This was the MOST needed video. it feels like Yasuo counters Zed in every way: His windwall completely blocks our standard combo of Double Shuriken Electrocute, and if you get close, the windshitter brother completely outdamages us close with conquerer etc. Thank you for this!!!
I personally think Scorch is amazing vs Yasuo. Just poke him with q right before he gets full passive shield, and the ticks will proc the shield Helps so much
As a mage mid player that have been trying to learn Zed in S12 (I see Zed as a AD caster) I appreciate your videos a lot. I'm having a lot of fun learning and practicing Zed and I'm glad there's a lot of good content creators like you to make the journey smoother. I'd love to see more of these Matchup videos, It's exactly what I need! I figured most of Yasuo matchup on my own already, but I definitely learned a few new things! Do Akali next please, I can't win vs that champ unless the player is just trolling, any good Akali is just stomping me right now (and I refuse to ban her, I wanna learn to play against her)
I still think that the Zed vs. Yasuo matchup is rather Zed-favoured than a skill matchup because Zed still heavily outdamages him in the early game (I played against a lot of Yasuo‘s of my kind as Zed, I‘m about Gold level, and won every single of them.
I think in the past it was a skill matchup but after some Zed changes I think it's Zed-favoured. Many new Zed players still strugle with that matchup so I decided to help them.
Most ppl under plat dont know how to play against zed tbh the zed dont even gotta be overly good, if both zed and yas players at the exact same lvl yas wins just cause his move set
not gonna lie, i know a trick that makes zed wipe yasuo every time easily as well. It's going conqueror and Maxing E first, and mainly use the q to bait windwall, while you literally repeat aa E aa and he just dies so easily because he's taking so much damage getting hit with so many Es
I think would be good to see guide against hard push champs like ahri, Viktor, malzahar or uncommon bruiser/tank picks like udyr, malphite, garen, sion. Too see your opinion on it ☺️ Also about yasuo matchup I think the best is to go dusk+serpents especially if enemy team has shields. Because his shields is big with shieldbow+passive and you don't want to build serpents after eclipse.
Nice video as always. Thank you so much for making high quality videos. i would love to see how zed play against Irelia. I just straight up ban Ire every game.
I do agree with most things in the video. But in my opinion it's a matchup that depends really on the person. It's not one sided cuz of champs. In this video, we all see that Yasuos do one crucial mistake and that's throwing their 3rd q for no reson. Yasuo needs to play mind games vs Zed to land that q. If Zed ults and Yasuo has his 3rd up, it's a guaranteed ult. He can e q flash as well. But I do agree that if nothing really happenss and they hit lvl 6, Zed wins most of the times.
Hey Fiddlezahar, Awesome guide as always! Quick question what are your thoughts on maxing E against Yasuo, I saw that as an option from Laceration? Also who is your go to pick if Zed gets banned? Thank you :)
Hi fiddlezahar, i watched your video about 2-3 year ago and i have a question, i want to play zed as much as i wanted , so should i go to rank to play zed or to go normal blind pick? Because in my rank zed is alway banned, and if i played blind pick i always face against zed mirror match and that’s not fun, thank you fiddle sama ^^
I've seen other content creator say that maxing E helps more than maxing Q against Yasuo because of his wind wall. What do you think about this statement?
I used to do that a lot but after Riot nerfed Zed E dmg I stopped doing that. While it's still probably good in lane, you lose a lot of dmg if you try fighting somebody else and realize your Qs are weak xd
not really, if you try to remove his passive with first strike proc youll end up losing the trade. Or if you combo while his passive isnt up you wont get much gold becausre Yasuo can just windwall the front Qs. Only late game it is useful
i'm playing at gold l, and is more difficult play close to platina, you can't be undecided, o died a lot of times because of that, and i need be more smart to make plays.
i dont know man, i love your content but yasou is one of them that tilts me the most in lane.. his entire mechanics are lol infinite flashes and despite u having 50-60more dmg he will win 1v1 auto attack trades