Answers By Catholics
Answers By Catholics
Answers By Catholics
21 день назад
Transubstantiation & Luther
21 день назад
Original Sin & Ancestral Sin
21 день назад
Was all sin forgiven when Jesus died?
3 месяца назад
Catholic Predestination
3 месяца назад
What about the Final Judgement?
3 месяца назад
Does God remember our sins?
3 месяца назад
Infallability of the Pope
3 месяца назад
Women in Leadership
10 месяцев назад
Holes in Protestant Doctrine
10 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
The Holy Spirit & Eucharist
10 месяцев назад
What to do after committing a mortal sin
10 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
Is the Rosary the most powerful prayer?
10 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
2 Timothy 3:16   Why I am not a Catholic
10 месяцев назад
Once Saved Always Saved...?
11 месяцев назад
What is Canon Law
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What is an Episcopalian
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@rexlion4510 25 дней назад
So basically the good doctor is claiming that the OT is not authoritative. Which means there's no reason to conclude that the NT is authoritative, either. Which means Matt. 16:18-19 is not authoritative (early churchmen didn't agree on what Jesus meant in that passage, either). Which means the church of Rome doesn't have a leg to stand on. Good job, doctor!
@justinharnett 25 дней назад
The question seems to be if it is the ultimate authority. And Dr Anders seems to show that Jesus didn't follow the Law of Moses, but the law of mercy.
@johnflorio3576 2 месяца назад
Get to Confession STAT!
@dynamic9016 3 месяца назад
Thanks much for this video.
@optimisteprime8261 8 месяцев назад
Let' hear the opinion of the Orthodox Church and even the Coptic Church....
@optimisteprime8261 8 месяцев назад
The apostolic succession is a gift of God.
@princessc660 8 месяцев назад
Why does the Catholic Church allow child marriage. Before 1917 the church allowed 12-year-old girls and 14-year-old boys to get married to someone no matter how much older. A 12-year-old is only 3 years older than Aisha when she had sex with Muhammad at 53. According to the church, it would been okay if she was 12 with a 53-year-old. Even though Aisha didn't have a period yet she could have had a period at 9. A 9 and 12-year-old are still going through puberty. That is hypocritical to say it's not okay for a 9-year-old but it's okay for a 12-year-old. Even though the church raised the minimum to 14 for girls and 16 for boys they still have no age restriction. Meaning a 14-year-old and a 50-year-old could marry. Even if it doesn't happen often the problem is the church allows it to. Is it because there Christians too that's what makes it okay?
@optimisteprime8261 8 месяцев назад
I feel like some of Apostolic churches are a little invisible.... We can see immersion of EOC that is great but not enough... for me....
@finallythere100 8 месяцев назад
But the Mass IS in the Bible! You just don’t understand it. Watch Dr Scott Hahn video on conversion to Catholicism. Just bc you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
@niblick666 10 месяцев назад
1/ The first religion was founded when the first conman met the first fool. The concept of 'sin' was conceived to keep gullible people under the thumb of a ludicrous clergy. It had to be backed up with absurd threats of eternal torture. No 'loving' 'god' thing or parent, would ever create a torture chamber to fry its own children alive for all eternity. That is absurd. 2/Catholicism has to be one of the most absurd of all the religions mankind ever invented, and I speak as an ex-catholic. It is one of the most successful financial scams ever perpetrated on mankind. As to eating the literal body and blood of the supposed creator of the universe, during mass. That is, demonstrably, an utterly absurd claim, for which the Catholic church has never produced a single piece of verified evidence.
@JuniorLewingKoo Год назад
Glory to God an Christ. Amen.
@godloves9163 Год назад
Oh the out of context and taking words to claim it says what it doesn’t. Jesus, Martha and Paul made it very clear: 1 Corinthians 15:20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that 👉SLEPT.👈 26 The LAST enemy that shall be DESTROYED IS DEATH. So people claim immortality immediately after death? But according to the bible ONLY AT THE RESURRECTION: 52 In moment, in the twinkling of an eye, 👉at the LAST trump👈: for the trumpet shall sound, and the DEAD shall be raised INCORRUPTIBLE, and we shall be changed. 53 For this CORRUPTIBLE must put on INCORRUPTION, and this 👉MORTAL👈 must put on 👉IMMORTALITY👈. Martha the sister of Lazarus even knew this: Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again 👉in the resurrection👈 👉at the last day👈.” John 11:24 Jesus said the last day himself: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and 👉I will raise him up at the last day.👈” John 6:44 Daniel 12:2 “And many of them that 👉sleep in the dust of the earth👈 shall 👉awake, 👉some to everlasting life, and 👉some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Why “raise again” when they are already alive in heaven? There’s literally no point of going back into our body and raise again when were already raised and immortal according to non soul sleep believers. Paul says otherwise above that we get IMMORTALITY ONLY AT THAT TIME!!
@kamiingtv 7 месяцев назад
At they End of Times its talking about the immortality of the Body the Soul and spirit are already immortal they go to Heaven or the temporary hell until the End of times were they will be trown in the Lake of Fire with Satan and is minions .
@godloves9163 7 месяцев назад
@@kamiingtv that’s not what 1 Corinthians 15 says. NOTE: If a soul can die, then it is not immortal, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to die. God ALONE has immortality (1 Timothy 1:17; 6:15-16). Paul says that we seek after immortality (Romans 2:7). You cannot seek for something you already have. Immortality is given to us when the last trumpet sounds at the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:42, 50-54).
@clurkroberts2650 Год назад
Mormons use to take the exact same blood oath. In fact, it’s rumored that Joseph Smith was murdered by the Freemasons because he copied so many Freemason rituals into the Mormon church.
@TheRealist2022 8 месяцев назад
@clurkroberts2650 Utter nonsense. We don't care if anyone knows our rituals. ANYONE can buy a ritual book from all manner of outlets and see exactly what our rituals are. Masons MUST obey the law of any place they find themselves. Murder is against the law. We don't swear a "blood oath". You are completely and utterly wrong.
@a.k.4486 Год назад
This is great
@TheRealist2022 Год назад
Errors. Fr. Pacwa thinks that Freemasonry was founded in 1716. He is wrong. Freemasonry was founded way way before that. In fact the first RECORDED making of a Mason was in October 1646, at a place called Warrington, England and it was a very famous man indeed, one Elias Ashmole. In actual fact, although there are many theories, nobody knows when, where or even why, Freemasonry started. You'd think anyone who had studied a subject enough to have the temerity to criticise it, would be in full posession of the facts. The fact that he does not, should be a clue that he is groping around in the dark. He asserts that Freemasonry advocates "social climbing". In Freemasonry, that is strictly forbidden. No man should expect, ask for or be offered any form of personal advantage by virtue of his membership. He intimates that a Freemason shouldn't be around when trying to educate the family in the Catholic faith. Another mistake. A Freemason is bound to let other people choose their own faith and to respect that choice, whether they agree with that choice or not and not to engage in any form of coercion. It's a real shame, that the same cannot be said for people like Fr. Pacwa! At the end of the clip, Fr. Pacwa uses the familiar emotive language, to shore up his incredibly weak assertion of the physical penalties due, should the obligation be broken. He uses the phrase "blood oath", which is, simply untrue. His assertion, is that on breaking the obligation, physical penalties would be paid, to wit, the cutting of the throat and the removal of the tongue. While these penalties are indeed uttered by the Master of the Lodge, it is stated just after, that these are ancient penalties and no longer apply. This is a familiar tactic used by such people as Fr. Pacwa. It is called being "economical with the truth". Those penalties were indeed employed during ancient times as a punishment for all manner of crimes, in the time of King Solomon. However, in the modern age, such penalties are regarded as barbaric (and rightly so!) and the absolute worst thing that will happen to any Mason, should be break his obligation, would be his expulsion from Freemasonry. Freemasons are not above the law. But please don't take my word for it. Read it for yourself in any ritual book. Simply Google Craft Freemasonry ritual books for sale and buy one! Anyone can own one. No special passwords, no secret sogns. Just buy one and see for yourself. I hope those reading this will do so with an objective, rational and reasonable eye. I welcome any questions that you may have.
@ferdinanddiego5242 Год назад
Its too ambitious for a man to dream to become a member of this most prestigious group. If he think, (example, me) he is willing enough to join and yet, he is not qualified. I don't have much idea how to become a qualified person for membership. Willingness alone is not enough because, reality says that, not everyone deserved to get what he want. Buying a Book and learning your Laws or standard is the best recommendation. But, be on it, is even hard for me to do. Financial constraint may be is one of the many reasons.
@TheLockSmith1800 Год назад
It’s devil worship. No more needs to be said
@TheRealist2022 Год назад
It always amazes me that some religious people, nearly always Catholics, consider that Freemasonry is imcompatible with their faith. This is based on a very simple error. One which they refuse to admit that they have made...through arrogance...and that mistake, is that Freemasonry is a religion. An associated reason is that they say Freemasonry refuses to acknowledge that their deity is the one and only true deity. I am puzzled. Why SHOULD Freemasonry say that? Do Catholics rail against golf clubs because they do not state the Cathlic deity is the only one? Do Catholics rail against Movie studios, because they do not insist there is one god and that is the Catholic one? Of course not. It's the same for Freemasonry. We are about as much to do with a given faith, than the golf club or the movie studio. So why do Catholics (and many others) assume we are a religion? It's obvious to me. It's our insistence that a man must have, as the central figure in his life, a single supreme being, responsible for the creation of the universe. THEY assume it is because we follow a religion. Wrong. it is done for the same reason a person may place their hand on a holy book when appeatring as a witness in a trial. The same reason, a member of the armed forces would do the same and the same reason the President of the United States would do the same. Simply to solemnise a promise. To make it as serious as it can be...in the presence of what the person taking the obligation considers to be, the ultimate power in the universe. You have my word, that all Freemasons retain the same religious affilitations that they had before they became Freemasons and that there are no further religious requirements asked of them.
@KelliGreenGaming Год назад
do you think viganos warnings point to them?
@chrisl4471 Год назад
So mote it be!
@mitchellc4 Год назад
Hello You have to understand that people may already know this, they just think at some point errors came in and it went astray I think the problem is not people going around saying “I don’t want to follow apostolic tradition!” Nobody does that The problem people have is that they don’t think Catholic tradition lines up with apostolic tradition Obviously a lot of people didn’t or you wouldn’t have hundreds of years of ecumenical councils For example, there’s no evidence of asking the dead for intercession until 300AD, so people are going to question that and disagree with the practice Claiming unbroken succession doesn’t mean there’s no hesitation of teachings See the Pharisees, who might claim unbroken succession to Moses, yet we know Jesus rebuked their false traditions
@answersbycatholics Год назад
You may be surprised that there are many Protestants who believe that they can trace themselves back to the beginning. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-J9lBoXwcRqg.html
@mitchellc4 Год назад
@@answersbycatholics I would assume they are basing that on following what they believe to be the tradition of apostles People aren’t going to believe apostolic succession of they think you’re not teaching what the apostles taught That’s why people prefer scripture If you claim apostolic tradition and teach things that possible contradict scripture, why would they believe you?
@justinharnett 8 месяцев назад
Interestingly, St Francis De Sales talks about this issue when he was writing to people regarding Luther and Calvin. He talks about how the Church has always had the laying on of hands and the sending out by bishops. So how can we just cut that off and say we have the authority to teach the truth.
@mitchellc4 8 месяцев назад
@@justinharnett Hello I’m not sure what point you are trying to make? We are told to test things If all we had to do was know whether or not they were in a line of succession there would be no need to test things Yet we are told to test thibgs
@optimisteprime8261 8 месяцев назад
Apostolic succession is linked to the jewish and christian traditions and the history of The Church...
@fernandogallardo3458 Год назад
When you bowed down to any statue, or when you pray to any statue, or when you pray to any human dead or alive, or when serve or pledge allegiance to objects, symbols, or images, in the likeness of anything in heaven above or in the likeness of anything in the earth below, it is idolatry (Exodus 20:3-5), and ((Deuteronomy (4:15-19). In Jesus name, flee from idolatry (1 Corinthians 10:14).
@answersbycatholics Год назад
Have a look at some more videos or do a little more research what the Church believes and has taught on this. Check out some of the Church councils that talked about this as well.