JRE & Team
JRE & Team
JRE & Team
Here to celebrate my favorite podcasts and help you all find the best clips!
@jordanrose8443 2 дня назад
Joe was missing Steve-O's point completely. He's saying westerners have a weird relationship with how we view death and mortality and aging, and we do.
@stevemuzak8526 2 дня назад
When weather is good Mount Everest is one of the easiest mountains to climb. But when the weather is bad : Death.
@TheSuperQuail 14 дней назад
SteevO didn't know that Everest doesn't melt in the summer? Genius.
@johnnyenglish6751 17 дней назад
You gotta love the idiots that do risky life threatening dumb stuff and then when they pass, they died doing what they loved... dumb stuff! 🤣😂🤣
@jsa4864 18 дней назад
People keep dying because they're stupid
@matchpoint14 25 дней назад
Correction, he should have said they leave some of the bodies there because it is too dangerous. They remove quite a few bodies actually. Leave up to a media personality to sensationalize everything.
@bradleysitsandsipstea33 28 дней назад
Steve-O talking about things he doesn’t understand is nothing new
@anastasias.7186 2 месяца назад
💰=💀 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
@TheGreatReset-nk4zj 2 месяца назад
I don’t understand why it’s so hard for journalists to tell the truth about the megalithic sights ancient societies didn’t align anything, they didn’t measure anything. While their alignment is astrological the layout and pattern was not conceived by man. The Book of Enoch in the Dead Sea Scrolls quotes Enoch (great grandson of Moses) “Lightning will leave marks on the earth.” This describes crop circles because like lightning electro magnetic energy comes from the earth projected straight up from the earth to the stratosphere. The Egyptian Pyramids, stone henge, and all megalithic structures were built upon marks left on the earth and each block laid aligned with the pattern left behind. Of coarse they are perfectly aligned. They are aligned with the cycles in astrology, but man didn’t lay the pattern, the creator did!!! The big secret is these sites are nodal point on the earth that the creator has chose as locations where life was created. Be is an animal, plant, insect, simple felled organism, or complete living and breathing creature someone was created at these locations. The other secret is that they are also locations of healing and realignment of DNA and spiritual connection. I have experienced it myself. 14 years ago I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, my knees and ankles deteriorated, cancer forming, and suffering memory loss. I meditated for 3 hours at this exact site the “Serpent Mound” in Peebles, OH during the Great Eclipse. The meditation is the same technique Jewish mystacist’s employ to form a MerKaBah within the sacred Kabbalahlistic teachings. I meditated before, during, and after the Eclipse and the entire time I focussed on connected to the field of divine consciousness while asking with a penitent heart to correct each affliction. I focused on each individual body part and each symptom for several minutes each. I left feeling nothing as if I wasted my time. During the 3.5 hour drive home my knees and ankles began aching horrible and a headache slowly progressed until it was as bad and the same exact pain I had experienced 14 prior when I had sustained the brain injury. I went home and slept hard. When I woke it was all gone. My daily aches and pains gone, the marks from the cancer on my abdomen lighting progressively in shade. I am still healing over time. The next day after I meditated as I do daily and it was the most intense meditation session I have ever had. I could feel my pineal gland flowering and the images, shapes and colors of what I saw while meditating were crystal clear, perfect in form, and vibrant in color. The only way I can describe it was that it was “fluid”. I have already traveled through time and space in previous sessions back to ancient Egypt, but this experience was more intense. I entered a portal that appeared like a bathtub drain where water is impacted by gravity, only it was square in shape not round, it was not water flowing into it, it was atmosphere flowing like water. I am beginning to develop the ability to read minds but it’s intermittent. Even minds of people that are a great distance away. I believe within the year I will be able to manifest physical changes in the 3rd dimension. Leading to do it and learning consistency and control requires practice and time.
@Platochidi 2 месяца назад
I am here for the eclipse.
@mizzsanchez4994 4 месяца назад
Rich people literally pay to die, like the dudes in the submersible. Rich people paying to die when they can die for free
@dcl1986 5 месяцев назад
2:50 😂😂😂😂😂
@Greenmarty 5 месяцев назад
One climber who came back from Everest said at interview that often folks who die there were saving money on their expedition. There are apparently multiple "tiers" of what you can pay for and what they bring up over there for you that will increase chances of survival.
@KRIS-sh8wp 5 месяцев назад
I wish I could say that I'm surprised or that I don't believe it's true. But Ik that money talks 🤷🏽‍♀️
@khworker1322 6 месяцев назад
@DavidRandalls 6 месяцев назад
@KRIS-sh8wp 6 месяцев назад
Time and death are the only things in this world that are undefeated. And they always will be. They take everybody out 💯⏳💯
@marynoonan6111 6 месяцев назад
Some people get that elder abuse in their own “loving” homes by their own children’s hand. It’s not just some care facility where this happens. They know thet have cameras watching them and the perps usually go to gaol. Not so some bastard at home dishing out the abuse free from scrutiny
@marynoonan6111 6 месяцев назад
People are born with the scardy gene and others with the totally reckless.
@MachineintheMonkey 6 месяцев назад
If anyone here hasn’t seen The Alpinist I highly recommend you check it out. Marc Andre Leclerc’s ascents in Patagonia will blow your mind!
@Mom_sBasement 6 месяцев назад
I would rather implode in a submersible.
@cadilacdesert 6 месяцев назад
Everest is a joke. People climbing Everest don’t even climb at home.
@n300zx931 6 месяцев назад
I used to climb a lot of mountains. Never had any desire to climb Everest. The Mountain determines your fate.
@traciewalker8506 6 месяцев назад
Aliens could dump bodies there and nobody would have a clue.
@marvinshenk 6 месяцев назад
I'd rather climb a decent size mountain a thousand times and enjoy a long life than die trying to climb the biggest mountain just for bragging rights, but that's just me.
@DSToNe19and83 6 месяцев назад
Green boots is no longer there, like all the other old “landmarks”. To understand what happens, look up “rainbow valley”
@zimxlr8434 6 месяцев назад
I guarantee you when I’m lying on my death bed. The LAST thing I’ll be thinking about is, “why didn’t I climb Mount Everest?”.
@jasonlevesque6340 6 месяцев назад
The crazy thing is reaching the summit is the goal. But you gotta go back down that shit.
@jasonmiller6800 6 месяцев назад
“The problem with Everest is, on a good day any fool can summit”- Beck Weathers
@Plaza_and_Mote 6 месяцев назад
No need for the comma after "is"
@channeellll7623 6 месяцев назад
Ive been on top of Mount Everest, it wasnt even cold. Thanks Google Images
@Plaza_and_Mote 6 месяцев назад
Not sure why you think you were on top of it from looking at pics
@SocialismDoesntWork 6 месяцев назад
Because its the same result. A person can climb it, and be cold, miserable, achieve a totally useless goal, burn abunch of funding and time that doesnt even remotely help anyone (which is fine, plenty of hobbies and activities that fall under that category) and when I see mount ev from Google, it looks just the same. So yes, Ive been on top of the cold deathtrap mountain from my couch. Glad you replied so I could write this extremely obvious answer on youtube. Ridiculous!
@michlo3393 6 месяцев назад
The problem with Everest is that the barrier to entry isn't skill, technique, or actual mountaineering experience. It's MONEY. Can you pay some company $100,000 to have a crew of Sherpas lug your bullshit _and you_ up to the top and back? That's what it takes and that's why people die up there when shit goes wrong.
@Frankabagnale33 6 месяцев назад
Why does Steve - O sound like a trans woman ?
@Ride2Live420 6 месяцев назад
These “wild house fires” in Maui and Ca. Nobody talks about the unclaimed properties that the government recoups off of the elderly people who they say are “missing.”
@SuperVillainForHire 6 месяцев назад
Joe Rpgan is so boring
@berniem9254 6 месяцев назад
I figured it was all the Yeti's up there?
@eloquentwheel1062 6 месяцев назад
It's a crime the way the elderly are treated in this country😢. They are the one group that should be listened to, and learned from. Instead they're put in some home, and they get a visitor once or twice a year😢 I could never allow my parents to live in one of those places. The only exception would be if they needed medical help that I couldn't do at home. My dad was dying of lung cancer. He made me promise not to put him in a hospice. So I took care of him at home. They offered to send a nurse in to help me. But honestly, having a stranger come into the house, wasn't much better than putting him in hospice care. So I refused. I was with him until he took his final breath😢
@sully2737 6 месяцев назад
I get it. My Dad had a stroke almost 4 years ago. Pre-stroke, he had friends in a local nursing home and seeing what it was like when he visited them really bothered him. It was recommended after his stroke 'rehab' that he get more therapy before coming home....but it would have been in a nursing home environment, with some therapy. No way. It hasn't been easy, but we brought him straight home, and will do everything possible to keep him here until the end.
@MinaMinksy 6 месяцев назад
I'm old enough to know that once you're"old" it's hard to believe that you're that age. You've got an entire lifetime of memories, and experiences, and it seemingly goes by so fast. The next thing you know you've got young people treating you like you're invisible. You get more respect from strangers your own age, but it's scary to think about life as a fully elderly person. And, now we've got generations of people who don't have kids, or just one kid, I hope their careers and friends are good enough to support them through old age because it could be 20-30 years if they're healthy. For different reasons, our youth and our elderly deserve more from us.
@MachineintheMonkey 6 месяцев назад
@@MinaMinksywhen I wake up in the morning I think I’m still 18 and then I look in the mirror!🤙
@supernova11711 6 месяцев назад
Steve-O reminds me so much of Jim Carrey. I feel like they should be brothers. It’s that smile and those teeth!
@rachaelpate6778 6 месяцев назад
There have been a lot of bodies found lately bc of the ice melt.
@nimo6972 6 месяцев назад
10,000 people die each year climbing Everest. Fact
@The.Original.Potatocakes 6 месяцев назад
Aka Everest is not a tourist attraction, you need to be well prepared about mountain climbing!
@davespears2241 6 месяцев назад
200 bodies plus tonnes of rubbish left behind, it's a rubbish tip up there.
@millsykooksy4863 6 месяцев назад
God that sounds awful....these people are crazy
@Ouroboross- 6 месяцев назад
Adrenaline junkies are a result of having no real stress due to safe modern life. They lack survival instinct and put themsleves in danger for no reason. I guarentee when we were hunter gatherers there werent any humans that were like "hey lets go get chased by a lion for funzies". Everyday life not knowing if youd get eaten in your sleep provided enough daily adrenaline.
@MetalSlug-ev5wu 6 месяцев назад
Steve-O looking really healthy these days.
@Tyler-Clark 6 месяцев назад
What's interesting is that more people have died on their way back down after summiting than they have on their way up.
@robertfarmer9901 6 месяцев назад
Was talking about this at work yesterday. Climbing K2, Annapurna and Kangchenjunga is like playing Russian Roulette with TWO bullets in the chamber.
@Suejd1001 6 месяцев назад
This is why my Mom lives with me.
@Suejd1001 6 месяцев назад
That first dead one shown laying back on its elbow was a woman. It is estimated that the bodies weigh 300 lbs each. Look up Sleeping Beauty. Shes the one the hikers left behind. Shes in purple gear.
@BryceChillis 6 месяцев назад
Joe and Steve-o should climb everest for charity
@dustinsmartfishing 6 месяцев назад
Everest is like Dark Souls IRL
@casondave 6 месяцев назад
Oh shit, yea let hear ALL ABOUT mountaineering form an ex-comic UFC commentary hack and that dip-shit Steveo who will do anything stupid for attention ..... two of the nations top climbers and high altitude mountaineers............. GIVE ME A FUCKEN BREAK !!!!