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CS:GO Twitch Highlights Week#1
4 года назад
Volcano - Planet Coaster #4
5 лет назад
Tesla Coaster - Planet Coaster #3
5 лет назад
Railgunner - Planet Coaster #2
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Fortnite Twitch Highlights Week #1
5 лет назад
Weekly Deaths - Path of Exile #15
5 лет назад
Montage #5 | Ring of Elysium
5 лет назад
Montage #4 | Ring of Elysium
5 лет назад
Montage #3 | Ring of Elysium
5 лет назад
@BigJasonWebb 6 месяцев назад
I feel 0 bad for hardcore deaths. Why signup for such pain?
@BillyLndn 7 месяцев назад
Logout exploit losers. Why play hardcore if you gonna cheese it regards?
@vileproductions8511 Год назад
playing poe , i swear we all have the same motion , you develop a twitch when you see your health. bar take huge damage , then in the Back ground you hear the slamming of keys usually your guard / movement skill with flasks lol
@andreysamigulin9082 Год назад
30 minute content log-out players (not recomended)
@Warwipf Год назад
It's insane to me that this logout macro shit has not been fixed over all these years. HC in PoE is an absolute farce.
@bigaussiedave5075 Год назад
1:42 and i thought i was bad
@duzzitmatter5100 Год назад
How are these "top creators" dying at lab and or Kitava lol, that is just impossible to die to xD
@TickleDoesRSL Год назад
Yep was me carrying cute dog through Uber lab I killed izaro and forgot the gargoyles at the corner and typed “safe” kek InitialDean 😂 synthesis league 7:36
@dhama5804 Год назад
Respect to some of these people getting so far in the SSF HC challenge leagues. Game mode is addicting as hell. Some of it was a mix of greed (Doedre dmg before getting behind pillar on phase transition), running with super low stat values for more insane challenge getting insta-gibbed, d/cs at bad times, and/or idk lol - too much shit on screen to see what killed.
@linamiller4208 Год назад
feels good to come back and soyboyziz still dies like an idiot
@MichaelLoda Год назад
Watching this makes me feel better about my stupid deaths
@Rocky-oq9cy Год назад
1:42 I love how he is like gosh darnit I died guess. Oh well I'll just do it on my other endgame geared hardcore character
@user-wu8cg2rh4u 2 года назад
8:56 Найнт их пин тоб орал до слез
@graspingsenna6861 2 года назад
never seen so many overconfident noob deaths in a single video. btw the game isnt anymore hc friendly. too many stutters(even on a 3080ti) too many lags and too many effects and mob skills that kills you no matter how you're builded
@KingGuardianDevil 2 года назад
it hurts my hearth watching people spam alt f4 on a game...
@tekkenjam 2 года назад
The problem with this game is there really isnt any playability in between instantly kill or be killed. Diablo 2 at least felt good when running around in boss fights. This game just feels like youre going to get hit no matter what due to the amount of shit on the screen. circling doesnt feel as important in this as it does in diablo 2.
@napalegeK 2 года назад
"neinnn ich bin tod" Xdxd
@Skaatje 2 года назад
God, Quinn really is fucking annoying in every game.
@Lyaagato 2 года назад
11k plus es just got oneshotted out of nowhere lmao
@nilsp9426 2 года назад
I love how the most hilarious fails are those where you can see the ego of the streamer burst into pieces. You cannot pop it, if it's not a balloon ;-)
@diablaui 2 года назад
@PeilerxD 2 года назад
level 44 mirror drop ^^
@equious8413 2 года назад
"packet loss death" This is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard. You died cause your hitpoints were reduced to zero. You blaming the inability to alt+f4 and save your characters is hilarious. Some real lack of accountability at all costs. Lol
@TheMagistrium 2 года назад
what is the song at 1.29(ziz uber elder death)?
@BalticVendetta 2 года назад
It's called Girei and is from The Naruto Shippuden Soundtrack. And it's awesome. Have fun!
@TheMagistrium 2 года назад
@@BalticVendetta Thank you very much!
@BalticVendetta 2 года назад
@@TheMagistrium yw :)
@jamesburrelljr.8561 2 года назад
So POE walks up to me grabs me by the Throat and says " Why so serious Sir PUT A SMILE on that RIP"
@Bora3011 2 года назад
All these fails. I wanna experience that too 😬
@rafagisloti 2 года назад
"i died typing ladder"
@themadmathematician3 2 года назад
3:19 Me when the baby comes out and I realize I am not the father...
@nilsp9426 2 года назад
You choose your wife based on skin colour?
@lasail6312 Год назад
@@nilsp9426 yup
@nairbgolden2008 5 месяцев назад
​@@nilsp9426you don't?
@Crusaderx-tp7lu 2 года назад
I'm playing my prized hardcore Crusader while I watch you all DIE!!! Lol
@Snekq 3 года назад
4:14 when you are that cocky you just facetanking everything and then dies, it is nice to see :P
@sabahudincerimovic8372 3 года назад
Fuck Path of exile, either you one shot them or they one shot u
@justinng9696 3 года назад
whats the purple skill at 10:12
@haliifaxx9930 3 года назад
Stupid Loginout Shit ... Hard Core full or Play softcore this loging out makros are so dumb ... and than they talk about FULL SOFTCORE EXPIERIERNCE ! Loging out is not even better than die in Softcore its just Dogshit
@here4good 3 года назад
See, this is why I'm grateful to use a full necromancer build, standard mode/league too
@PsychoFreedom 3 года назад
3:41 all alt f4 players on hardcore deserve to die and ban , change my mind.
@eddienash2095 3 года назад
Theres no fuckin way I dont believe they are getting benefits from GGG...especially after the 3.14 launch...
@bogdan1213 2 года назад
they always did
@strider3438 Год назад
They play 12/day my dude
@S8in1337 3 года назад
The best is when the logout scubs die...
@runeguy277 3 года назад
why do they all DC before dying?
@nevralgeekz8557 3 года назад
HC players using exit macro are not HC players :)
@diablaui 3 года назад
Zizaran us such a stupid Idiot👎
@diablaui 3 года назад
Wuinn is such an Idiot!!!!
@vcraine 3 года назад
This game is not designed to be played on HC. I think GGG added HC to please the HC fanbase and if they didn't have the option, people would be constantly pestering them to add it until they finally do. This video is just further constant proof of that. You can even have the best gear in the game. All the life nodes, res maxed overcapped, max armor and evasion, you name it. You WILL still get one shot by something eventually. But let's even put that aside. Let's say you have god reflexes and have the insight and knowledge to know what is coming at all times. Your internet will have a hiccup eventually, and you will have some lag and still die. But let's even put THAT aside. Let's say your internet is perfect and never has any issues and you are hardwired right into your router and have a ping of 1. You will eventually encounter a game bug that will stall your game and you will die. AND LET'S SAY everything above wasn't an issue. You have perfect BiS gear, have all the life nodes, res maxed overcapped, max armor and evasion, perfect reflexes and insight, perfect internet and the game is COMPLETELY bug free. How will you still die? Well, even though YOUR internet is perfect, GGG servers will eventually have a hiccup and you cannot do anything about. If all that doesn't say this game is not meant for HC, I'm not sure what will.
@Warwipf Год назад
The game used to be balanced for HC in the beginning, but at some point GGG made a statement that they will no longer balance for hardcore and it's been a shit show ever since.
@tails5388 9 дней назад
yeah no, you just sound kinda bad 😂😭 nearly all of these deaths were due to a mistake made by the player. Most immediately admitted it. That's the appeal of HC to us. Your character is actually on the line and you have to constantly be at attention. You make a small mistake and the game will punish you. The point of HC is not become immortal, it's to play the game in a different style focusing on surviving over rushing content as fast as possible. Yes, there are bs deaths, but that's a risk you run playing HC. Everyone knows they exist. If you don't like it, play softcore
@mabobo9708 3 года назад
That guy who found a mirror and exalted orb. Im glad he didnt die!
@laid2475 3 года назад
Loco la verdad no se si me vas a entender pero como vas a poner compilado de muertes y vas a poner a un loco que le cae de todo, minimo cumpli con lo que decis
@Bauermayers 3 года назад
Jesus, mbxtreme is the most annoying dude in the history of annoying dudes.
@kobayashid3186 3 года назад
Poe lags sometimes no matter how good your set up is. When lag happened you die for sure. Playing hardcore is risky
@smokie_777 3 года назад
0:53 how did he die with 193 ES? surely he is CI if with 1 life? bug?
@joshuat2751 3 года назад
1:45 what spectres are those?
@Commando0241 3 года назад
Lmao all those weakling logouts Especially this blue haired idiot
@followertheleader 3 года назад
29:00 was the funniest
@barioth6969 3 года назад
and that one wasnt even bullshit, everyone knows those enemies explode in several spikes and deal bullshit damage when killed, what he had to do was keep his distance