Googz Gaming
Googz Gaming
Googz Gaming
Gaming channel
@viixzy 6 дней назад
Bro raged quit One Chest Zonewars
@GoogzGamingChannel 6 дней назад
Dang someone is mad 😄😄 He's a controller player and he still whooped that a$$. Then you find my youtube? Stop raging irl. Sell your PC!
@viixzy 6 дней назад
@@GoogzGamingChannel no one is mad bro 💀I’m just playing with you 💀
@aikijb 4 месяца назад
"The Audacity of Health" = 88 (Keypad)
@BobHolyoake 7 месяцев назад
This Human is for humanity ❤🙏
@lovemesomehim3 Год назад
Did the video get hack and switch
@GoogzGamingChannel Год назад
Hack and switch that's a new one
@elviselv7839 Год назад
God made us from the earth. Earth is full of minerals.that's why we need minerals to function.
@michaelgeist1265 2 года назад
I'm glad they are looking at these things, but there is also a problem when nobody can see past diet and exercise and they label people as intolerant to wheat when in reality, they have no problem. Or people change their diet and yet there is no improvement but doctors just tell them to do it longer. It can go both ways.
@jessereimer302 2 года назад
@cmo333 3 года назад
Ok I need help. My daughter has autism and is just like this. And it sounds identical. Where do I start
@GoogzGamingChannel 3 года назад
I'm not a doctor but where to start would be eliminating the bad foods. No processed foods. Wheat barley rye or oats as they say. No flour. Absolutely no fried foods. This is what I've learned to stay away from. Joel wallach and Dr Andrew Rostenberg are go to's for what to stay away from. Dr. Andrew Rostenberg is on youtube and does Skype sessions.
@macavalli2619 Год назад
Also try kefir, sauerkraut, komucha, etc fermented foods Autism is linked to gut dysbiosis
@nisatalia5275 3 года назад
What about the people that don’t sweat , any advice for them .
@codytuazon3601 3 года назад
What book is he talking about?
@healthmattersusa1033 3 года назад
We need plant derived minerals: plants eat the minerals from the soil and we eat the plants.
@jbacquerie2804 4 года назад
Initial visit $300, case review $1,200, $250 follow ups. $150/300 for meds per month. Wow!
@mr.speyside5240 4 года назад
We are being poisoned and don’t even realize it.
@ChikaNeca 3 года назад
on a mass scale
@aliviajeffreys4080 4 года назад
I’m just gonna leave this here. Kimchi, Greek yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir(made my balls huge), kombucha.
@user-ut5ld7ri6g 3 месяца назад
kefir huh?
@nehemiahjuan950 2 месяца назад
Post balls details
@jsamuel251 4 года назад
As a parent it's scary to hear about this, you can't always be the tough guy dad. It has it's place but sometimes you just can't be stern with a disorder / deficiency And like another commenter said, most doctors are drug dealers not healers
@KrisBkh 4 года назад
You are what you eat
@maezzologymedia14 Год назад
Sure and Most people eat the worst shit.. Therefore they are shit. Pretty simply actually.
@kevinbautista1970 4 года назад
What kind of Dr should I look for in my city to do these types of tests on my four year old son?
@GoogzGamingChannel 4 года назад
Best bet is to have his blood drawn in your town but shipped to a specialist unless you're talking about a different test. Either way you can contact Red Mountain they are really good. Email: care@redmountainclinic.com Phone: 208.322.7755 Best of luck to you and your son.
@soilworkspeed 4 года назад
Anyone else here cause of the last episode of southpark?
@Farron1960 4 года назад
I'd say it has a quality of life. move better, feel better than being over weight.
@Blaydelol 4 года назад
Yall see joe rogans shirt haha it was black with a naked lady
@quincylewis1014 4 года назад
Dawn Chrome connor is that you?
@Blaydelol 4 года назад
Yea nigga ❤️😵😵💩
@loremaster73 4 года назад
I drank my first kombucha as I was watching this and actually immediately noticed a difference in the way my stomach felt. Its crazy how much diet really does affect your physical and mental health.
@ParallaxView111 Год назад
He's really talking about the kid having food sensitivities issues and arsenic poisoning from the rice milk.
@deanafromchicago6661 5 лет назад
I wonder if Selenium would help my Kidney Disease. 🤔
@bobbywood9239 5 лет назад
Generally speaking modern doctors are trained drug dealers, not healers.
@jsamuel251 4 года назад
Strong words man
@MattGalter 3 года назад
Bingo, im living proof of it (only cuz i STOPPED their toxic "meds" they claimed I needed to live; that was over a yr ago and I'm healthier, better look. And obvi still alive, now :)
@wtfkurtis 5 лет назад
I can't take a fat person talking about health seriously. But selenium is an essential mineral.
@birage9885 5 лет назад
I have exercise-freak friends that don't take nutrition into account, simply because they believe the dogma that exercise is the cure for everything. Unfortunately, they don't understand the importance of what these vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. play into the health picture. All they believe is no pain, no gain.
@stephanM5 5 лет назад
Jesse Owens was a prolific smoker. That's what killed him. Jim Fix's death was due to the fact that he was a vegan and under nourished and he chronically over-trained.
@iwantyourcookiesnow 5 лет назад
Where can I drink this mineral-rich soup that comes out of athletes?. It will extend my lifespan.
@Nini-ek6on 5 лет назад
This should actually be renamed the dangers of exercise because selenium isn't the main topic but wow so interesting to hear this have always felt guilty about not exercising more and now I don't have to! But I'm curious if we would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater because these people were obviously exercising and training "a whole lot" and probably not replenishing the minerals they sweated out, but is no exercise a good solution? I know I feel a whole lot better in every way physically and mentally with at least a little in my life not to mention not wanting to turn into a bowl full of jello. Thanks for the great info appreciate it
@dusanveselka3240 5 лет назад
Well, the problem also is that there is a huuuge profit in bad food and medication...
@grubbybum3614 5 лет назад
The problem is America. If any kid acted like that where I grew up his father would slap him over the head and make him eat his broccoli. Maybe you people have a discipline problem.
@deborahgessner 5 лет назад
@RKWWWW 5 лет назад
This guy is a quack. skepdic.com/wallach.html
@edwarddickey8169 5 лет назад
I am sorry that you are just wasting your money for a lie. If You have diabetes I am positive you are not cured. I extend the challenge Dr Wallch do an open test with me to show the world who is lying.Education is not the key for trust. Only the cure of which he can not do at all. He should be charged and put on trial and send to prison for the rat he is telling American.
@katiuskapena1047 5 лет назад
I belive it
@ronniespain7142 5 лет назад
Some people are in Love with Their Own Voice
@HealthNut777 5 лет назад
Dr. Wallach is a genius. He knows more about nutritional healing and natural health than you can imagine. His books are a terrific resource if you want to restore and preserve your health. A good place to start your research is his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" lecture. Keep an open mind because his knowledge is 110% legit from many years of studying mineral and vitamin deficiencies in animals. If you only could pick one Doctor to learn about natural health from Dr. Joel Wallach would be a great choice. He taught many Naturopathic Doctors in nutritional healing and they went on to become renowned themselves for curing people with nutritional/natural medicine. 8v)
@judithneely7008 5 лет назад
True true !!!
@avadea5296 5 лет назад
cool guy talking sense
@bernicetornquist7453 5 лет назад
Eat 2 or 3 Brazil nuts per day for selenium...
@smarter2610 5 лет назад
maybe from jungle bot not from market.
@renejreeves 5 лет назад
I was taught how to eat by America, she was killing me slowly I feel betrayed.
@renejreeves 5 лет назад
This made me cry.
@shareewert3157 5 лет назад
Its sbout balance. Reality is our genes and a laid back attitude on life seem to have a big indicator of our life expectancy. Research has shown you go by your grandparents not your parents to determine average lifespan first of all. With that in mind and the theory that movement is medicine.. balance seems to be the winning hand. Walking has always been proven better than running for example. My step father in law was a foreman. One day he was wondering why he was so tired he checked his heart he had mitral valve prolapse. His heart was massive. He had the surgery and it went back to normal..he went back to work. He did not go overboard for anything. He ate butter cheese..all in moderation along with his walks when he retired. He was a laid-back person and just was not the type to get mad. He died in his 80s from cancer. As someone who has worked in the nursing field the people that do everything in moderation..and are not stressed out people..are the people that seem to live longer. This includes people on methadone. They are very youthful. This is because it reduces cell degeneration. I am not saying for people to go on methadone. What I am saying is everything in balance and do you live life with that happy mental attitude will achieve better results than being a fanatic. Jerome Rodale was a fanatic and he died on the dick cavett show at 72 .
@717adventures5 5 лет назад
So if I combine my jogging and hiking, with 90 essential nutrients...
@robertedson2374 5 лет назад
Jim Fixx had a congenital heart defect and was advised not to run!!!!
@julieclemons6701 5 лет назад
The common herb "horsetail", also known as "scouring rush", (Latin binomial Equisetum arvens) is full of selenium. Gather in the spring, before summer solstice, when selenium levels become too high. Dry it, crush it, make an infusion (herbal strength tea) and drink it. Daily. Also prevents "osteoporosis". Look it up.
@southsideman4891 5 лет назад
I noticed he wasnt hawking his products like they are the cure to everything, mabye because the footage ended short.
@skyart27 5 лет назад
Lets all do hot bikram yoga !!!!!!
@glendavis3257 5 лет назад
he mentions people who died young from lack of selenium! Therefore eat Brazil nuts regularly, because they are nature's solution to heart attacks caused by selenium deficiency!
@smarter2610 5 лет назад
Try to examine how much selenium is in brazil nuts. You will be shocked. In my country one person did examination and he found that the score was 100 x less than everybody think. I also thought that this is the best source of selenium. Maybe raw brazil nuts but not from the package:)
@microbiota6485 5 лет назад
How about Jack Lalane? Please, you can cherry pick people to prove your point!
@dialarod8387 5 лет назад
Wallach is selling stardust, he tells you that it will make you dream in Technicolor, or 4K He is a lousy deceiver, who preys on the weak and the sick. Scumbag
@nutriwarriors2147 5 лет назад
I thought Dr. Joel Wallach was a quack until I followed his Therapeutics. He actually cured 14 of my diseases including prostate cancer, asthma and diabetes. I have one illness left. Dr. Wallach is a genius. I pray for this man that nothing happens to him. www.nutriwarriors.org/
@edwarddickey8169 5 лет назад
I have bought the medicine the Doctor said his medicine will cure me of my Diabetic. He lied!
@victoriousjoy9338 5 лет назад
How long did you take them??
@julieclemons6701 5 лет назад
@@victoriousjoy9338 youre right ti ask that!--most people want the devil's magick bullet drug, they DON'T use the natural product, they want to be sick and get attention ...they are deceived by the first liar. Sadly, they cannot be saved.