Explore the world with me! 🌎
Hi my name is Joel and welcome to MoreJps! On this channel you can expect reactions to culture, geography, music, and entertainment from around the world, all from the perspective of an American! I hope you enjoy :)

Other Channel: ItsJps
@giffimarauder4528 11 минут назад
Good luck in the IT world! Sadly I can retire earliest in 2030 from that business, it has got really rotten the last 10 years: ruined concepts of languages like Java by nerdy edge case features which screw up maintainability and expandability where you need a hieroglyphics diploma to read that code. Business still works with 20 year old monolithic legacy code and is not understanding / willing to use scrum / dev ops or break monoliths into separate services etc. Everything you explain and warn them of is for the dust bin, only if external consultants tell them the same or the damage has occured as you predicted they find out that you were right... About 80% of my work since 1996 was fixing bugs or refactoring stuff. I feel like a guy who does a hazardous waste disposal job and he himself gets disposed after he finished...
@bazzjumpa1984 38 минут назад
But to our defense: you have to see where othere european countries are ranked! Of course, its not ok and our governemnt (mainly former governments) missed all the topics of digitilazion! Governements in the past paid more attention to help other countries and building up beaucracy! But honestly I can live good with onl 100 M/bits...fast enough to do all I need. I can play games i can go online, and even play online games. Why is there a need to go faster? whats it good for?
@zorglub20770 Час назад
Not to mention the catastrophic customer service of the german internet providers when problem occurs. Do not even think of any kind of compensation in that case, neither no apologies obviously, unlike US providers.
@hushus10021971 2 часа назад
Try to get to Nürnburg Ring. Garatiet you can drive with one of the amareurs
@dougmcminn9346 2 часа назад
Youre wrong - its played in over 40 countries including the USA - there us cc an international competition in which Australia is not allowed to play its professional team - t GG ey do field an amateur team
@stevecoppin2890 2 часа назад
@Bonsai61 3 часа назад
Well I life not so far away from this track. Here is my offer: If you come over to germany I give you a ride arround this curcuit even in my car or on my Ducati. 😊 So what are you up for?
@daniel-marcinkowski 4 часа назад
They don't have to see the blue lights or hear the siren. As soon as you can just drive walking speed on the autobahn, you have to make room by creating what is called the Rettungsgasse.
@edwardwoodstock 4 часа назад
Joel you need to work on your german accent 😂
@ChristiaanDekkerArt 4 часа назад
you ain't dutch you ain't much 💪
@MihzvolWuriar 5 часов назад
I wouldn't say you couldn't do anything impressive, last years 24h race was a masteclass by Kevin Estre, there are very few pilots out there that makes the schleife feels so natural as him, Micha being one of them. BTW, Micha participated in this years 24h (actually 8h) endurance with fellow youtubers, it was a very interesting race by them, even though they were punished at the start, youtubers becoming race drivers.
@FrauleinLiliMarleen-kg9pb 5 часов назад
Hey there! First of all, you‘re the first youtuber I commend on, just because I really love your mindset! I watched a few videos of you now and espacially this one made me done some overthinking and reflecting my own thoughts and quotes about stereotypes of your people. And I wanted to thank you, because you opened my eyes! I thought I was quite tolerant and not so judgy like “others“, but maybe thinking that made me kind of worse. But watching what these answers were doing to you kind of hurts me. Who wants to hear about his roots, folks or homeland such things? Nobody, me neither! And I for myself seperate the common Americans from the US Government for example because I think we should do in Germany too. Many things going on in the countries now a days haven‘t anything to do with the intentions of the actual people. So please stay open minded like you are to prove the Americans are much more than their stereotypes ♥️
@RicardoJorgevuzz 5 часов назад
I agree Europe is better but come live in Portugal with a salary of 1000 euros (a more than normal salary, many have much less) taxes taken you keep 800 euros or less, to pay all, house payment included, then compare Europe as an all. Yes, we have good bike facilities and stuff, but still with a month vacation paid and a 13th month paid a year as well, the European can't go further than is neighborhood. ( for the majority of people here, or, use credit card and your life will end until you got 80 years of age to paid it all).
@SebastianBeckerPhoto 6 часов назад
Must watch: Porsche 919 Evo Record lap on this track. Timo Bernhardt the OG devil of the green hell. Also watch Kevin Estre p11 to p1 in 2 laps in 2022(?)
@Beneluxsupercars 6 часов назад
it even can get crazier ! the company Nurburgring ! is forbidding people ! to upload crashes on the nurburgring/nordschleife. misha had to sign a contract not to be negative about the nurburgring or else he would not get a mediapas to film there. some youtube channels who were specialist uploading nurburgring crash video's got banned entering the area
@Kam82 6 часов назад
In Poland, on the highway, drivers in the left lane turn left and the middle and right lanes turn right. Regardless of how many lanes the highway has.
@goatbrother8718 6 часов назад
If you wanna experience the Ring, there are several companies that offer Ring Taxi service, professional drivers and in well maintained car who drive there for a living and take tourists on a loop.
@freudsigmund72 7 часов назад
it is one of the best experiences I've had to drive there myself,.... but I am sure it would be even better as a co-pilot in one of the AMG-GT R they have available. (reservation is mandatory)
@Plppypuppet 7 часов назад
Come to Rotterdam or smaller town like delft, I’ve been living here for long time and never get tired of it! I can show you around, there are lots more of Netherlands than Amsterdam 😊
@sane0matic 7 часов назад
On the Nordschleife you can have all four seasons simultaneously. 2016 the 24h race had to be red flagged because snow rain and ice.
@morbvsclz 7 часов назад
I grew up in small town in Germany with ~8000 ppl. We have had DSL 768 since 2002, which was surprisingly early for such a small place. A few years later cable internet became available (cable TV had been there since the 80s) and was a lot faster. My parents had the option for 400Mbit or more (currently up to 1GBit) via cable for like 15 years now (1 Gbit came later), but they still don't have Fiber. A company wanted to install it in the city, but not enough people ordered it, because you could already get the same speed via cable for less money per month. Still dumb though, since fibre is fibre is future proof. Cable via copper wire is not. I myself have FFTH 500 Mbit, could go 1 Gbit for 30€ more per month, but little point in doing so as single household. But before my current home, I lived in a tiny village with 300 people. Moved there 2017 and I could only get 6Mbit DSL, with a faster LTE contract available, but limited Data per month. In 2018 they upgraded to 50 Mbit, so it become totally usable. 4k Streaming worked well, so that was fine. But they dug up the roads and put up new distributor cabinets etc. just to install already obsolete tech.
@th.a 7 часов назад
The Nürburgring is open to the public to test you skills and braveness. You can buy a ticket and test you drivers capabilities. Any serious car manufacturer proves the capabilities of their cars on that track. It is the ultimative test for the undercarriage of the car they made. You, as a visitor, can even go on a ride with a professional race driver in a Porsche, Mercedes or BMW.
@anne-mariepetersen8501 7 часов назад
Also unless you can knock a roo out then get the fuck out of there.
@anne-mariepetersen8501 7 часов назад
Im dying. You say its bad welcome to aussie.
@anne-mariepetersen8501 8 часов назад
Kiwi here - and you know what happened with our gun law i think within 3 months? But also my cousins kid lives in texas and they do regular active shooter drills? Also as a Kiwi. We are more relaxed than Aussies. So vaya con dios. And dont bring fruit into our country! Cos we will cut you for that. Dear USA just admit you're a atill semi functioning version of the USSR. You cant even agree on what to call pop/ soda/ fizzy whatever. Also who is the Aussie guy he's hilarious. And he's not exaggerating. We leave people alone. Everyone deserves down time.
@andystone6777 8 часов назад
they don't call the Nürburgring the "green hell" without a reason !
@TruckingWithMystic 8 часов назад
god this dude they are reacting to is god dam fuckin hilarious i died a few times from laughing
@Phiyedough 9 часов назад
Interesting that there was no mention of the word "bend".
@burchardbley9570 9 часов назад
you should search for "touristenfahrten nordschleife" - here are videos of amateur drivers - mostly fails but fun
@JohnnyDrizzle 9 часов назад
I've been watching the 24h race for 15 years now. It's insane. 23 classes, through day and night, rain, hail and even snow one year. It's the best race in the world.
@kripto8231 9 часов назад
we already learn traffic rules at school. when you are 8 or 9 years old we do the bike test. it is also important that we all follow the signs and traffic lights.
@RockFrog333 9 часов назад
Please watch the lap record by porsche
@seanperry1052 10 часов назад
English baby home of football ultras
@michaelkuschnefsky362 10 часов назад
If you visit Germany again, take the ring taxi for a ride and an experienced racing driver will drive you around the Nürburgring track
@dinomat1810 10 часов назад
Köln - it might help to pronounce the "ö" in "Köln" like a "u" in "burn"
@Lorenzo-yb8vu 10 часов назад
Why would you come to the Netherlands willingly
@Richard25000 10 часов назад
What's not mentioned is that the track is open most days to the public as a toll road.. No training, no safety briefing or equipment required no experience. Just a car and a driving licence and a toll fee and off you go..
@knightwish1623 11 часов назад
Hi Joel ... Here's a video from the 2024 24 hours race on the Nürburgring which took place last Saturday/Sunday. They were only able to race for about 13 - 14 hours as on Sunday morgen a thick fog covered the track and didn't disperse before the 24 hours were up.
@janastratmann-severin1892 11 часов назад
In my opinion that changes by Corona totally. Schools have created a lot of solutions to be able to hold lessons digitally. The providers have upgraded at enormous speeds so that this is also possible. Before, for example, we had an internet connection with 16 Mbits, which is an absolute joke. Sometimes I thought about getting out a few bus drums. Mobile accessibility was at a maximum with LTE. That was a fact in 2021. Today I have a fiber optic cable with 1000 Mbits and can be reached everywhere with 5G. So that has changed completely. But I'm pretty sure that without corona, it would still be the same as it is in 2021.
@DavidFaulkner-ww1pu 11 часов назад
hi guys we vote as it illegle not to but over ther its up to you and thats wAY YOU GET GET THE WRONG PERSON LOOKING AFTER THE COUNTRY SORRY
@LudwigRohf 11 часов назад
I appreciate that you know that Köln is Cologne and that Munich is München. Please pronounce it as often as you can. If it is wrong, it gets better. You cannot learn a language without practicing it. Here's an advice: the german "ö" sound comes close to the sound you use in English in words like. word, turn, burn ...
@markalexander71332 12 часов назад
Hey JP , why you don't get in touch with James Bray. He come to Germany this year.
@gordonmccabe6578 12 часов назад
I'm Australian. I reckon that with about an hour with you I could replicate your accent.
@Saufkopp1989 12 часов назад
They didn't mention the weather that is very changeable in the Eifel and makes the track even more dangerous and challenging. Because of the enormous length of the Nordschleife, there could be some parts where it's sunny and other parts covered in rain/hail etc.
@KWG-ln4on 12 часов назад
8:00 this is the actually simple but for many people still hard to understand difference between ethnicity and nationality. It is also a topic here in Europe. Funnily Asian people, or people from the Near East understand the difference immediately, because they have a different concept of "belonging" to a certain racial group. For a Japanese or a Korean, a European living in their country and owning citizenship is still not Japanese or Korean. He is a citizen of their nation, yes. But the focus of their understanding of nationality lies on culture, descent and ethnicity, not on citizenship. Also a passport from the Arab Emirates does not make you an Arab, this is actually quite clear. The Arabs consider you a foreigner with an Arab citizenship, even if you're born in the UAE. The Jews in the world can identify as Jews because they have Jewish descent and religion. Citizenship does not matter. But for an Australian, an American or a New Zealander the focus lies on citizenship, because their nations consist of a very mixed descent. In Germany this is a very difficult topic, because on one hand Germany is a modern pluralistic state and people try to be politically correct as much as they can, but on the other hand Germans are an old ethnic group in Europe, so I also understand people who make differences between "ethnic Germans" and "German citizens", just like the Japanese do. It's complicated.
@jurgenmuck3102 12 часов назад
Here I have a WiFi-download rate of 99 mbit/s and upload of 44 mbit/s. Thats far enough to use multiple HD streams. And seriously I ask whatfor I need down/uploadrates of 1 GBit for regular internetuse?
@Commandelicious 12 часов назад
Nah, can't agree with the work friends thing at all. You spend like a quarter of your time with your colleagues. Found my best friends there.
@novakuik255 13 часов назад
for the water, take a water bottle with u, most tap warter is safe to drink and u can just fill it up at the restroom or smtng
@michaelkloters3454 13 часов назад
watch this before takin the " Ringtaxi" !!!
@michaelkloters3454 13 часов назад