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When the Intense music starts ..
14 дней назад
@thattarotcat 3 часа назад
Orks had no chance.
@robertmcpherson138 11 часов назад
I think what happened with the flank the guard won was so many orks where being distracted by the knight... but then as soon as it finally went down there was a *massive* wave all built up to rush that flank and pin them down before they could really get the momentum they needed.
@leowrym9693 12 часов назад
It’s been amazing to watch your channel grow from less than a hundred subs to over 10k, good job
@ChaoticPinky 7 часов назад
Thanks a ton!
@daebi37 12 часов назад
Predictable from the start who would win. Not enough endurance being that out numbered.
@kiralynn72 12 часов назад
Great to see more Tyranid units ... I'd love to see even more such as massive Screamer Killers, Norn Emissary's, even Bio-Titans ☺️
@filthy66shrek 18 часов назад
Just a couple more Paladins would've done the trick .
@olympic8504 19 часов назад
@aarynsmith6361 21 час назад
Fantastic videos man, you got my sub. keep up the good work! 😄
@sonjag.3563 23 часа назад
Yeah! Victory for the ork! One of the big ones!! Hurray! :D That will be a nice collection of helmets for the trophy pole of the warboss and so much scrap metal for the mechboys to build a gargant with ^^ I keep thinking about getting this game myself.... is it hard to get those units into it? Are they all in the steam workshop? And are new ones still moded? Cause I have read that the game has been pretty much abandoned by its devs...
@MrGBH День назад
I think a small group of Orks is called an Argument.
@emiliogonzalez9555 16 часов назад
I'm using this
@scottsthoughtschannel9538 День назад
@scottsthoughtschannel9538 День назад
This is some fantastic narration!!! You are an amazing storyteller!!!
@ChaoticPinky День назад
Thank you! 😊
@baffinglyhandsome7785 День назад
@ChaoticPinky День назад
Thanks 🤗
@cheeserdane День назад
I think it goes one ork, a couple orks, an ork gang, ork tribe, then an ork whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!
@the_holy_trumpf9024 День назад
Great Battle!!
@CosmicZer0 День назад
@mits9533 День назад
While a group of mushrooms is a patch but for orks i think a horde?
@jaybberwocky День назад
@ChaoticPinky I just had a thought regarding the Stormboyz and making them fly. Since you can edit the weapons each unit has as well as their stats, would it technically be possible to add an artillery cannon shot on the modded unit that fires backwards at the ground in the direction the jetpack faces. Give it a high amount of Knockback/blast, then reduce the damage so the unit doesn't die. I feel like that would be a fairly accurate representation of what Stormboyz are - just randomly firing into the fray, not knowing if they'll live, die, or even come close to their target. Not sure if the unit would just automatically fire at enemies instead of being able to point the shot downwards via modding/editing. Having seen what happens when you edit the artillery shots to make them more powerful, I think it could be a fun idea to play around with :)
@Santisima_Trinidad День назад
Unfortunately, that wouldn't work, as friendly fire isn't on in this game, so a unit can't hit themselves, or any of there teammates, with knockback Additonally, units can only have 1 attack in this game, part of the optimization required for fitting 10million+ active entities on the field, so if you give them a "fly" attack, that is all they have. They would land, soak some damage, and then die without a single kill.
@jaybberwocky День назад
@@Santisima_Trinidad My suggestion for attack would maybe be giving them explosive impact somehow (if possible) but it's a shame they can't be affected by the knockback/blast.
@Santisima_Trinidad День назад
@@jaybberwocky this may suprise you, but a unit counts as being on it's own team. They physically cannot hit themselves with any form of knockback effect. Thats how you get artillery cannons shooting 2 centimetres in front of themselves, sending orks flying all around them, and yet staying perfectly still. It has to be an enemy unit applying the knockback effect for it to work. As for the question about angling the shot, it does just fire at enemies, and unfortunately I'm pretty certain the unit will automatically correct it's own shots trajectory to always fly at the enemies, hence stuff like tanks shooting at enemies directly below there gun barrel, even through the models shots are normally coded to shoot out of the barrel like a tank should, but maybe you could mess around with a units enemy detection and the angle it trys to arc its shots at/give it 100% inaccuracy and mess about with that angle, and that would work. But i think it unlikely, the modding tools for this game aren't the most advanced.
@jaybberwocky День назад
@@Santisima_Trinidad Misread/misunderstood your comment initially and edited mine to correct XD It's early for me, sorry haha. Wasn't being willfully ignorant. Definitely didn't need to be spoken to as such. Thanks for the extra information at least. It's too bad the developers never continued support.
@Santisima_Trinidad День назад
@@jaybberwocky ahhh, sorry. I thought i was being clear initially and because it's late here i got unseasonably annoyed at you not understanding. Regardless, i hope it's all clear now, and i do like your suggestion, i think it would look great, but i just don't think this game has the capability for it at the moment.
@jaybberwocky День назад
If a group of Orks go without battle for too long, they get "Fighty", Would a larger, rowdier group then be called a "Fight"? The Natural Evolution of an Ork Invasion: Gaggle -> Fight -> WAAAAAGH!
@patrickrobinson545 День назад
That was an great battle, thought the imperial might pull through but the orcs are just better swarm tactics!
@DaveCertifiedS День назад
The Imperials relied too much on that Paladin. One was not cutting it apparently. With a gap of 300k, I do wonder how many more Paladins only it would take to have turned this battle.
@Santisima_Trinidad День назад
I'd say 1. That much more HP, another strong point to distract the orks for ages, plus the firepower, it could add up to 300K quite nicely.
@DaveCertifiedS 23 часа назад
@@Santisima_Trinidad @ChaoticPinky any chance of running this one again with an extra Paladin or two to see if it changes the result?
@TheWolfwoodArmy 22 часа назад
@@DaveCertifiedS I’d like to see that to
@Hakimei622 День назад
@ioanpavel8021 День назад
The battle is amazing!
@claytonbeukes8029 День назад
@sonjag.3563 День назад
Actualy, the situation of a Dreadnought for the space marines is not so dire. Often there are very old, very experienced veterans whos knowledge and experience of battles is simply to valuable for the Empire to lose so they are keept alive in their live-preserving capsusl that are inserted into their battle chassis. Thus the can become even older and they are clear minded, otherwise, they would be no use for the Empire. With chaos however, it is much more like you describe. Sometimes, chaos just puts prisoners into those capsuls to keep them alive, you are basical immobile, cant move, have no sensory input, eternal prison to break the spirit and drive the prisoners mad. When battle calls, the capsul is put into the chassis of the dreadnought so the prisoner suddenly gets some sort of senses and mobility back. But of course, at this point they are basicaly raving lunatics that just thrash around, thats why chaos 'noughts often are keept in huge chains, until they can be unleashed into the general direction of the enemy lines where they can wreak havoc and destruction until they are reigned in again, to be thrown into their numb, blind, deaf prison with no sense off time...
@90skidcultist День назад
For the Greater Good!!!!!👽
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo День назад
@jablabinc.6803 День назад
why are your deaf fans being left out...
@Rosivok День назад
orky boys get only meele...no daka? Nids get shooty things, why ork get no shoota?
@ChaoticPinky День назад
They had shootas ?
@ChicMcDonald-ex3lt День назад
How do you decide what army will fight, how large they are etc?
@danielw1383 День назад
Noooo, I keep missing it!
@kaloyanangelov8042 2 дня назад
I'm a tau fanboy but i was 1000% sure that the orks had this
@the_holy_trumpf9024 2 дня назад
More DAkka!!!!! givem More Bazzokas!!!
@stoicshield 2 дня назад
The defenders held out long enough for Exterminatus to trigger!
@shuraman1723 3 дня назад
For the greater good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sonjag.3563 3 дня назад
No meganobs to put the fight to the nids to help secure the beach = rip
@alexblowers9872 3 дня назад
Omawaghh Beach
@ChaoticPinky 3 дня назад
Love it !
@metalrules1135 3 дня назад
I am so happy to see more bioforms available for the Nids. GO NIDS! GO NIDS! GO NIDS!
@vardito10 3 дня назад
I agree, can't wait to see some killa cans, love those things, so cool. I love how ork guns only work cus they beleive they will lol. However I think what they were really crying out for here was some nobs (orcs desperate for the nobs lol)
@Kardur_Wrath_of_the_Abyss 3 дня назад
Please do more of these. Maybe some first person besides soldiers vs zombies.
@nobob8564 3 дня назад
9:07 Initiate tactical somersault! FOR THE EMPEROR!
@nk863 3 дня назад
"Orks the other white meat!"
@sonjag.3563 3 дня назад
"Best of orks"... and the first 4 battles I watched were crushing defeats for the greenskins. Realy? This is so sad. Please, for crying out loud, can you give them some more love? I mean, if Space Marines and winged furies are so op, give the orks more meganobs, and most of all, shootas! Orks just love their dakka and I am rather sure that, if they would field more units that are ranged, those fights would be a) more interesting and b) better for the orks
@ChaoticPinky 3 дня назад
Yup, lore accurate. Orks have the worst loss rate of any of the 40K armies and only the World Eaters come close to them in loss rate :) In terms of table top there is a 41.68% win rate for ork 2000 point armies putting them near the bottom of the army lists, meaning over half of the battles they fight are lost.
@sonjag.3563 3 дня назад
@@ChaoticPinky Well, this may be all good and true, but I mean, here, in this simulation, we (you) have the chance to change that. I mean, I dont want them to stomp over everybody, but a nice, hard fought vicory now and then, is this to much to ask for? :) Like with "orkyhill", in the battle against chaos... that was brilliant and close till the end. I mean, the whole galaxy trembles when a Waaaargh rises, there must be a reason for that! (Dam, I think I need to get this game myself and then host some battles of my own XD)
@ikillzuepicly316 3 дня назад
I’d love to see the Tyranids invade an ALIEN hive or homeworld
@filthy66shrek 3 дня назад
The Orks lost approx. 750,000 to environmental kills , which I think the majority were drownings .
@MrDekasOne 3 дня назад
Well that was really unbalanced
@ChaoticPinky 3 дня назад
War is never balanced :)
@TempestGhost 3 дня назад
Tides of greenskin blood feed a crimson sea.
@jackjames4653 3 дня назад
you could now do a battle where the Tyrinids want revenge and they invade Ork territory. great battle rip Orks
@robertmcpherson138 3 дня назад
Just far too many orks landing right into a meat grinder.
@sonjag.3563 3 дня назад
orks should have gotten way more heavy units like meganobs who can put up afight against the nids to help establish a beachhead. What use is numbers when you cant deploy them
@GloriousLastStand 3 дня назад
Tyranids spawn camping. Orks don't care, they'll get a fight either way