Megan Brush
Megan Brush
Megan Brush
writing, reading, and whimsy✨
finishing library school & a writing day vlog
3 месяца назад
the best 13 books I read in 2023
7 месяцев назад
I FINISHED MY DRAFT || the journey & next steps
7 месяцев назад
24 hrs of reading SPOOKY BOOKS || a vlog
8 месяцев назад
@hiddenbenable 3 дня назад
Thank you for this video, Megan! It truly is motivating to watch your vlogs and be reminded of how writing can be combined with a full-time job. I loved how you said that you are honouring your need to take it easy and not write. It's important to recognize that feeling, too. Good luck with the new week, work and writing!
@meganbrush 2 дня назад
Thank you! I'm so glad it's motivating because it can be done! 🥰 Thanks for watching and commenting!
@emilylee5353 5 дней назад
Cat tummy!! :) I don't think I've seen a cat with such big eyes. I used to work at a maccas and within the space of a week I'd have early morning starts, afternoon starts and work overnight. It's tough. I can feel your tiredness through the screen. Hope you adjust soon.
@meganbrush 5 дней назад
She has the best eyes 😍 thank you so much! From what I hear it gets easier and easier. It's just the first week shock! Thanks for being here ❤️
@emilylee5353 4 дня назад
@@meganbrush 🤓
@mhjmakes3631 5 дней назад
It's such a weird thing being a creative. Because you see your work from such a different perspective from everyone else, and it's hard to gauge what your work is really like. The amount of times that I've written something thinking that it's the the cheesiest, most derivate nonsense that I've ever written, only for someone to look at it and say "I *especially* liked this part" are too many to count. (The opposite's also happened, though. Haha) It's nice to go back to a work that you've written a few years later, though. Because that's the closest you'll get (pretty much) to being a blind viewer, and it's interesting to see what works hold up (and which don't). And the answer to that question can be very surprising sometimes.
@meganbrush 5 дней назад
So true! One time my husband asked me "don't you know you're a good writer?" And i was like OF COURSE NOT lol. Which is hilarious because he is also an artist and understands that creative mind. 🤣
@RawieWrites 5 дней назад
i really love how lowkey and cozy your vlogs are! it's always nice to catch up on your videos. Quick questions that you don't need to answer, do you find that having a full time job, plus writting plus your youtube channel is too much? I'm trying to see if i can squeeze making a youtube channel into my writing journal as well
@meganbrush 5 дней назад
Yay I'm so glad! So happy to answer! It's definitely a commitment but I try to give myself grace to not do all the things if I simply can't! I also have a tier of priorities that is unchanging and use that when I need to determine when to drop something. I consider YT my "for fun" creative outlet that I take a little less seriously. So no, I don't find it too hard, but that's because I do it for enjoyment! I always say as soon as it stops being fun, I'm out 🥰 Hope that helps and good luck!
@madebymalayka 5 дней назад
It's always nice catching up with your vlogs 🫶🏾 Usually, I struggle with squeezing writing time into my day with a job - and I only got it fixed _after_ I quit my job and became self employed! 😂 You're doing great so far, Megan. I'm rooting for ya! 🙌🏾
@meganbrush 5 дней назад
Thank you so much! 🥰 Being self employed would help so much but I imagine it comes with it's own set of challenges. Thank you for being here 🥰
@Laurapoet33 5 дней назад
Honestly I relate to demon Megan (during the hair tutorial portion). Having a very anxious morning (for NO reason uhhhggg) but your videos are always a comfort watch for me. Also that impromptu writing advice was exactly what I needed!
@meganbrush 5 дней назад
I'm sorry you're having anxiety outta nowhere. Those are always the hardest days! Hope you feel better soon friend! 🥰
@madebymalayka 8 дней назад
The frogs scared the hell out of me 😭 Buuuuuut, that aside, congrats on hitting 10K! 👏🏾
@meganbrush 8 дней назад
Ahh I'm so sorry! 🫠 I'm a frog fan as you can tell. Thank you so much for watching and commenting ❤️
@emilylee5353 11 дней назад
I was so confused by the frogs until I realised it was an umbrella. Glad your liking the new job!
@meganbrush 10 дней назад
Lol i love that shot cause it's just frogs floating in the sky haha. Thank you for your kind words! 🥰
@heathermattern 11 дней назад
Eeee you are definitely well on your way!! So exciting.
@meganbrush 10 дней назад
Thank you so much! Very excited 🥰
@kenziedegall 11 дней назад
Congrats on getting the 10k!! I started a writing challenge of my own this month- I’m trying to write every single day for all of July. So far it’s going good and I might finally be able to form a writing habit!
@meganbrush 11 дней назад
Thank you! And that sounds like a wonderful challenge. Good luck 🥰 Thanks for watching and commenting 🙂
@mhjmakes3631 11 дней назад
You are certainly correct. Saving things is very important. Haha Actually, what I've been doing for the past few years now is that I have a file called "Kill Your Darlings." And whenever I run into a scene that I'm not feeling, I just do a control + x and a control + v into that file, and then I'll have it for future reference. Usually I find that those scenes never ever come back, but sometimes they do. And even if they don't, it's always fun to go back and see what kind of kooky ideas I came up with in the past.
@meganbrush 11 дней назад
This is a BRILLIANT idea and one I am stealing for the future. Thank you! 💕😍
@rmgalardo 12 дней назад
Have you tried the Sarasa Dry for the journal? It works on the Hobonichi and as far as I know, it's the same paper.
@meganbrush 11 дней назад
Ohh I will give it a try! I have other Sarasa pens that I like. Thank you 😊
@MGComics 12 дней назад
You’re freaking out because you’re not freaking out 😂 loved that - Oh and I always feel like 30 minutes is not enough but you’re so right that it is! T-T
@meganbrush 12 дней назад
It absolutely is enough! And yes, my silly little mind 🤣🫠 Thanks for being here ❤️
@italiannoodle2499 12 дней назад
9:58 omg the face tapping is so real lol. i learned it’s actually some type of therapy to help reduce anxiety and stress, i’ve just always tapped around my head cuz i got bad headaches haha. but i just loved this blog so much. i’m going to start my bilingual mfa in creative writing this fall at the age of 21, and some of my peers i’ve met so far are way older, have published novels, travel, etc. and i’ve just been so bummed out in many ways because i don’t feel as accomplished. but i also worked at my university’s writing center, and beginning my masters i’ll work for the english department then on my second year ill begin teaching rhetoric to first years. i’m scared, sad, nervous, happy, & excited,, but it’s been so hard to put a pen on paper or to even type. i’ve always loved to write, but undergraduate degree definitely burned me out. i only had the summer to rest and concerns about money have prevented me from that. that’s also when the fear of “what am i doing this for?” came in. is it worth the time? the debt? instead of asking myself why. working at a university library sounds like a dream to me, and watching someone else get excited about it was humbling. i want to be like you some day in the future. maybe this doesn’t mean much, but this random noodle on the internet thanks you for reminding me that writing is my safe place 📖🦋
@meganbrush 12 дней назад
Oh my friend these words hit a place you dont even realize. You sound like me at 27. At 21, I was all go go go, dont ask questions, just get towards the goal. As I turned 25 and started to get closer to 30, I was miserable. I hadn't done anything I thought I'd do (aka write or be published in an grand capacity). I've been told my whole life I was destined for greatness and I've never felt that greatness. Ever. So at 29 I was miserable, so so lost. And deciding to quit my job and go back to school to work in libraries was a salvation, but it also was a choice to focus on not caring anymore what my life looks like, or what its supposed to be (especially comparing to others) but instead, just living it. For me. No one else. Keep going friend. It's impossible to quiet that drive I know you have inside of you. Just try to be patient with yourself. 💕 you'll get exactly where you need to be 🥰❤️
@italiannoodle2499 2 дня назад
@@meganbrushomg i cant believe you responded 🥺 thank you so much !! will keep your lovely words as a reminder 💝
@Laurapoet33 12 дней назад
Wooo! Congrats on hitting 10k! Also "Every little bit counts" is going to be my new mantra! So many gems of advice in this video :) So glad you're first week at work went well!
@meganbrush 12 дней назад
Thank you!! Every little bit counts! 💕🥰
@Underground_Valentine 12 дней назад
I'm working on my first draft for my first novel (fingers crossed to make it a trilogy but we'll see how it goes but the way I have it outlined it could stand on its own, too~) and the characters and ideas and loose threads have been in my head for the better part of two years as well. A lot of my notes and initial concepts have changed, and at the end of last year I made a ~resolution~ to have this first draft finished by the end of this year. And it's definitely been difficult to sit and look at the fact that we're in the middle of July and I'm at about 24.5k words, but only about 1/4, maybe only a 1/5, into my outline. hard to say for sure that I could do 2k a day given how demanding my job can be sometimes, but I think carving out 30-60 minutes and just doing my best is a good approach. Fingers crossed we reach our goals :)
@meganbrush 12 дней назад
Fingers crossed for you! I love the idea of switching it up to a time spent goal. That will likely be my strategy come the fall time! Thanks for being here 🥰💕
@laurelsallie8429 12 дней назад
The rain on the roofs! Come on 😍
@meganbrush 12 дней назад
Big fan of it and you 💕🥰
@JSSH-SCIFI 13 дней назад
@meganbrush 13 дней назад
@Svetlana_Sheina 21 день назад
All your videos are amazing whether they are about "2k a day" or reading or like this one. Thank you for your creativity!
@meganbrush 21 день назад
🥹🥰 thank you so much! This is so wonderful to hear as an overthinker. Thanks for watching and commenting☺️
@alisonweick 21 день назад
Personally, I CANNOT wait to one day go through this entire book bible … and happy to contribute details for the future compilation lololol … alsooooo CONGRATULATIONS on the dream job!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
@meganbrush 21 день назад
I need to still add your contribution to it! (The zodiacs hehe)
@LarissaDeog 22 дня назад
congrats on the new job! i hope it treats you and your writing well, it definitely helps. I love the talk about anything related to planing since i'm short story writer i'm always plannig. I think planning is as fascinating as the process of writing it self and definitely necessary to avoid geting lost.
@meganbrush 22 дня назад
Planning is SUCH a fascinating part of the process. I wish I could me more spoiler heavy and just show everything lol. I love chatting about how I do things and hearing from others about their process. Thanks for being here ❤️
@mhjmakes3631 22 дня назад
Welcome back~ Was beginning to get a little worried that the job and the challenge had really overwhelmed you. Glad to see you back in action! (Also, congrats on the new job!!! Having worked a job before where I had the mornings off, and then worked the afternoon/evening, I can say that having the mornings to yourself before work is such a game changer.) Also, also, that little anecdote about changing your character's age was so relatable and so, so funny. I'm glad that you were able to stay (relatively) positive after that. Were it me, I would've taken a drag from my metaphorical cigarette. (I don't actually smoke. 🤢)
@meganbrush 22 дня назад
Haha I was only slightttlyyy overwhelmed, but luckily I have a good relationship with balance. Thanks for your kind words and I'm so excited to have mornings off! 🥰❤️ Lol I really did drag a metaphorical cigarette after (I also don't smoke) because my brain 😅🙃 Thanks for being here ❤️
@angrycatplans 23 дня назад
Congratulations on the job! That teasing of your story bible was brutal. Maybe when you get the book out you could do a deep dive on how it looks. Mine is currently in a bound notebook but I did find out quite quickly it's not ideal. Notion or some other digital tool probably works better, because you can insert information where you want. I might try a ring system the next time I do a book bible. This way I can have the flexibility of a digital system but still have a physical item to reference. And I do think it's good you were so forthcoming that your writing plans changed for a bit because that's just how writing processes work. They shift and change depending on your life and what is happening in the project itself.
@meganbrush 23 дня назад
I was almost thinking of maybe making a fake one? Gah I don't know! But yes, once the book is out I might do a sneaky live to show you. And thank you! I think being honest is the best way to show how imperfect the creative process is! Thanks for watching and commenting 🥰
@kenziedegall 23 дня назад
I've been struggling to figure out how to fit writing into my suddenly very busy schedule, so this video was really motivating! Also, love the story bible idea. I'm currently working on draft 2 of my high fantasy novel and it's been difficult to keep track of all the details. I think I'll try making a story bible!
@meganbrush 23 дня назад
It's such a good little resource to keep track of everything. Yay! Im glad you found this video. Hopefully you can fit in some writing. Thanks for being here 🥰
@madebymalayka 23 дня назад
5:57 That was me cleaning my bathroom! ❤ It was the coziest I've ever been in there 😂 You caught me in the middle of a writing sprint this time (not that I'm complaining! So so so many updates, congrats on getting two jobs (🎉!!) and I hope you're giving yourself grace to manuever them! Also, the Story Bible is such a great idea! Lowkey kealous that I didn't make one before starting this draft 😅
@meganbrush 23 дня назад
🤣🤣 I'm so glad! I'll forever think of you when I say get cozy! And I hope your writing went well! Thank you for the reminder to give myself grace 🥰 And you can start one anytime! I definitely will only make them as I write and not before starting my projects. It would be too overwhelming and I use them to track information for easy reference. Thanks for being here 🥰
@madebymalayka 23 дня назад
@meganbrush I'm honored lol 😂❤️ It wasn't too shabby. I'm in the honeymoon phase because I just started, so the words are coming pretty easily! Ohh, I'll keep that in mind. If I hit a roadblock up ahead, I'll probably sit myself down and work on the Story Bible! 🩷😌 Thanks again!
@emilylee5353 24 дня назад
Your cats get me smiling every time! I hope you enjoy the new life changes.
@meganbrush 23 дня назад
Im so glad! I always think of you when I edit them into the videos. I know at least one person likes them 🥰
@emilylee5353 23 дня назад
@@meganbrush I'm sure there are more than just one. In my mind cats just go well with reading and writing content. Or any content for that matter. 😀
@ReganBea 27 дней назад
I outline the same way! I love to sit on the floor and spread them out in front of me with little coloured cards for the story structure so I can see all of the story at once 😊😊 just found you but definitely subscribing ❤
@meganbrush 27 дней назад
Oh love the colour idea! Yay! Welcome ❤️ thanks for being here 🥰
@rubycomplex1767 28 дней назад
I loved this video! Plain and simple
@meganbrush 28 дней назад
Thank you so much! I'm glad it resonated 🥰
@rubycomplex1767 28 дней назад
@@meganbrush I just have a simple question. As stated in the video, the inner workings of writing shouldn’t be stressed on. That being said, I do wanna expand my vocab to expand my creative writing. Is that…stressing on the inner details?
@meganbrush 28 дней назад
@@rubycomplex1767 it depends on how you approach it. If you think there is absolutely no way you can ever write because you feel you have a limited vocab, then yes, it definitely is stressing and you should just write. But wanting to expand your vocabulary is a fantastic way to get better at writing and a good goal to have! Just don't let it stop you 😊
@ellieblackwell9754 Месяц назад
Hi! I’m starting a writing journal company! Do you have a PO Box I could send some PR?
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Hi! how exciting! Unfortunately, I don't! Maybe one day :) Thanks for being here <3
@MGComics Месяц назад
Your cat is so adorable! He'll get used to it but it's hard T-T I love your videos, they're so cozy, and I've been watching for a long time. Your Notion is very inspiring. I'm so happy that you're achieving your goals, congratulations!!! <3
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Hi!! I'm so glad you are here <3 Thanks for watching. I promise I'll be back soon (maybe this week!) Life just got a little bananas Thank you for your kind words :)
@sofim8888 Месяц назад
I really love your energy ♡ I clicked on this video because I also want to do a similar challenge this summer, hopefully to make some progress in a creative writing personal project (fancy way to say fanfiction, lol). But your self-awareness and acknowledging that being consistent and improving oneself is better than focusing on reaching a certain goal, are what made me suscribe hope everything goes well with your job 🪻
@meganbrush Месяц назад
I'm so happy you found me! 🥰 welcome! Thank you for being here and for your kind words. The job is going great and I'll have more updates my next video ❤️🥰
@heathermattern Месяц назад
How exciting!!!! A library job is a writers dream!!’
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank you! It's been so wonderful 🥰 Thanks for being here! ❤️
@heathermattern Месяц назад
I love this idea of not bashing books or rating and yet.. the one hesitation I have as an author is.. without ratings us indie authors (self published) only get seen if others will actually rate us. It’s a blessing and a curse.
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank you! I think rating 4 or 5 star reads is a perfect solution to that! But truly, nothing really sells books like word of mouth, so talking about the books we love is key 🥰
@heathermattern Месяц назад
Music is a huge part of my inspiration!! I heard Christina Perr and Jason Mraz sing Distance an a character arrived along with her story - craziness!! It’s not the same as the song but boy did it bring this character knocking!!
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Oh i love this! And I do love that song, but I haven't heard that version. I'll definitely have to listen. Thanks for being here 🥰
@heathermattern Месяц назад
New subscriber here - love hearing all about your editing and reading!! I’m still drafting my first novel but I know from previous non fiction works that editing is HARD!! It’s my least favorite part of the writing process but a necessary one. LOL
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Welcome!!! 🥰 thank you for being here. And I love editing so much haha. It's funny how we all feel differently about our processes!
@EmmaBennetAuthor Месяц назад
CAT! Congratulations on your new job.x
@meganbrush Месяц назад
🐈!! Thank you so much 🥰
@ellieblackwell9754 Месяц назад
Oh boy welcome to the world of manacled. It gets so so so good
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank youuu! It's getting published!
@mhjmakes3631 Месяц назад
Congrats on finishing your first week of the job. How are you enjoying it so far? Also congrats on hitting the goal. 10,005 is still pleeeeenty acceptable in my book. Haha This series is so inspiring.
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Yay! I'm so glad you find it inspiring 🥰 your encouragement is inspiring me to keep going! And I'm really loving my job so far. 😭🥹 I feel like I'm finally in the right place! Thanks for being here. ❤️
@emilylee5353 Месяц назад
Yay for enjoying the new job and reaching your writing goal. Your cat footage always makes me smile.
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank you so much 🥰🥰 they provide endless entertainment to me haha Thanks for being here, always ❤️
@readknitwithcheryl Месяц назад
Ohmygosh! I just randomly worked out a plot hole in my WIP as I was watching your video! I wasn't even thinking about it and just enjoying your video, when it suddenly came to me. I know, I don't get it either! But thanks for somehow solving my plot hole, lol.
@meganbrush Месяц назад
That's amazing! The best feeling ever, eh? Congrats on the magic ✨️ Thanks for being here🥰
@amandam8878 Месяц назад
Congrats on smashing all those goals! 🎉
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank you so much 🥰🥰
@malayka2175 Месяц назад
Megan: "Wherever you are, I hope you're cozy" Me: **cleaning the hell out of my bathroom** Congrats on the new job and all your new writerly updates tho 😂❤
@meganbrush Месяц назад
So happy to be keeping you company while you tidy 🤣🥰 Thanks for watching and commenting 🖤
@Neil-writer-author Месяц назад
Congrats on the new job
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Thank you so much 🥰
@rmgalardo Месяц назад
You getting over 3,000 words at the research library reminded me of playing The Sims and them getting so much more creative work done when writing in the library 😆
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Haha that's amazing! Living the Sim life over here 🙌🙌 Thanks for being here 🥰
@mhjmakes3631 Месяц назад
Ah, a fellow randomly-burst-into-accent-er. My kin. 😊 Also, I understand what you mean by "liking writing dialogue, but not so much writing scenes with two people talking," because those are the types of scenes that can either be really cool/dramatic or absolutely boring. And the difference between the two can be only a few words. That's very nerve-racking.
@meganbrush Месяц назад
Yes!! You articulated it perfectly! There's just a lot of pressue in those moments to make whatever is supposed to happen (revealing a truth, getting to a point, etc) naturally. Thanks for watching and commenting 🥰