Links for helping countries in crisis: www.tumblr.com/sinnabum45/750995378188566528/masterpost-of-links-for-palestine-sudan-and?source=share
It'd mean a lot if you can help pitch in and share them around.

Clipping various VTubers. I also dabble in 3D stuff very infrequently; blink and you'll miss it.
@PunYT 7 часов назад
Armadyl's beak, the guy just gave her a Shadow. Damn.
@itaiko5498 2 дня назад
@Titanic_Tuna 2 дня назад
I agree with Cici. Slime girls are great. 👌
@Glacial_floofs 2 дня назад
I heard slime girl. I watch now.
@TheManofThings777 2 дня назад
I'm honestly shocked she managed to beat the Soldier of God himself in under 300 tries. Sugoi.
@tapiocajack3004 3 дня назад
Wait, you can skip tutorial?
@meowmeowbobo 3 дня назад
dont jump into the hole. How is this even remotely revelational.
@Spitznock 3 дня назад
You can abstain from jumping into the hole, but idk why anyone would.
@marcx8953 3 дня назад
She should start a GIM with the others
@Vega-lw5tl 4 дня назад
That's the basement dweller's way of showing affection
@fabi3790 4 дня назад
Even when doing the tutorial she still skipps it. Well if she knows how to play than ok.
@aokyoutsuki7744 4 дня назад
Me and my little brother skipped it by accident too
@kabargin 3 дня назад
It's all fun until she misses a few mechanics and some bosses will do "mamma mia" to her for 6 hours straight.
@broadbandislife 2 дня назад
@@kabargin TBF no few bosses will _o dios santo_ your ass for hours - or _days,_ depending - even if you know all the mechs...
@hurrdurrmurrgurr 4 дня назад
Rick, God of Soldiers.
@DeadlyNightshadeZ 4 дня назад
Rick Dier, Soul of God.
@Tube4life679 5 дней назад
I've had many European friends ask me. Do you guys ride horses everywhere? So many times
@yogynuts 6 дней назад
lol rarest item sure buddy
@mitchhamilton64 6 дней назад
i completely understand from an outsiders perspective why she would think RDR2 takes place in modern texas.
@kamo7293 7 дней назад
@sabbysky 7 дней назад
She should've made a group ironman with the other Vtubers or just a plain old ironman. I can't stand watching this.
@tehjefey 7 дней назад
Sorry Kiki...we had to do it to ya...you're just well...how do I put this respectfully? Dogwater? Yeah you're dogwater!
@tehjefey 7 дней назад
Imagine shit talking before getting smoked by the origin of the species....
@Vyrkhan 7 дней назад
As a RMT scum, i can tell you is close to $210 if you have patience and only put an offer of 1.2B gold which is usually taken by bots every weekend (they farm ToA endedless). Its not a lot of money if you compare it to some other items that are worth more than $10K. If anyone reading this wants to buy this staff, i would advise to wait until christms update, as always Jagex manages to screw it up and release another infinite money raid with a random new meta. As soon as ToA free gold farm ends, it will crash any meta item just like Nightmare items.
@Watesoftheoasis 8 дней назад
Tbh this shit completely defeated the point of them playing runescape at all.
@ticklord 8 дней назад
Realistically that guy probably bought gold to give that to her
@SrChr778 8 дней назад
You know that Texas quote, it's actually almost as true as Kiara thought. That's why Gooba thought that was hilarious.
@DaemonRayge 8 дней назад
Casual Shadow for free...
@KevinPlayzReal 9 дней назад
Reject Technology, return to Texas
@odstzero22 9 дней назад
Yes kiwawa here in Texas we have no technology lmao.
@serpentinious7745 9 дней назад
Biboo: I have a looong da-WORM!
@oscar54321 10 дней назад
hello katie
@tehjefey 10 дней назад
I'm here for Drippy...
@ravenralph123 10 дней назад
Ah! Yes the most infamous enemy that can be defeated no matter how much you've grind against it, "Gravity"
@TrustyEngineer 10 дней назад
SzuKai might to be a Polish player... Word "szukaj" in Polish is an imperative form of "szukać", which means "to search". It is an command given to dogs while playing fetch. Look like he have found a treasure and brought back a stick to the Lady... 😏
@jepoyburner 10 дней назад
That's worth more than a max aka supa. Holy shit.
@CatNibbles 10 дней назад
It's not that expensive calm down
@oratorelexch.4822 10 дней назад
Someone above made the conversione in bonds, coming to 900$
@PvtVallen 9 дней назад
@@CatNibbles That item costs almost 1000 dollars
@Nick_88 11 дней назад
I live in suburban Texas, and I legit have seen a guy riding his horse on the side of the street twice now.
@moonlite_ 11 дней назад
Man, I wish more holoEN members can play osrs with Rissa and make a clan. That would be awesome
@moonlite_ 11 дней назад
Bonning 😂
@HuffdrewPaint 11 дней назад
My family and I drove through Texas like 26 years ago and it was just hours and hours and hours of nothing but the occasional oil pump. Weren't even no horses
@arayasei 11 дней назад
Ahh yes, every Souls game player worst enemy.. *GRAVITY*
@FerrumAnulum 11 дней назад
The best part is you can see when it hits Gura.
@TheMan21892 11 дней назад
That timeless Counter Strike sfx 😅 love it!
@pingu6338 12 дней назад
Not even a full 3rd age set.. cmon bro
@rayqcina4869 12 дней назад
6:27 Love the barely audible Ultra Instinct theme
@tehjefey 12 дней назад
I'm back And to this day, I still wonder if Elira still doesn't know how zeus works for it's summoning condition.
@TheExecutorr 12 дней назад
Europeans: "Most Americans can't even tell France and Italy apart on a map" Also most Europeans: (for legal reasons, this is a joke. Am European myself)
@LooterPenguin 12 дней назад
Be the Texan Europeans think you are!
@xianfa1708 13 дней назад
If u play atelier gaems . Der is such a property called " creepy cute"
@Swamphurst21 13 дней назад
Lol. No 3rd age tools?
@StkyDkNMeBlz 13 дней назад
I can hear Gooba's squeak laughing from here
@EnReaper 13 дней назад
I went to Texas, and all I remember is Buckees 💀
@Soultergeist 13 дней назад
classic Texas experience. Beaver nuggets and top notch restrooms.
@Hailiums 9 дней назад
My condolences. Buckees and Texas suck.
@deltor5849 13 дней назад
Thats like 400-500 usd i think
@treadnokash7598 13 дней назад
The power house duo. Now its just enna soloing.
@q-miiproductions878 13 дней назад
She misnaming Pawmot?