@VoxsNumber1Fan 34 минуты назад
if you find ur lover loving someone else, don’t throw the roses on the ground, either turn them into rose tea, something warm, tasty, and comforting, eat them in front of your lover, or keep them for yourself!
@Darynnn 4 часа назад
It’s hard to let go of these feelings when she’s the one who’s been there for you in your most traumatic moment. Calling you to take your attention away from the mess you’re going through. Staying with you in a call until she falls asleep. Forcing you to get out of the house when you really don’t want to get off the bed. Checking up on you regularly when you weren’t yourself. I had a little crush on her before but these exact moments marked the start of my feelings exponentially growing for her. I’d say it grew too much. For the worst. This is what pains me the most now. I feel stupid for feeling that way towards her. I can’t be angry at her after everything she’s done for me. I wish I was able to see her the same way she sees me as. Just friends. But I can’t. I love her voice. I love her company. I love her laugh. I love her smile. I love her perseverance in life. The list goes on and on. My best friends yelling at me to give up . Telling me that I’ll eventually find the one. I really hate hearing that. I don’t know anymore. I feel like it’s impossible to let go of these feelings. I’m sorry guys but I think I’ll be a dumbass and just let it eat me. As for you, _ _ _ _, I’m sorry for feeling that way towards you. I’m sorry for not being able to control it, let alone suppress it from the start. I might never say it to you but I like you. I really do. A lot. I love you. Thank you. I hope my cries here gets buried deep down in this comment section and no one around me finds it.
@Chalky1mil757 11 часов назад
Thanks sorting remotelut owen from kat ❤❤
@Alistair.ex3 18 часов назад
Oh noble princesse, reine des cœurs et des songes, Dans le royaume des rêves, ton éclat toujours s’allonge. Tes yeux, comme des océans de mystère et de lumière, Tantôt bleus, tantôt verts, où se fondent les chimères. Dans ces prunelles magiques, un monde entier se perd, En leur sein se mêlent les secrets, les désirs amers. Un reflet d’émeraude, une touche de saphir, Ton regard est un conte, un voyage vers le pire et le meilleur à saisir. Tes cheveux, cascades dorées au reflet châtain, Onde soyeuse et douce, parfum de matin. Quand le soleil se lève, dansent les reflets dorés, Mais le brun l’emporte, en une étreinte de félicité. Oh, tes cheveux, tantôt blonds, tantôt bruns, Sont la mélodie d’un rêve, le murmure d’un satin. Ils caressent ton visage, encadrant ta beauté, Délicatesse infinie, tableau de pureté. Et ton nez, sculpture divine des cieux, Chaque courbe, chaque angle est un joyau précieux. Il trône majestueux, au milieu de ton visage, Symbole de perfection, grâce et témoignage. Tes lèvres, oh tes lèvres, doux rubis enchanteurs, Elles semblent murmurer des secrets, des lueurs. Enchanteresses et douces, un rêve incarné, Dans leur simple sourire, tout un monde est caché. Mais tes yeux, encore eux, enchantent sans fin, Je voudrais les posséder, tant ils sont divins. Ils sont des étoiles, des phares dans la nuit, Guidant les âmes perdues vers un éternel paradis. Un jour, un poète, vagabond des pensées, Traversa tes chemins, son cœur émerveillé. Il voyait en toi, la beauté suprême, Dans ses vers, il chantait, l'amour comme un emblème. Il était un admirateur, de ceux qui voient l'invisible, Pour lui, tu étais la muse, la lumière indicible. Il écrivait des mots, des rimes sans fin, Chantant la beauté du monde, ton visage divin. Il voyait le monde, avec des yeux différents, Dans chaque ombre, chaque lumière, un sentiment. Pour lui, tu étais l’aube, l’étoile du soir, Le reflet de ses rêves, son plus doux espoir. Chaque vers qu’il traçait, était une offrande, À tes pieds, il posait son cœur en demande. Il voyait en toi, la quintessence du beau, La noblesse d’une âme, la grâce d’un ruisseau. Toi, princesse de cœur, dans ton palais doré, Tu regardais le poète, son amour effleuré. Il n’avait ni couronne, ni sceptre d’or, Mais dans ses yeux brillait un amour encore plus fort. Il chantait ta beauté, chaque jour, chaque nuit, Ses mots étaient des prières, des vœux infinies. Pour lui, tu étais le monde, la lumière et la vie, Un rêve éveillé, une mélodie infinie. Oh noble princesse, l’amour est un poème, Un voyage éternel, une flamme, un emblème. Et dans le cœur du poète, brûlait cette vérité, Que tu es la plus belle, pour l’éternité. Ainsi, ses vers dansaient, légers comme l’air, Ils portaient ton nom, parfumé de lumière. Pour toi, il écrivait, il chantait sans fin, Chaque mot, chaque phrase, était un doux refrain. Oh princesse des cieux, des rêves et des songes, Dans le cœur du poète, ton éclat toujours s’allonge. Et même si le temps, un jour, nous sépare, L’amour reste éternel, gravé dans l’âme, quelque part. Ton visage, ton sourire, tes yeux enchanteurs, Vivent à jamais dans les rimes de son cœur. Et dans chaque poème, dans chaque mot d’amour, Résonne la beauté de ton noble séjour. Noble princesse, reine des cœurs et des rêves, Ton éclat brille toujours, et jamais ne s’achève.
@Chalky1mil757 День назад
Love to meet u in nest life to kat babes no u this life we have kuds from owen ❤❤❤
@_white_lotus День назад
Dear love, I know you're probably feeling the magic which I am feeling right now listening to this song.. I want to tell you that I am waiting for you and I will wait for you until I find you and confess my undying love to you my moon. I love you my darling you already have my soul and heart now just take my whole existence with you, please.
@Choii.i День назад
Bro, i had a dream about him yesterday 😭
@encarnasanchez7814 День назад
My current comfort character is from a show I haven't even started watching yet and on top of that, he's dead ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
@HarpiesandHarpoons День назад
I love my wife Valeria Garza :) *Alarm clock sounds* … Where is my wife…
@RRR-vr7cd День назад
Your heart, too small to contain all the love pouring out of me. I, a faucet, connected to the boundless blue sea, You, a vessel, never experienced abundance. And I kept on filling, you kept overflowing.
@user-pz1kg8ny7g День назад
❤❤❤ Hare Krišna 🍀🍂🦚🪔💯🩵🌞💎
@mariapetersen8860 2 дня назад
Listening while reading Sachii no one room made it whole lot better
@samuelcarranza639 2 дня назад
"It is not hatred I feel. I do none of this for blood nor for sadism" "Then why, why have you become this" "For love, for the people, even people like you who think themselves my enemies."
@alexanderhernandez8623 2 дня назад
This reminds me of someone I fell for in high school and I was always around him but never told him how I felt about him 🖤🥀😢💖🏳️‍🌈
@CaptainA39 2 дня назад
She's getting married this summer. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone, and I can't even tell her.
@sarahgautard83 3 дня назад
I just love how the playlist got played randomly on my youtube and when I checked to like it, I realised that I had already done it before. I guess this shows how the quality of the playlist never changed.
@j1nx_spr1t3 3 дня назад
This hits hard when it's two girls and they fall for each other instead. And you watch them get together, be close to each other, get comfortable, then drift apart all over again. And you cant help but wish you were part of that, or that it could happen to you. But life moves on, all three of you get in and out of other relationships. And you drift farther and farther apart. Here's how the story went: The girl entered the classroom on the first day, calmly finding her name and taking a seat. She realises one of her friends is to her right, and a girl, who would never show up that day, on her left. A girl a seat over on her right was organizing her papers. Our girl waves hi, and the other sweetly waves back. The girl can't help but admire how beautiful this girl is, and the rest of the day she snuck glances. Occasionally making small talk when her friend finally showed up and taking her chance. The girl to her right was sweet, obviously shy and not very out going, but kind. As their class wrapped up, she learned the girl's name from the teacher, walking up to her after class and greeting her again. Making some stupid joke about their class as two of her own friends tried to join them. She introduced them to the girl she just met, her friends waving hi and trying to drag her off. But our girl pauses, taking a chance and asking for the other's number, so they could talk more now that they were friends. The girl agreed and off our girl went with her friends. Already awaiting the day tomorrow. Its around three days later now. Our girl enters the class, glancing at the other girl's seat first thing to see if she was there. Unfortunately for her, the first girl wasn't. But there was another girl, the girl who now sat directly to her left. Again, our girl can't help but notice how pretty she is, gentle butterflies already rolling in her stomach as she prepared to say hi. The second girl greeted her back, seemingly more lively than the first, and more confident. Our girl quietly took a seat, taking out her papers and getting ready for the class all over again. She glanced back over one last time at the first girl's seat, still empty, as it would stay that whole day. She sighed, figuring she must've gotten sick or couldn't make it. She turned to the second girl, making some stupid joke about how silly this class was going to be. Our girl wasn't out going, but she sure as hell was making an effort for these two, even just to be friends with such beautiful girls. After class, again learning the second girl's name through out it, she approached her, asking for her number. Her friends already approaching so they could head out when she was done. She waved goodbye, watching as the second girl waved so sweetly back. four days later, our girl and the second girl were in class. Talking about the course and joking around. The first girl hadn't shown up all week, and our girl couldn't help but feel upset at the empty seat. But halfway through the class it happened. She watched the second girl's head turn as the first girl walked into class. Our girl saw it, the way the second girl's eyes shined as she looked at the first girl. How she followed her with her eyes as she took a seat. The way she politely waved when the first girl glanced over and noticed her. It made our girl's heart sink. It was so familiar. It's how she'd looked at them. Our girl decided to introduce them anyways, telling the second girl the first's name and vise versa, explaining she met the first on the first day. And they hit it off, the other two laughing at each other's jokes as she watched them get close. And at the end of the day she was talking to the two of them, unable to deny the difference between the way they gazed at each other and glanced at her. She sighed to herself, deciding that day if it wasn't happening the way she knew she'd desperately hoped, then she'd settle for being their friend. And seeing them get together. And as I explained, she did, I did. I watched those two bumbling oblivious idiots dance around each other. Eventually finally communicating through love letters their feelings and getting together. I cant describe the way it hurt at first, and how I had to push down my feelings for respect of their relationship. I knew it, I told them how obvious it was. And honestly, I wanted them together at some point, they just... seemed so happy. And I'm still friends with them, nearly three years after that first day. They've both moved on, I have to, I'm over it now, but god it hurt then.
@voltrex_1327 3 дня назад
Hey there, yes you reading this i hope your doing alright i know lifes hard, but you just gotta hope theres something better waiting for you in the future...even if its a small bit of hope...you just gotta believe that all your suffering will become 100× happier in the end. If you need to vent drop it down in the comments. I cannot speak for everyone and i am not a therapist but i will try to make your day a little bit better as best i can. I pray that this comment gives you even the slightest of hope to keep pushing forward🙏❤️
@christianjames6834 2 дня назад
Thanks Love. Such a sweet message <3
@rahadulislam950 4 дня назад
The rain poured in the forest, the sunlight barely seen with the gray clouds blocking it. He spun around while laughing like a maniac, nobody could tell except *him* ; that tears were wetting his cheeks, blending in with the rain. The other male hummed sofly with a sad smile looking at the heavely sight of his other half, even with tears the boy looked beautiful. Alas, it was his last dream. (The person whose crying is the one whose dreaming btw!)
@rahadulislam950 4 дня назад
"Oh, love. How could I leave you when your soul has already bled into mine?"
@Homie-jp1ll 4 дня назад
*This is the best dark academia playlist I’ve found. Each song is so atmospheric and beautiful*
@Br1SanChildOfPosidean 4 дня назад
I met him. My soulmate. My other half. Hes gone now. Hes gine of the face of the earth and ill never see him again
@chris07vs14 4 дня назад
This hits hard when your caring for someone and help them with there problems just to see that they post one day a pic of her with another dude kissing and getting a text Message that she could never love you like that and sees you more like a good friemd or brother...
@leviismyoppa967 4 дня назад
i felt this for Kento Nanami, Uncle Iroh, Sam and Patrick
@i6am-pink6not-punk 5 дней назад
"Dear diary... " what did main character put in his diary you can suppose in comments 😁
@CsMsLady80 5 дней назад
@Brix_is_Smol 6 дней назад
I changed into my pajamas, I look over at my bed, seeing him. I smile. He opens his arms “come here…let’s cuddle” he says. I laugh and hop into my bed. Immediately expecting his warmth…but just finding myself alone in my bed…no laughter…no lover…no smiling…just me tearing up…thinking I’m crazy…
@AustinTheWeenieTickler 6 дней назад
This is giving Aether and Lumine
@aespvl_ 6 дней назад
2 weeks until my finals and i know just half of everything i need to know, and its still not enough for me to understand its torture😭😭
@unicornfratparty 7 дней назад
It’s giving, “the shadows between us” fantastic book check it out.
@maloryval 7 дней назад
storytime <3 when i first met him, i thought it was too good to be true. i kept my distance but secretly admired him. we had only spoken a few words, and he seemed so far out of my league. so unattainable. i thought to myself, even if i could have him, then he would leave. he was a military child, so he was bound to move, right? that's what happens to those you hold dear. they leave or they move. i was right. but what makes it even worse? he liked me. i'm sure he liked me. one day, the teacher moved our seats together, and he started talking to me. he held my hand and called me pretty. i got to know him. it was like a dream. that unattainable boy suddenly became attainable. but then a month later, end of the school year, he reveals: he's moving. of course he was. of course he was going to leave. just like everyone else. at least it wasn't voluntarily, i guess. and as dramatic as i'm being, he wasn't moving that far. he was just moving from an apartment into a house. i was so happy for him. but than also meant that he would be going to a different school. we drifted apart. he frequently talks about other girls now, and i can't help but be a little jealous. he was always a social person, so they probably don't mean much. but it still hurts. and it makes me think, maybe i'm just one of those girls. maybe i'm one of the girls that he mentions randomly. just someone that he talked too. would it be so surprising? he was my world for a while. a dream come true. but everyone has to wake up one day.
@ohlookatmethechickennugget 7 дней назад
He told me I was too late when I confessed
@adalina2361 7 дней назад
El piano es uno de los instrumentos más bonitos ❤
@--ly8958 7 дней назад
Na música popular brasileira, o samba é um dos gêneros mais emblemáticos e representativos da cultura do país. Suas características fundamentais incluem: 1) Ritmo marcante: O samba é conhecido por seu ritmo distintivo e contagiante, que muitas vezes é baseado em padrões rítmicos complexos, como o chamado "swing" característico do gênero. A batida é geralmente acentuada no segundo tempo, criando um groove único que convida à dança e à celebração. 2) Harmonia sofisticada: Apesar de muitas vezes parecer simples e acessível, o samba possui uma harmonia rica e elaborada. As progressões de acordes geralmente envolvem modulações sutis e variações harmônicas que contribuem para a expressividade das composições. 3) Letras poéticas: As letras das canções de samba frequentemente abordam temas sociais, políticos, amorosos e culturais de maneira poética e simbólica. A riqueza das letras acrescenta uma dimensão reflexiva e emotiva às músicas, tornando o samba não apenas um gênero para dançar, mas também para refletir e se identificar. 4) Instrumentação característica: Os instrumentos típicos do samba desempenham papéis específicos na criação do som característico do gênero. O pandeiro é responsável pelo ritmo pulsante, o cavaco e o violão fornecem a base harmônica, o tamborim e a cuíca adicionam texturas percussivas, o surdo marca a cadência e o reco-reco contribui com ritmos adicionais, combinando-se para criar o ambiente festivo e animado associado ao samba. 5) Variedade de estilos: Dentro do universo do samba, existem diversas ramificações e estilos que refletem a diversidade cultural e musical do Brasil. Desde o samba de roda tradicional da Bahia até o samba enredo das escolas de samba do Rio de Janeiro, passando pelo samba-canção e o partido-alto, cada estilo possui suas próprias características melódicas, rítmicas e líricas, contribuindo para a expansão e evolução do gênero ao longo do tempo. No contexto do Choro, outro gênero musical de grande importância no cenário musical brasileiro, algumas características distintivas são: 1) Melodias complexas: O Choro é conhecido por suas melodias intrincadas e desafiadoras, que muitas vezes envolvem escalas e ornamentações técnicas que exigem habilidade e sensibilidade por parte dos músicos. Essas melodias complexas são uma das marcas registradas do gênero. 2) Improvisação virtuosa: O Choro oferece um espaço fértil para a improvisação musical, permitindo que os instrumentistas explorem suas habilidades técnicas e criativas ao executar solos sofisticados e emocionantes. A improvisação é valorizada como uma forma de expressão individual dentro do contexto coletivo do Choro. 3) Influências musicais diversas: O Choro incorpora influências de diferentes tradições musicais, incluindo a música clássica europeia, o jazz, o lundu e o maxixe, criando uma síntese única e original de elementos sonoros variados. Essa mistura de influências torna o Choro um gênero musical diversificado e enriquecedor. 4) Instrumentação variada: Os instrumentos tradicionalmente associados ao Choro são fundamentais para a criação de sua sonoridade característica. O bandolim, o violão de 7 cordas, o cavaquinho, o clarinete, o saxofone e o pandeiro são alguns dos instrumentos frequentemente utilizados para interpretar e enriquecer as composições de Choro. 5) Expressividade e sensibilidade: O Choro é um gênero musical que valoriza a expressão emocional e a sensibilidade interpretativa dos músicos. A capacidade de transmitir sentimentos e emoções através da música é essencial no Choro, criando conexões profundas com os ouvintes e promovendo uma experiência musical envolvente e significativa. Essas características distintivas do samba e do Choro contribuem para a riqueza e diversidade da música brasileira, destacando a profundidade cultural e a criatividade artística presentes nesses gêneros musicais tão queridos e celebrados em todo o mundo.
@vickyealyapeverell4912 7 дней назад
Here i am right after discovering that the love of my life is in love with another person 😊
@SmilingArcticFox-hv3ex 7 дней назад
...Im here Dont cry... .
@julie_Girl7 8 дней назад
I feel such comfort in this comment section and music
@winter_queen1818 8 дней назад
I'm just here to enjoy the music. I'm more than happy to be single and have my beautiful friends. Our world annoys me sometimes because it looks like everything is about relationship and people. After you break up with someone, you'll see it very clearly everywhere too.
@jessepounds280 8 дней назад
"When do you know whether or not you have made the right choice?" "Often when it's too late to take it back."
@-dolly-doodles- 8 дней назад
I wrote 3 poems listing to this so ima share them The world is cruel we all know whether it's now or years to go we will face a great hardship some people might even trip and if you trip I hope you'll see there's peace where you sleep in this piece it's called the night the time where you sleep without a light even at night with the beautiful stars I'm writing poems with candle lit jars I look at the stars that light up in the night hoping to find my piece of mind and if I don't that's okay I can live without peace one more day Love does not define a person on who they are but more so who they choose to be in their life but how you react to rejection Define who you are more than anything She has blue eyes like the sea she has blonde hair is always clean she is a nice dress with silk she has a smooth face like milk she has a boyfriend big and strong I have jealousy and feel guilty and wrong she's everything I'm not sometimes I wish she weren't so hot sometimes I wish I wasn't her friend but I were her instead but I know deep down inside behind those crystal blue eyes she wants to cry and I don't know why
@user-qe3ew2yx1o 8 дней назад
I like him but its soo complicated we dont even talk or make an eye contact...
@Tralalala21510 9 дней назад
I love him damn it but... He likes my friend and I don't have rights to get jealous
@kukukk13 9 дней назад
“Much too late to turn back now, my dear. It’s already over.”
@bangkumis2231 10 дней назад
aku pengen jadi diri sendiri dalam hidup ini dan melakukan hal² bermanfaat untuk sesama,pengen jadi insan manusia yg natural .
@marianquiban3518 11 дней назад
@user-vl6ly7dy1c 11 дней назад
I don’t really have a comfort character it’s people that are really far away from me that don’t even know me but they changed my life so much.
@NoName-sr4co 11 дней назад
I was dancing in a navy dress across the marble floor with my once enemy, our shoes clacking against the stone softly to the music. "Once, I was considered a hero..." I said, *Once,* I thought, *I was your enemy.* "What changed, dear?" She asked while her black gown trailed across the floor. I pause and look at her eyes behind the masquerade mask. "Nothing but what I knew." I whispered as we danced.
@MelodyM492 12 дней назад
so I'm writing a fanfic (yes wattpad) and I'm maybe 2/3 done and I'm thinking... what is the point of this story? how will it end? this video and the comments made me figure out the ending to my book because it is about a girl meeting her comfort characters that she is obsessed and in love with </3
@MelodyM492 12 дней назад
I screamed his name and ran to him. His clothes were cut all over and blood was soaking through. I fell to my knees and burst into tears. “I’m ok, [y/n]. Listen, I’ve been a lot worse than this, trust me.” “I’m gonna pass out,” I said, face buried in my hands. He pulled me to him and wrapped me in his arms. “It’s ok. Everyone is ok.” I couldn’t stop crying. “Do you feel like you’re going to pass out?” he asked. I nodded. He helped me lay down. My eyes were closed but the tears kept coming through. I didn’t want to see all the blood. He held my hand softly. “Everything is going to be okay, I promise. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” “I don’t want you to leave,” I said, sobbing. "I won't leave you." "But you have to go home..." He didn't reply for a moment. When he spoke again, I could hear that he was crying now. "I don't want to leave you either... I wish you could come home with me." "I want to stay with you forever." "I want to stay with you forever, too." "Don't leave me!" "I'll see you again, I promise."
@martdarts8916 12 дней назад
22:41 Sally's song from Nightmare before Christmas omg