FaBled Hunters
FaBled Hunters
FaBled Hunters
Welcome Fabled Hunters!

This is where the Hunt Begins! On this channel, follow Saint, Yuanji, and Company as we bring forth and open box after box of epic Flesh and Blood Sealed products for your viewership!

Tune in, subscribe, and join our wild ride as we quest to uncover, collect, and sometimes giveaway these rare artifacts... Every Tuesday and Friday at 6PM EST!

Till next time everybody!

Hunters Out!
@Nathaniel_theClashGuy 11 часов назад
Honestly I think it comes down to don't blast ppl 🤷‍♀🤷‍♂🤷‍♂I think that goes for everyone in the story. I'm not sure what anyone thought was going to happen here.
@selimchatziali6611 23 часа назад
Best Game!
@shoichi8474 День назад
Yuanji has great takes. Get him on that runaways podcast!
@dozrFAB День назад
Big agree on cards like cosmic awakening. I really enjoy the breadth of "cool thing" cards which are are fun to do even if you don't win
@michaelc6817 День назад
Was that a box a 9.5 basic or 9.5 ++? Yuanji crushed it. Better luck next time Saint!! Flesh and Blood 3.0. What an interesting discussion. Thanks for posting!
@lukebobb День назад
What do you mean by some heroes not having a talent?
@johannwitt1854 День назад
Talents are an attribute of a hero like Light, Shadow, Draconic. Dorinthea - Warrior - no talent. Boltyn - Light Warrior - talent.
@nickfanzo День назад
It’s Best tcg
@GoblinReserve День назад
Thanks for the video and info. Sweet hits!
@Nintendomac 2 дня назад
15:15 dude was shaking just to open up a $15 card 💀
@TheDarkElder 3 дня назад
Oof. That was a long video. Appreciate the openness and yeah, hard honesty. Although we never had any dealings I respect you for the service you provide, both with the company and as a collector/tradesman. Funny side note: 2021 was also the year I won several giveaways, just not in FaB but in Magic. I have no clue why I should feel entitled to anything by these donors but perhaps that's due to me having some decency. Btw - sorry to hear of your "struggles" like that, and even friends down in Florida perhaps hearing of it through some YT video/comments. BUT in the end, I hope it can all work out for you, your family, friends, business, and team runaways.
@GoblinReserve 4 дня назад
@TCGTragic 4 дня назад
Great video! Love these market / investing updates with a heavy dose of real talk from Saint!
@maigra 4 дня назад
This is well done video.
@GoblinReserve 4 дня назад
So cool they have exclusives for Japanese in this set.
@GoblinReserve 4 дня назад
Interesting info thanks for the video
@sideshowonacid 4 дня назад
As someone who likes Macallan it really is just Timmy whisky.
@sideshowonacid 4 дня назад
This was awesome! I’ve played and collected fab from the beginning, but I don’t have a single social media account so I have no idea who these people are. If someone put my personal life out there I would react much worse….a sick part of me hopes this has another chapter, but for Saint’s sanity I hope it is put to rest.
@jrgqhd 4 дня назад
Thank you for keeping it real. The delusional Twitter community does not represent reality
@ThatSquidBoySpins 4 дня назад
Everyone sucks here, He shouldn't of shared private DMs that had no relevancy to the topic at hand, but you provoked him by naming him in a public video. You could of just blocked him and moved on after it was clear to you he wasn't going to take a hint, instead you chose to escalate. It's just bad behavior being justified by bad behavior; bad look as a whole for the entire community.
@bradleycoe6972 4 дня назад
@kiki_la93 4 дня назад
Have you considered following the advice on your shirt? All you had to do was say sorry I'm not interested in buying right now, feel free to sell elsewhere. Hell, you didn't even have to disclose why you weren't interested and you would have been fine. Also the comparison to catcalling is deplorable. You're in the position of power here, to even think it's remotely the Sam experience is awful. This sint some drake levels roast, it's just people failing to communicate like adults and it's a little sad tbh.
@WaveShelter 4 дня назад
I mean Saint did already? He told Alex that the price was way off and no way they’ll come to an agreement so he didn’t want to negotiate, and for multiple times? It’s Alex kept pushing, Saint tried politely saying no, then not responding, then a short No, then the bad words. Also I think the key point is they’re not really friends, just 2 grown man doing business. You don’t have to be patient/nice for some random stranger keep pushing the edge of your business.
@jp0123456100 4 дня назад
Not a fan of saint so i don't usually watch his content but that being said, it's 100% fucked up that alex leaked the divorce. I will say that saint was not as obvious as he thinks with his messages saying "he's not interested". Using the hot girl analogy, he should of just said "not interested, thanks for reaching out" and then if alex kept messaging just block. I think this is just miss communication + lack of experience from alex + saint's inflammatory character = this drama
@Mrsierramist1 4 дня назад
Two things and I skipped around, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. 1. Did you ever actually say no instead of ghosting? If you did, it would have probably saved a lot of time, especially if he considered you a friend. 2. Assuming you did tell him no, I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but the way you say still makes you seem like a dick. I appreciate your passion for the community but it's like you want people to kiss your ass for it.
@AzakiahIsYourOnlyGod 4 дня назад
God Bless you Saint. Sneed needs to grow a pair!
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@RobertPeluso-df1by 4 дня назад
Saint I think you are technically correct in this instance, but this video comes across as incredibly petty. I’m no psych but this seems like you’re projecting your frustrations over other issues onto this individual. All he seems to have done is been a time waster which is annoying, but is it worthy of a huge rant video? Damn.
@AzakiahIsYourOnlyGod 4 дня назад
It's OK to be petty when you are dealing with entitled victims
@Bronson-_- 4 дня назад
Great video Saint! Very good food for thought for people who are doing FAB deals. Was terrible your privacy was violated and time wasted. You have been an incredible ambassador for the game and are a true die hard for FAB.
@michaelc6817 4 дня назад
Yeah, Saint, I saw that guy's video via the Riddler's assessment video. 1st thing I thought of was "oh shit, this guy is posting Saint's in confidence/private messages". Then it became like Fatal Attraction like you rejected him and now he wants to bludgeon you in the bathtub. The assessment I made in my mind (a formed opinion) was that this guy is ---- this part of comment deleted as to not risk hurting anybody's feelings ---.
@Sloopdoop 4 дня назад
Very glad to hear your side of the story, Saint. Even with just Alex's side and interperetation you were, at worst, a bit of an asshole. I actually despise the people on Twitter who are all "FaB iS fOR EveRYoNe!!!" until it's someone they don't like
@matthewwallace1206 4 дня назад
@matthewwallace1206 5 дней назад
@AggToaster 5 дней назад
Crazy you post this and think it makes you look good.
@tysowhite 4 дня назад
They both looking goofy wasting their time on this 😂
@AggToaster 4 дня назад
@tysowhite maybe but I think this video is a lot worse.
@matthewwallace1206 5 дней назад
@adambrett2005 5 дней назад
Guys, you are both great assets to the community. Keep it up, and I hope to see you both in a UK Fab event soon.
@driftercomic6857 5 дней назад
Thank you for your contributions to Flesh and Blood, Saint. My dad went through a messy divorce, so I understand it can be quite an ordeal for you good sir. I fully support you.
@Shadeghoul 5 дней назад
Do you invest in other businesses?
@lukebobb 5 дней назад
You rock so hard man. I watched the whole video.
@tzhonglin 5 дней назад
Respect on sphere of protection Saint! Hope everyone will continue to protect this great game in your own capacity ❤
@Dell-tcg 5 дней назад
I appreciate what you do for this community Saint! You won't ever be able to appease the bunch of smooth brained soft cry babies...
@lvl70shampally 5 дней назад
This double down is stupid. We already saw the interactions when Alex showed them. You absolutely didn't need to run to a public format like humungous douche nozzle and put someone on blast that had put nothing between the two of you in a public area. Not sharing DMs isn't a right, it's a public courtesy and when you put someone in a position where they need to show those DMs because you decided to talk some shit in public for no reason you lose that right. All of that constitutional non-sense has no bearing or meaning here and you sound even dumber for trying to invoke your "rights as an American"
@adrianlearns 5 дней назад
its always the same ppl dog piling on every fab drama
@bradleycoe6972 5 дней назад
Saint you kind of seem like you are saying you only care about been polite and respectful to someone you think has value to you
@Paradoxed25 5 дней назад
It seemed pretty obvious that he was saying in relationships, a give-and-take is needed for it to not become a 1-sided burden. No one has the capacity to freely give their time, energy, or resources to everyone who asks for it. This is a simple, mature take on things, not him being mean.
@AzakiahIsYourOnlyGod 4 дня назад
Too many people try to take advantage of Saint's kindness.
@bradleycoe6972 4 дня назад
@@AzakiahIsYourOnlyGod i would agree with that for sure,and it did seem like the guy was pestering him and didnt pick up on it,but i think its safe to say he did explode on the guy.
@bradleycoe6972 4 дня назад
@@Paradoxed25 it does seem like it was a slow burn issue though of instead of been directly clear he gave signals and blew up at the guy,the whole thing seems just kind of stupid on both sides,sounds like it was the needle that broke the back and saint unloaded then this dude equally unloaded.
@fabrocny1618 5 дней назад
I am so sorry saint that your going through a divorce. I have many friends that have went through this, and it hurts me to see them going through this type of pain. It hurts me to see you going through this type of pain. I wish you healing for you and your family. I mean this from the bottom to the top of my heart. Family is everything.
@AdventureCoGaming 5 дней назад
Agreed with your points until you ghosted him. Just a firm no once you saw the checklist probably would have ended it.
@davidsitrick3779 5 дней назад
Hey quick question: what’s that address behind you for the first half of the video
@thanatos8412 5 дней назад
Good video. Thanks for all you do Saint and wishing you the best.