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2 месяца назад
@michelle8190 7 минут назад
If you listen to the video she pours the water out & turns the faucet on.
@rickyracerr1 12 минут назад
Officer Tatum is a disgrace and a traitor to his race. He stands on the side of police that are killing black people, instead of on the side of Truth. He has tattooed on his arm Jesus is Lord, but has zero spiritual discernment on what happened. Why? Because he's a fake Christian
@tramaynwashington1545 38 минут назад
She even said love yall and thank you in the porch. She had plenty of opportunity to throw the water. She said i rebuke you in the name of Jesus because she was offended that he even thought she would do something evil like that. These people act like someone called the police on her. I would've said hey you boiling eggs tonight. Wth. Why would she even be considered as a threat. Only black person that would've shot her is Officer Tatum
@ricardoflores3548 40 минут назад
DD You can't argue with stupidity 😂
@tramaynwashington1545 45 минут назад
Why was she even considered a threat in the first place. Why would the cop even suggest she would throw the water on him? Why when she said i rebuke you in the name of Jesus he said you better not?
@tramaynwashington1545 Час назад
I'm glad you made this!!
@DoggCityFinest Час назад
Listen and watch video with headphones. Right after he pulls his gun you can hear her say the B word then raise up and throw the pot. The pot she had you can see it on the chair next to the counter by where the officer was standing. Now as for the officer walking up on her, after she got down she could have been going for some type of other weapon. Saying I rebuke you in Jesus name priest pastors say that followed by holy water being tossed etc. So saying that he felt threatned. Slow the video down if you have to.
@Froward_Thinker Час назад
Im sorry you dont get to spend 3 days claiming she didnt throw the water and now that its clear she did still say it wasnt justified
@smithe6 Час назад
Why acknowledge what this woman says, its all BS? Discount wannabe lawyer's assessments is laughable. Also Brandon Tatum is a joke, he panders to his base and his base have started to agree with you and guess what, now he's changing his opinion. Dude is weak.
@TonyBaity-jr1nd 2 часа назад
Pink so-called people are the living devil and always trying to justify their own evil wickedness
@jefferyparker7937 2 часа назад
He is just an cop house ni...r
@dionne8837 2 часа назад
Tatum is a complete member of the blue line gang and will deny all wrong-doing by other gang members i can only imagine the tyranny he inflicted on the people
@SoSikWitIt 2 часа назад
the first clip thats a latino culture majority of them is latinos they been doing that in the bay and every where else since early 2000s and took over the sideshow culture
@robertsmall1657 2 часа назад
Officer Tatum is actually technically correct. If you view the relevant laws of the state of Illinois you will see that the officer legally has justified cause to use deadly force if he is under threat of great bodily harm. Mrs Massey threatened to throw a pot of boiling water at him aka she threatened great bodily harm. The officer told her not do (very rudely) and said he would shoot her. He pointed his gun, She knelt down behind the counter and when he came around the counter she threw it at him and he shot her before the pot even left her hand. Nate the lawyer does a good video on this but he talks about my point near the end. The officer overall did a horrible job being aggressive and turning that situation into a nightmare and deserves to be fired BUT LEGALLY if we review the law, the officer was allowed to use lethal force if attacked with great bodily harm. A pot of hot boiling water qualifies. So even though I think the officer is awful and evil, Technically he fits the legal requirements…
@duncanclan123 3 часа назад
A cop has a gun in one hand they can commit any crime with and an ink pen in their other hand they can write any story with. Its always been this way ever since the British Empire created the Police Departments for slave control in the first place.
@Demonte202 3 часа назад
All people justifying this are psychopaths
@rankinangela1st 3 часа назад
If he didn’t see the video and see that her hands were to her head and she was starting to bend down when the fatal shot was fired what kind of cop is he. This cop has just made a lot more people of ALL RACES dislike the police and not trust the police the evidence is in full view and this cop is denying it what happen to protect and serve not shoot and kill😢 REST IN PEACE SONIA JUSTICE WILL BE DONE 🙏🏼
@aryn-x2200 4 часа назад
TATUM and the HODGE brothers are not like US!!!!
@FckPeace2 4 часа назад
🤔The human-like thing automatically deemed Sonya Massey a threat/suspect🤬...... 🗣️This lady is soulless just like that deputy
@WaynerTheGamer 4 часа назад
Imagine being so ridiculous, u can't comprehend she made the decision after a warning not too. Its permanent scarring
@francine2928 5 часов назад
New Subscriber-keep up the good work!
@user-bc9vl5kq8r 5 часов назад
That's not HIP-HOP. Nas Said years ago that HIP-HOP is Dead. That's what is now called Shit-hop that's why so Many Male Rappers are Getting turned out by Record Industry Executives straight facts. That's not Black CULTURE Not every Black American Listen to Rap Music facts. In conclusion I must Say REPUBLICAN Politicians Are Guilty of Exploiting The Ignorance of young So-Called Blacks more Than ever these Days. If a young So-Called Black Male was to Run For President on the Republican Ticket Not One single White Conservative would vote For the Coonservative.
@Degree117 5 часов назад
You mean a former dirty cop
@toddmailen3674 5 часов назад
You are 100% on point.
@johnoibenjamin5630 5 часов назад
This officer Tatum guy needs to be canceled. The cop is dead wrong it has nothing to do with race it's straight-up murder.
@henryjackman3160 5 часов назад
The cop made a comment about being afraid of the boiling water. She made a joke or off comment about rebuking him in the name of Jesus and he executed her. Never allow police in your home without a warrant. They had no business being in there and demanding ID. Their obsession with ID lead to this murder.
@oovii808 5 часов назад
it may have been premeditated. The fkers just walked into her house. If they had just left, it wouldn't have happened. WTF did they need to see ID? Is that what they came for?
@melvinhill6726 5 часов назад
Man shut the hell up.
@mrm-kj8ww 5 часов назад
Tatum backs the blue, no matter what. He made all kinds of excuses for the Uvalde cowards.
@Antoinette70 5 часов назад
There are black people who are agents, and they are getting paid to cause confusion and help in destroying the black community.
@Antoinette70 5 часов назад
Yes. She didn't do anything to make the cop shoot her.
@lordtark6736 5 часов назад
Officer Tantum is the worst. I'm a black conservative and we don't claim that buffoon.
@mscupcakedreamson36 5 часов назад
Did you see where he made another video, where he changed his mind. I read the comments and realize the majority of his audience, didn’t buy into rhetoric, so he had to change his mind. Some of these guys are insane. It’s all about the money.
@DDGotAPodcast 5 часов назад
He actually did not change his mind. Did you watch this video all the way through? If not, I covered it. The title and thumbnail of his second video makes you believe he did. When you actually watch his second video, it's him doubling down actually.
@johnmarinos3976 5 часов назад
Why don’t you save your energy for all your babies, children, men and women that are murdered every day by your brothers !!!! But you go off because a white cop killed a black women .. So what your saying is it’s ok if you kill one another, but God if a white kills a black that’s all wrong... It comes down to your a racist.. If not why is ok for blacks to kill blacks, but not whites to kill blacks.. I don’t hear one of you that yells the most about cops killing blacks yell about blacks killing cops !!!!!!!
@jacksonaction9592 5 часов назад
@djkenske1973 5 часов назад
im usually cool with former officer tatum but i just happen to pass by your video could not belive that he said this cuz' i watched that video of sonja she did not that cop murdered her in cold blood point blank case closed conserveatives do need to stop backing these dirty cops , its way more than 1 bad apple i know im from kensington aka philly and i know how cops like this are , dealt with them most of my life im 50 . yeah hes dead wrong on this one here ............justice for sonja omg what those 2 did yo....
@dariussmith3809 5 часов назад
Wtf are you talking about? She didn’t throw any water or any intention. She was down when he shot her in the face curled up saying I’m sorry you need to burn in hell straight lying on the dead again what if that was your mother or sister or child you wouldn’t be saying what you’re saying and I hope it comes true because you don’t have a heart or soul making that statement
@jack1uptone963 5 часов назад
99.99 percent of black conservatives either stay quiet or make it their business to say whatever racist yte right-wing conservatives wanna hear. For the very very very most part, if you're a black conservative, you are required to be anti-black in order to get any republican support.
@aliceakosota797 6 часов назад
"She's holding a pot of boiling water lets get closer to her" these morons have no tactical sense or intelligence they just wanna put you down
@Warhammer77 6 часов назад
That dude is an idiot..
@geofranklin6775 6 часов назад
You have some particular white people who are beautiful people and like that of any other race, and there are particularly our people, meaning so-called African Americans , that sell out cooning and that or are not for our best interest in truth love and compassion and respect and number one a regard for life and also livelihood, Tatum isn't not the type of man that has true desernment fact and truth
@cashcorleone2469 6 часов назад
If she was trying to attack with the water they could've just left the house that they had no reason to enter in the 1st place
@geofranklin6775 6 часов назад
Brother, I agree with you, the gentleman that is making this video
@geofranklin6775 6 часов назад
Is the brother blind, special, or slow of truth , and or in fact is he being set up, or paid to act and say these things , or all of the above, or is he truly special , this lady did not throw nothing at all your color blind visually impaired slow and can't see correctly and lack of good judgment and mo compassion she did not do a damn thing but be scared try to cover her face with the pot cause he scared her badly amd she sunk down out of fear , and even even even if she absolutely showed that she did , she did not still pose a debt , some damn water hot or not wow people don't know right from wrong like it says on the bible Wright wi be considered wrong and wrong will be considered right sadddddd saaaddd
@cashcorleone2469 6 часов назад
Tatum sides with police regardless of the situation. That's the issue with a lot of cops. They go into these situations looking to justify fellow officers actions not being impartial
@donyahudon7799 6 часов назад
Also the assassin called it in as a self inflicted g shot wound and the dispatcher asked him again and he repeated that it was self inflicted again. So when the Sargent arrived he asked "where's the weapon"? That's why he was arrested and charged. So ossifer clown podcast needs to get CANCELLED. I will support his cancellation ! ! !
@darkmanx3139 6 часов назад
The video 📷 would've justified him killing his partner 🤔 but he was a coward for the brotherhood faternal order
@donyahudon7799 6 часов назад
If it was up to Me it would have happened to him instead of HER I saw a zoomed in video when she was assassinated the pot was on the stove NOT IN HER HANDS. The pot is grey and the potholders are red. She never even had the pot in her hands.
@walaka4 6 часов назад
Stop listening to Tatum, he is a clown. If it was a black officer he would’ve criticized the actions of the officers by saying that black officers also kill innocent unarmed black people.