
Yusuf Azmi Tegur YB Hannah Yeoh P Ramasamy Menteri Gara Gara Ini, Ini Kata Kata Kanda 

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Yusuf Azmi Tegur YB Hannah Yeoh P Ramasamy Menteri Gara Gara Ini, Ini Kata Kata Kanda
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@mazuenmdsah9874 2 года назад
Saya sokong Yusof Azmi,semoga Allah memberi kamu pembuka jalan kebaikan ke atas umat Islam.Tak hanya angguk2 dan geling2 sahaja sehingga agama dan bangsa diinjak2
@bro1883 2 года назад
Pejuang islam sentiasa tidak disenangi. Teruskan berjuang. Kami dibelakang anda kanda Yusuf Azmi. Jdlah pemimpin utk rakyat. Sentiasa bertenang dlm berjuang.
@idrosezainudin9403 2 года назад
@moonlightsonata6523 2 года назад
@muhammadharithazim5386 2 года назад
@haslinarina3166 2 года назад
@kampret2900 2 года назад
saya akn turut berjuang..modhar kafirun
@roslanh9851 2 года назад
Terbaik saudara Yusuf Azmi & team semboyan. Teruskan perjuangan dan kita penyokongnya.
@daisymohamed6080 2 года назад
Inilah seorang pejuang!!! I hope more youngsters will step up and protect our religion and race❤️❤️❤️
@lions12. 2 года назад
Ni bkn Pejuang laa . Ni semua NGO yg ada kepentingan & agenda . Klo nk jdi Pejuang . Biar keseluruhan perjuangan nya . Ramai yg msh tak npk . Mudah jdi pentaksub
@econksksk3782 2 года назад
@@lions12. Sekurg2nya dia berani bersuara apa yg slah..org yg ada kepentingan diri ja xnmpk semua tu..
@faizal_aryan 2 года назад
@@lions12. Cuba cakap apa kepentingan & agenda tu?
@lions12. 2 года назад
@@faizal_aryan Apa peranan Ngo2 sebenarnya ? Klo tak agenda & kepentingan . Tu pon tak blh pikir je ?
@lions12. 2 года назад
@@econksksk3782 klo nk bersuara biar keseluruhan . Tu baru la Pejuang . Fight korupsi skli .
@mohdkhairu2325 2 года назад
Tindakan tegas perlu diambil bg mengelak penularan 'wabak' ini...
@rohayahsyahmi2268 2 года назад
Semoga Allah subhana hu wata a'laa melindungi semua yg memperjuangkan Islam
@cypherxander2363 2 года назад
Ingatlah wahai melayu .. bersatulah menguatkan ummah..sememangnya inilah antara cara mereka2 yg mahukan melayu terus2 berpecah
@wanmela54 2 года назад
*Y A*
@roziahali6974 2 года назад
Syukur kita ada anak2 muda islam yg berjiwa pejuang spt Khaifah Umar dsb ALLAHUAKHBAR!!! HIDUP ISLAM, HIDUP MELAYU...
@marahalimmarahayat6492 2 года назад
Kita sepatut nya hormati menghormati antar agama.jangan menghina agama lain sebelum betbuat pikur2 dulu
@nooraribahnoorid401 2 года назад
PRU 15 kalian orang muda janganlah lagi tertipu janji2 bulan dan bintang yer.Gunakan kuasa undi itu jangan lagi pilih DAP dan PKR dan gabungan PH yang lain.Buang masa 22 bulan menghuruharakan pentadbiran negara,asset2 negara dan TH hilang dan pelbagai lagi kemusnahan termasuk penarikan balik rayuan Batu Putih dalam mahkamah antarabangsa.Cuma jasa PH ialah bawa DSN dan DSZH serta kuncu2 Umno ke mahkamah jer.Yang lain haprak.
@mohammadzakaria405 2 года назад
Pada dap komunis ke perjuang
@Panji_Alam 2 года назад
Aku setuju 100% cakap saudara Yusuf ini, jika YB Ramasamy terlalu menghina dan mengutuk Islam dan Melayu, kita sanggup "BERPERANG" dengan mereka dan kumpulan mereka....betul sangat2 kekadang dengan berperang baru orang2 (bangsa) macam ini baru sedar. YB Ramasamy sangat bencikan agama islam dan orang2 melayu, kita mohon kerajaan sekarang (PM-Ismail Sabri) agar membatalkan kerakyatan YB Ramasamy kerana dia terkelaluan dan juga kepada YB lain khas dalam DAP yang terlalu racist dan menghina islam. Jika YB Ramasamy mahu berperang dengan orang melayu dan islam..."silakan kami tidak takut dengan kafir2 di Malaysia ini...Takbir...
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@Zeck77 2 года назад
Kasi ramai² turun biar mampus puak² tu
@afiqchk9542 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 jaoh pegi smpai iran????
@suhaimiemie4215 2 года назад
Sanggup bersama sama.. Bila2 masa saje
@hizalyahya9538 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 tolong buktikan.. jgn main tulis je..
@nordinsaari3987 2 года назад
Terbaik Tuan Yusof Azmi..tegas dlm hal2 yg melibatkan agama dan bangsa.Allahuakbar.
@khariulnizamahmad2692 2 года назад
Betul Apa Yang Dikatakan Oleh Kanda Yusuf Azmi di Akhir Video,,,Kita Harus Tentang,,,Kepada Orang-orang Yang Menghina Islam Dan Bangsa Melayu DiMalaysia, Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku,,,
@zayiden 2 года назад
Kita sebenarnya dari dulu hingga sekarang menghadapi gerakan eksperimen melemahkan islam dan melayu. Kita boleh lihat sekarang, hasilnya, yang paling jelas, perpecahan & pertelingkahan di kalangan melayu. Dan kita terus dicabar dan diuji. Kita masih lagi lalai.
@tgharis 2 года назад
Btl ckp abg ni.bahkan gerakan ni cukup paham isu yg perlu dimainkan kepada umum sebagai "diversion" terhadap isu semasa yg sedang hangat serta menjadi kemarahan umum.contoh: isu kenaikan harga barang kepada isu akidah dan kehormatan islam.tujuan utama; pelemahan dan serangan kepada umat islam dr segala sudut aspek
@thamwai5185 2 года назад
Bro,banyak cakap banyak salah
@zayiden 2 года назад
@@thamwai5185 Fakta yang ada di depan you.
@iwanfirdaus2775 2 года назад
@@thamwai5185 kacau bapak kau ke ? Dasar penumpang yang tidak sedar diri !!!
@cypherxander2363 2 года назад
Jadi org org melayu haruslah sedar ... Mula bersatu jangan terikut2 politik yg kearah liberal dan sekular..
@kampret2900 2 года назад
sebab dedak camna nk bersatu
@asrihussin2343 2 года назад
Respect kanda Yusuf Azmi..tanpa penat lelah terus memperjuangkan bangsa dan agama..kami akan terus menyokong dan sentiasa ada di belakang..takbir3....
@Serinur67 2 года назад
Azmi yusuf sentiasa terbaik..moga Allah melindunginya dan keluarganya.amin. #Allahhukbar
@fanaflixtv7313 2 года назад
ALHAMDULILLAH, bagusnya ada pejuang zaman kini seperti Yusuf Azmi ini. Tak ramai yang BERANI memperjuangkan HAK MELAYU dan AGAMA ISLAM kat MALAYSIA atau Dunia ni. Moga dipanjang kan Umur sihat walafiat dan dilimpah ruahkan rezeki. Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 Here comes a coward Islam-hater who can just afford to 'hit-and-run'. So what❓ A coward will always remain a coward. That's fact❗ Note: ‘Fact-proof and evidence’ is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually.
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 @ FACT: THE BIBLE AND TAQIYYA Does the Bible completely forbid lying? No, it does not. In Exodus, we find that Pharaoh ordered the killing of all new-born baby boys. He ordered the midwives to carry out such a heinous crime: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:15-22 In the above, Pharaoh asks Shiphrah and Puah why they did not carry out his order. And they responded by lying, telling Pharaoh that Hebrew women and Egyptian women are not the same, and that Hebrew women are vigorous and give birth in haste before they arrived (v. 19). In verse 20-21, instead of God rebuking Shiphrah and Puah for lying, YHWH rewards them by having ‘families of their own’. The silence of YHWH for not condemning the two midwives for deceiving Pharaoh shows that lying in certain situations in order to save innocent lives from being killed is allowed. Commentary Making Sense of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis To Revelation - Norman L. Geisler And Thomas Howe: Solution: There is little question that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh by not murdering the newborn male children and lied to Pharaoh when they said they arrived too late to carry out his orders. Nonetheless, there is moral justification for what they did. First, the moral dilemma in which the midwives found themselves was unavoidable. Either they obeyed God’s higher law, or they obeyed lesser obligation of submitting to Pharaoh. Rather than commit deliberate infanticide against the children of their own people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh’s orders. God commands us not to murder (Exodus. 20:13). The saving of innocent lives is a higher obligation than obedience to government. When the government commands us to murder innocent victims, we should not obey. God did not hold the midwives responsible-nor does He hold us responsible-for not following a lower obligation in order to obey a higher law (cf. Acts 4; Rev. 13). In the case of the midwives, the higher law was to the preservation of the lives of the newborn male children. Second, the text clearly states that God blessed them ‘because the midwives feared God’ (Exod. 1:21). It was their fear of God that led them to do what was necessary to save these innocent lives. Thus, their false statement to Pharaoh was an essential part of their effort to save lives. Third, their lying is comparable to their having disobeyed Pharaoh in order to save the lives of the innocent newborns. This is a case where the midwives had to choose between lying and being compelled to murder innocent babies. Here again the midwives chose to obey the higher moral law. Obedience to parents is part of the moral law (Cf. Eph. 6:1). But if a parent commanded his or child to kill a neighbour or worship an idol, the child should refuse. Jesus emphasized the need to follow higher moral law when He said, ‘He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37). [1] Notes on Exodus - Dr. Thomas L. Constable The midwives’ fear of God (vv. 17, 21) led them to disobey Pharaoh’s command to practice genocide. They chose to obey God rather than man since Pharaoh’s order contradicted a fundamental divine command (cf. Gen. 1:28; 9:1, 7). All life belongs to God, so He is the only person who has the right to take it or to command when others should take it. The midwives’ fear of God resulted in their having reverence for human life. Their explanation of their actions (v. 19) may have been truthful or it may not have been entirely truthful. “Even though these women lied to Pharaoh (which the Bible, as is often the case, does not stop to specifically condemn at this point), they are praised for their outright refusal to take infant lives.”33 God blessed these women with families of their own (v. 21) in spite of their deceit, if they practiced it, because they feared God. [2] The NIV Application Commentary: 1 & 2 Samuel - Bill T. Arnold: Take, for example, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 1:15-21. The Egyptian pharaoh tried to control Israelite population growth by demanding that the midwives in charge of Hebrew births kill the boys, allowing only the girls to live. But because the midwives were God-fearing women, they refused to obey the King and allowed the boys to live as well. When Pharaoh demanded to know why they did not obey him, they simply lied (1:19): ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive’. In this case, the midwives were blessed for their actions. God rewarded them with families of their own because they feared him more than the Egyptian king and chose to risk lying rather than kill the newborn Hebrew boys. Likewise Rahab certainly told a lie to the king of Jericho to save the two Israelite spies (Josh. 2:4-6), and New Testament authors unanimously praise her actions as works of faith (Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). When we compare these disparate episodes, a certain biblical ethic begins to emerge, which is supported by our text in 1 Samuel 19. Rather than a monlothic prohibition against all lying and deception, the Bible offers general principle, modified with several exceptions. The general principle is most notably stated in the ninth commandment, which contains a statement against lying in a court of law (Ex. 20:16). Elsewhere the Bible generally disdains all falsehood (Prov. 11:3) and portrays Satan as the ‘father of lies’ (John 8:44; Eph. 4:25). But then we have exceptions such as the Hebrew midwives, who chose to embrace the guilt of deception in order to preserve the lives of the newborns. They unselfishly put themselves at risk before the Pharaoh rather than fulfil his gruesome orders. Jonathan and Michal seem to be in the same category as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. These biblical characters choose the higher good and are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, even if it puts them at personal risk in order to help innocent person. Many Christian scholars through the centuries have agreed. Thomas Aquinas distinguished three classes of lies: Officious lies, or helpful lies of necessity; jocose lies, told in jest; and mischievous lies, or malicious lies told to harm another person or to save face personally. Only the third category constitutes sin in Aquinas’s view. I would agree with Aquinas, but I would also warn that the lie of necessity is only morally justified (even morally required?) under certain circumstances, such as rare situations where it is clear that innocent lives are at stake. In this biblical ethic, lying and deception are wrong and to be avoided. However, the actions of Jonathan and Michal, the Hebrew midwives, and others suggest there are times when believers should choose to accept the guilt of lying in order to accomplish a higher good, as they believe it to be defined by God. Thus, we recognize deception as always bad but sometimes desirable in extenuating circumstances. [3] …more More... To see/read the whole content of this quite a very lengthy article, click on the link below: discover-the-truth.com/2015/01/18/the-bible-and-taqiyya-part-1/
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 pemimpin Politaik ada yg berkiblatkan Iran.kenal dak dia puak mana
@bainyusuf5589 Год назад
@@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 o
@emohdnasri6802 2 года назад
Tq kanda yusof azmi & team semboyan.. pejuang melayu & islam.. klulah x da diaorg ni dh lgkop dh melayu & islam tggl nama sja.. alhamdulillah tuhan hadirkan mereka dikalangan kita sebagai pembela.. terima kasih sekali lg pada mereka. Syukur alhamdulillah Allahuakbar allahuakbar allahuakbar
@mohdmohd4416 2 года назад
Kapir tetap kapir.....kapir tu maknanya ingkar....bila2 pun tetap ingkar....INGAT2 INI BUMI MELAYU JIKA TAK IKUT...NYALAH DARI BUMI MELAYU JANGAN SAMPAI HILANGNYA SABAR....
@jendryjenisjeniskimpa6814 2 года назад
Kapir or Kafir..Kafir menurut kefahaman anda semua apa mksdnya..klau kefahaman saya Kafir itu adalah org yg tdk mngenal Tuhan..yg tdk percaya sang pencipta itu Ada..bole bagi pencerahan
@xoxochoiii8424 2 года назад
Sebab tu kita kena lawan extremist hindu Buddha ni
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
Kafir.. tertutup terhijab kebenaran
@qhairolnazryqhairolnazry8345 2 года назад
Abg yusuf Azmi biasa2 jerk bila di pandang dari zahir& luarannya akan tetapi di dlm hati dan fikirannya , sy blh kata kn SubhanaAllah.. Dia org yg hebat yg Allah hadir kn dirinya kpda kita semua , org yg berfikiran positif , rendah diri dan org yg tawaduq ke jalan Allah.. Semoga Allah memelihara diri dan kesihatannya serta mengangkat darjat dirinya di kalangan org2 yg berjuang , beriman @ tawaduq ke jalan Allah . Aaminn Yarabbal alamin...
@lions12. 2 года назад
Byk lg org yg hebat. Jgn terpengaruh sgt . Ngo2 ni semua ada agenda & kepentingan . Bkn Pejuang yg sebenar . Sbb tdk berani tegur pemimpin MELAYU ISLAM korup.
@qhairolnazryqhairolnazry8345 2 года назад
@@lions12. Siapa dan ape kuasa dia untuk menegur pemimpin yg korup sedang kn Malaysia sendiri ade badan penguatkuasa ( SPRM) yg di lantik untuk memantau @ menerima aduan kes rasuah ( korup ). Maka jika kamu ade bukti sila tampil , jgn jadi seekor lebah yg merungut di dlm sarang lebahnya sahaja. Aku terpengaruh pada diri dia pun bersebab kerna dia seorang sahaja yg berani tampil kehadapan , serta sifat keperibadian yg di tunjuk kn nya dan Jati dirinya di dlm memikul amanah serta tanggungjawap beliau untk membantu org2 melayu dan Islam. Ko x suka itu hak ko , aku sama skali tidak terpedaya dgn kata2 dan dakyah kolot ko tu.. klo bukan dia siapa lagi... Jgn lah ko sperti seekor kambing yg menanduk gunung , gunung x runtuh tpi tanduknya yg patah...
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@Vipers kenapa baling batu sembunyi tangan..kenapa padam.
@abgishak5007 2 года назад
@@muniahmad6053 vipers tu satu geng ngn ramasamy tu, kapiaq jugak tuu
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@abgishak5007 Cai Ramasamy LA😂😂
@zamzurijohari3898 2 года назад
saya sokong sgt dn betullah apa yg dikatakn itu...kita sanggup PERANG....!!
@thedoglet8827 2 года назад
Allahuakhbar !
@cypherxander2363 2 года назад
Kerana itulah mereka suka lihat melayu berpecah belah..kalau melayu islam bersatu kita kuat
@hanafihanafi6831 2 года назад
Bro sebelum nk perang,rajin2 pi masjid surau berjamaah dn rajin hadir kuliah.. insyaallah paduu kita boleh perang😁
@zaenal-ur1pd 2 года назад
@@hanafihanafi6831 ko knl dia ka??
@thedoglet8827 2 года назад
@@hanafihanafi6831 btul 🤭
@tchadiwang4482 2 года назад
P.ariasami bila nak balik India kling
@abubakarmustar3357 2 года назад
Orang seperti saudara yusuf azmi juga adalah pejuang.🤔🇲🇾🤲👍✌
@Mohd-nl9xy 2 года назад
Kita perlu kn lebih lg pemimpin mcmni..terbaik tuan..ramai di blkang ni..jgn rsau.insyaAllah Allah dn rasul bersama kita..masing2 ambik peranan masing..kita pasti di segani d hormati juga nt.. insyaAllah..
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
@@Mohd-nl9xy Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 Here comes a coward Islam-hater who can just afford to 'hit-and-run'. So what❓ A coward will always remain a coward. That's fact❗ Note: ‘Fact-proof and evidence’ is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually.
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 @ FACT: THE BIBLE AND TAQIYYA Does the Bible completely forbid lying? No, it does not. In Exodus, we find that Pharaoh ordered the killing of all new-born baby boys. He ordered the midwives to carry out such a heinous crime: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:15-22 In the above, Pharaoh asks Shiphrah and Puah why they did not carry out his order. And they responded by lying, telling Pharaoh that Hebrew women and Egyptian women are not the same, and that Hebrew women are vigorous and give birth in haste before they arrived (v. 19). In verse 20-21, instead of God rebuking Shiphrah and Puah for lying, YHWH rewards them by having ‘families of their own’. The silence of YHWH for not condemning the two midwives for deceiving Pharaoh shows that lying in certain situations in order to save innocent lives from being killed is allowed. Commentary Making Sense of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis To Revelation - Norman L. Geisler And Thomas Howe: Solution: There is little question that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh by not murdering the newborn male children and lied to Pharaoh when they said they arrived too late to carry out his orders. Nonetheless, there is moral justification for what they did. First, the moral dilemma in which the midwives found themselves was unavoidable. Either they obeyed God’s higher law, or they obeyed lesser obligation of submitting to Pharaoh. Rather than commit deliberate infanticide against the children of their own people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh’s orders. God commands us not to murder (Exodus. 20:13). The saving of innocent lives is a higher obligation than obedience to government. When the government commands us to murder innocent victims, we should not obey. God did not hold the midwives responsible-nor does He hold us responsible-for not following a lower obligation in order to obey a higher law (cf. Acts 4; Rev. 13). In the case of the midwives, the higher law was to the preservation of the lives of the newborn male children. Second, the text clearly states that God blessed them ‘because the midwives feared God’ (Exod. 1:21). It was their fear of God that led them to do what was necessary to save these innocent lives. Thus, their false statement to Pharaoh was an essential part of their effort to save lives. Third, their lying is comparable to their having disobeyed Pharaoh in order to save the lives of the innocent newborns. This is a case where the midwives had to choose between lying and being compelled to murder innocent babies. Here again the midwives chose to obey the higher moral law. Obedience to parents is part of the moral law (Cf. Eph. 6:1). But if a parent commanded his or child to kill a neighbour or worship an idol, the child should refuse. Jesus emphasized the need to follow higher moral law when He said, ‘He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37). [1] Notes on Exodus - Dr. Thomas L. Constable The midwives’ fear of God (vv. 17, 21) led them to disobey Pharaoh’s command to practice genocide. They chose to obey God rather than man since Pharaoh’s order contradicted a fundamental divine command (cf. Gen. 1:28; 9:1, 7). All life belongs to God, so He is the only person who has the right to take it or to command when others should take it. The midwives’ fear of God resulted in their having reverence for human life. Their explanation of their actions (v. 19) may have been truthful or it may not have been entirely truthful. “Even though these women lied to Pharaoh (which the Bible, as is often the case, does not stop to specifically condemn at this point), they are praised for their outright refusal to take infant lives.”33 God blessed these women with families of their own (v. 21) in spite of their deceit, if they practiced it, because they feared God. [2] The NIV Application Commentary: 1 & 2 Samuel - Bill T. Arnold: Take, for example, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 1:15-21. The Egyptian pharaoh tried to control Israelite population growth by demanding that the midwives in charge of Hebrew births kill the boys, allowing only the girls to live. But because the midwives were God-fearing women, they refused to obey the King and allowed the boys to live as well. When Pharaoh demanded to know why they did not obey him, they simply lied (1:19): ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive’. In this case, the midwives were blessed for their actions. God rewarded them with families of their own because they feared him more than the Egyptian king and chose to risk lying rather than kill the newborn Hebrew boys. Likewise Rahab certainly told a lie to the king of Jericho to save the two Israelite spies (Josh. 2:4-6), and New Testament authors unanimously praise her actions as works of faith (Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). When we compare these disparate episodes, a certain biblical ethic begins to emerge, which is supported by our text in 1 Samuel 19. Rather than a monlothic prohibition against all lying and deception, the Bible offers general principle, modified with several exceptions. The general principle is most notably stated in the ninth commandment, which contains a statement against lying in a court of law (Ex. 20:16). Elsewhere the Bible generally disdains all falsehood (Prov. 11:3) and portrays Satan as the ‘father of lies’ (John 8:44; Eph. 4:25). But then we have exceptions such as the Hebrew midwives, who chose to embrace the guilt of deception in order to preserve the lives of the newborns. They unselfishly put themselves at risk before the Pharaoh rather than fulfil his gruesome orders. Jonathan and Michal seem to be in the same category as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. These biblical characters choose the higher good and are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, even if it puts them at personal risk in order to help innocent person. Many Christian scholars through the centuries have agreed. Thomas Aquinas distinguished three classes of lies: Officious lies, or helpful lies of necessity; jocose lies, told in jest; and mischievous lies, or malicious lies told to harm another person or to save face personally. Only the third category constitutes sin in Aquinas’s view. I would agree with Aquinas, but I would also warn that the lie of necessity is only morally justified (even morally required?) under certain circumstances, such as rare situations where it is clear that innocent lives are at stake. In this biblical ethic, lying and deception are wrong and to be avoided. However, the actions of Jonathan and Michal, the Hebrew midwives, and others suggest there are times when believers should choose to accept the guilt of lying in order to accomplish a higher good, as they believe it to be defined by God. Thus, we recognize deception as always bad but sometimes desirable in extenuating circumstances. [3] …more More... To see/read the whole content of this quite a very lengthy article, click on the link below: discover-the-truth.com/2015/01/18/the-bible-and-taqiyya-part-1/
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 pemimpin politik yang berkiblatkan Iran pun ada.tolak puak ni pru15
@jurimaniman1310 2 года назад
Terbaiikk sangat En Yusuf ...kita mesti bersatu demi agama islam dan rakyat malaysia....suka suka sja orang ckp ckp sebarangan
@azlynn80 2 года назад
Terbaik Abg Yusuf Azmi…..👍👍👍…Ya Allah kau lindungi hamba ini🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 yang memperjuangkan agama Islam….
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 Here comes a coward Islam-hater who can just afford to 'hit-and-run'. So what❓ A coward will always remain a coward. That's fact❗ Note: ‘Fact-proof and evidence’ is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually.
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 @ FACT: THE BIBLE AND TAQIYYA Does the Bible completely forbid lying? No, it does not. In Exodus, we find that Pharaoh ordered the killing of all new-born baby boys. He ordered the midwives to carry out such a heinous crime: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:15-22 In the above, Pharaoh asks Shiphrah and Puah why they did not carry out his order. And they responded by lying, telling Pharaoh that Hebrew women and Egyptian women are not the same, and that Hebrew women are vigorous and give birth in haste before they arrived (v. 19). In verse 20-21, instead of God rebuking Shiphrah and Puah for lying, YHWH rewards them by having ‘families of their own’. The silence of YHWH for not condemning the two midwives for deceiving Pharaoh shows that lying in certain situations in order to save innocent lives from being killed is allowed. Commentary Making Sense of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis To Revelation - Norman L. Geisler And Thomas Howe: Solution: There is little question that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh by not murdering the newborn male children and lied to Pharaoh when they said they arrived too late to carry out his orders. Nonetheless, there is moral justification for what they did. First, the moral dilemma in which the midwives found themselves was unavoidable. Either they obeyed God’s higher law, or they obeyed lesser obligation of submitting to Pharaoh. Rather than commit deliberate infanticide against the children of their own people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh’s orders. God commands us not to murder (Exodus. 20:13). The saving of innocent lives is a higher obligation than obedience to government. When the government commands us to murder innocent victims, we should not obey. God did not hold the midwives responsible-nor does He hold us responsible-for not following a lower obligation in order to obey a higher law (cf. Acts 4; Rev. 13). In the case of the midwives, the higher law was to the preservation of the lives of the newborn male children. Second, the text clearly states that God blessed them ‘because the midwives feared God’ (Exod. 1:21). It was their fear of God that led them to do what was necessary to save these innocent lives. Thus, their false statement to Pharaoh was an essential part of their effort to save lives. Third, their lying is comparable to their having disobeyed Pharaoh in order to save the lives of the innocent newborns. This is a case where the midwives had to choose between lying and being compelled to murder innocent babies. Here again the midwives chose to obey the higher moral law. Obedience to parents is part of the moral law (Cf. Eph. 6:1). But if a parent commanded his or child to kill a neighbour or worship an idol, the child should refuse. Jesus emphasized the need to follow higher moral law when He said, ‘He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37). [1] Notes on Exodus - Dr. Thomas L. Constable The midwives’ fear of God (vv. 17, 21) led them to disobey Pharaoh’s command to practice genocide. They chose to obey God rather than man since Pharaoh’s order contradicted a fundamental divine command (cf. Gen. 1:28; 9:1, 7). All life belongs to God, so He is the only person who has the right to take it or to command when others should take it. The midwives’ fear of God resulted in their having reverence for human life. Their explanation of their actions (v. 19) may have been truthful or it may not have been entirely truthful. “Even though these women lied to Pharaoh (which the Bible, as is often the case, does not stop to specifically condemn at this point), they are praised for their outright refusal to take infant lives.”33 God blessed these women with families of their own (v. 21) in spite of their deceit, if they practiced it, because they feared God. [2] The NIV Application Commentary: 1 & 2 Samuel - Bill T. Arnold: Take, for example, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 1:15-21. The Egyptian pharaoh tried to control Israelite population growth by demanding that the midwives in charge of Hebrew births kill the boys, allowing only the girls to live. But because the midwives were God-fearing women, they refused to obey the King and allowed the boys to live as well. When Pharaoh demanded to know why they did not obey him, they simply lied (1:19): ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive’. In this case, the midwives were blessed for their actions. God rewarded them with families of their own because they feared him more than the Egyptian king and chose to risk lying rather than kill the newborn Hebrew boys. Likewise Rahab certainly told a lie to the king of Jericho to save the two Israelite spies (Josh. 2:4-6), and New Testament authors unanimously praise her actions as works of faith (Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). When we compare these disparate episodes, a certain biblical ethic begins to emerge, which is supported by our text in 1 Samuel 19. Rather than a monlothic prohibition against all lying and deception, the Bible offers general principle, modified with several exceptions. The general principle is most notably stated in the ninth commandment, which contains a statement against lying in a court of law (Ex. 20:16). Elsewhere the Bible generally disdains all falsehood (Prov. 11:3) and portrays Satan as the ‘father of lies’ (John 8:44; Eph. 4:25). But then we have exceptions such as the Hebrew midwives, who chose to embrace the guilt of deception in order to preserve the lives of the newborns. They unselfishly put themselves at risk before the Pharaoh rather than fulfil his gruesome orders. Jonathan and Michal seem to be in the same category as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. These biblical characters choose the higher good and are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, even if it puts them at personal risk in order to help innocent person. Many Christian scholars through the centuries have agreed. Thomas Aquinas distinguished three classes of lies: Officious lies, or helpful lies of necessity; jocose lies, told in jest; and mischievous lies, or malicious lies told to harm another person or to save face personally. Only the third category constitutes sin in Aquinas’s view. I would agree with Aquinas, but I would also warn that the lie of necessity is only morally justified (even morally required?) under certain circumstances, such as rare situations where it is clear that innocent lives are at stake. In this biblical ethic, lying and deception are wrong and to be avoided. However, the actions of Jonathan and Michal, the Hebrew midwives, and others suggest there are times when believers should choose to accept the guilt of lying in order to accomplish a higher good, as they believe it to be defined by God. Thus, we recognize deception as always bad but sometimes desirable in extenuating circumstances. [3] …more More... To see/read the whole content of this quite a very lengthy article, click on the link below: discover-the-truth.com/2015/01/18/the-bible-and-taqiyya-part-1/
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 pemimpin PHolitaik ada berkiblatkan Iran
@wanzainab3715 2 года назад
Terbaik saudara, ramai rakyat dibelakang saudara diharapkan terus bersuara apa yang benar dan terbaik untuk bangsa dan negara
@AuraKekandaRich 2 года назад
sy sokong abg Azmi.. jadi wira keadilan islam.... amin..inn shaa Allah
@kumpulanbinmay7888 2 года назад
Teruskan DAKWAH demi Allah dan Rasulullah S.A.W...kanda yusuff azmi kami support abang janganlah abang risau demi AGAMA BANGSA TANAHAIR.... ALLAHUAKHBAR!!!!!
@jfacademy3911 2 года назад
Mark ahli politik yg x menghormati Islam, x lama lagi pilihan raya pastikan jgn sesiapa pangkah depa...
@mohammadanuaryufos9016 2 года назад
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
Dah banyak makan budi.mekayu tetap pilih PHuak ni
@batutepijalan7915 2 года назад
Jangan lupa mark ahli politik yg kaki rasuah skali
@MamubgStudio 2 года назад
Betul sangat kenyataan Ayahanda Yusuf Azmi...
@aiyan804 2 года назад
Masya Allah Tabarokallah. Jaga dan lindungi Ya Rob umatMU yg mmjga dan melindungi AgamaMU🤲🤲
@momoy88 2 года назад
2020/2021 Populasi Malaysia Bumiputera: 20.9 Juta (69.7%) Cina: 6.7 Juta (22.5%) India: 2 Juta (6.8%) Lain2 bangsa: 0.3 Juta (1.0%) Bodohlah kita kalau berdiam diri saat agama dan bangsa kita di hina. Kalau Melayu bersatu, hancur binasa lah diorang dalam Malaysia ni. Bangkitlah dari tidur, cukuplah bersabar selama ni wahai bangsa ku.
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
@@momoy88 Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 Here comes a coward Islam-hater who can just afford to 'hit-and-run'. So what❓ A coward will always remain a coward. That's fact❗ Note: ‘Fact-proof and evidence’ is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually.
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 @ FACT: THE BIBLE AND TAQIYYA Does the Bible completely forbid lying? No, it does not. In Exodus, we find that Pharaoh ordered the killing of all new-born baby boys. He ordered the midwives to carry out such a heinous crime: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:15-22 In the above, Pharaoh asks Shiphrah and Puah why they did not carry out his order. And they responded by lying, telling Pharaoh that Hebrew women and Egyptian women are not the same, and that Hebrew women are vigorous and give birth in haste before they arrived (v. 19). In verse 20-21, instead of God rebuking Shiphrah and Puah for lying, YHWH rewards them by having ‘families of their own’. The silence of YHWH for not condemning the two midwives for deceiving Pharaoh shows that lying in certain situations in order to save innocent lives from being killed is allowed. Commentary Making Sense of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis To Revelation - Norman L. Geisler And Thomas Howe: Solution: There is little question that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh by not murdering the newborn male children and lied to Pharaoh when they said they arrived too late to carry out his orders. Nonetheless, there is moral justification for what they did. First, the moral dilemma in which the midwives found themselves was unavoidable. Either they obeyed God’s higher law, or they obeyed lesser obligation of submitting to Pharaoh. Rather than commit deliberate infanticide against the children of their own people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh’s orders. God commands us not to murder (Exodus. 20:13). The saving of innocent lives is a higher obligation than obedience to government. When the government commands us to murder innocent victims, we should not obey. God did not hold the midwives responsible-nor does He hold us responsible-for not following a lower obligation in order to obey a higher law (cf. Acts 4; Rev. 13). In the case of the midwives, the higher law was to the preservation of the lives of the newborn male children. Second, the text clearly states that God blessed them ‘because the midwives feared God’ (Exod. 1:21). It was their fear of God that led them to do what was necessary to save these innocent lives. Thus, their false statement to Pharaoh was an essential part of their effort to save lives. Third, their lying is comparable to their having disobeyed Pharaoh in order to save the lives of the innocent newborns. This is a case where the midwives had to choose between lying and being compelled to murder innocent babies. Here again the midwives chose to obey the higher moral law. Obedience to parents is part of the moral law (Cf. Eph. 6:1). But if a parent commanded his or child to kill a neighbour or worship an idol, the child should refuse. Jesus emphasized the need to follow higher moral law when He said, ‘He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37). [1] Notes on Exodus - Dr. Thomas L. Constable The midwives’ fear of God (vv. 17, 21) led them to disobey Pharaoh’s command to practice genocide. They chose to obey God rather than man since Pharaoh’s order contradicted a fundamental divine command (cf. Gen. 1:28; 9:1, 7). All life belongs to God, so He is the only person who has the right to take it or to command when others should take it. The midwives’ fear of God resulted in their having reverence for human life. Their explanation of their actions (v. 19) may have been truthful or it may not have been entirely truthful. “Even though these women lied to Pharaoh (which the Bible, as is often the case, does not stop to specifically condemn at this point), they are praised for their outright refusal to take infant lives.”33 God blessed these women with families of their own (v. 21) in spite of their deceit, if they practiced it, because they feared God. [2] The NIV Application Commentary: 1 & 2 Samuel - Bill T. Arnold: Take, for example, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 1:15-21. The Egyptian pharaoh tried to control Israelite population growth by demanding that the midwives in charge of Hebrew births kill the boys, allowing only the girls to live. But because the midwives were God-fearing women, they refused to obey the King and allowed the boys to live as well. When Pharaoh demanded to know why they did not obey him, they simply lied (1:19): ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive’. In this case, the midwives were blessed for their actions. God rewarded them with families of their own because they feared him more than the Egyptian king and chose to risk lying rather than kill the newborn Hebrew boys. Likewise Rahab certainly told a lie to the king of Jericho to save the two Israelite spies (Josh. 2:4-6), and New Testament authors unanimously praise her actions as works of faith (Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). When we compare these disparate episodes, a certain biblical ethic begins to emerge, which is supported by our text in 1 Samuel 19. Rather than a monlothic prohibition against all lying and deception, the Bible offers general principle, modified with several exceptions. The general principle is most notably stated in the ninth commandment, which contains a statement against lying in a court of law (Ex. 20:16). Elsewhere the Bible generally disdains all falsehood (Prov. 11:3) and portrays Satan as the ‘father of lies’ (John 8:44; Eph. 4:25). But then we have exceptions such as the Hebrew midwives, who chose to embrace the guilt of deception in order to preserve the lives of the newborns. They unselfishly put themselves at risk before the Pharaoh rather than fulfil his gruesome orders. Jonathan and Michal seem to be in the same category as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. These biblical characters choose the higher good and are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, even if it puts them at personal risk in order to help innocent person. Many Christian scholars through the centuries have agreed. Thomas Aquinas distinguished three classes of lies: Officious lies, or helpful lies of necessity; jocose lies, told in jest; and mischievous lies, or malicious lies told to harm another person or to save face personally. Only the third category constitutes sin in Aquinas’s view. I would agree with Aquinas, but I would also warn that the lie of necessity is only morally justified (even morally required?) under certain circumstances, such as rare situations where it is clear that innocent lives are at stake. In this biblical ethic, lying and deception are wrong and to be avoided. However, the actions of Jonathan and Michal, the Hebrew midwives, and others suggest there are times when believers should choose to accept the guilt of lying in order to accomplish a higher good, as they believe it to be defined by God. Thus, we recognize deception as always bad but sometimes desirable in extenuating circumstances. [3] …more More... To see/read the whole content of this quite a very lengthy article, click on the link below: discover-the-truth.com/2015/01/18/the-bible-and-taqiyya-part-1/
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 pemimpin Politaik yg mahu macam Iran puak mana
@edahlangat5523 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah masih ada anak Melayu membela Islam
@mamasayang6705 2 года назад
Bersatulah Melayu pertahankan Agama ISLAM
@Serinur67 2 года назад
Sudah tiba saatnya islam melayu bersatu..masa makin suntuk.. penghinaan islam menjadi².
@RegionalManaIndia 2 года назад
Kita tolak mana-mana pemimpin dan wakil rakyat yang menyokong individu yang menghina islam, bersikap perkauman
@RegionalManaIndia Год назад
Dulu pun kita pernah bersuara, tolak mana-mana pemimpin dan wakil rakyat yang menyokong individu yang menghina islam dan bersikap perkauman, tetapi pada akhirnya kita tetap undi dan sokong dia.
@kamalmohd1303 2 года назад
Tuan Yusuf adalah Mat Kilau zaman sekarang....berani, tegas, sayang agama ,bangsa dan negara....kaum minoriti ni kurang ajar...kalau majoriti lagi melingkup kita...
@weeree8642 2 года назад
Negara Malaysia🇲🇾 amat memerlukan seorang PEJUANG AGAMA seperti Yusuf Azmi demi perpaduan Masyarakat Majmuk.
@zulkeefleeibrahim2857 Год назад
Kena ramai yg kena bersuara tak cukup seorg kerana lawannya ramai juga
@childsmsb1973 2 года назад
hanna yeoh dan ramasamy selepas ini jgn harap kami nak undi korang berdua...
@hadimismail8441 2 года назад
Kena tolak abis abisan YB yg mcm ni, kurang ajar, gila kuasa sbb dah jd YB, rakyat yg salah pilih, kena tukar
@puterasaifulputera7618 2 года назад
Tu lah Kepada Semua orang politik kat Malaysia nie jangan buat hal ... Kepada Semua politik kat Malaysia nie letak jawatan ko orang Semua ahli politik di Malaysia niee .... Kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia dah benci kepada Semua politik yang ada di Malaysia niee ... Kami tak perlu kan lagi Semua politik kat Malaysia nie... Kepada menteri ke orang politik ke jangan cabar kami sebagai orang melayu yang beragama Islam .... Jangan Cuba bangkit kan harimau yang sedang tidur ... Kalau nak tahu nasib ko orang Semua ahli politik di Malaysia niee ... Tolong letak jawatan ko orang Semua ahli politik di Malaysia niee... Jangan Hina Islam Dan Jangan Hina bangsa melayu ....Aku sebagai rakyat tak pernah Hina agama yang lain yang ada di Malaysia niee .... Sekali lagi Kepada Semua politik yang ada di Malaysia niee tolong hormat Islam Dan tolong Hormat bangsa melayu .... Takbir x1000 .. hidup Islam x1000 ... Hidup Melayu x1000 ... Bangkit wahai bangsa ku ... Bangkit wahai saudara saudara Seagama ku ..... Aku sanggup mati kerana Islam ..
@nazariahmad6044 2 года назад
Walaupun puak2 Non Muslim ini merendahkan bangsa melayu dan agama islam tapi ramai juga orang melayu yang menyokong mereka.
@lunastarr1925 2 года назад
itu jenis melayu spesis 'buang'
@nayaa3965 2 года назад
Mereka ni pemimpin DAP.. Melayu sesat pun ada dlm DAP.. Menyedihkan...
@xoxochoiii8424 2 года назад
Tu namanye barua
@Jantan3457 2 года назад
Yg barua tu semua... skrg dipuncak kekuasaanlah dari dulu sampai sekarang...siap bagi taraf warganegara, sekolah aliran sendiri, lesen judi 4d & casino dan berbagai.... tetapi mcm biasalah...bertopengkan agama bangsa dan negara🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@fvckziones1286 2 года назад
Sedih la kan..bermatian jilat org kapir tapi hnya dapat dosa dan habis air liur saja..boss mereka dapat gaji ..tp mereka tak dapat apa2..hnya jadi balaci 🤌
@k.ogaming7294 2 года назад
Syabass saudara Yusuf Azmi..anda terbaikk....moga ada rmai lagi insan di luar sana yg akan menyokong anda..moga Allah sentiasa melindungi saudara Yusuf Azmi.dan sahabat2 beliau..
@lejendmr3057 2 года назад
melayu bangsaku..islam.agamaku
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
Iran Laksanakan 10 Undang-Undang Bongok 1. Perempuan tak dibenar tunjuk rambut 2. Perempuan tak dibenar menyanyi 3. Perempuan tak dibenar menari 4. Perempuan tak dibenar bercerai 5. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk stadium 6. Perempuan tak dibenar tunggang motosikal 7. Perempuan tak dibenar keluar negara seorang diri 8. Perempuan tak dibenar masuk tentera 9. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi saksi 10. Perempuan tak dibenar jadi hakim
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 Here comes a coward Islam-hater who can just afford to 'hit-and-run'. So what❓ A coward will always remain a coward. That's fact❗ Note: ‘Fact-proof and evidence’ is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually.
@mdasyathebatmaticamat6770 2 года назад
@@takiyaazrin7562 @ FACT: THE BIBLE AND TAQIYYA Does the Bible completely forbid lying? No, it does not. In Exodus, we find that Pharaoh ordered the killing of all new-born baby boys. He ordered the midwives to carry out such a heinous crime: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:15-22 In the above, Pharaoh asks Shiphrah and Puah why they did not carry out his order. And they responded by lying, telling Pharaoh that Hebrew women and Egyptian women are not the same, and that Hebrew women are vigorous and give birth in haste before they arrived (v. 19). In verse 20-21, instead of God rebuking Shiphrah and Puah for lying, YHWH rewards them by having ‘families of their own’. The silence of YHWH for not condemning the two midwives for deceiving Pharaoh shows that lying in certain situations in order to save innocent lives from being killed is allowed. Commentary Making Sense of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis To Revelation - Norman L. Geisler And Thomas Howe: Solution: There is little question that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh by not murdering the newborn male children and lied to Pharaoh when they said they arrived too late to carry out his orders. Nonetheless, there is moral justification for what they did. First, the moral dilemma in which the midwives found themselves was unavoidable. Either they obeyed God’s higher law, or they obeyed lesser obligation of submitting to Pharaoh. Rather than commit deliberate infanticide against the children of their own people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh’s orders. God commands us not to murder (Exodus. 20:13). The saving of innocent lives is a higher obligation than obedience to government. When the government commands us to murder innocent victims, we should not obey. God did not hold the midwives responsible-nor does He hold us responsible-for not following a lower obligation in order to obey a higher law (cf. Acts 4; Rev. 13). In the case of the midwives, the higher law was to the preservation of the lives of the newborn male children. Second, the text clearly states that God blessed them ‘because the midwives feared God’ (Exod. 1:21). It was their fear of God that led them to do what was necessary to save these innocent lives. Thus, their false statement to Pharaoh was an essential part of their effort to save lives. Third, their lying is comparable to their having disobeyed Pharaoh in order to save the lives of the innocent newborns. This is a case where the midwives had to choose between lying and being compelled to murder innocent babies. Here again the midwives chose to obey the higher moral law. Obedience to parents is part of the moral law (Cf. Eph. 6:1). But if a parent commanded his or child to kill a neighbour or worship an idol, the child should refuse. Jesus emphasized the need to follow higher moral law when He said, ‘He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37). [1] Notes on Exodus - Dr. Thomas L. Constable The midwives’ fear of God (vv. 17, 21) led them to disobey Pharaoh’s command to practice genocide. They chose to obey God rather than man since Pharaoh’s order contradicted a fundamental divine command (cf. Gen. 1:28; 9:1, 7). All life belongs to God, so He is the only person who has the right to take it or to command when others should take it. The midwives’ fear of God resulted in their having reverence for human life. Their explanation of their actions (v. 19) may have been truthful or it may not have been entirely truthful. “Even though these women lied to Pharaoh (which the Bible, as is often the case, does not stop to specifically condemn at this point), they are praised for their outright refusal to take infant lives.”33 God blessed these women with families of their own (v. 21) in spite of their deceit, if they practiced it, because they feared God. [2] The NIV Application Commentary: 1 & 2 Samuel - Bill T. Arnold: Take, for example, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives of Exodus 1:15-21. The Egyptian pharaoh tried to control Israelite population growth by demanding that the midwives in charge of Hebrew births kill the boys, allowing only the girls to live. But because the midwives were God-fearing women, they refused to obey the King and allowed the boys to live as well. When Pharaoh demanded to know why they did not obey him, they simply lied (1:19): ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive’. In this case, the midwives were blessed for their actions. God rewarded them with families of their own because they feared him more than the Egyptian king and chose to risk lying rather than kill the newborn Hebrew boys. Likewise Rahab certainly told a lie to the king of Jericho to save the two Israelite spies (Josh. 2:4-6), and New Testament authors unanimously praise her actions as works of faith (Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). When we compare these disparate episodes, a certain biblical ethic begins to emerge, which is supported by our text in 1 Samuel 19. Rather than a monlothic prohibition against all lying and deception, the Bible offers general principle, modified with several exceptions. The general principle is most notably stated in the ninth commandment, which contains a statement against lying in a court of law (Ex. 20:16). Elsewhere the Bible generally disdains all falsehood (Prov. 11:3) and portrays Satan as the ‘father of lies’ (John 8:44; Eph. 4:25). But then we have exceptions such as the Hebrew midwives, who chose to embrace the guilt of deception in order to preserve the lives of the newborns. They unselfishly put themselves at risk before the Pharaoh rather than fulfil his gruesome orders. Jonathan and Michal seem to be in the same category as the Hebrew midwives and Rahab. These biblical characters choose the higher good and are willing to accept the consequences of their choices, even if it puts them at personal risk in order to help innocent person. Many Christian scholars through the centuries have agreed. Thomas Aquinas distinguished three classes of lies: Officious lies, or helpful lies of necessity; jocose lies, told in jest; and mischievous lies, or malicious lies told to harm another person or to save face personally. Only the third category constitutes sin in Aquinas’s view. I would agree with Aquinas, but I would also warn that the lie of necessity is only morally justified (even morally required?) under certain circumstances, such as rare situations where it is clear that innocent lives are at stake. In this biblical ethic, lying and deception are wrong and to be avoided. However, the actions of Jonathan and Michal, the Hebrew midwives, and others suggest there are times when believers should choose to accept the guilt of lying in order to accomplish a higher good, as they believe it to be defined by God. Thus, we recognize deception as always bad but sometimes desirable in extenuating circumstances. [3] …more More... To see/read the whole content of this quite a very lengthy article, click on the link below: discover-the-truth.com/2015/01/18/the-bible-and-taqiyya-part-1/
@makmikey8926 2 года назад
tapi why diaorang macam x faham.....
@Freepalestin991 2 года назад
Elok di tarik semula status warga Malaysia yang perkauman nih...
@kakashisan4072 2 года назад
Aku bersyukur Allah S.W.T hadirkan pemimpin mcm Abg Yusuf Azmi di Malaysia. Laung saja semboyan perang Insyallah org sahut. Org mcm Ramasamy ni dari dulu provoke nk tgk apa org Islam Malaysia berani atau x!
@ahmadalbab77 2 года назад
Melayu semakin berpecah disebabkan parti2 politik..melayu wajib kembali bersatu demi agama, bangsa & negara
@johnrambo8883 2 года назад
Komen Sdr yusuf azmi mmg benar dan bernas. INGATLAH pemimpin tk kira dari parti apa dan bangsa apa.. Kena berlaku adil dan ada pendirian.. Be HONEST to urself n shd b able to differentiate what is right n wrong. Be fair....then only u earn the respect.
@nasir1nasir220 2 года назад
Memang kurang ajar nan muslim ini..mmng patut dajar..wahai umat islam bertindaklah..!!!.
@sundrasagran1289 2 года назад
Respect to yuzuf azmie,Semua KENA belajar Hormati semua agama Dan bangsa
@abubakarmustar3357 2 года назад
Petanipun ramai yg jadi pejuang sebenar.sehingga sekarangpun pejuang yg sebenar adalah petani..tanpa petani seluruh dunia akan kelaparan..orang politik ni bukan pejuang dia hanya penyebab dunia dalam kelaparan adalah...penyebab harga barang mahal🇲🇾🇮🇩🇧🇳👍✌semoga melayu dan islam kembali sedar dan bangkit..
@momoy88 2 года назад
Terbukti petani pun boleh berjuang dan lebih kuat. Contoh perang Vietnam Dan amerika. Petani Vietnam kalahkan tentera amerika yg kuat.
@einindera7163 2 года назад
Betul lah petani pun pejuang.dari dari pada 2 ekor india dan china ni.bukan2 sape pun....bukan pejuang bangsa pun......tak sedar diri........
@SIDA_MrWitherPVP 2 года назад
Ye betul..petani lebih mulia dr mereka politaik tu
@redtart2745 2 года назад
ye btol tu kalo xde petani diorg nk makan ape bngga sgt dgn jawatan kuasa bukan leh kemyangkn perut
@mohdfairus254 2 года назад
Saya pun sanggup perang demi Allah untuk agama Islam. Allahuakbar 3X
@kamariahahmad2904 2 года назад
YB2 yg rasis, x boleh jdi YB dlm negeri Malaysia yg dlm pimpinan Islam.....kena pilih YB yg benar2 umat Islam yg memperjuangkan Islam......YB yg sokong liberalisma yg menghina Nabi Dan Islam....boleh sepak mereka keluar dri Malaysia
@danielyee9159 2 года назад
@einindera7163 2 года назад
Setuju tu....👍👍👍👍👍
@hamidyakub4886 2 года назад
Tapi banyak melayu yg menyokong
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
Yg menyokong tu mekayu yg dah dikuda kayu
@aksaybaku8168 2 года назад
@newgoogleacc8269 2 года назад
Asal usul bangsa di Malaysia, bangsa india datang sini buat jalan keretapi dan bangsa Cina pula datang sini mendulang timah di Perak (long Jaafar). Segala puji bagi Allah
@takiyaazrin7562 2 года назад
Orang Asli penduduk asal. Melayu rompak balak dan tanah
@nazriyusoff6753 2 года назад
Saya sokong yusof azmi 100 peratus...semoga agama Islam terpelihara..ini tanah melayu Dan bangsa yg berdaulat...jasa Palawan melayu dahululah Kita boleh hidup seperti sekarang...perjuangan mereka utk Kita sekarang...boleh hidup Aman damai..alfatihah untuk mat kilau Dan sahabat seperjuangannya.
@fifyz8165 2 года назад
Islam itu sederhana..ramai tngok org Islam diam² slalu kena maki kene pijak bila psal adat dan bangsa tapi jngn cabar keimanan Umat Islam,skali mlampau kata² hinaan kluar pd Tuhan, nabi² dan agama mmg mati pun umat Islam xtakut sbb syahid bg kami smua.
@amzoli2905 2 года назад
YB yg sebegini adalah buta sjrh.kaum mna yg byk berjuang sjk blm merdeka utk negara?.cuba yb sebut nama org india yg mnjadi pejuang tanahair di zmn mat kilau?.siapa?.seorg pejuang bgsa dan negara bkn hnya mereka yg pegang senjata,bertempur,berperang dgn musuh sja.org dulu2 byk jadi petani kerana itu kerja utk cari rezeki.bila tiba masa utk berjuang tetap berjuang.nak tanya yb,bgaimna perjuangan anda bersama parti anda yg sepatutnya berjuang lah dulu mati matian demi parti.ini di lihat dlm parti sendiri pun gagal mnjadi pejuang yg di hormati.😁
@hshausuisuhsd1201 2 года назад
Tya diaorang bangsa bangsat2 ni....tok nenek monyang mereka hanya jadi barua2 British saja...mereka perlu sedar diri... sebab itu apa yg diorang tahu erti perjuangan...
@MohdAshraf-wz4zd 2 года назад
Sebab tu kita sebagai orang Melayu Islam jangan sesekali percaya dengan PH-DAP. Secara peribadi saya sendiri tidak akan boleh terima dan mempercayai DAP di bumi Malaysia. Maruah dan jatidiri sebagai orang Melayu dan kesucian agama Islam akan terus dipertahankan di bumi Malaysia ini.
@joey-go5ov 2 года назад
@gingerteddy618 2 года назад
PH incompetent tak layak memerintah negara
@mohdzakiabdghani9790 2 года назад
Setuju...melayu kena bersatu..dap dan sekutunya wajib ditolak 100%
@Johan-jn6zd 2 года назад
@UdaUda-zl3ds 2 года назад
Ayuh bersatu kawan2.. bersiap sedia utk berperang memerangi bangsa2 pendatang yg lupa diri.
@MsAbd88 2 года назад
Blh je perang kita ulang 13 mei 1969 lagi
@zamriyusoff3333 2 года назад
Kita panggil YB Ramasamy ni bawa bukti yg menunjukkan Mat Kilau ini bukan pejuang melayu sebaliknya hanya petani.Saya harap saudara Yusof dgn persatuan nya dan NGO2 melayu dan Muslim seluruh negara dapat mendesak beliau kemukakan bukti kukuh atas dakwaan beliau mengenai Mat Kilau.
@mustafazain5622 2 года назад
@mohammadzakaria405 2 года назад
Mcmana dgn LTTE?pulak
@azmanfirdaus7636 2 года назад
Itu sbb P Ramasamy dan Hannah Yeo xboleh diterima oleh org2 Melayu Islam...depa kena reform fikrah dan niat mereka... jazaakallahu khairan Br Azmi
@xoxochoiii8424 2 года назад
Parti dap bakal terkubur
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
Pru15 tanam dalam dalam PHuak khonching kuat ni
@kampret2900 2 года назад
tembak je
Terbaik.tuan yusuf terus berjuang.demi bangsa dan Agama
@nurimanchannel 2 года назад
Dah lama sangat mereka mencabar 'kejantanan' orang Melayu dan agama Islam
@adzmyhashim3982 2 года назад
Kita org Melayu bangkit dan ajar puak2 lahanat ni cara beradab dan hormati Melayu.
@momoy88 2 года назад
2020/2021 Populasi Malaysia Bumiputera: 20.9 Juta (69.7%) Cina: 6.7 Juta (22.5%) India: 2 Juta (6.8%) Lain2 bangsa: 0.3 Juta (1.0%) Bodohlah kita kalau berdiam diri saat agama dan bangsa kita di hina. Kalau Melayu bersatu, hancur binasa lah diorang dalam Malaysia ni. Bangkitlah dari tidur, cukuplah bersabar selama ni wahai bangsa ku.
@arsars4938 2 года назад
Memang betul ... Orang islam tidak menghina agama2 lain. Agama Hanna Yeo dan agama Orang India dimana orang Malayu tidak menghina agama lain. Jika rakyat Malaysia bukan bersikap seperti itu tidak menghormati sentimen, andai tidak mampu jadi rakyat Malaysia berundur dari jadi rakyat Malaysia. Kerana bersikap seperti dua natzen itu mengeruhkan hubungan baik dengan orang Malayu yang tentunya Islam.
@zulkiflimohdredzwan5648 2 года назад
Terbaik Bang Yusuf..
@nikamri3199 Год назад
👍👍👍bagus kanda Yusuf takbir!!! Allah bersama Kita
@ami9735 2 года назад
Tanya P Ramasamy.... Dia nak tak org melayu layan kaum hindu seperti mana hindu di negara India layan org Islam disana...
@sifuhoye9430 2 года назад
Tulah bahaya nya mengundi Parti DAP....harap org melayu sedarlah
@Johan-jn6zd 2 года назад
*ANDA cakap anda tak undi DAP* *Bila anda undi PAN PKR,MUDA BERMAKNA ANDA SUDAH PUN UNDI DAP* *DAP BERSELINDUNG DI SEBALIK PH( Pakatan harapan)*
@amryamry2618 2 года назад
Saya sokong berjuang demi agama,bangsa & tanah air tercinta
@md7252 2 года назад
Didoakan semuga ramai lagi pejuang Islam sot Azmi yusuf
@babalobo9129 2 года назад
YB bukannya satu ticket untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan atau bercakap seenak mulut. Kalau dah rasa jagoan silakannn.....
@ahmadbokhari4364 2 года назад
Bersatu umat Islam
@mohdwazir7604 2 года назад
Takkan la masih x kenal lagi siapa mereka2 pemimpin2 parti DAP ni...betapa kuatnya sikap anti islam dan melayunya mereka2 ini...
@aretoiyai8039 2 года назад
brani sbb blkg ad america,menteri umno plak cangok…xnk ketatkn undang2,bsau kpale la pendatang2 ni sume
@xoxochoiii8424 2 года назад
Sebab tu aku pelik kenapa masih ade barua2 melayu jadi pencacai dap ni
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
Yg buat buat tak nampak meKayu PKR pan ja.
@aretoiyai8039 2 года назад
@@muniahmad6053 puak2 amy 15 juzuk kn tu🤣🤣….
@muniahmad6053 2 года назад
@@aretoiyai8039 sewaktu dengannya 😂
@zulkefliabdhamid7560 2 года назад
@sueriati6603 2 года назад
@abm6512 2 года назад
Inilah agungnya ajaran Islam yg tiada pada agama lain bersifat rahmatn lilalamin.
@hamdanhassan236 Год назад
Terbaik Yusuf Azmi.. Perjuangan utk bangsaMu.. 💪💪💪👍
@asrojaklimastra1571 2 года назад
Pendatang is always pendatang no matter what, ungrateful, tak sedar diri Dan should be chase out from this country
@uminaniuminani5174 2 года назад
Memang betul. Kena sedar diri wahai racist. Kena bersyukur bila ALLAH SWT bagi KO duduk kat Malaysia . Ada hati nak perlekeh Mat kilau .
@hanafihanafi6831 2 года назад
@momoy88 2 года назад
2020/2021 Populasi Malaysia Bumiputera: 20.9 Juta (69.7%) Cina: 6.7 Juta (22.5%) India: 2 Juta (6.8%) Lain2 bangsa: 0.3 Juta (1.0%) Bodohlah kita kalau berdiam diri saat agama dan bangsa kita di hina. Kalau Melayu bersatu, hancur binasa lah diorang dalam Malaysia ni. Bangkitlah dari tidur, cukuplah bersabar selama ni wahai bangsa ku.
@einindera7163 2 года назад
Sepatutnya mereka ni tak layak.duduk dalam kerajaan.sbb mereka tak tau siape pejuang bangsa yg mempertahamkan negara.....datang mereka nak putar belitkan sejarah.patut kah mereka2 ini jadi pemimpin........tak layak sebenarnya.....perosak bangsa adalah..
@republiquedesjoueurs6720 2 года назад
@@momoy88 bumiputera tu mcm APA bang
@hidayatrazali1427 2 года назад
org melayu bergadai darah dan maruah untuk mempertahankan tanah melayu. sedih utk mereka yg senang lenang hidup mewah di tanah ini tp xfaham sejarah perjuangan kami.
@EndesO922 2 года назад
Kaum india dan lain2 yg bertopeng NGO dan politik dh mula berani sentuh agama islam...terkini ramasamy pertikai kenapa tidak dikenakan hukuman yg menghina agama lain!!!!!kenapa hanya perlu menjaga agama islam sahaja???? Islam agama persekutuan ,wajarlah di jaga....puak2 nii kalau dapat kuasa abis semua di pindanya ikut selesa agama mereka pula...kepada orang2 melayu di dalam PH yg sayang dan junjung tinggi agama islam tolong kaji semula kewajaran bersama2 dengan puak2 ni di dilm PH.....tolong laa letak agama keutamaan ,kononnya atas nama hak asasi tapi sikit demi sedikit tuntutan agama di buang
@lunastarr1925 2 года назад
mmg pun....puak pendtg trg2 biadab
@bintangbertimbun 2 года назад
Saya puji menteri2 yg keluar dr PH dulu. Biarlah mrk gelar "Katak" janji jgn jadi "Kotak" udah ler di Kotak- Katik.
@kamaruhasanomar4801 2 года назад
Moyang ramasamy ni India tukang angkat tong najis sebab tu keturunan dia berfikiran macam tong najis juga
@asrojaklimastra1571 2 года назад
Melayu yg join PH mostly Atheists, murtad, agnostic Dan Islam pada IC shj.
@Zeck77 2 года назад
@Redmi User saya juga respect kpda Agama kristian.Tetapi tidak kpada org yg menghina agama Islam iaitu agama kami.Jangan sesekali menghina agama kami jikalau hendak hidup lama di Malaysia.
@suriatysamsury5252 2 года назад
Tuan Yusuf Azmi terus berjuang je jln ALLAH kerana ALLAH, org2 melayu n M'sia PERLU SEMBOYAN, kami sgt perlukan org2 seperta Tuan Yusuf Azmi n pasokan anda..kerana Allah..🦾🦾💪💪 Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar
@suhaimyahmad4483 2 года назад
Semoga Allah menghancurkan pengkhianat2 negara...
@jamaiahmohamad1514 2 года назад
Sesetengah pemimpin yg berbangsa lain yg ada kat Malaysia ni, mmg x layak jd pemimpin dgn ada nya bersifat RASIS... Coba ikut sifat Perdana Menteri New Zealand, walaupun beliau seorg wanita, tp beliau mempunyai hati yg baik....Msh ingat lagi tragedi pembunuhan beramai2 di Masjid New Zealand yg d tembak secara rambang oleh seorg rasis dr Australia, bagaimana Perdana Menteri New Zealand menghormati org2 Islam dlm menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.walaupun beliau bkn seorg Islam tp beliau mempunyai hati yg sgt baik tanpa membezakan agama dan bangsa, begitu juga dgn rakyat nya yg berfikiran terbuka... Coba ikut sifat mcm tu...Ini x...hati bersifat perkauman....
@bond1865 2 года назад
Jgn ingat pm nz tu baik,cari la pemimpin yg contoh dan beragama islam.Chck dlm al qur'an, siapa tu siapa....ini la satu sifat yg mencairkan umat perlahan demi perlahan sampai masuk lobang biawak.
@mohamedzubair3315 2 года назад
Saya sokong kanda yusuf seratus peratus sesiapa sahaja hina agama Islam dan kaum perlu di berikan amaran keras bagi yang hina Islam tersebut
@AbdulRahmanAmiruddin3532 2 года назад
TAHNIAH adik Azmi …. Pemimpin muda yg berani penerangan yg baik dan ulasan kepimpinan kpd Hannah Yeoh dan Ramasamy yg jelas dan tepat…
@mohamadkhalilmatsalleh2281 2 года назад
kemana perginya peminpin peminpin politik melayu bila agama islam , bangsa melayu dicaci dihina.....? dah hilang telo ka sampai tak berani nak bersuara.
@vivovivere9858 2 года назад
🤣🤣🤣 dorang kenyang. ko je yg xpham. dulu DAP jdi kerajaan ko maki kaw2. skrg kerajaan melayu islam, apa yg dorang buat?😂😂😂
@razeekfakrizan71 2 года назад
Semoga Allah lindung pejuang2 islam kita . Allahuakbar . semoga juga Allah lindung kita smua dlm lindungannya . Perang pon perang lah klau dh Agama Islam yg suci kita ni dihina . Kami sentiasa sokong pejuang islam yg snggup berkorban utk jiwa agama islam
@jayzol2104 2 года назад
Rasulullah SAW x pernah suruh umatnya Perjuangkan Islam. Baginda mohon umat Islam Pelihara Islam jgn dicemari dgn tipu daya perkauman kerana menjulang Politikus² Munafiq. Pemimpin Melayu Gadai Negara dan rompak duit Rakyat kamu senyap sunyi, fanatik dlm agama dialu alukan tetapi jgn ekstrim mcm yg ada dlm comen ini.
@sajakrmaf3344 2 года назад
Bangun Melayu Islam...adakah kita nk biarkan ank cucu kita merempat di bumi sendiri kelak...perjuangan kita blum selesai....
Kami semua sentiasa akan. Menyokong tuan dlm perjuangan suci murni ini. Pejuang itu tidak akan sekali kali berundur dan berpatah arah,.. Wassalam
@khairulnizammisran5859 2 года назад
Semboyan dah boleh tubuh parti politik..ketegasan n pemikiran pemimpin semboyan dh ckup bagus dlm membina negara Malaysia y lebih harmoni..
@gingerteddy618 2 года назад
Jangan terlibat dengan politik. Platform sekarang lebih baik.
@officialfirdausbaharuddin 2 года назад
Platform pun da mencukupi.. tak pun serap jadi Penasihat Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Agama itu lagi baik
@juicedmohtar6920 Год назад
Trbaik tn,pemimpin melayu yg berani,natural,
@ahmadrizan1189 2 года назад
Harap harap ketrunan mat kilau saman mahkamah jer ramasamy ni.kebencian ramasamy pada bangsa melayu amat terlihat dan jelas..
@mruraa4309 2 года назад
Setuju 1000%.. Masa Mat Kilau hidup,bangsa tu belum wujud di Msia..jika ada pun dok dlm estate getah ja ..Etnik Ghurkha @ Sikh lg lama ada di Msia dr Etnik dia..
@kampret2900 2 года назад
@hwarang9711 2 года назад
@@mruraa4309 bangsa diorg kuli batak british je bang dulu.
@AbuBakar-yg1bl 2 года назад
Assalamualaikum kanda yusuf azmi sangat bagus ucapaan mengenai takut kepada allah dan menangis menunjukkan kelembutan hati dan pergantungan 100 peratus kepada allah teruskan perjuangan kerana nya
@othmanjelas2793 2 года назад
@abdulrishiabdulhameed1494 2 года назад
Assalamualaikum,,, teruskan perjuangan saya sentiasa berada dibelakang anda kanda Yusof Azmi digariskan yang betul dan tepat lagi terbaik sangat2, saya doakan semoga anda dilindungi Allah SWT sihat-sihat selalu,sentiasa bersemangat bertenaga cergas dan hebat...
@pencintawarisan1918 2 года назад
Hairan pemerintahan kita dan undang2 negara.. Tk ada kah tindakan untuk Menteri2 yang sudah terbukti terlibat dengan pengganas Antarabangsa dan kerap menimbulkan provokasi mengganggu gugat keharmonian antara kaum. Sepatutnya diorang ni tidak dibenarkan terlibat didalam politik dan wajib dikenakan tindakan demi menjaga maruah tanahair
@taftaly3463 Год назад
Assalamualaikum..Sya antara 'silent pejuang'.walau sekali sekala mengikuti perjuangan semboyan.disini sya hanya ingin mengigatkan Saudara Yusof Azmi. Utk lebih peka meneliti serentak lakarkan 'Satu Garisan yg lebih jelas'..demi memperjuangkan Islam khususnya..Insha Allah amin
@akbar339 2 года назад
Dia compare Arwah Mat Kilau dengan Prabhakaran. Dia lebih agungkan pemimpin LTTE dari pejuang yg mempertahankan negara menentang penjajah.
@aminwaler3521 2 года назад
Paria memang mcm tu... Dia tau dia lavel2 bawah2 .. So dia nk semua org mcm paria juga
@habibahabdulmolok1180 2 года назад
Mana ayahda2 bonda2 main tolo ke harprak .ayahda apa kencing bersepah
@fazidahibrahim7875 2 года назад
LTTE pejuang paria
@mohdazizi6502 2 года назад
Halau je dap dari malaysia..
@sea120305 2 года назад
Dia sembah AK47
@zulkefliabdhamid7560 2 года назад
@inai5402 2 года назад
Sbb tu aku tak minat PKR
@osmankassim8921 2 года назад
Jangan lupa DAP sama juga
@inai5402 2 года назад
@@osmankassim8921 Betul tu,tak boleh bagi muka sikit pun,mudah lupa asal usul pendatang merempat ,tak hormat hak2 org melayu.Ekonomi dlm tangan dia,harap org melayu bersatu. Mana2 pemimpin Melayu yg tak Amanah ,ade habuan balasan utk nya,dunia dan akhirat tak boleh lari tetap kene jugak suatu hari nnti.
@xoxochoiii8424 2 года назад
Dap yg paling bahaya
@roslanyassin4219 2 года назад
Semua politik sama aje...janji terus janji...ckp x berhenti2...dah dpt kesenangan lupa semua janji pada raakyat....
@razalifauzi5240 2 года назад
Terbaik penjelasan saudara Yusoff Azmi
@indahpelangi2068 2 года назад
Sebagai Mentari dirinya kurang cerdik dlm menilai sejarah di Tanah Melayu...setuju dgn apa yng tlh dijelaskn oleh Yusuf Azmi ada kebenarannya sejarah yng perlu dihormati bkn dikritik oleh orang yng kurang akal cerdik..
@nayaa3965 2 года назад
BEKAS menteri
@azman1170 2 года назад
Terbaiklah ulasan saudara silaturrahim ku... Semoga sll diberikan akal& ahlak yg sempurna.. semoga terlindung dari segala musibah & dipermudahkan segala urusan yang elok2. Amin...cukuplah agama kami (ISLAM ) di persendakan.. Insyaallah .. demi Allah demi agama kami .. nyawa kami pertaruhkan.. jgn cabar kami JGN USIK AGAMA ISLAM KAMI..
@rooshitaabdmutalib8528 2 года назад
Hannah tu mmg da lma sikap cam tu berjaga2 la
@jefriharun1305 2 года назад
Betul apa yg dikatakan oleh kanda yusuf tu...cuma kesabaran tu ada batasnya jangan sampai hilang kesabaran...Allahuakbar...
#882 Luahan Bekas Penyumbang: Tekaan Saya Tak Salah!
Ilmu Tasawwuf: Hakikat Dan Makrifat | Ustaz Auni