
Yishmael: The Last Enemy of Israel 

Rabbi Abraham Benhaim
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8 май 2013




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@cb1623 7 месяцев назад
Great shiur, very relevant. Thank you!
@okechukwudiei8424 2 дня назад
where is the part two? this man is a great teacher
@user-pk9yx6hy9z 6 месяцев назад
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, Solomon, David, and Zechariah. All these prophets will disown you
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
The Jews were also expecting a Prophet in the Arabian deserts as it was mentioned in the their Scriptures but they weren't expecting him to be from the Ishmaelite although it was clearly mentioned that God will glorify the Ishmaelites in the future. But still they rejected and opposed the Prophet (PBUH) because he wasn't a Jew from among themselves. Isaiah 42:11 Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar( children of Ishmael/Arabs) inhabits; let the habitants of Sela (in hebrew means Rock) sing for joy, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Genesis 17:20, KJV: "Behold, I have blessed Ishmael, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation."(Arabs) I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) where is this prophet? “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19). It is well-known that every surah (chapter) of the Qur’an (except At-Tawbah 9) should start by: bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim (In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). “And he said, the Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.” (Deuteronomy 33:2) Mount Paran is the area located between the mountains of Abu-Qubays, Qi`an, and Hira’ in Makkah. The coming prophet would be illiterate, as was Muhammad (peace be upon him): “And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, ‘Read this, I pray thee’ and he saith, ‘I am not learned.'” (Isaiah 29:12) In the song of Solomon the Word Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned as Muhammadim (We Muslims use Muhammadin) and both in Hebrew and Arabic it is a title not a name meaning likeable. In Arabic it also means "praiseworthy" and the other meaning in Hebrew is sweet. It became the most used name in Islamic history but it was a title at first and the other name given to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was Ahmed.
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Now has come to you Our Messenger (Muhammad SAW) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and passing over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Muhammad SAW)* and a plain Book (this Quran). Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to a Straight Way (Monotheism). Qur'an [5:15-16] And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Quran) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Mohayminan (trustworthy in highness and a witness) over it (old Scriptures). So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ. Qur'an [5:48] This is exactly what the Qur'an been repeatedly saying that they did. "Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.” [Deuteronomy 12:32]
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
Simeon and Levi are brothers- Their swords are weapons of violence. Let me not enter their council, Let me not join their assembly, For they have killed men in their anger And hamstrung oxen as they pleased. Cursed be their anger, so fierce, And their fury so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob And disperse them in Israel (Genesis 49:5-7). The levites were punished for the same action that the new Jewish God Yahweh (instead of their old God Elohim and in Aramaic Elah) ordered them to do in 1st Samuels, "kill men women, children, suckling, ox and sheep." Isn't it a clear corruption in the Bible! These levites were ordered not to have any share in the inheritance and were only allowed to do priestly duties and have and survive on what others give to them as a punishment. All Jews have this belief that their Rabbi can argue and defeat God in the argument and can rewrite the scripture. Their levitical priests use to copy the Old testament every time a knew king was appointed and they use to destroy the originals. The levitical priest were given a responsibility but it seems that they failed and instead might've corrupted the scripture. As the Quran say that they were ordered differently than what is mentioned in the 1st Samuels. “Because of this, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. Our messengers went to them with clear proofs and revelations, but most of them, after all this, are still transgressing.” (Qur’an, 5:32)
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the" rock.
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
"Numbers 31-36-40" to to take 16000 virgin girls and give Yahweh 32 virgin girls as a s acrifice and they used to burn their s acrifices.
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
Everyone is familiar with 1st Samuels but in case you didn't 1Samuel 15:3 your God Yahweh with huge fire breathing nostrils according to the Bible (instead of your old God Elohim) orders you to k!ll men, women, children, suckling and even their animals, ox and sheep.
@DaruLIman-H 6 месяцев назад
Our father was an archer. ❤️
@Ibn_yahya_ 2 месяца назад
Islam will conquer wether you like it or not, you jews are secular while we believe im god and serve him.
@AbrahamBenhaim 7 дней назад
We shall see soon
@Truth_come_to_perish_falsehood 7 дней назад
​@@AbrahamBenhaimIn Bible Isaiah 42:19 and 42:24, 'The nation of Israel' is also explicitly identified as the blind and condemned people therefore the guiding and righteous servant stated in Isaiah 42:1-13 (Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) must be someone (from the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs) other than Israel. Because they rejected the final prophet of Bible although Duetornomy 18:18 clearly predicted that the Prophet Muhammad like unto Prophet Moses must have to come from among their brethren (their brother tribe; the Arabs) to fulfill the Prophecy of Isaiah 42 to become a light for the gentiles (non-Jews or non-Christians) clearly mentioned in Isaiah 42:6 to bring justice ⚖️ to the nations (Isaiah 42:1). Isaiah tells that this Arabian Prophet will bring down a new Law like Prophet Moses unlike Jesus Christ (peace be upon them all). He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope. (Isaiah 42:4). Isaiah 42:21 confirms this by stating that the God of Bible will Magnify the Law to make people righteous as it please the God of Bible. And we know that The Magnified laws is Shariah Law. The first section of Isaiah 42, verses 1 - 13, describe a momentous servant in extremely positive terms, one who will be a “light for the Gentiles (non-jews/christians)” (42:6), will “open eyes that are blind” and “free people from darkness (of idols worship)” (42:7). Isaiah 42:11 Even prophecised that This righteous servant of God had to rise from the city of Medina, Western Saudi Arabia to eliminate idolatry and spread justice (TRUE GOD's judgement) throughout the world 🌎. It simply cannot apply to Jesus, regardless of whether one takes it as a reference to his first or second coming. The fact is that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is the only person in history that has fulfilled all of the criteria set out in Isaiah 42. Because the Arabia shall Rejoice by His coming. Moving to Isaiah 42:11, we see that prophecy gives 2 special places; Kedar and Sela: Isaiah 42:11 Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit; let the inhabitants of Sela sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Where did Kedar settle ⁉️ The Old Testament scholar Charles Foster also identifies the the "Land of Kedar" with ‘Hedjaz’ which is Western Saudi Arabia including its famous cities of Makkah and Madina. [Charles Foster, The historical geography of Arabia, P. 130] Because, Kedar is the second son of Ishmael (Genesis 25:13), Sela is a mountain in Medina, and it was mentioned in some hadiths. One of the earliest biographies of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d (d. 845 CE), documents one of the chains of genealogy, which confirms that the Prophet was a direct descendant of Ishmael through his second son Kedar. Because, from a geographic perspective, Jesus has no historical association with Kedar or Sela. The New Testament has Jesus moving within ancient Palestine, in places like Nazareth and Bethlehem. He simply has no link to the deserts of Saudi Arabia, nor is there any record of the inhabitants of Mecca and Madina “rejoicing” and “singing for joy” with the advent of Jesus. More explicitly, prophesies Isaiah “for with stammering lips, and another tongue, will he speak to this people” (Isaiah 28:11). and a new song (a scripture in a new language) to be sang (Al-Quran) unto the LORD (Isaiah 42:10). Bible Isaiah 42:6- I, the Lord, will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles. Gentiles mean non Jews/Christian. Here Isaiah emphasizes the universal mission of the coming person. The Qur’an confirms that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was sent to the whole of mankind, Jews and Gentiles alike. In the Qur’an GOD tells us: We have sent you [O Prophet] as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner for the whole of mankind, but most people have no knowledge. [Chapter 34, verse 28] It’s also interesting to note that the Qur’an addresses Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as a light: O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner,- And as one who invites to GOD by His leave, and as a lamp spreading light. [Chapter 33, verses 45-46] Yes, The Awaited Prophet Was to Come From Arabia: Deuteronomy 33:1-2 combines references to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. It speaks of God (i.e. God’s revelation) coming from Sinai, rising from Seir (probably the village of Sa’ir near Jerusalem) and shining forth from Paran. According to Genesis 21:21, the wilderness of Paran was the place where Ishmael settled (i.e. Arabia, specifically Makkah). The Old Testament also tells us that Ishmael dwelt in a place called Paran: "While he (Ishmael) was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt." [Genesis 21:21] We are told that Ishmael will have many descendants and that he will be “made into a great nation”:.. I will surely bless him... He will be the father of 12 rulers... [Genesis 17:20] A great nation must refer to one led by a Prophet since this is greatness in GOD’s sight, not mere wealth or power. So GOD’s promise about Ishmael must amount to spiritual, and blessing. That's why Isaiah 42:11 talks about the rejoicing of the inhabitants of Kedar (2nd son of Ishmael), which is Western Saudi Arabia, Medina city where our prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) migrated and the people of sela sang for joy to welcome the true prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). 📖 The LORD your GOD will raise up for you a Prophet like me (Moses) from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear, I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.' Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 predicted prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs.. Since "from your midst" does not appear in either the ancient Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) or the Samaritan Pentateuch, the original text must state the prophet (Muhammad ﷺ) would come from the relatives of the Israelites, the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs. We can see that Bible clearly speaks about the Islamic sacrifices by the sons of Ishmael in Mekkha. And Isaiah 42 clearly speaks about the rising of the Final prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) of the Bible from Medina, Saudi Arabia to bring justice ⚖️ to the nations (Isaiah 42:1) by becoming a light for the gentiles (non-Jews or non-Christians) and a covenant for the people as per Isaiah 42:6 NET Bible 📖 Isaiah 60:7 All the sheep of Kedar will be gathered to you; the rams of Nebaioth will be available to you as sacrifices. They will go up on my altar acceptably, and I will bestow honor on my majestic temple. Genesis 25:13 clearly states that Kedar and Nebaioth are sons of Ishmael (Alaihissalam). Yes Ishmael and his descendants, specifically Kedar, settled in modern day Western Saudi Arabia.Recall that Isaiah mentions Kedar in conjunction with a ‘Sela’:Isaiah 42:11 “Let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy…“Whilst it’s true that Saudi Arabia represents a wide geographic region, the use of the word ‘Sela’ pinpoints an exact location. The place being spoken of is actually the city of Madina because ‘Sela’ is the name of a famous mountain in Madina. Madina was the city of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
@faisalalan8633 6 дней назад
​@AbrahamBenhaim Jews will follow the Anti-Christ believing he is messiah! Jews are still waiting for the king who's the descendant of King David! Guess what? What you're waiting for is no one but the the Anti-Christ 😂
@sgmovies7864 5 месяцев назад
The Jewish Mashiach expected will be a political reformer but not a religious reformer - so he will not be accepted by other religions! Muslims do not hate the Jews or Children of Israel. The fact that Jews or Children of Israel are addressed directly so often in the Qur'an should tell us something. Allah wants to address Jews, to give them dawah [the message], to give them the Qur'an, instead of having stereotypes about them. Islam doesn’t allow stereotypes. Everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah, and the only thing that makes some people better than others is Taqwa [faith/belief]. In the Bible, Joshua 21:43-44 states: “So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass”. This passage suggests that the Israelites had already taken possession of all the land that God had promised to their forefathers even before the creation of modern State of Israel. The promise of land belonging to the Children of Israel is never permanent. It comes with conditions: “Surely, following the ˹heavenly˺ Record, We decreed in the Scriptures: “My righteous servants shall inherit the land.” (Qur'an 21:105) Psalm 37:29 states that “The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever”. This passage is often interpreted as a promise of God’s blessing for those who live righteously. It is believed that the righteous will be rewarded with a place in the land of Israel, which is often referred to as the “promised land”. Similarly, G-d is sovereign over the nations and history. He raises up and brings down kings and empires according to His will. He uses human agents, even pagan ones, to accomplish His purposes. He is the Lord of hosts, who controls the armies of heaven and earth (Jeremiah 1:15; 25:9; 27:5-7; 32:17) If Zionists claim that G-d had given the land of Palestine to the Jews is true, then why Abraham had to negotiate with the Hittites to purchase a burial plot for his wife, Sarah [Genesis 23]? Why didn't Abraham just take the land like the Zionists did? The so-called "promised land" was given to descendant of Abraham - Isaac only. Likewise, descendants of Ishmael never lay claim to land of Arabia! In addition, Moses and his followers did not enter the "promised" land due to their disobedience. Qur'an 7:128 states: Said Moses to his people, “Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.” Jews are no longer G-d chosen people. The Israelites did not keep their part of the covenant. Here is the evidence: Jeremiah 31:31-34: “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” It had already been prophesized in the Bible that the descendants of Ishmael/Arabs shall administer the Temple Mount/Jerusalem. Isaiah 60:7 "All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory." All the flocks of Kedar - On the word 'Kedar,' see the notes at Isaiah 21:16. The Kedarenians were a wandering tribe that frequently changed their residence, though it is probable they usually dwelt in the south part of Arabia Desert, or the north of Arabia Petraea. They are mentioned as dwelling in beautiful tents Sol 1:5 : 'I am black, but comely as the tents of Kedar,' see Psalm 120:5; compare Isaiah 21:16-17; Isaiah 42:11. The language here also means that that which constituted their principal wealth would come and enrich Jerusalem. The rams of Nebaioth - Nebaioth was also a son of Ishmael Genesis 25:13; 1 Chronicles 1:29, and was the father of the Nabatheans. They were a people of Arabia Petraea, and lived principally by plunder, trade, and the keeping of flocks. The country of Nabathea extended, it is supposed, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and embraced Petra, the capital of Arabia Deserts, and also Medaba. It is not possible, however, to fix the exact boundaries of the various tribes of Arabians. The general idea is, that their most valuable possessions would be devoted to God. The second Temple had been completely destroyed as predicted by Jesus in Luke 21:5-38. For 500 years or more, it had been left in ruins by the Jews. When Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the second caliph of Islam, captured Jerusalem in 638 CE, there was not a single Jew in Jerusalem. Now, as prophesized by Isaiah, Jerusalem is administered by descendants of Ishmael/Arabs. Dome of the Rock is the Third Temple. There are some interpretations of the Bible that suggest that the construction of the Dome of the Rock is prophesied in the Book of Daniel. Specifically, some people believe that Daniel 12:11 is a prophecy about the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." [Daniel 12:11] Rabbi Isser Weisberg of Machon Mishne Torah in Lakewood, explained that the “appalling abomination” spoken about in the Book of Daniel is the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which was completed in the year 692. Counting 1290 (a thousand two hundred and ninety) years from the completion of the Dome of the Rock “you get 1982 and the 1335 (one thousand three hundred and thirty-five) ends in 2027. So that’s the window (1982-2027) when the Moshiach has to come.” This may confirmed the Qur'anic message. In Qur'an 17:104 says "And We said to the Children of Israel after Pharaoh, “Reside in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass, We will bring you all together.” The modern state of Israel was promised by British and its allies and not by G-d. In ancient Israel, G-d had prepared Moses for 80 years to lead His people Israel. 1948+80= 2028 may be the complete systematic dismantling of the modern state of Israel by God All-mighty. It is a heresy/unholy to think that Jews shall administer Temple Mount/Jerusalem as it had been clear in the Holy scripture that descendants of Ishmael/Arabs had been ordained by G-d to administer Jerusalem/Temple Mount. In Hebrew Bible, Devarim 32:17 reads as follows: "They sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known, new gods that had come recently, whom your ancestors had not feared". The medieval commentator Ibn Ezra suggested that the “new gods” mentioned in this verse were actually the gods of foreign nations that the Israelites had come into contact with. "new gods" is today's Zionism. Zionism is a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. The movement initially emerged in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement in the late 19th century, both in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as a consequence of Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment. Since the establishment of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports “the development and protection of the State of Israel”. One cannot deny that the conflicts in the middle-east is caused by the Zionism movement and the violations of the 3 Oaths made by the Jews found in the Talmud (Song of Songs 2:7, 3:5, 8:4): The Oaths: First Oath: Israel should not ascend to the land in a wall (i.e., en masse or forcefully). Second Oath: The Holy One adjured Israel not to rebel against the nations of the world. Third Oath: The Holy One adjured the nations not to oppress Israel excessively. Jews worldwide are now paying the price for the violations of the 3 Oaths Zionism ("new gods") is only around 100 years old. It is the transformation from religion to nationalism, to materialism created by non-religious Jews who hated their religion. The reason why they use the name Israel, the Star of David, hijacking, stealing the identity of Judaism and the Jewish people is in order to gain a legitimacy for their existence that should lead people to say, 'oh, it is God given to them' and that they should use fear and intimidate people from speaking out against their actions because they will call those that do anti Semitic; it couldn't be anything further from the Truth. Leviticus 26:18 “And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.” Qur'an 62:5 "The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books]. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people."
@elmamounlayal1416 10 месяцев назад
Come on Mr Rabbi you know the truth as you know your kids and you know that islam is the truth and the real muslims are not the enemy of any body ,we worship one Allah one God ,Islam is one message to save humanity and not for one ethnicity ,we are all in this earth servants of God and we seek his forgivness and mercy Salam/Shalom
@HatovimLeTayis 9 месяцев назад
Quran is a man made book full with human errors. Virtually all the rabbis who were contemporaries of the first Muslims declared Muhammad to be a rambling fool. Islams purpose was to civilize the pagan Arabs who buried children alive, but it can’t hold a candle to the depth of Judaism. The original monotheistic faith. Untarnished by empires. Islam and Xtianity proselytize. Judaism never does, because the truth doesn’t need to run. Only imposters run and scream that ‘their’ religion is the truth for all of mankind. Just like you. A proud fool. Ignorant as they come. I could disprove the false prophet Muhammad within ten minutes, but you would probably chop my head off out of sheer anger. You people virtually idolize Muhammad, as you collectively become enraged the minute someone laughs at your fake prophet. How insecure can you be? Muhammad was nothing but an illiterate warlord, who still pays the price for his sins. Jealous, proud and murderous. An agent of evil, who executed the Jewish men of Medina and forced their women and children into conversion to his fake religion. We will never forget. May G’d erase his soul from existence after he has paid the final interest on his sins, which still breed new sins today.
@BarHawa 8 месяцев назад
When we say Judaism,we are referring to the Torah in general. Judaism as you know is a modern term but everyone who's familiar with Orthodox Judaism knows that one who follows Torah is called someone on the derech or the path. This path is of course Torah. Jews have a different role from Noahides but both exist for a reason because both have different jobs to fulfill. Everyone is rewarded indiscriminately of his status but in regards to his personal effort. Muslims yourselves will admit that at some point God did guide the Jews as a nation chosen for his message but eventually they sinned and it was taken from them due to sin. In the same token you admit that those who followed the Hanif were present in every nation of the world. So if the chosen Jews of the past could exist alongside the non Jewish followers of the Hanif, what's so problematic about us who claim that we still have the dynamic. Torah is for everyone but everyone has different roles. Would you say it's unfair that someone who's not from Nigeria can't be Mahdi because he wasn't born to the Quraysh? Obviously not. You maintain that Jesus came to regurgitate whatever remained of the Torah and yet we still have the Torah of Moses our teacher as our means of transmission meet your own standards ,we do not privately interpret verses like christians or liberal Muslims but we maintain what we pasken(rule) in accordance with what's been passed down from Moses to his students leading down to our present generation . This disallows any room for human error . Unlike Protestant Christians we do not hold to reading scriptures according to what it seems to be saying, our contextual reading of the texts is consistently based on the commentaries that have always accompanied them from our teaches and sages, going back to the Prophets. As even Moses mandated such in Deuteronomy 17. To continue on the Noahide premise. God calls Jews a nation of priests, priests to whom? To God. On behalf of whom? The whole world,Jews are called the firstborn nation. This doesn't necessitate that they're the oldest but rather a case of primacy in role. That's why Jews are judged harsher than the other nations because they inherited the Torah from Sinai and accepted it as a nation. They are told in the Gemara that, because we all come from Adam. One cannot arrogantly boast his pedigree over another. We are all sons of one father. Other places in the Torah,the cause of the foreigner is to be upheld justly. We see that Jews were also mandated with sacrificing for the sake of the 70 nations yearly. The Sages of old stating that if the Gentile nations knew just how important the Temple was for them, they'd have set armies around it to protect them. Furthermore Josephus records ancient Noahides as sending constant tribute to the temple and archeologists have discovered evidence that Noahides all throughout the Mediterranean worshipped in Synagogues alongside Jews. Then this separation between Jew and Gentile is not one that is insidious in nature as you are led to assume. You as a Muslim and others as Christians hold a sense of exclusivity to those who are not of your fold. You go so far as mandating that people must live like Muhammad or Jesus , doing things as they did to prove themselves worthy. In contrast, Judaism allows the nations of the world to retain their own sense of identity while also worshipping the same God,I do not have to give up who I was born as a person to accommodate the God of Israel. For in his foreknowledge and wisdom he brought us all forth from different nations and families. Jews are simply the ones charged with transmitting this knowledge, guarding the words of Torah with their very lives. This message of ethical behavior universal sense of monotheism is the most peaceful and natural by extension. Finally being a Jew doesn't guarantee you favor before God. Being a Maamin(believer) does. Freud was a Jew and he's in hell. Naaman the Assyrian was a Gentile. Following the Torah is the path for all mankind.
@GeorgeEsterhuysen-vv1bz 7 месяцев назад
The muslim allah(muhammad)is not a spirit The God of the Jews and the Christians are a spirit
@user-pk9yx6hy9z 6 месяцев назад
@@BarHawa Everything you said are just incorrect justifications. It is simply that God really chose the Jews among the nations, and made a covenant with them, but do you think that this covenant is eternal and without conditions? Everyone knows that any covenant must have conditions, and the condition is simply obedience to God and not disobeying Him. All of this is mentioned in the Qur’an. God said in the Qur’an, “And when We took a covenant with you and raised above you the mountain: “Take what We have given you firmly, and remember what is in it that you may become righteous.” And God also said, “And God took a covenant with the Children of Israel, and We sent from among them twelve captains, and God said, ‘Indeed, I am with you. You have performed the prayer, and you have given the zakat, and you have believed in My messengers, and you have encouraged them, and you have lent to God a good loan, that I may make amends for you. I come to you and will certainly admit you to Gardens beneath which rivers flow. So whoever of you disbelieves after that has strayed from the right path. } 12﴾ These are the terms of the covenant God also said, “O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill My covenant. I will fulfill your covenant, and fear Me. (40) That is, if the children of Israel keep their covenant, God will also keep His covenant with them. But did the Jews keep their covenant with God? Of course not. The history of the Jews is a history full of images of disbelief and maliciousness, treachery and betrayal. Their hands were contaminated with every hideous abomination, starting with seeking and slandering the prophets, and ending with killing them and shedding their blood. Between those two crimes are multiple crimes, and various forms of rebellion and disobedience, and one is astonished and bewildered by the continuation of these people in their disbelief. And their indulgence in their wrongdoing, they are not considered a warning, and they are hardly intimidated by a punishment. A mountain was raised above them as a threat, but they did not repent or return. They were sentenced to wandering for forty years, but they did not refuse or repent. They were given manna and quail, and they asked for garlic and onions. Talking about the positions of the Jews is an exciting one, as it tells of a very strange character, a complex character, whose psychological structure and way of thinking one is almost unable to understand. Despite all the attempts at reform led by the prophets and apostles to correct the distortion of the Jews, all their attempts failed, and there was no solution. Prophet, except that he suffered from them the most severe suffering, and complained of them to God Almighty, and even from their prophets who cursed them, as God Almighty said: {He cursed those who disbelieved among the Children of Israel on the tongue of David and Jesus son of Mary. That is because they disobeyed and transgressed.} (Al-Maeda: 78) This is only because they are people of evil and corruption.
@user-pk9yx6hy9z 6 месяцев назад
Examples of Jewish disobedience The children of Israel demanded the worship of idols : It was no secret to the children of Israel - whom Moses, peace be upon him, expelled from Egypt by a divine miracle, and escaped with them from the plots and oppression of Pharaoh - that Moses was a messenger from God, who came with His monotheism and the call to Him, and yet it had not been long since their exodus from Egypt. They were saved from Pharaoh except for a short time until the children of Israel asked Moses for a very strange request, as they passed by a people who were devoted to their idols, and they said, O Moses: “Make for us a god as they have gods.” He said, “You are an ignorant people” (Al-A’raf: 138). Oh God, how could they ask the Prophet of Monotheism to make them an idol to worship? Or was their exodus from Egypt and their salvation from the sea not a blessing that requires praise and thanks to God for the blessings He bestowed upon them? What minds are those that denied a blessing when only a few events have passed? These are the minds of the Jews. And their dreams!! . The Children of Israel worshiped idols. Perhaps one might think that in Moses’ rebuke - peace be upon him - to the Children of Israel when they asked to worship idols, by saying: {You are an ignorant people} (Al-A’raf: 138). Perhaps one might think that there is something in this rebuke that would deter the Children of Israel from repeating their request to do so. The future of their days, but this matter will never happen. Neither rebuke nor reprimand was effective in correcting their crookedness, correcting their deviation, or removing the seed of polytheism from their hearts. As soon as Moses, peace be upon him, went to Mount Tur to commune with his Lord, the Samaritan gathered the ornaments of the Children of Israel and fashioned a calf from it. He bellowed, so the children of Israel prostrated to him and worshiped him. They were amazed. Yesterday, not long ago, Moses rebuked them for their request to worship idols, and today they ignore Moses’ rebuke and prostrate themselves to a calf they made with their own hands. O God, what ignorant minds there are!! The Children of Israel were asking to see the Creator, Glory be to Him. After that heinous act in which the Children of Israel had joined God Almighty, and the coming of Moses, peace be upon him, and his anger at them because of their polytheism, they wanted to repent to God, Glory be to Him, so Moses chose seventy men from his people to speak with God and repent to Him, Glory be to Him, but The children of Israel, their lowly souls, refuse to show rebellion even in times of repentance and dialogue with the Creator, Glory be to Him. The children of Israel asked Moses, peace be upon him, to show them God openly, Glory be to God, or are they not coming to repent, repent, and turn to God, so why should they ask something that is forbidden by law? This world, because our souls cannot bear to see the Creator in their current human condition, and what is worse than that is that they conditioned their faith in Moses on the occurrence of the vision, as if their belief in him, peace be upon him, was a kindness they would extend to him, and a charity they would give to him in charity. The Almighty said, reminding the Children of Israel of that shameful situation: {And when you said O Moses, we will not believe in you until we see God plainly, so the thunderbolt took you while you were watching” (Al-Baqarah: 55). So look at these rebellious souls, and look at the shallowness of their faith, and their lack of reverence for their Lord, Glory be to Him. The children of Israel rebel against God's laws and laws . Can you imagine - my dear reader - a people on whose heads God raises a great mountain, then God Almighty commands them to listen to His command and obey His law, and they respond to Him by saying, “We heard and we disobeyed.” When the mountain was about to collapse on them, they were forced to prostrate, but they prostrated in a split way, and they looked at... The mountain is on the other side, so God removed the torment from them out of mercy for them. These are the Jews who are the source of rebellion and stubbornness, so what can we comment on their doing that? Tongues are unable to describe these people and the intensity of their stubbornness and rebellion. God Almighty said, narrating that situation about them: {And when We took your covenant and raised above you the Mount. “Take what We have given you with strength, and remember what is in it that you may become righteous.” (Al-Baqarah: 63) And the Almighty said: “And when We took your covenant and raised above you the Mount: Take what We have given you with strength, and listen.” They said, “We hear and disobey.” (Al-Baqarah: 93) And He also said: “And when We surrounded the mountain above them as if it were a canopy, and they thought. Indeed, it will happen to them: “Take what We have given you with strength, and remember what is in it that you may become righteous.” (Al-A’raf: 171).
@abuanaschowdhury299 11 дней назад
Genesis 17 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible where God establishes His covenant with Abraham. Here is a summary of its key points: 1. **God's Covenant with Abraham**: - When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him and identified Himself as "God Almighty" (El Shaddai). He commanded Abram to walk before Him faithfully and be blameless (Genesis 17:1). - God then reiterated His covenant with Abram, promising to make him the father of a multitude of nations. As a sign of this promise, God changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning "father of many" (Genesis 17:2-5). - God also changed Sarai's name to Sarah, promising that she would be a mother of nations and that kings of peoples would come from her (Genesis 17:15-16). 2. **Promise of Isaac**: - God promised that Sarah would bear a son, whom they were to name Isaac. This son would be the child of the covenant (Genesis 17:19-21). - Despite Abraham's plea for Ishmael, God clarified that while Ishmael would be blessed and become a great nation, the covenant would be established with Isaac (Genesis 17:18-21). 3. **Circumcision as the Sign of the Covenant**: - God instituted circumcision as a physical sign of the covenant. Every male in Abraham's household, including slaves and those bought with money, was to be circumcised. This act was to be performed on the eighth day after birth (Genesis 17:9-14). - Abraham immediately obeyed God's command, circumcising himself, his son Ishmael, and every male in his household that very day. Ishmael was thirteen years old at the time (Genesis 17:23-27). The chapter emphasizes the importance of obedience to God's commands, the establishment of a lasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants, and the special role of Isaac as the child of promise while still acknowledging God's blessings on Ishmael.
@Sara-jb6zl 7 месяцев назад
Great Kvod Harav Thank you
@faisalalan8633 6 дней назад
والدي إسماعيل صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه...
@schiavitu1609 9 месяцев назад
The arab father Ishmael 🥰🇸🇦
@nikolastanic2999 7 месяцев назад
1:01:05 algebra الجبر just to mention. Not the mention supreme knowledge of medicine and physics.
@Subuzgreatest 7 месяцев назад
Most medical practices in the bronze age come from India. Most physics come from Germany. Stop lying.
@redsix5165 2 месяца назад
1:28:58 i was listening to another lecture and I think he spoke of the same incident with R. Gamliel except from the POV of the next nasi, who filled the bet midrash with students. If you dont believe in coincidence, I think this incident is meant to connect sarei with gamliel. I think we learn that gamliel wanted everyone who entered the bet midrash a certain unobtainable perfection of character…(if its the same story, the next nasi who took over was young and his hair turned white)…so being denied “entry” to avram’s tent is somewhat the parallel. Now i wonder if measure for measure is that the arab’s deny israel. For example: the dome of the rock…and their behavior generally was to place their landmarks on other peoples holy places as a sign of dominating them….because sarei’s act was to dominate her and not one of rachamim- so in cutting hagar apart from these open miracles- in a moment of haste i assume - she revealed (perhaps) that she was not yet ready to host the nation of Hashem - and thus she needed to make this mistake in order to perfect herself
@iceliadias 3 года назад
Rabbi, I tried to check your website from the link here on your channel, and it seems to be a broken link. Is there are website for your teachings? Todah-rabah
@AbrahamBenhaim 3 года назад
I have no website. My e-mail address is: Ravsofer@gmail.com
@Zizou959 Год назад
@@AbrahamBenhaimmonsieur Le rabbin . Je suis un marocain musulman . Vos paroles sur les arabes sont très impolis, arrogants et blessants. J’ai une haute estime pour les marocains juifs . J’espère vraiment qu’ils ne partagent pas tous les mêmes idées que vous , sinon nous sommes vraiment mal pris . Et comment vous pouvez parler si froidement de votre nourrice Zahia alors qu’elle vous a probablement considéré comme son fils … Au niveau des arguments théologiques, mohamed est un vrai prophète d’Allah. Et les preuves sont nombreuses ( beaucoup de prophéties qui sont entrain de se réaliser l une après l autre et se sont des prophéties clair où il n y’a pas besoin d’interprétation ) il avait aussi performé des miracles puissants qui ont eu beaucoup de témoins ( il a divisé la lune en deux et la rejoint , et toute l’Arabie, même ses ennemis, l’ont vu et l ont accusé se sorcellerie pour justifier cela ) . Enfin, de la genèse , Dieu dit qu’il va Bénir la progéniture de Ismael . Or, c’est logique que cette bénédiction vienne de l islam . Comment Dieu peut réellement bénir une nation si ce n’est en leur faisant sortir des ténèbres de l’idolaterie ? Enfin , l’argument le plus simple c’est que le message de ce messager est vrai . C’est la seul religion mise à part le judaisme qui prône le vrai monothéisme sans notions bizarroïdes . Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous refusez d’attester que L’islam est une religion envoyé par le créateur . Les signes sont pourtant super clair .
@mohamedjama1625 5 дней назад
@@AbrahamBenhaim you are a racist man. You know you are teaching falsehood. The blasphemy you are spreading against sahra Ibrahim and the righteous people is shameful. They where not Jew nor Christian but they submit their self to god/Allah. To think that god has chosen you is crazy. God chooses only the righteous person no matter his race. Ugly ideology you are spreading. Don’t work god promise hell for deceivers like you.
@Himmat100 7 дней назад
Alhumdullillah for being a Muslim.....We dont slander, backbite and spread hate as these fellows.
@Zainab_salat 6 месяцев назад
😂😂😂😂rabbi phophet Abraham was not jew ot Christian. Jacob was jew and his kids 12 tribe stop lying. Ismail and isaac buried their father together
@jzaibkhan7864 22 дня назад
1: King 22:22 "And the spirit replied, I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his Prophets. You will surely entice him and prevail, said the God. Go and do it." 2: Thessalonians 2:11 "So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies."
@fadilkekic2536 3 дня назад
When I was studying competitive religion at university we had some serious discussions on why Jews were “chosen” people. One reason was monotheism but it’s not true. Let’s start with fact that Abraham was not a Jew an do he was monotheistic in his conception of ONE God. Then we can see that some tribes in Africa ware monotheistic even before we have recording of Abraham. But it was oral tradition and that’s why we don’t have so much writing of their beliefs. Another concept was that Jewish “chosen” was due to the moral standing and ethical conduct. But if you looks att Jewish belief and how they see warfare you will not find ANYTHING moral about it. Like the terrorist and PM who quote passage on Amelk, Justifying killing children, women, non combatants and even animals. For that reason the concept of Jewish moral “role model” is failing.
@abuanaschowdhury299 12 дней назад
Here are the passages from the Torah where God curses Jews are outlined, specifically from the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy: Leviticus 26:14-39 (Curses for Disobedience) Leviticus 26:14-17 (NIV): 14 “’But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, 15 and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, 16 then I will do this to you: I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and sap your strength. You will plant seed in vain, because your enemies will eat it. 17 I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you. The passage continues with more specific curses and consequences for disobedience. Deuteronomy 28:15-68 (Curses for Disobedience) Deuteronomy 28:15-19 (NIV): 15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: 16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country. 17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed. 18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. 19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out. This chapter continues with an extensive list of curses that include disease, drought, defeat, and exile.
@user-cg2zc8oi3e 5 месяцев назад
Ishmael -God will hear him , Isac don't have El , Israel /Jacob yes it have , but God hears more Ishmaelis then Isac:s children.
@molivson 5 месяцев назад
Bahahahahaha. Deluded much?
@user-cg2zc8oi3e Месяц назад
@@molivson Go look lectures of rabbie Danial Lapin and you will seee.
@gndggqsq-rp5rj 23 дня назад
@@molivson no u
@AbrahamBenhaim 7 дней назад
We shall see soon
@alfapaul5593 Год назад
16 minutes That the Arabs occupied the land of Israel for 1000 years. Please rabbi tell us if Arabs fought the Jews and drove them out of the land? Please tell us if the Jews had been driven out of the land by the Roman some 700 years before the Arabs arrived in the land. Rabbi tell us whom the Arabs fought and defeated before settling on the land. Rabbi please tell us how many wars did the Jews fought and lost against the Roman before they the Roman finally drove them out of the land? The Arabs upon defeating the Roman allowed you ungrateful folks return to the land and lived and observed your religion together with the defeated Christians. The Christians wage another war against the Arabs rule in the land killing Arabs and Jews and took over the rule of the land for the second time. Many years later the Arabs retook the land from the Christians and again the Jews enjoyed another peaceful period in the land until 1947 when Jews took over the land. Rabbi did you forget about the golden age in Spain? Is not the same Arabs Muslims who defeated the Christians of Spain and established an environment in which you were able to study the Torah and raised to high level in the Muslims established government. The work of Rambam was made possible because of tolerance environment established by the Arabs Muslims. Rabbi, do you think Rambam could have find it easy to accomplished his work had he lived in the Christians land. Your history even tells us that it was European Jews who burned some of Rambam books. How many of you ungrateful folks will dare to burn Rambam books today? Hashem used Ishmael through prophet Mohammed to relived Jews from Christians torture. Jews lived a better life in every Christians land the Arabs liberated. Rabbi give us events in which Arabs Muslims burned Jews religion books or prevent them from studying the Torah compared what the Christians did to you and your books. Folks like you cry when people deny the holocaust but some of you can come to say that your suffering with Ishmael is greater than the holocaust. Hashem used Ishmael through prophet Mohammed to saved you from being completely destroyed by the Christians. If not for Ishmael through prophet Mohammed we could have had four billion’s people who believe that Jesus is Hashem. Didn’t your Rambam tells you that Arabs of his time are not idols worshippers? So Arabs have been worshiping and praying to Hashem since when they took the holy land from the Christians. According to you, Hashem hears the prayers of Arabs Muslims because Ishmael means, God hears.
@OmarOsman98 Год назад
They are liars and deceptive. Ishmael AS was a prophet of Allah and the Almighty Wise One promised to Ibrahim AS that his descendants would be blessed with a messenger
@alfapaul5593 Год назад
@@OmarOsman98 I don’t know if rabbi Mizrachi knows that he lies sometime or not. He did made false statements about issues which He doesn’t have knowledge and sometime he lied intentionally. There are times that he spoke the truth about issues concerning Arabs and Muslims. There was a video where he admitted that the name Allah has Jewish root which some Christians always denied. He said in another video that the Arabs contributed nothing to Technology and science and he claimed that the only areas Arabs are good is in food. He believed that Arabs are good in cooking.
@OmarOsman98 Год назад
@@alfapaul5593 Allah is not originally a Hebrew word. It is a Semitic word.
@alfapaul5593 Год назад
@@OmarOsman98 Please show me where it’s stated in my comments that Allah is Hebrew word ?
@HatovimLeTayis Год назад
Muhammad wasn’t a prophet. Just a jealous warlord with 13 wives and a huge lust for blood. With an ego the size of the moon. Nothing holy about this clown. Muhammad couldn’t even walk in the shadow of Bilam. Let alone Aaron and Moshe. Any random rabbi in the past 1500 years already has oceans of knowledge more than this illiterate rambling fool seemingly called Muhammad.
@alfapaul5593 Год назад
You are no more in exile today and where is the moshiah? Why Torah didn’t tell us that you will have the land before the moshiah?
@catherinesimpson6671 7 месяцев назад
They're not the real Israel...
@JustKate43 7 месяцев назад
@@catherinesimpson6671 Ezekiel 38-39, Zachariah 12,13,14. Need Israel for these latter day prophesies to be fulfilled. Interesting that the attack happened on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Who of the nations will remain? Zachariah 14:16?
@user-pk9yx6hy9z 6 месяцев назад
@@JustKate43 Your covenant with God ended the day God sent you Jesus, the savior you were waiting for when he came to you , you wanted to crucify him. Jesus was the last of the prophets of the Children of Israel. After that, the covenant passed to the descendants of Ishmael. This is the bitter truth that broke the hearts of your rabbis and they could never accept it. However, there is one last chance for you, there is another return for Christ Jesus, peace be upon him, but I think that you will follow the Antichrist, and you will not recognize the true Christ because of your disobedience and rebellion. God has obliterated your insight and an eternal curse has fallen upon you, a curse that the Jews have inherited from generation to generation.
@Truth_come_to_perish_falsehood 7 дней назад
Jewish people reject the notion that Jesus is the Messiah; So from their perspective, the servant of Isaiah 42 stands as an unfulfilled prophecy of nearly three thousand years as their Messiah is yet to arrive. Now there is a serious issue with this understanding. We’ve already seen that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) fulfils all the criteria mentioned in Isaiah 42, so the question must be asked: why would Isaiah set out criteria that can be fulfilled by individual (Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) other than the Messiah, if it is indeed the Messiah to whom Isaiah 42 refers? If Isaiah is speaking of the Messiah, then we would expect that he would set out criteria that only the Messiah can fulfil. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of prophecy in the first place, because prophecies are supposed to be specific. Because, one notices from the Gospel of John (1:19-21) that the Jews were waiting for the fulfillment of three distinct prophecies. And The 3rd was the coming of the Prophet (Muhammad ﷺ. An Arabian Prophet), from their brethern (brother tribes, the Arabs), who will be very like Prophet Moses mentioned in Duetornomy 18:18 to fulfill the prophecies of Isaiah 42 to become a light for the gentiles meaning non-Jews or non-Christians and a covenant for the people clearly mentioned in Isaiah 42:6 to bring justice ⚖️ to the nations (Isaiah 42:1). This is obvious from the 3 questions that were posed to John the Baptist: “Now this was John’s testimony, when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Christ.” They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” (John 1:19-21) From this we conclude that Jesus Christ is not the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18. Because Prophet Muhammad brought a new Law like Moses unlike Jesus (peace by upon them all). Yes, Sharia law is mentioned in Isaiah 42:4 and Isaiah 42:21. Prophet (ﷺ) became a light for the Gentiles and a covenant for the people as per Isaiah 42:6. Don't they (Christians and jews) see❓ Both prophet Muhammad and Moses (peace be upon them) were brought up in their enemies' houses, appeared among idolaters (Isaiah 42:7-8), were at first rejected by their own people and afterward accepted by them. Both were given comprehensive law code of life (Isaiah 42:21), both encountered their enemies (Isaiah 42:4) and were victors in miraculous ways (Isaiah 42:13-17), both were accepted as prophets/statesmen and both migrated to Medina (Biblical Midian) following conspiracies to assassinate them (Isaiah 42:11). Both (prophet Moses and Muhammad) enabled their followers to conquer the Palestine. The natural birth, family life and death of Moses and Muhammad but not Jesus. (Peace be upon them all)---These correlations prove that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Prophet according to Deuteronomy 18:18 who Will be very like Prophet Moses to fullfil the prophecies of Isaiah 42 to become a light for the gentiles (non-Jews or non-Christians) and a covenant for the people clearly mentioned in Isaiah 42:6 to bring justice ⚖️ to the nations (Isaiah 42:1). Being linked to Kedar and Sela geographically as well as Prophet Muhammad’s genealogy is also linked. His lineage can be traced back to Ishmael directly through Kedar: Abraham > Ismael > Kedar > Adnan > Nizar > Kinanah > Ghalib > Murrah > Qusai > Hasim > Abdul Muttalib > Abdullah > Muhammad [This verse (Isaiah 42:11) pinpointed the exact location of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the city of Medinah in Saudi Arabia.Yes Isaiah 42:11 spoke about the rejoice by the people of the village of (Ishmael's 2nd son) Kedar at the advent of the Prophet Muhammad. And it also hints that the final Prophet (Arabian Messenger) will rise from the City of Medina to eliminate the idolatry and establish justice ⚖️ of God throughout the world 🌎] And we can also see In Bible 📖 Isaiah 42:19 & 42:24 'the Nation of Israel' is also explicitly identified as the blind and condemned people therefore the guiding and righteous servant (Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the Arabian prophet) must be someone other than Israel. Just who is this condemned people? Isaiah makes it clear that the people of condemnation is none other than the nation of Israel: Who is blind like the one in covenant with me, blind like the servant of the Lord? [Isaiah 42:19] The “one in covenant with me” is a clear reference to the nation of Israel who were in covenant with God at the time Isaiah made this prophecy. Isaiah goes on to make it even more explicit: Who handed Jacob over to become loot, and Israel to the plunderers? [Isaiah 42:24] Yes, 📖 Isaiah 42:17-25 talks about those blind pagans Arabs, Romans, Persians etc. and also those Jews and Christians who rejected the final Prophet (Muhammad ﷺ) of the Bible.
@Manhua328 6 дней назад
dont expect too much from these liars
@SaidIssa-tq3yv 2 дня назад
Kizab Rabbi.
@catherinesimpson6671 7 месяцев назад
Oh, this is funny😅
@NoumanKhan-pb4zk 7 дней назад
We Muslims do not reject the Torah which was revealed to Prophet Moses,Musa,Mushe(Pbuh). We Muslims already know that where is that original Torah of Moses(Pbuh). and we also know that how the original Gospel of Jesus(Pbuh) was changed. i can't tell you here but i will give u a little hint or a point. (The Law of Moses or the Law of one True God is like someone living in a prison. especially for those earlier people). And Prophet Ishmael (Ismael Pbuh). Ishamel(Pbuh) behave is you see in your book is not that real. i think your book saying that Ishmael behave was not good so that's why Abraham apart from Hagar and Ishmael(Peace be upon them). actually it's not the fact. the fact is God told to Abraham that bring Hagar and Ishmael to desert (Saudi Arabia) and leave them. why God said this ? Because it was the plan of God to make a new nation from Ishmael(Pbuh). it was plan to raise from them a last prophet(Pbuh). because from him before the previous prophets scriptures were no more preserved. and also Muhammad(Pbuh) was came for whole of Mankind. and Abraham already knew that there is comming a last prophet from them. that's why he left them in a desert. i don't say u r wrong. but maybe you don't know much about Islam. because Islam is from beginning. "Submission to God" is from beginning. And last thing. We Muslims already know that only Islam is left for whole of Mankind. we Muslim already know that Qur'an is the TRUE word of GOD. Only Qur'an is left preserved for everyone. If you read the Qur'an you will understand the TRUTH. you will understand that this book is realy from one TRUE GOD. and i can proof that from Qur'an. it have Logic,Math, Signs and Scientific Proofs. Quran is a Miracle of the Miracles Quran is saying these 👇 1: The body of Pharoah will be kept for next generation as a listen. 2: The waves of ocean are not only on surface but in the oceans too. 3: The body pain is in the skin. 4: The name "Haman" mentioned in Qur'an as a worker of Pharoah. and today it is discovered in egypt Haman named person and worker. even his statue too. while Torah and Bible don't have that name. 5: Those names of Idols exactly mentioned in time of Abraham. while Torah and Bible don't have those names. 6: There was a liar in time of Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh). God revealed a verse for him. God says "I will seized him from his forehead, his lying sinful forehead. today scientist discovered that Human lying movement is in forehead. 7: Embriology. The whole process of baby making in Mother's womb. 8: The most schoking one "The Big Bang Of Universe" mentioned in Qur'an. 9: The biggest Miracle is this Book revealed to a Person who didn't know how to read and write. and this perfect book was recited by him. is this not a Miracle ?. Yes it is. And there is much more Miracles in Qur'an. And still the Jews and Christians are saying this Book is copied from Torah and Bible. because they don't want to read it. they don't want to see the sun. i close my eyes and i say there is no sun. Qur'an is undeniable book. it is for whole of Mankind. Our Last Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) was the most TRUTHFUL and HONEST. even before of his Prophethood people called him Honest and Trustworthy. Glory be to God. Peace. ❤️✌️
@zebakhawaja 4 месяца назад
We all need each other... you dont accept Gid as One. ❤ You need humble yourself.
@angurmiah3212 2 дня назад
You also refused Jesus as well
@S23906 7 месяцев назад
That's why islm is savage and uncivilized still now.
@kickrocks71 6 месяцев назад
It’s basically the same as Judaism only it invites everyone. It’s against ethnic superiority, but Judaism says “gentiles” will serve Jews. Very elitist idea.
@S23906 6 месяцев назад
@@kickrocks71 Judaism doesn't coerce people to it's base. Don't take literal meaning of serving. They will take all people on earth to next level. God people still occupy only meagre amount of earth and not prophecised for ruling whole earth.
@lorenzochimelis7359 28 дней назад
No sir her pregnancy WAS THE IMMEDIATE WILL OF GOD made abundantly clear that child was never meant to experience the corruption thst was to come with Isaac thus rabbi calls Ismael a fierce proponent of the law of god who is uncompromising and committed and that rabbi is the definition of those called in tanahk. The RIGHTEOUS REMNANT read it and weep
@user-rj5db6nt4i 3 месяца назад
Yishmael was Itzhak 's brother..... Itzhak had Jacob who was Israël. Thus Yishmael was Israel 's great uncle . As simple as that everything else IS man-made stories to cover up....an old " mistake" the day B'nai Israël chose to become Jews....and abandon the Mosaic LAW Hence the Torah itself....and stick to Mishnats and Talmudses
@user-ir6rm7yq7n 17 дней назад
Ishmael was Jacobs uncle by paternal Abraham...Isaac was proof of Abraham's faith...to HaShem.
@JustKate43 7 месяцев назад
Shalom Rabbi, thank you. 🙏❤️🇮🇱
@AbrahamBenhaim 7 дней назад
Gd Bless you
@altafahmadbhat5896 8 дней назад
You're not even half a percent, even if you guys are put on the shoulder
@zebakhawaja 4 месяца назад
Is history repeats itself??? Over 3000 years ago, Israel controlled USA which at that time was called Edom. Edom had good trade relations with the Arabs, Egypt and Persian nations, which Israel envied. Israel threatened Edom(America)to bring down the twin trade mounts(buildings) of Edom, Israel then bombed down the Twin Mounts which started a worldwide war. To stop Israel from attacking, they made peace and started funding Israel. Israel and Edom then started it's terrorist attacks in Egypt, Arabic and Persian states just to make Israel happy. After America turnt Israel into a Great Monster that couldn't be controlled anymore, breaking alall Universal Divine Laws and International Commands and Order, Edom revolted, and Israel no longer had control over Edom. A worldwide war began, which ended Israel 3000 yrs ago due to their curruption and hatred. Again, Israel was behind bombing the Twin Trade towers(mounts) in America for having good trade relations with Egypt, UAE and Iran and Afghanistan and Pakistan. Israel envy and hatred for Christians and Mose'lims countries is well known. USA after being threatened and attacked by Israel, continously funded Israel out of fear, and started attacking king Arabs, Egypt and Persian countries to make Israel happy. Again history is repeating. Now, Israel has completely lost control over USA. Will Israel lose again???
@anashousni9075 Месяц назад
Disgusting ideas
@mo546 14 дней назад
What alot of BS
@abuanaschowdhury299 11 дней назад
Genesis 17 is a pivotal chapter in the Bible where God establishes His covenant with Abraham. Here is a summary of its key points: 1. **God's Covenant with Abraham**: - When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him and identified Himself as "God Almighty" (El Shaddai). He commanded Abram to walk before Him faithfully and be blameless (Genesis 17:1). - God then reiterated His covenant with Abram, promising to make him the father of a multitude of nations. As a sign of this promise, God changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning "father of many" (Genesis 17:2-5). - God also changed Sarai's name to Sarah, promising that she would be a mother of nations and that kings of peoples would come from her (Genesis 17:15-16). 2. **Promise of Isaac**: - God promised that Sarah would bear a son, whom they were to name Isaac. This son would be the child of the covenant (Genesis 17:19-21). - Despite Abraham's plea for Ishmael, God clarified that while Ishmael would be blessed and become a great nation, the covenant would be established with Isaac (Genesis 17:18-21). 3. **Circumcision as the Sign of the Covenant**: - God instituted circumcision as a physical sign of the covenant. Every male in Abraham's household, including slaves and those bought with money, was to be circumcised. This act was to be performed on the eighth day after birth (Genesis 17:9-14). - Abraham immediately obeyed God's command, circumcising himself, his son Ishmael, and every male in his household that very day. Ishmael was thirteen years old at the time (Genesis 17:23-27). The chapter emphasizes the importance of obedience to God's commands, the establishment of a lasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants, and the special role of Isaac as the child of promise while still acknowledging God's blessings on Ishmael.
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