Church and believe Evolution is how God has created life. It shows us the beautiful connection between all life as well.
@kylethedalek 6 месяцев назад
So made in the imagine? Was God a cell? Fish? Ape? Or what version do you believe of evolution? Not to mention how many people are against evolution and putting up more and more points against it. Dr Stephen Meyer and you probably come across other scientists who disagree with it.
@marcus8851 6 месяцев назад
When I went to BYU and took a biology class the professor said on the first day: we believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old. In this class we are gonna explain how we think Heavenly Father did it.
@wellsjdan 6 месяцев назад
I don't rule it out but there's not much evidence in fossil records of transition....there is much proof ...Ie birds beaks adapting to area etc....adaptation happens...evolving from one kind to another? Not so much
@GarySaint-xm6tr 6 месяцев назад
You might like to know that recently geneticists have mapped the DNA mutations of known relatives, and found that the mutations occur much more rapidly than the current evolution based dating method. At the observed rate, we have a common ancestor 6000 years ago, just as the Bible says. Additionally , Utah's Arches National Park is baffling scientist. The arches are falling at a rate that would make them millions of years younger than previously dated. Had they fallen at this rate since their formation they would have never made it this long, had the been formed millions of years ago. God's word that people will trust man more than God in the last days is evident. Having said all of that, it seams apparent creatures, including us, have a built in environmental adaptation factor in our DNA, or a evolution type factor, if you will, but not to the point of species changing, or ape to human, etc. I have a quess. God the Father allowed Christ to learn through a process of graduation from one generation to the next, until He figured out how to create man. God gives us knowledge and tool, and allows us to learn in increments, so we understand completely, when our work is complete. I am a sculptor Creating sculptures gives me so much joy, I can imagine how much joy creating biological sculptures gives God. If I could create biological sculptures, I would create everything I can imagine, including T Rex, etc.
@wellsjdan 6 месяцев назад
@@GarySaint-xm6tr ". Having said all of that, it seams apparent creatures, including us, have a built in environmental adaptation factor in our DNA" That's what I was saying, I agree, much evidence of adaptation to our surroundings... but evolviing from one kind to another? not so much
@tylerahlstrom4553 6 месяцев назад
A lot of people try to simplify the evolution debate into a false dichotomy between atheistic evolution or young Earth creationism with nothing beyond micro evolution. I think there is a lot of room for belief between those two extremes. I believe in Intelligent Design, that evolution happed but not in the unguided, atheistic way like Dawkins would describe. I know a lot of religious people don’t like the Intelligent Design moniker, but I think if you believe in God and you feel He had anything at all to do with evolution, even if He took a very hands-off approach, then whether you like it or not, you are an intelligent design believer as well. Welcome to the club! I’m curious if this author has read Stephen Meyer’s books and what you think.
@TroyLeavitt 6 месяцев назад
I haven't read Wilkensen's book, but based on this conversation, he seems to have a blind spot in his understanding regarding convergent evolution. The similarities we see between body morphologies or organelles (like eyes) are due to the common constraints imposed by the environment. So, although we see lots of eyes distributed across many organisms, the way in which those eyes evolved into being can be very different. A human eye is "designed" in a very different way from the eye of a scallop, for example, but both serve a similar purpose. This is because the value of sight is so worthwhile that it has evolved independently many times. The non-random element that leads to this convergence is the commonality of the environment such that sight is a desirable adaptation. Seeing things is a "good trick" for Earth creatures because our planet is conducive to reflective electromagnetism such that photons provide useful information for many organisms. Hence, we get the evolution of lots of photon detectors (eyes) where that environment holds sway. Where there are few photons, (like in the deep ocean or totally dark caves) eyes either don't evolve at all or eyes that used to work lose their selection pressure and previously sighted animals will evolve to become blind. Again, the environment is the "non-random" selector. The reason for commonalities in Earth species is due to commonalities in the environment. Evolution discovers the same solutions to the same environmental problems. Furthermore, biological evolution is just a subset of the larger physical laws and processes that govern the universe. Other highly "random" processes - like the weather - turn out to also have commonalities such that we see repeated patterns appearing again and again as well. In 1987, James Gleick wrote a book on the emerging science of Chaos Theory. The book is all about how small changes in initial conditions can lead to dramatically different outcomes (called the "butterfly effect"), but also that nature seems to find the same solutions to these differing conditions resulting in similar patterns emerging out of these chaotic systems (called "strange attractors"). Sapolsky noted that "I've found this to be the most influential book in my thinking about science since college." Nearly everything that Wilkensen raises here about uncanny similarities emerging from "random" or chaotic systems was already addressed in this 1987 book. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos:_Making_a_New_Science
@michaelanderson6484 6 месяцев назад
I was thinking the same thing, but you put it much more eloquently, and with more detail, than I could have, so thanks! Great insight!
@nealljones 6 месяцев назад
@@michaelanderson6484 Please read the book. Your critique would have more credibility.
@michaelanderson6484 6 месяцев назад
@@nealljones I probably will. It sounds like a fascinating read. Any critique I would have made would carry the same caveat as the previous comment, that this is my observation based on this video without having read the book yet. I'm always open to more information! I find this whole topic very interesting. Have you read the book? Do you have any rebuttals? I'd love to hear them!
@samuelwilkinson1 6 месяцев назад
Troy, Thanks for your interest in my work. I address the different routes to the same forms in my book. However, there are also examples when nature takes essentially the exact same route. The ‘antifreeze’ proteins in arctic and Antarctic fish have the exact same amino acid sequence yet it’s believed these forms are convergent. There’s also a very influential paper by Doolittle and Brown from 1997 where they traced the evolutionary lineage of some 60 ‘highly conserved’ proteins and found 60 different evolutionary trees. One interpretation of this is massive horizontal gene transfer, but another interpretation is massively convergent evolution at the genetic level. The truth is probably a mix of both interpretations. So it’s likely more than just environmental necessity (though I agree this plays a role). There seem to be deeper principles constraining evolution even at the molecular level. As far as I am aware, no one has begun to explain these principles. Biology is awaiting its Einstein. Also, I’m not arguing that anything here is new and recognize that some of these principles had been discussed in Gleick’s book from the 1980s. However it seems that it didn’t penetrate to biology opinion leaders until later, as seen in SJ Gould’s conceptualization of evolution in Wonderful Life. As far as I am aware, Simon Conway Morris has done more than anyone to spread the idea of the overwhelming ubiquity of convergence.
@phav1832 6 месяцев назад
There can be more than one book (or study) discussing the same thesis. Probably good to read both.
@phav1832 6 месяцев назад
"Faith remodeling" is probably a constant process inherent in our mortal journey. Great way to put it. Sincere prayer and scripture study must be the backdrop.
@andrewbfrost7021 6 месяцев назад
It’s funny that people claim that we have no free will, yet we understand almost nothing about the phenomenon of consciousness. Seems completely foolish to me.
@hardwork8395 2 месяца назад
There are so many ways to look at the issues, but there’s also always a lot we don’t know; therefore just because consciousness happens to be one of those things, didn’t make it any more or less foolish than other positions, be it libertarian free will, compatibilism, determinism, etc.
@commoncents5191 6 месяцев назад
Have you seen the flagellar motor? It is literally a machine found on bacteria. Machines don’t just appear out of thin air.
@johnprince5356 6 месяцев назад
There are models describing the steps for its evolution, for example Rossmann and Beeby, Acta Crystallographica Section D, 2018.
@lrsvalentine 5 месяцев назад
This has been debunked. It didn't just come out of nowhere by magic...er priesthood.
@benisrood 5 месяцев назад
Who said it appeared out of thin air?
@lrsvalentine 5 месяцев назад
@@benisrood OP did. Claiming sky daddy did it by magic rather than evolution. The latter is the correct answer.
@hrc7715 5 месяцев назад
You're right, these things didn't come out of thin air. They came out of developing chemical systems like just about every other natural biomechanical component.
@sleepingrhino 6 месяцев назад
Jacob, I appreciate this episode on evolution. When I was young, almost all members of the Church, except Bruce R Mcconkey, seemed to believe in evolution. Nowadays, less reality based theories seem to be everywhere on the internet.
@clarestucki5151 5 месяцев назад
Is suicide invariably a 'bad ' thing? What if you're into your nineties, all your kids and grandkids are grown, all the joy is gone from your life as the result of the physical limitations that invariably accompany old age?? Do you have to face the bad stuff at the end of a long life, and why???
@KnuttyEntertainment 6 месяцев назад
First one here. Any news on the Trent Horn debate? I know you’re keeping your prep and arguments secret, but is there a known date or venue set? If not a date then how about a time frame to expect more news? What about the debate format?
@hansenjacob1986 6 месяцев назад
August 25th in Ohio at the pints with aquinas studio. “Is the Book of Mormon divinely inspired”
@hansenjacob1986 6 месяцев назад
Format is opening statements 15m, rebuttals 12min, cross ex 15 min each, audience Q and A. 5 min closing
@_Squiggle_ 6 месяцев назад
This is exciting!
@KnuttyEntertainment 6 месяцев назад
Dang, I’ll be out on my mission by then.
@grappling.enthusiast 6 месяцев назад
oh damn is Jacob debating Trent Horn?
@dmandrewsauthor 6 месяцев назад
Please have one of the UM scientists on your channel. Present the creationist view. I think you'll find it extremely compelling.
@mother2midwife 5 месяцев назад
YES! Dean Sessions would be Great!
@johnsenkyle13 6 месяцев назад
Learning about evolution has only strengthened my faith-a God who is the master of hard-to-predict, self-governing, natural processes seems more intelligent to me than a magician going around hand-designing every last codon of DNA and every last protein.
@Applest2oApples 6 месяцев назад
Doesn’t Nephi say that the Lord could command the sea to become land, and it would be so?
@igoldenknight2169 6 месяцев назад
Either way God is most intelligent because the elements obey Him.
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
I'm not sure about evolution, but I know there was a massive amount of work involved in creating the earth. God isn't a magician, nor does it say that in the scriptures. I'm not interested in destroying people's faith and I feel people can believe as they choose. I just don't believe in the narrative that is over simplified as the creation narrative. Since it took place outside of time, how can we really understand how it was created, since we are linear creatures.
@johnsenkyle13 6 месяцев назад
@@Applest2oApples Sure He could, but the fact that He doesn't appear to need to do that directly with the creation of life is pretty cool
@johnsenkyle13 6 месяцев назад
@@michaelwhipple347 Definitely Creation was planned and designed in a significant sense, even if it rolled forth in a non-coercive way. One evidence of this for me is when Jesus appeared to the brother of Jared, He said His spirit looked like how His body was going to look like in mortality.
@shibainferno 6 месяцев назад
Evolution is basically the practical application of The Proclamation on the Family ie that we need to collaborate, procreate, and perpetuate our species
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
I think the family proclamation is specifically so we don't devolve like Christianity with the great apostasy. I don't think evolution has anything to do with it at all. But that's just my opinion.
@shibainferno 6 месяцев назад
@@michaelwhipple347 my comment is primarily pointing out that evolution favors procreation. I’m not saying we’re monkeys
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
@@shibainferno I can appreciate that.
@jonterry9843 5 месяцев назад
Accept for the fact that evolution co-opts love, self-sacrifice, and family loyalty as mechanistic tools of robotic species survival; while in the Proclamation these qualities arise from a deliberate, free will choice of an eternal spirit when given options. One is banal and inconsequential; the other is heroic, beautiful, and sanctifying.
@michaelwhipple347 5 месяцев назад
@@jonterry9843 this is why I feel that science has become philosophy. You're describing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it happens that a few of these traits are mildly within the animal kingdom. Animals follow the laws of God. We know this from the scriptures. I don't need the philosophy of science trying to make things work when I have the Gospel and the scriptures that tell me how everything works and was created. I don't take my beliefs from people who create things because they hate God (like Darwin and Marx) and perpetuate atheistic beliefs. Science is mostly controlled by atheists, why would I care what they say when they deny the existence and evidence of God? I admire this fine gentleman in trying to make it fit, but I will disagree with his assessment. I take the gospel to learn what science is correct, not science to tell me what Gospel I should believe. I don't care what level of education people have, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is if people can have an intelligent conversation about things that are relevant. Evolution is not correct, it never has been. It doesn't matter to me how many Christians believe in evolution, the Bible never teaches it, nor does the Book of Mormon or the Doctrine in Covenants talk about evolution. In fact they teach against it. But we have our agency to believe whatever we want, even if it's false. I know a lot of people will not agree with me, that's fine, I believe God over man any day of the week.
@Titiandtheband 5 месяцев назад
I’m a biologist and it’s contradictory for a Christian to believe in a literal Adam and Eve story yet also believe that humans evolved from species to species is the ultimate in mental gymnastics
@aaronstapley 5 месяцев назад
I’m a medical doctor. It’s not hard when you understand that God describes creation with the same specificity that he describes nuclear fusion in the sun by saying “let there be light.” We invent words to describe things that are as basic to God as the ABCs and pretend He doesn’t know about them. There very well could be generations of iterations that approximate humanity prior to the advent of what we call Adam and Eve. I don’t know. But the ideas are not incompatible. There is another possibility. We create large language models that can adapt and change. We don’t assume that because they can evolve that they did evolve spontaneously from a calculator.
@Aristotle33 5 месяцев назад
That sounds like a false dichotomy forced upon the subject by a particular Christian belief.
@steveevans3753 6 месяцев назад
Yes!!! Thank you for bringing him on the show. The problem with this theory is that athiests have hijacked the idea to "prove" that there is no God. To me, evolution is a testimony of God's power and the beauty of all His creation.
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
When we understand that the creation took place outside of time, and that God is incapable of creating anything that's not perfect, then the creation model makes a lot more sense. Adam and Eve had to fall from a perfect existence for that very reason, God cannot create imperfect things or he would cease to be God. I'm glad you have a powerful testimony of the Gospel, that's critical!!
@Aristotle33 5 месяцев назад
I believe that the guest is channeling morality as cooperation, i.e., morality is a universal emotional function and relative to each culture or individual preference. There is a mixing of evolutionary psychology and philosophical inquiry that is quaint, but doesn’t really go anywhere.
@kevinnelson6331 6 месяцев назад
The evolutionary argument is the best way to rationally prove that you should go to church.
@andrewbfrost7021 6 месяцев назад
Everyone should read “Undeniable” by Douglas Axe. I find it to be a compelling argument.
@medeekdesign 5 месяцев назад
What do evolutionarily biologists say about his arguments? Peer review is what matters most here.
@andrewbfrost7021 6 месяцев назад
It’s time to pick a different term other than “evolution”. We are no longer talking about the same thing that we used to be. However, evolution still carries with it the conceptual baggage that it came with from Darwinian days. So, to the lay person it will always come with the idea of a random, unguided process. “Common descent” is ok, but I’m sure there is a better term.
@samuelwilkinson1 6 месяцев назад
This is an important and valid point. What we often mean when we say “evolution” is comprised of at least three principles: natural selection (survival of the fittest), speciation, and common descent. There is in theory some independence among these principles. The one with the most evidence is natural selection. I am skeptical of a universal common ancestor. I think Ford Doolittle’s work supports an alternative explanation. I didn’t make this central to my book, however, because it’s peripheral to my central argument and because it would rock the consensus of biology too much. Thanks for your interest in my work. Kind regards, Sam
@andrewbfrost7021 6 месяцев назад
@@samuelwilkinson1 I hope Ford is a Ph. D; that would be too good! I will have to check out Mr/Dr Doolittle’s stuff. Thanks!
@andrewbfrost7021 6 месяцев назад
@@samuelwilkinson1 P.S. My problem with natural selection is that the trait/gene has to already exist in the population in order for nature to select for it. I have serious doubts that any of the mechanisms described in the literature to date have the power to produce novel, functioning proteins on the scale and variety that would be needed for what we see in life today and in the fossil record, especially once we get to larger, more complex animals requiring much more time per generation. To my mind there’s just not enough geologic time to explain what we see.
@commoncents5191 6 месяцев назад
It’s called mutation which is very different than evolution. Evolution is a religion, it take more faith than creation. 🤣
@mother2midwife 5 месяцев назад
@vaingamaliet252 6 месяцев назад
ordered the book; this was like an answer to prayer, thanks
@plummer50000 11 дней назад
I personally do not buy into evolution nor the millions of years arguments. It is a paradigm. It takes quite a leap of faith to buy into it. To each their own.
@dmandrewsauthor 6 месяцев назад
I'd highly recommend the Universal Model. I don't understand where the evidence is for evolution; the evidence seems to support a creation.
@bloviax 6 месяцев назад
I highly recommend against it, and I'm a weird LDS homeschooler...
@brittanyherrera6231 6 месяцев назад
Great discussion. If everything is random except for choice, then everything is not random. Who or what defines the limits of choice? If there is no free will or choice something limits it… define what that is. Satan makes things confusing because he has to in order to make it believable.
@jacobmayberry3566 6 месяцев назад
Will this book be released into an audiobook format?
@samuelwilkinson1 6 месяцев назад
Yes but probably not for another month or so. Thanks for your interest.
@jacobmayberry3566 6 месяцев назад
@@samuelwilkinson1 Will it be on Spotify or just Audible?
@Jon316-y5u 6 месяцев назад
I agree that there are signs of intelligent design and it's not random. If it's not random you sure don't need millions of years to do it, so it throws timelines into question. To me the evidence points to some evolution occurring but I don’t buy it as the means for the origin of species nor the theories saying millions or billions of years needed for creation.
@junebelcourt-suhaka1434 6 месяцев назад
Darwin didn’t realize how mind bogglingly complex cells happen to be. As a consequence, he didn’t anticipate that the as yet unknown principle of “irreducible complexity” would severely undermine the legitimacy of his theory of organic evolution that works by a very gradual process of natural selection. In fact, Darwin himself admitted in writing that his theory would be destroyed if it could be demonstrated that very gradual natural selection alone couldn’t account for the mechanisms within the life forms on planet earth. Irreducible complexity postulates that there’s no way that a painstakingly slow process of unguided gradual natural selection could anticipate and prepare for the very sophisticated and complex organic machines that would be needed for increasingly complex forms of life. At very least, the principle of irreducible complexity indicates that an intelligent agent had to be an ongoing and active participant in the manipulation of the evolutionary process. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pMzqA4XNxtw.htmlsi=Gmjys5oZtnhpQ3Mt
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
And yet, it's amazing that we still use the theory he put forth, when Darwin isn't cited as much now. They've mostly dismissed Darwin's personal work, but hold on to the evolution of evolution.
@davidjanbaz7728 6 месяцев назад
​@@michaelwhipple347Theistic Evolution is the Answer to Abiogenesis that Naturalism ( nonintelligent random processes) doesn't explain: intelligent Design needs an intelligent Designer !!!
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 cool. I just think when we find out how the universe actually works, we'll be quite surprised. I'm not saying a disagree with anything you've said, I just don't like bowing to the science gods... But what do I know. LoL
@alexabplanalp4455 6 месяцев назад
TERRIBLE ARGUMENT. There is no such thing as "irreducible complexity" and it has been debunked hundreds of times over by actual biologists. Mantis shrimp eyes are miles better and more complex than our own, so according to "irreducible complexity" our human eyes shouldn't work AT ALL. And even then, mantis shrimp eyes aren't irreducibly complex either. Also, DNA has directly proven evolution so it's actually doing the opposite of what you're claiming it does.
@alexabplanalp4455 6 месяцев назад
Terrible argument. There is no such thing as "Irreducible complexity" and it has been debunked hundreds of times by actual biologists. Mantis shrimp eyes are miles better and more complex than ours, so according to "irreducible complexity" our human eyes shouldn't work at all because of that. And even then mantis shrimp eyes aren't irreducibly complex either and we are very familiar with how eyes evolve independently in each species. Also, DNA directly proves and backs up evolution, it has done the very opposite of what you're claiming it has done. I would highly recommend doing some real research on this topic instead of relying on AIG blogs for your "information"
@JaysonCarmona 6 месяцев назад
Micro evolution (adaptation within kinds) is true. Macro evolution is not true and flawed.
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
I would say micro evolution is drawing upon information that already exists. You can't have the massive changes needed to account for mutations. Mutations are destructive, not constructive, about 98% of the time. Of that 2%, most are benign. The information already exists, this helps Noah's ark make a lot more sense in how you could get so many different breeds within the different kinds in only 4500 years or so...
@davidjanbaz7728 6 месяцев назад
​@@michaelwhipple347sorry, the Universe is Old and that doesn't conflict with the writer of Genesis. The Flood of Noah was Probably A Large Regional Flood over the whole Middle East Area: but NOT A Global Flood in a YEC of only 6,000 years old Universe.
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 ok, sorry... The flood actually happened world wide and is actually the very best answer as to why geology works the way it does. Hundreds of hours of study from some very top researchers shows I have found a much better narrative than the atheist ran science we have in the world. Science is so wrong about the "evolution" of the earth that is laughable. There are so many things that science cannot and will not explain, but a worldwide flood would absolutely explain. I would explain here but it would take days to write it out and people wouldn't read it anyways. As far as the universe age, no one actually knows how "old" it is. I don't think it matters at all. I don't think it's a few thousand years old, I think it has always existed. No big bang, just existence. The earth was created in the absence of time. Time didn't exist when Adam and Eve were placed on the earth. They were perfect and innocent because God can't create things that aren't perfect. Man fell, time, as we understand it, began at that moment. We live in a fallen world that used to be perfect and timeless, and now we subjected to corruption and imperfection. Time itself started at the fall. Everything was created in an eternal state and presence. The absence of time is really interesting to study and confined by the Book of Mormon. I just don't like comments that are ignorant and parrot what other people say. This is something I have thought and read a massive amount on. That's why you'll see my comments littered throughout this video chat. I also have a hard time when people make stuff up and it doesn't go with the Bible or other scriptures. In all my study, the one thing I've learned is the Scriptures are true and they truly testify of everything. Evolution is not taught anywhere on the scriptures, not is it supported, yet people pretend it is. I don't know everything, but I love the Gospel of Christ and it is true. I'm not upset by your comment, just the incorrect info that gets passed off as truth.
@phav1832 6 месяцев назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Read the book The Lost Language of Symbolism by Gaskill, Chapter 6 "Numbers as Symbols" (p. 139). The numbers given in ancient texts (like the OT) are not meant to be literal, but are symbolic. "1000" in ancient literature is a poetic reference which can mean "incalculable" or greatness and vastness . . . to look at the number 6000 literal totally misses the deeper meaning (The number 40 is likewise symbolic meaning "a long time".
@alexabplanalp4455 6 месяцев назад
So you don't think speciation happens despite the fact that it has been proven to happen with both dna and fossil evidence, and has also been observed in lab settings? That's quite the case of cognitive dissonance you have there.
@gustavoabalos3783 6 месяцев назад
Adaptation is not evolution
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
Adaptation doesn't mean the information wasn't already there. I think "adaptation" is a selection of DNA information that already exists. I don't think things just mutate. That would take away from God and his perfect order
@beasteast9421 6 месяцев назад
Yes it literally is.
@michaelwhipple347 6 месяцев назад
@@beasteast9421 if the information is already within the DNA but you've just never seen the information manifesting within the organism, then how would that be evolution? Maybe your definition of evolution is different than mine, and maybe you think that mutations are perfectly healthy... I don't know what you actually believe. So adaptation is not evolution because the organism has recessive genes that manifest when the time is needed. Not evolution from mutations. The information already exists.
@gustavoabalos3783 6 месяцев назад
@@beasteast9421 what I mean adaptation is about circumstance and evolution about time
@alexabplanalp4455 6 месяцев назад
​@@beasteast9421Yep! Someone saying "I believe in adaptation but not evolution" is the same as someone saying "I believe in triangles and squares but I don't believe in shapes"
@SiVis_Pacem_Parabellum 5 месяцев назад
Now you have the obligation of inviting the other side. Invite THE UNIVERSAL MODEL.
@mother2midwife 5 месяцев назад
Interesting. OR A faithful Christian could start with a foundation of truth, like the scriptures and realize that evolution has never been proven... Look up the *Universal Model/Dean Sessions* (LDS) or *Answers in Genesis* (just be careful of the Protestant anti-LDS rhetoric, but their info is intriguing).
@latterdaysquirrel 5 месяцев назад
This was a thought-provoking discussion. Great job.
@sama.scraps 6 месяцев назад
Latter-Day Watch RU-vid channel wants to do a collab with others on May 1st about Christ’s Grace. You could focus on the Book of Mormon.Please pass it on to others. Correct the Evangelists misdirections about our beliefs. Thanks!
@kylethedalek 6 месяцев назад
What about the channel “Seek truth and become heretic” been watching a lot of her videos and she makes good points. Also a few other channels too, one of which is “Uncorrolated Mormonism” still a member but isn’t scared to criticise the church and any issues he sees. Will you ever do responses to them?
@arjunheart5859 6 месяцев назад
For Jacob to dedicate an episode to either of those channels would be punching down. Thoughtful Faith has 10x the subscribers of UM. This is to say, it's unlikely. If they say something prolific or viral, I guess it could be covered. That or Jacob would have the host of those channels on for a conversation.
@phav1832 6 месяцев назад
Criticizing is easy . . . It proves nothing and often just shows that the criticizer is stuck in a very narrow, straw man perspective.
@madvinmryk 6 месяцев назад
All hypothesis and theory. Nothing more.
@lrsvalentine 6 месяцев назад
Evolution of the eye is proof of god?😂😂😂 what nonsense! It's the properties of light and how it can be detected with an efficiency that affects survival that causes this convergent evolution . Mormons have to really squeeze the turnip on this (as with everything) to make it fit their paradigm.
@Jon316-y5u 6 месяцев назад
The development of the eye is much more complex than that
@lrsvalentine 6 месяцев назад
@@Jon316-y5u Um, not really. Everything I said (e.g., the properties of light essentially requiring convergent evolution) is correct. Read @Troy Leavits response for environmental factors.
@medeekdesign 5 месяцев назад
The key thing is environmental pressure, that is what drives evolution. It’s really that simple.
@Hamann9631 5 месяцев назад
@medeekdesign by "evolution" do mean speciation (a.k.a. micro-evolution) or do you mean all life has a common ancestor?
@medeekdesign 5 месяцев назад
@@Hamann9631 what difference does it make, evolution happens. Even now we are evolving as a species. Micro, macro, it is all evolution and it is a fundamental aspect of biology and always has been. The proof is pervasive and undeniable at this point, study a little biology and it jumps out at you everywhere within our biosphere.
@Hamann9631 5 месяцев назад
@@medeekdesign Oh. Then I can drive my Ford F-150 across the ocean to Japan or France because it is all motion. There is no dry ground motion or over water motion. You must believe that because the same bad logic is being used by you, when you call animals getting bigger and smaller the same thing as a whole new heart chamber. When you actually think about it, you will see there is a big difference between changing the size of already existing body parts and whole new parts and systems. There needs to be a different name for changes which would lead to a different kind of animal and changes which do not change an animal to different kind of animal. If a lizard is on its way to becoming a fish, then it is macro-evolution. If it is still a lizard, then it is micro-evolution.
@medeekdesign 5 месяцев назад
Technically it is all micro evolution but when you get enough little changes, it appears to be macro evolution. I mean look at all the Covid variants, it starts with little changes and then some of those offspring change even more, thousands of generations later you end up with something radically different but the actual change process is one baby step at a time.
@medeekdesign 5 месяцев назад
Given enough time and environmental pressures any living organism will evolve to better suite its environment. At some point a species may even migrate to other environments and thereby encounter new pressures which cause its evolution to diverge from other subspecies. Hence the various races of Homosapiens. The races have nothing to do with righteousness in the pre existence as once taught. It is simply biology and evolution at work.
@TheOGProtestantMormon 6 месяцев назад
12:57 genetic drift 🙄. It takes 10xs the amount of faith to buy this bullshit
@paulblack1799 6 месяцев назад
Aaaaahhh...so within the group Donald Trump is president, but among various groups the USA rocks. 😊
What’s your height?🩷🙀💚
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