Theory, Culture & Society
Theory, Culture & Society
Theory, Culture & Society
Welcome to the TCS RU-vid Channel. Extending the discussions and debates that Theory, Culture & Society has been fostering in social and cultural theory, along with the wider social sciences and humanities, for over three decades. This channel provides video-abstracts and other multimedia material to supplement articles published in the academic peer-reviewed journals, Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society, as well as the books published in the TCS Book Series.

@ashleywhitethisisabsolutel1004 9 месяцев назад
I don’t know why, but nobody ever comments on these videos of prof Joanna Latimers. She’s a brilliant intellectual and a fantastic scholar. Cheers Ashley x
@ralphmmobuosi8447 11 месяцев назад
I studied course 'global enviromental justice' and his book 'The Power of the Machine'. The world system is about taking advantage by exploitation. This has environmental consequences.
@romigirl5239 2 года назад
Hello Henrik Enroth, My name is Elizabeth Enroth Lewis. My grandfather came to the USA in 1921 from Finland. I wanted to see if you or your family came from Finland ?
@nightheron5892 2 года назад
Thanks for this
@evanjack958 3 года назад
Interesting vid
@JohannesObers 3 года назад
Habermas is so right . Humanity , is not , it is becoming.
@gato9866 3 года назад
"The historical reality of racial capitalism" What bullshit! As if Blacks / Africans were the only people who were subject to Capitalism, which capitalism cares not what race is. I think every part of the globe was subjected for better or for worse to capitalism. History shows capitalism is better than communism. South Africa is an example of making white minorities subject to envy and revenge.
@muskduh 3 года назад
@steviewonder417 3 года назад
The misgivings of the still sane
@RasmusWintherGrnfeldt 3 года назад
Wonderful idea! Congrats.
@rawaserwan5463 3 года назад
Really insightful introduction, thanks for this!
@evanjack958 3 года назад
Good explanation of the sacred
@evanjack958 3 года назад
Chad Pawlett
@tobiasskiveren8098 3 года назад
@comcredo 3 года назад
brilliant - concise exposition supporting your position paper extending the reach of academic publishing, inviting the audience to the material ..
@uriuriuri 3 года назад
That was interesting thank you
@damienhackney6499 3 года назад
Beautifully lucid introduction. I look forward to reading the paper.
@ashleywhite2362 3 года назад
Professor Latimer, is a very gifted academic and charming lady. Cheers Ashley white x
@fatpotatoe6039 3 года назад
Why don't you just ask some of us? There are plenty of us who'll lecture you for hours on the glorious classical liberal tradition and Misesian economics.
@JamanWerSonst 3 года назад
Milton Friedman said that (economic) policy shouldn't be measured by its intentions but rather by its results. 40 years after Friedman's ideas were put into policy by Ronald Reagan, the results are clear and they are pretty shit: Rampant inequality, uncoupling of per capita productivity and real wages accelerating a gradual redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top, vastly exaggerated private profit interests are distorting democratic processes, societal interests (like in a livable planet and a stable eco-system) are pushed back by short term profit interests of private corporations. Neoliberalism is inherently incapable of tackling the two most urgent issues of the 21st century: Climate change and inequality. Neoliberalism is undermining democracy, by justifying systemic frameworks that allow large accumulations of capital to exert extremely disproportionate political influence. And the single argument that works for Neoliberalism, which is that it produces exceptional levels of growth, has fallen apart in the face of China achieving high and consistent growth without adhering to Neoliberal economic policy. Neoliberal ideas have turned out to be shit, they generated respectable growth for some time, but in the process eroded democracy, heavily weakened the middle class, and accelerated cumulative, very physical existential threats like climate change and created ways for private corporations to influence politics to such an extent that they can prevent solutions to such existential threats out of short term profit interests. At the end of the day, Neoliberalism just creates a new form of economic monarchy in which it isn't blue blood that identifies royalty/the ruling class, but rather extreme wealth. Nothing left of initial promises of a rising tide lifting all boats. But thankfully we now see a paradigm shift in academia as well as in policy advice. The Neoliberals have proven incapable to solve modern problems with their set of ideas revolving around a dogmatic belief in an ominous "free market" - Pure mythos that for a long time wasn't recognized as such as it hides behind the faux objectivity of numbers and charts. Instead, new generations of economists(and other academics) and political advisors go ahead and move into crucial positions in our political and academic systems. These new generations realized that economics can't function without ecology. That sustainability is a crucial requirement of all economic systems. That the economy should work for the welfare of society and not the other way round. Neoliberalism rejected humanist values in favor of a dogmatic belief in mythological market properties that would lead to more desirable results even without humanist intentions. This hypothesis was proven wrong time and time again over the past 40 years. But old power structures cling to this status quo and fight tooth and nail to keep their wealth and power. Fuck em.
@fatpotatoe6039 3 года назад
@@JamanWerSonst Seen it all before. Same talking points, same half-truths and falsities about wages, inequality and productivity, and same talking in generalities. You would benefit from the Austrian perspective, which is equally critical of the crony status quo. I can agree there is a definite left-turn in academia, public discourse and policy advice related to economics, but this hasn’t involved the usurpation of any old paradigms at all, just their critique - usually as an ad hoc justification for expanded government spending, regulation and power by obfuscating what the economic effects are according to marginalist economic theory, since we apparently can’t use it. But now I’m speaking in generalities too.
@JamanWerSonst 3 года назад
@@fatpotatoe6039 Come on, it is not that complicated. We had Neoliberal policies dominating western Democracies for 40 years. It started with Ronald Reagan in the US, Margarete Thatcher in the UK and culminated in even social democratic parties in Germany and the UK (Tony Blairs Labor govt and Gerhard Schröders red-green govt) adopting neoliberal dogma in their policies by the late 90s. And the results, so the very thing even neoliberal icon Milton Friedman said we should pay attention to, are bad. Corporate influence on politics has grown so rapidly that democracies have decayed into oligarchies. It is no longer the general publics' opinion that decides, but elite opinion. "Big money interests" as some like to call it. The decoupling of productivity and real wages has disenfranchised the middle class, who saw their wages and wealth stagnate and even shrink, while a tiny minority of mega-rich increased their wealth and power by ridiculous amounts. The financial crisis of 2008 was a clear consequence of a lack of government regulation of the market. The slow bounceback after the crisis was a clear consequence of a lack of ambition in government spending. Both things resulted from neoliberal dogma about government regulation and spending being generally "bad". The climate crisis is constituted by a blatant conflict between the general human interest in a stable global ecosystem and the private short-term profit interests of corporations with fossil business models. The international monetary fund calculated that we(as in humanity) are currently spending 4-6 trillion $ dollars a year globally on subsidizing fossil fuel-based industries. 4-6 trillion are more than 5% of the global gross product. In other words: Humanity spends more than 5% of all the wealth it produces in a year in order to keep business models afloat that are quickly destroying our planet. So much for "rationality" and a "self-regulating markets". The market's self-regulation doesn't work when the negative consequences of a business model are delayed by a century (like with fossil fuels and climate change). The damages aren't priced in and the entire self-regulation thing collapses. And now finally, after decades of failure, neoliberals are losing their positions of power in academia and politics. They lost the academic argument long ago, and with Biden in the US the also their political standing. The biggest difference between Biden and Obama is, that Obama was relying almost exclusively on neoliberal economic advisors, while Biden has consulted people with better and up2date ideas. We now need to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century. By investing. The main challenge here is obviously climate change and the only way we can tackle it is by quickly investing in the most ambitious technological transformation since the invention of electricity. This must come with massive government spending in order to decarbonize the US economy as quickly as possible. The market has shown over the past 30 years that it is unable to achieve this transition on its own. Also: Considering the consequences of catastrophic climate change, these investments are the safest investment imaginable. Every gram of greenhouse gas we avoid will spare us some of the astronomical costs of climate change.
@madebyreuben3402 3 года назад
Machines as energy slaves...
@lionelplayford8381 4 года назад
Sarah Casey talks about the way information is conveyed about things that are not easily seen or indeed invisible through the medium of electromagnetic radiation. In physics wave energy is thought of as a mode of transmission of both energy and information so its interesting to see how visual art can say something about elusive reality and the invisible.
@kellyfritsch2744 5 лет назад
Full article available at journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1357034X19857138
@cola3173 5 лет назад
nice video!
@animeandstuff5377 5 лет назад
lol if ur watching for geo 108 boyzzzzzzzzzzzzz don't stress tho if we fail we fail together lmao hey miss geo is a cool class learned me some new shit every dang day lol like the poverty documentary stillllllll
@mohamedissa9676 3 года назад
got a term test tomorrow rip
@animeandstuff5377 3 года назад
@@mohamedissa9676 well if u studied and listened to her in class ur blessed if not gg
@mohamedissa9676 3 года назад
@@animeandstuff5377 GG
@animeandstuff5377 3 года назад
@@mohamedissa9676 lol shoulda studied the class is actually interesting if u listen u got 3 years left bro, assuming ur 1st year, should get that GPA up or u will regret it later. Unless u doing art or something
@offlinet-rex831 5 лет назад
Thank you for the quick explanation of Bitcoin. I look forward to reading.
@ashleybeatty7632 5 лет назад
Thank you for this, it was very helpful.
@lydiasaidi8866 6 лет назад
Such an inspiration, thank you !
@DantonCool 6 лет назад
Here's a related discussion: partiallyexaminedlife.com/2018/01/30/bitcoin-and-value-a-labor-theory-perspective/
@herrickko1518 6 лет назад
i love beagles <3
@connorjamesmacneilhaynes3399 6 лет назад
read your paper im doing a dissertation into the merits and demerits of incorporating Bitcoin into business operations, found your article very insightful indeed, great base of knowledge
@ReflectionsofLife 7 лет назад
Beautiful film - so inspiring - keep them coming.
@Steve-no2hh 8 лет назад
Dear Lucian Chaffey [assuming you ever see this] ~ Since viewing this fun, enchanting, and intriguing video, I've checked out your photography, watched your Shutterbugs interview, and read your articles (one employing Farscape, another exploring embodied cognition). I'm most impressed. I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I think I have some sort of crush on you. I wish that I could ask you out for coffee or something, but alas, we live on different continents. (Btw, this is a most unusual post for me. I've not had enough sleep, so it seems my inhibitions have dropped. Still, I am sincere about what I've written here.) I look forward to seeing & reading more of your work in the future.
@TheBadgerbruin 8 лет назад
Wonderfully thoughtful. Thank you for your insightful publication and the careful explanation here.
@skstan1965 8 лет назад
To go from Edison straight into contemporary Mumbai, global cities leaves a lot unsaid.
@fanyang641 8 лет назад
Check out my newly released book, Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and Globalization!
@grahamallen9393 9 лет назад
Fascinating and engaging video short.
@fanyang641 10 лет назад
The article is now available online: tcs.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/03/17/0263276413504971.abstract
@ulrikapersson7721 10 лет назад
Heja Alf!