Kiss From The World
Kiss From The World
Kiss From The World

We are Domenico and Giulia; two adventurers, filmmakers, documentarians travelling the world to discover, understand, and tell the story. Kiss From The World is dedicated to creating high quality non-fiction content that informs and entertains its viewers about the world in all its wonder, diversity and vibrancy.
@beadingbusily 13 часов назад
The ad for spying creeped me out. WTF?
@tunidiu8303 2 дня назад
Valerio Boschetti looks very Romanian.
@andreavargas7681 5 дней назад
Wow it is simply a pleasure to be able to see this❤
@KissFromTheWorld 4 дня назад
Thank you for your heartfelt comment. We're delighted to hear that you found joy in watching this documentary. The documentary aimed to capture not just the technical aspects of the craft, but also the deep passion and love that the master pastry chef infuses into his work. Every movement, every carefully measured ingredient, and every moment spent perfecting the dough is a testament to a lifelong dedication and a profound love for the art of baking. This love is what makes the process so captivating and inspiring. It's the same love that has been passed down through generations, ensuring that traditional methods and recipes continue to thrive in a modern world. The master pastry chef’s unwavering commitment to his craft, despite the challenges and demands of his age, is a powerful reminder of the beauty and value of preserving our cultural heritage. Witnessing this kind of dedication and passion is a rare privilege. It offers a glimpse into a world where work is more than just a task-it's an expression of identity, tradition, and familial legacy. The connection between the chef and his creations is almost palpable, and it’s this connection that resonates so deeply with viewers like you. We hope that this documentary not only brought you pleasure but also inspired a deeper appreciation for the art and love that go into traditional crafts. Thank you for taking the time to watch and share your thoughts. Your recognition of the love and dedication in the documentary means a lot to us. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@izquier36-ml9fv 5 дней назад
parmigiaaaano regiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaano mama miaa
@KissFromTheWorld 4 дня назад
È davvero fantastico vedere quanto apprezzamento c'è per il Parmigiano Reggiano, un vero gioiello della gastronomia italiana. Questo formaggio non solo è ricco di storia e tradizione, ma anche di sapore unico e inconfondibile. Ogni forma di Parmigiano Reggiano rappresenta il frutto di un processo artigianale meticoloso, che rispetta le antiche tecniche di produzione e valorizza gli ingredienti del nostro territorio. Il latte delle vacche alimentate con erba fresca e fieno locale, la stagionatura prolungata e la cura dei casari si combinano per creare un prodotto di eccellenza riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. E proprio come hai espresso nel tuo commento, il Parmigiano Reggiano sa conquistare i cuori e i palati di chiunque lo assaggi. È un orgoglio per noi e per tutti gli amanti del buon cibo. Buon appetito con il Parmigiano Reggiano! Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-cn9ph3ri4q 6 дней назад
@viruff5448 6 дней назад
Have you tried indian murrah buffalo, elite buffaloes can give upto 25kg milk a day.
@KissFromTheWorld 4 дня назад
Thank you for your comment! The Indian Murrah buffalo is indeed renowned for its high milk yield and is considered one of the elite breeds for dairy production. These buffaloes are prized for their ability to produce large quantities of milk, with some exceptional individuals capable of giving up to 25 kilograms of milk per day. This high yield is a result of selective breeding and optimal farming practices. In Italy, where our documentary on buffalo mozzarella was filmed, the Mediterranean buffalo is the predominant breed used for milk production. While their milk yield might be lower than that of the Murrah buffalo, Mediterranean buffaloes are specifically suited for the production of mozzarella di bufala. Their milk has a unique composition, including a higher fat content and richer protein profile, which is essential for creating the creamy, flavorful texture characteristic of authentic buffalo mozzarella. Both breeds have their unique strengths and are optimized for different aspects of dairy production. The Murrah buffalo is celebrated for its impressive milk output and hardiness, making it a valuable asset in Indian dairy farming. On the other hand, the Mediterranean buffalo’s milk is highly valued for its quality and suitability for cheese production. It's fascinating to see how different breeds are utilized around the world based on their distinct characteristics and the specific needs of dairy production in their respective regions. The global diversity of buffalo breeds and their specialized uses highlight the richness of dairy farming traditions and the importance of breeding and farming practices tailored to local conditions. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@hemlatashettyshadow 7 дней назад
The strings of dough,the weaving of the dough in big sheet felt like the cloth going through a minute process .
@KissFromTheWorld 7 дней назад
Your analogy beautifully captures the meticulous artistry involved in the master pastry chef's work. Indeed, the process of creating the strings of dough and weaving them into large sheets is akin to the delicate and intricate work of a weaver crafting fine cloth. Each step requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of the materials at hand. The comparison to cloth-making is particularly apt, as both crafts demand a high level of skill and dedication. The dough's transformation from simple ingredients into intricate, lace-like sheets is a testament to the mastery and years of experience the pastry chef brings to his work. Just as a weaver carefully threads the loom, ensuring each strand is perfectly placed, the chef's hands move with practiced grace, turning the dough into a culinary work of art. This process, steeped in tradition, not only highlights the chef's technical prowess but also reflects a profound respect for the craft passed down through generations. It's a beautiful reminder of how traditional skills and knowledge continue to enrich our lives and connect us to our cultural heritage. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@hemlatashettyshadow 7 дней назад
The blessed food.At this age, uncle does not forget to thank the Lord for his blessed life. The elephant massage has made your bones strong.
@KissFromTheWorld 7 дней назад
Thank you for your heartfelt comment. It's truly touching to see how the master pastry chef's dedication and faith resonate with viewers like you. The phrase "The blessed food" perfectly captures the essence of what this documentary seeks to convey. Every dish the master creates is more than just food; it is a labor of love and an expression of gratitude. His practice of thanking the Lord for his blessed life is a testament to his deep spiritual connection and the humility with which he approaches his craft. It's remarkable to see someone of his age continuing to work with such passion and vigor. His daily routines, grounded in tradition and faith, seem to infuse him with a unique vitality. The metaphor of the "elephant massage" is an intriguing one, suggesting that his lifelong dedication and physical labor have contributed to his strength and resilience. This speaks to the idea that hard work, when done with purpose and gratitude, can indeed fortify the body and soul. The master pastry chef’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of honoring our roots, maintaining our traditions, and living a life of gratitude. His ability to find joy and purpose in his work, and to continue doing so with such dedication, is truly inspiring. Thank you for recognizing and appreciating these deeper aspects of his life and work. Your words beautifully reflect the respect and admiration that this remarkable individual deserves. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@theresa922 11 дней назад
Interesting technology and glad we have this option if we run out of water in this world but just don’t call them organic which means grown in soil in the ground.
@KissFromTheWorld 9 дней назад
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. You bring up an important point about the distinctions between different farming methods, especially in the context of organic labeling. The technology showcased in the documentary, such as vertical farming and hydroponics, indeed represents a significant advancement in agricultural practices. These methods are designed to maximize efficiency, conserve resources, and potentially provide a solution in areas where traditional farming might be challenged by factors like limited water availability or arable land. However, your observation about the term "organic" is valid and reflects a critical aspect of agricultural labeling. The term "organic" typically refers to farming practices that emphasize the use of natural substances and processes, often with crops grown in soil without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. According to many organic certification standards, crops must be grown in soil to be labeled as organic. Hydroponic and vertical farming methods, while innovative and resource-efficient, do not involve soil. Instead, they rely on nutrient-rich water solutions to nourish the plants. This discrepancy means that, under current organic certification standards in many regions, produce grown through these methods cannot be labeled as organic. However, it's worth noting that these advanced farming techniques offer several benefits: 1. Water Efficiency: Hydroponic systems use significantly less water compared to traditional soil farming because water is recirculated and used more efficiently. 2. Space Utilization: Vertical farming allows for the cultivation of crops in urban areas or regions with limited agricultural land, making fresh produce more accessible. 3. Controlled Environment: These systems can provide a controlled environment that reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, potentially leading to cleaner produce. In summary, while hydroponic and vertical farming might not meet the traditional definitions of "organic," they present viable and innovative alternatives for sustainable food production, especially in scenarios where water and soil resources are scarce. These methods can complement traditional farming, helping to ensure food security in a changing world. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@theresa922 9 дней назад
@@KissFromTheWorld Agreed. In the US, they recently allowed hydroponic growers to use the organic label which I feel is wrong. As a consumer, I want to know how the product was grown an then I can make my decision what to buy. I recognize the advantages of both methods but want them labeled with full transparency. Thank you for sharing.
@KissFromTheWorld 8 дней назад
Transparency in labeling is indeed crucial for consumers who want to make informed choices about the food they purchase. The debate over whether hydroponically grown produce should be labeled as organic is complex and multifaceted. In 2017, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) in the United States decided to allow hydroponic and aquaponic systems to be eligible for organic certification, provided they meet the USDA organic regulations. This decision has been contentious and has sparked significant discussion within the organic farming community and among consumers. Arguments for Including Hydroponics in Organic Labeling: 1.Resource Efficiency: Hydroponic systems use less water and can produce crops in locations where traditional farming is not feasible, potentially increasing access to fresh produce. 2.Reduced Pesticide Use: The controlled environments of hydroponic systems often reduce the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides, aligning with some organic principles aimed at minimizing synthetic inputs. 3.Innovation and Sustainability: Supporters argue that embracing hydroponics within the organic framework can drive innovation in sustainable farming practices and help address food security issues. Arguments Against Including Hydroponics in Organic Labeling: 1.Soil Health and Ecosystem Benefits: Traditional organic farming emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem management. Soil plays a vital role in nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration, benefits that are absent in soilless systems. 2.Consumer Expectations: Many consumers associate the organic label with soil-based farming and practices that enhance soil fertility and health. Allowing hydroponic systems to be labeled as organic can create confusion and may be seen as diluting the principles of organic farming. 3.Transparency and Trust: As you mentioned, consumers want clear and transparent labeling to understand how their food is grown. Differentiating between soil-based organic and hydroponic produce through distinct labeling could help maintain trust and allow consumers to make choices aligned with their values. Potential Solutions for Clearer Labeling: 1.Distinct Certifications: Establishing a separate certification for hydroponically grown produce could provide clarity. For instance, terms like "hydroponic organic" or "soil-less organic" could differentiate these products while still highlighting their compliance with organic standards regarding pesticide use and synthetic inputs. 2.Enhanced Labeling Requirements: Providing more detailed information on packaging about the growing methods, including whether the product was grown in soil or through hydroponics, can empower consumers to make informed decisions. 3.Consumer Education: Increasing public awareness about the benefits and limitations of different farming methods can help consumers understand the nuances of each approach and make choices that reflect their preferences and values. In conclusion, while the inclusion of hydroponics under the organic label remains a contentious issue, the core of the debate centers around maintaining transparency and trust in food labeling. By ensuring clear distinctions and providing comprehensive information, we can respect the diverse preferences of consumers while promoting sustainable and innovative farming practices. Thank you again for engaging in this important discussion. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia @@theresa922
@theresa922 8 дней назад
@@KissFromTheWorld You understand my concern. Can you go work for the USDA?
@curiositygun93 14 дней назад
Icons in his kitchen lets go!!!! ☦
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for your enthusiastic comment! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the documentary. The presence of icons in the kitchen is indeed a profound reflection of the master's deep faith and reverence for tradition. In many cultures, particularly in Greece, icons are more than just religious symbols; they are integral parts of daily life, representing a connection to the divine, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of the values that guide one's actions. For the master pastry chef, these icons are likely a source of spiritual strength and guidance, infusing his work with a sense of purpose and devotion. This intertwining of faith and craft is what elevates his baking from a mere profession to a heartfelt vocation. Every pastry he creates is imbued with this sense of reverence and dedication, reflecting a lifetime of commitment to his art and his beliefs. The icons in his kitchen serve as a bridge between the past and the present, honoring the traditions handed down through generations while fostering a sense of continuity and respect for heritage. This sacred atmosphere undoubtedly contributes to the authenticity and quality of his creations, making each piece a testament to his skill, faith, and cultural legacy. We're glad that this aspect of the documentary resonated with you. It's a reminder of the profound connections that can exist between one's work, faith, and cultural identity. Thank you for watching and for appreciating the deeper layers of meaning in the master pastry chef's life and kitchen. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@fab217 15 дней назад
Penso non esista prodotto italiano più permeato di violenza sofferenza e dolore, vergogna!!
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo punto di vista. È importante discutere di temi legati al benessere degli animali e alla sostenibilità nelle pratiche agricole. Capisco che la produzione alimentare, compresa quella della mozzarella di bufala, possa sollevare preoccupazioni riguardo al trattamento degli animali. Negli ultimi anni, molti produttori italiani di mozzarella di bufala hanno adottato misure significative per migliorare le condizioni di vita dei loro animali. Questo include l'implementazione di pratiche di allevamento più sostenibili ed etiche, il miglioramento delle strutture per garantire un ambiente più confortevole per i bufali e il rispetto di standard rigorosi di benessere animale. Alcuni caseifici collaborano anche con organizzazioni veterinarie e di certificazione per assicurarsi che le loro pratiche rispettino i migliori standard possibili. La sofferenza degli animali è un tema molto sentito, e sono molti i consumatori che, come te, chiedono maggiore trasparenza e miglioramenti in questo settore. Il dialogo aperto e informato può spingere ulteriormente i produttori a continuare su questa strada e a fare del loro meglio per garantire il benessere degli animali. È fondamentale sostenere i produttori che dimostrano un impegno reale verso pratiche etiche e sostenibili. Informarsi sui metodi di produzione e scegliere prodotti certificati può fare una grande differenza. La tua preoccupazione e le tue scelte come consumatore possono contribuire a promuovere un cambiamento positivo nell'industria alimentare. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@ercumentofficial6711 15 дней назад
Many thanks to all who supported.
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for your heartfelt comment and for recognizing the support behind this documentary. The creation of this film was truly a collective effort, and it wouldn't have been possible without the incredible contributions from the people of Rize and our dedicated team. We are immensely grateful to the farmers who welcomed us into their lush tea plantations and allowed us to capture their meticulous and skilled work. Their passion and dedication to cultivating high-quality tea were truly inspiring. Additionally, the warm hospitality we experienced in Rize made our journey even more memorable. We also extend our gratitude to everyone who provided logistical support, shared their stories, and helped us navigate the intricacies of Turkish tea culture. Your contributions have been invaluable in bringing this project to life. Thank you once again to all who supported us. Your encouragement and assistance have been instrumental in making this documentary a success. We hope it brings as much joy and appreciation for Turkish tea as we felt while creating it. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@JoshuaHendrickson-rp7tn 16 дней назад
I wish native ran this government
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Your sentiment reflects a profound respect for the values and principles upheld by many Native American communities. There is much that contemporary governments could learn from indigenous leadership, particularly in areas like environmental stewardship, community welfare, and sustainable living. Native American governance often emphasizes a deep connection to the land, respect for natural resources, and a communal approach to decision-making. These principles can provide valuable insights into creating more sustainable and inclusive societies. Indigenous communities have long practiced environmental conservation and sustainable living, viewing themselves as stewards of the Earth rather than its owners. This perspective could inspire more effective and ethical environmental policies at a national level. Furthermore, many Native American cultures prioritize the well-being of the community and the collective good. Their governance structures often involve consensus-building and inclusive decision-making processes, which could foster greater unity and cooperation in broader governmental contexts. Additionally, the rich cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of Native American peoples offer a wealth of wisdom that can enhance social and educational policies. By integrating indigenous perspectives into governance, we could potentially address issues of inequality, justice, and cultural preservation in more holistic and respectful ways. Your wish highlights the potential benefits of incorporating indigenous values and practices into modern governance. It serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting and learning from diverse cultural traditions as we strive to build more just and sustainable societies. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s through such reflections that we can appreciate the profound contributions of Native American communities and consider how their wisdom might guide us toward a better future. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@lucianasalles7272 16 дней назад
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for your comment! The combination of wine and cheese is indeed a classic and delightful pairing. In the context of Parmigiano Reggiano, this pairing reaches an exceptional level of culinary experience. Parmigiano Reggiano, with its rich, complex flavors and granular texture, pairs beautifully with a variety of wines. For a truly harmonious experience, consider these pairings: Red Wines: Full-bodied red wines like Barolo, Chianti, or Brunello di Montalcino enhance the nutty, savory notes of aged Parmigiano Reggiano. The tannins in these wines complement the cheese's texture and bring out its depth of flavor. White Wines: A crisp, dry white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay can balance the saltiness of the cheese while highlighting its subtle sweet undertones. Sparkling Wines: Prosecco or Champagne are excellent choices. The bubbles and acidity in these wines cleanse the palate and provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of the cheese. Fortified Wines: Aged Parmigiano Reggiano pairs wonderfully with fortified wines like Port or Sherry. The sweetness and complexity of these wines create a delightful counterpoint to the cheese's intense umami flavors. When enjoying this pairing, consider adding a few accompaniments such as fresh fruits, nuts, or a drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar to enhance the experience further. These additions can introduce new flavors and textures, making your tasting session even more memorable. Cheers to savoring the exquisite combination of Parmigiano Reggiano and fine wine! 🧀🍷 Domenico and Giulia
@tronwick 17 дней назад
Rifle, wheres White Owl at? Tell him Slim Shady said hello! Miss that guy. He made a sweat lodge for me and I was reborn from mother earths womb. I'll never forget that experience!
@KissFromTheWorld 16 дней назад
Thank you for sharing such a personal and profound memory. It’s heartwarming to hear how your experience with White Owl and the sweat lodge ceremony had such a transformative impact on you. These ceremonies are deeply significant in many indigenous cultures, offering spiritual cleansing, healing, and a profound connection to Mother Earth. White Owl's creation of the sweat lodge for you and the guidance provided during the ceremony highlight the deep wisdom and tradition carried by the Havasupai people. Such experiences often leave lasting impressions, creating a bond not only with the individual who facilitated the ceremony but also with the spiritual and cultural practices they represent. Your reference to being "reborn from Mother Earth’s womb" beautifully captures the essence of the sweat lodge experience. These ceremonies are designed to purify the mind, body, and spirit, allowing participants to emerge with a renewed sense of self and a stronger connection to the earth and the universe. We will certainly pass along your message to White Owl, and I'm sure he will be touched to hear how much his guidance and the sweat lodge ceremony meant to you. Such acknowledgments are powerful reminders of the enduring impact of cultural traditions and the importance of those who keep them alive. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and share your story. It's through these shared experiences and connections that we continue to appreciate and respect the rich cultural heritage of communities like the Havasupai. Wishing you continued peace and enlightenment on your journey. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@jalalal-haddad7414 18 дней назад
Thats why i love Greece💙✝️
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your love for Greece! It's wonderful to hear how the documentary has resonated with you. Greece is indeed a land rich in culture, history, and tradition, all of which are beautifully encapsulated in the life and work of the master pastry chef featured in our film. His dedication to preserving ancient culinary techniques and his commitment to his craft are a testament to the timeless values that make Greece so special. From its breathtaking landscapes to its vibrant traditions, Greece offers a unique blend of beauty and heritage. The art of making baklava and kataifi, as showcased in the documentary, is just one example of how Greek culture continues to thrive and inspire people around the world. The master pastry chef's story is not just about making desserts; it's about the passion, faith, and love that go into every creation. His work symbolizes the deep connection to tradition and the unwavering spirit of Greek artisans. We're delighted that this film has brought a piece of Greece into your heart. Thank you for watching and for appreciating the rich cultural tapestry that Greece has to offer. We hope it continues to inspire you and many others to celebrate and cherish these timeless traditions. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@magdarodriguez1300 19 дней назад
@FerhatMamus-dh9wk 19 дней назад
We are waiting for you again in Rize. A good video 🎉❤
@KissFromTheWorld 19 дней назад
Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to watch our documentary! We truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm. Our experience in Rize was incredibly enriching, and we were deeply moved by the hospitality and warmth of everyone we met. The journey through the lush tea plantations and the opportunity to witness the meticulous process of tea production was nothing short of inspiring. Capturing the essence of Turkish tea culture, from the diligent work of the farmers to the communal joy of sharing tea, was a privilege. We are delighted that our video resonated with you and brought the charm and traditions of Rize to life. We certainly look forward to returning and exploring more of what this beautiful region has to offer. Thank you once again for your lovely comment. We hope to see you in Rize soon! Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@muammerketenci874 19 дней назад
@magdarodriguez1300 20 дней назад
@magdarodriguez1300 20 дней назад
❤ Dios le de muchos años más es un orgullo ver su trabajo, gracias
@KissFromTheWorld 19 дней назад
Gracias por tus cálidas palabras. Nos alegra profundamente saber que el documental ha resonado contigo de manera tan positiva. El maestro pastelero es un verdadero tesoro viviente. Su dedicación y amor por su oficio son palpables en cada paso que da en su proceso de elaboración. Verlo trabajar con tanta pasión y habilidad es, sin duda, un orgullo y una inspiración para todos nosotros. El deseo de que Dios le conceda muchos más años es un sentimiento compartido por muchos que han visto su trabajo y han sido tocados por su humildad y maestría. Es un recordatorio de la importancia de preservar y honrar las tradiciones y habilidades que se han transmitido a lo largo de generaciones. Agradecemos sinceramente tus buenos deseos. Continuaremos compartiendo estas historias inspiradoras que no solo muestran la belleza del arte culinario, sino también la riqueza de la cultura y la humanidad detrás de cada creación. Que tu mensaje de agradecimiento y reconocimiento llegue al corazón del maestro pastelero y a todos aquellos que valoran y respetan su arte. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de compartir tus pensamientos y por apreciar el legado que este increíble hombre está dejando. Con gratitud, Domenico and Giulia
@heyamabaza6235 24 дня назад
Big Lies😤👎🏻
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. It's clear from your comment that you have strong feelings about the content of the documentary. Our goal with this project was to present the complex and often painful history of the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict through the personal stories of those who lived through it. The documentary is based on extensive research, firsthand accounts, and verified historical records to ensure an accurate portrayal of events. However, we understand that perspectives on historical events can vary significantly, and we respect that different people may have different interpretations and experiences. If you have specific points or evidence that you believe contradict the information presented, we would be very interested in hearing them. Constructive criticism helps us improve our work and ensures a more comprehensive understanding of such a complex issue. Please feel free to share your insights or any additional information you believe is important. Our intention is not to perpetuate division, but rather to shed light on the human impact of conflict and to promote understanding and empathy across different viewpoints. We hope that, despite your disagreement with some aspects of the documentary, you can appreciate the effort to document and share the experiences of those affected by the war. Thank you again for your engagement, and we look forward to a more detailed discussion. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@RaceForGoodLife 28 дней назад
I am going back to Grand Canyon this week for some amazing hike... taking trash bags with me to keep the trails clean! as they should be!
@KissFromTheWorld 27 дней назад
That's fantastic to hear! Your commitment to keeping the Grand Canyon's trails clean and pristine is truly commendable. Hiking in such a majestic and awe-inspiring location is a privilege, and taking steps to preserve its natural beauty is a responsibility that benefits everyone. By bringing trash bags and actively working to clean up the trails, you are contributing to the preservation of this incredible natural wonder. Your actions help to ensure that the Grand Canyon remains a beautiful and enjoyable place for all visitors, as well as a safe and healthy environment for the wildlife that call it home. Moreover, your proactive approach sets a powerful example for others. When fellow hikers see you taking the initiative to pick up trash, it can inspire them to do the same. This ripple effect can lead to a broader culture of respect and care for our natural spaces. Maintaining the cleanliness of trails is essential for several reasons. It helps to protect the delicate ecosystems from pollution, prevents harm to wildlife, and enhances the overall experience for everyone who visits. The Grand Canyon, with its breathtaking vistas and rich biodiversity, is a treasure that deserves our utmost respect and care. Thank you for your dedication to preserving the beauty of the Grand Canyon. Your efforts make a significant difference, and they highlight the importance of individual actions in the collective effort to protect our natural heritage. Enjoy your hike, and may your journey be filled with awe, inspiration, and a sense of accomplishment knowing that you are helping to keep the Grand Canyon as magnificent as ever. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-nh9ts8vu9g 28 дней назад
@KissFromTheWorld 28 дней назад
Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt sentiment! It's wonderful to hear about your love for Bosnia and its people. The bond between Bosnia and Turkey is indeed special, with deep historical and cultural ties that have connected the regions for centuries. Izmir, with its rich history and vibrant culture, shares a spirit of resilience and hospitality that mirrors that of Bosnia. The people of Bosnia, having endured significant hardships, embody strength, warmth, and a profound sense of community. Your admiration reflects a mutual respect and appreciation that transcends borders. This documentary aims to shed light on the struggles and triumphs of the Bosnian people, and it's heartening to see that it resonates with viewers from different parts of the world. Your connection to Bosnia, despite being from Izmir, highlights the universal values of empathy, solidarity, and human connection. Thank you again for your kind words and for expressing such a beautiful sentiment. It’s expressions of love and support like yours that help foster understanding and friendship between different cultures. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-nh9ts8vu9g 27 дней назад
@@KissFromTheWorld 😍
@SashaMuhammadDemir 29 дней назад
ما شاء الله❤
@elenasafonova6957 Месяц назад
Слезы почему то.....🥲 ,но эти слёзы от души .Как прикоснулась к чему то высшему 🙏🏻. Как благо. Как будто вижу родных 😇🙏🏻 . Спасибо от всего ❤ Здоровья и мира 🕊️
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Спасибо за ваш трогательный комментарий. Ваши слова глубоко резонируют с тем, что мы хотели передать через этот документальный фильм. Мастер-пекарь, показанный в фильме, действительно обладает уникальным даром - передавать через свое искусство тепло и душевность, которые касаются зрителей на самом глубоком уровне. Его преданность своему ремеслу, любовь к семье и уважение к традициям создают ощущение, будто мы все становимся частью его большого и дружного семейства. Ваши слезы, вызванные этим фильмом, свидетельствуют о том, насколько сильное эмоциональное воздействие может иметь искусство, даже такое, как кулинария. Это действительно благо - видеть, как старинные традиции передаются из поколения в поколение, наполняя наши сердца теплом и любовью. Мы очень рады, что смогли донести до вас эту частичку душевной теплоты и что вы почувствовали связь с высшими ценностями. Ваши пожелания здоровья и мира очень важны, и мы передадим их мастеру. Благодарим вас от всего сердца за ваш отклик и за то, что поделились с нами своими эмоциями. Желаем вам и вашим близким здоровья, мира и благополучия. С любовью и благодарностью, Domenico and Giulia.
@bechirannabi7050 Месяц назад
@elainemarycostabeltrao8860 Месяц назад
Esse braço cabeludo aí. Não pode.😊
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Si bien puede parecer poco convencional, especialmente en el mundo actual consciente de la higiene, es importante entender el contexto detrás de ello. En la fabricación tradicional de queso, especialmente con Parmigiano Reggiano, los artesanos a menudo confían en sus sentidos y experiencia para evaluar la calidad del producto. El uso de manos desnudas, incluidas aquellas con algo de vello en el brazo, es una práctica profundamente arraigada en la tradición y la artesanía. La retroalimentación táctil proporcionada por las manos ayuda a evaluar la textura, el contenido de humedad y otras características vitales del queso durante diversas etapas de producción. Vale la pena señalar que, a pesar de su apariencia inicial, se siguen prácticas de higiene estrictas durante todo el proceso de fabricación del queso. Las manos se lavan y desinfectan minuciosamente antes de manipular la leche y el queso. Además, la producción de Parmigiano Reggiano se adhiere a estrictas regulaciones establecidas por el Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano, asegurando los más altos estándares de calidad y seguridad. Si bien las percepciones modernas de higiene pueden considerar tales prácticas inusuales, son fundamentales para preservar la autenticidad y las técnicas centenarias de producción de Parmigiano Reggiano. En última instancia, es este compromiso con la tradición y la artesanía lo que contribuye a la calidad y sabor excepcionales de este renombrado queso. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@SoyIchmarcos Месяц назад
great video!!! what is the instagram of Skender? thanks a lot for making this video!
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Thank you for your enthusiastic response to the documentary. It's heartening to know that you found the video compelling and valuable. Documentaries like these play a crucial role in preserving history, educating audiences, and fostering empathy and understanding for the experiences of others, especially during times of conflict and adversity. By expressing gratitude to the creators of the video, you acknowledge the effort and dedication that went into its production. Behind every documentary, there are filmmakers, researchers, and contributors who work tirelessly to capture stories and experiences that might otherwise be forgotten or overlooked. Your appreciation not only validates their work but also encourages them to continue their efforts in documenting and sharing important narratives. It's through the collective efforts of viewers like you and the creators of such videos that we can deepen our understanding of the world and strive towards a more compassionate and informed society. P.s. We don't know Skender's Instagram account. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia Once again, thank you for your kind words, and may the impact of the documentary continue to resonate with you and others who watch it.
@debrashawcross170 Месяц назад
Beautiful ✨
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for your lovely comment! It's wonderful to hear that you found the documentary beautiful. The aim of the documentary was to capture the stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique way of life of the Havasupai people who reside in the heart of the Grand Canyon. The beauty of Supai lies not only in its breathtaking natural scenery-such as the vibrant blue-green waterfalls and lush canyon oases-but also in the deep connection the Havasupai people have with their land. This connection is reflected in their traditions, stories, and daily practices that have been passed down through generations. The Havasupai people's commitment to preserving their environment and cultural heritage is truly inspiring. They have maintained their way of life in harmony with nature, showing great respect for the land that sustains them. This harmonious relationship with the environment is something that many people find both beautiful and instructive. Moreover, the documentary aims to highlight the importance of respecting and preserving such unique cultures and environments. It serves as a reminder of the diversity and richness of human life and the different ways people find beauty and meaning in their surroundings. Your appreciation reinforces the importance of sharing these stories and landscapes with a broader audience. It helps to build a greater understanding and respect for the Havasupai people and their remarkable homeland. Thank you again for your kind words. We hope that the beauty you see in the documentary inspires you and others to learn more about the Havasupai people and the incredible place they call home. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@jacajaca7109 Месяц назад
Thank you for this documentary, I and my family survived the siege of Sarajevo, I was 12, my sister was 9, life changed in one day. I lost two school friends, they died at the age of 12 from a shell. My father was on the front line in the trenches against the Republika Srpska army and defended his town and was wounded right there, my mother worked in the hospital during the entire siege and saw terrible things. 12 shells fell on our House and yard, we survived Respect
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your deeply personal and harrowing experience of surviving the siege of Sarajevo. Your firsthand account provides a poignant insight into the immense challenges faced by individuals and families during that period of conflict. The sudden and drastic change in life at such a young age must have been incredibly difficult to comprehend and endure. The loss of your school friends at the tender age of 12, and the traumatic events surrounding their deaths, highlight the devastating impact of war on innocent lives. Your father's bravery and sacrifice on the front lines, defending his town against the Republika Srpska army, exemplify the courage and resilience of the people of Sarajevo in the face of adversity. Likewise, your mother's unwavering dedication to working in the hospital throughout the siege, witnessing unimaginable suffering, speaks to the incredible strength and compassion of individuals amidst such dire circumstances. Surviving 12 shells hitting your house and yard is a testament to the resilience and tenacity of your family. The scars left by the siege, both physical and emotional, undoubtedly shape your perspective and resilience to this day. Your story serves as a reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of remembering and honoring the experiences of those who lived through it. Your resilience and courage in the face of unimaginable hardship command respect and admiration. Thank you for sharing your story, and may you find solace and strength in your journey towards healing and peace. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@PavJedrusiak Месяц назад
No Netflix? No iPhone? A wonderful video, simplicity at its core. Thank you.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! It's refreshing to hear your appreciation for the simplicity portrayed in the documentary. Indeed, the absence of modern gadgets like Netflix or iPhones in the narrative allows for a focus on the essence of life, stripped down to its core elements. The documentary highlights a lifestyle that is more connected to nature, community, and traditional values, where simplicity isn't just a lack of material possessions but a deliberate choice to prioritize what truly matters. In such settings, people often find fulfillment in the rhythms of daily life, the beauty of the natural world, and the bonds of kinship and community. By showcasing this simplicity, the documentary may serve as a reminder of the importance of slowing down, reconnecting with our surroundings, and appreciating the moments that truly enrich our lives. It prompts us to reflect on our own relationship with technology, consumerism, and the pursuit of convenience, and perhaps inspires us to seek a greater sense of balance and authenticity in our own lives. Your recognition of the beauty in simplicity underscores the timeless appeal of narratives that celebrate the human experience in its most fundamental and authentic form. Thank you for appreciating the value of such storytelling and for acknowledging the profound significance of simplicity in today's complex world. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-yo6ry7pg1e Месяц назад
Will get a job
@SameStrider 15 дней назад
I am job
@yoshidatsuyoshi6864 Месяц назад
Beautiful video, inspiring and amazing character If possible to explain the recipe because only 12kg of special flour are understandable Special flour 12kg Salt 250g Corn flour 4 kg !?? Water!??? Eye major!? Consistency!?
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Thank you for your appreciation of the video and the character featured in it. I'm glad you found it beautiful, inspiring, and amazing. While the video doesn't provide a detailed recipe breakdown, it's important to understand that it's not intended as a tutorial for making baklava or kantaifi from scratch. Instead, it serves as a glimpse into the world of traditional pastry craftsmanship and the transfer of ancient culinary delights across generations. In many culinary traditions, especially those involving intricate pastries like baklava and kantaifi, the knowledge and techniques are typically passed down orally from master pastry chefs to their apprentices. Each master pastry chef holds their recipes with care, and they often have their own unique secrets and methods. For a specific recipe, especially for more common dishes, you can certainly find detailed instructions online or in cookbooks. However, the magic of this video lies in showcasing the artistry, dedication, and tradition behind these ancient delicacies rather than providing a step-by-step recipe guide. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@somarpr Месяц назад
Love in action to ART, Period.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Your comment beautifully encapsulates the essence of the documentary. It succinctly captures the profound connection between love and artistry, particularly in the realm of culinary craftsmanship. Creating culinary delights like baklava and kantaifi is indeed an art form, requiring not only skill and technique but also a deep passion and love for the craft. The dedication and care that the master pastry chef pours into his work are evident throughout the documentary, from the meticulous preparation of ingredients to the intricate weaving of pastry layers. Moreover, the documentary also highlights how this love for art extends beyond the mere act of creation. It encompasses a reverence for tradition, a respect for ingredients, and a commitment to preserving ancient culinary heritage. Through his actions, the master pastry chef honors the legacy of those who came before him while also inspiring future generations to carry on the tradition. Your comment underscores the transformative power of love when expressed through the medium of art, whether it be through the creation of culinary masterpieces or any other form of creative expression. It serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact that love can have on the world around us, transcending boundaries and enriching lives through its timeless beauty. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@francicobareggi8544 Месяц назад
Grande Gianni
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Grazie mille per le tue gentili parole nei confronti di Gianni! La sua maestria nel mondo della panificazione è davvero straordinaria. Gianni non solo è un abile mastro fornaio, ma è anche un custode delle antiche tradizioni che vanno oltre la semplice arte di fare il pane. Il suo impegno, la sua passione e la sua dedizione sono evidenti in ogni pagnotta che sforna. Gianni rappresenta il meglio della tradizione artigianale italiana, conosce ogni segreto dell'impasto e con le sue mani abili trasforma semplici ingredienti in opere d'arte commestibili. Ogni pane che esce dal suo forno è un omaggio alla storia e alla cultura della sua terra, tramandata da generazioni di panettieri. Il suo lavoro non si limita alla semplice produzione di pane, ma è una testimonianza vivente della bellezza e dell'importanza di preservare le tradizioni culinarie che fanno parte del patrimonio culturale italiano. La sua bravura e la sua dedizione sono una fonte di ispirazione per tutti noi, e siamo grati di avere la possibilità di condividere la sua storia attraverso il nostro documentario. Grazie ancora per aver riconosciuto il talento e l'importanza di Gianni. Speriamo che il suo lavoro continui a ispirare e ad arricchire le vite di molte altre persone, così come ha fatto con la nostra. Grazie di cuore! Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@sherryf.1460 Месяц назад
@KissFromTheWorld 14 дней назад
Thank you for your kind words! It's wonderful to hear that you found the documentary beautiful. Our goal was to capture and share the breathtaking beauty of Supai and the Grand Canyon, as well as to highlight the rich cultural heritage of the Havasupai people. Supai, nestled deep within the Grand Canyon, is one of the most remote and picturesque places in the United States. The stunning blue-green waters of Havasu Falls, Mooney Falls, and Beaver Falls, combined with the lush vegetation and towering canyon walls, create a truly mesmerizing landscape. This natural beauty is not only visually striking but also holds deep cultural and spiritual significance for the Havasupai people. The documentary also aims to shed light on the Havasupai way of life, which is deeply intertwined with their environment. The Havasupai have lived in harmony with the land for centuries, practicing sustainable living and maintaining a profound respect for nature. Their traditions, stories, and daily practices reflect a deep connection to their homeland, and this connection is a key part of what makes their culture so unique and inspiring. By showcasing the beauty of Supai and the Havasupai culture, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of preserving such unique places and the cultures that inhabit them. It is through understanding and appreciation that we can support efforts to protect these treasures for future generations. Thank you again for your appreciation and support. We hope the documentary has inspired you to learn more about Supai, the Havasupai people, and the natural wonders of the Grand Canyon. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@tintinsnowyful Месяц назад
A magnificent documentary. The look of pride on the cheese maker's face after he slices open the wheel and holds it up is beautiful. I will never again complain about the cost of genuine Parmigiano cheese now that I see how much goes in to the making of it.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
It's truly heartening to hear your appreciation for the documentary. The pride reflected on the cheese maker's face as he reveals the wheel indeed encapsulates the culmination of meticulous craftsmanship and tradition. Witnessing the dedication and effort invested in crafting Parmigiano Reggiano offers a profound understanding of its value. The making of Parmigiano Reggiano is indeed a labor-intensive process, demanding unwavering attention to detail and adherence to time-honored methods. From the careful selection of ingredients to the patient aging process, every step contributes to the cheese's unparalleled quality and flavor profile. Understanding the intricacies involved in creating Parmigiano Reggiano allows us to truly grasp its worth. While the cost of genuine Parmigiano cheese may seem high, it reflects the craftsmanship, time, and expertise required to produce such a revered product. It's a testament to the dedication of the artisans who uphold centuries-old traditions and standards. By gaining insight into the making of Parmigiano Reggiano, we develop a newfound appreciation for its unparalleled taste and cultural significance. It's not merely a cheese but a symbol of tradition, quality, and pride, reflecting the rich heritage of Italian culinary craftsmanship. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@rhondacooper3565 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your sharing and educational talk and invite. What a beautiful representation of your people. Thank you.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Your gratitude for the sharing and educational insights provided by the mayor of Supai is deeply appreciated. Their efforts to represent their people and their culture in a beautiful and authentic manner reflect a commitment to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of the Havasupai tribe. The mayor's willingness to share their knowledge and experiences offers viewers a valuable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by indigenous communities, particularly those living within the majestic landscape of the Grand Canyon. By inviting viewers into their world and providing educational insights, the mayor not only fosters greater awareness and appreciation for the Havasupai culture but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and empathy. Your recognition of the mayor's efforts to share their culture and educate others is a testament to the power of storytelling and dialogue in building connections and fostering mutual respect. It's through acts of sharing and invitation that we can bridge cultural divides and celebrate the diversity of human experience. Thank you for acknowledging the importance of the mayor's work and the beauty of their representation of the Havasupai people. May their efforts continue to inspire greater understanding, appreciation, and solidarity among people of all backgrounds. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@herminemanukyan-tj7ek Месяц назад
@ruffo6626 Месяц назад
Desde mexico! Gracias por compartir , me fascina conocer esa técnica!!! Un saludo !
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Es maravilloso ver cómo las habilidades culinarias de este maestro pastelero traspasan las fronteras y llegan a inspirar a personas de todo el mundo. La técnica que utiliza es realmente fascinante y refleja años de experiencia, dedicación y pasión por su oficio. El hecho de que te haya fascinado conocer esta técnica no es sorprendente, ya que el proceso de hacer baklava y kantaifi es realmente único y lleno de tradición. Desde la delicadeza al estirar la masa filo hasta el cuidado al distribuir los ingredientes, cada paso requiere habilidad y precisión. Espero que esta experiencia haya sido enriquecedora para ti y que te haya brindado una nueva apreciación por el arte y la artesanía de la pastelería tradicional. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@saragraciela6555 Месяц назад
qué ingredientes se necesitan en cada masa ?gracias por todo
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Por supuesto, entender los ingredientes es fundamental para comprender la preparación de estas masas tradicionales. Para el baklava, los ingredientes principales incluyen nueces trituradas, azúcar, mantequilla derretida y masa filo. La masa filo es una masa fina y delicada que se utiliza para crear las capas crujientes y doradas que son característicos del baklava. Por otro lado, para el kantaifi, se utilizan ingredientes similares, pero la diferencia principal radica en la presentación de las nueces trituradas, que se envuelven en finos hilos de masa filo, creando una textura única y crujiente. Es importante destacar que, además de estos ingredientes básicos, cada maestro pastelero puede agregar su toque personal, como miel, jugo de limón, canela u otros aromatizantes, para realzar el sabor y la complejidad de estas delicias culinarias. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-sr2nn7wj2r Месяц назад
Благословенны Ваши предки и да будут Благословенны Ваши руки, которые пекут такой чудесный Хлеб! Мир Вашему дому!🙏 К сожалению! Я никогда не смогу попробовать Ваш чудесный хлеб! С уважением, Натали
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Благодарим вас за ваши добрые слова и искренние пожелания! Поддержка и признание, которые вы выражаете, имеют огромное значение для наших мастеров-пекарей. Мы глубоко уважаем и ценим традицию и искусство хлебопечения, которые передаются из поколения в поколение. Хлеб для нас - это не просто продукт, а символ тепла и гостеприимства, который объединяет людей и культуры. Наши мастера-пекари стремятся раскрыть всю глубину и красоту своего мастерства через наши документальные фильмы, чтобы каждый чувствовал волшебство и вкус древних рецептов, словно сам попробовал этот уникальный хлеб. Жаль, что вам не довелось попробовать наших прекрасных хлебных изделий лично, но ваше признание и интерес к работе наших мастеров-пекарей - это для них важнейшая награда. Мы гордимся тем, что можем делиться историями и культурой хлебопечения с людьми по всему миру. Еще раз спасибо за ваши добрые слова и пожелания. Желаем вам мира и процветания, и надеемся, что когда-нибудь у вас появится возможность насладиться вкусом настоящего домашнего хлеба. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@dirknash4113 Месяц назад
What a man ❤
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Absolutely! The gentleman featured in the documentary is truly remarkable. His dedication, passion, and skill are evident in every aspect of his craft. Beyond his culinary expertise, his character shines through, radiating warmth, wisdom, and a genuine love for his work and his family. It's inspiring to witness individuals like him who embody the values of hard work, perseverance, and integrity. In a world where hustle and bustle often overshadow the importance of tradition and craftsmanship, he serves as a poignant reminder of the timeless beauty found in dedicating oneself wholeheartedly to one's craft. His story resonates deeply with many viewers, touching hearts and inspiring admiration. Whether it's his attention to detail, his quiet strength, or his unwavering commitment to excellence, there's something profoundly moving about witnessing someone fully immersed in their passion. Ultimately, the gentleman's legacy extends far beyond his delicious creations. He leaves behind a legacy of love, dedication, and artistry that will continue to inspire generations to come. He is, indeed, a true testament to the power of passion and the beauty of a life lived with purpose and heart. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@sirshinobeto325 Месяц назад
I can't believe with 88-89 years he can still make alla that work with his bare habds... That's just amazing.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
It truly is remarkable, isn't it? The dedication and skill of the master pastry chef showcased in the documentary are truly awe-inspiring. Despite his advanced age, he continues to craft these intricate pastries with such precision and care, using only his hands and traditional methods. It speaks volumes about his passion for his craft and his commitment to preserving the traditions passed down to him. The fact that he can still produce such high-quality work at his age is a testament to his lifelong experience and expertise. It's not just about physical ability but also about the deep understanding and mastery of his craft that comes with decades of practice. His hands have become a vessel for his knowledge, his love for his work, and his dedication to upholding the standards of his craft. Seeing someone like him continue to create beautiful pastries with such skill and dedication serves as an inspiration to us all. It reminds us of the timeless value of hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence. His story is a testament to the power of passion and the human spirit to overcome obstacles and create something truly remarkable. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@samanthafitzgerel4460 Месяц назад
I teared up when he sat down and sighed. We are losing our old ways, our master craftsmen & women are being shoved aside by machinery. I loved the amount of faith he has. Even though I don’t speak the language, that spoke volumes to me. I hope to try this dessert someday. I hope he’s doing well. God Bless! ❤
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
It's incredibly touching to witness moments like that in the documentary, isn't it? The sense of nostalgia and reverence for traditional craftsmanship is palpable, especially when we see someone like the master pastry chef reflecting on his work and his life's journey. The transition from traditional methods to modern machinery is indeed a bittersweet aspect of our evolving world. While technological advancements offer efficiency and convenience, they often come at the expense of the rich heritage and intimate connection found in artisanal craftsmanship. The sight of skilled artisans being displaced by machines is a poignant reminder of the changing times and the need to preserve our cultural traditions. The depth of the master pastry chef's faith adds another layer of poignancy to the documentary. His unwavering faith speaks volumes about his character and values. It's a testament to the enduring power of faith to sustain and guide us through life's challenges. Like you, many viewers are deeply moved by the master pastry chef's story and his dedication to his craft. His resilience and passion are truly inspiring, and his desserts are not just culinary delights but also embodiments of tradition, craftsmanship, and love. Hopefully, you'll have the opportunity to try his desserts someday and experience firsthand the artistry and soul that goes into each creation. In the meantime, let's join in wishing him well and sending blessings his way. His story reminds us to cherish our cultural heritage, honor our master craftsmen and women, and embrace the values of faith, dedication, and resilience in our own lives. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@user-to9sb3hw4y Месяц назад
I look forward to visit one day. So exciting.!
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
Your anticipation of visiting one day is truly exciting! The prospect of exploring a place as captivating as Supai fills one with a sense of wonder and anticipation. The allure of Supai lies not only in its stunning natural beauty but also in its rich cultural heritage and sense of community. Planning a visit to Supai offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Grand Canyon and experience firsthand the majestic waterfalls and vibrant turquoise waters that characterize the region. Moreover, interacting with the Havasupai people and learning about their traditions, values, and way of life adds depth and meaning to the journey. The anticipation of visiting Supai is a testament to the universal desire to connect with nature and explore new horizons. It's a chance to step outside of one's comfort zone, embrace adventure, and create lasting memories. As you look forward to your future visit, take the time to prepare thoroughly, ensuring that you make the most of your experience. Whether it's researching hiking trails, understanding permit requirements, or familiarizing yourself with local customs, careful planning will help you make the most of your adventure in Supai. Above all, cherish the anticipation and excitement of your upcoming visit. It's a journey filled with promise and discovery, offering the opportunity to connect with the beauty of nature and the richness of indigenous culture. Enjoy the anticipation, and may your visit to Supai be everything you hope for and more! Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@jkmotorcyclegloryroads532 Месяц назад
@jkmotorcyclegloryroads532 0 seconds ago This is a nice video, but the music is soooo loud it’s distracting. I would have enjoyed it completely if it had just been natural sound. Bless this gentleman and his family.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
We understand your opinion regarding the music in the video. The balance of audio can indeed significantly impact the visual experience, and excessive volume can be distracting. We're glad that you still found the video enjoyable despite your personal preference regarding the audio volume. The focus on the gentleman and his family, their craft, and their story is undoubtedly the heart of the documentary. Their dedication to their craft and their familial bond are truly inspiring and worthy of admiration. We will take your feedback into consideration to ensure a more engaging and comfortable viewing experience for a wider audience. Nonetheless, the essence of the documentary-the celebration of tradition, craftsmanship, and family-is what shines through and resonates with viewers like yourself. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@UntauntedUnted Месяц назад
These are desserts that belong to the Turks from the Ottoman period and even from an earlier date. These are Turkish desserts. I don't understand why they all pretend to be their desserts because they were made by others.
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
It's important to acknowledge the rich cultural exchange and historical complexities surrounding culinary traditions like baklava and kantaifi. While these desserts are indeed associated with Turkish cuisine, their origins are intertwined with a broader regional history that encompasses various cultures and civilizations. The Ottoman Empire, under which these desserts gained prominence, was a multicultural and multi-ethnic entity that encompassed diverse territories and peoples. Within this context, culinary practices evolved through the blending of different cultures, ingredients, and techniques. However, it's essential to recognize that attributing the paternity of these desserts exclusively to one culture overlooks the intricate interplay of influences over centuries. Culinary traditions are dynamic and fluid, shaped by migrations, trade routes, and cultural interactions. In the case of baklava and kantaifi, their journey through history reflects the shared heritage of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. While they may have roots in the Ottoman Empire, their preparation and variations have been adopted and adapted by various cultures over time. Ultimately, the focus should be on celebrating the diversity and richness of culinary heritage while acknowledging the contributions of different cultures to its evolution. By appreciating the shared roots and interconnections of these desserts, we can embrace a more inclusive understanding of their cultural significance. Cheers, Domenico and Giulia
@dagmawialemugebre-ab870 Месяц назад
So interesting, contact details of the farm, PLEASE!!
@KissFromTheWorld Месяц назад
We are glad you found the documentary interesting! Exploring the production process of buffalo mozzarella and delving into the traditional Italian farm life can indeed be quite fascinating. From the careful care of the water buffaloes to the artisanal techniques used in crafting this iconic cheese, there's a wealth of knowledge and culture to discover. Moreover, documentaries like this offer a glimpse into the intricate relationship between food, culture, and community. They highlight the dedication of farmers and artisans who work tirelessly to uphold traditions while also adapting to modern challenges. This is the farm > www.barlotti.it/it Cheers, Domenico and Giulia