
You’re Going To Jail! 

HonorYourOath Civil Rights Investigations
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17 сен 2024




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@ronaldjohnson7787 2 года назад
Watching cops who barely graduated high school trying to interpret and enforce law is way better than Netflix.
@GIspecialty 2 года назад
That cop puts his life on the line for people he does not know. Try it sometimes punk
@kyletrivett2892 2 года назад
@@GIspecialty The only thing putting his life on the line is multiple trips to Hardee's each week.
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
@ GIspecialty Active duty military during desert storm. Many, many people have sacrificed their safety and more for people they didn’t know personally. Real men don’t use that as an excuse to be a bully. At the cost of that officer’s salary, I need him doing something other than bothering good citizens and eating donuts.
@rb8819 2 года назад
@GIspecialty law enforcement is not even the top 20 dangerous jobs. Also you need to study case laws. It is not even their duty to protect us. So how is he even putting his life on the line
@Lex-Rex 2 года назад
@@GIspecialty LOL. SCOTUS already stated that police do not have to protect and serve -- they are order following statist cucks that fill the coffers of the state via extortion with the threat of violence and kidnapping. They are the bottom feeders of society. You be better off calling a crack head. I love my family and pets too much to ever call the police.
@POETCERA 2 года назад
Thank you Lt. Flowers for honoring your oath. Oh, and whomever lied about Jeff asking for money should be charged with making a false statement to the 'olice.
@smith6ar 2 года назад
Hahaha, the way he turned on a dime when you called him a dummy. What a fragile ego.
@ubiased23 2 года назад
because Jeffrey didn't kiss the officers ass. that made the officer in fear for his life.
@ivepeters 2 года назад
Because Jeff called his bluff, of a complainant.
@StopResistingPlease 2 года назад
Officer said I raise. Jeff is like ALL IN!!!!
@filmingislegalmoronfilm 2 года назад
I thought for sure he was going to slap cuffs on him for 'disorderly' or some other nonsense when he did that instant turnaround. Houston v Hill is the defense to an arrest like that.
@richardbadour1714 2 года назад
@@filmingislegalmoronfilm Just remember this type of cop will killed for nothing but fun!!! But beware any cop can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun and here he is! Shoot first! damn right! But in this case if this cop approach you, you should just start shooting because he going to kill you anyhow and you might as well be fighting back while he’s trying to kill you! You mean nothing to this kind of cop just dead rotten meat that’s all you are to him! We should need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! But if you can fight this one off it will be a good day! Some folks might have something to say about poor policing! Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Tony Timpa George Floyd Breonna Taylor Dontrell Stephens Antonio Arce age 14 Elexis Wilson Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old Chad Burnett Carlos Lopez Antonio Black Byron Williams Mario Matthews Jamie Britt Richard Barry Rodney lynch Dave Baker Mario Clark Ronald Greene Max Benson Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops) just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same time frame! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths tolls keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets from 2017 until March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people have been killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response reducing their taxpayers burdens!!! So when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cop to be careful….. So is the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes all 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoid by the government assassin squad to stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be able to fight the ticket and that would be easier to handle, hopefully! Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!!
@Niles-Guy 2 года назад
Who knew saying “ You dummy” had such a powerful effect on stopping the officer . It’s like hearing the breaks squeal 😜
@chasman9662 7 месяцев назад
That is Jeff's curseword when his government gets really tyrannical. "Big Dummy" is like "Chicken" to Marty in 'Back to the Future'.
@rontait6183 4 месяца назад
The cop recognized his name!
@asmodeus1274 20 дней назад
@brianszulwach5165 2 года назад
Great job Jeff!!! Cop harassing you without first investigating the "complaint" and then fully displaying ego overrides rational thought every time
@TheBooban 2 года назад
Just behave like thugs and try to run people off without checking anything. They don't take their jobs seriously, unprofessional.
@GIspecialty 2 года назад
You must be a genius.
@fetch2385 2 года назад
They try to take the easy route.
@imbalancedstatus8824 2 года назад
The Complainant is assumed to be truth Teller,,, and the called upon is the lying party.....
@MtgCoach 2 года назад
Dare I say, Hearsay?
@TheMarkonsociety 2 года назад
Excellent journalism 100 thumbs up!!!!
@DuggleBogey 2 года назад
Cop: "I'm going to get the complainant" starts walking and then thinks "Oh shit, I made that up."
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
Exactly what I thought. I would play poker with that guy!
@digitalchaos1980 2 года назад
@@blfzhn7716 😆🤣
@somebodyelse6673 2 года назад
I don't think he made that up. Several times before, Jeff has played back complainant calls to the cops where they said Jeff was soliciting. It's just another case of some Karen leaping to the conclusion that a cardboard sign = soliciting. The cop IS a dummy and a bully, but there's even odds he isn't lying about it.
@Token528 2 года назад
@@somebodyelse6673 isnt this considered loitering though, even if in public place
@StrawberryFields4ever65 2 года назад
@@Token528 Time, place and manner that is unusual for the public. During daylight hours and whenever citizens are allowed to enter buildings is NOT loitering!!!
@PHxNiteRider 2 года назад
I've been seeing these type of videos for over 10 years now! The whole police system needs to be put in check!
@Quazgaa Год назад
lol nice profile pic
@PHxNiteRider Год назад
@@Quazgaathx I like it too 😅
@mikek0135 19 дней назад
There's SOOO many bad cops out there, but there's also SOOO many good cops out, and the bad ones are ruining it for the good ones.
@qckndrty1 2 года назад
Jeff, you've got to turn the tables on them when they tell you they've received a complaint about you soliciting money. You need to demand that they contact and arrest that complaintant for lying and wasting taxpayer resources
@MWhite1481 2 года назад
@BackwoodsFilms 2 года назад
Trust me, they will never arrest those people. They enforce laws against who THEY want to enforce them upon, and they always side against anyone who knows their rights and/or who has a camera. Cops despise people with cameras.
@superque4 2 года назад
Well they're lying and from what I hear, it's nearly impossible to handcuff yourself.
@dennismood7476 2 года назад
ABSOLUTELY!!! It's called filing a FALSE police report.
@constanttraveler 2 года назад
I've seen several auditors make this rightful demand but the tyrants never do it
@Procrastinator411 2 года назад
Getting called a dummy is one of the least aggressive things he could do, but it hurts their ego so much that they can't let it go
@myfrestuff3453 2 года назад
"Let's go ahead and cut to the chase. You guys got one of two choices. Either respect that what I'm doing is a civil right, or you can violate my rights." - Jeffrey Marcus Gray (October 23, 2021)
@INDYOSKARS 2 года назад
A solid classic !
@ramonmartinez1262 2 года назад
Epic line!!!!! Loved it. Say it again Jeff
@kevinr6318 2 года назад
His ego turned him right around quick.
@mikek0135 19 дней назад
Well, he IS a big dummy.
@bobdanis9040 2 года назад
That old cop is violated people's rights before he was real quick to blame you for something he had no proof of he's probably got away with it over and over and over.
@mikefromwa 2 года назад
The fact is that most police officers are eager to arrest anyone, anytime, for anything, whether it's actually warranted or not.
@Mickard 2 года назад
When will these knuckleheads learn? Great job, sir!
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
Shortly before their own memorial service
@oldbroad7672 2 года назад
Their egos won't let them learn.
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. They should have learned these thing THOROUGHLY by the end of the first week of the academy! NOT 20+ YEARS INTO THEIR CAREERS!
@paulreider8321 2 года назад
Mr. Gray, you are a true American hero...thank you for taking the time to expose this insanity!!! God Bless the Homeless Vets!!!👊
@stillplayswithtrains1442 2 года назад
I laughed my tush off when you called him a dummie and he stopped in his tracks and turned around. But loved the other officer said you were doing nothing wrong and burst the dummy of a cops bubble. Epic
@TheBooban 2 года назад
The boss was still a dummy for training his underling like that.
@acommentator4452 2 года назад
i disagree. you are making a point, fine. but there is no need to be rude and insulting. there is no need to lower yourself like that. the man was doing a job, and you deliberately provoked him. ok, you have your rights, but state them calmly and politely. there is no excuse for calling him a dummy. and saying you'll sue the ass off him. i think you were lucky not to be arrested for being insulting and breach of the peace. i don't know the details of the law in that place, but you lose credibility when you behave like a truculent teenager. keep a civil mouth. it makes a much better case. remember these are human being, doing a quite ordinary job, for not much pay, and considerable risk. he has a wife and children to go home to, he doesn't set out to be horrible to you. so don't be rude to him.
@DavidSmith-bg3yy 2 года назад
@a commentator Keep deepthroating that boot. The fatbody cop threatened to arrest Mr. Gray for breaking zero laws, and you're defending it.
@gen3222 2 года назад
@@acommentator4452 Jeff doesn’t use that language to be a rude person but because that language is safeguarded by the first amendment. It’s part of the audit and he is seeing if they will respect his right to say such things.
@misplacedcajun2325 2 года назад
@@acommentator4452 Do you recall that the man you are speaking of (the officer) threatened to throw Jeff into a cage for absolutely no reason? I could only imagine how many times in the past he has facilitated caging men who also committed no crime.
@dgeer21 2 года назад
Jeff I was there Monday, in shelby, Cleveland county, and they still don’t know anything!! I wish I would’ve known, I would’ve came with you!!! I’m right down the road
@deborahnooneleftbehind9651 2 года назад
I live there and you are correct.. they have no idea🤷🏼‍♀️
@rgr3427 2 года назад
“God bless the US Constitution”, “God bless the homeless Veterns”, “God bless freedom of speech”. Words that all people need to hear. Guess suing them and him hit a nerve, the long yellow one running down his spine. He stopped in his walk when hearing someone stand up for their rights, guess he wasn’t expecting that.
@vic_tim7956 2 года назад
"YA DUMMY" was the trigger. Doubt he cared a whit about being sued - he most likely has the Fraternal Order 'Get out and stay out of Jail' Card in his back pocket and the City would be on the hook to pay.
@thagenet 2 года назад
God bless gay
@MrTheHillfolk 2 года назад
@@thagenet GOBBLES
@whylie1555 2 года назад
Which god? Yahweh, yeshua, Brahman, Krishna, Brahma, Attis. So many to choose from
@rgr3427 2 года назад
@@whylie1555 Any and all, your pick; that’s the point.
@williezar2231 2 года назад
After watching older videos I see Jeff has just about had it with these dummies. Still he remains calm. Well done and thank you for the good works.
@PeterOkeefe54 2 года назад
Jeff showing just how deeply held his belief is by turning around to be cuffed was the defining moment for the big DUMMY!!!
@stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад
Educating them one cop at a time. I admire your dedication.
@dungoncrazy2634 2 года назад
The most concerning thing about this is how quickly some of these officers escalate. Jeff wasn't acting aggressively at all. He was peacefully exercising his right to free speech, religion, assembly, redress, and press. Great job Jeff. Holding the feelings enforcement accountable.
@aaronm.3581 2 года назад
Jeff started calling him names. He escalated. Not that I am against testing the pigs with words.
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. Without doing a speck of investigating, and with his mind already made up, based on a "supposed" complainant, this cop came out rude, unprofessional, biased and aggressive. Its no wonder cops are killing people based solely off 911 calls.
@dungoncrazy2634 2 года назад
@@aaronm.3581 Freedom of speech and redress. Not against the law. The officer walked up to him giving unlawful directives and threatened him with jail for trespassing on the word of another individual. No proof an actual crime took place. Calling him a dummy was very appropriate. The only thing more appropriate would have been to call him a BIG Dummy.
@salt-ernativemedia1018 2 года назад
@@aaronm.3581 Cops have called me names before. And deservedly so, I can admit when I'm in the wrong. Sometimes you deserve a tongue lashing. Helps you self reflect and hold yourself accountable.
@aaronm.3581 2 года назад
@@dungoncrazy2634 I didn't say it was against the law. I also said I'm not against testing them with words. Are you blind?
@melaniem9433 2 года назад
Good job, thank you for getting Americans to learn and be proud of our Constitution!👏👏👏👏👏
Good one, Jeff. Teaching one dummy at a time is all anyone can do.
@imbalancedstatus8824 2 года назад
Did you see how the insult got his adrenaline pumping
@@imbalancedstatus8824 Yes.
@GIspecialty 2 года назад
Who taught you?
@@GIspecialty Life, it can dish out cruel lessons at the worst of times.
@bdozer3159 2 года назад
Yes, his ego made his head blow up 🤯
@michaelcarswell5654 2 года назад
Shelby NC, 30 minutes from my home, Thank you for what you do Mr. Jeff. I've been watching your work years. I believe you do a great service to all citizens.
@MrMjn5000 2 года назад
cop -"they don't want you here soliciting funds...we had a complaint someone said you were soliciting funds......subject is refusing to leave........i'm just telling you what i was told....." = i'm clueless and believe everything i'm told...... LT. - "he isn't breaking the law........" = at least the LT. has a brain and knows the law........jeff we appreciate all you do.. you are the best....
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable.
@jaketanner20001 2 года назад
Jeff thanks once again for spreading the word on our Constitution to the city's of Anerica. You are a true American Hero.
@0228mustang 2 года назад
Jeff taking care of business as usual! Love it!
@monoposto2285 2 года назад
I've been watching 1A auditors for some time now. A frequent theme is that cops state a complainant alleges an illegal act, and if such allegations were untrue could theoretically be filing a false police report. I have never seen any repercussions for the complainant in these instances of false reporting. If the cops explained to the complainant that they could be prosecuted for filing a false report perhaps civil rights education would be increased.
@donaldtrammel2475 2 года назад
Jeff’s been training officers for years.
@georgejeffries3566 2 года назад
Jeff should really be on city payroll and get compensated for all the legal training he provides!
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. They should have learned these thing THOROUGHLY by the end of the first week of the academy! NOT 20+ YEARS INTO THEIR CAREERS!
@LasVegasPitbull 2 года назад
Jeff-Thank you for your service for our citizens. 🙏🏽 Please stay safe. We all need you. Actually, we need about 10 million of you. 👍😁
@funandgamesvideo 2 года назад
When I watched your first video with your sign, I thought "boring". But very quickly I learned that it was another one of your strokes of GENIUS! The sign, vets, religion and rights all rolled into one huge TRAP for law enforcement when they don't due their due diligence, make assumptions, act on someones feelings, violate the law and your rights. With a few exceptions, it is clear that police officers almost never know the law and are way too lazy and arrogant to even bother to try to be professional. It is also clear that Police Chiefs are even worse than the officers, when they don't ensure their so called professional officers are not fully trained in the laws they enforce. Great Job Jeff!
@shoechew 2 года назад
Do the Dew.
@germaninsider7890 2 года назад
i would not word it as trap though ...
@MtgCoach 2 года назад
"Arrogant " yes, that's the word to describe most of what I see here!
@MtgCoach 2 года назад
@@germaninsider7890 Right, it's actually a "Citizen's Test" for police.
@chrisbudesa 2 года назад
Jeff knows exactly what he is doing. I do not think it is possible to have a sign with fewer words.
@bedpansniper 2 года назад
Watching from the UK 🇬🇧 I always enjoy a good walk of shame when the empty threat of arrest falls on educated ears!
@randolphfuller4681 2 года назад
God bless the cops that are ignorant of the law...Well done Jeff.
@Abraxis-Gnosis 2 года назад
Think they'd still mess with him if it said God bless the police.
@randolphfuller4681 2 года назад
@@Abraxis-Gnosis no... "God forgive them for they know not what they do". It's like they drank some koolaid or summat. Presumed authority is a dangerous fantasy.
@ballison41 2 года назад
Cop clearly lied. “They don’t want you here”…”You asked someone for money.”…”Someone felt uncomfortable.”
@randolphfuller4681 2 года назад
@@ballison41 I bet that was a false claim. A figment of his imagination.
@jackfullerton5762 2 года назад
....as stupid as they are.
@motellion 2 года назад
God Bless YOU Jeff! Thanks for all you do for liberty brother 👊🏽🙏🏽✌🏽🦍
@dancobin1985 2 года назад
God bless you Jeff. I've used your videos for years to train fellow MPs. You're continuously making a difference.
@azuremyco 2 года назад
Jeff I'm a huge fan brother. Keep it up. Really inspired and feel the urge to participate locally here in my town
@dayslife 2 года назад
Yup, those power badges are the evil of humanity, and who ever complained should be ashamed to call armed men to violate people's protected rights. God bless Jeff.
@qbaker20 2 года назад
I kind of assume the "complaints" are just made up by the LEO so they have something to blame their shitty police work on.
@karinaz8756 2 года назад
@@qbaker20 I agree. We got a call - isn’t policing.
@buyerofsorts 2 года назад
"Let me go get the complainant and if you're still here, you're going to jail". What a brilliant mind that cop has.
@michaelhenson9507 2 года назад
What he really wanted was to lock you up for contempt or cop. Love your work.
@Waldo1122 2 года назад
Because he is baiting them by pretending to be homeless. This is a terrible auditor.
@BBProductions60 2 года назад
@@Waldo1122 how is doing something 100% legal baiting? It's literally the 1st law of the land. If officers are too stupid to know the 1st law then they shouldn't be in law enforcement.
@allemander 2 года назад
@@Waldo1122 Baiting is exactly what they need to keep them in line. Cops use bait cars to catch car thieves, they bait drug dealers, they dress up like prostitutes to bait “johns” and they do many other sneaky things to bait people into making the choice for themselves to either do the right thing or the wrong thing. You’re a terrible commenter. Learn to think before you blabber such thoughtless nonsense. Also, being homeless is not something to be locked up for.
@Andrew-it7fb 2 года назад
@@Waldo1122 Being homeless isn't a crime, dummy, and holding a sign and speaking doesn't mean you're homeless. I guess you can't fathom anyone giving a shit about homeless veterans if they're not homeless.
@spacecadet0 2 года назад
@@Waldo1122 dummy spotted. Can't bait law ENFORCEMENT... It's a matter of law, not feefee's Dummy.
@bowman4275 Год назад
The great level of policing in America. Threatening to arrest you having done no prior investigation, violating your rights and feeling justified in doing so because "they don't want you here". They even had Jeff, as mild mannered a person you could meet, calling him out.
@alphonse2234 2 года назад
Sometimes I wonder if they make up these “complaints.” Never any consequences for these false complaints. Do they not see that every thing is on video?
@mattm8817 2 года назад
Only if they want to…. Which in these situations they don’t care and probably isn’t even a complaint
@OriginalShroom 2 года назад
You know that they make them up.
@superque4 2 года назад
The video is of no consequence. They're in autopilot. They've been this way for generations and old habits are hard to break. 90% couldn't if they wanted to.
@partyharty23 2 года назад
sometimes, and sometimes you find out an officer called in the complaint. Most of the time though there probably is someone complaining.
@cobracommander9138 2 года назад
Many times they make up these complaints or add to them. But we have also seen that Americans will complain about anything to the police. Americans really do want to live in a police state until it's something they want to do that they hold close and dear.
@cwj59 2 года назад
This is my hometown and I was wondering how they would react. I’m glad Lt. Flowers came out and straightened it out God Bless the Homeless Vets
@mrj8188 2 года назад
Ya dummy! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was hilarious!!!
@gloriabonilla7878 2 года назад
Love this one! U r a master activist! Thank u!
@MrPsycaholic 2 года назад
"Nice to meet yea Jeff." Lmao I'd love to hear the convos when they have to explain to them who you are.🤣🤣
@StrawberryFields4ever65 2 года назад
Oh my goodness, you were just a hop, skip and a jump from me. We desperately need you out here in Davidson County and the High Point area. Law enforcement out here can be brutal. Thank you for all your hard work. God bless you
@guyonabuffalo100 2 года назад
I love that the lieutenant came out and put his officer in check.
@hiwayhighway9925 2 года назад
Wish that wasn't needed.
@arewefree 2 года назад
Massachusetts says THANKS JEFF, for thinking of our CONSTITUTION , And for THINKING about the HOMELESS. GOD BLESS!
@rangepro 2 года назад
To think they wanted to arrest you based upon "HEAR SAY EVIDENCE"! Amazing how ignorant people are of things!!
@DirtyPlumbus 2 года назад
These clowns bought the believe all women BS hook, line and sinker. They're a bunch of white knight kuks.
@Waldo1122 2 года назад
They aren't ignorant, they completely understood he has every right to be there protesting, but what he makes it look like is he is a homeless person begging for money.
@2bigbufords 2 года назад
cop made that up. they do it all the time and are trained to say that
@Waldo1122 2 года назад
@@2bigbufords He made an educated guess. If he doesn't enforce the law the homeless will come up there begging for money.
@DirtyPlumbus 2 года назад
@@Waldo1122 he didn't enforce the law, he broke it.
@CornhuskerCowboy. 2 месяца назад
God Bless Jeff ... And all veterans
@KevinSmith-dn5he 2 года назад
What is wrong with these cops. They let their feelings get in the way of the law. Incredible. I used t think Cops were the good guys until I saw these audit videos.
@GIspecialty 2 года назад
Well, cops are people also. When you try to make them angry guess what. You sound like a woke child. Next time you need a cop, do not call them. Call Jeff
@KevinSmith-dn5he 2 года назад
@@GIspecialty can you defend this cops behavior? If so move to Russia, Cuba or Venezuela. They have no constitution or Bill of Rights. You come across as a bootlicking sheep.
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
GIspecialty Law enforcement waited outside of Columbine high school for 3 1/2 hours before they entered. Innocent children were being hurt and killed. In Seattle when the police could not out number protesters 5 to 1, they ran away and abandoned the police station and an entire neighborhood. Police have a higher than average rate of alcoholism, and spousal abuse. You were right, they are just people. They’re very low caliber people in general. I have never needed one, and I doubt I ever will. When seconds count, police will be there in minutes. I will not call Jeff, because I don’t pay him.
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. They should have learned these thing THOROUGHLY by the end of the first week of the academy! NOT 20+ YEARS INTO THEIR CAREERS!
@GIspecialty 2 года назад
@@2256jimmy Very well paid?? Going out to antagonize people or cops is childish. This clown could not care less about anything he was saying. he just went to start some shit. He is a loser. He needs to get a life. And if you expect perfection from people, even cops, you are in for a big surprise. Grow up, its time to act like men.
@melc8049 Год назад
From a standpoint of understanding and respecting the citizens' rights, I would give that officer a FAIL. If he was aware of your rights, then he was still willing to play that dirty game of intimidation. Threatening to arrest you on hearsay. Boy, he dodged one there.
@MyBurnerAccount227 2 года назад
He may sound like a good boss by correcting this employee, but if he was a good boss his employee wouldn’t have gone as far as he did.
@zombieenforcementbureau4512 2 года назад
I Disagree Some Employees Do As They Wish Beyond What They Were Trained or Told To Do, Either Because Of Ego Or Feelings Or Because Of Ego and Feelings...
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
X2ndTimeAroundX Yup. Poor old guy keeps forgetting everyone has a camera now. He probably remembers when police could get free day-old donuts at the quickie mart
@shenmisheshou7002 2 года назад
That is the way that we would see it, but these guys are pretty much indoctrinated by the system to ID and arrest as many people as they can. That is the metric they get evaluated by. It is how they are trained and it is what they are told good policing procedures look like. It is a systemic problem but the root of it is in the fact that we "teach" the constitution as a bunch of words, and we don't really teach how those words apply in real world situations. If we taught children in school to never consent to a search without a warrant, to never answer questions, in a generation, a lot of these behaviors would be ended because they would be viewed as illegal. That is the problem. We do crappy jobs of educating kids about real world skills, instead focusing on a lot of stuff most will never use in their entire life.
@MyBurnerAccount227 2 года назад
@@zombieenforcementbureau4512 well if that’s the case, the employee should have some type of discipline, anything short of discipline would not reflect good leadership.
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. They should have learned these thing THOROUGHLY by the end of the first week of the academy! NOT 20+ YEARS INTO THEIR CAREERS!
@lastremain7867 2 года назад
The camera recording from a distance while being mic'd up is straight up genius.
@K3mbusm 2 года назад
That almost went downhill. Thankfully, the LT knew the law or at least knew who you were. I'm hoping incidents like these lead to department-wide trainings on the 1A. Thanks again, Jeff! We always appreciate you being out there on the front lines making change!
@kidwave1 2 года назад
The fact that cops, who look like they already have a several decades long career under their belts, still dont know the law, ...to the point they have to be saved from a higher up, is despicable. Without doing a speck of investigating, and with his mind already made up, based on a "supposed" complainant, this cop came out rude, unprofessional, biased and aggressive. Its no wonder cops are killing people based solely off 911 calls.
@myd0gr3x 2 года назад
you mean uphill? almost turned a $10 million assault, battery, false arrest, false imprisonment law suit b the officer lied about a "complaintant" ...
@shantyburton6854 2 года назад
It’s great that the guy knew of Jeff, however, it shouldn’t matter who you are, exercising your rights is not illegal and the cops should know that.
@msmay2039 2 года назад
I’m just now seeing this! So great to see someone in shelby Nc… it’s definitely needed 💜
@TheMalerdaemon 2 года назад
Cops should get sworn statements from the “complainants” before they investigate.
@jackhoffman4935 Год назад
God bless frivolous arrests, and God bless lucrative law suits.
@redeastwood4850 2 года назад
Jeff, My friend is an animal doctor who recently lost her house in a fire. She doesn't comment on anything, but she appreciates your support towards her. She wanted me to pass along this message to you. Thanks Jeff.
@whitebreadben2825 2 года назад
I see what you did there
@INDYOSKARS 2 года назад
"All Creatures Great & Small"
@wrcummings 2 года назад
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
Red Eastwood Took me a minute but I got there.
@jasras5003 2 года назад
@@whitebreadben2825 I don't get it.
@danielmaley8301 2 года назад
That was freaking hilarious. Love what you do man!
@rboidavenboi6335 2 года назад
I love how assertive Jeff has become over the years. He just ain't playing their game anymore. Its either arrest me or stfu
@filmingislegalmoronfilm 2 года назад
I agree. He started taking no sht whatsoever about a couple years ago. He's been arrested 4 times (best I can remember) in just the last 6 months alone.
@TheFos88 2 года назад
I mean hell, he's always getting accused of "playing the game" when exercising his rights peacefully. I don't blame him for one second for not playing *their* games.
@eddie2dean 2 года назад
Who knew that a catch phrase from a 1972 sit-com could still be so funny today, and would get such an immediate reaction from leo's. Fred Sanford & Sons would be so proud! 👍🤣
@rtbush1 2 года назад
Awesome job Jeff. Very professional and enlightening. You're one of the best auditors. Thank you for doing what you do.
@eco-8172 2 года назад
Professional? He called the dude a dummy. Regardless if the officer knew the law or not calling him a dummy is not professional, just makes him look like a moron himself.
@tedwilliams3213 2 года назад
I thought it was professional until he called the man a dummy.
@rtbush1 2 года назад
Ted, I guess Jeff could have called him uneducated I guess. When someone threatens my freedom for unjust reasons I would probably use a little more harsh words. We are human. I wouldn't be bringing the officer flowers 😀.
@kj7element276 2 года назад
God Bless you Jeff. You are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Thank you for your work!
@icanhazusernameno 2 года назад
Careful Jeff, turning around and surrendering quickly like that might be construed as a threat. Aggressive behavior like that is an officer safety issue /s
@maddermax74 2 года назад
dammed if you do, dammed if you dont . If he didn't do it they would try and slap him with resisting while beating him and using exesse force they cant pull that card when he just puts his hands behind his back for them to cuff him
@mr.duanesharpe 2 года назад
If you blink it could be officer safety.
@garyg7647 2 года назад
Screw officer safety. Citizen safety overrides all.
@criticallook1352 2 года назад
@Thyhorrorchannel 2 года назад
Consenting to terrorists is not an AUDIT !
@FreedomSince1776 2 года назад
Like a boss! Ego every time. Great audit! LGB FJB
@Jay.McCarty 2 года назад
A couple of things. First, money is now considered "speech" so all of these "soliciting of funds" laws are unconstitutional. Second, the idea that these clowns are going to trespass you while you are, explicitly, exercising your First Amendment right at the THE TOWN F'ING HALL is sinister.
@imbalancedstatus8824 2 года назад
I doubt if Panhandling is illegal.... most of them dont know the law... l
@bobmarlowe3390 2 года назад
@@imbalancedstatus8824, some cities have passed ordinances that require panhandlers to get permits to do it.
@Jay.McCarty 2 года назад
@@imbalancedstatus8824 I couldn't find anything for Shelby or Cleveland County specifically but here's a citation from Johnson County. Sec. 16-6. Permit requirement to beg, solicit, or panhandle on public property. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to beg, solicit, or panhandle within the road rights-of-way or other public property without first obtaining a valid permit, which shall be issued without fee by the Sheriff of Johnston County, or his designee.
@bobmarlowe3390 2 года назад
@@Jay.McCarty, I'm in Greensboro and I'm pretty sure either the city or Guilford County enacted one a while back.
@Plague_Doc22 2 года назад
Curious as to how money is speech? Genuinely asking.
@howardsmith6294 2 года назад
Thanx for what you do Patriot.
@craigjames4131 2 года назад
Jeff is out there doing the Lord’s work. Thanks for what you do!
@zerocool1884 15 дней назад
4 years later and I am still so proud of the bravery displayed by this cop. What a genuine hero!
@blfzhn7716 2 года назад
I always look forward to new release vids from ya! Once again, you have provided excellent entertainment and information. You do a better job of being the press than most larger organizations. The desperate radio call said it all- “subject is refusing to listen”. You could almost see all of his coworkers rolling their eyes when they heard that transmission.
@rustyrivers7118 2 года назад
Man, that cop got so mad when you called him dummy, then we can only guess he got really mad once he was told that you were not breaking the law. Great video.
@MrHumbleSoul 2 года назад
Jeff is the truth!!!! I love 💕 what he does to keep our freedoms alive and respected!!! How can we send you money 💴????
@DrShawnBerry 2 года назад
Public trust only goes so far. Tyranny among our public servants has to end!
@jsaktony1 2 года назад
Cop: *verifies complaint* Boss: "He's not breaking the law" Good job Lt.
@ryanjones7681 2 года назад
It surprises me how society uses prisons these days. I used to think they were to keep dangerous people away from the piblic...
@dunningkruger4863 2 года назад
So this is what passes for policing
@dopeytripod 2 года назад
the second a regular person does wrong THEY GET CUFFED CHARGED & LOCKED UP...... when a cop does wrong ITS JUST ANOTHER DAY AT THE OFFICE
@s1lenceblade 2 года назад
My favorite part was at 2:43 when you can see Officer Pignorant's body language change. He went from having his hands on his hips acting like king shit of turd mountain, to having his shoulders and hands drop to his side like deadweight and looking away like a child who just got scolded for taking an extra cookie out of the cookie jar. Officer Pignorant being told "He's not doing nothing Illegal" by his LT in a clearly PO'd tone was pretty good too.
@grayrainbows912 2 года назад
I love the blue line gangs look of disgust when an educated professional citizens gives them the exact energy they give citizens and are SHOCKED !!?? all of this auditing and accountability is WAYYYY OVERDUE thank You auditors!! I wish we had supervisors to call when we speed to copsplain us out of FOLLOWING THE LAW and a ticket but NOPE !! cops only get extra privileges to disregard law for violating policy and law THIS ACCOUNTABILITY MOVEMENT IS SO BADLY NEEDED AND THE PEOPLE ARE GLAD ITS HERE !! all you gotta do officers is HONOR YOUR OATHS AND KNOW YOUR JOBS !! as we all must or we lose said job but COPS get to investigate themselves “find no wrongdoing “ or lie in court fabricate charges and just REFUSE TO STOP LETTING THERE EGO CONTROL THEM ? !! Thank You auditors and citizens who pick up a camera and hold these blue line cowards accountable
@larannar123 2 года назад
It's almost a shame he wasn't arrested because everything was being recorded which would prove he didn't approach the complainant and they filed a false statement!! Imagine if it was a city councilman that lied about it??! That would make the Evening news!!
@denisgoff251 2 года назад
Typical liars. Thank you, Jeff👍
@andyh183 2 года назад
This officer has no right being on the force !!! What does the Mayor have to say????
@MrBiggs555 2 года назад
God bless the homeless vets
@mrwilson7617 Год назад
I love when Jeff calls 'em a big dummy.
@ubiased23 2 года назад
phenomenal work Jeffrey! wish you would come to Fredericksburg VA. You will find plenty of tyrants at the Fredericksburg police department.
@publicenemy8657 2 года назад
The disdain that this country has for the homeless and people in poverty is really sad...
@4mrevans 2 года назад
I love when you get direct with them, calling him a big dummy! I love it, that's why you always have to film the police because they lie they lie with such impunity
@qpwodkgh2010 2 года назад
Excellent job Jeff. We love ya.
@ffirstllast3328 2 года назад
This work is so incredibly important!
@allaneisner4729 2 года назад
Respect for the Lieutenant for knowing the Constitution. Remedial study required for the Officer who doesn’t know the Constitution, which he swore an oath to uphold!
@andyking9673 2 года назад
why do cops ALWAYS assume hearsay is true if it gives them the opportunity to assert their self-perceived authority to threaten someone with arrest? I would suggest that Jeff refer to incompetent cops as Officer Dummy---give them the respect they deserve. Any day with a video from Jeff is a little bit brighter.
@beastshawnee 2 года назад
“ya big dummy!” PIVOTs immediately! LOL... STOMPS back over...
@terrysliger8422 2 года назад
You rock! 🙂
@readingrambo Год назад
His ass fractured when you said "Dummy". LoL
@Eli_3667 2 года назад
*You're. Sorry, had to do it.
@HONORYOUROATH 2 года назад
Fixed it. Thank you.
@michaelash3381 2 года назад
When you called him a dummy he forgot everything else, lol.
@jackspade5226 2 года назад
That was smooth and quick. The L.t didn't want that lawsuit. And he knew you weren't breaking the law. Why didn't his subordinate know. They don't know the law.
@--press 2 года назад
Odd how it went from solicitation asking people for money to harassment...to not breaking the LAW...SMH
How would you react?!😳
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