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@Kvartsb Час назад
Does Iron Grip give bonus to Kinetic Blast as well? Do you want to pick both Iron Grip and Iron Will?
@vichikaru 2 часа назад
STUN IMM, lucky blocking , nearly no one can hit you
@LPCha0s 2 часа назад
Ok cause of this video i wont start that. The streamer price spikes will be insane xD haters are gonna overprice the marked even morw until ints the normal price
@Fiixed7 2 часа назад
Am I dumb or does not kinetic blast require a wand? Why are u recommending sceptres/maces etc in the end? Or did I misunderstand somethng? And please do a PoB of this or something, this sounds exactly like what I was thinking about trying =D. Ty for the video!
@icecoldporksoda3461 2 часа назад
I’m thinking dual wield pneumatic dagger perfect agony poison molten strike glad. Tons of crit multi, more attack speed, max attack block, and capped suppress. Probably terrible and difficult to get off the ground, but it may be able to use marylene’s fallacy which is another massive chunk of crit multi.
@pascalkreymborg5414 3 часа назад
gym bros of kalguur
@LeGeMeauX 4 часа назад
best sale pitch at start! you got me i will league start it!!!!!
@user-uj2ho7tp9y 5 часов назад
Every skill got buffed but a lot of melee skills lost added flat, which in itself is nit a huge deal but lessens the effect of said buff compared to other skills. I think there will be a HUGE change in viable melee skills, specifically frost blades wont be as powerful as other melee skills - which is good because it has excellent clear
@user-uj2ho7tp9y 5 часов назад
Im stuck between melee ignite or accuracy stacker jugg
@CephuGaming 6 часов назад
I league started berseker str stacker on necropolis bought alberons day 1 or 2 its totally possible if you have time to farm early.
@nefethrul 7 часов назад
I holehearteadly agree with you providing your approach and thinking instead of a step-by-step pob. I learnt much more from your thinking/explanation videos than from any build video ;) Love your work!
@FANTOMGOD 8 часов назад
@traveling_exile 8 часов назад
Please include PoB. Also what will you use in off hand with BLS?
@tjawaswillstemachen 8 часов назад
nice! I want to play that build 2. Sounds great!
@tjawaswillstemachen 8 часов назад
Never done any stacking in poe. Thx! Maybe better jump in later in ur approch to the league start. Nice to have that vids then!
@squigglymonkey1 8 часов назад
Any thoughts on a cyclone/bleed build?
@hickfarm 8 часов назад
I did this exact same build and melted everything with Reave. But they changed Battlemage's Cry, big Nerf. It like increased damage by like 10X.
@Tymax1 10 часов назад
Replica Alberons 150d on day 2 confirmed
@yosi1653 10 часов назад
Im so happy you guya are being called out for being click baiters lmao
@jimflask1164 11 часов назад
my plan is the same as every league. Complete the campaign and delve to get my delve character online.
@hruthgardahne822 11 часов назад
I have no clue what they thought when "redesigning" glad... the only thing i like is the lucky block part..but to take a whole ascendancy class just for some neat block chance is pretty awful..compared to freaking warden or jugg or whatever other class with insane dm potential + okish defense options
@JAH93 12 часов назад
Thanks! Can you link the POB for the wander version if/when you have it available? That's what I was planning to do anyways so this video is perfect timing for me.
@VoidExileYT 12 часов назад
If the gold costs are somewhat achievable, it would be an ideal league for me. But I have a feeling it's not gonna be that easy.
@Borvir2k 12 часов назад
Abberath hoves got budget pick, fire dmg per 20 ste
@ScreamVOXScream 12 часов назад
Are you using reverse psychology on me
@swootyx 13 часов назад
How viable is a strength stacking flicker build? xD
@stefanwlb 13 часов назад
Urgh, where is PoB?
@finndahl 13 часов назад
I think you pull it off just fine, im too much of a noob to risk this as a leagestarter but I think when this build is online its gonna be really strong and fun to blast out this kinetic blasts
@Bovineicide 13 часов назад
You can get brutus from bestiary really easily lol
@OriginalShiro1 13 часов назад
excited to watch and see what happens , i think imma league start zerk slam and watch what you do and how it turns out and maybe join you :D
@mlkjh7415 14 часов назад
Ok im a degenerate, I’ll league start this build
@mlkjh7415 14 часов назад
Can you link the PoB please ?
@05rinni 14 часов назад
Please make a PoB for this, both the start and the progression. This looks fun and really doable. Would love to play this. Especially the Brutus, to iron fortress to replica alberons wand version. Edit: Small addition to my comment.
@TwoLeftSh0es 8 часов назад
He'll probably give you an idea on day one or two if it works out. He clearly has nothing worked out exactly so probably best to watch the stream if you want to follow along.
@baraklight 14 часов назад
what skill do you use vs boss's now that they killed power siphon and bolt of fragmention? for the wanderer
@christophercarpenter7922 14 часов назад
Let me guess, I going to just get feed currency off stream and act like I am GG
@itsjustajokejeez 14 часов назад
I dont use build guides anymore i just imagine what i want to do and pick the character and figure jt out along the way. So much fun playing this way IMO.
@GrisSouris 15 часов назад
about boneshatter, now mobs that physical overwhelm insted "crush" you, meaning that all your trauma stacks will have phys pen and instant kills you. Could be a real issue with boneshatter
@stephanepeeters7268 15 часов назад
@unstable_hermit5360 15 часов назад
Cant wait to see what you end up building this league 😊
@slutmonke 16 часов назад
With the removal of battlemage's cry old effects, I think Crown of Eyes is going to be pretty expensive at least early on. good corrupts are going to be near-inaccessible. bunch of people doing similar builds in terms of needing that conversion
@flexu- 16 часов назад
As always I like to hear Your plans for the league!
@boyinpyjamas 16 часов назад
This league so many new things and also so many unknowns lol
@Redrum_ZA 16 часов назад
I was also thinking boneshatter
@vitogallo2871 16 часов назад
Currency stacking Pog
@Aulzhhm1990 16 часов назад
Please stop banging your table :( The audio have been rough for a while now because of that
@rokey5648 16 часов назад
I thought u don’t Need the crown because it is now Build into kinetic blast even with 200% or does this just double it
@novas7401 14 часов назад
it certainly does not stack but its nice that it is build in now
@keestimmer3759 17 часов назад
You can also use a normal Frostbreath with the mace mastery that allows all damage with maces/scepters to chill after you swap to Replica Alberons.
@simhanssens7331 17 часов назад
Well fck me! Was going Strength Stacking Jugg. Now prices are gonna be x5
@sinnahti 14 часов назад
Str stacking is expensive no matter whether someone makes a video on it or not lol.
@Mr_Gubi 17 часов назад
Warning ignored. Help, I'm stuck in the twilight strand!
@lynx_1028 17 часов назад
mbx: DISCLAIMER WARNING, do not do this! me: looks neat, i'll league start this
@Piccaso89 17 часов назад
mbXtreme: "I do not recommend doing what i am doing." Looks like a challenge.