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Released by Eastman Kodak as part of their Classroom Film series in the 1930s, this movie shows the people of Yugoslavia. It includes images of village life with farmers taking care of routines, women baking bread, dairy products being made, vegetables and flowers being planted and grown, pigs and other farm animals being raised, and more. A "modern farm" appears around the 6 minute mark with steam-driven harvesting machinery. The film also shows textiles being made, a school, and contains precious images of Belgrade.
Yugoslavia was a country in Southeast Europe during most of the 20th century. It came into existence after World War I in 1918 under the name of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes by the merger of the provisional State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (itself formed from territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire) with the formerly independent Kingdom of Serbia. The Serbian royal House of Karađorđević became the Yugoslav royal dynasty. Yugoslavia gained international recognition on 13 July 1922 at the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris. The country was named after the South Slavic peoples and constituted their first union, following centuries in which the territories had been part of the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary.
Renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia on 3 October 1929, it was invaded by the Axis powers on 6 April 1941. In 1943, a Democratic Federal Yugoslavia was proclaimed by the Partisan resistance. In 1944, the king recognised it as the legitimate government, but in November 1945 the monarchy was abolished. Yugoslavia was renamed the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia in 1946, when a communist government was established. It acquired the territories of Istria, Rijeka, and Zadar from Italy. Partisan leader Josip Broz Tito ruled the country as president until his death in 1980. In 1963, the country was renamed again to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).
The constituent six Socialist Republics that made up the country were Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, SR Croatia, SR Macedonia, SR Montenegro, SR Slovenia, and SR Serbia. Serbia contained two Socialist Autonomous Provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo, which after 1974 were largely equal to the other members of the federation. After an economic and political crisis in the 1980s and the rise of nationalism, Yugoslavia broke up along its republics' borders, at first into five countries, leading to the Yugoslav Wars.
After the breakup, the republics of Serbia and Montenegro formed a reduced federation, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), which aspired to the status of sole legal successor to the SFRY, but those claims were opposed by the other former republics. Eventually, Serbia and Montenegro accepted the opinion of the Badinter Arbitration Committee about shared succession. Serbia and Montenegro themselves broke up in 2006 and became independent states, while Kosovo proclaimed independence in 2008.
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit www.PeriscopeFilm.com



9 июл 2015




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@goranvuletic8873 5 лет назад
Imao sam sreću da ovakve seoske scene sa početka vidim lično, sredinom sedamdesetih kad sam bio klinac. Još uvek su se mnoge starije žene slično odevale, isti su bili bunari, isti plotovi i tarabe, i još uvek mnoge stare kuće, čitave i u funkciji, iako u relativno lošem stanju.
@MacakPodSIjemom 5 лет назад
Slično sam i ja razmišljao gledajući video, s tim da sam ja takve scene viđao skoro do kraja 80-tih. Moje selo je u nekada jednom od najnerazvijenijih krajeva bivše države , a ovo na snimku je neko šumadijsko selo, gde se pre rata mnogo bolje živelo.
@coyotedust 4 года назад
I grew up on a wheat farm out West in USA in the 1960's and 70's. Even though we had become mechanized with caterpillar tractors and John Deere or International Combines, we still grew a huge garden that took over 1/2 of an acre. We would grow enough vegetables to can, freeze, dry, and put in the root cellar to last a winter. If you needed vegetables for dinner, you didn't go to the store, you went out to the root cellar, or the freezer, or into the pantry, or maybe all three and pull out what you had preserved. Our meat was all cut and wrapped for the winter as well. This also applied to fruit. My mom baked bread every week, but she used the rectangular bread loaves, not these big round loaves traditionally made in Europe. Our sourdough starter was a continuation from my great grandma, that had never been broken. We sold the dairy cows, as my grandpa was no longer living on the farm and milking, and my parents didn't want to maintain dairy stock. But fortunately we lived right next to a dairy, so raw milk as plentiful. We also had huge berry patches of blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and an orchard.
@zooluwarrior 3 года назад
Great comment, thank you. It's always nice to know how people used to live.
@coyotedust 4 года назад
Look at the native costumes of the Eastern European peasant girls. Absolutely beautiful.
@_petrovic179 7 месяцев назад
To be exact, it is a Serbian girl.
@ivanasavic2639 7 месяцев назад
@pokie007 9 лет назад
This is fascinating. Towards the end of the video, we can see JDZ 801 diesel train, that was introduced 1938. Also, the Parliament building was completed 1936, and on the video we cannot see any indications that the building is still under construction. Hence, these can help to better date the recording.
@pokie007 9 лет назад
Poki Majstor Also, if I am allowed to hypothesize: not far from Terazije square (shown starting from 11:01) there is now an "Albanija" skyscraper. This building was the first skyscraper in Belgrade, but was not completed till 1939. If the building had existed at the time of the recording, most likely it would have been included in footage (since the purpose was to show "modern Belgrade"). Hence, most likely, the shooting took place sometimes 1938/1939.
@PeriscopeFilm 9 лет назад
Poki Majstor Thank you for your insightful comments!
@milutinicus 7 лет назад
Actualy the film is from 1940 at the very eve of the WII.
@despotstefanvisoki631 5 лет назад
The last pre-war Orient Express. In the same yaer France was fall.
@coyotedust 4 года назад
I remember my Grandpa telling me about how his father talked about farming in Sweden, "the Olde' Country". He said it was the same as they farmed up till WWII in America, when they still used teams of horses before everyone started converting to tractor power.
@mirkoukic9403 4 года назад
13:31 tad smo imali napredniju železnicu nego danas. U stvari, više nemamo ni železničku stanicu
@vesnablazanovic4228 4 года назад
@Oblio1942 2 года назад
my grandmother was born serb but imigrated to america soon after. in the 30s Its really neat to see what life in the old country was like. And no I dont speek the language and neither does my grandma, her parents were especially keen on only speaking english in the house because "we're americans now, we will speak American"
@snezanarapaic2780 Год назад
Srbi uvek ostaju Srbi ma gde bili. Tvoji roditelji su mnogo pogrešili. Izgubili ste dušu samim tim što ste se odrekli srpstva. Za mene su to izdajnici koji su se duhovno vratili u tursko doba koji su pokrštavali srpski narod silom i pod pretnjom koja i danas vlada Amerikom
@Basmetan 4 года назад
Kako je bio lep život pre ww2
@snezanarapaic2780 Год назад
Da bilo je časti i poštenja
@danencim8710 6 лет назад
Srbija i Beograd su se rekordno modernizovali i izgradili 1918-1941, posle toga sledi samo propadanje i komunisticka rasprodaja svega sto je srpsko....
@zemuntaurunum9781 6 лет назад
Ahahaha koja glupost. Vaš veliki kralj je dublo više fabrika pokrenuo u Hrvatskoj nego u Srbij a gotovo tri puta više u Sloveniji nego u Srbiji. Vaš divni kralj je ekonomiju kraljevine Jugoslavije stavio u ruke Hrvata. Posleratna inflacija je mnogo jače pogađala Srbiju nego Hrvatsku i Sloveniju. Za njih su važili posebni ustupci koji nisu važili za Srbiju. Dok je vaš mili kralj rešavao Slovenačko i hrvatsko pitanje Srbiju je ostavio u okviru jugoslovenskom pa su tako Hrvatska i Slovenija imali svoju ekonomsku samostalnost da sav profit ostaje njima. Dok su ostali i Srbija morali da daju u zajedničku Jugoslovensku kasu od čega se opet taj novac distribuisao Hrvatima i Slovencima. Svoje zadrže i još dobijaju bonus od nas. Kraljevina SHS, kasnije kraljevina Jugoslavija je bila jedna od najzaduženijih država u Evropi. Dok se školski sistem podržava u Sloveniji gde je svega 10% nepismeno u staroj Srbiji, Makedoniji 80% ljudi ne ume ni da čita, ni da piše.
@Kadetoni65 6 лет назад
"komunisticka rasprodaja" buahahaha Pa oni su gradili ratom razrušenu i opustošenu zemlju, koja je pre II sv. rata bila većinom agrarna.
@SRB.4S 4 года назад
Bas tako ,dalje i ne treba gledati od ovih zgrada,ustanova,skupstine...Te zgrade su i danas simbol Beograda.Kao i u Drugim gradovima u Srbiji sve ono sto je gradjeno pre drugog svetskog rata.Na svereu Srbije u vojvodini ono sto su Austro Ugari i nasi uspesni ljudi,trgovci... izgradili.Poput Dundjerskih... U ostatku Srbiji ono sto su kraljevi izgradili ima arhitektonski znacaj i lepotu kvlaitet ...Posle toga nastaje sivilo ,ruglo arhitekture bez ikakve estetike i znacaja i totalno bezvredno,sto nije vredelo ni kada je izgradjeno a ne danas ...Stanovi solidarnosti i razna druga socijalna rugla i sranja...Poljska ,Madjrska ...Posebno Poljska koja je srusene do temelja, obnovljene je po starim predratnim nacrtima.Kod nas da ne pricamo da ono sto fasisti nisu bombama srusili komunjarski smrad je hteo da rusi ,jos pola Beograda je trebalo da strada i to kakve zgrade od nacionalnog znacaja ali nacinalno srpskog.Tako da je njih za to boleo ku...Sreca u arhitektu Sekulica ,koji je to uspeo nekako da spreci kao uticajan covek,inace bi ceo Beograd bio "stanovi socijalne solidarnosti"...Naravno velika razlika imedju nas i njih je sledeca sto . Poljaci ,Madjari,Bugari...Ostaju i kao komunisti Poljaci ,Madjari i Bugari.Mi dolaskom copavog ustase nazalost postajemo "Jugosloveni" anti-srbi.Pa je sve sto je trebalo obnoviti bilo"veliko srpska hegemonija"..Protiv koje su se je li "oni borili "kako sada to da obnavlaju?!...Da ne pricamo , da se ne broj fabrika. Od ,fabrika kamiona i aviona preseljenih posle rata iz Srbije u hrvatsku ,sloveniju,bosnu...Od IKARUSA nastaje SOKO MOSTAR. Od IMR-a nastaje TAM kompletno je fabrika iz Rakovice izmestena u Sloveniju.Iz vojvodine silosi,24 mlina,elektircna centrala,livnica,fabrika sapuna,fabrika boja i lakova,cetiri ciglane,dve strugare,fabrika namestaja,sest stamparija...Sta ce to srbima jel tako?!
@МиланНедић-к9з 3 года назад
@@SRB.4S И дан данас је тако. Сада ставе стаклену зграду у сред центра града поред аустроугарских грађевина. Деца и унуци некадашњих комуниста руше све што је старо да би изградили бетонске кавезе којима перу паре.
@nenamaric8012 6 лет назад
Ja ovde vidim klasican kapitalizam, seljaci i radnici u prnjama a u gradu dame i gospoda. Socijalizam je doneo bolji zivot za seljake i radnike.
@Chex1389 5 лет назад
А у социјализму су сељаци у граду, а господа у иностранству? Бла, бла, бла иди па Американцима причај ту причу. Људи траже социјалну сигурност и социјалну правду, данас као и пре ту нема сумње, али то да је пре било боље окачите мачку о реп, јер то што је било, није имало шансе да се одржи.
@miroslavbogdanovic1120 6 лет назад
Jel vi neznate srpski pisat sta nas briga strani jezik nas jezik je naj jednostavniji
@Kadetoni65 6 лет назад
Je l' vi ne znate srpski pisati? Šta nas briga (za) strani jezik, naš jezik je najjednostavniji. A nekima je ipak pretežak. :-)
@SRB.4S 4 года назад
Slazem se sa tobom prijatelju.Srpski je svakako broj jedan .Samo jedna mala zamerka"pisat,na pisat,pozdravit,ostavit"...Tako se prijatelju ne pise na srpskom jeziku. Pise se ,samim tim i tako se i izgovara. PISATI ,NA PISATI ,POZDRAVITI,OSTAVITI...Ono sto si ti napisao tako pisu oni sto su svoj jezik ,izmislili na osnovu srpskog.Gramaticki ne tacno.Ali njima bitno da se razlikuje od srpskog...