
Your Will be Done (Acoustic) 

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Dear World,
We write to you from the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are at a loss in so many ways, unsure of what to do, unsure of what to say, and unsure of what the future holds.
But there is a prayer, however, which can be prayed when our own voices fail us. It is a prayer that our Lord Jesus prayed as his own world seemed to be falling apart - an innocent man praying alone in the garden, abandoned by his friends, betrayed by those he trusted, and awaiting his death.
Even at his lowest point, Jesus was able to pray, ‘Father not my will, but yours be done’, because he knew that, in the chaos, his Father loved him and that his Father’s will was always good. If there was any plan that Jesus trusted in that dreadful hour, it was his Father’s.
We offer this simple song, simply played, in the midst of this present trial, so that you might be able to pray these words along with our Saviour. There is a God who is still ruling on the throne, and He is our good and loving Father. If there is anything in which you can put your trust at this uncertain time, let it be the will of your loving Father.
Church, in the chaos - in bedrooms, living rooms, hospital rooms, and virtual rooms - let us lift our voices in prayer and sing, ‘Father, not my will but Yours be done!’
Yours in love and solidarity,
Words and music by
Jonny Robinson and Rich Thompson
CCLI no. 7149566
Your will be done, my God and Father
As in heaven, so on earth
My heart is drawn to self-exalting
Help me seek Your kingdom first
As Jesus walked, so I shall walk
Held by Your same unchanging love
Be still my soul, O lift your voice and pray:
‘Father, not my will but Yours be done.’
How in that Garden he persisted
I may never fully know
The fearful weight of true obedience
It was held by him alone
What wondrous faith, to bear that cross!
To bear my sin, what wondrous love!
My hope was sure, when there my Saviour prayed:
‘Father, not my will but Yours be done.’
When I am lost, when I am broken
In the night of fear and doubt
Still I will trust in my good Father
Yes, to one great King I bow!
As Jesus rose, so I shall rise
In ransomed glory at the throne
My heart restored
With all your saints I sing:
‘Father, not my will but Yours be done!’
As we go forth, our God and Father
Lead us daily in the fight
That all the world might see Your glory
And Your Name be lifted high
And in this Name we overcome
For You shall see us safely home
Now as your church, we lift our voice and pray:
‘Father, not my will but Yours be done!’



21 окт 2024




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@23Nanzy 2 года назад
This is the last song my sister posted before she went to be with Jesus last October. She trusted so completely in her Savior ❤️
@ogsupreme4789 Год назад
Now she is safe ❤
@agnesromagos7460 Год назад
Can I ask? Is the one singing your sister?
@waltermclauren4746 Год назад
Your sister now knows! "I may never fully know?" When we see him face to face, I will "know even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
@danielsadventurism2924 11 месяцев назад
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬ [5] For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4:16‭-‬18‬ ‭KJV‬‬ [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: [17] then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Your sister is safely resting until Jesus comes the 2nd time then she'll ascend into heaven. The dead on Christ shall rise first. God bless you and your family my sister.❤
@mychellyashadle952 10 месяцев назад
I am sorry for your loss. What a beautiful and comforting song to have and know she trusted all ❤
@TheAngieIshmael 4 года назад
Not MY will, but YOURS. The most difficult words to say, yet they are life-saving, even when we lose our lives in the process
@godside 4 года назад
Amen very true. Last month I was hospitalized with Covid19. The very next day moved to the ICU unit and on the verge of being intubated. It was at that moment that I cried out those powerful words to our Lord....not my will Lord but You will be done. The peace that so gracefully clothed me afterward was wonderous! Today I give Him all the glory!
@livingtoinspire5678 4 года назад
Godside glory to God! Hope you Re well now
@shamimmatovu42 4 года назад
True, it's hard to say His will. We want our will yet His is far better 🙏🙏
@lani134 6 месяцев назад
@naomibravo9895 Год назад
I lost my daughter at 2 years due to epilepsy. Oh God I needed this song
@d.gondwe Год назад
Sincere condolences to you sis. may her memory be a blessing
@JvSplunter 2 месяца назад
@yvonnemuchimba4263 11 месяцев назад
God's will is the best thing that can ever happen to us,may God teach us true humility to his saving will. This song helped me to accept God's will when i prayed for something dear to my heart and it was not granted.indeed God's ways are righteous and just 🙌🥰💓
@smidgeonpigeon8243 3 года назад
This is the best kind of praise: humble and God-focused. As it should always be. ❤
@simplepraisebyyangs50 3 года назад
Yes, agree that! 【Jhn4:24】God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
@mercymumfuza5464 2 года назад
Father may your will be children lives. Raise them with you Lord.
@willydelacruz4937 2 года назад
@ynrisbarrios5771 2 года назад
Is City Alights a church?
@iloveebean Год назад
@@ynrisbarrios5771Hi, they’re a worship band from Australia😊
@miradaewhitespell2790 4 года назад
The second verse hit me so hard. I went to read Matthew 26:38-56. Jesus told His disciples that He was so overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, so He asked the others to keep watch with Him, yet as Christ prayed, His disciples always fell asleep. I imagined Christ as crying that time, as He knew what pain He would be facing moments later. His disciples can't even provide comfort, and they even fled. Indeed how great love God has for us, that even when the closest people will leave Him, He still chose to bear the cross and die.
@suecoulas8915 4 года назад
Amen to that he's such a good Father
@user-oz5dy4rt9s 3 года назад
@@suecoulas8915 I hate to be this kind of person but I think it would be helpful to point out that the Father is not the Son, though the Father is God and the Son is also God. Amino MAJ is referring to Jesus, God the Son--not God the Father, who is indeed a good father
@ChristinaFromYoutube 2 года назад
@@user-oz5dy4rt9s Jesus is NOT God. Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” John 20:17 Jesus worshipped the same God we do.
@breeosmund8927 2 года назад
Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:58 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26 Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. John 14:8-11 Jesus is God. He says it over and over and so does The Old Testament. He's open to all :)
@tushabeann7027 2 года назад
This is really strong
@erwinschaerz5513 4 года назад
Thanks to God that there are still people who seek biblically grounded words over sensuality and stage action in worship. “We desire to get out of the way so the truth upon which all our songs are built can properly shine.” - quoting from cityalight’s webpage. I like this attitude and demeanor. Please cityalight, stay that course. Be blessed - praying for you from Switzerland.
@lorrainegibson2411 4 года назад
Amen from Northern Ireland 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@stevegaskin8944 3 года назад
Amen - from Australia! We were given the Word of God, for a reason! It is The Way, the Truth and Life - we walk away from it, and His guidance in and through it - at our PERIL! None of us would ever DARE to walk into a Nuclear Power facility, without instruction and start pushing buttons - otherwise = Chernobyl 2. Yet we do the very same, when we ignore the instruction that the One True and Living God has given us - the results; bigger than a Quadrillion Chernobyl's!
@smidgeonpigeon8243 3 года назад
Beautiful comment. 🤲❤
@smidgeonpigeon8243 3 года назад
@Anny Documnt Hello, friend! They're referring to the cross since it was made of wood.
@ryanmuller9497 3 года назад
@Anny Documnt There are a few places in Scripture that refer to the cross using the term "tree" - consider Acts 5:30 and Galatians 3:13. The Galatians use is referencing Deuteronomy 21:22-23, which is most likely where this connection originates from. Because of this, it's not uncommon to see song writers (new or old) referring to the cross as a tree - see, for example, the 1707 hymn 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross', which contains the line "His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads o'er his body on the tree".
@shinsung85 4 года назад
Hello brothers and sisters from Cityalight. We are Christians from America. We love and thank God for giving the church so many blessings and gifts in the body of the believers. We have been very delighted and uplifted. Our praise has been elevated, by your praise songs. Keep on the good fight of faith, and you guys and Australia are always in our prayers. We hope to see you one day in heaven!
@alangrover4176 4 года назад
Thank you from West Australia. God is protecting us every day, in every way.
@sherrykitakis9248 3 года назад
Amen I love the AU and the people. Amazing land I could have stayed 6 months instead of only a month. Thank you CityAliight for your worship!
@rogercharlie 3 года назад
@leslyumutoni6519 2 года назад
@barbarafuller6041 2 года назад
Amen. I am so grateful for Utube so I can listen to you all. God is using you in a mighty way. May He continues to bless and keep you all. May He continues to inspire you all to write and sing millions more Worship songs. Thank you and I am praying for you all
@csusilo 4 года назад
It's not only a well written song, but I can tell it's sung with a truthful heart. This can only be done by the grace of Jesus. All glory be unto Him. Thank you for this post.
@ochiengpeter3823 5 месяцев назад
At some point, you just have to surrender to God's will for your life to see the magic. He knows the beginning from the end, he knows when you will get that thing you desperately need in your life.
@visentiusyankurniawan2086 Год назад
Thank you Lord for this song. It has touched me, a sinner. Forgive me Lord.
@rosemaryugwuogo1502 6 месяцев назад
Father not my will but yours be done❤😊
@michaelgaytano 3 года назад
Never I for a moment get tired of listening to this worship over and over again. Rather an amazement of what Jesus did before He was nailed on the cross. He persisted and trully I may never really know the fearful weight of true obedience... Forgive me Father, not my will but Yours be done !!!
@mommom6637 3 года назад
The most beautiful way to wake up in the morning...to the word's,Not my will Father, Your's be done.
@charkwayteoh 3 года назад
Thank you Jesus for comforting me during my darkest period ♥️
@Son-of-Thucydides Месяц назад
This song is absolutely amazing, sung by a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice and immense talent. I am so thankful she uses her gifts to bring glory to His Kingdom.
@DaveGe77 4 года назад
We are His church. I am reminded of His promise in John 14:18: "I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you." He completely fulfilled Immanuel in the Holy Spirit. Now He will not leave us or forsake us, and as we sing in this song, He shall see us safely home. Amen.
@dimikolpa 4 года назад
What a blessing this band is, for Christians around the world. Thank you!
@philgolson6306 4 года назад
Thank you, brothers and sisters, from South Africa. We love the rich text, the eminently singable lines, and the humility of delivery. Please don't ever swerve from this godly formula for songwriting. You will always have an audience.
@varghesetharakan129 4 года назад
I’m only 14 almost 15...but I’m ready to be a solider of Christ 🙌🏼..If you want to accept Jesus in your lives...jus call unto him and ask him to help you and save you and he will save you for he loves you unconditionally..☺️🙏🏼
@charaabbeytonak6774 3 года назад
Stay strong in Christ!❤
@JH-kg9zg 4 года назад
Lyrics: Your will be done, my God and Father As in heaven, so on earth My heart is drawn to self-exalting Help me seek Your Kingdom first As Jesus walked, so I shall walk Held by Your same unchanging love Be still my soul Oh, lift Your voice and pray: “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” How in that Garden He persisted I may never fully know The fearful weight of true obedience It was held by Him alone What wondrous faith, to bear that cross To bear my sin, what wondrous love My hope was sure, when there my Saviour prayed: “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” When I am lost, when I am broken In the night of fear and doubt Still I will trust in my good Father Yes, to one great King I bow As Jesus rose, so I shall rise In ransomed glory at the throne My heart restored With all your saints I sing: “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” As we go forth, our God and Father Lead us daily in the fight That all the world might see Your glory And Your Name be lifted high And in this Name we overcome For You shall see us safely home Now as Your church, we lift our voice and pray: “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” And in this Name we overcome For You shall see us safely home Now as Your church, we lift our voice and pray: “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!” “Father, not my will, but Yours be done!”
@njerikuriah317 4 года назад
Thanks for the lyrics
@josephineverzuela2756 4 года назад
I'm glade this was shown to me after the hillsong and bethel exposed ❤️
@matthewgioia7971 4 года назад
Absolutely. I recently just discovered CityAlight, too, and what a blessing they are! Such incredibly rich lyrics centered around the Lord Jesus. Truly wonderfully blessed musicians!
@mercykamau4545 3 года назад
Same here 😄I checked them out after watching Allen Parr's video concerning the expose😣
@TheCreepypro Год назад
your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Lord God Almighty!
@ttan62 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this song. It's provided so much comfort during difficult times. Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
@josiaherasquin1029 3 года назад
When future generations look back to our time, then the ancient past, I hope that they see past the misgivings, past the falsehoods, past the self-centered worship that so defines the day; that they would see that faithful men and women like these people also lived and hopefully, would have blazed the trail that leads them to true religion and faithfulness.
@Tukesiga.Vincent 2 месяца назад
I have debts in ma business but through this healing music will be free in da name of Jesus Christ
@dorotheaho3662 3 года назад
Thank CityAlight for your faithful dedication to praise and worship God. “Your Will be done”, “Yet not I But Through Christ In Me” , “Jesus, Strong and Kind" are my most three favorites that really touched my heart deeply. May God honor your humble and yet great work. Tears and blessings from a Taiwanese whose English is not her native one.
@kraziboi80 4 года назад
Thank you CityAlight Brothers/Sisters for another God-centered, theologically rich, and Biblically sound music to listen/fill our hearts with...especially during these trouble times. May God continue to bless your ministry. ✝️
@glorialopez8353 8 месяцев назад
@JESUSCHRISTISLORD911 4 года назад
May our will be aligned completely with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Surrender and yield to Him for He is merciful, loving and kind. Jesus said in Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
@lindapeters1852 4 года назад
@asinegaasinega Год назад
@kneefelgeertje1817 4 года назад
I feel the spirit of Puritan old timers when hearing Cityalight's songs such as this particular one
@chrisforjesus4740 4 года назад
I've listened to many of many "Christian worship bands but they are not the same as cityalight....cityalight write songs thar come from the heart others just sing worship songs to get sensation
@retroman7331 4 года назад
Many "Christian worship bands" are not Christian. When you start looking into their beliefs you will be shocked at how few are real Christians. And I'm talking about some of the biggest names.
@rgrey8781 4 года назад
Kurt Lewis that’s so true! It’s more of a concert & worshipping the music than worshipping our Lord. We need more of such beautiful meaningful Spirit filled songs
@KJ-lb4tj 4 года назад
That God made us all unique is wonderful.... From the Psalms where we can sing songs of lament and crying out to God (some quite disturbing lines in there) to Revelation where we're told the angels are singing the same words over and over, praise the Lord. There's room for every heart to be touched by every type and style of worship and every emotion and non emotion possible.
@axelnordman3814 4 года назад
CityAlight are really great. If you haven't heard Sovereign Grace Music I really recommend them. All their songs are Christ-centered and biblically sound.
@KirsteinCombrink83 4 года назад
Yes, Christiaan, finding Cityalight's music is a revelation, simply because they sing from the heart of Scripture, not trying to prophecy or make 'new' revelation, because it is not self-centered but centered around the Word.
@JS-.- 4 года назад
We’re going to need a new song from CityAlight at least once a week during the quarantine! Thanks!
@hilaryshewfelt3595 4 года назад
J. S. I second this!!! ☺️
@limoyollan 4 года назад
Totally 💯
@tilltheend7902 4 года назад
Good songs take a lot of anguish and labour..please, don't make songs to please us..yes, it is true that when we hear a nice song we like more of it but then you will turn into Hillsong😔 Children of God, worship is for the Lord..it needs to please Him and if we share in that joy then we thank Him but let's not make worship about pleasing us.
@michaelcraig5152 4 года назад
Tilltheend some would say that in our following God, God desires to delight us as well. We have faith that “God rewards those who eagerly seek Him.” Our Christlike joy glorifies our Creator. There will be trouble, there will come persecution and hatred, enemies on every side, but there will come short times in the shade between attacks, brief respites between the buffering, and then we can revel and exult and glorify and magnify Him while He delights to please us in His oasis of peace. And we can have the fruits of His Spirit no matter the trouble, partly because of songs like this. So, please, a song every week, BUT, not our will, but God’s be done! By all means!
@joshuahart5344 4 года назад
@zealouswarden7439 3 года назад
Every time I hear this song I am moved to tears, please continue making music your light is bright, The king has given you a mighty gift
@asinegaasinega Год назад
@tinapichay6367 9 месяцев назад
Thank you Father God for the salvation and unconditional love for me and my family .. Father God ❤your will be done..Amen❤❤❤
@robertsilomba4684 2 года назад
From Zambia your songs are blessing lives
@corrievanderhoven5366 Год назад
This is so so anointed...I listen to it over and over...What a lovely child of God singing it... I agree.Father not my will.But your will be done.. We serve an Awesome Wonderful Precious Heavenly Father.. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for saving my soul...
@fedroedward8023 2 года назад
Follow Jesus forever, may god bless all the christian and their family.
@faithlee5035 3 года назад
Amen.Amen.Amen. Yes brothers n sisters in CityAlight, His will be done NOT n NEVER ours! I thank God for raising you guys who steadfastly n faithfully love our Heavenly Father n our Lord Jesus n stand in faith to simply sing n truly worship our God with all your heart, your soul n your mind! All Glories be to God our Father n All Praises be to Jesus Christ our Lord. I have been listening to you all for 6 years n your true pure love for Lord is palpable in your music n your lyrics! No showmanship, no cleverness, no egoism, no self-centeredness, just your pure hearts ! I pray that Lord bless n keep everyone of you n your families n use you guys mightily to help bring more souls to know who Jesus really is! You guys are so precious ! Hallelujah! Love you guys so much🥰
@halfbee123 3 года назад
Agreed and Amen!
@andrewreynolds3877 4 года назад
Matthew 6:10 "Your will be done" This song reminds me how all of life needs to willingly submit to God’s purposes, plans, and glory. Even when I don't understand what His will is, I am determined to follow it.
@kaylee9773 2 года назад
My fravorite song from city alight, with the uncertinty of life, we always can say Your Will be done. Wonderful lyrics, so rich and deep compared to the weak, and repetive " worship music" now.
@jenniferjolly4609 2 года назад
My hope was sure, when there my Savior prayed, "Father, not my will but Yours be done" - life changing truth
@CameronKeith 4 года назад
What a gracious gift of God: Christ first prayed these words on His way to die to enable the saints to echo them down through the ages.
@pedwayina2302 4 года назад
Incredible voice. May God continue to use for the extension of His kingdom.
@BruceAlbertAdams Год назад
These words and tune and voice are full of worship. Thank you!
@Kayyyyyjayyyyyyyyyy 4 года назад
I like this so much.... This is exactly what faith is about. It was never about blowing away our issues or erasing it with one stroke, but us surrendering to the things beyond our control, like doing our best in this current situation to protect ourselves and yet surrendering to the fact that whatever happens beyond our control is his will... that we may have peace and courage to carry on!
@Life_with_Ginni 2 года назад
It must be hard ,and painful when jesus praised, take this cup but father not my will but yours be done!But many time we focus on worldly things and I agree it's hard to live in this broken world and not rub off some worldly habits.but I am submitting everyone ,all living things ,God bless them and lead them.its november 21,sunday and hard for me atm.
@karinecarde1254 3 года назад
There are untold and immeasurable riches in those words! Oh Father thank you for Your precious gift of redeeming! I love You, my Lord 🥺 Thank you City Alight 😊
@majortodd1919 2 года назад
Feels like home - Filled with love and joy. Blessings and peace in Jesus name Amen
@johnjohn1594 3 года назад
Father not my will but yours be done forever!
@cinbouchard724 7 месяцев назад
Wow! My discovery of the moment. This song is sooo great and complet. As powerful as hymn like In Christ Alone. Thx thx thx! I'll work on a French translation for my church.
@Pam-lq2hb Год назад
I love this song it's very father not my will but yours be done
@glorialopez8353 8 месяцев назад
@joeybatman6575 4 года назад
Hi Cityalight, I am really thankful for your music. It has been a blessing for my personal life and for the church in general. The lyrics of your songs our very biblical and profound. I also want to encourage all Christians. God will guide us through this dark period. Despite everything, He is still sitting on His throne. Let’s continue to spread His message to our family, friends and colleagues. Stay Strong, God bless!
@agnesbelvis1575 3 года назад
My hope was sure, when there my Savior prayed: ‘Father, not my will, but Yours be done!’
@lorilemmonsharvey3633 3 года назад
It so refreshing and beautiful to see Christ centered worship vrs. Man centered. Thank you so much.
@atowetsah 4 года назад
“Father not my will but yours be done” this is so powerful. Thank you CityAlight. I am truly blessed by this song. 😇
@erickmange6588 3 года назад
I love all your songs. Gospel centered. Praise God for you all.
@yvonnenjeri5210 3 года назад
Yes Lord. Please Father,not my will but yours be done in my life in Jesus name!
@sauravgupta7415 2 года назад
The day is coming when ill have no choices left... ... . absolute miracle will only save me.
@rikmamemmarak8219 4 года назад
'Father not my Will, but Yours be done!.. Such a great lyrics and every single word was amazing ... Thank you CityAlight for this song and God Bless You All..
@srishtylatatirkey1548 3 года назад
Father not my will but Yours be done - has been such a powerful expression of surrendering to His will, most of the time we are mistaken by the thinking oh we're exhausted trying n trying so let thy will be done but there's such grace when we are having a positive expectation of His will to take the driver's seat and we flow with the Lord, knowing that yes forsure His will be done 🙌 Thank you cityalight for having such a great worship song, Jesus bless you 💖
@christinepatriciawong1102 3 года назад
Because he put lord JESUS in his heart first. He left me and abandoned me and said it was God's wish. 😭😭😭how hurt for I've never done anything wrong and was abandoned and left me unreasonably. 😥😥
@phyobeniyanthan1067 3 года назад
Dear CityAlight,thank you for producing such a wonderful and prayerful song.Everytime I listen to your song, I get comforted and helps me to calm down 🥺💖
@I.am.Mbinya 4 года назад
I have got to know you during this time of lockdown, and you've amazingly blessed my soul. I enjoy listening to this worship songs. Much love from Nairobi-Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪I Love you so much.
@jennamarielovesjesus12 Год назад
Love CityAlight, Shane&Shane, All Sons & Daughters and Sovereign Grace True Biblical worship groups🙏🏼🙌🏼✝️
@lbd0723 4 года назад
Love it! Thank you for taking the time to craft songs that are fresh and have a current appeal, yet pack so much truth into 4 minutes. My favorite line: "My hope was sure when there my Savior prayed: 'Father, not My will, but Yours be done.'" I also appreciate the thought progression from our own struggle with surrender to the ultimate fulfillment of God's will for all His children in heaven. Keep up the good work. Your labor is not in vain :)
@themusicalmuse 3 года назад
I had the honour of singing this at my hometown church in the fall. My week is not complete unless I listen to this or sing this at least thrice. Thank you, CityAlight. Peace and blessings!
@asinegaasinega Год назад
@Gangstar41145 2 года назад
Your will be done, my God and Father As in heaven, so on earth My heart is drawn to self-exalting Help me seek Your kingdom first As Jesus walked, so I shall walk Held by Your same unchanging love Be still my soul, O lift your voice and pray "Father, not my will but Yours be done" How in that Garden He persisted I may never fully know The fearful weight of true obedience It was held by Him alone What wondrous faith, to bear that cross To bear my sin, what wondrous love My hope was sure, when there my Saviour prayed "Father, not my will but Yours be done" When I am lost, when I am broken In the night of fear and doubt Still I will trust in my good Father Yes, to one great King I bow! As Jesus rose, so I shall rise In ransomed glory at the throne My heart restored With all Your saints I sing "Father, not my will but Yours be done" As we go forth, our God and Father Lead us daily in the fight That all the world might see Your glory And Your Name be lifted high And in this Name we overcome For You shall see us safely home Now as Your church, we lift our voice and pray "Father, not my will but Yours be done" And in this Name we overcome For You shall see us safely home Now as Your church, we lift our voice and pray "Father, not my will but Yours be done" "Father, not my will but Yours be done" "Father, not my will but Yours be done"
@chrissydiener143 4 года назад
The music God has given you is a gift to the Church. I'm so thankful God has allowed me to sing the very things He is teaching me through His Word. Praying that the Lord will continue to keep your gaze upon Him as you write. May you always sing for an audience of One.
@asinegaasinega Год назад
Amen! Keep learning from the true and only one vine!
@Debrannayaka 2 года назад
Good noon day my merciful Christ almighty thank you for my pains my mistake my learning my heart is stricken by this earth and all given is in there hand not one god be merciful they are not kind why am I to be this way glory of yours my heart is broken my heart cry’s it harder then ever my spirit is yours
@bradleydenton9546 3 года назад
Lead us in the fight, so your glory can be seen! Oh that everyone come to saving grace that only you can provide
@lianbiakmawingaihte359 4 года назад
Amen.. a true beautiful prayer song.. Yes "Father not my will, but yours be done" Thankyou Cityalight..
@thaongaolupohena635 2 года назад
Praise the Lord. Praise n worship Him with joyfully songs. Enter His gate with thanks giving. Amen 🙏
@aleteia2091 3 года назад
Beautiful song, beautiful voice, thank you for this, all praises to Him! God bless!
@Mytravellinglife-p3z 4 года назад
It's my favourite song ever. God bless you
@gianlucascianca5 3 года назад
Gorgeous voice and incredibly deep lyrics: thank you CityAlight for this song and for what you do. I am Catholic and I believe that your music can only help us in uniting the prayers of all Christians to our only Father. Father, not my will, but Yours be done
@mackeesha5023 3 года назад
May you keep on composing songs lifting Jesus nsme and with all truth. To God all the glory. God bless all the prople in cityAlight company🙏🙏🙏
@genevieveartoza2693 4 года назад
Father, not my will, but Yours be done . This is my prayer in Jesus name, AMEN 🙏♥
@amanda-c-b 3 года назад
Absolutely loved this! May his church indeed be willing to pray "Father not my will but yours be done."
@tanicadornelly3358 4 года назад
this song is so beautiful. Thank you Lord for your everlasting love and mercy. I pray that u will deliver my friend; in Jesus name.
@joemarvingadayan1056 4 года назад
Thank you for reminding us that we will finish the race of faith selflessly as it is the will of Jesus Christ.
@imhatji 4 года назад
Bless you all! Thanks for the fine, truthful worship songs.
@benitanoronha4430 4 года назад
Where was this band all this while.. just stumbled across this band yesterday in my recommendations.. beautiful songs💓 God bless you for these scripture-enriched songs
@dasilvafortnite6344 7 месяцев назад
I’m singing this song in church to help with worship
@pamelarenee8314 3 месяца назад
Me too tomorrow!
@pamelarenee8314 3 месяца назад
@insomniavisions 3 года назад
This is how ALL Americans should be praying right this minute about the final outcome of this country's next leader. May God help us all.
@ericpayne2931 4 года назад
Another beautiful, simple, singable song packed with truth. Can't wait to lead our congregation in this one. Thanks for using you gifts for God's glory and not "self exaltation".
@rubym7054 2 года назад
Manna for the hungry, thank you.
@noenshindi2054 2 года назад
Halleluiah!!! Praise the Lord. God bless you for sharing
@mercymasila2144 3 года назад
Thank you CityAlight for your continued scripture centered worship and praise songs. God bless you so much. I know we might never meet here on earth but I'm sure we shall meet one day on that beautiful shore with Christ. Much love from Kenya 🇰🇪
@asinegaasinega Год назад
Amen! Me too....
@rois7608 4 года назад
I just love the songs of these guys.
@紫耀アナ 4 года назад
another beautiful Worship from CityAlight😭 let only God be praised💕
@naturalinspirationsbynekod2143 10 месяцев назад
Father, not my will, but Yours be done! 📖💯🎶💌
@joelolenga 4 года назад
Maaan what a song..... how can anyone on earth can dislike this piece of art !!! I can't imagine the day when i will see HIM ! ....I am ready to meet God face to face tonight and look into those eyes of infinite holiness and love, for all my sins are covered by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
@mmbtalk 2 года назад
So blessed by the beautiful words and beautiful singing, may the Lord bless you 🙏🏾 to do more for the uplifting of the people of God!
@sarawilson4483 4 года назад
Beautiful. Gentle, true, precious. Thank you. God continue to bless you with His strength, wisdom and grace.
@jennifermehler6828 4 года назад
I attend Flagstaff Christian Fellowship online (Flagstaff, Arizona, USA) and today realized that several of the songs we sing are yours. Thank you for the gift giving voice in song to God's word. You have blessed the world with this.
@asinegaasinega Год назад
NOW I am curious about this church!
@BlessyRB 3 года назад
To think that Jesus never gave us a bunch of roses...he took the thorns for us instead...Can any love be greater?
@nikkibarone1810 Год назад
This has fast become one of my favorite songs. Tiarne, you have an amazing voice that I just love listening to. Thank you City Alight for your music.
@stargeyser1 4 года назад
We sing your songs at our church, we are thankful for publishing your songs here at youtube. Your are a blessings to us to keep our hearts anchor to the grace of God our Father! May the Holy Spirit continue to pour His giftings to CityAlight that you will touch people's live through your amazing song!
@Reckee 4 года назад
How poignant and sincere a song. So well expresses the Saviour's cry from the garden, "not my will but your be done". Thank you Cityalight
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