Tristan Gray
Tristan Gray
Tristan Gray
A New Scot's thoughts on everything from gaming and media to LGBT+ rights and masculinity
The Red Raven - Scottish Dark Fantasy
2 месяца назад
The AI Apocalypse is a Lie to Distract You
2 месяца назад
Eurovision's Politics and Palestine
2 месяца назад
What Does "Woke" Mean?
4 месяца назад
Debate and Masculine Insecurity
4 месяца назад
Rushing to the Defence of the AI Author
4 месяца назад
JK Rowling and Plausible Deniability
5 месяцев назад
Censorship at the Hugo Awards
5 месяцев назад
The Paladin Project - Do Not Support Him
5 месяцев назад
Gina Carano vs Disney
5 месяцев назад
Bill Ackman and Plagiarism
5 месяцев назад
Pedro Pascal at the Emmys
6 месяцев назад
Star Wars and the Marvel Trap for Disney
6 месяцев назад
The Return of Lindsay Ellis
6 месяцев назад
The Art of Lord of the Rings - John Howe
7 месяцев назад
Brittany - A Fantasy Inspiration
7 месяцев назад
Author Sparks Satanic Panic in Labour Party
7 месяцев назад
Elon Musk's Vision for Twitter
7 месяцев назад
The AI Apocalypse Isn't the Real Threat
7 месяцев назад
Moving on from James Somerton
7 месяцев назад
God of War's Masterpiece
8 месяцев назад
What is Indie Publishing Like?
8 месяцев назад
@night1hal1 День назад
Stay mad
@bleepbloop101010101 18 часов назад
no talent?
@pehenry Месяц назад
I hope she sees this bro.
@andriypredmyrskyy7791 Месяц назад
The intentional neglect of gender affirming healthcare by the UK government can literally be measured in terms of additional deaths on the waiting lists. The Cass review is being wielded in an attempt to overlook their lives. Even Cass says mental healthcare is woefully inadequate, and yet, Tavistock was still closed and there are no replacements. More people will die off the back of this decision, and that's a sacrifice Cass is willing to make.
@lordlossthedead 2 месяца назад
Care to retract your statements? Given the info thats come to light
@bobtackett9736 2 месяца назад
Bye bye
@nomansan 2 месяца назад
Awesome job for exposing Eurovision. Thank you and keep up the good work.
@eidorm.7953 2 месяца назад
Maby, if the Eurovision is 'Gay Christmas' it's not surprising that Europes gay community prefers the country that gives Gay palees refuge, rather then the People who behead them in the streets and throw them off rooftops.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
We don't like the ones who bomb us indiscriminately either
@eidorm.7953 2 месяца назад
@@tgraywrites if 24,000 confirmed deaths (according to updated UN statistics) over 13,000 out of which are your beloved Hamas militants, and out of a total population count of 2.3 million people in one of the most densely populated areas in the world - then no my friend, that is not, by any definition or by comparison to any other conflict in the modern era a "indiscriminately bombing" of civillians.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
Well done. Subbed.
@simel1984 2 месяца назад
You claim that the juries show unfair political bias and that the people votes is the true measure of the performance, but Israel got considerably higher votes from the view vs. the juries. You also claim that Israel should not be allowed because it's treatment of gays is not good enough, yet claim that Palestine, where being openly gay means a death sentence should be admitted. Palestinian gays flee to Israel to seek and find asylum from persecution.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
Actually he said ISRL should be DQ'd because of their ongoing violation of international law and widespread atrocities. He only noted as a supplementary point their poor treatment of differently oriented ppl.
@Thenoobestgirl 2 месяца назад
​@@yessum15what atrocities? Responding to an attack on their citizens and a direcy threat by enemy to do so again and again and again?
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
I did say that the juries show unfair political bias. As evidence that Eurovision's claim to not be a political competition is nonsense. I also never said that Israel's treatment of gay people (come on, "gays"? Do better) is a reason not to include them. I said it's the blatant reason they use Eurovision to pinkwash their reputation. Palestinian LGBT+ people aren't going anywhere. They're being bombed and starved to death by Israel.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
@@Thenoobestgirl Responding to HM & their October operation is important but it should be done in a lawful manner. The same international law that prohibits what ISRL is currently doing (massive liquidation of civs, aid workers, journalists, UN staff, etc) also prescribes a legal method for addressing international crimes such as the October operation. ISRL should have engaged the UN & the ICJ in order to obtain an order for action. At that point an international set of peace keepers would be deployed to secure the region and capture the perpetrators who would subsequently be tried in the ICC. This is the method that ISRL already promised to do in the treaties that it signed. However, ISRL broke their promise. They did not follow this procedure because they were in violation of the law long before October, as they are currently maintaining an illegal annexation of the region.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
@@Thenoobestgirl Responding is not the problem. Breaking the law they promised to obey is. Specifically, the liquidation of journalists, civs, aid workers, and UN staff. As well as the general maintenance of an illegal annexation in direct opposition to treaties that ISRL signed promising it would not do this.
@phd1313 2 месяца назад
There is one problem with your argumentation. Russia invaded Ukraine and is the agressor. Hamas/Palestinians attacked Israel and is the agressor. And yes, Eurovision is a political (statement) organization for the Left.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
Hamas is not the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian people have been the victims of this conflict by a factor of over 20:1
@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yz 2 месяца назад
Great video, thank you! Gay rights cannot justify a genoc¡de
@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yz 2 месяца назад
@@DIY-Mechanic What genoc¡de do you think?
@doesntmatter4136 2 месяца назад
​@@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yzOctober 7th?
@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yz 2 месяца назад
@@doesntmatter4136 What happened that day was horrible, but cannot be called a genocide. However, the ICJ said about the events in Gaza that there is likely a genocide going on. I'm a bit tired of having to condemn the (horrific) murder of 1200 persons before being allowed to condemn the murder of 34.000 persons. It's getting ridiculous.
@doesntmatter4136 2 месяца назад
@@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yz The ICJ has quite conclusively said that it is not a genocide; rather they said that it is okay to proceed with investigating, the same way you would if someone was charged with anything. In legal terms, 'plausible' is an incredibly low standard. The ICJ President came out herself to clarify that the court's decision had nothing to do with whether it was a genocide that was plausible. Second, you said 'murder of 34,000 persons.' Setting aside the statistical issues with the likely inflated numbers, what is the breakdown for these people? How many were combatants, how many died of natural causes? The IDF estimates at least 14,000 combatants. The annual Gaza death rate by natural causes is approx. 2.91/1000 people, aka about 6k per year. When you kill a combatant engaging in hostilities, is that a murder? In both cases I wouldn't call it murder. Analysis of the casualty data: www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/02/gaza-health-ministry-cannot-provide-names-for-more-than-10000-it-says-have-died/
@Thenoobestgirl 2 месяца назад
​@@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yzare you stupid or just pretending to be?
@wonderwinder1 2 месяца назад
I don’t care if Muslims hate me. I don’t believe they should face genocide because of that. Not do I think their unacceptable of LGBT rights should’ve an alibi for genocide.
@SteveBerg-dq1ks 2 месяца назад
A false comparison. Russia invaded Ukraine in order to conquer it. Without provocation. Israel was invaded by Hamas and its citizens kidnapped. Israel has responded by going into Gaza to eliminate Hamas and recover its hostages.
@booth2710 2 месяца назад
you live in a dream world
@ilayohana3150 2 месяца назад
he really does
@booth2710 2 месяца назад
now talk about all the gay Palestinians that smuggle themselves into Israel to avoid persecution and prison sentences and totture in Palestine.
@ElguirideCalafell-sb1yz 2 месяца назад
Speaking out against genoc¡de has nothing to do with, and is more important than defending gay rights. A genoc¡de cannot and must not be commited in name of the gay community. Not in my name!
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
I can't talk about the hundreds who may have tried, because they're dead and buried under the onslaught by the Israeli military
@ilayohana3150 2 месяца назад
he cant because it wouldnt fit his agenda, so he'll just lie that "israel" kills them all. easy to just turn the word israel into a monster without thinking for a second there are humans behind every action there.
@MrBoybergs 2 месяца назад
​@@tgraywrites Theres a war going on between Israel and Hamas. Israel didn't start it. People get killed in war; Israel didn't want a war. So let's imagine a scenario where Hamas (Iran) win this war and then take control of Israel. Then the only gay-friendly state in the middle east will be gone. What then for all those people having to hide their sexuality just to stay alive?
@eviLDarkx2 2 месяца назад
@@DIY-Mechanicthis guy is a clueless bot. Bless his little soul.
@amethyst4990 2 месяца назад
Lgbt people are ONLY safe in Israel compared to the rest of the middle east. Your talking about all these other countries in comparison but in the middle east itself the rest of the middle east kills lgbt. How can you bypass that fact?
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
Israel has killed hundreds of LGBT+ people in Gaza. I'm not the one ignoring anything.
@John-bravooo 2 месяца назад
​@@tgraywritesisrael has killed gay people for being gay? Prove it.
@Manu_oRei 2 месяца назад
"Gay Christmas" supporting a people who hate gays. It's like Sheep for Wolves movement....lol
@TheSarinaide 2 месяца назад
The only position I can really be on board with is if countries that are not really Europe proper that includes Israel, Australia and countries that only make it due to Eurasia definition should all be removed from Eurovision. I question solidarity with Palastine and that it is merely a vehicle to legitimise islamism within western normative values. Palastine is not a country that enjoys any functional human rights amongst themselves, it is a Sharia state which is grossly oppressive against many rights that are considered entrenched rights. My personal view on LGBTQ is what it has been for Gays and Lesbians since the 60's, as a dual nationality citizen Gay/Lesbian rights were more accepted in the UK vs in Israel however tolerance of a persons sexual orientation is openly received, what however is not supported is acts of debauchery, cavorting down the streets of Tel Aviv with very little on in openly sexual activities is to far. I also find it odd that nobody tries to fight for LGBTQ rights in countries that have zero tolerance for them ie: Palastine. As for "the war" that has somehow turned the bloodbath of gross human rights violations that is the Ukraine/Russia war into an after thought. Going on US military officials numbers that war is passing 1m casualties of war, including over 300 000 civilians on both sides along with tens of millions displaced along with metal and bone scrap yards. Do I believe Israel had the right to take action following October 7, yes, going on the precedent set following 9-11, America went on a 22 year run claiming 4.5 million casualties in various middle eastern states, they succeeded in destroying Al Qaeda, ISIS and they gave Afghanis civil liberties never experienced up until the "withdrawal". Israel was attacked by a country run by a government who's charter expressly calls for the elimination of all Jews, it is a Islamic supremacy document setting out totalitarian intents. Is it Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing, my opinion is no. Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Destruction is the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired. Going on the UN's latest population stats as of March 2024 the population in Gaza went up by 30-35K around 3% growth year over and Palatines total population grew by over 200 000 at around 3.5% that is neither effective genocide ie: Actually depleting the population nor intention, if Israel wanted to kill every Gazan they could but don't. It is not a situation we want, my eldest child is currently serving and that weighs heavy on us as parents, as does it upon Palestinian families, perhaps there is a better way to resolve this problem, I am hoping there are smarter and braver men to make that decision, what will be required is a mind shift in Palestinian thinking, we have found books and cartoons depicting murder of Jews used as propaganda material to indoctrinate the youth and create a generation of martyr zealots, if that doesn't change Palestine will suffer a generational crisis when their Youth die leaving an aged population. have war crimes been committed, very possible. I think Israel has pushed the limit on certain acts that have been a bit cringy notably the World Food Kitchen incident that was questionable for me, similarly I hold Palestine in contempt of war crimes. As a former veteran I have seen the use of child soldiers and that has been confirmed in this conflict, that is a no no by Geneva conventions of war, another no no is belligerents are required to identify themselves as combatants, hiding in the civilian population and then conducting military action in the attempt to ambush and make it impossible to identify civilian from combatant is a war crime as is choosing to fight in a civilian population. As a search and rescue pilot I have been shot at which is another no no in the book of rules of war. In summary there are no rules in actual combat, it is about personal honour and whether you can return from a war zone with your pride and dignity.
@booth2710 2 месяца назад
Being a country in Europe is not a condition of being able to be an entrant in the contest -
@TheSarinaide 2 месяца назад
@@booth2710 it's weird that it is called Eurovision then instead of globalvision
@MrBoybergs 2 месяца назад
Excellent summary of the situation and the moral ambiguity of those that demonise Israel but seems unable to blame Hamas for the ongoing tragedy for Palestinians
@CrazyDogLadySky 2 месяца назад
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
@Thenoobestgirl 2 месяца назад
Competing in the Eurovision has to do with being an EBU member state, not actually being a European state.
@AlyThree3 2 месяца назад
The fact eurovision has become political doesn't mean it should be. And if it shouldn't be, booing a 20yo girl for representating a country which was allowed to compete is shallow and pitiful. Find actual ways to change the world, cause this is not the way.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
Why were they allowed to compete? Weird choice to decide that question isn't relevant.
@shahidakhanam3449 2 месяца назад
​@@tgraywrites Exactly.
@doesntmatter4136 2 месяца назад
​@@tgraywritesFor the same reason Ukraine is allowed to compete.
@yessum15 2 месяца назад
​@@doesntmatter4136UKR is not currently violating multiple international laws and engaged in massive liquidation of civs, journalists, and UN staff.
@Thenoobestgirl 2 месяца назад
​@@yessum15neither is Israel
@monty2005 2 месяца назад
The Cass report has revealed the appalling truth of the transgender lie. Thank heaven! #LGBWithoutTheT
@k2a2l2 2 месяца назад
the corruption really is everywhere imaginable 😕
@2804Freedom 2 месяца назад
... pause ....
@RTGAR 2 месяца назад
So are they refugees or citizens of a state? Which? Asking for a friend
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
Most refugees are citizens of states
@dividingrain1907 2 месяца назад
​@@tgraywritesthe weird thing is tho. While a "normal" refugee is would not be considerd a refugee if they get citizenship in another country. But not for palestinians. They Will always be refugees until they return to the place theu came from. So palestinians that has citizen ship in Jordan get aid because they are considerd a refugee
@TheSarinaide 2 месяца назад
@@dividingrain1907 Palestine get the most humanitarian aide compared to other refugees, compared how Palestinians live relative to real victims of civil wars and active genocides that get ignored, palatine is the most protected "refugee" group even though they are living in a country that has been defacto Palestine since 1920 and partitioned as the West Bank.
@dividingrain1907 2 месяца назад
@@TheSarinaide YES, someone that isnt brainwashed by tiktok or yt shorts to think there is a genocide and that israel is an apartheid. Nice to see someone with a brain. But yeah, palestinians are the most protected refugees. They even got their own organisation. Unrwa just for palestinians. And unchr for the rest of the world
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
That would be a surprise to the refugee organisations mostly handling Ukrainians in the UK, as the only group who've been shown any support by the Government at all
@kurtmiller7040 2 месяца назад
Poor bloke, he needs a care home asap
@michelmorin5467 2 месяца назад
Really well sad and totally agree with your opinion
@cliffordstewart1507 2 месяца назад
@jdgoade1306 2 месяца назад
The "I'm trying to read the teleprompter" squint.
@nightpipp3937 2 месяца назад
Capped insulin at $35 a month, 15,000,000 jobs created, inflation reduction act
@jdgoade1306 2 месяца назад
@@nightpipp3937 It was 35 when Trump was in, Biden did not create any 15 million jobs ( laughable), Biden & Co. created the inflation in the first place, your statement is Democrat propaganda.
@jdgoade1306 2 месяца назад
@@nightpipp3937 Troll account.
@nightpipp3937 2 месяца назад
@@jdgoade1306 you or me?
@Ride1440 2 месяца назад
I see alien in the skin. Democraps do stretch the truth into threats.
@josephinelamkins7661 2 месяца назад
Oh you mean the laws for me but not for you version😂😂😂 yeah that makes more sense
@georgemalizia652 2 месяца назад
If there's no laws, you wouldn't be able to control yourself.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
This is called projection, George
@tinkywinky4449 2 месяца назад
So what you're saying is... without law... you would be running around elementary schools jerking it? That's a pretty fucking weird implication, George. I think you need to get checked by a professional. Weirdo.
@mightywashpressurewashingb6648 2 месяца назад
Lie after lie
@joelodico6880 2 месяца назад
@keithsteinle747 2 месяца назад
The rule of law and the constitution do not give you the right to weaponize the FBI, NSA, and CIA to monitor the social media websites banning people posting their opinion.
@MikeWalker-nn3dk 2 месяца назад
What,or who tells you,us a lie every time his mouth is open... That's the truth and we all know it is... What he is not telling...
@user-fv8cy9gj6b 2 месяца назад
Too many people
@qazmko22 2 месяца назад
She did say anything "unfortunate" on twitter.. she said something and her overly offended audience reacted poorly.
@lauriestewart2044 2 месяца назад
Good lord this is a toxic comment section. I do applaud Tristan for engaging with criticism in good faith though.
@azimuth5620 2 месяца назад
Seems pretty straightforward that a person who believes they were "born in the wrong body" would require a psychiatric evaluation.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
The same was said for gay people in our recent past, complete with medical interventions to "correct" them
@azimuth5620 2 месяца назад
@@tgraywrites LOL, gay people never claimed to be the opposite sex or "born in the wrong body" and they certainly didn't have a pathological interest in kids like the trans movement does. And puberty blockers for effeminate boys & tom boy girls? THAT is gay conversion therapy!
@Pozzoy 2 месяца назад
Let me just say that truth always finds a way, and no amount of censorship will ever change that. You can label anything you disagree with as "hate speech", but you will lose in the end, as you're fighting for a lost cause because your primary premises are false. Good luck.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
The definition of a cultural "lost cause" is when the only reason it hasn't progressed is due to opposition by older generations against overwhelming support by younger ones. Opposition to trans rights could not fall more clearly into this category.
@Pozzoy 3 месяца назад
Okay, well, the first and the main difference between being a gay kid and being a trans kid is the fact that gay kids don't get prescribed extremely dangerous drugs just for being gay. That's why a kid's outing as gay doesn't need a psychological evaluation, and an outing as trans does. Just one of the reasons, there's also the notion that someone believes they are "born in the wrong body", which in itself is a reason for a psychiatric evaluation. It's not normal behaviour, you know. It could just as well be a form of internalized homophobia, which is why some see this whole gender dysphoria craze as a new gay conversion therapy. But I believe you're not that stupid, and you know that, so, what could be behind this? Bias?
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
"It's not normal behaviour, you know" - Which of course is not a statement that has ever been made about gay people. "Extremely dangerous drugs" - puberty blockers have been used since the 1980s and are still used frequently now for kids outside their use for trans youth. No concerns have been raised about their safety in the decades they've been used. Hormone therapy, also, is frequently used for cis people and is well understood and has been used for decades. These are not new medications, they are well understood, and not considered "extremely dangerous" even by the Cass Review. "A new gay conversion therapy" - Hi, fun fact, I am one of the founders and lead organisers of the End Conversion Therapy Scotland campaign. I've been working on delivering a ban for years, and the bill is due to come forwards this year. You can literally look me up speaking in the Scottish Parliament about it. Would you like to know how much evidence there is of the "trans the gay away" myth? Literally none.
@Pozzoy 2 месяца назад
@@tgraywrites "... puberty blockers have been used since the 1980s and are still used frequently now for kids outside their use for trans youth..." Awesome sentence right there, and here is why this is misleading and dangerous speculation: Puberty blockers are used today for people with precocious puberty, and sex hormones are prescribed freely today, probably everywhere, to people with hormonal disorders, which is also one of the causes of precocious puberty. Now there are a few things about both of those conditions which separates them from "gender dysphoria": they are physical, can be diagnosed with prety much mechanical methods by measuring certain chemical disbalances and without any reasonable doubt, and both can be measured. There's this thing called insulin; I know you've heard of it and, coincidentally, it’s also a hormone. Now, for people with diabetes, it's a cure. For people who have no diabetes, it's a poison and can be fatal. See how thin of a line that is? The old Greeks used one word for both the poison and the cure: Pharmakon.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
The idea the brain isn't a physical part of you is a myth, and nothing you said here contradicts anything I did. Sex hormones are not "poisons", be serious, or just admit you don't think trans people should exist.
@Pozzoy 2 месяца назад
@@tgraywrites "...Sex hormones are not "poisons", be serious..." They are not a cure either; they are exactly that: hormones, chemical compounds that the body naturally produces under certain conditions and with a certain purpose. You can't just prescribe hormones to someone without confirming that something isn't working as it should with their glands, that's pseudo-medicine, quackery if you will.
@tgraywrites 2 месяца назад
@Pozzoy they are exactly that, hormones. Something we *already* prescribe widely without any glandular issues. For example - for people going through menopause, a perfectly natural process. "Pseudo-medicine" is what you're doing, making up medical rules as you go along without any understanding of medicine to back you up.
@xmaseveeve5259 3 месяца назад
I see a conflict of interest.
@testinginging-wp6di 3 месяца назад
What's the conflict?
@xmaseveeve5259 3 месяца назад
@@testinginging-wp6di I prefer not to say. You need to do your own research, always.
@testinginging-wp6di 3 месяца назад
@@xmaseveeve5259 oh, so you don't actually know if there's a conflict, fair enough
@tgraywrites 3 месяца назад
@testinginging-wp6di generally these kind of comments really *want* to say a slur but won't because it would reveal their "reasonable concerns" for what they truly are
@testinginging-wp6di 3 месяца назад
@@tgraywrites yeahhhh "I prefer not to say" I'll bet mate, probably coz if they did it'd be telling on themselves
@xmaseveeve5259 3 месяца назад
Where are your shoulders? Disgraceful propaganda.
@scrumps101 3 месяца назад
You make the analogy here 1:08 that trans people are recommended #4) to receive help by a clinical professional and “imagine if a gay person said that to a parent”- That’s not even a close comparison. It’s been widely established that there is a statistically significant increase in mental health diagnoses in trans people that includes mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia, personality disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, and substance use disorders. Why wouldn’t it make sense to see a professional to rule those diagnoses out OR to help that person obtain mental health therapy to assist in a healthy transition? Those diagnoses aren’t reported in such high numbers in gay people so the need isn’t as dire. Also, the massive amount of invasive medical treatments and surgeries and side effects if one goes on to physically transition can affect one’s mental health. Seeing professional help to consolidate all of these issues would benefit a vast amount of individuals. Recommendation #4 makes great sense. I haven’t watched past this but that’s my 2 cents.
@tgraywrites 3 месяца назад
If you watch past this it may make more sense for a couple of reasons. Firstly that comorbidities are common across entirely benign issues and for entirely benign reasons, like left handedness. They don't mean, automatically, that this is an alternative explanation for why someone is feeling this way. No one asks "are they left handed, or are they just autistic?" despite people being more likely to be autistic if they're left handed. It's a display of looking for things that might be "wrong" with someone that can be "fixed" as if being trans is a problem in need of a solution instead of a natural part of who some people are.
@testinginging-wp6di 3 месяца назад
​Also to add to @@tgraywritesresponse, it's worth noting that 1) transgender people are more likely to be diagnosed BECAUSE of the intense screening process to access hormones. It may well be - and has actually been suggested by a number of leading psychological organisations - that if every cis person had to go through such screening, they too would find that many more people have these disorders than are diagnosed. And 2) a lot of the disorders found to be more prevalently diagnosed in transgender people are also heavily linked to external factors, including trauma that is regularly linked to societal transphobia. This is a minority of which ~90% have experienced hate crimes (uk statistics) of which 40% involved physical violence, which the media and politicians regularly compare to sexual predators and made law changes specifically to make their lives worse, and of which over 1/4 of under 18s are kicked out and made homeless when they come out to their families, it's no wonder they're more likely to have mental illnesses. In addition, the increased prevalence of mental health diagnoses doesn't stop the other statistics on transition from being relevant. The largest study of transition impact to date is the 2022 US Transgender Study, with over 90,000 participants. It examined a wide variety of factors in transition, including post-transition satisfaction. The results found that transition improved people's quality of life in over 94% of cases for social transition (name/pronoun change), and that hormonal treatments led to a higher quality of life in 98% of cases. There isn't another medical procedure on the planet with this level of post-treatment satisfaction. Even if you consider gender dysphoria to be an 'illness', these results - combined with others - state we've essentially found the cure. This was the largest study and is therefore incredibly relevant, but its results echo those of all the thousands of smaller studies going back decades and decades: transition improves quality of life for those seeking it.​ (Edited for some typos)
@xmaseveeve5259 3 месяца назад
Well said.
@Celeste-hl1kw 3 месяца назад
Thanks for covering this! You’ve highlighted so many key problems here. It’s such an annoying discourse right now, because not only is the entire report junk-science, but the worst people eating it up are also grossly misrepresenting its conclusions. So we’re constantly having to both criticize the deliberate political agenda, flawed methodology, and invalid conclusions, and also correct misinformation among the public. It’s exhausting, and seeing allies stepping up and calling it out is so crucial.
@juleslangston2059 3 месяца назад
nice take
@KevinTorres_k3v1ntrs 3 месяца назад
I’d blame hasbro
@jeffreykershner440 3 месяца назад
Very good take on this. My group has started Pathfinder 2 a while ago.
@WillaLamour 3 месяца назад
I appreciate this analysis and this news. Nevertheless, I am deeply saddened that there won’t be a DLC/s for BG3. I truly enjoy this game. It is the best I’ve ever played, personally.
@kattel8253 3 месяца назад
0:47 2:07
@kattel8253 3 месяца назад
@Michael9-23-15 3 месяца назад